Starfield vs Fallout 4 – Details and Physics Comparison

starfield 情報局

The best comparison between the two games Starfield (2023) and Fallout 4 (2015), I will compare the most important similarities, physics, details, textures and special places in the game. The entire video was created by myself (GameLight).

The idea of ​​creating Starfield appeared in the 90s, from Todd Howard, and officially the game began to be developed in 2015, and we saw the game on September 1 for the premium edition and September 6 for the standard edition. In Starfield, the game is an RPG set in space where we have to find answers to the riddles of artifacts, build a base, build spaceships, fight bounty hunters, etc.

0:00 Water physics
1:06 Jumping from a Height into the water
1:37 Reaction to gunfire
2:14 Swimming
2:55 Lock picking
3:12 Glass Physics
3:53 Explosion
4:43 Reload Animation
6:30 Environment
7:10 Incendiary grenade
7:43 Thank you for watching

#starfield #fallout4 #bethesda

Taqs:starfield vs fallout 4,starfield vs fallout,starfield vs fallout 4 graphics,starfield vs fallout 4 physics,starfield vs fallout 4 details,starfield physics,starfield details,fallout 4 physics,fallout 4 details,starfield comparison,fallout 4 comparison,starfield,fallout 4,fallout,bethesda,gameplay,starfield gameplay,gamelight


  • コメント (546)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • GameLight
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I had to remove a portion of the video due to YouTube’s age restriction policy. Specifically, the “Gore” segment was edited out. Starfield had less violence compared to Fallout 4.

    • Daniel Bradshaw
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    This game engine is a joke

    • william verissimo
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    gta iv of 2008 is bigger than starfield 2023

    • lk77
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    i played it on xbox serie s and the worse is the trees, they don’t loon good at all

    • Duck Off
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    immerse yourself… oh wait, it’s wrong dogshit “AAA” project

    • Diego Vera
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Basically graphics wise Starfield looks worse than F4. Maybe game size could make up for it?

    • breitband
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Fallout 4. Best Bethesda title ever till today.

    • Michele Anastasia
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    La cosa divertente è che Starfield è comunque un gioco migliore di Fallout 4 lol

    • Goukimaster
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    i’m actually on fallout 4 guys ! Join me

    • Nikita Fedosyeyev
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    and this AI generated ctrlc+cntrlv game is 76% positive review, cool

    • 改 ゆうた
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am


    • Alec Chase
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    You know, aside from the water, most of the Starfield effects look better. I do wish they had underwater stuff, like plants and fish you could interact with. Even like diving into sulphur pools in a radiation suite would have been cool. Oh well, mods for that.

    • SuperMoe52
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I knew something’s fishy about details and physics in Starfield. Glad I didn’t plan on buying this shitty game.

    • Rick Matthew Sabate
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Now this is sad

    • Максим Краузе
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Despite the fact that Fallout and Starfield run on the same engine, the former manages to run better, and it looks no worse than Starfield, too

    • Secave
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    The water part is clearly downgraded but honestly ? Who cares. Water overall is useless in both games.

    I prefer better materials (my god the ones in fallout 4 were ugly for some reason), more npc’s, bigger cities, animations (not the dialogue ones sadly), stuff that are important.

    • Adam LAD
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield is a good game. However outside 76 (wasn’t the main team i know) Starfield is there weakest game in decades. For the length of time it took, its a disappointing game. Its not bad, its just unjustifiable how we waited so long for something thats only just scraped being good

    • Cyberk
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    The comment section is a pony field 😂

    • Nightly
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Fallout 4 is more aesthetically pleasing than starfield there I said it

    • HeyOcelot
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    They never changed. Literally. They look the same

    • JD M
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    And RDR2 over here laughing all the way to the fishing spot.

    • Tideur-Mortineur
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Here we go, now people will act like Fallout 4 was good when it already was shit and everybody hated it. We had the same kind of videos comparing Fallout 4 and Fallout NV/3

    • reface biden
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    a very outdated game engine they work for 8 yrs and make a game look as 2000 year game

    • uno dostres
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Developers don’t even try it nowadays… 🎮📉

    • Mike G
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starshiet 🤷‍♂️

    • Matteo Fazio
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    At this point Bethesda fans deserve this crap

    • Sergione
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Same graphic engine, different team. That’s the result…

    • rgmarks
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield is goty, stfu sony fanboys

    • Isaac G.
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    But remember, Starfield is 1000x bigger than fallout 4 and over time they will implement physics.

    • Jonny Jr Jay Junior
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I was both surprised an laughing at the fact FO4 for its age can still hold its own. I mean sure, the story line kinda fell flat but i mean, the moment you mod the game, theres not much out there like it really lol 😆 great demo

    • Dinnyforst
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    It would be nice they put more time and effort into details on base game instead of relying on modding community.

    • Jhon M
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Tod said they didn’t have the hardware to make starfield until recently😂😂😂

    • Man from the Moon
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    That’s why I laugh hard at those “a masterpiece” reviews. Water physic is truly terrible.

    • LD Tatum
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Fantards don’t wanna admit it but Starfield is an unfinished product with underbaked features. It’s definitely not deserving of these 9/10 or 10/10 scores. Good game but just that nothing great or masterpiece about it

    • Zoe
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield having absolutely no animation from when you jump from height into water was honestly ridiculous to see…

    • Sep RD
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    people are complaining but the game will get future updates which will address all of these shortcommings.. dont hate

    • Nobody
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Ah yes, the comparison which makes people judge shit they truly didn’t know even changed or occurred.
    (Unless it’s pc issues then that is bs but unfortunately games that release in pc have tons of issues… even when it shouldn’t.)

    Can’t we just play a game for fun anymore? It’s always, bad this and bad that or maybe they older game wasn’t so bad!

    For most of you, you can keep judging simple things that aren’t 4K realistic interaction with fish coming out.

    I’ll enjoy the water that I barley interact with in a space game(although they definitely should have done something with water! Imagine like a sea dragon? Like subnautica!)

    • Trash Stark
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Fallout 4 is a great game, but unfortunate bethesda abandon the game too soon, so it lacks more content and support that it should had, and the graphics and enviroment are kind bad along with some mechanics but thankfully there are tons of mods to fix that.

    • Gloomy
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Just like Doctor Paradox from 2077 would say “A rusty car with a fresh coat of paint, dog shit spritzed with perfume”

    • Uhuuhuu
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Water is pretty weak in both games, i hoped starfield had underwater exploration also.

    • LukeWoodz
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    thank you star field for making me go back and playthrough fallout 4 again so i can experience a real game

    • PashtetCo
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Ahhahahaha only one video makes me understand what a shit starfield

    • Villain Of The Story
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield. What an embarrassment.

    • Jonna Hernandez
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am


    • Дмитрий Селезьнев
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Many people call this game Fallout Starfield. And it is true))) For what they spend 7 years?

    • ari wiguna
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    game era no become down and make 100gig hahahahaha game era 2015 very good only 30 – 50 gigs

    • JasperFox
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I couldn’t care less if a game looks “next gen” but i will say fallout 4 looks alot better. But i really love starfields artstyle, its grounded in realism, that many space games miss out on.

    • NotSoFluffy93
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I will give two years for the updates and enhancements. No rush there.

    • Stranger
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda and corrupt journalists are selling this degradation to you as nextgen

    • M C
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    A thousand repetitive boring planets is what kills starfield, nobody liked skyrim or new vegas cuz “hurr durr map big”

    • Ваня Жиленков
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Старфилд отдыхает.

    • andreah2o
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    the only difference is 60 fps less on starfield

    • McTaminus
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    You guys can die on the hill of Fallout 4 if you want but it’s an absolutely horrible RPG with zero replay ability from a story/choices perspective. Well besides the utterly terrible factions.
    I just miss New Vegas dudes

    • grheavy
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Can you make a comparison between Fallout 4 on his first month vs Starfield? I’m curious about how many bugs F4 had and how many QOL improvements were missing compared to Starfield

    • István Karagity
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Is appearance really everything in a game? I beg you, in the first few hours of Starfield you will encounter more and more interesting missions than in the whole of Fallout 4.

    • edseiya
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    You were THIS 🤏 close of finally making me buy an Xbox Microsoft..

    • AniPaint
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    І так в усіх іграх. Повинні робити краще. А роблять гірше. Теорія заговору про фізику. 😂

    • Luis R
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Let me be honest, it’s embarrassing that Starfield is worse than Cyberpunk 2077, which was already inferior to GTA SA in the effects/details/logic of the world, but the situation is that the studios don’t give a shit about the “coherence” of the world and the “interaction”, because as cyberpunk already demonstrated, what sells a game is advertising, the “pretty” graphics with little lights and sparkles and a 10-chapter commercial (edgerunners haha) and as long as that is what sells they will continue to sell us games with an AI LOWER than the time of the PS360 or more inclusive.

    • Opinari
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Fallout 4 built different. Bethesda KNOWS fallout… starfield is uncharted territory they are not familiar with. Despite this you can feel the slight small differences in starfield as opposed to fallout 4 such as movement and ledge grabbing starfield got fallout 4 beat hard on movement and feeling but I feel more “comfortable” I guess I could say in fallout 4 idk how to describe it like I said… fallout is comfortable territory for Bethesda they’ve done it for years and won GOTY…. Starfield is uncharted territory but they delivered pretty dang well

    • Steven Victores
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Don’t be discouraged this can all be fixed with mods.

    • Trooper’s workshop
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    The similarities are uncanny. It’s as if the same engine and developer were used to make both games

    • Ivan Almeida
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield use the grenade sound

    • Juan Warez
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    TES 6 is doomed

    • DerBohne Bean
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Its a shame some people are a stickler for silly things like this, im in the middle of my second playthrough of the campaign and the game is stellar. I guess im blinded by my love for bethesda rpgs but when it comes down to it… Story is great, dialogue is fantastic, gunplay is better than any other bethesda title so far and without spoiling anything for you, the game really incentivizes you to replay it multiple times. honestly my favorite feature
    Edit: Great video i know your video is not a review of anything i was talking about above, i just really want people to give this game a chance! great watch btw!

    • R8M3N25
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Haha, todd thought stupid gamers will by less for more, so why bothering copy & paste the standard features anyway.

    • Конрад Керз
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    People: *making mods for Starfield*
    Todd Howard:We are releasing a Special Edition!

    • Julian Wilson
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    The Reload animations are so much better in Starfield its insane.

    • Toledo Glass Garage
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Too many taste testers these days and not enough chefs.

    • CMDR Omega Mechanicus
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    ScamField XD

    • Joao V. Gil
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    25 years in markingggg 😂😂😂😂

    • Евгений
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    и там и там физика – говно

    • Valgoat
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    hackwork.. trash 😥

    • faevaaplayboi
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am


    • DramaticJR
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    So wait a year before I buy it. So it will be both cheaper and better.

    • Marlon Costa
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I love starfield, but I started to want to play fallout for the fourth time.

    • DharkBizkit
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    companions and theyre behaviors were downgraded too. in fallout 4 they sometimes wandered off and did something. still remember how impressed i was, that piper started to interview people around the world and did her job. made her feel alive. i hoped starfield would put this system into 2.0 state, yet they got rid of it

    • Konstantin Zdorovtsev
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Man I had this feel of playing fallout 4 over starfield ..

    • Smeg
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I’m still playing fallout 4, I don’t think I’ll be saying that about Starfield in 7 or 8 years.

    • Diabeł Grogaty
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    If that game costed sth like 20$ then maybe it’s worth it but for sure I ain’t giving Bethesda 70$ for having a prvivilige of being their beta-tester

    • Андрей Игнашев
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Тут в полной мере работает Аксиома Эскобара.

    • Blake
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Damn the lock picking in fallout seems like kindergarten compared to starfield a college level algorithms

    • Гургер Гургер
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Fallout 4 круче

    • Peace Man
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda’s engine is starting to show its limits.

    • J Brink
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    just play games

    • Nightweaver20xx
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    How the hell did someone in the Starfield QA department look at citizens not reacting to gunfire AT ALL and give that a pass?

    • Fluffy Penguin
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Literally just Fallout 4 in space

    • ScottLucian
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield looks so half-assed. I had it on my wishlist but this video makes me not want to play the game. Idfc how awesome and amazing the game is, if there are no details then it’s trash

    • Dw Pires
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Fallout Wins😂

    • dxj one
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Not a big deal,fallout 4 just got bigger explosion effects , You avoid the nicer parts like texture details

    • Andrea Z
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    hunt showdown light years ahead

    • K-TRON
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    what’s the music on 5:50?

    • Xiro Chamber
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Honestly starfield intrigues me for a bgs game so by the time I buy it it will probably have some of the issues fixed if enough people complain about it

    • Heather Mayson
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    How does a simple miner know how to reload all types of weapons and use them? What nonsense…

    • SamCRDX
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    2:28 4:06 Ladies and gentlemen, your truly next gen graphics that has pushed the hardware like it has never been pushed before and may require you to upgrade your PC.

    • Jamie Ross
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield actually just looks like a modded FO4. Absolutely nothing has I.proved apart from what a slightly prettier colour pallete, look at Batman Gotham Knight and everything about that is flawless why the hell can’t Bethesda actually make a decent game these days time between games is Insane and when you get a new game it’s still running on the same engine as 10 years previous

    • Joef
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Fallout 4 est un bijou

    • Mohammad Alnoor
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield definitely does look a bit more technically better than fallout 4 and the intricate little details in the world around are great but the fps being so shit in starfield is definitely more of optimization issue as opposed to “the game is SOOOO big” it’s just little chunks of a fallout map that they separate out into “worlds” there’s no reason it has to have such a shit frame rate on pc and even Xbox honestly, series x should definitely haves had a 60 fps option

    • Phil S.
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am


    • AlieNDronE
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    00:29 This feels like a Crowbcat video !

    • Enrico Justin Bieber Fan
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I don’t care about Starfield, because i decided to live the rest of my life in Fallout 4.

    • ReneK
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    WE MUST SAY’s Fallout 4 after 123 patches BRO , or must I say Pony 😝

    • Nguyen Phan Viet Hung
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    guys, stop it, we all know starfield is just fallout 4 fan made mod, can’t complain them for doing hard work for free!

    • Evgeniy BF
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Clownfield 😂😂

    • Sergeevich
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Fallout лучше на 50 процентов чем гавно скалыилд

    • Earl of Pretania
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    God that Ak looking rifle in starfield has horrific animations. Whoever made them should be fired immediately.

    • HuCuRuS
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Unfinished game

    • Mr Foxydoodles
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield is trash but we the people have let games get this bad

    • Jacob C
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Why do we SEE an explosion above water when we throw a grenade in the water in Starfield?

    • Frosty Snadwich
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Just make get obsidian to make New Vegas 2 already

    • Andrew S
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Fallout 4 had the worst RPG systems of any Bethesda game tbf.

    • OKIBO TV
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield is really better than Fallout 4… F4 is “bad” for an Fallout…

    • TeknoJoe23
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Go back and play The Ourter Worlds by Obsidian, youll realise how trash starfield is, its actually laughable they brought Starfield out in the state its in, its like an early acess game

    • Nazarethproductions
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Things that most pple don’t care about. Most just want a good gameplay game and hooking- storyline.

    • Александр Никулин
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Дичайший регресс. Я не понимаю как вообще такое могло произойти, но факт остаётся фактом. Но после F76 следовало бы задуматься конечно.
    И да, господа-товарищи, задуматься следует и по поводу GTA VI, после “ремейков”, текущей онлайн-чит-помойки и тупейших обнов. Там я думаю тоже будет эпик-фейл знатный.

    • Sanya Makedonsky
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    The cyberpunk 2077 of bethesda lmao

    • Keptron
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    It’s Bethesda, I honestly don’t know how people expected an evolution lol. It’s probably one of the worst AAA that only got the fame it has thanks to modders

    • Adrian Sutanto
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Sht looks like a mid ps3 games

    • warbOy
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    ,how are we in 2023 and starfield looks like it’s from 2016? Scared for Fallout 5.

    Does Rockstar need to make a space game to show y’all how it’s done. 🤣. Thank God for companies who want progression in this industry. And these other companies have BILLIONS behind their name. And they make this. Just like 76. Embarrassing.

    • Rob it Diaz look
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Where did you find the AK-47 in Starfield?

    • Ewjiml
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I know it’s a sad day WHEN grenades from Fallout 4 look better exploding in water than flagship Starfield’s rock-disguised-as-grenade.

    • Raag Choudhary
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Problem is not bethesda, its their outdated creation engine. Elder scrolls 6 might fail. They will never use any other game engine cause they are too stubborn. Todd must retire.

    • Makaveli
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Firstly, the comparison in the video doesn’t mean anything, Starfield is not bad at all and Fallout 4 had a good mechanism, except for the fact that it was like 20 fps when you played it, now Starfield runs on 60 fps so much better than Fallout 4.

    Secondly, Bethesda fans don’t really care about all the details of a game, it doesn’t have to be perfect, and it certainly doesn’t mean that a game with better mechanism is definitely a better game, you know otherwise I would put any recent Assassin’s Creeds above Skyrim and Fallout 4, while they much below.

    You ppl gotta understand that Bethesda fans loved Elder Scrolls and Fallout series, as much as or more than other games they played. Bethesda games dont gotta be the best in the graphics department, they still are tremendous games with everlasting nostalgia

    • B. S.
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    GTA game series has entered the chat

    • SNS
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I’d rather play skyrim again…

    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I saw the same about cyberpunk 2077, 2 years ago😂

    • Twevet Gaming
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    in Starfield you are really not intended to ever go into the water during gameplay

    • ElVenadoHostil
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Can you shoot through glass in FO4 ? I don’t remember , but in Starfield, you can’t

    • ElVenadoHostil
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    2:02 “Stand down now or *Shoots at you * will be neutralized ” dude you are already neutralizing me before even finishing your instruction lol

    I also like that he shot at you while everyone was running around, these cops are unhinged hahaha

    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    В каждой игре с открытом мире видно подчерк Беседки

    • Kim b
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    From the very beginning when starfield was announced, I had a feeling that Bethesda was just trying to cash in on the Star Citizen/ space game hype train. Since Star Citizen never released yet had mass amounts of funding, game companies knew that was the best way to take people’s money, since there was no game on the market like it, so they wanted to make something that would get people’s hopes up for a good space game/ sim.

    • FusionFreddy:)
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Both games are really fun to me

    • jaj ccc
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    if it wasn’t because of the improved graphics I couldn’t see any major difference in physics and mechanics.

    • Saddy
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    That’s how next gen looks

    • Yucci
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I think if Starfield was designed around a city, like Fallout 4. And not around several hundred planets I think the attention to detail would’ve been several times better than that of Fallout 4 and even Starfield right now.

    Still, not an excuse for some lazy game choices. But at least I can understand it

    • Janis K.
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    MAybe you could have made a video about the actual ingame Physics??? Enemy animations, Like Object interaction? You could also do a Video on different planets with different gravity for example? The Water in the game is barebone and nearly not existing. But there is enough Physics you can interact with in Starfield, where you can not interact in Falout 4 at all 😀

    • Selimhan GÜN
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Of course, they can do water physics almost perfectly. There is not the slightest difficulty from this.

    It will just make the Water act like very small ball grains and react according to the reaction of the balls when a high-speed bullet enters those Balls.

    The point is not to do this, this is already a ready-made package.

    The problem is that this tires the processor. The game developer team works with the logic of minimum fatigue and maximum pleasure, so the first thing that can be dispensed with is that it will affect the game the least, namely Water physics.

    • DenDi50
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Дерьмо которое они сваяли за два года. Захейтить на всех ресурсах к ебеням эту подделку.

    • Dying Horizon Light2
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I tried the fallout games but the sluggish gameplay is not wassup, mfs complain about ubisoft physics but Bethesda physics bad af smh

    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield is straight ass 😂😂😂

    • Bublik Barashev
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    лол, фолаут 4 круче по физике воды в 4 раза минимум. Брызги от взрывов хотя бы есть и круги от кругов… 😂 И на это Г ушло 8 лет активной разработки? 🤭

    • playgame7563
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Ez win fir fallout the bets series of all time

    • Maciekk
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Why everything has to be a dissapointment

    • Crunch Bar
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Aw look, another video about things unimportant to the real quality of a game.

    • まみか
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    The industry has lowered the bar once again

    • Grabol401
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Huh, i was so close to buy a xbox sx, now im waiting for spidey 2 xD starfield looks really bad.

    • wr8r301
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    starfield is ass

    • Mr. White
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Fallout 4 wins, especially when you compare the date of release

    • As Niffer
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    That’s what happens with Bethesda games when they are bought out by Microsoft.

    • Руслан Турчин
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Какая же халтура – этот старфилд

    • Nuka frost Gaming
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    It’ll be okay once the modders fix all the missing details 😅

    • Bill Blades
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    The reuse audio makes me hurt the most

    • Deathunder
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Both are extremely shitty when it comes to physics.And especialy with starfield,its unacceptable..How hard is to make a game like Red Dead Redemption 2?

    • Arthur Smith
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Rockstar games:
    – 😂😂😂

    • Setmoth Games
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    not super pretty.

    • Vitor Augusto
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    npcs in starfield its so damm ugly….wth…they call this “art”.

    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    After 2020 water become a png

    • XSoundofSil3nc3X
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Damn I had forgotten just how BAD fallout 4 actually looked, it was quite an ugly game considering when it released. They’ve come a longggggg way with their tech in Starfield

    • Dohn Joe
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield is the new Cyberpunk, but it’s worse in most ways.

    • NARUTO
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am


    • Heif Fer
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Os caras copiaram ate estilo da granada na agua do cyberpunk kkkkkk

    • Зелибоба
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Спрайты огня из первого фульфенштейна

    • James Ford
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    After playing quite a bit I’ve come to realize that bethesda didn’t give a 💩 about how this game runs or looks on Xbox. so why should I give it the time of day? Uninstalled

    The level of denial and fan boying for bethesda is something to behold. I loved all the ES games and I wanted to love this game but I’m not gonna pretend this game is amazing like so many people

    • Guy Guy
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Damn why is this comment section so hostile

    • Jonathan Sheeder
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Fallout 4 is still my favorite game! Don’t judge me.

    • MasterBit117
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Fallout 4 still a trash

    • It Must Be RoofCake
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am


    • ShiberNyan
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    So they’re both ugly games that were way behind their times on release. Gotcha.

    • bongparty
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    the water jump was really funny to me

    • Samet Asl
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    If you can focus Bethesda game graphics. Get ready to dissapointment🤣

    • DeedDude
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Its so mad how Starfield is a game predicated on science, yet blatantly denies and defies biology, chemistry AND physics… From pronouns to splash dynamics… Bethesda has become a degenerate.

    • Tommy Jay
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Don’t tell me Bethesda got you fools again with another cash grab? Lmao

    • Bajel Juice
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am


    • ZA1-G3TSU
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Este video es vastante engañoso, no dice en que sistema estan corriendo y a ambos juegos se les puede poner mods tanto para mejorar y enpeorar los juegos.

    • Shouldn’t Care
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    7 to 3, Starfield won.

    • The Razor 99
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Wow I can’t believe they took this long to make starfield and hyped it and this is the result. Fallout 4 looks way better and the AI is not brain dead. Anyone who says starfield is better has a rainbow flag in their room LOL

    • Armando Garza
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    It just works

    • Mika Tittimattinen
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield looks better than Fallout 4, unsurprisingly.

    • Keith R
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Whoever use to make good games at Bethesda. I feel does not work there anymore….

    • Brenden hearing
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Fallout 4 crashes on my Xb1 and Starfield crashes on my Series S lol

    • Gray
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    next gen my ass

    • Gray
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    starfield is trash

    • Hemant शिवलकर
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    My respect for Rockstar Games Developers:📈📈
    Still the best game of all time in 2023 only to be beaten by Rockstar themselves.

    • Flavio 120hz
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Caixistas nesse momento estou:”cego estou cego dos olhos”😂😂

    • Chris
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda is proof that “War Never Changes”.

    • Mark o Solid
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Fallout me prendeu e me divertiu bem mais

    • Countryside Ψ Play
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Оно эволюционирует, только назад. ©

    • Luis Navarro
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Es una vergüenza la mala calidad de los juegos cada vez peor y una 4090 no es capaz de moverlo fluido en 4k como nos engañan

    • JD_82
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I dont understand the high scores people give starfield… I refunded starfield. Very bad game

    • steven ashworth
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Can’t believe they don’t react to gun fire 😂

    • steven ashworth
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    What’s funny is that when tell people star field is a 7/10 they get mad 😂

    • Артем Scang
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Мда, во слепошар развелось… Люди, которые говорят, что fallout 4 выглядил лучше Starfield больные на голову…. Все эти якобы плюсы в мелочах из fallout 4 к физике не имеют никакого отношения.

    • Kuro Neko
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Swims in fallout 4. Gets free rads

    • Imp Salazarth
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Water in Starfield was certainly an afterthought. they just put a no to interacting with it past surface swimming.

    • Proxima Centauri
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I like the story in this game. Quests that are scattered across galaxies ans planets also a good solution, at least its new for Bethesda games and its really feels like a journey. Only one problem is optimization. I liked when they made games for middle systems. Now its luxury and even 3080ti gives huge fps drops on 100% scalling factor

    • Jayden Boyle
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Time to wait for mods to add a splash effect :/

    • GhostSwift247
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    good comparison from both of the games my guy

    • MAXSUS
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield looks very boring

    • Evolution Games
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Pegando fogo na água kk

    • Platty
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Fallout mit Astronauten 😉

    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    1:52 Starfield: *[NPC_Gun_Reaction.exe has stopped working]*

    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    0:52 Fallout 4 Explosions: PERFECTION
    0:31 Starfield explosions: *[Water_Physics.exe has stopped working]…[Fire.exe has stopped working]*

    • KXVXII9X
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    25 years in the making my @ss. Starfield has been the game where I understand the “Tell me sweet little lies meme.” There are so many games from last gen that seem more impressive than Starfield. Oddly enough, it seems to require much more power for so little yields and seems stuck in the past in both engine and game design. They actually regressed in some ways.

    • No Rashism
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Фолыч лучше по эффектам

    • Robert Barnett
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Lmao seems like years later and Bethesda still struggles with swimming npc’s

    • Raskolnikov
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    fallout 4 better than starfield. change my mind

    • Алахай Махалай
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Его имеет смысл сравнивать с Mass Effect: Andromeda.

    • 2fast4u
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    You know, i love how people love to point out the MINOR flaws in Starfield but fail to mention all the great things about it.

    • 2fast4u
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Want to do a fair comparison? How about compare Starfield to Fallout 4 when it launched?

    • Deadpoolhead888
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Wow Fallout 4 had much better water physics. Like grenades actually explode in the water. Starfield grenades did nothing but light the water on fire which is just really weird. So looks like people were right. I thought we might have another Cyberpunk here but that might actually be insulting to CDPR because of this. They’re both equally terrible at launch

    • Cigars And Whiskey
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    i get it, but starfield offers so much more quality content and immersion in other aspects, hard to compare , but i see why people won’t agree

    • Loitersquad X
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I will say this. Starfield is amazing but if somehow u already beat the game and new game plus on very hard difficulty you need to seek help. And wait for the dlc i hope that dlc is where a few more planets become available and we get new story and exploring to do. Until a sequel

    • Daniel
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield é hoje o que No Man’s Sky foi no lançamento, ou seja, uma fraude. A diferença é que os desenvolvedores do NMS tiveram a vergonha na cara de consertar o jogo, enquanto a Bosthesda vai deixar tudo na mão dos modders. Lembrando que esse lixão custa R$ 299,90.

    • 앙브리츠
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am


    • ProjectMoff
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    People who care about this shit rather than the actual content you buy it for are morons imo. You’re way more likely to spend more time around big bodies of water in Fallout than in Starfield, what’s the point in spending development resources on things that are pretty much never going to be interacted with. Stupid things like this do not make a game. The only game I can think of where such attention to detail has been worth it is RDR2, Starfield is bigger in scope than RDR2 , there’s more to do, because of the type of game it is, that’s where the resources have gone, to ignore all that to focus on some splashes is dumb AF….

    • Zatracenec
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Thank God I don’t have a cosmic hardware to even run this abomination. Blasphemous 2 rules! 😀

    • TheCrowncard
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Fallout 4 Space Program?

    • Noobplei
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Both look strange

    • _BlackDeeP _
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Same engine, same developer, i guess i should be happy because it’s at least somehow works

    • D Sai Zet
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Imagine they used unreal Engine 5 for starfield 😢

    • NorthWind
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield is good but fkin half done. unfinished

    • Let’s Play Skyrim LE
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    At 1:05, that’s because in Starfield you can’t swim underwater, one of the most stupid decisions Bethesda has made on a game. And yes, this game has many things that are subpar compared with Fallout and even Skyrim. I couldn’t believe when I found that it’s not possible to swim underwater, but I think it’s IGN who confirms this. And, however, I’m hooked on the game.

    • YellowBriefs
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    The water in Starfield is embarrassing

    • UltraRambo
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    And they called starfield next gen game,but i see o next game mechanics so far

    • Carlbrown4
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Wow Bethesdas attention to environmental details is complete trash. Fun games, but come on dude at least make people a little concerned that you shot the right side of their ear

    • Squid King
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield is the best mobile game out rn

    • Shimpriv
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    OMG, never would i have imagined i’d see a game that made me think “fallout 4 wasn’t all that bad”

    • California1998
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Thanks, Todd Coward. I’m smart enough to not buy the premium edition.

    • Zod the God
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    people are forgetting that bethesda games are native with mods people are going to play this game for years

    • SkyDanger
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield is Dissaapointing game

    • Mik Comrade
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Wtf Vintorez doing in Starfield?

    • cpolsternova
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Ugh wow fallout 4 was clearly better ?

    • Eze Natiello
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Maybe its because you cant do nothing but scan some animals in the water on starfield, while on fallout there was some exploration, still a litlle bit disapointing

    • pantherowow77
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Thanks for saving me 60 bucks. I’m waiting for elder scrolls, this game feels like a pet project, a side show. The two mains will always be fallout and elder scrolls.

    • Aldo_Elysio
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    One more game to community make 50000+ mods to simply make realistic water effects 😮‍💨 (thank you Bethesda) at least the light effects really look better.

    • miguel Leppe
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    It’s because your pc is not updated.

    • Frater IAO
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfeild on console looks basically like a slightly improved graphics fallout 4 on console with nice ray tracing and more detail. They don’t look much different

    • 鉞Masakari
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield is more like fallout 76 in my opinion

    • Ed Will Sonen
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Cry more haters u friend Jim Ryan no cry

    • Jameson Greene
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    My god, they took a giant leap BACKWARDS!

    • Kesler9477
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Bad comparating fallout 4 full maj wait 3-4 month for starfield maj ✌🏿 I’m ps5 player never play starfield

    • Josh Gray
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am


    • Omar Charif
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Well that’s typical bethesda we have here, they make unrefined mechanics and let the moders make their games, you should not play it on console exept if you don’t mind the junk or paying for restricted mods

    • UbeBop
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    im not frustrated with the lack of polish more than i am confused on why they couldn’t include things that they clearly were capable of doing before

    • Imperial Forces
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Llevo jugando stafiels mas de 10 horas, es un gran juego, se queda en varias cosas, la exploracion me q decepcionado en lo que expllorado mundos no me atrapo como como fallout o skyrim, como shooters a mejorado demaciado, creo que debemos esperar un tiempo a que los grades moders creen, mundos mas atractivos mas, llenos de vida por el momento no es un mal juego pero puede mejorar muchísimo.

    • Tochi emmanuel
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Crazy how shooting a gun in Gta san andreas scares people but a game of 2023 hasn’t got this. Crazy time we live in

    • StRanger
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Despite my absolute hate to the fallout 4, it was made 100 times better than starfield

    • Collapsible Chair
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    it seems to me Starfield has moved sideways not forward, the procedurally generated planets are cool at first but quickly become dull, the physics are impressive but have little to no effect on gameplay. I’d say starfield is far bigger than it needed to be. It would’ve been better as a curated and tailored game such as Fallout 4. It’s basically Fallout 4 with space elements bolted on.

    • J.P. McCarthy
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Xbox fanbase will settle for anything at this point 😆
    Can you blame them. Not having top exclusives in ages. Hardly having anything to flex their consoles with.

    • cheeksdestroyer
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Fallout water physics 👍starfeild physics.🤯😩

    • Александр Мальцев
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield doesn’t have that amount of situations where you should or have to go swimming, it is difficult to find a coast. Cars if F4 have a nuclear battery so it explodes like a little nuclear bomb and you compare it with a gas tank explosion in Starfield, clever.

    • Sout_fk
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Я поиграл в старфилд…я отказываюсь такое хавать в 23 году

    • Ryan
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield is overall Bethesda’s worst title to date. They also really need to consider dumping creation engine once and for all since they are either too lazy or incompetent to fix bugs in it, that have been there since the Oblivion days. I have zero hype, interest or hope for ES VI.

    • Ricardo Calderon
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    From morrowind to this and people have the audacity to call starfield an RPG. This is an action-adventure game. The attribute system and skill system is gone. You now have your standard upgrade system that every other adventure game has.

    • BadGameDev
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    The fact that an npc can be on fire and not react just shows the lack of attention to detail

    • Ad FS
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Cyberfield 77.

    • VôGamer
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    starfailed lost.
    20 years ago it would have drawn…

    • levmans
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Zero attention to details.

    • Crispim Silva
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Mesma mecânicas e npcs e isso assusta. Não evoluíram nada.

    • Stephen Duphily
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Trash game.

    • Snow Puddle
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am


    • John Hakim
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    tbh PlayStation gamers aren’t missing out on anything
    Sony releases games like GoW ragnarok, Forbidden West, Spiderman, while Microsoft releases…. this thing and pin their hopes on it
    I don’t own a console, but for me sony will always have the better games overall

    • John Hakim
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    the only thing they improved is reload animations, everything else is going backwards, Bethesda are the biggest thieves in the industry.

    • Anathem
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Both are POS. Every game after Skyrim looks like Hedwig from a “Split” movie.

    • Nelsy
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    We could forgive it, if Bethesda would say sorry, acknowledge the issues and put all its resources to fix it fast. I do not want to pay 100$ and get playable game only after years or maybe never, because Bethesda actually pretend like everything ok.

    • IlMax™
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield PS2 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢

    • STRYKER1467
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield has better swimming it looks more realistic and isnt so fast but everything else is worse, besides the gun reloading looks much much better too.

    • Ghost
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Now do Starfield vs FarCry 2

    • kitesurfuk R
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I’ve played Starfield for about 5 hours on a series X and I can honestly say that the game comes across as complete garbage..😂😂 It’s probably going to get uninstalled pretty soon.

    • Cody Greene
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Like most Bethesda games modders will have to pick up the slack.

    • A G
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    How are games ALLOWED to be this SHITTY without people upsiring. like pathetic bunch of gamers who are ok with a plate full of shit and they will pretend to enjoy it just cause they like the chef

    • mauricio machado
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    O efeito da granada explodindo na agua… péssimo…parece o cyberpunk no lançamento

    • Hirmuinen Trolli
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I think Todd Howard needs to go.

    • Otro weon llamado Seba
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    0:34 wotah in da fire ¿¡why!?

    Also, wow, 15 years of ideas and they somehow made a more mediocre job in many aspects than Fallout 4. I guess now people can’t have an excuse to not admit that Fallout 4 is a good game.

    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Didnt even have nvidia physx enabled for fallout 4….smh

    • Yuliano Reyes Orozco
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Fallout 4 👍👍👍
    Starfield 👎👎👎

    • Onslaught
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Honestly for the difference of almost a decade, Fallout still seems to be much more realistic, especially in terms of water physics and other factors. Starfield looks like Fallout with a mod, they could have used another engine to do a better job, these NPCs are too lame.

    • Winter xx
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Todd Howard is the master of overhype. The man could find a way to sell shit stained pants if he were in a different industry.

    • Neckminute
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    If you’re a game developer, you gotta understand how important it is to have realistic water and fix any visual bugs. Even though they don’t affect the gameplay directly, most gamers really care about those details. It’s all about creating a better overall experience, you know?

    • ambee
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I really didn’t expect Starfield to need mods to modernize it … so early 😭

    • Got
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    5 year vs 1 month ?

    • TTJ
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Sry but Starfield looks bad to me… :/

    • Desmond Wang
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    thank you for your hrad work by sharing this, starfield is just another ’76 bethesda charming game ” , if u get what i mean

    • erik portakal
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Okay it’s basically Cyberpunk when first released version. But everybody calls ooh modders can fix it. They stupid…

    • LegionFist
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda moment. So essentially starfield is just Fallout 4 in space. Notice how they still used the same grenades pin sound smh

    • Kashae Saint
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    old hat – every second is one you will never relive ever again, might as well make strides forward. +6k hours in Fallout 4, still playing Starfield, probably going to put similar hours into it as well – get a new machine and stop crying.

    • えrうぇw sdsf
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    why fire on water?

    • Richard Gresham
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Yeah, I think it’s ridiculous because a lot of new games are doing this and they’re just making the graphics better and but they’re taking out all the physics and everything out of video games just because people want better graphics but I’d rather have lower graphics and better in physics and everything else in a video game. PlayStation has done it on a lot of their AAA titles to like last of us compared to last of us two uncharted games everything and I find it ridiculous that they take all these really good features and the physics out of games, just to make them look better.

    It’s even more sad because people aren’t really paying attention and seeing what they’re actually taking out of our video games video games these days are way worse than what I used to play when I was younger and that’s just the sad fact I wish these companies would start making amazing video games again like they used to and not just focus on graphics and 60 frames

    • L Nguyen
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield pretty much just a Fallout 4 mod

    • Claire001SaveFile
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I guess i’ll come try this new game when mods come out then, looks terrible ngl.

    • J Crossan
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield still has the same grenade pin sound as fallout 4 that’s hilarious

    • FobbitOperator
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I think Pantera’s “Drag The Water Some More,” would have been more appropriate background music for this video.

    Juss say’n…

    • Xikaryo
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield is a massive downgrade. What a joke

    • F Disciple
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Wish Larian would make a space exploration game. Starfield has been such a downer for me. At least we still have No Man’s Sky I guess.

    • Nesiko Tomoe
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I am just going put this out there, Fallout 76 uses the engine of Fallout 4, if Fallout 4 beats Starfield (2023) then in comparison so does 76…..oofda.

    • Golden-Leaf
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Just like Fallout 4, the way to enjoy Starfield is to not think about what it could’ve been and just let your gamer goop brain have fun. Cause oh boy am I really angry that it feels like with every game they are regressing. It really is unbelievably asinine that they have to rely on their fans to improve the game. Fallout 4 (even if it’s really good) really damaged their reputation, and 76 almost killed them, they really needed Starfield to be bonkers good to save them but I think it’s just decent which is really sad. I think the problem is 2 things: 1 they are oblivious to their engine’s limitations and instead of making a new better one, they keep patching the same engine. 2 they can’t seem to manage projects well, they barely finished starfield and are working on DLC, Elder Scrolls 6, that new Indiana Jones game (though aren’t developing, Todd is personally involved) and 76.

    Can you tell I’m angry? Lol. I’m having fun with Starfield but it really has some big flaws.

    • xergio1977
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield it’s a joke .. 😂

    • Infected Delta [GER]
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    The old Fallout 4 is better.

    • Rob Zybex
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda don’t sell games, they sell outdated RPG engines for modders to fix and make their own games.

    • Corocotta
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    La IA es lamentable, la ley del mínimo esfuerzo, a esperar que los moders lo arreglen, típico de Bethesda.
    Red Dead Redemption 2 se f0lla a este juego en todo. Lamentable lo de Bethesda.

    • victor torres
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Me dan pena los que no tienen xbox😂😂😂

    • victor torres
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    La verdad que el starfield se ve de lujo y tiene unas mecánicas de escandalo.

    • Bartosz
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    It took them only 7 years to make Starfield, very impressive

    • MIK
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield just released its normal give them time

    • Asuka165
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    0:34 Water in the fire, why?

    • Bluntsdro
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Ya remember when we use to play games for fun , an they were just a blocky mess , an nobdoy cared if the physics or the graphics are better

    • lone
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    this game sucks (starfailed)

    • tallll70
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    They don’t just cut scenes, they cut corners too 😳🙂

    • sarmat78
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    The farther the games go, the more primitive they become, the rag doll is not made badly, but the blood from the wounds from the shots, the traces from the bullets, were not done properly, in general they cut it off and simplified it. It’s unclear who was afraid of dismemberment. bad guys

    • Jesus Wojak
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Almost as bad as cyberblyat 2077, but how?

    • Nico Zeta
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Fallout nettamente SUPERIORE. e parliamo di un gioco di 10 anni fa.

    • Basta Bey
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    this is so bizarre that Fallout 4 physics competes or exceeds Starfield physics

    • KingCrimson
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I don’t get the comments here. Starfield looks much better in almost every way.

    • AST 1029
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Bring back VATS omg

    • Agentcookie
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I must have a different Starfield game to you, as I accidently fired a gun and all the NPCS ran and police/guards hunted me down

    • Galinho
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    almost 0 innovation

    • lapos
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    14 x the details

    • Nick Stearns
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Combat better in Fallout IMO. I miss VATS and dismemberment 🙁

    • David Quezada
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Both are ugly and lack next gen physics….

    • FreeFromIllusions
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    How is it possible that Bethesda actually went backwards in terms of progression?

    • Mikaielh
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I’m so sick of the “we”ll fix it later with updates mentality”….. it’s taken 2 YEARS for cyberpunk to deliver one what they promised. This is why when everyone rushes to Pre-order these games it will never change and get worse.

    • ThatOneGuyFromSchool
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield is definitely not as good in some ways to their older games 🤦‍♂️
    Can’t swim underwater, and you can’t hear your character speak.
    And then the lock picking is the easiest they’ve made 😂 plus the terminals in starfield feel super plain compared to the fallout games 🤔🤷‍♂️

    For all the time they took making starfield, they could’ve done better

    • Ivan
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfiled is literally trash, I can’t comprehend why it has positive rating on Steam.

    • BroncoBilly
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    oh boy, another cyberpunk. I’m sure it’ll be better in about 2 years.

    • Sxd Bxd
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    что то х что это х все х

    • Decadence _707
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Ok, i’m surprised. Even not liking Star30flop/s, i was really expecting it to win. Shame on you, Bethesda.

    • Slend Sunny
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Played about 4 hours, new space 4K version of fallout 3+4 is fun too

    • 維尼行不行
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am


    • trev
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda has never cared about attention to detail lmao

    • Marek Kos
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    which one is which ?

    • Vin
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    This is not even due to the engine, this is just poor details in the game

    • TheBrick534
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Is this game better than FO4 gameplay wise? I thought FO4 was boring af and tried to get into it 3-4 times.

    • Nope Nope
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Toooooood?! Wtf bro?

    • Sandra Gabiati Sioni
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    nothing serious, with about 43 mods it’s fixed :V

    • ynderulets tyalikanky
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I don’t know. Maybe all this game was made by adoring fan stagiers

    • ALL IS ONE
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Grenades floating on water is hilarious!😂

    • ALL IS ONE
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Fallout 4 is better, more refined, water physics is on point! There are people who paid 100 dollars for Starfield!😅😂

    • Alivebyte!
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Guess I’d rather keep playing Elite Dangerous

    • SlayerSlender07
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    This comparison was unfair for a lot of them. It seemed tailor made to make fallout 4 look better with all the specific physics areas

    • Waseem
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Rockstar is the only company that truly knows how to nail physics and AI in games. 👏🎮”

    • The Passerby
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Both are trash. One is just more of a trash

    • Michael
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield vs Fallout 3 opening doors (same vibes comparison)

    • Makato
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Problems I had with f4 was purely story and gameplay.

    Starfield looks like a complete mess

    • C T
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    So….8 years without any improvement . Bethesda has become very, very incompetent

    • BangkokStallion
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    What I see is Fallout 4 was better..

    • Yasiru Gimhan
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield is Solid Downgrade 🤮🤮🤮

    • Les Errors
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    What fallout 4 offers which low requirements of cpu and gpu is amazing when.u compare it to starfield.broken optimisation

    • Jack UcThatJack
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda being lazy af as usual just expecting the modding community to fix and enhance everything.

    • John L
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    For a supposedly AAA title, the physics and NPCs reactions are extremely poor. Even the graphic look pretty weak. RDR2 has set the standard for AAA titles. Surely Bethesda could have. at least, equaled it if not better it.

    • Max Jr
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Both are bad, but Starfield is next level bad.

    • F L
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Who gives a fuck about water phsyics

    • The Most Ordinary Man
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I miss fallout’s gore system

    • HappyBuggy
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Make comparison with the outer worlds u must!!!

    • Spertzman
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Game devs are wanting more and more and making such a shitty game. I had to undownlaod CP2077 first 15 min because it’s just like starfield. The environment feels like something out of a PS2 game the way things react. Sad AF this is the way things are going.

    • Bacon3DWaffles
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    The Bethesda community really turning into the cod community soon enough people are going to be saying how fallout 76 wasn’t so bad.

    • Sean
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield lacks so much attention to detail its a lazy game

    • Goat Warrior
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Fallout IV had it’s issues but I still greatly enjoyed it. Starfield is worse in every concievable way.

    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield is a poor man’s Mass Effect and No man sky with semi-broken rudiments of Fallout 4 glory days.

    • N13M0
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Apparently Todd’s priority was the physics of potatoes and sandwiches in large piles! What blows my mind is that they could make a great game on the old engines, and people would play and love them! Everything has to be MORE BIGGER FASTER! The top priority seems to be getting people to buy new hardware, apparently Bethesda has a stake in that…

    • CaptnPicard2305
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Looks like Fallout 4 far outshines Starfield in so many ways… Starfield appears even more rushed now. Perhaps it’s supposed 10 years in development is another lie.

    • Wayne69Wayne
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Yea u playing on Starfield on pc

    • LazyPusheenGame
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield NPC eye sure look scary, physic is bad. Are this console ver or PC highest seeting? Look bad tho for a game 2023 vs something almost a decade ago
    I think Starfield is 70% done and the other 30% they just left it for modder to mod from planet to graphic lol

    • Лудогорец
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Assassin Creed mirage is the best game of this fall so far, ubisoft is better than Tom Howard

    • Henry Carlsson
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfields water is worse than Cyberpunks at release

    • Joss Abaco
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Curious if this is controversial or not. I really like the gunplay in Starfield over Fallout 4. Not saying either was bad but something about Starfield just feels more fluid and less static.

    • ちんちゃん
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am


    • schmecklin
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Man they really set their sights too high with starfield. It came at the cost of a lot of things and I don’t think it was worth it

    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    bruh the recycled the sounds and animations 💀

    • Kadrick
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Modded Fallout > Starfield.

    For now.

    • Devon Muhammad
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    They looking for that “fidelity”

    • DiciestGnat 7706
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Fallout 4.🙂👍

    • George Gonzalez
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    20 yrs of making starfield and fallout 4 is a lot better lol.

    • Tural Gadzhiev
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda разрабатывали не самостоятельную игру, а мод к Fallout 4

    • Michael Does Life
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield is trash

    • Paul Heaven
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    It cant be real!!!

    • Almost027
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Shit on a platter. If frankly speaking, lol. I ain’t buying it😂

    • Maddy
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    the car explosion is unfair, in fallout, cars are nuclear powered so hitting it will create a mini mini nuke

    • سلوم محمد
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    bro I didn’t even finish download and I’m feel regret 😂

    • Antonio K
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    conceptually games haven’t changed since 2000. Especially games of this genre.
    Same stupid dumb AI, same awkward interaction (rather absent of interaction) with environment, same nonsense limitations in dialogs, choices, etc.
    all the same as it was 20+ years ago. Only visual have changed dramatically.

    • Nikko f
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Мне одному показалось что Fl4 выигрывает

    • deadman k.
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    starfield is overrated.

    • Sagninaw
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Surprisingly fallout 4 on max settings still look pretty good in today’s era of graphics

    • Risu
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    why do the flames in starfield look life the fire gifs from oblivion

    • oo
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield is lame😂😂😂😂

    • Knight
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I guess I will wait for global mod for F4

    • しょうちゃん
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I think fallout looks mutch more better than starfield.I wont buy starfield.

    • va dim
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield is total crap just like todd howard who needs to step down and stop forcing devs to use his outdated creative engine 2.0

    • Ibn Battuta
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield looks like shit, and the physics doesn’t even exist, and the characters are robots, not humans, with no reaction. The game is unfinished/ ergo still broken.
    And this AMD exclusive deal they did is a disrespectful dick move against most players.

    • Obi-Wan Kenobi
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfields plain lazy, the core of it is fun. But as a Game Designer myself wow they cut an incredible amount of corners. I dont think the game is acceptable as a modern day release. Not to mention that the graphics are genuinely on par with Fallout 4, yet Fallout 4 manages 4k 60fps on the Series X easily.

    • Kevin London
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    3 steps forward 5 steps back

    • Flesh Empress
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Ngl i think i wanna play fallout 4 instead of starfield

    • Я Капитан!
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I played Starfield for 2 hours, went on to go through Fallout 4 😀

    • Alexander Fitzgerald
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield is a let down, I’ll finish the game but I don’t think I’ll play it anytime soon after I complete it

    • soft_dicc
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    You know you can jump while swimming in starfield, its hilarious

    • Edgar Demián Hernández González
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Is this your GOTY xbox??

    • A
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am


    • milordas
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    better compare Starfield and Hogwarts Legacy… and say whos much nicer 🙂 as for me in Starfield character animation is piece of sh1t

    • D pay Luck
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Progress, optimization, deceit

    • Bot el original
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am


    • James Barnes
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Looks so rough omg… PS2 graphics

    • Lion
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    The modded community spoiled Todd, mod is the reason they make the game shit

    • 8bitSwordsman
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    procedurely generated garbage. uninspired and lazy game from bethesda. We have no ES6 thanks to this POS. wow…how effing sad my bros.

    • Jim Munro
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Fallout 4 shit load patches and updates Starfield had 0 OK

    • Ek3 Jay
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Exactly why I put 3 hours into Starfield and then uninstalled it 😂 all this hype for a worse fallout 4

    • NotNice
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Todd played us again.

    • Danmex16
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield sucks lol

    • GenericWhiteMale
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Bro they somehow made the fucking gunplay worse than Fallout 4 despite the fact they had 7 years to make this game

    • Eric Deutsch
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    For the record whoever was in charge of designing the arc welder lightning effects needs to go back to school. Even the tesla rifle from fallout has way better animation.

    • Schizm1
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    For me F4 was the worst Bethesda game (I’m not counting F76 as it was made by different studio) and Starfield is easly the best work they’ve done since Oblivion.
    Weapon animations, gunplay, quest design, world design – Everything is just sooooo good!

    • Scooby Doo
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfields gun animations are mad nice

    • KillRBlue
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield is so mid

    • Lester Bronson
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Fallout 4 takes the cake without a doubt. Starfield looks dull on most fronts. The procedurally generated planets look so boring and you can’t even explore whole planets at that!

    • BuzzLightYear93
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    So fallout 4 a 2015 game is better then starfield 2023 game graphics and technic wise

    • Jose Lopez
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfailed is made of $400 million worth of shit. It deserves to be a scam!

    • Gabriel Lyrio
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Todd Howard certainly didn’t even play the game not even once

    • The Dutch Dude
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Funny thing is niether game really wins

    • frank
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    fallout 4 9 jahre älter und besser…wie kann das sein?

    • Natan klein
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Its CyberFiel or Starpunk?

    • Sneering Imperialist
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Water doesn’t behave the same in different gravity planets… they were not going to make different water physics for each

    • SuperAwesomeWeirdGuy
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I’m impressed that Bethesda was finally able to improve geometry and LOD/textures after eight years, but it really came at the expense of performance, especially on the low/mid range. You can hardly even get playable frame rates with MODERN low end GPUs even on the lowest settings, and last gen card performance a total joke. Even the 3090 can’t even play at 4K with 24GB of VRAM without heavy upscaling… Good ol’ Bethesda, we can always count on them to get Consoles to barely 30fps and to leave fixing their PC versions to modders.

    • Юрко Правук
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Todd Howard your Starfield is shit!!!!

    • ninety
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    its cruel how boring starfield is…

    • SamoGon170
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Зачем два одинаковых видео показываете?

    • trainsforreal
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    fallout seems to be 7/10 times better !!

    • Yuu
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    You can compare Starfield with Fallout 4, no mods, and FO4 still most of the time on par or better in visuals and physics. And they are 8 years apart.

    • Jhonadane Ureta
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Goty yikes

    • HiBunny Games
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    fallout4 is pure 18+ starfield should be 12+

    • Chris Stucker
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Yeah it’s clear to see why Starfield was delayed…it still looks rough so god know what it would’ve been like without the delay

    • Make YourVision
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Same dead world as in the previous Bethesda games. They don’t cheat on themselves 👍

    • *** МУЗЫКАЛЬНАЯ ДЫРА ***
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Fallout 4 better

    • Hugin The Owl
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    just give it time…in a couple of years starfield SE will fix everything

    • Ricky
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Look more forward to replaying fo4 for a 14th time than starting starfield for the first

    • Åke Saari
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Man… starfield really looks like crap! a polished turd. Cretion engine 1.5, flashy and shiny but with physics and enviroment and ai, two generation back. Geez! and ppl buy it for 60 bucks

    • Jason Zacharias
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Guys… they ripped off everyone with fallout 76 and kinda blamed starfield. The fact that we are even making a comparison to the shorted but decent fallout 4 says it all….. video games are just a cash and time grab at this point

    • loyalopposition
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield; 7+ years in the making and my modded Fallout 4 game looks better. Bethesda this is a disgrace.

    • Justin Butler
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    The one really immersion breaking thing in starfeild is the fact that nothing breaks or gets damaged when you shoot it. Took them 7 years to make this game and they couldnt make it so incindiary grenades set trees, bushes, tall grass, and other brush on fire. I mean those mechanics are in far cry 3 which came out in 2012. Dnt get me wrong starfeild amazing it just urkes me something so little and simple as that isnt in the game when it makes such a huge difference. Its not hard to do and would greatly improve immersion. They add all these feutures but havent even implimented some basic ones. I also find it kinda obsurd theres no ground vehicles or at least that you cant drive any. Basic driving mechanics would not have been difficult to add. Could be one of the easiest mods to make. They couldve had lunar rovers or their own NASA Punk rovers at outposts and locations on planets you land on. It wouldve fit in perfectly with their theme. Really felt like thats missing. And like such an obvious thing to add which makes it really rediculous that they arent in the game. The only reason im this passionate and get this irritated is because i love the game so dnt misunderstand me. Its frustating when they make something so good but could be drastically better with just acouple slight additons. It really baffles me how this stuff didnt go thru the whole teams heads all these years theyve been making it.

    • Justin Butler
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I never had that green bar when throwing grenades in fallout 4. Idk if thats a perk but wouldnt it have made more sense to use footage without that perk. Cuz honestly the grenade throwing motion and sound is exactly the same in both games.

    • Mr. Rain
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Ojalá que este vídeo le llegue a algún desarrollador de Starfield, a ver si sienten un poco de vergüenza, de haberse pasado 8 años desarrollando Starfield, 1000 planetas pero vacíos, Fallout 1 solo pero increíble, las grandes empresas de videojuegos no entienden que los jugadores buscan, calidad más que cantidad, si tenemos ambas mejor que mejor, pero si no eres capaz de hacer todo lo que quieres bien, es mejor calidad, pero en fin 2023

    • tucOs
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am


    • Mathias
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    How studios take more time to make games and make it feel like a poor version of another game is incredible, a lot of FXs missing and physics, feel so lifeless even on a planet with “unreactable” ppl.

    • gratuitousinbliss
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Never played fallout 4 before should I play first

    • T Rex
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Games are backward

    • Jé Co
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Why speed up the reloading animation in Fallout 4 ? So stupid, this video is irrelevant

    • Rico The Legend
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    The only thing that’s missing in Starfield is gore tbh

    • TotalJerkFace
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Imagine paying for this let alone a hundred bucks ,i love when people getting scammed😂 its Free on PC but still not gonna try it since its not even worth downloading

    • RoGeRI.-.
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    At least, the game has bugs, all we wanted, and good graphics, bad performance on PC, but at least

    • Locus cuz they focus
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    how else is bugthesda gonna make money through lamestpass of all time? xbots will never learn and never know. but they just wan be bots deep down inside there botless life or souls 🤣 well cuz there 🤖 🤣

    • TR1PL7
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Modders are hard at work. This universe will thrive.

    • Why can’t we not be sober?
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    just played starfield couple hours today and I am very impressed of details and textures of objects. it does not matter how close you look at them, they have rather high resolution textures just like cp77. hair pysics are also not that bad. at least far more better than hogwarts legacy for sure. but water, grass and dirt look definetly last gen.

    • gamer de cuarta
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Se acuerdan de como hicieron pedazos a cyberbugs2077 por todas estas cosas?

    • Amin B
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Fallout 4 game play better

    • w vdm
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    25 hours in and i must the game has its good point but also allot of bad points, main bad thing is that the quests in general feel very bland and uninspiring,you can even say boring, chores kinda feeling.

    dont want to bash the game but this is just my opinion,coming from baldurs gate 3 this is a major drawback

    • TheDarknessIsWaiting
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    You actually shot the dude trying to sell you the doggoes, bad you .

    • Alessio Masulli
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Fallout il migliore

    • marco franco
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    xbox destroys everything it touches 😅 just look at poor master chief hes almost in coma

    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    O problema que Fallout 4 tá quebrado

    • El sin respeto Comodin
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Comparado con fallout 4 sin actualizaciones para ser justos 😑

    • ñamandu
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    lol hahahaha

    • Дмитрий
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am


    • JayT’s Tech
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Playing Starfield just makes me want to play no mans sky. The gun play in starfield is much better but having to navigate thru menus to pretty much do anything is annoying.

    • Ezra Blake
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I remember how i had so many complaints for Fallout 4 when it first came out. Still, i won’t change my opinion as i believe it really leaves many things to be desired but Starfield made me appreciate everything I missed about good BGS style adventure experience. And the game ran well with my then old and reliable GTX 750ti with graphics settings tweaked to high whereas Starfield never seems to stop tormenting my poor RTX2070super for eternity.

    • Benji Paname
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Fallout 4 is way better 💀💀

    • SniperRifleScope
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    i cant wait for people to backport all the cool new animations from starfield into F4 lmao

    • UnbanM
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am


    • Over lapinion
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    If fallout 4 had starfield’s gun design and gun sound design it would be 20/10

    • I’m Liam
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Fo4 is still better which isn’t surprising

    • masondean73
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    16 times the detail…

    • myfatassdick
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I like that cyberpunk reignited this way of testing games to make sure they’re not complete shit

    • Black Doc
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    As far as textures and models go I think starfield really blows fallout 4 completely out of the water no comparison. Lighting too, I can’t stand seeing a lot of the comments about starfield saying it looks like fallout 4 graphics. Have you guys played fallout 4? Everything looks like its made out of cheap plastic and the lighting is horendously sharp.

    • DieToSpaWn
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Its Evolving….

    Just backwards

    • L B
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Dude what the hell happened

    • Marshall Romney
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I’m worried about elder scrolls 6 now :/

    • Retiera
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Maybe I’ve taken Fallout 4 for granted.
    I won’t know until I get my hands on Starfield though. Which’ll be tomorrow on Game Pass.

    • S.J kopa
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    star win

    • Eduardo Maran
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Xboxtrashhh 😂😂

    • Charly B.
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    fallout 4 seems awesome in this comparison. i confirm modded it looks even more superior! i wasn’t aware of this step backwards in starfield phyics. why is water and character appearence so underwhelming in Starfield ? ac odyssey (2018) and RDR2 water and characters look so much better playing obviously in a complete other league with their games…

    • Rauf Zero
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    As reviews stated 10/10!!

    • A Cute Friendly Lobster
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am


    • papu :v
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    starfield parece juego de los 2010 y ni eso los de ese tiempo están más brgs

    • P U N ϟ S H E R
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I was so amazed at how Bethesda released a new low-quality game that I respected Fallout 4…

    • Exodus N
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    The death animations in starfield are quite nice! I just wish the blood and wounds looked better.

    • Brian M
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I think some of this is unnecessary.

    Take the water for example, yeah sure the water seems to have more interactions in FO4 but FO4 has you interacting with the water so much more than starfield. Take an example of comparing the foliage and trees of forza horizon versus forza motorsport.

    • vincent liou
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I knew it! I love Fallout 4 but something about Starfield just doesn’t feel right!

    • vincent liou
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    0:34 Water in the fire, why!?

    • Luis Zanin
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    5:24 song please?

    • Jesse
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    30 hours into Starfield and i cant put it down

    • Thomas H
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Ill wait 2-3 years before even thinking about buying starfield.

    • Itachi
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield is a new cyberpunk 💀🤌🏼 if u know in what ways.. talking about early days of cyberpunk

    • Thiago Soares
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    The guys even had the audacity to use the same sound effect as in Fallout 4 when you throw the grenade. Since 2015 these guys haven’t been able to develop a new fucking sound.

    • Noah Labrousse
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am


    • Ciseili The Northpole
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Ermmm Welp… If you don’t expect it, you won’t be disappointed.

    • Mehmet Emin AŞÇI
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    At least its better than ceyberpunks realese

    • IT’S 999 WRLD
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfailed cutscenes audience gonna defend this by saying : ” Modders will change ” Lamoo

    • Tradegy & Romance
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am


    • terminationater
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I actually love the Digipick system in Starfield. It’s a cool little mini game where you actually have to pay attention, rather than just guessing at a hot spot with a lock pick. I’m glad they overhauled that system.

    • EuryCloud Corvik
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Esa version de fallout no es la misma que salio en 2015 ya esa tiene parches y actualizaciones lo que le falta a starfield

    • Théodule La Libellule
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    physics has left the chat

    • C1TY
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Can you do for red dead redemption vs starfield

    • Dom_Tom
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield is soulless…

    • Sitthichai Sodsai
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield = Cyberpunk 2

    • crazyassgamer1
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Game of the generation according to xbox fans

    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    En fallout 4 es justificable que no haya reaccion por parte de la gente ya que estan en el mmm como una nueva era y pues durante siglos siempre habia guerras y esas mamadas,starfield :v

    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Scott,dile a fallout 4 que lo perdono

    • Adel
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    if they remake skyrim it would be better🗿

    • Robinstheles
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    The good thing about Bethesda games, no matter how many problems they have, the modding community will fix it anyway

    • nosse
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield looks like garbage and looks booring

    • Landscape
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield has interiors and object detail looking next gen but then you land on a planet and its shiny dirt

    • Rogan Josh
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    the graphics are so terrible in f4, crappy contrast and plastic guns, that starfield is an improvement even without details

    • Specs xx
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Yea, but let’s be real here. it doesn’t matter, considering how massive it is. Plus, the amount of content and gameplay is so much more. Give and take

    • GWANGI
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Yeah, playing a game in low graphic setting (Starfield) and compare it with high graphic settings from an other game, is a very neutral way to compare games! What an idiot are you?!

    • Jason Lou
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Fallout 4 is better

    • jdilla562
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    They went back to making fallout 76 type shit, empty open worlds with shit quests, id say outerworlds no mans sky, or even fallout 4 have better story than this…

    • How not to basic
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Bro why are you comparing the worst parts of starfield lmao, starfield has so much better things than fallout 4

    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Juegos de mierda de una compañia de mierda… pero ahi van a darle su dinero, a cambio de una copia con mas iluminacion… Esta mucho mejor Mass Efect Andromeda y salio en 2017

    • ElmerFuddster
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I’m still on the fence with buying this game to be honest.

    • vinvinudu77
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Nice to compare this but don’t ever forget fallout 4 was a “meeh” game

    • OverOG4
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    This game is 🗑️

    • Shaden Ryan Studio
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Love how they fix minor shit then drop the ball on so much that made fallout 4 awesome .. at least starfeild is new

    • Sa’ad Suleman
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda games have historically been heavily dependent on players imagination rather than solid gameplay and mechanics. When I first played Skyrim I was in shock about how poor the basic animations and textures looked, let alone the bugs and poor optimisation. Starfield was delayed by a year as Microsoft insisted on smoothing out bugs and making the game playable. Imagine this game without all that. Sure they support mods but that’s not their get out of jail free card.

    • Tomas
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield omg😢

    • نو نيم
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I played bethesda games back to back before starfield releases and starfield made me realize how amazing the open world exploration was in fallout 4, from the incredible environments to the amazing sense of discovery the open world of fallout 4 was one of bethesda’s best, Starfields open world is by far their weakest imo and it really feels pointless outside of questing, the 1000 planets is definitely the wrong call and it harmed the game in the long run.

    • Phina
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    It unfair some of it you compare it with modded one

    • Dylan Tero
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Stup1d comparation!

    • Abolfazl Alizade
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Cyberpunk 2😂😂😂

    • ma._k31
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Xbox ☕

    • Alex Cepeda
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Fallout 4 looks better. wow. I want to play on my ps5.

    • Illya Church
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield has no destruction what’s so ever, I do like however a gun reload animations

    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Esto me recuerda a Cyberpunk 2077, cuando salio prematuramente la version con todos los bugs.

    • Naudy Caudy
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Woke bethesda regressed

    • H4rce
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Well fallout 4 and skyrim is better than starfield

    Not to mention horrendous fallout 4 weapon animation

    • typhoonn
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Выйди эта игра в 2012, её б и тогда закидали помоями за убогий графен) я про 2023 я промолчу, тут только превращать игру в стратегию, поставив камеру на высоту птичьего полёта))

    • Aegon Targaryen
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Diversity hires and the woke mind virus did this. You’re welcome

    • Lurch
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Can’t believe people paid $70 for a FO4 total conversion mod🤣
    What kind of major release doesn’t have fully destructible environment in 2023? Or RT. They added RT to Quake. But why put the effort into RT when nobody would be able to run it anyway?
    Frankly, with the issue FO4 has with breaking if it runs much more than 100fps, I would bet they had to artificially hobble Starfield just to get it to run. If you have a flagship GPU, you are getting the best possible performance out of the game, without completely breaking the physics. Remember, this is a 20+ year old game engine they’re using🤣
    I have to completely kick my 2070 Super in the balls to play FO4 or it breaks everything. even at 1440p, max settings. Future retro gamers will need a special system just to play Starfield right. Or we’ll need something like setmul for modern PCs.
    I’m replaying FO4 now because the next-gen update will probably ruin the game. It is just the base game with like, 1000 mods slapped on it. They need to go fix all the bugs that are still in the original game before they try piling more on. I bet Trashcan Carla’s brahmin will still be spawning on the roof…
    There’s a reason Fallout London will be my first mod (if it ever actually releases and isn’t just a scam). I won’t even be bothering with the Cyberpunk update because all they’ve done with their many updates is ruin the game. It ran fine at launch and I was playing it on an R9 380 initially. The game did have a problem with higher CPU clock speeds and that was the main source of frequent crashes. Once I re-tuned my Ryzen, it was pretty stable. All the crazy glitches were from people just deliberately trying to glitch the game and I have experienced very few bugs since I bought the game a week after launch. CDPR got so much flack for REDEngine but it is objectively better than the Havok based nonsense Bethesda is still using.
    “Creation Engine”? It is Havok. Bethesda just put 8lbs of sh*t in a 4 lb bag and called it ‘new’. Starfield looks more like HL2 in space than a modern AAA title.

    • diego
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield, the most over hyped game ever… Older games have more quality and love… This is an example that people buy shit, this is because of console, when PC were exclusive the amount of detail were amazing ,today games are focus to console players that don’t understand about details

    • kowaikokoro
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    people actually thought this was gonna be GOTY 🤣

    • Chris Litton
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    I think the lack of people and buildings worked in fallout due to the atomic war. Just seems empty and boring in new game, yes i know its in space.

    • Vladoom 31
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Fallout powa master race 😂

    • miwa987
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    После cs2 вода в других играх выглядит смешно

    • Evan Paluch
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Fallout 4 looks better in a lot of ways surprisingly

    • Danny
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Because they tried to put a new shiny skin that is a bad fit over the skeleton that is the creation engine, Fallout 4 looks better overall than Starfield does.

    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Nice video❤ my friend

    • Ultimate peace and relaxation
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    dude this is a nice video..please tell me are you having problems with monetization because i see that there are no commentaries on your videos are you managing that?
    can we create a channel like yours ? would there be any problem ? please help

    • Richland Games
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Good video , please make starfield vs no man’s sky in the future

    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am


    • Tiyeho Khanye
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield may lack in details, but damn, its a fun ass immersive game.. i love building outposts on my very own planet near the beach

    • Davidomajnkraft
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    • ZaJiM
    • 2023年 9月 20日 9:55am

    Ни в то ни в то не играл