Did Starfield get better or worse for you after the first 15-20 hours? #gaming

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The more you played it, the worse it got.. #starfield #bethesda

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  • コメント (45)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @m.poppins4843
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    Usually this is how it goes with most games. When it just released, its the best game ever, the GOTY for about a week or two. Then the honey moon phase ends, and you start to realize everything thats wrong with the game. Starfield… well starfield basically did a speedrun of that.

    • @tyler6602
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    At first it was awesome then i beat it and realized there was literally nothing else to do

    • @connerwills6802
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    Star Field was a game made with love that didn’t have that good of a base and didn’t live up to its ambition, so the end product it just kinda mid. Skull and Bones is just soulless in every possible way and is objectively TERRIBLE!!!!!!

    • @Drakevid
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    Sorry but comparing Starfield with Skull and Bones is a joke lmao, Skull and bones is the epitome of mediocrity of Ubisoft you can’t top that sht

    • @BornOnceMore1
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    Hear me out. If they had just made two worlds and a moon…

    • @mathewvitolo1247
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    Starfield seems like the game that is like “Sometimes “BIG” isn’t always better.”

    • @btbarr16
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    Starfield was a weird gaming experience for me. I hadn’t been playing any other games recently when it came out. I thought it was a pretty decent game. Then Phantom Liberty came out and I did a new playthrough of Cyberpunk 2077 including Phantom Liberty before I finished Starfield. After I finished with Cyberpunk I jumped back into Starfield, and it was jarring to say the least. Now, with true nextgen title gameplay fresh on my mind to reference, I couldn’t remember what I liked about Starfield. All of it’s flaws became so glaring. If Starfield had been released a month earlier, I probably would have started and finished the game with a lasting impression that it was a pretty good game. Unfortunately, playing Cyberpunk 2077 before finishing Starfield kinda shattered that first impression. I went from being highly entertained for 83 hrs to being bored in Starfield. The only mission in Starfield I found compelling was the one where you have to pick which person to save one of the main companions.

    • @longfellva
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    More like 10 hours

    • @peterfranzi643
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    Took me 3 hours to realize

    • @pantsmage970
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    This sums it up perfectly

    • @natehaskey9300
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    Doesn’t even mention Skull and Bones 😂

    • @julio1148
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    I never felt passionately negative about the game, I just happened to share the complaints everyone had.

    • @behindthebruins5119
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    Just wait till the new Vegas mod drops

    • @dain6492
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    Ive played oblivion, fallout 3, new vegas, skyrim, fallout 4 and 76 all at release, after about an hour in starfield i knew it wasnt as good as the others i meantion, sure on a tecnical level its better but who give af about that. No bethesda game ever released at 60 fps so idgaf about that. My main complaint is the exploration doesnt feel as natural as previous games, doesnt feel like theres even really anything to actually discover. I was probably 40ish hours in and i finished the ranger storyline and got the ship and i just couldnt play anymore, i stopped caring and Uninstalled the game. I have 200+ hours in elite dangerous so the space ship functionality was so boring in comparison. If you could fly planet to planet yourself and and land and explore with more things to actually find, starfield might have been one of the best games made

    • @aligameover6138
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    This is not a bad game but they fucked up all the things that people were most hyped about

    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    dude just lives and breathes to hate bethesda

    • @KaranBhatt-fu2gp
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    I got game pass PC just 2 days ago and checked size of the game and it is

    1 hundred and fucking 40 fucking GB.

    How the hell they make games so big? Don’t they compress or anything or just handing out code and stripes and all?

    Then I checked size of Sniper elite 5 and I was ok with Starfield

    • @jannikrahn5202
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    After 20 hours I realized it and after 30 hours I just couldnt continue ._. It was saddening

    • @TechnoMinarchistBall
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    Was the worst first 20 hours of any Bethesda game imo. But then I jumped into exploring immediately.

    • @Alternavitus
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    When i got to the “Temple, not dragonborn powers” part of the game for the first time snd had to do that minigame thing where you fly through the spinning lights i started to feel hollow after.

    • @FatalxZilla
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    Garbage… both of them…

    • @SuperSikarlo
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    If starfield was smaller, it would be more fun, but it’s weird because it’s not meant to be small

    • @flyinglobster9552
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    This is why steam refunds don’t work make a good beginning and rest can be garbage

    • @shadowofnoc5760
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    The long winded content creator way of saying “the honeymoon stage was good, after that it sucked”

    • @sportyzmech2104
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    Starfield was an actual project created by a team that did care for it, they did want to make it and despite all its issues it was a game that was made for more than money. Meanwhile Skull and Bones was created out of obligation with a contract, the game multiple times was on deaths door and you can tell devs didnt want to make this game, there was no passion, no commitment, it was made for the sake of getting it over and done with

    • @SharpShooterYT706
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    That game was trash stop lying to the masses

    • @manemjeff7686
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    true, unlike skyrim it felt boring to keep exploring

    • @FullMetalXV
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    Tried it for a few hours and nothing about it grabbed me and sucked me in. Idk maybe i just skip this one

    • @djeliwright
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    Crimson fleet was my favorite. And the chase through the city was right, but after that threshold I agree

    • @HeathStevens
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    Funny thing is Skull & Bones is getting ready to start Season 2 already. And Starfield is still bug fixing.

    • @nihilnihil161
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    Polished? Yeah, but a turd is still a turd even if shiny and smooth

    • @Cheftimusprime
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    You just described bethesda games except it shouldn’t take that long to realize how poorly made and boring they are.

    • @poncho2952
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    I can’t even get past like hour 7. I just found that weird Russian lady or whatever she is but I have absolutely no desire to pick the game back up. I only have as much as I have because I feel like it might get better as I go but if the first part is the best part, I’ll pass

    • @ByteMe908
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    And over skull n bones???? Choosing between 2 dumpster fire ain’t really a choice both are bad

    • @ByteMe908
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    Bro it’s a pile of dogshit from the beginning you must have some kind of nostalgia goggles on man i can’t even understand someone liking the gane

    • @ByteMe908
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    “The most impressed I’ve been with Bethesda in a while” that means absolutely jacks shit if that’s the metric ur going on ur review is worthless bathesda hasn’t made a good game since Skyrim

    • @bostonallen7051
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    Sgt Yumi is still in jail lol

    • @NarfismGaming
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    What an insane take on starfield

    • @soldatsie5
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    If it wasn’t for the excessive loading screens and cutscenes I would agree starfield is quite good

    • @colonelcrackerz2320
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    That’s interesting. I found the characters and quests in Starfield beyond dull so I packed it in before I even got to free roam

    • @Ars_RmCf
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    Yeah, the Crimson fleet was the best part once I finished that on the pirate side and everybody was so pissed off and I realized I couldn’t do anymore evil shit that was it for me

    • @mygetawayart
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    that’s why i think TESVI should be able to succeed where Starfield failed. If they can have the polish, graphics and breadth of systems that Starfield has, but with the classic style and pace of exploration and the world design that’s limited, fully handcrafted and full of environmental storytelling that they’re usually known for, they can truly make something impressive that Elder Scrolls fans will love for years if not decades.

    • @UmmerFarooq-wx4yo
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    Most gamers play 10mx10m maps over and over again and don’t even want to leave their rooms

    • @joeswanson3089
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    Glad to see starfield getting the attention it deserves, it needs more work and the vision is there, it just needs the attention to improve it.

    • @TheHK_47
    • 2024年 5月 07日 9:55pm

    Couldn’t agree more