Fan theory suggests Starfield will be better received in the future.. #gaming

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Will Starfield be better received in the future? #starfield #bethesda

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  • コメント (311)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @vinak963
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    But… but players just turn the story into paper airplanes…

    • @BombasticLion
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Bethesda has had a gradual decline since fallout 3 and I think starfield is the first time a lot of people are realizing that

    • @floatinghamstick
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Man, people really just won’t accept that Starfield was a bad game.

    • @Sunmonks
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Starfield is a disappointing (bad) game, with AWESOME themes. The theme of open space travel is fantastic! But we can’t do that in Starfield cuz we’re just in a tank painted like space. The theme of exploring alien planets is fantastic! But in Starfield we can’t do that, cuz we’re just walking around a giant rock. The theme of ship building and tweaking gear to improve performance is great! But in Starfield there’s no reason to have a fast ship, or a ship that carries a lot, or any ship at all. I was a HUGE Bethesda games fan…before Starfield.

    • @RLebeauXXXIII
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    It should’ve ended at Fallout 4. it was time to scrap everything and start over. I thought they would lean heavily into consequential decision-making. Obviously, that is extremely difficult because every choice would create a ton of different outcomes. I think there’s a way to do it.

    • @RLebeauXXXIII
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am


    • @RCXDerp
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    What the hell how is starfield optimistic? If anything it is just as nihilistic as fallout. Does anything matter if the universe keeps repeating.

    • @zaxscat5357
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    It was the absolutely empty planets,

    • @drtaverner
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    It’s boring, empty, and limited.

    • @gubbasgubbas
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Lol theme issue! Is this what the devs tell themselves so they can sleep at night?

    • @Randy.Bobandy
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Dumb point 😂

    • @Volper1
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    To quote a great man “IT WAS FUCKING BORING!”

    • @Mr.Grumps565
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    How can people enjoy searching the same science outpost with everything in the same spots i got bored after building a few ships and explored what was the entire game loop. Idk they should have just done two or three feature packed solar systems and then did dlcs

    • @danteunknown2108
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Honestly I felt like SF *was* as cynical and nihilist as FO. Far too often I felt like I was playing a fallout in theme with how much of the world was abandoned and occupied in essentially reskinned raider/spacers, atom cultist/Varun, BoS/Ecliptic and so on. Jesse Gender touched on that in her video. Starfield SAYS it’s optimistic, but then just like all their other games the dark underbelly is what they end up focusing on with things like the poverty in the Well, the corporate corruption of paradiso and the generation ship, the political corruption of the UC main quest and etc.

    • @unoriginalname3442
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    What you’re not talking about is how god awful Bethesda is at dialogue. Imagine new Vegas, same themes and world building, but dialogue replaced with Bethesda style writing: morally correct option, morally incorrect option, funny option, question that doesn’t advance dialogue tree; it becomes so boring and predictable.

    • @abel8831
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    All this mental gymnastics just to avoid saying the game is mediocre fucking DOGSHIT

    • @baneblade__
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Yeah maybe Starfield will be better received in the future when modders fix it

    • @jonathanpretty5031
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Starfield didn’t get boring at 30 or 40 hours, it got boring at like, 4 or 5 hours.

    • @Sijuste0
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    These people really need to take their meds. Starfield is a pathetic game for a large studio like Bethesda in the year 2024 in every single metric and this guy makes it about the themes and philosophy of it all. Those games are not that well written.

    • @JulianLurain
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    The story is cool , the concept is cool, its a COOL game .

    But i dont like fast travel simulator 2023 –

    • @desidious4521
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I had so many gripes of little stuff. Like if i desire 10-12 Q.O.L. mods, the game is not wowing. Constant loading screems, utterly boring base building, the repeat dungeons. Story is meh, i hated all the npcs minus the black guy and the robot. Being roguish had you on your whole crews shitlist. Space battles are also meh. I like that my whole base is inside the ship if i want, but i wish there was a more explained or a better way to construct the ships. I had moments where i would sit everything together but had to zigzag path through the ship when the intention was simple paths. Never finished it and modders have dim prospects of modding it in any decent way. Wish i could get my money back.

    • @NevermindMe77
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    if the game is boring, it’s just boring. Simple as that, well said

    • @user-kt3kz7md9j
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    It’s the story that killed it for me , if you choose power you loose more and more of yourself in each galaxy you leave behind, eventually becoming the hunter, lost and empty .

    • @kobeali11
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    It’s a skill issue

    • @ninjathis3009
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    In Skyrim, I had a magic sword that was given to me by a dubious divine entity that could smite the swathes of undead living in the crypts that were plentifully scattered, filled with gold and gemstones and collectible artifacts like dragon claws, and each one had it’s own history with lore I could delve into in between my dragon slaying adventures.

    In Starfield, I remember storing dozens of mech parts and harvested organs in a box at an outpost I couldn’t get to function, because if I had them on my ship when I went back to town, I’d get shot at, and I couldn’t find a place to sell or use them despite how valuable the game claimed them to be

    • @TheUniversalEclipse
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I liked Starfield, and put over a hundred hours into it, but eventually I just got worn down by it and constant immersion breaks (loading screens included). Then when one of the major side quests just broke for me I was done with it.

    • @burgeranus5725
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    This is a hilariously ignorant comment

    • @Jikuri
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I mean at least Fallout 4 tried a hit or miss not a miss miss miss🤣

    • @josephpretorius8607
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I liked Starfield. Yes it doesn’t hold my attention as well as fallout does but it’s still a decent game. My biggest take away is that elder scrolls and fallout 5 on this new engine are going to be amazing.

    • @goreobsessed2308
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    The themes are grear the gameplay is worse than their last game

    • @andrews.5212
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Honestly even the “theme” was garbage..
    Multiverse SUCK.
    I don’t need a game that tells me “none of your actions or choices” matter in the end just jump universe..
    Also none of the faction had any soul..
    maybe the pirates..

    and the world was soo poorly fleshed out and illogical that broke the immersion

    • @D0pam1n
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    That’s an unreasonably cultural pessimistic view anyway.
    The game’s supposedly optimistic themes are just very blandly presented and don’t come across well in the gameplay or design either.
    I rather think the product is cynical, customers have only wisened up and see through it.

    • @BasedMexx
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I wouldn’t really describe Fallout 4 as cynical either

    • @Bitt3rh0lz
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Starfield shit the bed day 1 because it was just 10 years behind the curve. Loadingscreens everywhere, halfassed procedurally generated content thats not actually content… who In the hell thinks people will like this when friggin space engineers exists?

    • @mrbanjax
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Where Bethesda absolutely shines is their open world designs. Every game gets better and better. Fallout 76 has an amazing open world and is probably the best one in the series, but starfield had very little of that. There was no character to the world. The few and far between handcrafted areas didn’t make up for it. Once that is gone from the game you’re left with just another generic action game with some RPG elements. The game absolutely has other flaws, but if this game had like 20ish handmade worlds to explore I think most of the other criticisms could be looked past.

    • @Notallowed101
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Starfield is neither forward-looking nor optimistic. It’s basically a space apocalypse, and everything kinda sucks.

    • @jordanenriquez4153
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I’m just waiting for Starfield to reach a point like fallout 4 so I can mod the shit out of the game with Star Wars mods

    • @Fusion05
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    It just brought nothing of value. If I pay that kind of money for a game, I expect pretty impressive gameplay. It’s fallout 4 in space, maybe worse because of the fish bowl design

    • @Colm1800
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Starfield is a standard boring bethesda game, its got a 7/10 story with a 4/10 mechanics

    • @Needler13
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Theme wise, humanity is better off in fallout than statfield

    • @BlueBD
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Starfields theme is Not forward looking. Its a Look into Stagnation, its Alot like Fallout but with a dissonance. Everyone is putwardly cheery but if you actually look at the world its depressing, isolated and stagnant. Ironically Fallout has better looks into the future then startield does. Fallout is about picking up and moving on inspite of the end.

    • @honestmovietalk
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    One of my main issues was that cities were still ”Bethesda Cities”. Apart from New Atlantis (which was big but kind of full of nothing) no cities stood out. You mean to tell me that the Freestar Collective is a GALACTIC association of multiple planets and billions upon billions of people and the Capital is Akkila City??!?!??!?! a city as small as a couple of football stadiums with MAYBE 5k people in it? Come on. I never once felt like I was part of a human galactic civilization. SWTOR did that better imo

    • @Glubttub
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    It’s was empty space Skyrim

    • @Sammo212
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    lmfao what a dumb take

    • @erisk.1707
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    “Starfields writing is actually really really good, and Emil is a genius writer. Everyone in our society besides me is just culturally too far behind to even comprehend how good it is. Once you guys aren’t cultural neandertals anymore you too will understand that it is the best written thing to ever exist, the way I do already cause I’m really smart actually.” Get tf over yourself, Starfields writing sucked even more than the other post-Morrowind bethesda trash so far, and that says a lot, because the only reason stuff like Oblivion and Fallout 3 isn’t the all time lowest point in fiction is because Skyrim and Fallout 4 exist, f*ck right off with this “actually, bethesda is genius at writing” bs. If you think you are the only one far enough ahead culturally to understand how good something is, chances are the other people aren’t wrong for disliking it, and it’s ok to like something that’s unpopular, you can think that Starfield has good writing, that’s your personal taste and nothing is wrong with that, but to go around and telling people that they are idiots for not liking this pile of garbage is insane, just play your bethesda slob and be happy, it doesn’t have to be the best thing ever written for you to enjoy it. Why are Bethesda cultists always so f*cking weird?

    • @censorsstarve
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I think starfield is more entertaining to play then fallout 4. I have more time in starfield then i do with fallout 4 and im only still playing 1 of those games. I think people had expectations of starfield and when the game didnt live up to it they just shit on it. But lets think about it. Starfield is massive. Each planet does take a load screen to get into. Kinda like a cave or building does in fallout or skyrim, except that load screen in starfield gives you a massive map area to explore.
    “But the maps are so empty…”
    Yea and so is space and most planets in space. Its actually more realistic that there are so few planets with actual life on it. This isnt like fallout or elder scrolls where its been built up over decades to create the world we see today. This is a new world that is just starting. And maybe in 15yrs we will get a sequel that will expand and improve upon the world, or i guess universe.

    • @lucamigliavacca
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    The mental gymnastics are insane…..

    • @davethezanno3782
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I dropped starfield coz the outpost system is garbage and dropping materials and stuff is tedious af… I mean who tought would be fun to create 50 chest to drop your loot.

    • @user-ym5cs4mt5k
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I almost bought star field but then i contemplated the current social economic of our country and just couldnt. It wasnt cause the game sucks.

    • @otockian
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    What a fucking stupid ass take, Starfield was just a shit designed game.

    • @ZanguSwe
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Starfield squeezed 30 hours out me. I got into the same gameloop as in FO4 and Skyrim, but there was actually very little incentive for me after about 10 hours or so. The only saving grace was the space pirate sidequest where you infiltrate pirates from the inside. It was a Bethesda game without the fun exploration or even EXPLORATION at all.

    • @oweneldridge8813
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Richard needs to go outside. That was the most twitter thing anyone could say about a video game.

    • @Zero-eq7mp
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Starfield is a clown simulator

    • @jim_hawkins_blues
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    This got recommended to me and i must point out that a lot of people took issue with the writing and the themes of star field. I saw several video essays about it on my feed. I have no opinion as i haven’t played it but i think story and themes matter more than you give them credit for in a game like this. Again consensus seemed to be that the setting was bland. Maybe we are on different algorithms.

    • @TabbyVee
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Fallout 4 wasnt received well either so this theory fails at the first step

    • @Inosix
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    The game was boring at 5 hours, not 20

    • @whitest_rabbit69
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    How is spending 70% of the game on a loading screen “forward looking”? Lol

    • @petre1758
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Themes? Of Stanfield??
    Whats next, the riveting action cutscenes of Cookies Clicker?

    • @flashy3968
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    20-30 hours more like 20-30 minutes

    • @Hevach
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    It’s heavily down to the setting.

    Fallout and Elder Scrolls are at one end of the open world design philosophy. At the macro level both are pretty generic, but on close examination the passive storytelling of how it’s put together is bottomlessly deep with the games back to Morrowind still to this day getting videos on the implications of tiny details like where items are hidden in a dungeon or or how the belongings of an NPC compare to their dialog.

    At the opposite end is Cyberpunk 2077. Vibrant and iconic at the macro scale, a beautiful and brutal and oppressive world to move around in. At the micro level, though, it breaks down. Clutter is meaningless and repetitive, there’s few tiny stories buried in the environments. Stories told in dialog don’t have any support or challenge in the environment where they are told.

    Starfield is dead in the center. It is generic at both the macro and micro levels.

    • @randomjoker21
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Bro thought he was cooking with this pseudo-philosophical thesis

    • @trevordillon1921
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    If hollow emptiness ever comes in to fashion in the future, kill me.

    Or I’m already dead in which case, mission accomplished?

    • @BigWrangler
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Starfield just feels like an empty vessel. I really have been trying to like it but there is nothing in the story or side quests that do it for me. No exploration ethier. Just loading screens and fast travel. Combat is also wonky at times.

    • @jackbennett2269
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Richard is shilling for big companies

    • @Nate-kc2wf
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    It’s a pretty typical Bethesda game in all these regards.

    • @randomdude0fficial
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Thats just ppl pretending they know some sht about ppls opinion that others dont. Meanwhile the reason is no extra sht you have to analyze, the reason is actually the one that ppl told you about x.x

    “Bro the gameplay sucks”
    “I think the story is to optimistic for him”
    stfu xD

    • @jessealarcon6755
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    nope I got to level 40 and I WILL never ever touch that game again after my friend showed me star citizen

    • @jasonanderson3776
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Starfields story and themes were great. I actually loved the game for a long time. It’s weaknesses became very clear late game.

    I’m playing Fallout 76 right now and I hope in a year or 2, I can jump back in to Starfield and have as much fun as I’m having with a game I hated back then. One thing Bethesda is the greatest at is taking mid games and making them epic.

    • @Falicon
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    It’s the whole package honestly.

    There’s a few good moments, but far too few.

    • @GEXGE11
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Calling Stanfield optimistic is like calling the cold war peaceful. No it isn’t, the lore is not optimistic. Maybe at the end but so are most bethesda games. Humanity is fragmented beyond help there very few people living in what today you’d call at most towns. All live away from each other because of the fear og terrormorphs all this while constellation tries to find answers to questions beyond our understanding. Humanity is so devided and the economy so bad that a good chunk of the population turns to piracy and terrorism. Optimism?

    • @Jovasjingels
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I think they meant to say

    Star field is a bad quality game filled with flaws that dosent match our standards while fallout is a good quality game with flaws but still love able and reaches our standards if not exceeds it. I expect starfield to be better well received when nostalgia rots society’s brain

    • @APotatoMan
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    The amazing story of new Vegas absolutely CARRIES the rest of the game

    • @CoffeePotGames
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Starfield fans will say literally anything

    • @Andaril2
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    IDK about F4 but New Vegas got more choices and veirty in one dlc than starfield had in whole game.

    • @icecoldcabbage4329
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    The mileage this dude has gotten from bashing starfield is impressive

    • @alecx_001
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I remember a time when people said that fallout 4 was boring

    • @elijahmartin4440
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I hate the fact that people think fallout as a franchise is somehow cynical of the future and or of humanity. That has never been the case. Fallout is very pro humanity and shows the good in humanity and how humans can work together and grow to adapt to any challenge. Fallout is mainly cynical towards aspects of modern society like the tribalism of politics, late capitalism, super nationalism, militarism, ect.

    • @sidewalk0232
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I have 60 hours in starfield and 500+ hours each in fallout 3, 4, and new vegas. Starfield just doesnt have any interesting maps

    • @therealgooseman2358
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Yeah that take is massive cope, the problem with Starfield isn’t its themes, though from what I’ve seen it is very thematically bland

    • @kyleriffle2159
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Gameplay was bad and story was stupid and lazy a game in space with no aliens is doomed to fail

    • @jetsetatrophy67
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Its both gameplay and themes/style. Fallout is briming with charisma and iconagraphy while Starfield is just.. if Star Trek was more realistic and boring.

    • @NeroTP
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    You were being generous, i got bored in less than 7 hours 😅

    • @LordEvilmancer
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Well it for me, was an extremely cynical pro corporate designed world that wanted to masquerade as the Perfect Neoliberal Optimistic Future where everyone has the freedom to make money.

    • @liisahmanni
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Amazing what people will defend.

    • @cubeincubes
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    its not the color of your piss, its what you had for dinner before

    • @spacegoat0133
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I think the opposite is true, I think people want an optimistic games…its just the game was bad, theres not much to it.

    I do agree that in 5-10 years people are gonna start liking the game again, but I don’t think it’s because the theme I just think it’s because that happens to like every game.

    • @JayAndNightASMR
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    The intro tells you a lot, fallout 4 is pretty open but most end with powersuit pretty early on but you can miss it. In starfield within the opening you get a fully loaded ship and everything you need

    • @frankiecedeno3724
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    What an insane take

    • @colinnixon7739
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    “Working theory” based on absolutely nothing 😂😂😂😂

    • @austinramsdail8528
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    there’s a reason why games like fallout and minecraft have survived for so long. it’s the open modding, they fully know people do it and are open to it. it creates a longevity of the game because then people can start to make the game the way they want or different. release updates even when the devs stop updating. i mean i remember for so long for fallout 4 there was a few people making mods literally to update the game

    • @Lex_Nocturna
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    That argument is better made for games from the early days.

    Back then you poped in the game and boom gameplay. Wanted better weapons, skills or different cosmetics, you play the game . No microtransactions, no boosters , no need to stay constantly connected to Internet . Nostalgia can’t even be used as an excuse at this point given the current state of gaming. Some quality of life improvements and people will go back to older games , alot more than you think. IMO

    • @btbarr16
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    It’s definitely not a theme issue. Also, what’s optimistic about corporations basically running intergalactic society? That literally sounds like the worst version of the future, albeit probably the most likely. A non-compelling story is what it is. Cyberpunk 2077 is a completely pessimistic view of the future, but it’s a lot more compelling story and a hell of a lot less boring mechanically even though there’s less depth to the mechanics of Cyberpunk. Starfield has all the ingredients of a great game, but didn’t tie it together with a compelling hook. Most of the mechanics are just there, but ignorable.

    • @vp_wrld
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Just realized I’ve literally never heard a single person either online or in real life talk about Starfield’s story. What is it even about and are there any notable characters at all😂

    • @buttwheat
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Forward looking?! They killed off dogs in that game. I quickly went full psyco and stopped caring about the npcs because of it.

    • @BigSith2011
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Have any of you ever eaten a steak from Applebee’s? That’s what i felt like when i passed the ten hour mark on Starfield.

    • @derekbrown4696
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Starfield had me very excited. You see I was coming out of a 10 year sports game coma. Had been hearing for years about RPGs. I love space, so I thought Starfield would be a great place to go. But I wanted to understand RPGs better and learn about Bethesda. So I did my research, read the positives and the negatives about Bethesda. Then it was very clear that I needed to try Fallout 4. Jump in and fell in love, but knew I was waiting for Starfield. So Starfield drops and it was 3-4 really hard months. Being new to RPGs. Fallout 4 just invited me in and it was just seamless for me to get into it. While Starfield was just hard to play in. The story, the issues. I fucking hate Sarah, she never shuts the fuck up. I went back to Fallout 4 and still rolling with it. Having a blast! I booted up Starfield the other night just to see it again. First load up page took to long, turned it off.

    • @KantFromEC
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Extremity eloquent cope

    • @addgame7961
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    the copium is high in this one.

    • @peterclarke7006
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I’m all for a bit of an optimistic zeitgist, but that doesn’t mean it has to be so boring and sparsely populated that I lose the will to live travelling from point A to point B, surely?

    • @mrivera6975
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    It was just boring

    • @gokuog1772
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I played it for 55 hours and barely touched the main story. After going to 2 Temples i was bored of how long it took to get to each one so i just gave up on it.

    • @zoroarkking18
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Tbf I think there could be an element of truth to this, it’s just not the main reason Starfield was disliked. Not even that high up the list if I’m being generous tbh

    • @raptor6600gt
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I’ll never understand why so many people get upset about other people not liking what they’re interested in. If you like Starfield, great! Just don’t expect others to not be honest about their experience.

    • @NelsonPimenta93
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I don’t know who that Richard Hoeg is, but he was smoking so really wacky shit.

    • @MrSmazeika83
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Starfield is boring

    • @emperorblackman5710
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    People barely got to examine the themes because the game was near trash

    • @HassanKhan0987
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Occams razor wins again lmfao. Simple answer: “the game was fucking boring”

    • @trev.7598
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    If that post was accurate then there wouldn’t have been hype built up around the game prior to release.

    • @BrutalButtSlap
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Aka In the future people will be even dummer and have more brainrot so we can just some miniseries and boost the sell by 10k%

    • @Nohiro.3D
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    starfield is not a good game deal with it.

    • @headbiscuits
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    That fable bsckground music unlocked so much dopamine

    • @M3d1c2
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    My longest current skyrim playthrough, 60 to 70 hours i think, only got that far thanks to two things, limiting myself to my hands and the goal to beat the ebony warrior in combat, and while it got a bit repetitive it was fun as i could create a story for my character more than just the dragonborn, its what starfield lacks, player choice.

    • @braindead2813
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    There is just not enough content in star field.

    • @Superagent666
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Lmfao by the time the culture changes, Bethesda might have added enough updates and content to make it actually enjoyable

    • @Lazarou101
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Bro is upset people don’t like his new favourite game so he’s reaching farther than Halo.

    • @jfkst1
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Procedurally generated worlds are boring. No one likes them. They are low effort.

    • @diccchocolate416
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I got into classic star trek like 3 years ago, and now it’s one of my favourite things.

    I find starfields take on an optimistic future boring as sin, thats the main issue. It just isnt interesting.

    • @CRYOKnox
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I rather hunt for a child or my dad or the guy that shot me, heck I rather save the world’s from dragons as getting into the business of running around with a forking Kindergarten of Space Mutants that is packed to the brim with lack luster done once seen all content repeated 60 times in a row. Heck sell me the 4 Side Storys of the factions as a thirty game Indi I by it but spare me all that useless stuff in between please. And this from a sci-fi fan…

    • @sweettantle8455
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Again….starfield was miles wide and an inch deep

    • @killerbug05
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Who played any of the fallout games and thought they were cynical in nature? Imo fallout uses a cynical world to tell an optimistic story. That goes especially for the game shown fallout 4 but i feel like it applies to all the mainline fallout games in varying levels.

    • @Ace-Brigade
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Couldn’t agree more! For me it was the non-stop loading screens and having to run forever just to get to any place.

    • @bradenalexander2477
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Fable 2 music!

    • @TheFerezCHannel
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I truly tried to love it, loved the “hopeful” aspect, it needed better gameplay (to many loading screens, empty world, it even felt short, skyrim and fallout hide the fact main questlines are short vía exploration and random content)

    • @theknave1915
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    What optimism? The main story is an endless cycle of gather magic portal parts to go to a new universe and cause more trouble in an perpetual Valhalla. How is that optimistic?

    • @cozachthebarbarian7376
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    For me Starfield just didn’t have enough to do. It’s a good game and I’ve put a lot of time into it, but there’s too much open and empty space.

    • @Zlysess-pe5tn
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Game is garbage its not like 10 years is going ti change that

    • @benrussell5070
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I didnt really get invested enough to really consider the themes all that much. Its just simply too boring to think about like that. I did about 15 hours and that was mostly looking for said themes… Or anything interesting really.

    • @AntoninoParino
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I actually thought the thematic aspect was the only redeeming factor… maybe re-release after a mechanical overhaul

    • @isaiahw9436
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Bro that tweet is so filled with cope and pretentiousness they can’t even be understand why Starfield is garbo

    • @champdynasty8992
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    People will like starfield more in the future because Bethesda’s next game is going to be even worse.

    • @user-vi4zw6zu4c
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Imagine being so far gone to thinks so much that you come up with these schizo theories instead of admitting that Starfield is a trash game

    • @TheRealCarrotbowl
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    My story got bugged out and couldn’t talk to a person to progress so thats where my journey ended. The quests were lame unless it was a main or companion one. I loved the game but there wasnt enough content on other planets to keep going

    • @DolphinRichTuna
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    pretentious dumpster opinion. pull the microscope back and its pretty clear you’re looking at a pile of 💩

    • @Mr.Sax.
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Bethesda games have many bad or mediocre aspects but one thing they do well is having immersive exploration. Starfield doesn’t have that, it’s not going to be better in the future unless for some reason people start enjoying games being empty of content.

    • @Cactar8
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    no i hated the characters and the theme and the shoved down your throat story they were all so flamboyant

    • @vsgvictorystrikegaming2229
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Starfield just straight up sucked. Period.

    • @ns6397
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am


    No Mans Sky has it’s issues, mostly due to the fact it’s procedural generation and because it’s a game made by a small studio …but where it succeeds, it does so very very well.

    Bathesda didn’t really succeed in any way with Starfield. No charm, no fun, technically Inconsistent, and constantly breaks immersion …in a genre where immersion is really important.

    • @t3nryu31
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    lol no other excuse needed , the game was stale and boring af

    • @jrtalkin5558
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    It’s funny how one of the most noteworthy things about Starfield was the heelsvsbabyface rant.

    • @reshypoo9447
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Given how poorly Fallout 4 was received, to now, with very little change in between… I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Starfield is appreciated considerably more in ~5 years time.

    • @Casavo
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    That game is just boring. It was a task to even push to the 30 hours i put in.

    • @thewhitedread7572
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Yeah starfield just sucks. It’ll swing back around when Bethesda gives it a complete fallout76 style overhaul

    • @flesruoYkcuFoGuoY
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I both have fun with and get bored by Starfield. I dig the vibe, sometimes its fun… But other times its like drinking room-temp water; bland and flat.

    • @MikeWazowski12345
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    20-30 hours? Dawg. I didn’t even make it 2 hours and deleted it. 😂

    • @iliilliliiliilliliiliillil9137
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    People often confuse a vocabulary with intellect. The dude who posted that tweet is a complete moron. It doesn’t take a genius to see starfield is a badly designed, outdated game. If it came out early 2000s then people would have liked it. It’s boring by today’s standards.

    Imagine calling that tweet a “working theory” like he didn’t just get an idea and post it without any thought whatsoever

    • @Skelemonyo
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    The fishbowl environments and navigating the universe through menu’s and loading screens seems like a core part of Starfield, which I don’t think any amount of DLC or updates will fix. They could add more things to populate these generating worlds. Bethesda does seem to be doing alright updates. They added a pretty good map, the ship interior decorator looks good, and they have land vehicles on the horizon. These are all good. I think people who like starfield will see it improve because bethesda is trying to save it. I think for people who didn’t like its core mechanics, there is no way to truly fix it except with a Starfield 2. I think ultimately it may be remembered as alright, especially when its price sinks and PCs improve, so you don’t need a top of the line machine to run it decently. However, I don’t think it will ever be remembered as great. Not to mention if there is a starfield 2 which fixes many of its core issues, and is maybe made in a different engine then likely everyone will flock to that and brand Starfield 1 as awful.

    • @KleoCross2107
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I loved the game alot, I still play it but I can 100% see how and why people don’t and it’s completely valid to dislike or even hate Starfield

    • @KleoCross2107
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I personally strongly enjoyed the game

    • @lucakrokrowinkel9576
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Gotta intellectualize everything
    Just a bad game bro shut up

    • @Rope257
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Yes, lots and lots of empty space, loading screens and bugs are bound to make one optimistic. /s
    Jesus xD

    • @Mordaedil
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    All they really had left was their quest design and oof, Bethesda’s quest design is the most critiqued thing in the last 17 years.

    • @tiredasf107
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    That guy watched the fallout show and now he thinks hes an expert

    • @casrexyt7302
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    What so many people forget is that Starfield is just 8 months old and a other Game then Fallout, Skyrim or Cyberpunk hence to compare these makes no sense to me. I love Starfield but we all agree it has problems…. but Bethesda did a really good job fixing things and start listening to the feedback. My guess is that Starfield becomes a really great game in the future just like FO76 did. Another point I want to address is the hate for Starfield, in the most part, it’s not justified all those people have hardly played the game over lvl 50 or 100 where the game feels totally different. Bethesda really makes an effort to fix things and is even working on a rover as we speak but those people just ignore that and find any reason to hate on the game… If you don’t like it it’s fine you say it and move on but I don’t understand these people keep watching Starfield content and keep trash talking to people who like it!? Anyway after I finished the main and faction quest I started exploring and I found so much stuff…. for example I found a deimos transport who was drifting through space, I battled a legendary battleship, I got to know new npcs who settled on planets or smuggled contraband into the UC, I enjoyed helping UC security and so much more…. as you can see there is plenty to do but you have to look for it and pay attention or it’s hard to miss it. So my conclusion is that it’s a great game but also have many flaws like the repeating locations to explore and the lack of inclusion of your character in the world (I mean by that you still are referred to Vanguard Cpt. after literally saving the whole settled systems.. and for some reason when you walk you’re not the same speed as the npcs). I really wish for the shattered space dlc or future dlcs that we get a UC story expansion and be able to officially join the UC military like the marines and be able to do missions like reacon, patrol or even assault or raid I really wish for that and maybe another colonial war with house varrun or something. I really think this game has much potential in the future and I hope with these dlcs we get more unique locations in this galaxy to explore.

    • @SEIFER69
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I enjoy aspects of Starfield but they aren’t as fleshed out as I’d like. The ship builder, thats basically it. But you can’t build freely, every ship is basically a pancake. There is no way to make very vertical ships despite them showing up towards the end of the main story. Allow us that landing mechanic in the builder maybe.

    • @RoyLevan
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Yeah this is cope.

    The themes were kinda generic and therefore a little boring if you ask me but still fine, it didn’t really hold the game back in any significant manner. Starfield just sucks on a technical level fundamentally.

    Remember when Doom Eternal devs talked about the notion of a “fun zone” where they force players to adapt to the game so they subsequently could cater an experience that will give the player the most amount of enjoyment in interacting with the game as they possibly could?

    Well Starfield took that notion and threw it into a supermassive black hole. There’s no fun to be had in walking the barren planes of planets. There’s no fun to be had in the fetch quest hysteria that is the main story and there’s no fun to be had in the bonding with the most shallow companions a Bethesda game has ever seen.

    All of it just sucks

    • @pr0vaporizer468
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Starfield was a shit game, try harder next time

    • @rshs5821
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    The Creation Engine is an abomination that should be put down. The Bethesda cope is so real. Guys the only good Fallout game wasn’t even made by Bethesda..

    • @gatogato3748
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    It’s the gameplay, it was horrid.

    • @aaronlc7948
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    It’s just a boring game. Exploration is boring. The story is boring. Combat gets boring after a while. It’s overall a boring experience.

    • @ballixman6587
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Even if that were true, this person is completely discounting Skyrim

    • @mobiusZero2
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    It no longer works TODD

    • @dexscrub4094
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Actually, i think it would be better recieved if they had made like 20 interesting planets instead of 200 dogshit pointless ones.

    • @Ultrabmw319
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I still want to play it. But I’m sorry I know it’s petty but space is my favorite genre and all i want is to get in my ship and take off. The fact I can’t do that really bothers me I know it’s petty but I’d rather play no man sky to me it’s a better game overall

    • @ZachariahShihab
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    This is the hardest cope I have ever heard

    • @CheddarTheShredder
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    “Optimistic and forward thinking”? It’s literally the least in depth Bethesda RPG yet… How can it be optimistic when it was 25 years in the making and they said they rushed the last mission?! That’s not forward thinking that’s just a bad game. Lmao Bethesda dorks are helpless.

    I went back and played Fallout 3 and my rose tinted glasses have been shattered. The story? whack. the map? whack. NPC’s? whack. But it still does ALL OF THOSE THINGS BETTER then Starfield. The only way Starfield will be better received in the future is if they remake the ENTIRE game to atleast meet Bethesda’s usual quality and not the quality from 15 years ago. I’ll even say Fallout 76 in THE BETA had more to it and a more in depth story then Starfield. Like seriously people need to stop sucking off Todd it’s getting sad.

    • @billyshaw1996
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Because of Starfield I will never touch a procedurally generated game again. Minecraft is the only good exception I can think of.

    • @728kaos
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I do wish there was a more mature theme to it. We’ll never get a firefly game:(

    • @TubeTubeToby
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Imagine Starfield taking notes from Outer Wilds. That would have been awesome.

    • @LostWallet
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    that bullshit. how they gonna tell me the game is “optimistic” when you can travel the whole galaxy and all you can find is human. no other intelligent life in the universe. just human. you called that optimistic? that is some high level bullshit

    • @brandanbutler8789
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I love Starfield. I think it definitely has room for more content, but i love a good 60min walk around a planet to scan 9 fauna 8 flora, 7 resources and 3 traits. Give me like 30 hrs of DLC and a rover and I’m playing this game for years.

    • @williamedwards4151
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Someone is huffing copium.

    • @elizabethstrong4197
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Starfield is great

    • @cedricdavis513
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    What a stupid theory lmao

    • @mutantraze3681
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    The weapons are boring and somehow has worse gunplay than Fo4, the legendaries suck, the characters are less memorable, and the exploration is awful. Fo4 was already an amazing game plagued with bethesda style bugs. Starfield isnt.

    PS: I was hyped for building your own spaceship but even that was heavily limited

    • @rangerghost2474
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I picked up the outer worlds again after playing Starfield and i enjoy it quite a lot more. I’d recommend it if Starfield wasn’t your thing. It’s on gamepass too.

    • @Fritjof1
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    The game was I pile of 🐕💩.
    Unfinished mess with all the Bethesda issue we always see.

    Simply Bethesda really sucks. Went back to fallout 4 only to be reminded that crashing happens on a hourly basis 🫠

    • @ClamChowder95
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Cultural zeitgeist. Mf trying so hard to sound smart just to cope about Starfield not being fun.

    • @oppotatoes3043
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Literally just Skyrim in space

    • @redmane6468
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Building system was nerfed

    • @singleplayerhearts7272
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    It’s boring with nothing to do, it’ll never be loved or liked

    • @echo5827
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Nah well holdup the world was boring af too. Thousands of books in TES full lore of man and mer and every point of interest in fallout telling some story about survival in a post apocalypse or how the old world affects things

    Starfield is like. We went to space. And theres no aliens. If it had phenomenal characters it could save it but 😴. No way its the same character but from a parallel universe !!!! 😴 💤 Take ayy lmaos from mothership zeta and starfield would be at least twice as interesting. Marvel doctor strange from another dimension! Is not interesting

    • @GodfatherBoxSet
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    It just got boring and repetitive. I enjoyed it for maybe 20 hrs and really during the pirate storyline

    • @1987StoneAge
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Had they limited starfield to around 5 diff galaxies instead of a few hundred it wouldn’t been the same emptiness as a fallout game but better. Fallouts visuals get tiresome

    • @domomonstero3077
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Bro star trek is a very humanitarian bright look at the future and people love that shit. Starfield is just boring trash, Thanks to Todd and the shit Creation Engine.

    • @GeneTakovic8
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    It will always be a trash game

    • @TheCreativeStoryMan
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    The main thing I was looking forward to starfield was how the animation was going to work.

    • @chriswalsh6893
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Nailed it just boring 😴

    • @ve6an256
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Your opinions are invalid and you existence a burden

    • @JABO95SA
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I love starfield despite ALL the failures it does have. And they are mostly mechanical for me. The Game does feel boring after you do the main questlines

    • @Steampunkzter
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Starfield has good moments but terribly boring moments, and is a space game that the space element isn’t used!

    Not a culture issue just Bethesda making a meh game again….
    Fallout good cause you have solid lore, fun plots, loads of mods!

    ( wild comment SC good space rpg sim, ED good space rpg sim, NMS good Space RPG, X”series” good space rpg sim.) Starfield ehh it has space but loads of loading scenes, Bethesda rpg so good rpg elements.

    • @Simidubs
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    To all the Starfield haters out there…. In the next 5 years, the reception towards the game will be generally mucky more positive than it is now. That’s basically the story of F4 as well.

    • @Juhno
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    What about the probably quite large group of people who don’t like Starfield but don’t like Fallout 4 either.

    • @SonOfWalhall
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Started to play Outer Worlds. Much heavier story wide style of answers in dialogue

    • @kstephenson5857
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    1) The commenter’s implicit assumption – that the themes of a video game will inherently influence your enjoyment of the whole experience – is 100% right, and a point that this guy completely missed.

    2) Even when our culture cycles back to positivity, Starfield will not be better received because it’s a bad game.

    • @maxchenmusterhausen5311
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Cynical „Zeitgeist“ in video game culture 2024? What age is this guy living in? Games are more „optimistic“ then ever, everything is just memes, shitty reference-humor ala (did you like these two things?!) fortnite and everything gets more and more pixar-treatment. And Fallout is the same low brow crap (hihi nuka cola, you get it?!). How is it cynical? Games are now like the Oasis in Ready Player One. A true distopian future.

    • @vivsavagex
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    It seems like object persistence is one of the main reasons for the horrendous load times. For the life of me i cant understand why in a game where you could carry 10,000 potatoes on you why they decided to hamper the entire experience so that when you drop those 10,000 potatoes they bounce realistically and then never disappear from the gameworld…like, such a weird line to draw in the realism sand

    • @vivsavagex
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Starfield is fine for dads and little children. My guess is that is like 90% of the player base. For people that play a lot of games and follow them then it was just a generous 7/10 and when ur bethesdas new ip and u deliver something incredibly mid than its going to seem like a 4/10

    • @dashwhatchamakalit
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    …People are going back to play older games, rather than this one.
    Because they were designed a bit more completely.

    • @ofmachines3
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Starfield is like no man’s sky in the sense that if you can’t get back into that imaginative, “I’m an Astronaut” mindset it’s just gonna seem lame walking around with not much to do. If you role-play it’s pretty fun. But even that can get boring after a long time.

    • @Bigolfloppyweenr
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Boring after the main quest line, tons of menu navigating and loading screens, and it’s just a big empty sandbox.

    • @officerbucktuddrussel394
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Isn’t a big part of Fallout 4 rebuilding the commonwealth and looking to the future?

    • @IveNeverStoodUp
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I love starfield’s game design. fast travel to a spot on a random planet and speed stealth outposts for 48 hours straight. I could play this game until I shit myself and die.

    • @zwipify
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    The content in the game is just plain unimaginative and not at all compelling. Bland, cookie cutter level design that makes every location feel small. Multi bajillion dollar space mega corp HQ feels like a dentist office for example. Uninteresting cast of characters. The structure of the game is antiquated and the gameplay loop is unsatisfying and threadbare. There is no saving this game, it has to be redesigned from the ground up and they’re too far up shit creek without a paddle. It’s time to move o from this forgettable mis-step of a game.

    • @Steveo0547
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Them dam loading screens tho 😅 I had little kid cuss me and swear up and down it would be game of the yea hell I lost a long time friend over it 😤

    • @Steveo0547
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    The engine tho 😅😂😅 their no excuses for that crap the creation engine is outdated since Skyrim 😅😂😅

    • @henrywilliams6927
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I hated fallout 4 and loved starfield personally and I’ve tried to enjoy fallout 4 but can’t I’ve heard new Vegas is better but haven’t gotten around to it

    • @TheHarbingerofAutism
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Ooh, that Temple of Light theme is hitting me right now.

    • @Blastopia
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    How is there gonna be a Bethesda game in space where you have your own spaceship but you can’t even fly it around and control it and there’s no space battles and random encounters with space pirates.

    • @TheShawnMower
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Gameplay and game design was boring

    • @jobutler2444
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Richard heog is goddamn brain damaged from getting skull fucked by shitter devs that can care less about the game and higher ups who dont even know what their developing

    • @averageadam5001
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Theme is cool. The game is boring as heck though

    • @christianwest6635
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Nah I mean everything about it was lame to mean I mean realistic space exploration bro fallout is post nuclear war and elder scrolls is medieval fantasy with deep lore

    • @newagecinematics
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Whoever made that article is clearly delusional and typical with people who write articles know nothing about what they are writing about

    • @caleb_dume
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    The premise is Starfield is genuinely on par with Fallout. Starfield is just not fun. It has a deeply flawed gameplay cycle

    • @aligameover6138
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Xbox fans literally say “you don’t know it yet , but your kids are gona love it “

    • @domperignon1829
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    the mental coping gymnastics sure is interesting

    • @paulchavez3039
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    It’s a video game, not a book. It still needs to be fun to play😂

    • @Foogi9000
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    The engine isn’t made for space games. It was made for games the size of Skyrim and Fallout where there’s a mostly handcrafted world and *some* procedural content.

    • @AnNatie
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Hahahahahahaha I remember before the game came out everyone was saying the modders will make it amazing the modders will make it a limitless game. The modders will fill up the 1000 planets empty 💀 How’d that work out? Game is trash and Bethesda fans are coping hard like always.

    • @omgbutterbee7978
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Wait so after 20 hours it gets boring. But then they say you have to give it 10-15 hours before it gets good. So there’s a window of 5-10 hours where the game “isn’t so bad”?

    • @ShadeScarecrow
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    20 to 30 hours? I made it to about 3 before I uninstalled it and never looked back. Just trying to do some friggin sidequests in the city required endless walking.
    And then I realised that most of the space travel will just be clicking fast travel on a map and waiting out a load screen, just so you can raid “generic space base asset xyz”. At that point i was just kinda done.

    • @LibertarianGalt
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    If we’re going to talk about a cynical dystopia, Fallout 4 is not it. New Vegas was much better. Starfield was hot garbage and Bethesda can barely put out a game let alone one that functions on day one.

    • @WindowFluffer
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    When culture cycles around? Hmm you mean when they patch the crap out of it and make it a totally different game?

    • @Eristarisis
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    A poor quality/poorly designed game will never be well received.

    • @luclin92
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Biggest issue that starfield had was that it was painfully mediocre for a bethesda game. Nothing was standing out much and they clearly didnt read their audience

    • @orbit1894
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Starfield is extremely sterile and apolitical. Even if the gameplay was flawless it would still be boring and uninteresting for me.

    • @cmortonwvu
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Starfield is boring. Load scene, spaceship, load screen, land on planet, load screen, run around empty planet with no map or vehicle. Shoot some people, get a few resources. Long run back to ship. Load screen, space, load screen, next planet, load screen….

    • @Mattznick
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Bethesda is just that one company that will always have defenders and coping fans who play all their games no matter what. Honesty I’m surprised so many have turned on them over the last 10 years to see reality

    • @iceman10129
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    This is such an off base take from Richard. Fallout has a conflict or roleplaying event, every 30 feet. Not one moon rock every 30 feet.

    • @allansolano5587
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    What the hell ? Its not a theme issue at all… is just the game is a okay game thats ot but nowhere near how they really painted the picture and basically killed the best thing of bethesda games the exploration

    • @sprintstothebathroomdaily2429
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    The game had the blandest companions with identical beliefs

    And it was just mid. Not bad, but nothing that makes you want to come back

    • @mbmyt4973
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    It’s not the theme. It’s the fact that this game gets boring as fuck like 10 hours in , not even. But keep coping ig

    • @thetushar105
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Fallout and starfield both are boring

    • @BloodiedCrown
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I also expect Starfield to be better received in the future, not because of that though, that’s kinda stupid

    • @TheYellowTuxedo
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Man. I just want more fallout new Vegas.

    • @juanverajr4614
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    The loading screen killed it for me, after playing cyberpunk and even red dead redemption 2. The loading was just annoying

    • @MrThedudejamie
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Bethesda fanboys make the craziest reaches to defend that pile of shit 🤣🤣

    • @Jojo-nq3bp
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    “fan theory” and it’s a console warrior

    • @Damian-oe6mg
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    gonna play no man’s sky again

    • @xrphoenix7194
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Absolutely yapping

    • @Ashbrash1998
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    It’s only foward fscing because it’s in space, Fallout has the aesthetics from.before the bombs and an apocolypsr. Like that’s the only way it fits the argument, the main issue is that Starfield isn’t good. It spread itself too thin.

    • @michael6880
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Bethesda removing their bread and butter, fantastic world design, meaningful exploration and the fact that you can travel the entire distance in real time from A-B just highlighted everything they’re mediocre or downright bad at. Skyrim, fallout 4 and 76 is hardly any better in it’s quests and writing, they have the advantage of an established universe sure, but with what’s in the games if you could only fast travel everywhere they’d be cacapoopoo

    • @jesusblanco7657
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    The cope on this is real lol

    • @44zeex
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Starfield isn’t like Disneys Treasure Plant, meaning that it found a massive following years later. It just boring. And having a few years pass won’t make it less boring.

    • @ryman1933
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    People still pretending starfield is some hidden masterpiece 😂

    • @ethanfutch4974
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    This is what happens when you are looking for something in the distance but can’t see in front of you.

    • @patrickyniguez7794
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    A lot of people dont have much to say about the story because they didnt get that far into it before being turned off by some mechanic issue.

    • @anthonypuk5190
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Don’t forget the shit story and the boring characters.

    • @derekmay9717
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Take all the updates and better graphics. Then put that in a fallout game. Starfield was fun, but empty. I played it for 2 days. And just kinda lost interest in it. The same way outer worlds tried. It was ok but 30 hours gameplay tops and didn’t feel replay-able. Stick to a story people like and want. There is a reason 65 million people watched fallout. There is a reason fallout 3 sold 12 million copies and NV sold 11.75 million.

    • @CaptainMisery86
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I was super excited for starfield, but BG3 came out first and gave me the chance to see that there wasn’t really anything interesting to do in starfield

    • @ANGRYWOLVERINE2060-ft2nc
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Nah. Its just a bad game.

    • @CasperFGhost
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Hey i like No Mans Sky, sure there are plenty of faults but at least it’s not barren.
    I found an actual stargate, battled frigates and flew through black holes and so much more.

    Starfield is on the cusp of being truly fantastic but it’s no where near complete yet.

    • @DarthShande
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Starfield bunked it because it wasn’t as rich and full as elder scrolls and fallout.

    • @MotoMiles
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    It was so boring . After the Mass effect series I was hopeful this would be uncharted territory . A vast vacuume of spacious nothing and repetition.Fallout was so rich with lore and interesting design .

    • @wumbosaur6111
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Bro is coping so hard I’ve never heard anyone mention the themes of the game

    • @ozmosis9617
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Stanfield didn’t work coz it wasn’t even as good as a fallout in space would be

    • @zuriyel5368
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Richard Hoeg should stick to law.

    • @cdaleh
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    lol imagine your game flopping and saying it’s the consumer’s fault

    • @Phier554
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    It’s the no it’s the children that are wrong meme come to life

    • @julio1148
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I only played for the ship building, and a few missions here and there. Never felt the urge to go back

    • @supershot9729
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Starfield is just too mediocre, its not bad enough or good enough to get a wave of “worst/best games ever” or “why is X actually Y” vids in 5 years time

    • @Frost3yte
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    How in gods name was this the reason they came up with for the failure of Starfield?

    • @doomkrieg3817
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    The only thing Fallout has going for it currently is a modding community and the mods are what keep it alive. As far as the base game goes and all of its flaws. Very few look fondly on anything that isn’t 1-2 & New Vegas. 3&4 have aged like milk without mods at this point.

    • @etantife
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    No haha

    • @prismatic9890
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    The reception of this game is just getting worse as time goes forward. 😂

    • @CaptainBuggyTheClown
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    If you want a good, Bethesda style space game go play Outer Worlds, the original. Or if you just want a good space themed game, Mass Effect trilogy.

    • @DailyChasing
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    culture aint fixing the dumbest maps

    • @Rainer125
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    It‘s simply a giga boring game. Fallout has an edge to it you don’t need a special Zeitgeist for that to be based and fun. We will never have a Zeitgeist were boring is good lol. In Morrowind you could levitate and jump hundrets of meters high and get to super speeds, creating your own spells and that in a 20 year old game. Modern games don’t even have fun and exciting mechanics like that anymore since forever. In fact modern games are literally usually a downgrade in gameplay and mechanics for graphics sake. Im sure people would enjoy the hell out of a game with crazy mechanics and possibilities like Morrowind in a living and breathing world like Red Dead 2 that would be a hell of an rpg but we are just getting dry and boring games that are just graphically impressive but otherwise boring and repetitive.

    • @DJezdic
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Leave it to apologists to blame the costumer for games failure and not the product.

    • @fullmetalb5241
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Yeah…in the future this boring, outdated, generic game will he a masterpeice! Jfc.

    • @flameesperthefolf9361
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    20-30 hours? I got through the tutorial and could tell id hate the mechanics of that game if i kept playing

    • @yippikahyey
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Starfields biggest flaw imho is the lackluster and uninspiring writing. It’s just boring.

    • @jaake6019
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    One of the very very few games I purchased with my own money and could never finish was Starfield. After about 25 hours or so, I shut it off and never put it on again.

    • @MultiTbeast
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I had a gaming addiction but due to industry churning out such trash for soo long, I have been cured.
    I would rather play a game like mass affect than I would starfield or other empty nonsense made today

    • @danielsparrow3767
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Does anyone else feel like bethesda burned alot of bridges with fallout 76?

    I lost all faith in them and the game industry as a whole when that while thing happened

    • @LuxPerp
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Yes. This idea is completely wrong. Starfield is not optimistic. It’s another fallout game. Earth is dead. The new cities are tiny villages and every planet is strewn with abandoned facilities full of corpses. There’s no way the UC and Freestar populations could support so many abandoned, decaying facilities and dead technicians and settlers.

    • @RubinKlein25
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Starfield would have been decent if the planets were as filled as the Fallout world. Nobody want to play an empty game, especially in a RPG.

    • @General_RAAM_
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Meanwhile I’m at 400 plus hours and still on my same character. I don’t get bored because of the new game plus. What I hate about the game is the bugs the completely ruin my runs like when it thinks I’m always on a ice planet and I get severe frost bite in Atlantis or when my ships shields are 400 when it should be 1600

    • @LiveEnd06
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Ah yes, the theme of the game is why people complained so much about boring and empty worlds and janky gameplay mechanics… yeah sure bub…

    • @BruceBeef
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Ahh yes, it’s the old overly thought-out answer to a problem that doesn’t exist excuse. Smart. Very smart.

    Between clunky menus, poor skill tree design, and the empty repetitive exploration, SF just isn’t that much fun. I call it “the game that lets you explore 1000 planets, if planets were loading screens”..

    I think it has potential. I’m playing right now for the first time. I tried when it came out and wasn’t feeling it. This time around I’m doing my best to power through it and I hope that when the update comes to Xbox I’ll enjoy it more. I actually want to like the game and hope it gets better.

    • @UmmerFarooq-wx4yo
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    We got trash culture today, the kind that enjoy literal trash and litter

    • @nikadgod5152
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Starfeild was literally unplayable on my PC and its not a weak computer

    • @tiredman99
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Fallout 4: Has a ton of unique caves you can discover and even find an alien hiding in one.

    Starfield: The same boring cave procedurally generated over and over again

    • @Codfather9272
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    It needed aliens that can talk different races etc felt like if Elon musk a space game very serious in a lot of ways

    Humans just bore me in space games

    • @anthonyhampton2991
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Optimistic themes? What another multiverse plot to hide bad writing lol

    • @MAJ4K
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Gameplay >> Story/Themes. Doesn’t mean story isn’t important, but I’ll compromise my values for a good game.
    Edit: Id just like to say YouTube is glitching out and i have no idea what video this comment will go to.

    • @mygetawayart
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    if you played the main story, you’d be really hard-pressed to still see Starfield as optimistic when you find out HOW they achieved FTL travel and what it cost everyone. Starfield isn’t as optimistic as that guy makes it out to be.

    • @JamescMichel
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Optimistic themes in Starfield? Really? Did the person even play it? Spoilers:

    Most side missions revolve around corruption in some form and human life is expendable to someone, somewhere. The main story is the same and there death left and right. The ending is “Leave it all behind and experience it again.” It’s just the story is so open ended and goofy acting that you are not allowed to see the ramifications of the deaths and corruption.

    • @nwerd7584
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    People demanded more realism than fallout and got it, then blamed bethesda for realism being boring. If you really went in to space youre just going to experience barren wasteland after barren wasteland.

    • @kws228
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Such major cope😂 he cant except that its bad😂😂

    • @Douglas-nt7jd
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Games are supposed to get more fun as you unlock levels and abilities. It got less fun. Everything including yourself turns into a bullet sponge. It greatly breaks immersion when you empty 50 bullets into a basic pirate before it dies. Make the game actually dangerous, and the game’s fun factor escalates to incredible degrees

    • @zacharyjackson1829
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    People want to make all kind of theories of why the game didn’t work when it’s so stupid and simple.

    The game has the Bethesda formula but in space, except the world is unimaginative, the exploration mechanics are non-existent, the graphics look on par for a 2010 game, and it came during a time when nobody really asked for it and just want elder scrolls.

    Pair that with the fact that a game like No Man’s Sky exists, the epidemy of what this game wants to mechanically be, and you have to wonder why on earth anyone would actually download and play Starfield. The answer would be a good thrilling narrative, which Starfield doesnt have.

    • @travman1987
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    What a weird way to come out of the closet

    • @djlarrylar7905
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I had more fun playing atomic heart than I did starfield and that game was riddled with bugs. To be fair atomic heart was a better game in general for me.

    • @GuiltlessGear
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I cannot fathom how we are two generations deep into Bethesda’s Rot Arc, and there’s still this much cope for

    • @w3bbi3
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    The game is too segmented to be fun

    • @ShadoSpartan44
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    For me it was the loading screens, I felt I spent more time waiting to play than I actually got to play. Also the stealth gameplay is terrible. I maxed that out first and got armor for stealth but enemies can detect me through walls and instantly know where I am. Until they fix that starfield is still a disappointment in my eyes

    • @deepvibes4871
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    You cant even build without a insane amount of work

    • @mikie1466
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Starfield comes out everyone starts playing new vegas again 😂

    • @shaunkennedy174
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Yeah that dude completely missed why Starfield is not well received. Its the game itself, nothing to do with themes

    • @jedadiahamaral2761
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    The video of dude live streaming and falling asleep between planets in his gaming chair was enough for me to know it wasn’t for me 🤷🏻‍♂️

    • @imo098765
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Its not even fishbowls
    Those bowls are bigger than Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Skyrims map(assuming its flat)

    Those bowls the size of entire game worlds had 3 points of interest and nothing to stumble upon when exploring the planet.

    No talking dog, assassin, thief, daedric enemies, dragons, raiders, super mutants etc.

    No weird NPC speaking about something that gets you into a ruin finding a unique weapon, armour

    • @elms1011
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I know I loved Starfield I got all the achievements and the only thing I’m waiting for is official mod support on console. I think a lot of people who don’t like it are from two camps 1. PlayStation hater camp who will repeat YouTuber talking points. 2 there is a section of Bethesda fan who is still salty about fallout 76 and will just whine about any game or show that isn’t fallout new Vegas and will cry bitch and moan like some Karen support group.

    • @Mkrause762
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Yeah lol people are going to turn on starfield once they realize how amazing the story is 🤣

    • @jacobwaldrop8604
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Anyone who says Starfield is optimistic, clearly didn’t finish the game. The entire point of the game is that nothing you do matters, decisions are ultimately irrelevant, and the only point of existence is to become as powerful as possible to extend your own existence for as long as possible. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    • @KingD448
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I love how people complain about space being empty that’s why it’s called space

    • @battlionyoutube6306
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I mean… it’s not a theme issue… it’s a game design issue.

    • @JsYTA
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    It’s empty and full of loading in a generation marketed around reducing load times. And their excuse was basically “Why would anything be in space? What are we? Some kind of Game Developer?”

    • @thomas1404
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    I really loved walking 10 minutes across empty landscapes to get to copy and paste mining complex number 1

    • @Bigrastus
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Wow that is a dumb argument, I managed to play 188 hours of starfield and I can say without a doubt it the most empty boring lifeless BGS game I’ve ever played, 90% of the planets are rocks and the same copy paste location over and over, it’s just blatant poor game design, they should have focused on 10 or so planets and made them full and expansive so you never had to walk for what felt like hours to reach the next location.

    • @Chozo_hybrid
    • 2024年 5月 14日 9:55am

    Starfield just did nothing to wow people, I played it on Gamepass and I felt it wasted my time. 12 hours I won’t get back lol