What do you want to see added to Starfield? #starfield

starfield 情報局

The Dropped Frames guys, itmeJP, Cohhcarnage, and Ezekiel_iii, sit down and talk about Starfield and what they would like to be added.

#starfieldgame #starfieldgameplay

Taqs:dropped frames,dropped frames podcast,dropped frames itmejp,dropped frames cohhcarnage,dropped frames ezekiel_iii,itmejp,cohhcarnage,ezekiel iii,gaming podcast,video game podcast,talk show,gaming talk show,video game news,larian studios,gaming,fallout 5,tes,tes 6 trailer,tes 6,elder scrolls 6,skyrim,bethesda,fallout,starfield,starfield game,starfield gameplay,starfield update,starfield bethesda


  • コメント (19)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @protein_404prottis8
    • 2024年 5月 01日 9:55am

    5k players a day, is not a million cohh… stop kissing ass

    • @Tearakan
    • 2024年 5月 01日 9:55am

    Success? Starfield’s estimated budget was 200 million. They haven’t released any sales figures but going off of best selling games in sep 2023 it made 2.5 million sold copies from circana estimates. Assuming all were at 100 dollar price tags (they weren’t) it only made 250 million off of sales.

    That doesn’t include marketing costs which were probably absurd for this game.

    Even if they made 50 million in profit that’s not enough to keep the studio going for more than a year at the current staff size…… 50 million pays 100,000 salaries to 500 staff. Bethesda has around 400 people with quite a lot definitely making over 100K. Then add in the cut Microsoft wants from the game too.

    Still no actual sales figures released from bethesda, only a vague 10 million players have played it, which alot could’ve been on gamepass and gamepass itself isn’t a profit center for Microsoft.

    So I actually really doubt Starfield was a financial success. If it was why aren’t they shouting that from the rooftops like other game studios have in the past?

    • @codylyon7488
    • 2024年 5月 01日 9:55am

    As of April 30th, 2024 the 30 day peak players for starfield on steam was 9,084 players. Down from 10,499 from the previous month.

    Just because a game was a financial success doesn’t mean it’s a good game. Bethesda has tarnished their reputation in the eyes of a lot of people, me included. I feel bethesda is a shallow husk of what it once was, and at the very least I can’t see myself supporting their work in the future. I own every elder scrolls game, every fallout game and bought fallout 76 day one. I think that was the real eye opening moment for me when I saw the sheer lack of polish and forethought.

    But hey, at least starfield was more finished than 76. Too bad it was poorly written and just plain boring.

    • @sosayweall2509
    • 2024年 5月 01日 9:55am

    Millions of players? Lol

    • @ViktorHark
    • 2024年 5月 01日 9:55am

    Sorry but, Starfield was not a success and it won’t be.

    • @cheekibreeki6255
    • 2024年 5月 01日 9:55am

    Been plaging bethesda games for almost 2 decades. Starfield is a hollow empty souless husk of a game.

    • @ericgrimes341
    • 2024年 5月 01日 9:55am

    Lol measuring success by ‘We fooled people into paying for our hyped product?!’ I unfortunately am one of those dummies who bought it and want this dude to refund me.

    • @THEXL14VE
    • 2024年 5月 01日 9:55am

    no it is not a played game its basically star citizen and skyrim mixed but taking the worse part of each one

    • @12tman12
    • 2024年 5月 01日 9:55am

    If GamePass numbers are different than Steam, all the fixes and DLC hasn’t got Starfield back to break back into the top 100. And sure I’m sure some like it, but the question is are enough people playing it STILL (because ‘played’ is past tense), to make it worth the time updating. Worth it to Microsoft, not to the ones who still play, obviously worth it to them.

    • @forsakeneremith3770
    • 2024年 5月 01日 9:55am


    • @tannermcmillan2922
    • 2024年 5月 01日 9:55am

    just blatantly lying isnt gonna improve bethesdas shitty sales sorry

    • @OneeOfThee
    • 2024年 5月 01日 9:55am

    These are pretty out of touch takes… Starfield has overwhelmingly mixed reviews from consumers not just reviewers or streamers. Saying the majority of people got the game on gamepass and enjoyed it is straight wrong considering it has a 3/5 rating on Xbox.

    And then to call the game a success because of initial sales and player numbers… oof. People bought into the hype and paid the price. Bethesda may have made a profit but they broke a lot of people’s trust and significantly damaged their brand.

    • @punnup3452
    • 2024年 5月 01日 9:55am

    Speaking of has anyone tried No Man’s skies lately? It is an amazing game and they have not only lived up to what they promised but they also have kept on adding to the game and are making an amazing experience
    They’ve even worked on the VR compatibility so that you Can truly be immersed in your space exploration journey

    • @meatbunftw
    • 2024年 5月 01日 9:55am

    Making a lot of money doesn’t necessarily mean success. Just look at the Star Wars sequels. And “millions of players”? BWAHAHAHAHAHA

    • @Koskani
    • 2024年 5月 01日 9:55am

    I’m one of those that initially hated the game, for what it was on its own. I stayed away from plot spoilers, mechanics videos, gameply everything.
    Got the game day one.
    Hated it. It’s a good game in and of its own, but it’s by far the worst Bethesda game to date.

    Not comparing it to past tiles from Bethesda, it gets a solid 8/10.

    Comparing it to previous Bethesda titles, seeing what was lost and what was half Hazzard added, it’s a solid 3/10, and that was after I have the game 2929474728 chances

    Beat the game once, tried doing ng+ but immediately dropped it and went back to f04 and skyrim

    • @otockian
    • 2024年 5月 01日 9:55am

    It’s not often I disagree with Cohh, but this one of them. The game still doesn’t have freaking maps, and it’s been what 6 months?

    • @Pope_of_Novigrad
    • 2024年 5月 01日 9:55am

    Starfield is a good game. It’s not a great game. But it’s a solid 7/10 game for me.

    • @thedemonshield8652
    • 2024年 5月 01日 9:55am

    Said the liar

    • @SamahLama
    • 2024年 5月 01日 9:55am

    I’d rather them make another Skyrim dlc