We Just Got a Giant Update on The Elder Scrolls 6

starfield 情報局

Twitter: https://twitter.com/JuiceHead33
Discord: https://discord.gg/jzhzrhm


Matty Interviews Todd Howard: Future Of Fallout, Starfield Year 2, Elder Scrolls VI Info, & MORE: https://youtu.be/2ew8LQFGNWU
XBOX WANTS THE NEXT FALLOUT GAME TO COME SOONER, IT’S CLAIMED: https://insider-gaming.com/next-fallout-game-come-faster/
Sailable Ships of Skyrim Gameplay: https://youtu.be/gSoOFAgnGQI

#TES6 #Starfield #ElderScrolls

Taqs:juicehead,fallout new vegas,new vegas,new vegas mods,fallout new vegas best mods,new vegas update,new vegas xbox,new vegas news,fallout new vegas new update,fallout 3 update,fallout 3 xbox,oblivion update,fallout new vegas mods,fallout 3,fallout special anthology,fallout tv show,fallout 4 next gen update,fallout 4 next gen mods broken,tes 6,fallout 5,starfield year 2,shattered space,starfield update,tes 6 update,todd howard interview


  • コメント (69)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @ALiberalVeteran
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    Its hilarious yall still think Todd a game developer and not a total Salesman, I wouldn’t trust a word this dude says.

    • @Jaybird51
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    This game will be empty and lifeless like the rest of Bethesda’s games in the last decade

    • @atwilliux456
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    Problem is no one likes tar field unlike Skyrim and fallout 4

    • @TheMightyEggofArmor
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    I still think Elder Scrolls 6 will be in Valenwood there’s to many references to Valenwood in books that you can collect for me to think otherwise lol

    • @travisthedick
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    No one cares about starfield go ahead and add to skyrim and fallout 4 their numbers are higher anyway😂😂😂😂

    • @JSXDrift
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    After starfield I’m really afraid the next elder scrolls game will be trash and we will have waited 15-20 years for garbage.

    • @zackbatcountry3361
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    I’ll belive it when I see it time and time again Bethesda shoots itself in the foot in the most hilarious ways 🤣 skyrim and Fallout 4 are alive and well because of mods and modders

    • @BigDaddyDelliott
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    Strafeild doesn’t suck it was just disappointing

    • @thumpinthenight1917
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    I don’t mind the wait for a game that will last for decades to come. A game that may set that bar as high as it’s ever been. Don’t rush it, Todd, make it epic.

    • @vashshadow
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    ES6 will be a failure just like all new games.

    • @cezarspalace69
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    Im so sick of this guy! Todd Howard is a synth!

    • @payton8726
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    Tell his dumbass to fix Fallout 4

    • @2the431
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    You know they could have supported Skyrim longer they just needed to ask the person who owned the IP Bethesda. Todd Howard is nothing but Sweet Little lies

    • @via_negativa6183
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    so in other words Es6 is still going to be using an “engine.” From 1997. 😭

    • @glodwenn
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    I could careless about Star Field

    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    Its so over man. Keep the expectations low.

    • @IcefireC67
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    I just hope our character isnt another “chosen one” in elder scrolls 6

    I like how in oblivion were just some guy helping the chosen fullfill their prophecy while becoming a hero all on our own.

    • @ed3lstoff242
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    “The lies have 16 times the detail”

    • @adamcampbell6094
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    Just stop adding content and make a whole game where replayability IS the new content.

    • @Aces-Trick
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    Maybe they won’t kill it also

    • @joshdews1987
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    Anyone else having trouble with creation’s today it’s staying on reloading long time

    • @ag8912
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    This is bad news. Means they’ll make it intentionally barren so the can milk their customers with “creations”.

    • @athmaid
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    Let me guess, the long term support consists of throwing the game on the market unfinished, then selling “mods” to fix it a year later

    • @LookAtDat4ss
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    Think about it: (hypothetically)
    The elder scrolls 6, comes with-

    Base building
    (1 main & 1 outpost)

    Naval ship building
    (Fully customisable from the wood to the design of your flag)

    Two man canoe crafting
    (Typically for narrow rivers leading into cities separated by water)

    Ability to hire professional fishermen and soldiers for naval battles
    (Payment comes in money or honour *whether that be from Fame or a blood contract)

    Distant mountain Islands with all sorts of underwater beasts
    *Skyrim was lacking underwater dangers IMO

    Play with up to 8 friends online
    (Each comes with a personalized bodyguard)-mortal

    Play online vs battles against another team of 8 players

    Participate in naval ship battles online
    -and gain ranking status with a following

    *Starfield has ship building, Red Dead has bar fights, jet set radio had skates, Barney the dinosaur is purple and so was mace windu’s lightsaber.
    The point is what keeps someone repeatedly interested are points of immersion and that is especially crucial in gaming.
    Who wouldn’t want to join in with some online buddies and go for a sail while the captain pilots the ship and all your friends are on Deck sipping some skooma listening to a grumpy old bard play you a shanti tune on your way to battle?

    …And then something swallows the bard in front of you

    • @Sociopathiks
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    Okay but people play these games for longer periods of time because of *modding*, not because Bethesda content. Mod authors have created quest mods that do keep some stuff going or doing alternative stuff compared to the vanilla games. Not because the original content made in Skyrim or Fallout 4 was spectacular

    • @Dorakuwel
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    The only thing I want to know is if they are going to finally change to a more modern game engine, or are they going to keep using the ancient one they used on all their previous games.

    • @theubiquitouspotato
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    They designed starfield for replayability, just saying.

    • @jaredmantia3196
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    Replayability? New game plus?

    • @dasfedoraguy3775
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    So every year they’ll break mods with a new update.

    • @medalwelder
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    Todd is the perfect example of you either die a hero, or live long enough to become the villain. Idk how anyone could believe a thing he says now smh.

    • @Memorial_Memory
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    I don’t trust them any more plain and simple. Earn it

    • @20tetsuo77
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    I just know matty was going bananas inside this entire interview

    • @Escapism222
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    They need to take some core values of elden ring. The sense of adventure and wonder of discovery above all else

    • @Dillanryantaylor
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    Constant updates = more bugs and broken mods

    • @Sixtysixway
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    “Skyrim: 2nd Anniversary Edition” will hit the shelves in 2031.

    • @user-us5dr2qi2r
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    So he gave nothing.about it.

    • @leekush8297
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    They need to drop Starfield and everything else besides Fallout and Elder Scrolls 6. Content wise people have lived in those games for years with hundreds of hrs worth of content even thousands. I have 200 plus on Skyrim and 2 plus on Fallout. If you play em like they’re meant to be played, those games last for years.

    • @matthewwhistance-smith1083
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    Wow do the stuff we don’t need. Just be better and think ahead homes

    • @josephkatz1982
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    But will it be available on other consoles than Xbox? 🤨😒

    • @admiralsc1
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    After seeing starfield? No thanks

    • @Madfabricator
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    My favorite games are forgotten games, people can’t scream to ruin them if they don’t get updated anymore

    • @fredrikkirderf2907
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    Can they just sweep Starfield under the rug it’s so soulless I don’t even want to think about it

    • @pierrepellerin249
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    Since fallout and elder scrolls games are now at a pace of 1 every 15 years, they better start supporting them for more then 2 or 3 years. ES6 will be my last ES game. It’s a few years away and add 15 years before ES7, I’ll be dead by then or in no shape to play in my mid 80s. With FO5 coming in likely a good 5 years, it will also be my last fallout. Hope they are good…

    • @th3thatguy631
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    I genuinely want some simulation elements in es6.

    Allow me to just buy a house and pay taxes as i raise my family and fight off those ive wronged in my adventures.

    • @damitcam
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    Ill believe it when i see them deliver

    • @SomeInternetGuy
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    I want them to remake Fallout 3 the way it was ment to be made. I hate that they had to cut basically 50% of the content so the PS3 and 360 could run it. I feel like if you have to make your game smaller and not as cool then keep it on PC. The same needs to happen with New Vegas but Todd Howard need to work with Obsidian first.

    • @markymarkmarcus39652
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    Dang! The wildest thing I’m learning from this video is that Juicehead and Matty Plays are two different people.

    • @KrynTheDragonKing
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    Please don’t mention “not making the same mistake” than starfield, than elder scrolls 6, that sentence alone dropped my faith in es6 by like 12%

    • @michaelv9449
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    Same game engine?

    • @90snetworkproductions79
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    They need to find a way to implement updates that DON’T screw up mods for everyone. But charging for updates/quests in Starfield is disconcerting for future games. 👎🏾

    • @johnschreckengost2847
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    Just skipping over Fallout 76 because who fucking cares about that, right Todd?

    • @VeryScarySmile
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    So ESVI is gonna be ESO minus the online in terms of content

    • @snorlaxxin8875
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    Bro is lying. Shaking head no, while closing his eyes to say 100%

    • @Rustyshackleford1911
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    Here’s an Update it’s gonna suck! Just like duke nukem and every other game that gets hyped up for a decade

    • @fVcker1
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    I hope they don’t think that more radiant quests is what people will go back too

    • @potatoturtles4life
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    Reminder, it’s been 6 years since the ES6 trailer was released.

    • @Reilath
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    Oh great, so he just promised that they will break mods for TES6 for much longer than Skyrim and Fallout 4? What wonderful news, just imagine you release a broken game as always, and the only thing you are capable of doing is breaking the fixes made by the community because of one thing… greed.

    • @CleverBrony
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    “It just works”

    • @Baji2202
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    He really said because so many people play skyrim, well maybe because thats the only elder scrolls youve put out in a decade todd

    • @Hammer1nm
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    Liar. Liar. Who’s still believing him.

    • @stonedyeti
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    I wish they would just take the hit on starfield and focus on ES6

    • @jakemilitano2453
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    Fix fallout Howard, I dont want to hear anything until then. 💀

    • @jimjones6460
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    He misspoke. He meant “MILK MORE MONEY”

    • @user-yp8uj3id1d
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    Totally looking forward to Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. Skyrim wasn’t even better than Oblivion and starfield looks miserable lol could care less about some old scrolls.

    • @HatakexXxKakashi
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    Tell me lies tell me lies tell me Sweet Little Lies Todd the fucking liar

    • @Pikmin.-
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    Can’t wait to see elder scrolls 6 which is gonna be the final nail in bethesdas coffin and the rpg draught that will follow.

    • @blackfoot1178
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    I can see behind his eyes he’s thirsting after the microtransaction addon potential. He’s not talking about updates, he’s talking about a ton of dlc

    • @lukeoldfield7608
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    This type of talk just makes me a bit nervous of continuously charging for every update. I don’t mind a couple massive DLCs and paying for them. But if it’s like starfield and charging $10 for a skin and every new quest I’ll be real sad

    • @user-zp8kj2cl9g
    • 2024年 6月 21日 9:55pm

    I really liked this interview. Todd seemed more relaxed and friendly with Matt than with other interviewers.