How Starfield makes you feel like a hero | #Starfield Gameplay Highlights

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Gameplay highlight from part 23 of my Starfield Let’s Play on very hard. You can find the whole playthrough here:

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#shorts​ #Starfield​ #Bethesda

Taqs:starfield short,starfield highlight,starfield gameplay,starfield funny moment,starfield funny,funny moments,highlights,starfield highlights,let’s play starfield,starfield very hard,best of starfield,starfield best of,highlights starfield,funny starfield,starfield goofy,starfield jokes,starfield meme,short starfield,funny moments starfield,lyle shnub starfield,starfield bug,starfield glitch,starfield clips,starfield clip,funny clips starfield


  • コメント (5)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @austengreenwood9274
    • 2023年 12月 25日 9:55pm

    I love the people that go out of their way to comment why they didn’t buy or why they are glad that didn’t buy Starfield 🤣

    • @SavageHenry777
    • 2023年 12月 25日 9:55pm

    Am I too dumb to get why it’s ironic? Didn’t he say at the beginning you were to “take out” the hostage takers? Isn’t that what happened?
    But yeah looks bland, glad I didn’t buy

    • @teldarin7557
    • 2023年 12月 25日 9:55pm

    Jesus Christ, that guy bought the uncanny valley premium pack.

    • @JA070288
    • 2023年 12月 25日 9:55pm

    SF actually made me feel like a loser for buying it.

    • @lordspaz88
    • 2023年 12月 25日 9:55pm

    “This is a hostage situation! So go in there guns blazing and shoot anything that moves!”