WEAPON PACKS A SERIOUS PUNCH #shorts #gaming #twitch #starfield #xbox

starfield 情報局

#shorts #gaming #twitch #starfield #xbox #fps #rpg

Taqs:video, sharing, camera phone, video phone, free, upload


  • コメント (5)

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    • @bananabob4567
    • 2024年 6月 20日 9:55am

    Have you considered that that gun might be Dragonborn?

    • @chuchu
    • 2024年 6月 20日 9:55am

    part 2, did you get the helmet

    • @JNPollard
    • 2024年 6月 20日 9:55am

    He did have a cool helmet. Reminds of the one from Skyrim a little

    • @christopherrolf1651
    • 2024年 6月 20日 9:55am

    The best part is that Sammy only noticed that the explosion sound perfectly lined up with her weapon shot after we made her aware of it in Twitch Chat 😀 She then rewatched the clip and couldn’t believe her eyes and ears 😀

    • @Merkedis
    • 2024年 6月 20日 9:55am
