Starfield : Ultra vs Low Settings | Graphics & FPS Comparison

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Starfield : Low Settings vs Ultra Settings | 4K

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Windows 11
Core i9-13900K –
ASUS ROG Strix Z790-E Gaming –
G.SKILL Trident Z5 RGB 32GB DDR5 6000MHz –
GeForce RTX 4090 24GB –
SSD – 2xSAMSUNG 970 EVO M.2 2280 1TB –
Power Supply CORSAIR HX Series HX1200 1200W –

Taqs:Starfield Ultra vs Low,Starfield Ultra vs Low Settings,Starfield Low Settings vs Ultra Settings,Starfield Graphics Comparison,Low Settings vs Ultra Settings,Starfield Low vs Ultra


  • コメント (154)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @alain86
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Looks the same!! Lol

    • @a1m598
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    A 4090 and a 13900K are struggling to do 60 FPS……this game is complete shit.

    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Well Done!! great job

    • @photographer7048
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Totally same but ultra have darker Shadow

    • @ARWINGx1
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    “Wait… did I even accept the changes?”
    (If I owned this game already.)

    • @Dennis-nc3vw
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Screw people complaining about the graphics. This game looks like a priceless oil painting most of the time. New Atlantis is just the worst place to showcase the graphics, because there are two things the game does really bad, and that’s unsuited NPCs, and forests.

    • @Dennis-nc3vw
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    I remember switching the graphics setting on the train station in Atlantis. The difference was pretty stark.

    • @Dennis-nc3vw
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Pretty subtle, actually. I remember the days when the difference between “low” and “high” in games was like night and day.

    • @foollin2170
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    The only difference I notice is my damn framerate lol.

    • @Junk_Yogurt
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    lmao no difference. Typical Bethesda.

    • @NeonPixels81
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Oddly enough the softer shadows on Low actually look more realistic. There’s no reason this game couldn’t have been better optimized to run at a locked 60 on the Series X.

    • @bernvigz9138
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    is low the secret ultra setting?

    • @HappyDude1
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    So on ultra you just get a big fps hit 😂 and my 1080ti is allready overclocked to run this game at 30 fps 😅 luckily its watercooled so it can do it all they long while staying 60 degrees Celsius

    • @cockeversteen4360
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    This should be a lot more embarrassing than it seems to be for Bethesda/their diehard fans defending the performance. If changing settings in a game from their minimum to their maximum provides little to no impact on any device—something is horribly wrong, or total garbage in the game.

    • @gelobledo
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    I feel like the only big changes between all the settings when I messed around were Reflections, shadows, and Contact shadows. Beyond that Nothing else really changes or changes are hard to notice. My big recommendation is to lower the Resolution rendering to a spot you feel it looks good to you then raise the sharpening to clean it up. Then play the game and watch your frames. What ever your average frames are in a city setting set your gpu to only go to that amount of frames. I did this and my pc fans are not screaming and I have solid frames with no drops.

    • @willy8067
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Awesome fps for 1660 Super

    • @doom2507
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    If a rtx 4090 can’t run this game above 100 fps on low setting my overclocked 3060 ti would most likely run this at 30fps or less

    • @astronot_teladanTeladan
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Lowering the brightness a bit can make the game “look” like ultra

    • @fabianernestopacheco
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    No veo diferencia en las texturas, lo que más resalta es el contraste provocado por la excesiva oclusión y las sombras más definidas. En general me gustan más las sombras proyectadas de los objetos altos como los árboles y monumentos en low quality, se apega más a la realidad. Excelente diseño arquitectónico, felicito a los diseñadores y arquitectos que participaron.

    • @MrRecorder1
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    There is the shadows on/off toggle! 😀

    • @Hegitomi
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Dat optimization …… wow ……………………”good” job 😀

    • @lucashaywardmusic578
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    I put everything too low and shadows and Reflections on medium. It runs great on my 3060 laptop and actually think softer Shadows look more realistic

    • @bobbobbins4877
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Best looking low settings I’ve ever seen.

    • @lalilola3770
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    The game sometimes looks gorgeous like on a planet Neon and on some of the planets.
    But most of the time the game looks like Fallout 4 on minimal settings without HD textures. And crows NPCs’ faces look like oblivion or even worse.

    • @ytubeact123
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    The only difference seems to be ambient occlusion. Seems like anyone can just turn ambient occlusion on and run everything else on low and get the exact same visuals lol. Yeah. the shadows a re a bit better. But, that’s about it lol.

    • @kinokochouchou
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    dunno, my low graphics looks like a blurry mess, here it doesnt look like what my game looks like at all

    • @Zygmunt-Origin
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    This game is a console port on release.

    • @cameronbrown9266
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Can’t believe ultra settings looks the exact same as low and has a 30fps cost 💀 I’ve never switched to low settings that fast in my life 🤣🤣

    • @apodictic04
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    2k with ultra graphics should do good on my 4070ti

    • @DieTabbi
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    What i can´t understand, is the game gpu bound now or not? even with you high end system only 80fps is damn bad. How bad could a game programmed

    • @slikksmg
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    i usually play my games in med settings.. i prefer my fps to be at least 80 or higher for smoother transitions when i’m turning

    • @Dennan
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    i mean , bethseda games arent made for the looks, they look alright, good enough, were bethseda games really shines is the world building and the feeling you get playing it, the immersion. i havent tried it yet, but if its as good as skyrim or fallout 4 then im very happy

    • @vladch2016
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Holy cow such a minor difference in visual that high is not even worth it.

    • @otakuland002
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    I don’t see much difference 😕

    • @setzer6452
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    I agree. I think the slider was added as a diversion. What is even more concerning is that it takes a big performance hit on ultra when not using an elite PC. It’s like they didn’t actually care about better appearance but just crammed weighty shit in at the last second out of pure insecurity.

    • @TheJayJayZ1
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Thats just a stupid comparisson! Look at other videos with lowest grafics and you will see, low def. looks like shit! But if you compare 4k low settings to 4k ultra settings, there is not so much difference. BUT the geforce gtx 1070 ti will just explode if you try to do 4k 😀 so it will only run on HD. AND HD low settings compared to 4k ultra settings are WORLDS apart. For example at the 5 min mark in this video (its not mine)

    • @arkago2494
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    4090?😂 80 fps😂😂😂😂

    • @Radagon759
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Apparently, I can safely play on Low settings at 1440p, since I don’t see much difference, but the FPS is still higher

    • @waashockscorner4432
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Shit graphics I’m playing
    Mr Howard
    You have let us down a bit

    • @crimzonempire4677
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Looks to be a texture issue and not actually overall graphics

    • @user-cm6hj2st6v
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    engine 5 dead vidio card

    • @Yxorm_com
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    I have a laptop with a 2070 super, I’m guessing my odds of playing this are slim to none..

    • @GothicNight21
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Only difference in shadows… I see no need to set game options in ultra

    • @p_ghosh3020
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Game looks like shit anyways. THIS is THE game of year the’ve been hyping us for? Real AAA studio move.

    • @p_ghosh3020
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Guys, they forgot to add quality options. They just added the slider at the last minute to fool everyone.

    • @aomine6817
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    it might actually look better on low lol. no wonder the requirements are so fucked up, you barely gain anything going from ultra to low

    • @somber8233
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    The difference looks like a single shade of color change with some sharper shadows. Such scalability.

    This is what you might expect going from high to ultra, but low?

    • @nit16gaming
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Low : no npc
    Ultra : npc

    • @lolxduffles5657
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    are both using 100% render?

    • @nhmgmmmmhjm
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    this game should get 150fps on a 2080 ti 1080p low easily, but gets like 30fps lmao

    • @progressivemusic786
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Horizon forbidden west have better graphics than this and better optimized

    • @gytis321s2
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    This game doesn’t even have “low” settings. Its always on maxed out textures

    • @todogaming779
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    no texture setting so no diference on that, only shadows oclusion and lights

    • @martinpechar5787
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    😂😂 Aha..

    • @anthonyhohman941
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    This games about having a big world not about having incredible visuals.

    • @esdrasmorenu8326
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Im a bathesda fan, but i am not playing this one… waiting for tes 6

    • @Roman-wv4rd
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Difference is minimal

    • @gamecouch1554
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Why are ultra shadows sharp? Shadows are blurry in real life

    • @4324swer
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    nice try, now do the same comparison with FSR off

    • @iKatOverLord
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    🎉 😮 🎉

    • @MrAwol007
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    No difference at all

    • @gaminglowbudget2911
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Loe is oke

    • @Atrumoris
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Shadows, that’s it!? Fucking shadows!!?

    • @SpykeHellboy
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    this game’s performance is pure garbage

    • @just_in_key
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    So literally 0 different … the ultra graphic looks unfinished tho 🥲

    • @2kMario
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Ultra does not exist 🙂 Bethesda and their old engine can not support ultra 🙂

    • @aditrex
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    id say battlefront from 2015 on low settings looks way better then this crap on ultra correct me if im wrong

    • @TheSemihOfficial
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    You are waiting for the loading screen, it is a game made with technical tricks. Real-time landing on planets is not possible.

    • @muhammadalvinyufianofirdau9591
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    How about very low setting but turning on shadow?

    • @jakohema8429
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Damn Rtx 4090 not able to push 100fps…this game definitely need some optimization.

    • @davidonwp
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Looks terrible in both settings.

    • @Ehsanenoyi
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Ultra is low with game filter

    • @user-wp7pk1tj8o
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am


    • @max03tube
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    The low shadows look realistic to me, whereas the high shadows look too sharp and unrealistic.

    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    donde mas se diferencia es en las sombras practicamente

    • @myRmb-vc4zh
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    It would be nice to see this same comparison with a 4060. Thanks for all you do!

    • @phylozix11
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Thats why I just set things to high and leave it at that. It’s better than low but have better fps than Ultra.

    • @GGBGameplays
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    The main differeces are the ambiente occlusion and shadows. I think there are more things they should reduce to create a proper “Low” preset and make the game run decently on lower end hardwares without relaing on reduced resolution scale.

    • @afos88
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Why are ‘low’ settings non-existent these days

    • @HeretixAevum
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    The low settings reminds me of my expectations for the game. The ultra settings reminds me of the price.

    • @Moi_Gospodin1337
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    thats just nonsense 1:05 xD

    • @diegeticfridge9167
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    I can’t be the only person whose kinda dissatisfied with the graphics

    • @Johan-rm6ec
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    TG thanks again, love your work man. Like another commented, Ultra looks more like medium at most.

    • @Eman-xl7kk
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    what resolution??

    • @ericsilva7430
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Fallout 4 with mods look way better…

    • @InternetListener
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Low looking better than Ultra! 4K Low looks better than 1080 or even 1440p ultra…at the right size display (bigger proportionally to resolution)…
    Not the first game it happens in. Some AI image quality enhancement like DLAA or DLDSR and better image than any ultra… RT should be config independently just in case shadows of better quality were needed… but the clearer and crispier the image is the better, and the longer distance of view, also…

    • @ARealPain
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    It’s all the same except the shadow poly on the character

    • @yorgischmorgie8721
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am


    • @kot_v_kedah
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Игру делали кончи, разницы в графике, но 4080 карту подавай игре.
    Руки бы отбивал таким разрабам

    • @prabhakardhar1379
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    only 2 thing is good about this game

    1- vram consumption
    2- difference between low and ultra

    • @pasullica
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Yeah , waiting for the modders to improve graphics and many other things

    • @dmitrydmitriev2623
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Fallout 4 moment 😂

    • @godlo24
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    graphic year 2015, but graphics card min 2022…

    • @Alexutzzu
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Well at least i wont miss anything running this game on my 1650 🗿 on low settings besdies a few shadows (same as rdr 2) but in rdr 2 i have them on ultra and they still look garbage

    • @kkbo6769
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Hype for nothing again😠

    • @ImperialDiecast
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    0:18 In GTA V the most demanding shadows look like the ones on the left (Nvidia PCSS) and the less demanding ones look like the ones on the right (soft shadows) and according to developers, the blurrier shadows are more like shadows in real life where you actually cant see individual leaves of a tree on the ground etc.

    • @taiyomabushi2409
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    the only seeable difference is literally shadows

    • @Marmalard
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Other than some shadows I don’t really see much of a difference.

    • @veluk88
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    Yet another Bethesda game that needs to be fixed with mods by fans.. Expecting hd textures any day now.
    I hope they won’t use this “engine” for tesVI

    • @aterikasedi
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:55am

    The biggest difference is ao. Other than that, there is not much difference in graphics. Very poorly optimized or even not.

    • @tomekvilmovskiy6547
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    Let’s be honest:
    “Ultra” = Low with medium shadows
    “Low” = Low with low shadows
    Reminds SW KotOR with a bit upgraded textures. Kinda, 20 years?.. )
    As I’ve played on 8-16bit consoles, i’m not complaining about graphics, but if it looks like ~2007 it should run fine on a hardware from ~2003.

    • @turtlechris2
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    just the shadow and texture have a tiny bit of differences.

    • @wolker213
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    Look meh on any settings.

    • @slay3rsaber
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    This game really looks like poo and runs like poo. A very expensive poo.

    • @sloedoot69
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    Its probably because of their decade old game engine trying its hardest to run all the poorly implemented “upgrades” thus making the game heavily hardware demanding. They’re still using the same crappy creation engine used on Skyrim ffs😅. You can see the evidence of this by looking at the bugs. The engine has same underlying problems as before. Its just like they slapped on a fresh set of paint on top of an already rusty car and saying its “rebuilt from the ground up”.

    • @oridhionibauer7160
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    Ultra = Shadows

    • @mikhmikhser
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    Разницы особо нет только тени !!!

    • @Zenzuu
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    Funny when a game on PS5 runs at 30fps everyone jumps in and complains non stop regardless how good the game is.

    Whereas on Xbox it seems to get a free pass and suddenly no one is complaining about the 30fps cap.

    • @nicov99
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    not impressive at all and it’s badly optimized, what a joke

    • @Ruxel
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    0 difference lol

    • @Bdestiny933
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    Whats the difference?🤣

    • @Dm-bq6sw
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    Низкие настройки порой выглядят лучше ультра настроек. Главное максимальное разрешение монитора железо вывезло. 2160p, 1440p и 1080p.
    Ну и чтобы игра своим движком позволила использовать мониторы 21:9 а то будет как в Скайрим.
    Я помню время когда у меня видеокарта была настолько плохой, что я не мог на максимум даже свой монитор использовать а про 1080p я уже молчу т.к. был монитор 1600×900. Приходилось на одну ступень разрешение понижать и производительность тут же вырастала процентов на 20.

    • @Lazy_Archon
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    The only difference here is framerate 🤔

    • @labret2
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    Low – PS2 quality
    Ultra – PS3 quality

    • @TiranosaurioRex
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    It is very poorly optimized, the shadows change and little else

    • @kotalsyndrome6350
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    2023 is the dissapointing year of utterly dissapointing games. Forsbroken….remnants….witcher 3 next gen update (atleast it looks good as ever)…shitfield….and the way things are going for gamers it looks like everything will go much downhill more with the coming years. Optimisation has vanished to thin air just like my girlfriend. And polished graphics are probably a joke men will crack over beer or whiskey. DLSS and FSR is being hailed as the messiah whereas their sole purpose was to support the older hardware and visuals and not become a standard even for the best cards. By the looks of it the upcoming generation of gpus will get obsolete before they are even launched! 😊

    • @babakjafari2084
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    this is why devs now dosent care about optimization and rely heavily on dlss and fsr they dont input lower res texture and assets and this just lazy work not oh games are getting batter

    • @CorssairTF2
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    Ultra for the cost of 20-30 frames over Low? Doesn’t change a thing. Is a joke LOL

    • @IONindustries627
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    What the fuck was Bethesda thinking?

    • @eddwar8597
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    Same textures low and ultra and run like shit, disappointed. Good that I haven’t bought it.

    • @user-gk1mk7gr5u
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    Almost same

    • @Rudinxon
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am


    • @Quan_Chii
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am


    • @Kotnan
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    looks like AO is on ON Ultra and thas is

    • @marcosousaesteves
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    more or less, is the same 🤷‍♂

    • @summerfrostby4673
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    Wery low difference.

    • @TheTurtleOffDoom
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    Literally only difference is the shadows. The game doesn’t look all that impressive yet is the hardest game to run there is right now somehow

    • @quangphucvu6286
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    This shit just exact the same as Fallout 4 – High Quality Texture DLC, with like 40GB and add a touch of shadow rendering

    • @user-bz3uz5rm5v
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    the rest graphic option is… mods.

    • @pinoy929
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    I must have low standards because I can barely tell the difference.

    • @user-me5kp4wm8d
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    Хорошая работа 👍

    • @pyramidschemer4083
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    Ultra has slightly better shadows and a tiny bit better volumetrics

    • @venas543
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    Aint no way a 4070ti is having a hard time running this kind of graphics on 1080p. 💀

    • @THE_BOSS_THE1.
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    It’s almost same.

    • @dpapl6236
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    а если не на топовом железе предыдущего поколения???

    • @rajanfsu1
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    Game looks like from 2015 with Mods applied.

    • @celebert1
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    so no matter its low or high its allways the same? Nice wp bethesda, and that only for 120$ hahah, YARRRRR piretebay

    • @MartyMcFlyTop1
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    no difference – looks like shit in both

    • @steggs69
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    JK they’re both Medium

    • @Jefferson-he5rb
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    This game looks optimized for solid 30 FPS. I will lock to 30 FPS High-Ultra settings with RTX 3060 and pray for my gamepad, g-sync and motion blur to save me…

    • @namgunaucao9771
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    what the fuck is this??? 2023 graphics?? holy fuck!!! i can say far cry 5 and rdr2 still kick ass this dog shit game in graphics and fps.

    • @sagar9703
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    Ultra = 2015 graphics
    Low = 2012 graphics
    no matter how I look at it….. this graphics is not worth that much performance hit.

    • @bb5307
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    seems like it only really impacts shadows mostly, which coincidentally is almost the only setting that really impacts performance.

    • @bullymaguiregaming1757
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    Looks like ultra has become a necessity for modern games

    • @YanChose
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    Xbox 360 foliage. There’s nothing next gen about this game.

    It doesn’t excel/innovate in any category. Rpg mechanics, graphics, writing, voice acting, storytelling, exploration, combat, UI, animations. All subpar (5 years ago!).

    • @wizzenberry
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    lol what a terrible game engine, awful scalability

    • @TomH2681
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    Ultra = Potato.
    Low = Potato with fuzzy shadows.
    At least give us a proper framerate increase when we drop to low, ffs…

    • @BlndKurdi580
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    The deference is only shadow.

    • @ivesiketani
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    Looks like a 2014 game regardless

    • @Nanioh1
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    Still looks great on low

    • @jerrelljohnson8027
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    Wow!! I think this is a new record for the smallest difference between Ultra and Low Graphics settings 😮

    • @yuri_grillo
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    The same thing…not much difference between the two quality configs.

    • @oliwier5673
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    Low doesn’t look bad enough for low and ultra doesn’t look good enough for ultra

    • @Alante6
    • 2024年 3月 06日 9:56am

    This game is so overhyped