Starfield vs Skyrim – Killcam Animations #skyrim

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Starfield vs Skyrim – Killcam Animations

Taqs:Starfield vs Skyrim – Killcam Animations,starfield kill cams,starfield vs skyrim,starfield vs skyrim comparison,starfield,skyrim,skyrim shorts,skyrim vs starfield,live from my basement


  • コメント (4)

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    • @nolanporter2212
    • 2024年 4月 08日 9:55pm

    Starfield did a great job of getting people to play older better games lol

    • @chrishovey2903
    • 2024年 4月 08日 9:55pm

    Starfield was a lazy cash grab that they faked punt to get a touchdown and slipped. Honestly, RPG wise, Bethesda is not that good at actually making one. They best RPG they have under their umbrella is a game the company didn’t even make Obsidian did. Skyrim is a great game, but its really a action and adventure game that has some side stories for you to complete. Nit many decisions to be made.

    • @hatsu4679
    • 2024年 4月 08日 9:55pm

    In Skyrim it can also do that with spells because I shot a skeleton from I don’t know 100 yd away or so with a fireball and it did the slow down kill effect

    • @christophercastellano6359
    • 2024年 4月 08日 9:55pm

    Thankfully they didn’t put that crap in the game. I can’t even tell you the number of times those animations came and got me killed