Bethesda Has NO CLUE How Shotguns Work

starfield 情報局

Taqs:starfield,starfield review,starfield bad,bethesda,starfield guns,gun review,gun rant,everything wrong with the guns in starfield,everything wrong with the guns


  • コメント (67)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @VaultArchive72
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    When you say limp like an 80 year old man, you don’t need to add “with erectile disfunction”. Most people with a higher than double digit IQ will get the joke because the second part is implied and explaining it makes you sound silly.

    • @jayden7945
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    even the most basic of research would have avoided this, 200 million dollar budget btw

    • @Albatross0913
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    This is what happens when a community shows a developer that they’re willing to make the fame for the company. Todd and Bathesda as a whole know full well that they can pump out whatever barebones garbage they want and modders will literally make the game for them after that. I stopped buying their games after the “Ill stop releasimg Skyrim when you stop paying for it” nonsense.

    • @armoredplacoderm
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    As others have noted, its less about understanding how guns work and more about recycling animations. My sense is that the off-hand position dictated the starting position of the action bar.

    • @Hylonomus
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    Some guns have had a foreward pumping action, its rare but they exist.

    • @aiox3831
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    bugthesda ,the american company wich aparently has never set foot on a shooting range ,the irony xd

    • @WowUrcrazy99
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    These new woke devs man

    • @Pixelpirate66
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am


    • @user-qf6ct5sh9u
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    why overcoplicate guns!?!?!

    • @FireRainFimficReadings
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    “It just works”
    ~ Todd Howard

    • @Blipblobit
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    This gun shares animations with a semi-auto mag fed pump shotgun that you pump forward on a new mag. They just jankily reused them for this gun.

    • @liamlinson7563
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    starfield took 7 years to make, just a reminder for all you bethesda fan boys that want to defend this

    • @fabiospasiano9885
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    “Trust me bro Starfied is a good game!”

    • @KapGaming07
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    The thing about fictional video game worlds is that they dont need to abide by realistic standards. Maybe you should remember that. I for one FW that design because its a unique shotgun design, also you shouldnt ever be able to pump the shotgun while ADS thats more jank then the shotgun design.

    • @saulsadip
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    And the award for worst shotgun ever in a video game goes to…

    • @panda1345
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    There are russian shotguns that do that.

    • @battlesheep2552
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    Wow they actually hired a California lawmaker to design their weapons

    • @skullbeast829
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    This hurts to see

    • @franklucas7150
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    BETHESDA -fucking off your fav guns since 2015

    • @thelastminuteman7513
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    This is what happens whennyou have anti-2A diversity hires modeling and animating your guns.

    • @Cruddyhorse
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    This is unsurprising from bethesda, I’m still traumitised by Fallout 4 left handed Bolt action being held in the right hand.

    • @noble1204
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    It just works

    • @lleer00na.79
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    they put it on backwards

    • @skitariiranger4346
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    Bethesda doesn’t try, because they know people will download mods to fix their bum fucked games

    • @Gakusangi
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    It may seem like one, insignificant thing, but it’s indicative of the overall quality we’re dealing with.

    • @thomeees5819
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    I’ll still never forgive them for the left handed hunting rifle….

    • @A-strange-visitor
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    Why is bro reloading a shotgun in 13 fps (im assuming they were trying to go for Call of duty’s style animation? either way it looks terrible)

    • @DeusEli
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    Why do they do this 😂

    • @lupo4715
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    Is this guy putting on a fake voice or something?

    • @jushtan-vb4pv
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    I also hate how my Soldier character cant grip a pistol correctly

    • @spamuraigranatabru1149
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    i swear its actually a reused animation from fallout NV, it looks like the hunting shotgun where you reach for the handguard then pull it back, *INSTEAD* in star field they took it as needing to push the hand guard forwards!

    • @SvendleBerries
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    Whats the point of making the game look a bit better if theyre just going to leave everything jank as fuck? How long did they work on this game?

    • @65firered
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    What confuses me the most about this is that they already have a working shotgun model they could use. So they don’t even need to make a new shotgun, they could just take the previous assets.

    • @tristanlambert658
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    Man I really don’t understand why guns are so hard for Bethesda. Like, it’s not even like they need to hire an expert or anything, there just needs to be ONE person who somewhat knows how guns work and look on the development team… it’s really not a big ask. Guns aren’t rocket science.

    • @Seoul_Soldier
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    Half Life 2 has better gun animations than this game. Which is sad, because Half Life 2 is 20 years old.

    • @sallymae3631
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    Bethesdas last good game was fo3. 4 was meh, eso was an mmo, 76 was a massive failure at launch n they tried to rib everyone….wasn’t even an rpg, 4 was hardly an rpg either…

    N starfield was hot garbage too.

    • @viper7921
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    Whats hilarious is that pump action shotgun in Fallout 76 was done extremely well… But that game wasnt made by Bethesda’s main team lmao

    • @sr.oppie_162
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    As a fan of pump shotguns, i say, unironically, this actually pains me and makes me feel insulted, like idfk how they did fo76’s pump shotgun SO WELL, and they ruine it all by adding these… gun mechanics in starfield, what shotgun is pumped by pushing the handguard forth???

    • @lordfox6489
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am


    • @glowhoo9226
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    Bethesda really needs to shell out some money to hire an actual firearms expert to look over their weapons designs.

    Honestly, I could overlook the faulty designs, but my biggest issue with Bethesda designing weapons? THEYRE TOO DAMN BIG!

    And why? Why are the guns so comically large? Why does the institute rifle take up half my screen? Why do Skyrim’s swords look like boat paddles?

    • @BohrokKiller
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    Cmon Bethesda! I know pretty much nothing about guns but even I know how the pump works!

    • @Doktor_Etti
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    Im Thinking about becoming a Game Designer to fix damn Bethesdas guns

    • @jarhedjack-a8728
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    You have no idea how painful it is to watch that animation.

    • @Hengebobs
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    Many would think, wtf bethesda, it would take less than 5 minutes to adjust the forehand armature in nifscope? But then you realize, that would make the animation not line up, so they intentionally BROKE the gun and it’s animation so they could reuse an existing pump animation. I doubt it was laziness either, as with MOST game design decisions Bethesda make, this was about minimizing development cost while maximing output, which SOUNDS rational until you understand that there are legacy bugs from oblivion in the game that the nodding community has to fix for EVERY gamebryo engine release Bethesda has made and just can’t be assed to fix.

    • @AJadedLizard
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    I never expected someone could make worse animations than Valve, but here we are.

    • @FloridianGod
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    IQ of a goldfish grind

    • @kmatford
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    It’s fuckin broken

    • @adamg7984
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    Are you telling me…. it’s not normal that my shotgun’s pump has to move forward before I pull it back AND the shells aren’t supposed to clip through the frame???

    I must have bought the wrong shotgun…. I sincerely thought Bethesda model shotguns perfectly but here it’s just I got a jank ass shotgun in real life :O

    • @harvey8869
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am


    • @someone1560
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    Gotta love How the bottom part Is Worn like They We’re aware the Shotgun couldn’t do that shit yet they still did it

    • @jaredrobinson7071
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    we need a video about the guns of the show now, fallout I mean

    • @AvarenVoh
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    You just don’t know how space guns work

    • @nubusday3650
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    i used that shotgun so many times ingame, and i never noticed this, and now i can’t unsee it.

    • @thomasbird339
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    Nuh uh

    • @lycanhussar
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    is this starfield? haven’t played it yet. honestly thought it was fallout 3 just upgraded graphics

    • @Brink_D
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    Bethesda has 0 idea what’s going on with guns

    • @ODST_Parker
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    Seen countless pump shotgun mods from Fallout 4 that did a fantastic job. Why the hell did they create this disaster instead of contracting one of those guys to make it?!

    • @jakedude236
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    Huh, looking back at the storylines and dialogue of their last few games, this actually makes more sense, they really were doing their best

    • @MajorCinnamonBuns
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    They must have contracted some non-gamer from a country where all guns are banned and had only seen a picture of a shotgun once and had to recreate it from memory.

    • @chefyboy2748
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am


    • @RilaAudio
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    We need to model guns, but guns are scary, so let’s just guess.

    • @SmittyWJManJensen
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    This is how politicians think shotguns work

    • @AppleOfThineEye
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    This is *almost* as bad as the backwards gun in Andromeda.

    • @AFoxOnSugar
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    Hoping praying one of the dlcs revolves around old earth

    • @jackskellingtonsfollower3389
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    Bethesda: This looks cool enough.

    Other devs: Okay we need to get some insight into how firearms function. Anyone know any experts? What about alien weapons? Make them look cool and high tech, but not over-the-top, and use our experts for functional reference.

    • @user-oo4ni8jb8s
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    Feel like older games did better

    • @goobergaminghah
    • 2024年 4月 15日 9:55am

    bethesda on that 20 iq grindset