Starfield’s $7 quest is a joke.. #gaming

starfield 情報局

Bethesda being Bethesda…. #starfield #bethesda #toddhoward

#lukestephenslive #lukestephenstv #streamer #twitch
#gaming #LukeStephens #ps5 #xbox

Taqs:luke stephens,luke stephens clips,luke stephens live,luke stephens stream


  • コメント (88)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @itsdamoon
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    It was never broken for me

    • @thorssensgamesNCC1701
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    That’s why I don’t use paid mods

    • @Jonasxyz123
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    Im still enjoying Starfield very much

    • @slowbutsure504
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    BGS has been getting away with releasing broken games and content for decades, and now, you all are paying extra, for broken add on content. Good job BGS fans, good job.

    • @WiillPlay
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    I’m under the impression that Bethesda will never achieve a “Skyrim effect” again, because they’re stuck with very big projects. For example, Fallout 76, an online game that needs to be updated and added content. TEOS online, same thing. Starfield, a game with a megalomaniacal proposal, but of poor execution and that will require a lot of time of updates, to be able to become what it intends to be. TEOS VI, another very large project that is being developed while having all these previous ones running. There’s no way they can be extraordinary at the same time in all these projects.

    • @bucky8207
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    And people were moaning about the Elden ring dlc price

    • @keysersoze9592
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    It. Does. Not. Matter. Because you idiots are going to still buy Bethesda’s next game.

    • @RatpoisonX
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    Reload worked for me day 1. Still works.

    • @notsure6538
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    I boycotted them im not sad.

    • @user-op6kt8pg9y
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    And people still glaze todd Howard

    • @Wiznatcharoo
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    Why would they release a finished and polished game when they know people will buy it despite their shitty track record

    • @redsbane12
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    Todd Howard is the real life Mr crabs

    • @Citizen-Nurseman
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    Bethesda just cannot stop putting their foot in it…

    Whereas we’re all still playing fallout 4 using high quality free mods like sim settlements 2 that get actively bugfixed and provide as much if not more content than the original game

    • @konstantinzdorovtsev3513
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    K back to Cyberpunk it is – thought of crossing over to the 💩field.

    • @stephenlong9806
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    If you think this is bad, I bought the paid mods for Skyrim to temper my expectations on what Starfield might look like. One of them wont even let me download it. Some problems with the bethesda store. Its been months, still haven’t heard back from bethesda support yet. The whole company is going down the toilet.

    • @Sioolol
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    50% of Starfield is broken as a base game… and I am not talking only about bugs, the gameplay lacks even rudimentary balance polish.

    • @RazaFF11
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    They keep selling broken shit to the fans cause obviously the fans are dumb enough to keep buying it.

    • @ciriuns
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    The answer is: because gamers are dumb and still buying it

    • @HosseinTaghavi-sq1cf
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    I’ve never seen someone care about Bethesda as much as you do

    • @aspaceproductions
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    As someone who will never play starfield in my life and also loves shitting in Bethesda. Id much rather pay 7 dollars for a quest (not a broken one obviously) than 20 dollars for a fucking skin.

    • @txtacticalgamer
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    The gun works lmao you just wasted 4 super rare shots lol don’t be mad you and thousands other think that super rare weapons can be used 24/7 😂😂😂

    • @MikeHuckleberry88
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    They took my leftover 200 coin things too… like… i was robbed… sorry bethesda… im done.

    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    Hey Todd why do you keep selling stuff that broken?
    Todd: because people will buying it.

    • @luuketaylor
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    I have fully boycotted Bethesda for years at this point. I just get to watch in amusement from the sidelines.

    • @themachomanrs
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    How tf are they gonna try and charge money for anything starfield related after how disastrous it’s been 😭

    • @anonvoila4883
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    It’s really simple if you think about it. In the mind of Todd Howard, he’s like, “You ate dick before, so I know you’re eating again. Simple, it’s not like you won’t eat it; you already ate it, so I just got to keep feeding it to you no matter what you do. You might fuss and fight, but you know you’re going to eat it. Just eat it.”

    • @Memorial_Memory
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    They have to earn my respect back I’m not gonna throw them any more money they already wasted 100 and that was based off of me trusting that they can make a single player game.

    • @reddeaddovahkiin
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    Can’t say I’ve had that issue once, bit pricey for what it is tho.

    • @urracojalpa4481
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    Microsoft’s quality

    • @horgecondaliza6644
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    Man i wish i could remember what they actually said, but i saw someone comment a few months ago that there was something specific that bethesda could do, where they could release updates without breaking the game for everyone and it’d be a simple fix but they just dont do it. Goes to show you what bethesda as a company has become, and it really boggles my mind as to why there are, the way they are now. Lol bethesda to me is just boiled down to one short statement now, “why??”. Thats the question I kept asking playing starfield, and its the same question I ask when it comes to anything they do anymore.

    • @betterdeadthanred9863
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    People are still playing Starfield?

    • @87cjwarrior14
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    I lose In Game sound when i upload that mini dlc buggy as hell 😂

    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    How does bethesda manage to spend so much time and money to release such buggy messes?

    • @ChaseSchleich
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    Why would someone pay $7 for a side quest? If it were 5 hours long, then maybe, but 30 minutes?

    • @Quoisboy
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    Meanwhile Elden ring and fromsoft just existing and being goated

    • @reyluzunaris4506
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    Im starting to get real mad because I’m still backing up starfield but Tom you are making it very hard for us to back you when you are letting dumb stuff like this happen 😔

    • @lazytive1771
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    Honestly I think it’s a way of testing the fans..
    If they can squeeze enough bucks out of this to make it somewhat profitable, they will do it again. Presumably ramping up the greed!

    • @Asriel_Cypher
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    “Unhappy fans feeling ripped off”? You all paid for that. Enjoy slurping that trash. They all evaluated a 3/10 game so highly, and then weren’t happy when they realized what they were getting? Nah. F dem tards, bro. Let them suck it.

    • @SubiKinubi
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    Kinda funny how a $10 single 20 min quest is even considered and defended by people when there’s a 30-40 hour dlc for $40 🤷

    • @sergiocolautti
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    If I had a dollar for every time Todd has said “we hear the feedback” I would be filthy rich

    • @vonnblagaming984
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    And people still defend Starfield it’s as if its their life wtf lol

    • @MT7721
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    Yeah I got the update and it literally bricked my game.
    You know what I did?
    I just stopped playing the game..
    There’s a guy here on YouTube that taught me if the company treats you that badly just don’t play the game and he’s right

    • @galifrey2242
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    They keep selling broken stuff because people buy it.

    • @Mr.Grumps565
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    Anyone who pre ordered or bought on release doesn’t deserve to say anything. The same people bought cyberpunk and complained when it got pushed back. Hey morons stop buying games for the first 3 months. Once a company loses money more things will start to be noticed and actually listened to🎉

    • @jamesstinedurf9841
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    i changed my review because of this. i actually enjoyed playing the game even though it has issues but i can’t support this kind of thing or recommend it

    • @raidengoodman8754
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    We used to joke about having to pay +$5 for individual quests. We shouldn’t have gave them ideas

    • @SickMuffens
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    Todd would scrunch up his face and say: “Listen, it worked in our play tests so, if it doesn’t work for you maybe you’re just poor”.

    • @krishp1104
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    Bethesda is a C list studio

    • @CasperFGhost
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    Hilarious that Bethesda would sell broken missions, let alone broken games.

    • @AdamGG20386
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    Triple A is starting to feel like give me money for amateur work

    • @LostWallet
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    you get what you paid for

    • @karlmurunga8865
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    At this point …….i blame anyone who still trusts todd howard enough to buy anything of theirs…… many times do you need to get scammed till you learn …..todd is a scammer …….always has been always will be

    • @robsdroid6856
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    Because dummies keep buying Bethesda trash

    • @DarkTyrant
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    I’m starting to worry about the next Elder Scrolls…

    • @GotrekGurnisson
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    How on earth are you surprised? Lmfao this is what I expect from the guy who released Skyrim 8 times

    • @prozoomy3588
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    Restart your game and the reload works . But yes 7$ for a bug😅…..

    • @vincentkavanagh7458
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    Guy’s done his hair like Jimmy Neutron 😂

    • @ns6397
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    I just bought Fallout 4 goty edition for £10. Somehow I never played it until now. It’s wild to listen to this video considering the value I’m getting for such a pittance.

    It’s literally a different company we’re talking about right?

    • @richking1z635
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    Jesus loves you all ❤

    • @kazumablackwing4270
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    Todd Howard: “We hear the feedback….and we don’t give a fuck. Pay up, nerds”

    • @Anonymous-sc7qs
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    You and most You Tube Gamers are so far from reality. THE MODS STILL WORK!!!!!

    • @Falicon
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    Because the diet coke sipping fans who dress in cosplay and have blank staring eyes will just buy it anyway.

    They’re going to lose player attention that’s for sure, but they’ll gain new ones. There is certainly also something else which is new for Bethesda; The older disgruntled and vocal players who don’t believe in them anymore.

    • @michaelbarnes2126
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    The god Todd Howard continues to just be a shitty sales deity

    • @mr.win4wine966
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    Imagine still playing Starfield… 😬

    • @eugkra33
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    The weapon probably works on a brand new save file, but doesn’t work on a lot of save files. People with perks and stats. They didn’t test thoroughly enough. Like always.

    • @skyyoung592
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    Because theyll buy it, and even though companies are doing predatory tactics its a vice so no one cares

    • @wingy158
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    People are still gonna buy it. Doesn’t matter how much people complain.

    • @Endorsememe
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    At this point you deserve it Bethesda fans.

    • @jimmythehand7409
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    To steal your money. Its honestly a little unbelievable how blind we are

    • @jonathanblanchard1100
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    wanna know how to get them to stop putting out shit its simple stop fucking buying it

    • @TillDeathGamingg
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    why are you even reviewing this. do you like eating shit?

    • @kyreewilliams3162
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    They fixed it Luke. At least that did on xbox after a few days. Lol

    • @aflyingcone_2840
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    stop buying their games.

    • @WEET_
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    This channel sucks

    • @WEET_
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am


    • @PhilDaBank
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    Bethesda is the guy that was captain of the football team, that’s turning red pill because he can’t get dates anymore

    • @maus6199
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    we hear the feedback, we just decided to ignore it

    • @toshtao1
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    It worked for me.

    • @mymusicaljesus
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    This type of classic Xbox mismanagement and shooting themselves in the foot is the exact reason why their shopping spree to scoop up all the established franchises had me incredibly worried.

    They can’t even manage their own franchises. The Series X launched with no exclusives and also had Master Chief on the packaging even though that particular Halo game wasn’t released until over a full year later AND it was very broken and missing lots of features.

    I don’t understand how we’re supposed to trust them with other long-running franchises.

    • @caseyt3420
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    Really glad I “missed” out on starfield

    • @a.graham_arts7359
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    Its very simple really, companies have realized they can save money by removing the majority of “content testers” by letting that role be played by the people dumb enough to buy the game in the first 6 months of release for no cost to the devs then patching any issues later.

    • @nareshbisen8638
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    Bigger idiots are players who bought this for $7

    • @blackmanwithcomputer
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    Crazy how Bethesda has been allowed to get away with this shit for decades.

    • @TruthfullyBogus
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    Now that we’re all on the same page (finally) that Bethesda sucks…can we STOP BUYING THEIR GAMES?

    • @YupSparce
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    It just works

    • @jeb791
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    this is brilliant make $7 for quest and another $7 for the mod to fix that mod

    • @reesegerber1845
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    Gaming is such a wild industry. The price of the product has barely been impacted by inflation ($60 in 2007 is $90 today) even though costs for development have increased wildly and the consumer revolts over paying for more content that cost lots of money to make. There’s really no other industry and consumer like it

    • @majorlouis956
    • 2024年 6月 30日 9:55am

    Thanks for your honesty , you have said me hundreds over these 2 years of watching .🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😊