Starfield – Are ships landing for you now

starfield 情報局

This happened, hadn’t saved on touch down so I wasn’t able to test the repeatability. Same as always, I set down on a location and searched for a POI to go gain EXP to push for leveling my chemistry, make meds and go get the Masada quest.

So, I started heading over to the nearest Recognizable loot-warehouse POI and shortly thereafter heard the bang and roar of a ship dropping out of orbit. This would be the first since last no-ship landing patch that I have seen. Maybe some stuff is getting tweaked and enabled, I don’t know; but thought it might be interesting enough to go ahead and post the capture.



  • コメント (9)

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    • @DailyCorvid
    • 2024年 4月 10日 9:55pm

    I hate how they did the jetpack in this game. The one in Fallout 4 on the Power Armour was so much better, they should have just done that. Also I think the ship building thing is annoying how limited it is.

    Maybe they will redo the game and make it less annoying, at the moment I given up with it.

    • @RigelChiokis-ws2tu
    • 2024年 4月 10日 9:55pm

    I’ve been playing Starfield since launch. There are periods where every time I land, another ship (sometimes two!) land nearby. If I’m far enough through the main story line, it’s almost always a Starborn ship hunting me for my artefacts. Then I have periods of time where it’s rare to see another ship on the ground (usually right as I’m thinking of stealing a ship while it’s on the ground).

    • @kevinbardy6140
    • 2024年 4月 10日 9:55pm

    All I get is Starborn troops. 6-8 at a time and the ship they arrive in takes off while I dispatch them.

    • @darrenives1877
    • 2024年 4月 10日 9:55pm

    Xbox series s still no ship landings

    • @jameskelly4494
    • 2024年 4月 10日 9:55pm

    I am on Xbox and just started NG13. A technique from another YouTuber was planets with craters and helium 3. Decaran a level 60 system was a lot of those type planets. Last night I was on 8b or A and got 3 Claymore 3s, a Wight 3 and a UC Vista 3. The landing sites seem more defined and were close to the ship. Also grabbed another Claymore 3 in Fermi later.

    • @danceswithowls4000
    • 2024年 4月 10日 9:55pm

    No ships landing going to a new planet. Can not find landing sites

    • @user-ez7sc9wf8y
    • 2024年 4月 10日 9:55pm

    About like what you just show cased…land drop off and leave but I noticed that when I kill everyone and then leave I fight with the ship that dropped off his constituents…so you get the “eggs” and “chicken” too ✌️

    • @realname2158
    • 2024年 4月 10日 9:55pm

    8 days ago or so I had a fluke Hyena III land on top of me and I managed to board and steal it. 5 days ago a crappy Falcatta III landed and I took it because NOTHING IS LANDING ANYWHERE I GO……nothing, zilch, nada….the only ship I see landing is that one crappy A class at the Muybridge Pharmaceutical lab that drops that spacer off then leaves right away. On a different note, the last two times I found that frozen lab, the one with the contraband chest outside the walkway to get into the place, forget what it is called lol, anyway there is an invisible npc in that wide room with the busted window that I cannot kill even though I am standing right next to it. It talks but doesn’t shoot me either. Lobbed 30 of those 40mm xpl negotiator rounds into the room and it survived….maybe an Xbox glitch, idk.

    • @nywolf9798
    • 2024年 4月 10日 9:55pm

    They’re no doubt playing around with things. It’s been different every night for me lately. Last night I did have a ship land and drop off troops, I also had another which tried to drop troop, I ran in the bay but couldn’t get in and it took off. Also had the vender with the robot at a landing site. But no ships I could re-home.