Starfield wins at the Steam Awards (for Innovation) #shorts #starfield

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  • コメント (225)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @Kattbirb
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    100% troll win. There’s almost nothing in Starfield that wasn’t already done, and done better, in other games years ago. Most of Starfield itself is just rehashed mechanics from Fallout 4 and Skyrim.
    Not that it’s a crime to enjoy the game, but innovative it is not.

    • @Muugie
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Starfield is incredibly innovative, no other game that came out 2023 felt like a 2015 game

    • @aresdonachelo5283
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    What “new” content? 🤔🤔🤔

    • @markototev
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    It was probably mandatory for all Bethesda employees to vote for it.

    • @MladenMihajlovic
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    I think Starfield is pretty innovative – NG+ is absolutely new and the ship builder and just the way the universe works with the planets, weather and visuals is amazing and even NMS doesn’t do it like that.

    • @jmppodcast
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    They trolled hard

    • @AhmedMahmoud-og2jm
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    The award is basically pointless because this is “comedy to them”

    • @ssgoko88
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Starfield might not be your favorite game, but its the first game i can think of where you can literally keep your same character, memories, personality, etc into NG+ in a way that keeps to the games story and reality. Other games will hit a reset button, or otherwise give you a new character in a NG+. Im 90% sure innovation here is refferring to what is legitimately a really cool concept that future AAA devs can take advantage of

    • @choakid999
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    There’s one you missed, best OST. Last of us literally does not stand up to three of the other options period in terms of OST, but won out over them

    • @jvjv3061
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    so now trolls reward games ?

    • @winghong3
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Oh, that is some innovations alright. Starfield strives to innovate how many loading screens it can put between destinations to break immersion. Innovating on how bad just one game’s AI can go. Innovating how uncanny the facial expressions are, innovating…

    • @r-test3668
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am


    • @Joseph-wh5of
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    It’s definitely not a troll. The number of people on steam review bombing starfield now because it won an award shows it is not a troll. What’s more likely is that people voted for it because they like it. Just how hogwarts legacy won best game on steam deck and red dead won best labor love. People tend to vote for the games. They enjoy the most in the past or even currently.

    • @Square-0ne
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Well, I voted for Starfield simply to verify that Bethesda is unable to discern any form of sarcasm and would instead use the award to advertise their mediocre outdated product. And they did.

    • @demonwares
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    It was a reddit that wanted to troll the awards. They made that bad game win as a joke.

    • @Viper6332
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Its either a mix of trolling and or stupidity why these games got picked

    • @Brioshie
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    People simply voted what they know. Marketing wins

    • @RaymondStormbl3ssed
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    This has to be either a pity win by Bethesda loyalists who can’t get over the mediocrity of this game or Bethesda has become so desperate that they are actually buying votes

    • @joemama114
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Steam awards is a popularity contest simple as, very well known things tend to win, not necessarily because they’re good.

    • @until_infinity
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    “it just works”

    • @TA3DArtist
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Starfield, most innovative? Wow. Someone spiked their drinks.

    • @yokaboka
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Im sure nobody voted for starfield… Bethesda just needed a win so the they payed a little money

    • @jeambeam3173
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    RDR2 hasn’t gotten shit and the dumbass online mode doesn’t count

    • @Kindly_1
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Starfield is a great game, like it’s one of the best of 2023, I’ll play it over and over and have a blast so if you don’t like it don’t play it, not my loss

    • @Deadpoolhead888
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Starfield is about as innovative as breaking your mother’s back by stepping on a crack.

    • @evelynfive5684
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    It’s a troll, but with genuine form.

    • @ieyke
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Are there two completely different games called Starfield? There are a LOT of things I’d say about Starfield, and virtually all of them are the opposite of “innovative”.

    • @TonyDiTaranto
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    I genuinely enjoy Starfield, but “innovative” it is not.

    • @allgomesareevil6121
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Huh? For Starfield, I will say I have not played it, but it appears to be a hybrid of Bethesdas past ideas. Procedural generation like Daggerfall, main story Skyrim, Faction Oblivion. In my limited understanding from the outside, am I right?

    • @sprintstothebathroomdaily2429
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Game reviewer syndrome

    I remember when critics loved ghost of tsushima

    Was hyped to play it then when i did i was like oh this is assassins creed with a cool art design and the same janky stealth mechanics with fetch and trailing side quests

    Beautiful game but literally the same open world stuff you always see.

    • @AvaritiaFirst
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Shadows of Doubt and Yomi Hustle are so much better and so much more innovative than the steaming pile of crap that starfield is. Dont get me wrong, I consider myself the biggest Todd Howard dickrider but this is just stupid

    • @alondor8157
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Heard this was caused by Reddit. There were groups horde picking the worst options.

    • @scotthallinan4609
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    I swear the whole thing was one big troll. What in holy Hell did Bethesda innovate? It’s literally a by the numbers Bethesda rpg.

    • @AchtungEnglander
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    I do not even know Steam has awards let alone give them any credence

    • @TalesWithHaggis
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Are nominations exclusively based on user submissions?

    • @Droid6689
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Steam rewards from top to bottom are a joke

    • @Ronin11111111
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Clearly the troll voters got what they wanted. I just wonder if it made the actually feel good in the end.

    • @maryhunsinger6926
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    starfield is good but not anything amazing tbh.

    • @schemage2210
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Either a LOT of people are trolling Bethesda or Bethesda paid a hell of a lot of money to get that reward!

    • @ulisesserrano4341
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Todd is a politician

    • @itsdeonlol
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    The Steam Awards are trolling…

    • @deadwaste1
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Just no to borefield lol

    • @Magnum-Gaming
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    it’s the inclusivity effect taking place.

    • @talos5750
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Nobody cares about Steam awards, people vote for the game they’ve played and move on.

    • @StayFractalesque
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Complete BS and a sign of the times.. Starfield was designed to be playable for the Xbox Series S, and thats why its the way it is.. ..basically a last gen game ported to current gen..

    • @Seven-of-Nine
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Steam awards is a joke

    • @unholyrevenger72
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    The steam awards are basically the Razzy’s for Video Games.

    • @Everyday_Awes
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Exqueeeeze me? Starfield? XD That’s fallout 4 with a space skin.

    • @Kentman513
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    The explanation is simple: Starfield was so undeniably good but unfairly lampooned and omitted for awards elsewhere that the support was gonna manifest regardless of how (admittedly) absurd the actual award is. Best RPG of the year, though, for sure, and I’m glad it’s getting it’s flowers somewhere that Sony’s money couldn’t reach.

    • @yyrgx
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    obvious troll is obvious.

    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Cyber punk

    • @TheAgentAssassin
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    After reading all the negative reviews for Starfield I finally got the game. I’m now 200 hours in the game and really enjoying it. I’m wholly convinced now the game was review bombed by Playstation trolls.

    Sure Starfield has QOL problems and too many load screens at certain missions. Overall the game is not the complete disaster that destroyed billions of people, caused cancer to spread worldwide and annihilated all new born babies after release.

    Seriously modern gamers are way too toxic. The review bomb mentally challenged collective of modern gamers who likely never played the game simply parroting other liars who lie so they lie then others repeat the lie. Their reviews sound like Starfield is the sole reason for climate change, disease, destruction and all the ills of the earth.

    Talk about an over-dramatic crowd. Gamers kind of suck these days.
    I’m 200 hours into the game and barely gone past the 4th main mission.

    So if I stop now , at a cost of $45-50 the game literally gave me 200 hours of entertainment at a cost of about 5 cents and hour. That’s entertainment value well spent IMO.

    “Oh but da gaym suckers brozers” – reviewer who spent 300 hours on the game

    • @Mateo714
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Thank you

    • @shift7808
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    To be fair, only 2 games have achieved this “scale” of intergalactic gameplay, and both come with baggage. No Man’s Sky is closer to a tech demo with barely anything to do. Star Citizen is held together with scotch tape and bubble gum.

    Other games offer space travel, but you’re typically limited to 3rd person views of your space ship and unable to walk around the interior. Starfield is honestly the first one to do this with an actual narrative and real gameplay, despite the inability to land directly on planets from orbit.

    Dunno if I wouldve voted for Starfield but innovation is definitely there, whether you found the game fun or not.

    • @darkxcalibur
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    If the ability to complete the main quest, go through Unity to an alternate timeline / dimension and coming back to a completely different set of Constellation colleagues in a myriad of scenarios is not innovative? Then I don’t know what is. Can you imagine any of your favorite video game titles where you complete the game, but get to re-start in an altered reality of that same world? Endless possibilities is pretty innovative to me.

    • @Bronwyn031
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    I’ll be honest. Most of the games in the nomination fields I had no idea about. I just picked the titles that I knew of. So, I voted for Starfield. Leave it to Steam to dredge up the most obscure titles of the year and ask its user base to vote on. 🤷🏾‍♀️

    • @TheDarkAdventure
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Starfield is the second highest selling game the entire year. How is it trolling? Just because a certain group of gamers went on a childish hate campaign doesnt mean its bad or not creative

    • @marnusvantonder4502
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Rust is 10 years old and get a massive update every month, Labor of Love should have gone to Rust

    • @Igoreshkin
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    We live in Idiocracy

    • @TheXpender
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Fun note: EA’s FC24 could’ve won the GOTY but ended up 3rd place

    • @user-lm3nr1yc2t
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    I love starfield it made me try the outer wilds which I love even more

    • @coop8549
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    There are so many outraged people not understanding most of the votes were trolled

    • @satoro26
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    It was either people trolling or valve themselves trolling.

    • @Illindi
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    You got trolled…

    • @GreatZeroZeroElZero
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    I still have to try Starfield someday hopefully :/ RDR2 Story Humor was sooo the best!!!! xD Made me laugh alot!!! BG3 I definitely want of play ^^

    • @dreamforger7166
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Votes are rigges xD as you said, things that are popular wins, not what might be the best fit.
    The achiles heel of democracy.

    • @whitest_rabbit69
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Deep rock galactic really got snubbed

    • @TheM00ndawg
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Well it kinda is very innovative to not move forward when everyone else has.

    • @rahulpandey9472
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    I don’t think it’s trolling, people just chose the game they heard about or played. Most of the games in both categories are the games people never even heard about.

    • @jjjjjmp
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    I was also surprised by these. It’s funny to think about, though. Makes no sense, but funny. 😂

    • @doomslayer8025
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Wouldn’t expect a women to have good taste

    • @jeanultra7939
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am


    • @shm236
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am


    • @milesharbord9339
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    I don’t know anyone that likes Starfield, I mean I know people like it, I’ve seen Reddit posts on it, but everybody I know thinks it’s a b or even a c grade game. I’m really surprised it could win anything.

    • @jeffreysproat2254
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    😂 Ew… How much did Microsoft “donate” to Steam for this one?

    • @de_mericourt89
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    as someone who continues to play RDR2.. they have completely neglected their game with no meaningful updates other than rereleasing old Halloween and Christmas clothing items

    • @ryanadams2671
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Saying RDR2 gets updates is like saying Activision doesn’t care about fucking people out of their money. Steam awards are a bit of a meme aren’t they?

    • @stevekempsyninja3292
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Starfield is great❤

    • @heretech7025
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am


    • @atrueliam
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Welcome to Skyrim in Space! Have we astounded you yet?

    • @Mrsmifff
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    So what that’s telling me is Bethesda paid for their award

    • @jon_solo
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Were the Steam Awards AI-generated this year?

    • @typeomaiden4038
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Yeeeaaah. Both those titles made me raise an eyebrow. It’s really hard for me to think of Starfield as innovative with Star Citizen out there. Granted SC is not on Steam, but still. I’m sure one of the other titles deserved the title more.

    • @anthrax2413
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    I think everyone knows this was a troll vote, right?

    • @natewoods4566
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Did this happen spontaneously or was there an organized campaign? If it was organized, that’s some incredibly niche humor. If not, it’s amazing that so many people independently decided to troll the same way.

    • @rask004
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Steam Awards are like the Academy Awards, a club wholly of their own.

    • @NiceDiggz
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    These have to paided votes

    • @zacharymurdock8215
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Starfield does have innovation in its gravity mechanics, spaceship building, and mix of gameplay that I have not seen in a sci-fi RPG before.

    • @Barbabonbon
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    proving once again that you don’t give full powers to the masses

    • @Danceofmasks
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Innovative? Why?
    Teenage Exocolonist did the NG+ multiverse thing better than Starfield.

    • @joserodriguez2251
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    What! Red dead haven’t received any fucking love! I used to play red dead all the time and unlike GTA V, red dead don’t get shit!.

    • @crenyx9794
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am


    • @DarkPyroZero
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    It was definitely a troll move from the reddit communities

    • @GastenX
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Both Starfield and RDR2 were troll votes..

    • @09croix21
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Damn Im not used seeing her with eyeglasses. 😂

    • @KrixiusTV
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    A lot of troll votes…

    • @hododod246
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    So when BG3 won a public vote, it is greatest thing ever but when Starfield wins it is a joke huh?

    • @Eldur0
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Hopefully Starfield was voted for the new take on NG+

    • @ryanhodgson5979
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Them people over there are giving me mixed signals

    • @danytatu1
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    The only games that deserved “that” award are Shadows Of Doubt and Baldur’s Gate 3

    • @bpcgos
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Its just pc gamer trolling big publisher, look at what award RDR 2 won, the best ongoing support for game that ceased support from the publisher.

    • @Marg117
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    You had to put a lot of neuron cells to work to conclude that, don’t you?

    • @jlcfreitas
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    you know that people just pick random games just to get the trading cards and move on with their lifes

    • @JohannaJane
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    These awards are obviously bullshit

    • @XShrike0
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    The Last of Us beating Hi-Fi Rush for best soundtrack?

    • @Jason_TM
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Starfield winning is absolutely a joke that everyone decided to agree on or something. Innovative in revealing clearly how trash Bethesda’s formula is, sure.

    • @boxhed95
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Starfield and Red Dead are 100% troll wins

    • @liam2
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Weird to see you jumping on the anti-Starfield bandwagon to attract more views, disappointing given you seemed to enjoy the game

    • @Bakazuraz
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    I think part of the reason Starfield is on there is because when Steam asks you to pick a game to nominate for the category, the initial suggestions cine from a list of games from the user’s library – generally that they played. So this creates a very strong selection bias, as people may not buy a lot of newly released games, so their selection is small. Furthermore, a game like Starfield takes a long time to play through, so this further reduces the time available to play other newly released games. And even if must of those players didn’t care for the game, it still makes it one of the few options to choose from.

    While you absolutely vote for games that aren’t in your Steam library, most people aren’t going out of their way to nominate a game they haven’t played. Starfield has 90k+ reviews on Steam, while Shadows of Doubt has about 7k. So if even only 10% if those Starfield players voted for it, it would still easily beat Shadows of Doubt due to the sheer difference of numbers.

    • @lynchmobb119
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    YouTubers not understanding that people are trolling 🤡

    • @lokilucario
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    After both red dead and starfield they gotta be trolling 😂

    • @OongusBoongus
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Red dead 2 is NOT getting any content.

    • @gundamwingzero30veterans
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    XD wow how pathetic… But I don’t watch reviews nowadays 😅😅

    • @mr.negativenancy5751
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Shadows of doubt is insanely good for an early access indie

    • @danamullins2723
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    The Labor of Love award was rightfully chosen….the others on the other hand are controversial.

    • @tyfuller927
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Just because it’s a game that you do not believe should have won does not mean it was a troll vote. PS Balder’s Gate 3 is only popular for ppl who enjoy that genre. Most gamers would vote for Fortnite to be game of the year every year. Stop trying to tell gamer what to enjoy. Be better.

    • @godofwhiskey
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Its sad as this hurt the deserving games as the winners got on the front of steam for around a week but I think popularity probably plays into it more then trolls. There is enough players of starfield that probably went I guess it deserves something.

    • @sainterasmus4545
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    At the next election people should have their steam account screened. The people that voted for Starfield are either too stupid or too dangerous to have actively participating in our societies.

    • @joestrohmaier7624
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    As a moderately intelligent human being, I also found these two particular category winners to be worthy of an eyeroll. Don’t get me wrong. I enjoy Starfield…it’s just not exactly pushing an innovative approach.

    • @qwertylerqw3
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Honestly I think Terraria deserves Labor of Love AGAIN because they just won’t stop updating it lmao

    • @Atrus999
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    It feels like most of the people choosing nominees were just trolling. Next year Steam should pick the nominees themselves and people can vote for the winner.

    • @jay_caspian2050
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Telling it like it is!

    • @Pintyhet
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Cyberpunk was robbed for labor of love. 2.0 has made the gameplay brand new not to mention the DLC adding so much to the base game v

    • @damienjohnson3450
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    RDR2 winning makes more sense when you realize games that won that catigory cannot be nominated again. NMS and Cyberpunk won the last 2 in that order.

    • @martinjrgensen8234
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Bethesda and innovation 😂😂

    • @tcchannel1
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    The ship creation is actually pretty innovative. That is one small part of the whole game, though.

    • @supremebuffalo6322
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    ‘Most innovative’ literally the same gameplay loop as fallout but in space.

    I N N O V A T I O N

    • @zdspider6778
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    It’s Oblivion in space.
    There’s nothing “innovative” about it.

    • @boblee2683
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    I really enjoy Starfield but nothing about it is innovative. Actually sat and tried to think of something, anything. Nope, nothing. Its a Bethesda game in space. Thats it.. lol

    • @DavefromWork
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    I voted shadows of doubt, but I did lurk around the Starfield steam forums out of curiosity.

    There’s been an ongoing battle of colorful rhetoric there for some time.
    It did become pretty clear that people who do enjoy starfield wanted to one-up the people who are negative to it.

    It became less about starfield being actually innovative, and more about spite.
    I feel like it’s a win for the enjoyers.

    Good on them.

    • @viperdemonz-jenkins
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    god the salty ones cried when Elden ring won GOTY, cried when BG3 won GOTY cry over starfield and the list goes on. time to end the hate train.

    • @Tom-gp2uo
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    I mean they’re both trolls, that should be obvious

    • @travishsw
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Steam awards haves to be a troll lol

    • @mr.starly2423
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    It doesn’t deserve any awards because people say so. Not the actual professionals. They complain non stop about loading screens, not able to fly anywhere, and not having a car. That’s pretty much it. 🤷🏽‍♂️

    • @ChusDavalos
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    I saw this and I lost faith in humanity. Is the same thing everyone is complaning about, and it gets an award? It should’ve gone to Shadows of Doubt, it does implement new things and mechanics for gamers

    • @alexwaddington9808
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    I got back on Starfield, after about a 3 month break, and am thoroughly enjoying it again. After i get the rest of the achievements, I know i can then wait till the DLC and will very likely enjoy it again.

    • @soberscrim299
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Idk who you’re talkin to, but the only thing being added to red dead is mediocre deals for online and an occasional holiday event with some snow

    • @blacxthornE
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    funny thing is that shadow of doubt is the antithesis of starfield. shadow of doubt also features an open world and it is also procedurally generated, but unlike starfield they actually made it in a way that’s worth exploring. the game generates mystery cases that are more compelling than any quest in starfield. it’s an unbelievable contrast .

    • @TheDoc7
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    They gave it an award, as a joke.

    • @alexcrowley4557
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    It is not a troll award, alternatives were nothing special, and Starfield popularity won the vote, it is simple as that, not everything has to be trolling and conspiracy.

    • @calvinwilson3617
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Steam honestly may as well just eliminate their awards. None of the winners deserve to win, and all of the games who lost deserved to win more than the winner. Its not even really debatable

    • @shawnmoore6243
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am


    • @heyokah
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    So, the Steam Awards are meaningless. Imagine that.

    • @flower4000
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    The innovation was adding gummi ships from Kingdom Hearts to a lesser version of No Man’s Sky and some how making it work in the out dated Creation Engine. If any thing that should have won them labor of love award cus they’re still using that thing 12 years after Skyrim.

    • @SecksyMan
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Starfield and RDR 2 have to be trolling. Those games are the antitheses of what they were awarded.

    • @Levyathyn
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Starfield stans will say “Yeah but ALL of the awards were won by popularity only!!!”

    • @Talulah_Artorius
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Howartts legacy won best game on deck… It uh… It doesn’t run on deck, it more likes jogs at times and walks at other while beint asmathic all the way

    • @jonevansauthor
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Did anyone play all five of those games? If not, how could they be expected to pick between them? Yeah. Compared to the Oscars though, it’s positively reliable.

    • @onikaze8445
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    I mean didn’t the cut support to RDRonline? was that this year ? wtf did they add this year?

    • @julio1148
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Of all the things starfield is, good and bad, one thing it was not was innovative

    • @wbeytel
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Absolutely a meme win.

    • @archeryguy1701
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    I know we all like making fun of The Game Awards….. but man, this year’s Steam awards really were something else, haha.

    • @ozzydior
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    innovative? ☠️☠️☠️☠️

    • @s1nb4d59
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Steam basically bork their own awards with the way the whole thing is setup,basically rigged.

    • @tz5116
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Troll awards

    • @chrism8860
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Poor Deep Rock, such a great game

    • @aarachus
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Yay Starfield!

    • @DakotaAP
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Most loading screens per activity innovation

    • @palpaladin315
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Theres no doubt about it that BGS innovated a lot of their mechanics to serve Starfields design; in amongst all the new stuff. – but people are gonna disingenuous about it. I mean over 90K approved of the game, but 44K drag it down to a negative. Those numbers suggest to me some serious crazy underneath this game. Not to mention the well over 3.2 million views the tweet got.. 🙄

    • @flowerthencrranger3854
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Bruh, Rockstar has not been updating Red Dead Online for ages, meanwhile Deep Rock is just sitting over there.
    Fr, why have people voted for RDR2?

    • @user-xb7zz3cg9u
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Game fucking sucks ass from a straw, lets move on already

    • @lowkeymanifestingdestiny5480
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am


    • @OneGuyInMelb
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    I get that it’s cool to laugh/hate on Starfield, but there were elements of Starfield that were innovative.

    The lockpicking was fun and new, the skill tree/system was different and shipbuilding was unique too.

    • @contingentcat5690
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    I’d argue that Bethesda’s usage of NG+ and the ship builder and even ship combat are innovative. They have never been in a bethesda game ever and were something new for their type of games.

    • @Tito_bless
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Starfield is the game with the most hours played for 2023 passing buldars gate 3, which the game of the year.

    • @ruthlessredbeard
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Innovatingly more lacking creativity than Skyrim, hell yeah 😂

    • @SubiKinubi
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Total troll

    • @ChrisKennedy1
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    That Starfield win, is so much trolling, it hurts.

    • @slyktech1860
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    This one winning for innovation instead of Baldur’s Gate 3 is a travesty.

    • @vincea1830
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Definitely meme picks. It has been like 2 years since RDR2 has gotten an update.

    • @chevellerr
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    All I could say was WTF when I seen it.

    • @bigcstevens187
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Starfield was very innovating in their use of dragon shouts in outer space.

    • @morok9110
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Atomic Farts makes even less sense (but it is know why it won)

    • @DullEyes100
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Having played Starfield, reading that description of the nomination in relation to it was actually hilarious.

    • @heatwaveps5
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    alanah living car wash sim 😉😅

    • @DovahHouse
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Starfield is innovative more innovative that baldurs gate.

    • @devastatheseeker9967
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    “After making the community wait a year for confirmation, it’s been announced that the Blood Money update that launched in July 2021 is the last major new content the game will receive” -Article from gamerant I found just by googling when the last rdr2 update was.

    • @evans.1363
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Ok I don’t think I’d go as far as to say Starfield is “Brain Breaking.”

    • @vincentnugent9888
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Eh, that’s an indie title… it’s probably a good game, but there’s so much indie games out there that it’s hard to play them all. Starfield is something this generation of gaming was missing and I’m glad it’s finally here. I loved Skyrim back in the Xbox 360 days and Starfield is that game to me now. ☺️

    I’m happy to see Starfield get some appreciation honestly. It gets a lot hate, but this game will still be played 10+ years down the line just like the rest of Bethesda games.

    • @FarWesT3188
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    I like Starfield and enjoy playing it, but is it a great game, or an innovative one? No. It is VERY much, a Bethesda game, bugs and all.

    • @clem1257
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Starfield winning for innovation is like a pig winning for advanced mathematics. This has to be a joke.

    • @SamFisherCell
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Trolling at its best.

    • @FabioStoppa
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    this steam awards was super wierd

    • @th3g00se
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    YOMI Hustle got fucking robbed for innovative gameplay. It’s a fighting game played one frame at a time. It’s like chess meets fighting games. And it was mostly made by one person.

    • @samuelquintanilla6338
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    The level at which Starfield is hated is so crazy.

    • @gamerlocke1178
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am



    • @captaincaptain2128
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Whoa, what new content is RDR2 getting!? Wasnt red dead online cancelled?

    • @mobiusZero2
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am


    • @cyberrb25
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    The internet is a mistake. No two ways around it with this run of the Steam Awards.

    Though props for the meme wins.

    • @sheld0n
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Starfield broke my brain but not in the way Devs intended

    • @tonygunk1886
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Rdr2 keeps getting updates after all these years? 3000 hours in and it’s a literal ghost town.. “after all these years”

    • @dutyfreeadventures5924
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    People calling this a meme or a troll don’t know how voting works. Starfield has like 40,000 positive reviews. Shadows of Doubt has 7k TOTAL reviews.

    If everybody that reviewed the game positively voted for it, Starfield would still win by over 30,000 votes.

    I haven’t looked into it, but i bet RDR2 is the same here

    • @Caninemuffin766
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Surely that’s a troll as well. I actually don’t mind starfield, it’s not a game I will come back to a ton but it was fine. It sure as hell was not innovative though. I think that was one of the biggest criticisms actually is that it innovated in almost no category. 😂😂

    • @Martyr217
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    So yeh, it seems that people who voted for Starfield clearly share the 1 brain cell.

    • @VenomBroly
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Corruption and woke propaganda at its best

    • @Vicusor22
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    I admit, i saw the word “Love” in the category and RDR2 as a nominee and I voted without reading further. I apologize.

    • @mortecai222
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    the ship building is innovative, also I believe it’s the first “space RPG” that actually tries to represent a solar system while having good RPG mechanics as other space games tend to focus on survival and/or scale instead of RPG structure, not saying it should have won but there is a case

    • @zelurstak
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Don’t you get some cards or points for voting? It would explain to some extent people voting popular games, if they’re the only games they’ve played.

    • @dps0610
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Should win for lock picking alone.

    • @Rockalanche
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Shadows of Doubt has to be the funniest thing to see after Starfield. That perfectly describes my reaction to seeing that it won for “innovation.”

    • @joeln901
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Definitely a whole lot of Trolling going on…

    • @boomdabomb20
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Rigged or Trolled. No other possibility.

    • @mondodimotori
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    And people ask me why I don’t trust gamers reviews.

    • @markusjohansson6245
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Just a numbers contest, more people that played these games

    • @NonstopRam
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Starfield had reportedly at one point had 12 million players since its launch.
    Even with a fraction of those players on Steam and a fraction of that with people who like the game enough to vote on it, it is not too surprising it had the votes to win an award.

    • @Maggbba
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Everyone knows these awards are mostly trash.

    • @charlescase5268
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    I didn’t even know there was a steam awards just another reason for me to avoid anything to do with goty awards

    • @iforgot87872
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Lol why is Red Dead there, they haven’t even done an optimization next gen patch for the single player lmao.

    • @mahiknight
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Steam vote was a meme. Its all trolling. I voted it to troll.

    • @Maggbba
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Starfield is a troll win caused by redditors.

    • @Urelasir
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    it was Meme Steam Awards.

    • @RobbieB2606
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    I really enjoy Starfield, but that is such a troll vote lol

    • @MacRay14
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    I swear I’ve seen nothing but hate for Starfield. Dont know anyone that genuinely enjoyed the game, so I’m a bit confused.

    I don’t necessarily think the steam awards matter at all but its just funny. No clue how it happened.

    • @thegags
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Lots of people decrying this as a “troll pick”, but why did Steam put it in the category to begin with?

    • @WhyDidTheyChooseMe
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Starfields main problem is that skyrim feels more innovative. I still had a good time with it cause I like the style of game but its clear there was so much missed potential

    • @FearlessGamer27
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    I played Starfield and thought it was alright enough, but it was far from “innovative”

    • @SgtMudbug
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Yeah… Steam voting is sus.

    • @MichaeIJacksonOFFICIAL
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    The RDR2 community never gives up and I love them for it.

    • @lucywest6133
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    The fact that Your Only Move is Hustle, an absolutely insane turned based fighting game, didn’t win is absolutely ridiculous!

    • @bawidkwho
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Uhhhh starfield aint that

    • @thejosh0100
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Well I’ve definitely never seen as many loading screens before Starfield definitely innovative 😂

    • @BlueStar0788
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Starfield one is probably a troll win like RDR2, I don’t hate Starfield but there’s nothing innovative about it

    • @andrewtorres9943
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    To be fair to Red Dead 2 they did add a lot of things to the online multiplayer. Grant nobody is playing online but the few who do have a lot of content.

    • @The7guys
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    The one I’m surprised about is The Last of Us remastered, a game that essentially released 10 years ago, beat Darktide and Hi-Fi Rush for best soundtrack.

    • @Gullington
    • 2024年 1月 10日 9:55am

    Has to be a meme win for starfield.