Top 10 Essential Starfield Mods for Xbox 🌌 | Best Mods You Need – Part 10
Top 10 DAILY Essential Starfield Mods for Xbox 🌌 | Best Mods You Need Part 10
I aim to get 10 mods in each video but if the mods are large or more complicated I’ll spread the mods across multiple videos. Thanks for your understanding.
00:00 – Intro
00:19 – Starborn Loot
01:49 – SAM&Firefly’s costumes
03:19 – Pathfinder Realty – Cydonia Housing
03:50 – Pathfinder Realty – Cydonia Housing Black Market
04:11 – Pathfinder Realty – Cydonia Housing Pt2
06:16 – Negotiator Grenade Mag Mods
07:25 – ManufacturingFood / ManufacturingMeds
10:25 – Pathfinder Realty – Gagarin Landing
11:25 – Gagarin Abandoned Apartment – Player Home
12:07 – Moon Home
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コメント (43)
Thank you for these mod showcases. One request: please use first person view for showing stuff like apartment mods. Third person blocks about 1/4 of the screen. Companions also take up valuable screen space.
Keep up the good work and keep these showcases coming! Very helpful!
No negotiator cluster grenades?
Vasco as SAM would be cool
Your graphics look like that deep fried filter
Quick question some of my mods are not ticket therefore are not on I’ve ticket to be on, but as soon as I enter the game they’re turned off again anyone no why?😊
i guess i’ll have to wait for Mass effect armor mod for another month.
I’m just waiting for the infinite companions mod so I can have a full crew to go on adventures and kick ass
Great videos you’re doing, but one question why are your videos so bright? I’m not complaining lol, just wondering if there very bright for anyone else?. But yeah you’re videos are really good. 👍🏻
Considering the fact that the game already has a lot of loading screens, I’ll only be using those homes built on the exterior cell or basically without loading screen doors.
How did u get multiple companions following you?
How do you find star born to fight ? I’ve never seen a battle like that anywhere..
Hi SinKiller! Do you know of any mods so that contraband is not detected? Thanks in advance
Hi! Does anyone know of a mod that helps not waste power energy of the powers?
Hey everybody why don’t we all who follow SiNN’s videos and enjoy all the great content that he has enlightened us with since this game arrived, why don’t we do something for him for a change? Why don’t all of those thousands who view his videos subscribe to his channel (btw subscriptions are free, they cost us absolutely nothing), besides just giving him a cursory like 👍. For those of us who have been following him since the beginning, and continue to do so regularly it would be shameful if you hadn’t already subscribed. For us meager 3,000+ subscribers that he currently has we should try to recruit others to subscribe to his channel!
SiNN should have at least 150,000 subscribers by now! Unfortunately most viewers just watch his videos on a regular basis and just leave without subscribing, irregardless of the time, research, hard work, and dedication it takes to produce each one of these informative and sometimes, though rarely, humorous videos!
Let’s Go out and get SiNN some subscribers please‼️
*Disclaimer: I have not been compensated in any way for the above listed comments; nor am I a member of SiNN’s family; or affiliated with him in anyway.
As a member of the Starfield playing community (on the Xbox) I just appreciate his video productions on our, and PC players also’s, behalf.
Thanks for another great vid! But how do you get multiple companions to follow you??
Someone know a mod besides the door one, where I can get the frontier 2×1 nova Hab?
I want a aurora farming mod
I’ve been sucked into the game again and loving every minute of it
Where is the key for the Gagarin home though
Be nice if some one made a lore friendly mod where you can go to a UC top secret base and can make a special Xeno Follower or get Unit 99 as a follower if you spared it’s life.
Been excited to try a bunch of mods but after I downloaded a bunch of them the game kept crashing on the menu and I downloaded so many I’m not sure which one is causing it 🤦🏽♂️
Sting and The Police are getting their copyright strike ready. You’ll be paying Sting 10K a week like P Diddy 😉
Yeah, ditto, Bethesda needs to eliminate that confusing, archaic, conflict causing, and game crashing “Download Order” BS altogether!!
It would be great if the modder could add legendary weapons to the Starborn Loot mod.
Got a bug that makes Noel fuckin giant man in the lodge. She’s up through the damn skylight.
The mod that lets you command crew at your outpost… I built the signal that attracts settlers, but nobody came yet.
Another great review SiNN thank you. fyi mate we Americans prefer our sardines on saltine crackers (salted or unsalted tops), not on toast! In this video is the first time that I have heard of the Australian cuisine of sardines on toast. I do suppose that lots of things are a bit different but similar way down under or across the pond!
How can you have that many companions???
I’m sorry, but adding anime anything to a game like this is retarded it looks stupid af unless it’s a poster
Anytime I get a home or a furnished home mod, it messes up my game
Great video as usual thank you, have to say finding astras doesn’t seem to be a problem guess I must go to the sleazy parts of space, the anime characters are banging yet again but before you cause a culinary crime & cook your pineapple pizza at least clean the oven first it looked bogging, yet another interesting line up though if I could live anywhere it would be Gamma Vulpes I find the moon doesn’t have the same atmosphere………I’ll see myself out.
It’s only a matter of time before anime race mod gets created lol
Fallout 4 and Skyrim I have installed mods upon mods upon mods, squeezing every last MEGABYTE I can. I do my best to keep my load order high and tight, but sometimes you get lazy. Even then I very rarely experienced enough crashes to become frustrated with the experience of either of those games with stacked mods.
Starfield is a different and straight busted experience to try and mod. If I play for an hour, I swear 20-25 minutes of that hour is having the game crash during one of the game’s PLENTIFUL loading screens, restarting the game to find it doesn’t have sound, loading CC, disabling my mods and restarting the game (that’s how you fix the sound bug), loading CC, enabling my mods and then crossing my fingers that the game loads. If it does, I get my 30-45 minutes of playtime before the game crashes on another load screen and I have to restart that entire process.
I have tried, so hard, to brute force an enjoyable experience with this game. I put 150+ hours in at launch and I’ve been trying out any mod that is able to trick me into believing that Starfield somehow isn’t Starfield anymore.
This isn’t mods, it’s not the creators that make them – it is 100% BETHESDA. I am flabbergasted that Microsoft or Zenimax have not cleaned that studio out from top to bottom yet. They sit on two of THE MOST POPULAR AND PROFITABLE IPS ON THE PLANET and they wasted their time on this poorly written and designed pileofcrap that they are now expecting the modders to fix with paid content.
I’m sorry for the rant – but that cycle I described above has repeated itself so many times that I hear Vaas in my head, asking me if I know what the definition of insanity is. I finally snapped.
Loving this series! Also, the Police reference was perfect. 🙂 Someone really needs to make a Galaxy Radio Station mod. 🙂 #GiantStepsAreWhatYouTake #WalkingOnTheMoon
Thank you for these videos, whether the mods are “essential” or not. I wish I could find help on Xbox load order — it seems to break my game and saves, every time I add a new mod. I spend more time trying to get my mod list to load or not crash than actually playing the freaking game!
Cool showcase of mods like always man, just a little correction, the power armor is Sam, and the girl is Firefly lol
I knew she was a perfect fit for how Starfield uses clothing and spacesuits and its good to see the mod its already done.
Where can i get that gear you’re wearing?
Jesus Christ people, “essential” is subjective. This guy is making videos to update us on mods and some people are crying over the videos title?
My goodness, just appreciate the coverage and video and keep it moving. If you don’t think they’re essential whatever use them don’t use them.
This guy helps out so much by explaining mods, displaying them, and gives you a preview to see if you want to use them or not.
I want a mod that expands the size of Neon. and more cities like Neon on other planets
So looking at these skins gives me an idea. I wonder if someone could make a sexy sarah/ sexy andreja skin which you could apply as clothing.
Thanks for the consistent vids bro your killing it
Love these videos man, always download at least one mod from each list. My MoD order is getting huge.
1st and nice