Bethesda Moment

starfield 情報局

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#Shorts #Starfield #Bethesda

Taqs:Twitch,Game Making,Game Program,Game Development,Heartbound,Pirate Software,Game Programming,Game Art,Indie Game,Game Developer,Game Designer,Indie Development,Thor,Shaye,Stijn,Jason Thor Hall,Lore,Baron,Binder,Book,RPG,Role Playing Game,Game,Indie,Games,Gaming,Pixel Art,Pixel,Concept Art,Stream,Game Stream,Indie Games,GameDev,Music,Video Games,Breakfast,Champion,Champions of Breakfast,💜💛,Shorts,Short,Bethesda,Starfield


  • コメント (897)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @vomitkermit3446
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    A lot of the gripes are because they set our expectations so high. The way they talked about it, the stuff they said about it. They really did make it seem like a finished, single player version of star citizen. What we got, was a single player version of star citizen in its current unfinished state that does not look as good with no mans sky sprinkled in.

    • @pobodyisnerfect
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    It’s like the typical blue collar Dad saying “When I was a kid all we had to play with was rocks and we still haf fun”.

    • @ShadowofChrist
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    A better approach to this would have the elements that you can get off each planet design, the flora and fauna of each planet procedurally it would be a lot more interesting to know that a planet is heavy in iron so you know that if something has an iron shell on it, and is hostile to you that you need to be well prepared

    • @charlesrm5817
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    At first I thought it was just a random comment on reddit or in chat. Then I realized it was official Bethesda 😂 Also first time I have to accept community rules to comment. Love that ❤

    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Gotta agree. It’s alright to fail, nothing wrong with that as long as you take it as a learning experience.

    • @degnomer8066
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Kind of a temporary take, imo. In all likelihood it’ll only be, at most, 15-30 years and all the sudden this kind of design feature/intention will be hailed as “genius experiential retrofuturist worldbuilding”.

    • @pth88
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    That’s almost certainly AI, right?

    • @twozerofour
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They could have just not put empty planets into the game.

    • @Battlefiel97
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Let us have a rover so at least it doesn’t take 12 painful minutes of the players life going to the point on the other side of the map

    • @TheNobodyhatesyou
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I enjoyed Starfield…. when I was doing major questlines.

    I was hoping I was going to stumble into a big storyline by checking out every single star system and the most interesting bits were the derelict ships. The planets held no interest to me cause you couldn’t even build an outpost without it being a finnicky mess. Let alone the fact that New Game+ means that you don’t keep a lot of the stuff you worked really hard for.

    • @jongaskins5617
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    you can have barren planets just use those for resourses mining etc. but the fact the few planets that had life and stuff also had all the resourses you needed kinda made the barren planets pointless.

    • @LautaroQ2812
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “People who went to the moon they weren’t bored!” that little walk on chair. I felt it was Peter Griffin saying it lmao.

    • @amokana
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Also they weren’t bored because they were on the FUCKING moon … They were actually in a moon in space and not on a couch

    • @craziedzombie
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    but the thing is, Bethesda DID NOT TRY though. they keep doing the same exact shit over and over but with a new paint job.

    • @BAPK1602
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    It’s a false equivalency. They were being paid for a mission to the moon, to collect samples, take pictures and plant the flag and leave. They had a mission to advance humanity, and all on board were certified astronauts and scientists. Bethesda, you made a game, not a research project. Your issue is you made the game /too/ realistic and made it as empty and uninhabited as real space. It’s a game, all you had to do was the opposite.

    • @o0Hidden0o
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The moon wasn’t empty though. It was the first time, there where a bunch of things to do there. Collect samples, preform some tests, figure out how to move in a low g environment, limited environmental analysis ,etc. You can’t do any of that in the game soooo…

    • @notreallyginger5831
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    ‘It was like this in real life!’

    Cool, I’m playing a videogame about fucking around in an imaginary space future.

    • @John-uw2je
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Has he seen internet historians video on fallout 76? I feel like he would have multiple aneurisms

    • @Piman1607
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Idk, people complained about realism in Stanfield, but then complain about empty planets which is realistic. It is 100% boring tho, I just didn’t understand people holding both those arguments.

    • @lettherebedots
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Come on Bethesda what a let down!

    • @bobbodaskank
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I would also argue that there wasn’t “nothing” on the damn moon, lol. Yes I’m sure if NASA was banking on an amusement park or something being up there, they were probably pretty bummed. But since they were up there looking for scientific opportunity (and patriotic mic drops), turns out the moon was PACKED, lol

    • @farhansaber9330
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda be disappointing this decade. Here’s hoping TES 6 ends up doing okay. They’ve been having a shitty record lately so hope to God it ends with TES 6

    • @fartgoobermonkey1667
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I wasn’t looking at the screen and I thought this was a dumb Twitter post… I’m not surprised it was Bethesda lmao

    • @ZenC4u
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I’ve put like 250 hours in the game, I love it for what it is but some things could’ve been better. I don’t even want to play it anymore and I never really became that way even with something like fallout 4. Something is just missing with that game.

    • @emory4641
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    As a Bethesda fanboy I 100% agree. I liked starfield but shit was lacking

    • @TheReal_Antrey
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “The planets are meant to encourage the community tobadd their own creative ideas to the game.”
    Or they are meant to be moders’s playground

    • @delayed_control
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The fact that they thought astronauts were _bored_ or had _nothing to do_ on the moon shows such extreme ignorance I half expect them to believe in moon landing conspiracy theories secretly.
    Every single minute of Apollo missions, from launch to splashdown, was busy as fuck for everyone in the crew. Just keeping the spacecraft running was a handful, let alone all the scientific experiments they tried to squeeze in the few hours they spent on the moon.

    • @oz4689
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Hello Games had the same kind of complains when NMS was released and you know what they did? *They fixed it*

    • @matthewhiatt4715
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The guns are downright some of the worst design I’ve ever seen in a AAA title. Animations and design are horrible through out the game. The empty planets aren’t even the biggest flaw by far

    • @JayLeePoe
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They could have chosen to highlight other aspects, more … _art photography like how Red Dead and even Skyrim once worked as an idle screen or scenic view_

    • @UninspiredFilm5
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “Do you guys not have phones?”

    • @kinjgaming3822
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I feel like developers at big name companies “can do no wrong” like when Treyarch released the first map pack for cold war it had a bug that would brick my (and many others’) Ps4 pro. You make a support ticket or go to the forum and their response was “there’s no issue with our coding, it is a hardware problem on your end. ” fast forward to when I get a ps5 and low and behold same crashing issues on the same map. But don’t forget guys their coding is perfect!

    • @kc-fr3qp
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They compared playing a video game to actually landing on the moon lmao

    • @sn0wyc0sm0
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda repeatedly confirms themselves as the lowest performing AAA company, quantity over quality, combining Creation Club with the Mod Store messing up peoples mod lists just to appease shareholders by saying “Look! We’re doing this thing that will generate more money and lose us more community trust!”

    • @TREX_04
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    – your planets are empty Beth.
    – NO, Uh- we um purposely made them empty because the moon was empty! You’re wrong, we’re right
    – But…
    – Shut up

    • @FactoryFade
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    It was just boring, plain and simple

    • @chieffox8502
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    In their defense I do understand that point. Even if humanity achieved space travel and colonized other planets, it wouldn’t be every single one. Yes the game has its flaws, but honestly, empty planets make sense, I haven’t played it personally. But it’d definitely be a good feature to have the information of a planet, like next to the name inform you whether it’s colonized/populated so people don’t stumble into empty planets randomly and those that do want even if just to look for a minute can know as well

    • @coolfrisbee
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “That’s not boring” Speech 100

    • @diraltmcallister3523
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Todd Howard: “It just works, and it’s just fun. Give me money, peasants.”

    • @XXXFotyleggaXXX
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “Why is no one having fun? I specifically requested it” – starfield PR probably

    • @somethingelse4424
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Why not just say: “There are empty planets because that is realistic”. I’m sure there are plenty of planets in reality that are nearly perfectly spherical dusty rocks. It’s going to be disappointing and boring if you land on one and where hoping to find loot or quests.

    • @rigen97
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    also the moon wasn’t empty it was full of regolith and types of rocks and dust and geological formations that we’ve never seen before on Earth. when a game planet is empty it’s literally empty lol

    • @itachis2gaming882
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They should of said it was a design choice to add a sense of realism to the sci fi world we are in. Then used the fact that most planets are infact barren lol

    • @IimortallinI
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Makes me think of the “do you guys not have phones” comment lol

    • @doremysheep7864
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    What annoys me about that is they’re seriously comparing fiction to reality.

    • @nexusinc.4367
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    It wouldn’t be such an issue if maybe we were gathering some sort of science resource besides xp, the empty planets should have had special research posts

    • @tetrobro5182
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I feel like a really easy out is to just say “it’s for players who want a sandbox or canvas to build on. Plenty of worlds, plenty of potential for experimenting and having.

    • @Yuri-ld2do
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    PR Training disappeared with the rest of the talent layoffs are a bitch.

    • @Lp0tr33
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Some of these are by design so they can update a DLC and change it later.

    • @raycasta10
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    That somehow isnt my issue with this game, its the fucking fetch quests. It is the worrrrssst of all time. Why do i have to go thru 3 systems just to get a fucking comic book?

    • @Blonthar
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “”Some(most) of Starfields planets are meant to be ignored, by design”

    • @joshoa90210
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I played it like a linear storytelling game and had a lot of fun. Had I did what I wanted and explored I’m certain I would have quit early on.

    • @GameCyborgCh
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    the moon also isn’t a planet

    • @danny9577
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Reminds me of that quote “Fun isn’t realism, it’s reinforcement” by Gabe Newell iirc

    • @RalfG999
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    1700 Planets and Some are empty how can you cry about that

    • @96bmb
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Imagine the gall to compare your shitty game to the goddamn moon landing lmao

    • @ddewcifer
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “We don’t understand, you liked Skyrim a decade ago, why don’t you like Skyrim in space?”

    • @l0ll0able
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Can I find a recording of the full stream that clip came from somewhere?

    • @Tragicstop
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I get it, they thought hey let’s let it be somewhat realistic with empty planets, but Thor is right, that doesn’t translate to games, they can fix this by adding quests for you to populate those planets through factions, or slowly patch in evolving cities (outpost>city>main hub). They got time to fix this though.

    • @Heseth
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    You’d think they would’ve at least make some random generated system that would put something in those empty planets. I mean No Mans Sky did this, it was not the most perfect system, but at least it’s something.

    • @shouganai4299
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    We haven’t been to the moon in decades for the same reason I haven’t touched Bethesda games since the first 3 hours of Skyrim. It’s a whole lot of nothing, well maybe Bethesda can keep you entertained for a bit with the bugs and exploits but those are same from game to game too.

    • @painfall
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    How the fuck did they do so good with skyrim and older games but not the new ones

    • @acdrz125
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    If Buzz Aldrin had been to 70 moons and 5 were empty hed say that at least 5 were boring.

    • @ClappOnUpp
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda PR strikes again😂😂😂
    These guys literally have the worst PR that has ever existed. It’s like they designed their PR department with the Creation Engine🤣🤣💀💀💀

    • @ReinBelmont
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    There was nothing in the moon?! THERE WAS A WHOLE ASS FUCKING MOON.

    A place once thought as unreachable that no human had ever been before. Plus, astronauts weren’t there “for fun”.

    • @Drummerx04
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    If i wanted empty planets I’d play Elite Dangerous. At least then i can land my ship anywhere* and get out in a vehicle and drive around anywhere in the galaxy.

    • @cosmichooligan
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield will get cyber punked and will have updates over the course of a few years to make the game what it should’ve been. I’ll buy this game when it’s on sale for 5$ on a Bethesda game sale in 3 years

    • @lewischasen
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I mean you’re arguing the point. They are just for surveys

    • @skepticpuma3222
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “There is nothing there!” A good dev “… yet” dlc releases

    • @alemirdikson
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda’s PR training is in the exact same place as their QC testing.

    • @isaacmartin2481
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    If you could go to empty planets where physics changed and you could do things with those physics then it might be fun. Even the asyronauts got to skip around in slowmo

    • @Enxi-ce6fx
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I’m a 120 year old man i’ve truly not been so emotionally shook ever since beethoven played his last piece. I truly now know what it means to be a vamp. Thank you Playboi Carti

    • @grassdefender916
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I’ve had some of the most fun on that game on those empty planets and moons. Jumping around in minimal G never gets old, exploring for miles and gaining XP is fantastic, being able to easily find resources is superb

    • @Undercookedpork
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    actually the first visit no one was a “scientist” an very little or no science was done. It wasn’t till 17 that first any only scientist ever visited the moon. the others were more like movers putting stuff on the moon so people could do experiments back on earth.

    • @sethfalto9324
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    That’s bad design even the moon has resources to provide planets with absolutely nothing isn’t even realistic?

    • @partialparanoia3065
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    ?? they weren’t bored because they were ON THE MOON, not sitting in front of a computer

    • @jackprice4959
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The astronauts weren’t bored because what they were doing was insanely dangerous. Playing a video game is not.

    • @cooluddom
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am


    • @AB-bu9go
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Thank you for saying this THOR!!!

    • @blegher
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    It wasn’t boring because it was real life. Empty fantasy worlds are boring because they’re supposed to be more fantastical than reality. Imagine sniffing your own gas so hard that you forget what genre your game is.

    • @venomofgod5689
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Earth in starfield is entirely barren! Except for Detroit, it still looks the same.😂

    • @Elecjester
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    daaaammn! I thought bungie had the market cornered on the most tone deaf community responses but apparently bethesda won’t be going down without a fight lol

    • @christiaanvorster1988
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Show them the TV Show Called “Fo all man kind” that scene where they go nuts from being bored. That was my experience playing starfield. Ecumbered 💀

    • @zevo9314
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    it’s not boring, you’re just playing it wrong

    • @SsjRedneck
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I enjoyed starfield for about a week until it was just agonizingly boring to play

    • @rodrodrodrodrod
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda has a specific kind of mental formula for the player to follow, the player must meditate and imagine an amazing game while Bethesda provides the quiet, empty space that is required

    • @ldgvh7210
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    This was written by Todd Howard himself on a sock puppet account as he was trying desperately to hold back tears

    • @rickbergolla4055
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Really tried to compare one of humanity’s greatest advancements to booting up and playing their game.

    • @Blubbermage
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Nobody asked for empty planets and they gave us over 800 of them but it’s our fault we’re not enjoying it. Classic bethesdur

    • @themeddite2935
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda’s planets fatal issue is there no “Heres the interesting locations” and instead they’re randomly generated, and if there is anything secret you’d have to land at some exact spot.

    Star Citizen’s planets/moons have a reason to actually to explore, mining a rock that’ll give you 200,000, or a cave to get stuff, a abandoned settlement or crashed ship, or just a location that isnt marked. Or just interesting bit of terrain (Though exploring isnt the best and depends on the moon/planet I did find a cool ice gyser on one moon though

    • @Greyfox_.
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    This disconnect is the same as when Blizzard announced Diablo Immortal. “You all have cell phones right”, also a jackass take.

    • @SaltSpirits
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    He said “Where’s your PR training?” like Bethesda doesn’t train their PRs to be like this

    • @JamesMichaelDoyle
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “wheres their pr training?” they got it from the same place blizzard does. “do you guys not have phones?”

    • @secretsantaification
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Elder scrolls or fallout would be cool

    • @DeathxCap
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    No. There is no excuse for starfield. Apl the excuses like the recent one saying us gamers dontt understand game development and why design decisions are made. Thats underestimating for one cause alot of gamers are big fans and eatch development diaries and such. And for two, their are gamers with personal experience with trying to make their own little games. No bethesda, you not only have lagged behind in what your consumers expect and what other studios are accomplishing but imo you have actually taken a step back from Skyrim and Fallout. You clearly made very poor deaign decisions. And no i was not expecting skyrim in space but i was at least expecting them to have taoen alot of the good mechanics they already had, expand upon them and find a way to incorporate into starfield in a new exciting way. Im hopping that mods will help this game become playable for me because right now im still on the first big city planet and i just cant bring myself to keep plauing. Alot of its small things too like map, navigation feeling way too basic or like im not getting enough info. I dont like the menu and how it feels navigating that. It all adds up to me feeling like im forcing myself to go on. Im so disappointed and worried for future games in rtheir older ips like elder scrolls and fallout.

    • @the_hazh
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am


    • @goibuscalloway6438
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    That game blows dick anyway so

    • @prestobandito9143
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I mean what he said was ridiculous. But I think he meant a different meaning behind it. They modeled every system or planet after the Goldilocks Zone. So only certain planets in each system would have sustainable life. They were going for a realistic approach but people are to upset to rationalize with that. They explained all of that before the game came out. They even went as far to say that only 10% of planets did have life. Which out of over 1000+ planets is still a lot of planets that have life. This was the most transparent Bethesda has ever been with one of their games and yet people still ridiculed it for the stuff they explained. I mean it’s just gamers being babies at it’s finest. P.S I just wanna say I haven’t put but more than 10 hours of even that into Startfield. So I’m not a Startield enthusiast by any means. But I can appreciate a game embracing as much realism as possible, and for people to completely disregard it because of the realistic feature is just beyond me.

    • @rustkitty
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Why is that PR person still trying to sell the shitty exploration angle, when that’s literally the worst part of the game? Starfield’s unpopulated planets are the level design equivalent of their Radiant quest system: the shit nobody likes in any of their games!

    I was able to have fun with Starfield because I always played Bethesda games with heavy use of fast travel anyway so I didn’t really have to adapt my play style. Jumping between points of interests and ignoring the boring procedurally generated filler. If you want to have a good time, stay the hell away from any landing site that’s not a settlement or space station. If I had to do PR damage control I’d rather try to sell the idea that having all the hand crafted locations on different planets lets them create a variety of distinct moods and themes the way you couldn’t in TES games where the cities had to be in the same physical region.

    • @oreo2010rip
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I knew when they said 1000 planets it was going to be a shitty gimmick

    • @crusader-yv9zr
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Thor has obviously never heard about the Fallout 76 PR disaster.

    • @pmcforever9686
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    that sounds like a boomer back in my day…we didn’t need content on other planets we were busy getting rid of the ozone layer

    • @Beagle5793
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They weren’t bored because they were real humans standing on the actual fucking moon

    • @bcary461
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    How about the fact that dialog is way more flawed. I swear every other AAA game out there has better story dialog options. If my exploration triggers a companion to comment on a storyline choice I DIDN’T make that’s just lazy.

    • @saibamoe
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Modular auto generated Bullshit, that is not filled smartly and as well as it coupd be
    Just accept that it’s boring and meh, it was a nice experiment

    Want real proper content?

    Elden Ring, sure it’s not huge as hell as your game, but it’s BIG enough, but filled with amazing stiuff and every meter is handcrafted with care and doesn’t scream auto generated bullshit

    • @seriomarkj
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Yea they weren’t bored because they had gone somewhere noone else had ever been, and one wrong move would have killed them!!!

    • @nicholasconnolly4234
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The problem is that most game creators try to cater to the non average player instead of the enjoyer.

    • @Bojack316
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    By the way when I see piratesoftware altogether my brain sees it as ‘pirates of tware’. So now I can’t unsee that you’re Pirates of Tupperware.

    • @AstriaTVTruthExposed
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They are comparing real life to a video game. The logic is that of a mosquito with downs 😂

    • @ashleywilson8819
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    As a diehard bethesda fan, starfield let me down, it feels a mile wide and an inch deep

    • @itzwillyboy2377
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    wow its like you didn’t pay any attention to Bethesda, they said that the worlds are empty because those planets are for the modders.

    • @willcallbeck2590
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They weren’t bored cause they were LITERALLY ON THE FUCKING MOON. I’m at my computer desk in my sweats. Do you see the difference Bethesda?

    • @AstriaTVTruthExposed
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Yeah when I seen this logic I knew they were past their prime. Starfield is a pile of steaming dog shit. Worse space game I’ve ever played, damn sure the worst Bethesda game minus red fall

    • @davidwright6591
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The astronauts had a great time on the moon despite it being empty was because they were on the actual fucking moon instead of a bland Bethesda loading screen box

    • @handsomejamesgrandinternet2106
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “It’s like Kerbal Space Program” is a bad argument here

    • @PLAYER42_ready
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Hey, you know what they say “it just works”

    • @dominonine
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I’ve loved Bethesda for a long time, I grew up with Fallout 3 and was so hyped for Fallout 4. 4 wasn’t fantastic, but it was enjoyable and that hype was real for 76 as well and I kind of liked the beta because I could feel some sort of way in that beginning section reading all the notes and shit then the game released in such a buggy state that I couldn’t play it because I hate graphical bugs and they genuinely freak me out. 76 ruined my faith in Bethesda, and I haven’t liked them the same since. I was truly hoping Starfield would be good, and it’s okay, but I was hoping 76 would have humbled them, but it didn’t, so while I’ll keep an eye out in the future, they’ll never reach the same heights of opinion they had in my mind that they had back in 2014.

    • @lynxthereal4064
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “You want a good game? Pay us a shit ton of money, and pray we make a mediocre game with lots of bu..I mean features.”

    • @edwinwilliams5322
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    How many planets have nothing?

    • @ReleaseMyKrakken
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Weirdest defense ever. Pretend you’re an astronaut from the 50 and 60s and just have fun with science!!!

    Who wants to tell him we aren’t astronauts or scientists and we’re playing a video game for fun…..

    Unreal response

    • @geem9307
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    It’s not okay. Upgrade your fucking game engine, Bethesda. What a sorry piece of game………

    • @TheSmokingMustache
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Could they not just come out and true or not, claim they left things empty so modders could build their own worlds?

    • @petzouqi76
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Anyone notice how small Fallout 4’s map is compared to previous installments? Bethesda just did the same but scattered locations across multiple planets.

    • @amayahiko948
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Wheres your Pr Training. My brain be like.. Nothing is Nothing.. empty is empty.. RIP someone not getting.. if it has no use in a game.. its booooring. One screenshot later.. back to reality

    • @BlueDebut
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    If they gave you the ability to take samples from those empty planets I don’t think it would be as boring. I’ve never played the game myself but I do agree having something to do on a planet and not have it be entirely empty is the better move but if it’s going to be empty at least give people something to do.

    • @coliimusic
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    No Man’s Sky Pt. 2: Electric Boogaloo

    • @McJethroPovTee
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The astronauts were actually in the Moon too. Wtf is that reason

    • @KitsukiiPlays
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Don’t worry, Bethesda. I as well am boring by design 😔

    • @Donnerwamp
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    While I see the reason in the “Design” descission, I also see that it’s boring. Not every planet has to be brimming with life, not every planet has to have something to do on them, but… It’s still boring to stumble upon an empty planet. It’s just a hint of realism, most olanets out there are “empty” in the sense that there won’t be anything to do for a main character like in Starfield. A scientist would have a lot of fun on most planets, even if they won’t find shit there – it’s still new information about that planet. But again, there’s nothing to do for a MC. A software engineer also has nothing to do in a restaurant kitchen, he can’t do his thing there, but for a chef it’s the right place to be.

    • @VerbilKint
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Games <> Reality
    I know that’s a shock to some lol

    • @danieln1799
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    It’s not interesting, it’s just bad game design

    • @yamo511
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    man TESVI is not going to be good is it….

    • @Sleepless_Sam
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda saw the Windows XP wallpaper and said “Hold my budget”

    • @philipbossy4834
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    same vibe as “Don’t you guys have phones?”

    • @Crypticdogma
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I enjoyed starfield just about everything about it and I’m a die hard Bethesda fan the response is fucked yes but I found a lot of benefit in resource building on those empty planets

    • @ZeroKOR1
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    It is bad game design, and is why i refuse to play open world games. I do not enjoy walking around 5 plus minutes with nothing going on in a video game. I felt this first at skyrim, and never bought another open world game. A big empty world is bot worth any money, infact you are just wasting my time.

    • @bradr3541
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Reminds me of Blizzard. You guys don’t have 📱?

    • @imaminecraftdude2
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    There’s a huge difference between literally going to the moon through human engineering and a fucking game

    • @ct_devoid
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Empty planets are understandable. I always felt the level of which humanity fills space in a lot is scifi setting is not reasonable. It took us forever to grow to the point of population we have here on earth and it is a box of sorts. Imagine that box spilled of into a large room and the destroy some because space is a murderer. I get people not liking it and feeling they could gave done better.
    Personally the emptiness makes it easier to decide where to build bases. The instanced locations are actually only a majority instanced seeing as landscape is actually relatively consistent save for some marked locations in them. Why else would I be able to find the same sixtuple resource spot that someone else pointed out to me on tube? My biggest disappointment is not being able to found a possible city that gets visitors and shit or a full blown damn undersurface base with lackeys/citizens like the Mars settlement. I can deal though.
    Their explanation was meh but it is not like we dont see evidence of people trying to spread to each planet in the form of research bases and little abandoned settlements taken over by Crimsons.

    Also nobody told you to spend hours walking or packing around a single landing zone. Leave and explore the next or go to the ones that SAY there is something there. Accept hunts and fly off to that Spacer hideout or transport some scientist to an outpost.
    But you know whatever does or does not float your boat.😅

    • @thappy0129
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I use the higher level empties to ship hunt when me credits is low

    • @JoshuaLady-io7gm
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Holy fuck, imagine trying to draw comparisons to the moon landing to cope with having a shit space exploration game.

    • @sebastiang8634
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    You know, they could have dodged that whole thing by saying, “We left empty planets so that the modding community had a little extra space to work with, allowing the universe to expand organically with the community’s involvement.”

    That would have been complete and utter BS, but they would have been celebrated for leaving undeveloped areas that bypass some of the issues early Skyrim mods had with worldspace conflicts.

    Instead, they may as well have said, “It’s not empty; you’re empty!”

    • @Martyr217
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Glad I didn’t buy Space 76. 😂

    • @RyanAlters
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    That’s the thing, it wouldn’t be boring to have empty planets if those empty planets weren’t flat single textured rocks. If they had actual environments to explore it wouldn’t be boring, even if there was no POIs on it

    • @EpicAwesomeYo
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    you know what’s really not boring? riding a rocket from the surface of the planet knowing if there’s any complications, you’ll die. and walking in a suit that’s limited and not on earth for you see it when you look up.

    not sat at a computer with a fresh drink at the desk and a working toilet just down the hall.

    • @anthonypadgett3356
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am


    • @Reoh0z
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Their PR training was procedurally generated.

    • @clarionclear5771
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I thought by empty he meant as in no NPCs or animals… Apparently there’s even less? Wtf. Also, yeah there are planets with nothing on them, but there are also planets covered with constant storms. I dunno, if I was a dev and wanted to actually put “dead” planets in my game, I’d at least put some kind of secret quest line chaining them together, Easter eggs, or rare resources on those planets to find (say with a long respawn rate or are difficult to get to).

    The astronauts didn’t get bored because they were exploring something entirely new in history. Gamers get bored easily because they’re exploring a game, an entertainment piece. Imagine being so full of yourself to compare your video game experience to landing on the actual moon. Unreal. 😂

    • @indofreddy4748
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The astronauts also played golf on the moon! If they gave us golfing equipment maybe we would be less bored but you didn’t give us golfing equipment now did you Bethesda.

    • @dansorber1223
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Their PR training was spent on “Gaslighting for Dummies”

    • @c.hawker7605
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda don’t know how to make a game that isn’t buggy. Their games are apparently still running on the same engine they used for Morrowind.

    • @TheOracleBeats
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    It was also real life. Like a barren planet in real life is much more of an experience than on a video game. Lol.

    • @smoothwalrus9354
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Haven’t played the game, but even if there was something to be gained from mining an ’empty’ planet or something, that’d be more realistic.

    There would be heaps of useful shit on the moon if it could be effectively mined.

    • @curtiskennedy3761
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Did they go to the moon?

    • @calebosborn2231
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The astronauts who went to the moon didn’t have the ability to go to thousands of other planets from the comfort of their couch in minutes, and, uh, they were ACTUALLY FUCKING THERE.

    • @WolfieVMcAssMunch
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “We tried it, you didn’t like it, got it!” But instead its “It’s good you morons!” Thank you bethesda <3

    • @ZmbieTaco
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Double down culture is a plague. Just own your mistakes, learn, and move on

    • @Katt–
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    And this is a prime example of a little thing we like to call “coping”

    • @gtbpr000
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    What bother me more isnt that they made empty planets its that they made the planets explorable… like why spend time on something thats going to be pointless to go on? (I havent played the game, but I know base building is a thing in that game and that could be a reasonable planet for that aspect) Like even if they only took a few hours each, they could of make an extra quest or an extra unique item, heck a different brand of toilet paper that can only be found in so random NPC house is better time spent.

    • @foofofdeath
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    It’s like Todd said with Fallout 4,” It just works!”, it’s a massive lie and we all know it 😂

    • @trafichat
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Such an aristocratic response from bethesda

    • @Belsarion
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The smart move here would be to start releasing free updates that add more stuff to the planets, but no, tell the players they’re wrong. That usually works great lmao

    • @Reoh0z
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    You would think by this point Bethesda would be used to having flaws in their games.

    • @ethanharrison336
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I think the life and death stakes of getting to the fkn moon kept them occupied the only stakes I have in going to an unoccupied place in a video game is the 70 dollars you just wasted for a nothing-burger.

    • @duseifert
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “we have a campaign that take over 100 hours to complete” no shit to go through a location to another you have to spend like 10 minutes walking

    Bethesda really is out of touch with its playerbase

    • @Theknightman-wg1dz
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I think it would make sense that not every planet was inhabited

    • @MR_DOME
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda is the greasy, unwashed moose phallus of the gaming industry. It’s moldy and cobweb-filled, like Grandma’s box. They went woke and then stagnated.

    • @brodied5168
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I love the realism. There are barely any inhabitable planets out there irl sooooo it’s more real if there are a lot planets with nothing on them except for materials to collect because every planet has materials in it to use. If it’s constant action it wouldn’t be realistic it’ll just be Star Wars.

    • @Seikazo
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Its the fact it’s all loading screens

    • @ShadowzI1
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The double down. Bad for you to eat and a bad look for you to do.

    • @regat-
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I mean… People werent flying to moon to have fun there, they were happy that we have advanced that much to be able to do that. In starfield it doesnt take that much to do the same, so this is not an excuse. If you have boring planets, then bring something else to the gameplay table.

    • @Original-Yellow
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I’m just happy this guy still has his shirt on.

    • @reaper5491
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I kinda agree wirh Bethesda

    • @mcclurejas
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Some guy kind of proved that they were using chatgpt for their replies.

    • @Henarato
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    reminder that calling someone a dumbass still counts as engagement so saying ridiculous stuff like this is almost certainly intentional 🙃

    • @haydennoble9253
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “…they weren’t bored on the moon.” BECAUSE THEY WERE ACTUALLY ON THE FUCKING MOON.

    • @TheFi1thyCasual
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Lmao, what a terrible take. Comparing an actual moon walk to a game 😂😂

    • @demarcorr
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    that is some pure colombian copium.

    • @InHumanoXY
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Boring. I uninstalled after 10 hours. Will wait until they fix it. Such a shame. They should accept, apologise and correct course, not blame haters.

    • @MrNotSpecified01
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    This is similar to when people say “Why are you complaining about X not making sense, when the story has Y thing that is also not explained”. There’s just a fundamental lack of understanding of what a premise is, or what the point of a piece of media is. Starfield isn’t a space sim, it’s supposed to be a lite RPG set in space, having barren planets does not contribute to the sense of worthwhile and satisfying exploration. Barren planets could work in another game, but the context of the game itself makes it so the barren planets detract from the experience.

    • @ryankane4984
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Asking Bethesda to take accountability is asking for a lot

    • @actuallyken8874
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Tiktok brain of having to have some cool shit on every planet is more weird. Some of that shit just empty. Get over it.

    • @coryg945
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I really enjoyed my play through of Starfield, and I’m excited for the possibility of expansions. Unrelated to that, empty planets are boring af and I don’t believe that they believe other wise. Ego is one hell of a drug

    • @dmj271095
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The problem isn’t that some planets are empty, in fact, absolutely no planets are empty. I went to the Moon and did a dungeon their, fast traveled to Akila landing a random spot and found the exact same dungeon

    • @brycejohansen7114
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I don’t think Bethesda realizes how far they are up their own asses.

    • @Squalidarity
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I feel like if they just smushed all of the actual handmade planets into like 1-3 planets and kept it contained to no more than 1 or 2 solar systems then it would’ve retained the scale a lot better (and also fit a lot better with their supposed “NASApunk” aesthetic, as opposed to rocketing to the other side of the galaxy on a whim).

    Also as an aside I’d really encourage everyone to check out Rodina, it’s a space dogfighter that actually nails the scale of its planets, with seamless planet-space transitions to boot.

    • @QuantumChord
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Also… the moon landing happened in real life. If any of us went to the moon or any other barren world for the first time, we would be excited. Maybe a bit disappointed there wasn’t more but like… that pairs to the actual experience. In video games it’s just fast travel to place and oop I’m here. If we fast travel to a place that has nothing, then why bother having it be there I guess?

    • @Pieces2Weight
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    It is their pr training

    • @devinblonde
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Tbf not all planets would be able to support life so theyre not wrong

    • @annah7573
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Maybe its because I am a space person, but I found most of the planets enjoyable. I mean that’s just how space is, its unimaginably vast and most planets are gas giants, ice balls or rocky deserts, being annoyed at that seems silly to me. That said its also silly to expect people to have fun because they said so..

    • @sinceremage9
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda thinking the moon missions were effectively pointless would’ve been nice to know before buying their space game

    • @neek01
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    This feels very much like the “don’t you guys have phones” that blizzard pulled

    • @swisoserious4897
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Couldn’t they at least do some sort of copy paste base builder from FO4 on empty planets? They sure make a lot of excuses for releasing what seems like a rushed version of an originally good plan

    • @Derogon
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Nothing wrong with an empty planet if it’s fun. Sometimes I want to moonjump and just chill and sight see but I can’t fucking do that in Starfield because the game refuses to let me pilot a ship or drive a vehicle on the ground to cover large distances.

    Again, nothing is wrong with having an empty planet but the game is just not made to be fun.

    • @pooperdrop
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They weren’t bored…because they were *actually* on the moon… not sitting in their underwear, staring at their reflection in the dark TV as their console renders an empty box.

    • @nv1573
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Games should be fun and not realistic. Valve knew this when making half life. I hate the “we are trying to make this game as realistic as possible” it’s basically saying we are putting useless stuff that is not fun in our game. Welp… that sounds like a fucking waste of time 🤣

    • @somethingsomething7679
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    When gamer say they want something realistic, it’s a fun realistic not boring realistic

    • @flashbacker8935
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    you know ur game failed when No Mans Sky has it beat with whats actual content

    • @ChristopherCraven
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I’m sure the advancing part is part of why it was exciting, But it was exciting being on the moon because you were literally in a lower gravity place, literally in a space suit, literally walking around on a new surface that wasn’t the earth.

    In video games pressing forward on the walking stick on the moon, is no difference to holding Forward and walking in any video game.

    • @tetsusiega22
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They have drank the Microsoft kool-aid. Nothing they ever do will ever be wrong again, and using Microsoft’s patented technique…they can now fail upwards for the rest of their existence.

    • @hiurro
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    By this logic Call of Duty wasn’t fun because real people fought in World War II and it sucked.

    • @kerbalairforce8802
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    You wouldn’t be bored on the moon because you’d be in what is essentially kevlar overalls, a diving helmet, and a fish tank bubbler to recycle your farts into breathable air and if any of the duct tape peeled off you’d die a painful but quick death.
    So no, not bored.

    • @kokirij0167
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    See, in theory the whole “some planets are empty” thing IS cool.

    But theory and practice tend to be very different in certain aspects

    • @caitlinb1657
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Comparing your game to landing on the moon is CRAZY 🤣

    • @amixofgeekcontent
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    But ppl *were* bored when we went to the moon. that’s why NASA then sent idiot Homer Simpson to the moon. To get more views lol

    • @TuberTugger
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    How many Bethesda devs does it take to screw in a light bulb?

    None, they just convince you darkness is by design and not boring because moons have darkness.

    • @Goober504
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Hiking in a beautiful place is fun and exciting. Therefore it is fun to walk endlessly with nothing happening in a video game

    • @renannevesdoprado8996
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Also, how the hell can you compare going into an empty planet in a game vs experiencing the moon IN ACTUAL REAL LIFE? Sure, cause eating food in a game gives you the taste and feel like when eating it IRL too.
    What a damn stupid ass comparison. Lmao

    • @willmiddleton7932
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Thank god Starfield is getting the criticism it so desperately needs now that the Bethesda slop fans will stop leaping to its defense as if they’re being personally insulted

    • @princecuddle
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They’re trying to justify their actions because they fear players assume mega dev companies are supposed to be perfect without these kind of terrible game design ideas just to save on time.

    • @beladendron
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The fact that Pluto caused such a problem says how tense everything is. I blame politics.

    • @xxEMOSHARKZxx
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I seen so many people making excuses when this game came out…I knew they were deceived…they knew it too.

    • @chubbygardengnome
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Asking bethesda to admit theres a problem with their game? Thats like asking rick astley to give you up…

    • @Othree_
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Moon landing was science.
    Starfield is a video game.
    They surve different purpose kekw

    • @demolition3612
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I understand why its mostly empty, to add to the scale, and realism, but they focused so hard on that that they forgot it was meant to be entertaining, so some empty planets while great for resources and all, should have had more stuff. All in hindsight. Because of mod support though, this should be fixable with mods easily.

    • @Dracomandriuthus
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The people who went to the moon had a BUNCH to do, along with the everpresent danger of DYING.

    Space Engineers did it right, why cant you?

    • @draydonpointer4281
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “Where is ur pr training” real. But also they were right imo

    • @TheLegend-oy2sg
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Kerbal space program and starfield, both have reasonably empty planets but starfield feels empty and unfinished

    • @pif5023
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The moon was the first land outside Earth. In a Starfield universe it would be boring landing on a barren planet. It’s the same thing when you first visit a big city: cool at first as you are exploring but once you move there it becomes less interesting to just wander around.

    • @jordannutt2238
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bahahah jeeeezzzz the things devs say to cover ass for making dull shit

    • @SiriusMined
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Responses like theirs is insulting. We’re not fucking dumb.

    • @Sasoripwns
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Some people really like starfield. I got a friend with 200+ hours already. They had 900 in skyrim. The game was a flop but the ones who like it, love it.

    • @kylewarner5142
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Lmao all the bethesda haters going “oo! oo! I get to jump on another “bethesda sucks” train. Grow up 🙄

    • @Arvonot
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    You could send me to ceres and pick me up later, just let me stand there fore a while and I would not be bored. But in a game? Were this is no acomplishment and was done in other games? Yeah that’s boring

    • @GoriestPunk
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I like the empty quiet planets on NO Man’s Sky. That game advance so much since release & all free updates.

    • @bathtubmeggee7751
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “It just works”

    • @centurionfide7191
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I don’t know – I kind of like the eeriness of the lifeless planets. Paired with the music – I think it’s cool.

    • @shiniblackrose6362
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Realism is knowing flying through space, which will be 99.99% empty. Rick and Morty made this exact joke.

    • @LiqwdE
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    A lot of boring planets, true. But that’s a lot of space for modders to play with. 😅

    • @BigWheel.
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    One empty planet can be totally fine, because realistically theres gonna be places like that. You could do something interesting to make the emptiness not so boring, tell a cool story or something. But dont make a bunch of empty wastelands and then claim its profound game design when it’s really just lame and lazy. Glad I didn’t waste time playing starfeild I guess.

    • @baronluke8065
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I mean the easy answer is to warn player that there will be nothing, like Starbound’s “barren” planets. You visit one, get the gist and move on.

    • @Wanooknox
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I mean some of no man’s sky’s planets are also empty, but that’s not as boring because that’s part of the game loop. It takes minutes or less to fly to a different planet/star system, and each time it’s a gamble of what you’ll find there.

    But no man’s sky actually manages to make this fun.

    • @nickchivers9029
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Geez its almost as if going to the fucking real moon in real life is more exciting

    • @austinjeffries5741
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Not an L. Makes sense honestly.

    • @bloodyidit4506
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    they just made a bad game. It’s not a fucking simulator made by NASA, this is a game made to be played. God this game sucks.

    • @redeyedgamerz
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Why wouldnt they go with the, “we created spaces for the modding community to have blank canvas’s” angle 😑😑😑

    • @TheOblomoff
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Plus they weren’t bored, because if everything, even the tiniest tiniest thing goes wrong with their ship or spacesuit – they would be dead.
    I’d say it’s the opposite of boring.

    • @jjderz
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Players: we’re bored
    Bethesda: no you’re not

    • @JohnnyTromboner
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda doesn’t really exist anymore. All the talent found better opportunities and it’s just the 3rd string and worse teams left

    • @Lechuga1815
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    It was a bad response to something that’s not really an issue. The guy is right, 95% of space is airless empty chunks of rock. The fact that like 1 in 10 planets even has developed life is astronomical. I think the better answer is planets like that are there for sandbox settlement building and worldbuilding (or galaxy building in this case). It makes sense in the setting that you would have a lot of rocky moons. It’s not an L, it just makes me feel like i’m not in Star Wars where every uninhabitable planet is settled. I feel like a lot of people saw No Man’s Sky and wanted Starfield to be triple A that. But that’s not Bethesda’s style. It’s just space Fallout, and sometimes a rock is just a rock. Not every boulder in the Mojave needs a bandit base on it. I would like better random events though, and the game can always be improved.

    • @cas1652
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The moon is empty and it would be boring af once the novelty wore off and you had nothing to do. Also “boring” can be nice when you crossed 300k KM in a tin can that’s strapped to a volcano just so you could descend in a aluminum foil lander. The stuff astronauts had to do took incredible skill and concentration very unlike what it takes to play Bethesda games.

    That’s why KSP planets can be empty, the gameplay is in the skill of getting there.

    Problem is that gamedevs keep taking out skills (building and flying a rocket) and replace them with “skills” (a numeric indicator that controls what cutscenes/ animations you have access to).

    • @insane13juggalo
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    This is probably the best take. I’ve heard the same response many times but this guy said it the best.

    • @duffstrodamus3233
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They weren’t bored cuz they could die at any moment.

    • @DaFrancc
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The difference is they ACTUALLY WENT to the moon which is really cool. But this is just looking at some boring ass planet on a screen

    • @flyingpiggles1034
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “Why do people find walking sims boring? I go for a walk and im not bored.” 🧠

    • @tcartier9178
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I personally think they left some planets dull so modders can “have at it”.

    • @Robot-Overlord
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    That is the most unhinged statement ive ever heard. Like dude the moon wouldnt be fun for a gamer, why would I want that replicated in my 70+ dollar purchase?

    Like you couldve stuck a hermit on one of those moons as a meme at the very least, or gave reasons why they arent inhabited like you get stuck in a gravity field and get sucked to the empty planet only to find its empty because everyone died here.

    • @miqs9
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Tbh if they make the planet work like no man sky instead of random map generated everytime you land, people will more acceptance even with whole fast travel thing.

    Defending the game like this also really bad thing to do where the hell they PR person…

    I guess we back to push Bethesda to use new engine again… The limitation just more apparent

    • @MuffinnTray
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Sounds like something WoW would say and that’s an ominous sign

    • @S_Evenwar
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    If players did in a video game the stuff astronauts did on the moon, that would also be boring. It would be amazing and exciting to walk on the moon in real life. That would transmit to about 2o Minnie’s fun and then boredom, then frustration as you have to skip everywhere and have your sense of movement restricted to the point of tedium.

    • @pokelordomega1701
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    sure, empty planets are technically “realistic” and “natural” but who said we wanted that in videogames?

    • @manis77
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “P-PR training?” – probably a Bethesda employee

    • @catdisc5304
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    If I wanted to see emptiness I’d look into myself instead of playing starfield.

    • @ziberoc4364
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Sounds like some asshole in a comment section lmfao

    • @Coolio_Ash
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am


    • @cennisen
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They got paid to go to the moon
    By that logic bethesda better start payin up

    • @starship1701
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I saw someone explore a bit of a planet on starfield. It really was boring as hell

    • @MrOrdosan
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    its the same as energy as EGS “well steam didnt have a shopping cart when they came out”

    • @arentol7
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They weren’t bored because one wrong move and they were dead.

    • @robintheviking8990
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Also, pretty sure the astronauts spent a lot of time really bored.

    • @RandyReeTV
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    That… can’t be the devs real response 🤨…..

    • @chrisjhanley
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They weren’t bored because they were actually on the moon. Not playing a video game in their bedroom. Bethesda is hitting an all-time high in arrogance. Have to wonder how much it has to do with this being THE project for Todd Howard. It’s truly pitiful to witness.

    • @soorian6493
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “No, it’s the players that are wrong.”

    • @johnmagus6341
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    These dude’s are on something WILD…

    • @xyeona9624
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Like, the boring planet isn’t the problem, the problem is that boredom isn’t a design choice here, it has no artistic value, it’s boring because they didn’t put anything there

    • @Altrue
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The astronauts didn’t have a fucking loading screen to get to the moon though… What’s more, getting there & landing might have actually been a tiny bit more challenging than walking around on the moon…. You know, the things we CAN’T do.

    • @UltraAlex2000
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “just take the L and do something else”. You see how that doesn’t work because it’s Bethesda: they had one good idea and stuck to it for decades, all of this while overselling it and underdeveloping it at the same time.

    • @Tehn00bA
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Getting to an empty planet in Starfield or even Elite Dangerous is NOTHING like getting on the Mun in Kerbal Space Program. There is all an effort, preparation, challenges and solutions to get there in KSP, which is where that argument of the astronauts would be valid and definetly not on Starfield.

    • @jamesbessant9290
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Trying to put your game on the same level as one of mankind’s finest achievements is a piece of ego I have never seen before.

    • @TheKrawtch
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “It’s fun. You’re having fun. You are having so much fun right now that you aren’t noticing my critical levels of cope. Wow, that’s a lot of fun.”

    • @Scrote69
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I hate Bethesda😅🤦🏻‍♂️ such a shit game company. If only they didn’t take the path they chose.

    • @xcalicojack
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They’re comparing a game to real life. Lmao. Bethesda, you still need to engage your players because IT’S A GAME!

    • @michaeladrow2794
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Yeah but I have to disagree with the”boring” aspect. Relate it to Skyrim or Fallout and what was ever fun about walking from city to city until you get the fast travel network established? I think gamers are so pampered to now they expect 0 problem with any game and create unrealistic expectations

    • @lawnmowerman5006
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Lots of people drive to work everyday and THATS not boring!… oh wait.. yeah it is! And that’s exactly how Starfield feels like to play!

    • @xiaofha
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I’ve never played that game, but I do enjoy seeking out specific planets in Elite Dangerous.

    • @danialBeard4653
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    sounds like a teenager in his bedroom getting butt hurt 😂

    • @ameliabrittain3689
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    This is why Baldurs gate won game of the year, the devs listen to the fans, and give us what we want

    • @dennis_duran
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Going to the moon in a game where you travel to thousands of planets with alien life is not noteworthy. Casting a spell in real life would be incredible, doing it in Skyrim is not.

    • @twistynoodles
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Imagine coping to the Moon.

    • @erichdamer1312
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The moon landing, a fucking unprecedented spectacle at the time previously thought to be impossible, might not be the same as a futuristic game about going beyond what we could ever explore up until today… But sure, you do you

    • @ameteuraspirant
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    what do they mean “nothing” on the moon there’s literally so many cool rocks up there!

    • @desupernoodle
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I love how they compared a video game to one of the most significant events in history

    • @SolantisA
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    IF I had to fly to those empty planets by ACTUALLY FLYING then it would kinda be okay to find a realistically empty planet.
    But it’s two clicks away… ever single one of them is only two clicks away!
    There is a reason why people don’t complain about Elite Dangerous planets or Kerbal Space Program.

    • @dante4111
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The only Bethesda game i have truly enjoy was Doom Eternal It was different from the very strict formula they have for making video games there at Bethesda, I don’t know who supervises the games at Bethesda but they need to let them be more creative and learn what works and what doesn’t.

    • @ivenstorm
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    being empty is fine sporatically, as long as your able to explore everywhere and land your ship anywhere that allows landing. If your planet is just pick an area via a menu, that isn’t fun.

    • @TheDreamStealer999
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They’re weren’t bored cuz they were ACTUALLY on the moon, not staring a screen in my room at a fake planet being empty 😭

    • @TheCandyManTeam
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The moon wasn’t empty. The moon was covered in rocks that had never before been touched by life, boundless possibilities to discover, and even had we known there was nothing interesting the act of getting there was reward enough. In Starfield not only is there nothing on the planets, getting there is just a push of the button, then wasting minutes wandering around figuring out there’s nothing to do.

    • @gigaus0
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I mean, they’re techically right….But yeah, if you have an empty anything in your exploration game, people ain’t gonna wanna engage with it.

    • @Wasthatapuffin
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Realism doesn’t turmp fun.

    • @romic8427
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Casuals thinking bethesda has released anything good in the past 20 years and that Starfield is an anomaly lmao

    • @kylehenze1508
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Honestly, if they had just had a system to wear you land on a planet, the on board AI can give you information and for empty planets. Say you know, planet is desolate.
    Then it wouldn’t be an issue because people would know. The planet is empty without having to spend, however long looking.

    • @LastPain95
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    when another experienced game dev is calling you out, you definitely are making something wrong

    • @madmatt2024
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    We all know that if every planet had stuff on it then people would call it “unrealistic”.

    • @johnlong572
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Some sure
    The vast majority no

    • @Lebensgott
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    *elite dangerous players hiding*

    • @matthewrevell9021
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    If you wanted to make the game realistic it would take years to get to any planet that isnt in the solar system your in if you wanted it to be realistic you would probably die in your first or second gun fight video games ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE REALISTIC your just lazy and trying to make excuses videogames are only realistic when that makes it more fun other than that it only makes as much sense as it has to, to be a well designed game

    • @isaacwebb6086
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda is truly not a good game studio they’ve just been extraordinarily lucky more than once and every time they make a game I cross my fingers that they accidentally did it right

    • @robardokennedy600
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Trying to compare literally landing on the moon to playing starfield… Nice Bethesda pr team, real nice

    • @boi1825
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I can make a completely empty world for me to run around for free in Ue5 why the hell would I pay 70$ for the same experience? Shit, with practice I can add things into said world and it’d be cool because I made it!

    • @silkyz68
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    If I had a Rover, it would have been 3x as bareable

    • @TheScottishlad20901
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Its still funny to me people were shilling for Starfield whilst likewise hating on No Man Sky for this exact thing. Claiming that all the worlds in Starfield would be filled to the brim with things to do among otherwise. NMS is exploration focused with a generating engine. That was its sole purpose among otherwise. It achieved that and more. Starfield was meant to be an adventure-esque game in space. It failed that.

    • @kirbyball97
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Imagine trying to defend bad game design by saying bad game deisgn isn’t boring.

    • @littlejack59
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Pirate software fans will give thor every penny he has just to not actually take his advice

    • @ricknmoorte1498
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    You make a great point, if the game had a crafting/research aspect to visiting barren planets it would make going to them much more compelling!!

    • @Eddie_Munster
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I was debating getting this game. Glad I watched this. Seems to be a common theme

    • @yagirljasmine7882
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I think they shouldn’t have made so many planets, it kinda does the opposite effect of exploration for me. I only go there once or twice and never again since there’s not much to do.

    • @kurtacus3581
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda out here acting like they’re doing real space exploration in their loading screen simulator

    • @user-gi4zy5nh1f
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Ya and Xbox doesn’t even have a system that will run it properly and they forced use to use cloud gaming like what ur system won’t even run it and ur forcing us to use cloud gaming disgusting so we need to buy a new system twice a year ??? How many Xboxs do u think I’m going to buy that don’t work zero trash company it’s clear now that sales people are designing our video games for profit and only care about the people that are rich

    • @kaelrebric
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bruh No man’s sky also had this problem did they not see what happened to them? Take the L, when you have a L

    • @cybercrasherstv
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Also, and maybe this is not applicable, but when people went the moon, they weren’t bored cause there was nothing there, THEY WERE WALKING OUTSIDE OF EARTH! can you imagine how insane it would be if you were born during the great depression, and got to test how gravity worked on a natural satellite. THAT’D BE SO COOL

    • @MawsYT
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda’s game design is outdated

    • @zhain0
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    ‘It just works’

    You wait till the next elder scrolls. Skyrim was only just passable.

    I warned everyone about 76 and starfield. No one listened. The same is going to happen with elder scrolls.

    Its such a shame.

    • @squeethesane
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Shout-out to the astronauts that smuggled up clubs and balls and played golf on the moon… Wasn’t to avoid boredom though. It was just for that rebellious spirit and threat of lifetime grounding.

    • @mirrormirror3125
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    You’re bored? No you’re not! 😂

    • @SATequila
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    This whole thing smells like an order that came down from an overpaid jackass in the C-suite.

    • @G-Forces
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Wouldn’t surprise me if those responses are AI generated.

    • @TheCrayon
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    You know, Bethesda has a point. I would have way more fun on the moon than playing Starfield.

    • @Vinnie_PT
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Tbh when he said “where’s your PR training” i could only think about “do you guys not have phones?”

    • @c00KieDuderoo
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    yeah? well, I could imagine people would be bored on the empty moon if space travel would be readily available to basically everyone. you created this world and chose to make it boring, it is your loss

    • @OfficialYondoth
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Transparency and owning things.

    Can’t remember the last time Bethesda exhibited either of those.

    • @wokeupinapanic
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    If you wanna get even more technical… the astronauts might not have been bored, but NASA certainly was. There’s a reason why no one has gone back.

    There’s nothing to do. Which is boring.

    • @Lewisking50
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The planets and moons aren’t even empty, there’s points of uninterest scattered everywhere. The bigger issue is how far apart these are without a proper way to get to them faster and nothing interesting happening on the way (or at the destination). I used console commands to speed up walking for most of the game so I could circumvent at least.

    • @evelaraevia8596
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I cannot believe a developer equated their empty planet in a video game to the first humans to set foot on another celestial body. Thats insane.

    • @seiboldtadelbertsmiter3735
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I’ve played for 227 hours so far and the game has potential but it’s kind of obvious that modders are going to have to fix all the problems because Bethesda is just not going to do it. It’s really messed up that landing on a world it’s just so empty and the outpost building is well it sucks. Of course I currently have 70 mods that I’m using that make the game somewhat less crappy so it’s got lots of problems

    • @SpikeProgram
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I think having empty planets is kind of realistic. Just sucks if you spent time going there lol

    • @deebznutz100
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    😂 death was literally millimeters away from them at every moment. They were in the most hostile environment possible. I’m pretty sure boredom was probably something they left on Earth.

    • @user-gi4zy5nh1f
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    And all the enemy’s just say pirate also they forced us to use cloud gaming and so it won’t even run on my internet there is no way to find objectives and u can only land at certain points the ships are undriveable u might get used to flying them after 1k hours it looks like it was made ten years ago and never finished and u can’t actually enjoy exploring because there is nothing on any of the planets and the loot is trash overall it’s a bad game it’s clear that dudes in there basement with mod software could make a better game in two years than this a game we waited 15 years for sad Bethesda is a washout company like 10 years later we finally get some decent things for skyrim but it all cost and u need this and that and a new Xbox and a hard drive and game pass and u pay for it all trash they literally mad skyrim by accident lol sad we have gone so far backwards now u pay 70 bucks for a game and 25 a month to play it and the game is trash other than graphics and o it’s on unrealistic engine 16 so u need to buy it twice

    • @RxCGaming
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    people went to the moon and werent bored because they were ON THE FUCKING MOON… We are playing a fucking video game here todd.

    • @ZeMaddog1
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Kerbal Space Program’s planets are empty, but they aren’t boring because it’s the journey that’s the fun part, not the destination.

    • @kevorkyijan118
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Proved to be made with GPTChat…check the other response on bad reviews ….too similar to be man made

    • @tD-wp5vj
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Seems to me they should just make the empty planets rich in resources to set outposts on but you know

    • @babytricep437
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda is the worst gaming company with a scam artist at its head. They don’t do anything except publish good games and release dogshit

    • @kyle857
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They are gaslighting us

    • @ronoc9
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Astronauts went to the moon knowing the millions on ways they could have died at any second. Yeah, I’d say they weren’t bored!

    • @Zelmel
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They weren’t bored, they were DOING A JOB. They were on full effort basically the entire time because not doing it would have led to their deaths!

    • @macmusial3644
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Ah yes, the classic “You don’t want that either, you think you do, but you don’t.”

    • @Sarcastican_
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    In Stanfield, Constellation supposedly explores planets outside the settled systems, yet in-game you never get to make first-contact with a planet.

    The planets in Starfield are empty. There are no vehicles nor mounts for planetary travel, so you have to walk (but walk too far and you hit world border).

    • @TheKrensada
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    This almost felt like Bethesda was trying to use the jedi mind trick on us. *Waves hand* You are actually having fun

    • @love6ic202
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Comparing a game to a historical moment for humans has gotta be the dumbest thing I’ve seen ☠️😭 obviously they’re two different things 🤦🏽‍♂️

    • @TheHappyKamper
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I bet these guys watch porn for the storylinesm

    • @harryfriend4362
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Banthesda with the bants. It just works 😂 but nah its crap lol

    • @marthflores3515
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    To me its crazy how hard theyre on PR for this

    • @TheHappyKamper
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    This is exactly the kind of attitude I expect now from game company execs.

    • @CopyRobot
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    It’s not bad game design, it’s a feature.

    • @leviticuscornwall9631
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    ES6 is gonna be trash isn’t it? Bethesda fell off hard

    • @godtierlee5540
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Its funny because one of the devs also went into a rant about how hard it is to make a game and quote “no one ever sets out to make a bad game on purpose” like dude have you seen cash grab games 💀

    • @StariMojE
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    With all the replies on bethesda’s different social medias and steam reviews it feels like they want to force people to like the game.

    • @johnangelle5975
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I get what they’re trying to say, it’s possible, but I’d have to experience it for myself to say if they achieved non-boring emptiness or not

    • @anxietyonline1947
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Gives off “Do you guys not have phones?” vibes.

    • @farfromirrational948
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Mass effect has empty planets…..but you dont land on them, you just shoot a probe that harvests any resources present.

    In their minds it would ruin immersion to not be able to access meaningless planets, but in reality it saves 99% of the people playing from wasting hours.

    • @RonnieMcDee
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I think the empty planets are a result of a bigger issue. Elite dangerous has plenty of empty planets.

    • @austindelisle3900
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They also spent three days in a tin can pressed against each other I would’ve love to just roll around on the moon

    • @TheSteeltec
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I decided I wanted to fully explore the first planet you go to after leaving the mining planet. I explored and walked for maybe 5 or more irl hours and it was legitimately empty, 1 meaningless bandit camp, like 1 plant, and 2 animals you need to scan over and over to complete one of the “Biomes.”

    Very very little lore or any story with the environment or documents, it along with the very “interesting” perk system it genuinely killed any excitement and willingness to play the game.

    The MAIN thing with Bethesda games is you can just explore and find things to do, you go to do a quest in fallout or in skyrim and you find a stronghold or settlement and then it has its own lore and history and at least somewhat interesting characters and quests. Your reward for exploring in Stanfield is nothing, you get and are rewarded with nothing and it is just not enjoyable for the player.

    • @Trikean
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Fallout 4 felt empty. Now they have entire planets that are empty. I’m half expecting Skyrim 2 to be as barren a wasteland as Fallout is thematically. Except there’s actually shit to do in classic fallout.

    • @Ash17x
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They have been responding to reviews with ai messages

    • @reznovvazileski3193
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    This was an actual starfield dev typing those words… The moment that realization sinked in I lost all hope for this game’s future updates on top of its current state. Even IF just the vast overwhelming space is enough for a video game to be interesting, which it definitely is not because this is a video game and not real life… But say it was, Starfield still isn’t a vast overwhelming space because you ffing have to fasttravel everywhere because you’ll straight up fly through planets if you visit them through regular space exploration… So they failed what they should’ve done, then they failed what they intended to do, and then they failed so hard in fixing it that they had to fail making excuses for it as well.

    • @justin_38
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda has the most victim-complex mindset I’ve ever seen from a game developer. Over games that literally aren’t even good. They haven’t had a real hit since Skyrim yet they act like every game they’ve ever made is some immersive masterpiece, then get all butthurt when people don’t like it

    • @bearlykoalafied9821
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I thought this was just a fan review holy fuck thats a dev

    • @oz_jones
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    This is clearly Moon logic.

    I’ll get my coat…

    • @dom1091
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    It just works

    • @NoobInside12
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Ficou do caralho, compatriota de outro país

    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    It is literally not difficult for them to make procedurally-generated encounters on planets, and have it roll on a 90% or 80% chance so that while once in a while you might find a planet with nothing, you’ll at least find humanity or some other form of alien life present.

    • @ghostkilla931
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    STARFIELD a boring AF game. Ship building was mid. The transitions being loading screens was also an L. Star citizen everything is there. You wanna go to an asteroid belt. Grim hex. You can go there. No load screens. You wanna land on any planet or moon? You can just go there. There are a ton of things to do in Star citizen.

    • @thebeastlybaker
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They were bored because they were physically ON the moon

    • @yeetdepilot6685
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    denying, it just works (it doesn’t)

    • @lackinthebox
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Because the astronauts WENT to the moon. They did a REAL thing. Not went to simulation of some random place

    • @bearb1asting
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I wish I could hear his take on Star Wars Jedi Survivor

    • @allenaju1856
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I don’t hate the game it’s just something they shoulda really thought out first Bethesda game where there isn’t a war like there isn’t a actual conflict and to sum up the theme of the game is a really complex rick and morty

    • @kurtru5selcrowe607
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Species not race…

    • @tripnils7535
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    some people complain that the planets are empty, other players complain that there is not a single planet without POIs in the near distance so they can build a hidden base far away from anything xD

    • @stinkypitz0005
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    PR? We lost that competence a decade ago.

    • @saranoma6910
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Theyll just release skyrim again and all will be forgiven in their eyes

    • @deviousmile669
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Having no content Is not a bug….it’s a feature

    • @TimedRelease
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Do you guys not have phones?!

    • @milkshake0802
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “No actually you did have fun, here’s why”

    • @charleshaines9715
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I kinda agree though. They can’t all be super exciting, otherwise that effect will wear off. But there should be SOMETHING on each planet. Others should just have a lot more.

    • @Pufty
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I actually thought the same. I enjoyed that fact and the scenery most of these empty boxes brought. I was looking around more than where some marker led to

    • @ruinedbectorem2254
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am


    Just in the next version have the planets be the early versions of the older inhabited planets… Mars v Earth

    • @ashirrelevent1062
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Dude, I’m sooooo terrified ES 6 is gonna be trash

    • @AvalineSky
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    From what I understand, the planets are empty to give modders blank canvases to work with

    • @karlkvalvik3073
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Eventually, maybe, a modicum of skepticism will be gleened by players who will stop buying into marketing campaigns.

    I certainly don’t trust new games anymore, until such time as I am proven wrong.

    • @IsaRat89
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    You are now banned from bethesta Thor, you have to write a 500 worded letter about how you are wrong, and after that one of two thing will happen: you will get a mail about “There is nothing they can do about it” or they ship you some cheap gin in a plastic encased bottle

    • @avalanche3147
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda has never been a good dev

    • @StonekingCam
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    An people weren’t bored playing pong all day once upon a time.. guess what times have changed, and expectations are higher…

    If I was actually exploring the planet it would be more exciting, but it’s in a game.. Lol

    • @L3giT_Hax
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Yes have some empty planets to explore for those who want it. But not a ton.

    • @williamagan3506
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They didn’t even commit to having truly empty planets, you land on a barren wasteland and 25 seconds later someone lands right next to you and you always stumble across remains of some kind of civilization without fail

    • @Aliamus_
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    He had to reach so far up his ass for that take, he won’t have to take a shit for weeks.

    • @aloneinfinland
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    comeon when has bugthesda every admitted they where wrong

    • @Klinkertinlegs
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Did they go to the same PR training as “What, do you not have phones”? 😂

    • @GorillaTape
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    So nice of Bethesda to spend so much time and money to market No Mans Sky

    • @bruhmoment8624
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Its a pain but this is what Bethesda will do is create an environment and a theme and let the modders do their shit to carry the game

    At least with skyrim and fallout 4 (both with the biggest modding communites) the game wasnt that empty and you could explore and appreciate the hand crafted world

    • @azure7065
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Believing exploring the moon is comparable to walking around giant red dirtball #23 in Starfield is crazy.

    • @brezilianpope
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Imagine how they felt like, being the first ever people on the moon. This guy is comparing a game to this 😂

    • @Narding5566
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Astronauts werent bored cause they were collecting data through rocks, atmosphere and images to take to Earth for study. They had things to do there, it only looks nothing to us normal beings. Stupid Bethesda

    • @rejz123
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Reminds of that one rockstar comment during the early days RDRO. Guns were way over priced and players didnt get payed shit for completing mission. If i remember the first time you complete the mission you get 2- bucks after that it only a dollar. meanwhile the mauser pistol was priced in the thousands. One of the rockstars response to that was ” $20 bucks was a lot back in 1800’s” or something like that.

    • @13thTemplar718
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The point of a freaking video game is to be entertaining, space being empty is not entertaining no matter how accurate it is.

    • @TheThiccJesus
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield is ok. I’m still hoping they will fix things via updates, or for modders to fix the game for them. More than likely the latter.

    • @Arclite02
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “When the Astronauts went to the Moon, there was nothing there.”

    Yes there was… THE FUCKING MOON!!!

    Actually landing on the MOON IRL is beyond awesome. Literally everything about it is incredible AF.

    Landing on the moon in a game, where it’s not **THE MOON**, but just the exact same environment as anywhere else, but grey?? NOT THE SAME THING!

    • @coryjohnson2486
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They need to do away with the “settlement/ship building” and focus on fleshing out their open world and making fun/unique quests!! They could’ve gone in SO MANY different directions to make this game amazing, but this is the final product. It’s just a total letdown after all this time man 🤦‍♂️. I wish Starfield was never a thing and they just focused on TES VI..

    • @RandomnessOfcl
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    That sound like something I would expect to hear from a fan, not Bethesda themselves tf

    • @g0g0duck20
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    What is the argument even meant to be? The astronauts weren’t bored? Yeah bc they’re on the fucking MOON. Don’t make up bullshit excuses for lazy game design.

    • @emberjaxx585
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Idk man, I think it would be pretty dumb if every planet had stuff, it’s in no way realistic. With that said I understand you’re coming at it from a game design perspective.

    • @popopo1985
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    going to the actual Moon = playing video game without content in it

    • @raganash5759
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They could have said we left those for modders, and cause space is desolate and that would have been fine. But nah they fumbled big

    • @Vanity0666
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Okay then genius reddit comment, explain why the majority of planets all have the exact same templated features and character spawns, because by my reckoning if I were to look at ANY OTHER PLANET I would not see a reflection of the past ten planets I had just looked at

    • @littledragon4792
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Ha, ha, ha! I haven’t read the text in question so I can’t comment on that fairly/justly, so I won’t. I have some thoughts about the subject though.

    If I got to take an ever so short walk on the Moon and just… scrape a little with a shovel in the dust, I would be EXSTATIC… AMAZED.

    I have, however, built several spaceships and landed on several alien planets in games. Not at all new to me. There is a strong difference between the two experiences to me.

    As a gamer and an occasional, I have several thoughts about this; different perspectives for and from different circumstances and players.

    An imagined planet that is empty of treasures to plunder, enemies to fight, colonies to visit, and people to talk to, can still be full of experiences. I’ve sat in a “capital ship”, best described as “makeshift” or “juri-rigged”, in Empyrion, a game i think is fair to say is still far away from completed, and watched the rain and the nature in a swamp, listening to the rain and the sounds of unseen animals in the surrounding vegetation, as the sun set beyond the swampy forest I had landed in, while sipping on a cup of coffee, and it was sooo relaxing.

    To some players I would describe it as “empty”, if they asked, because that is what they would feel based on their preferences, but to me it wasn’t, at least not at that time. When Minecraft was released, I felt it had lots to experience. Today I wouldn’t touch it without a solid mod-pack, because I feel like there is barely anything to see. I think it is… empty.

    No to switch over to my inner GM:
    If an entire planet actually feels empty, if there is actually nothing to watch, “feel”, “smell”, or listen to, then it is probably either a placeholder meant to remind me to put something good there, or it’s waste of time, even for the dev(dev’s), and could be made as a “background object” or at least something pointed out as such and just there as a visual prop, just like all the other props strewn around a “level”.

    🤔 I hope that made sense as a bunch of observations. 😅 Please pardon any poor english. It’s not my primary language.

    Also: I wonder how many times the video looped as I (bravely struggling) typed this on my cellphone. Ha, ha, ha! Oh, my brain.

    • @crashwithkirby6708
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    That has big “you all have phones, don’t you?” energy

    • @mortache8109
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Talk about realism and then have sleeping bags out in the open on the surface of fucking Venus

    • @colzaidikari
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    That’s a 100% narcissistic response by Bethesda

    • @AndrewFullerton
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Step 1: Have a few hub planets with a few really fleshed-out settlements apiece, each unique and all populated by interesting and memorable characters.

    Step 2: The rest of the hub planets can be sparsely populated, possibly dangerous due to xeno-botany, xeno-fauna, terraforming shenanigans, spacepirates etc. A scattering of asteroids and uninhabited planets can then be placed between the populated ones.

    Step 3: Design/find some engaging gameplay loops. Maybe they find its fun to go outside of the settlement’s atmospheric dome and document every single native lifeform, many of which are extremely dangerous. Maybe they find its fun to harvest minerals and other natural resources while keeping an eye out for any pirate waiting to strike when your hold is full and your maneuverability is low. Maybe they find it’s fun to build – and set up outposts and supply lines to maintain – a fledgling settlement/factory that is one major blackout away from atmospheric collapse.

    Step 4: Integrate those gameplay loops with the world design. If one of your loops is mining, make every planet mineable (but some minerals are only found on certain planets). If a loop is discovery, make every planet have some anomaly that shows up on the scanners (but only some need to be examined on foot). Every place you go should have *something* for each gameplay loop, but not evenly distributed.

    Step 5: Characters, settings, and stories need to react to each loop. If you’re an independent trader maybe you get contacted by some shady cartel that tries to recruit you. If you refuse, you have a target on your back until you shut them down with some gelp from the space-cops. If you join them, you becoma a smuggler and do risky jobs for them in return for top-quality black market goods. Whichever road you take will actively change your relationship with the game world and your relationships with the characters in it.

    Step 6: Give the player an overarching goal that all of the core loops can work toward. Maybe its needing an absurdly large amount of money to pay off an important debt before a deadline. Maybe its forming alliances with a bunch of ununified factions to form a federation of sorts before infighting escalates to full-on war. Maybe youre trying to uncover a information about an ancient alien society that may or may not still be alive and you need money and connections to get leads. Whatever you want, as long as every loop can feed into it.

    Step 7: Double check that each gameplay loop provides a different kind of engagement targetted at different subsets of players. Double check that every location has some sort of significance, whether it’s rich in a rare metal, contains an artifact, is controlled and occupied by a faction, is right along a busy trade route and a common staging point for pirate raids, has unique lifeforms, etc. Double check that you see different sides of characters, factions, and locations depending on your actions, and that they react to you.

    Congratulations, you’ve made a game and not just a box. Scale doesnt matter if there’s nothing to find. Quests don’t matter if there’s no tension/risk. Characters don’t matter if they don’t have arcs shaped by the circumstances around them. You’ve gotta put a game in your game or else you just have

    • @N_0_I_Z_E
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The game tells you if there’s stuff on them or not when you’re looking at them before landing it’s kind of the players choice for spending time exploring Barren planets

    • @dodgehemimopar
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Yo idk how but 2 missions I did were 100% the same. Planet name changed but it was the same cave and building. Sucked me right out the game. Worse part the game knew I been there cause all the enemy’s were gone but I still had the objectives to do.

    • @NeedForMadnessSVK
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    People, I beg you, stop buying Bethesda games.

    • @Mike_Dubo
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Out of curiousity, was there supposed to be pirates, researchers, and a mining operation on Earth’s moon?

    • @Alexander59059
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I haven’t play starfield so I can’t comment on that.
    But if I made a space game I would definitely include barren planets to help set the scene of space.

    • @AA-sw5pb
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda pr has always sucjed remebwr fallout 76? Asude from the actual problems with the game the pr trying to deal with the hate and backlash was the worst uve ever seen

    • @Mashamazzi
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    If definitely makes sense that there would be one or two planets without anything on them

    Though, if the game doesn’t tell you it’s empty I’d be pissed about finding nothing

    • @CertifiedNEETClassic
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield is set in the year 2330, where space travel is readily accessible beyond our own moon. So our own moon would still be boring.

    • @LaZoR50
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda has gone completely down the drain. Starfield is a shell of a game and only a fool wouldn’t see it.

    • @Dredgeon
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They should let the empty planets be empty planets without having random outposts everywhere. have more populated places close the Alpha Centauri and then have places that basically serve as nothing but resource balls to fill in the gaps and make the world huge. It’s like of you decided to ride out into the middle of nowhere in Red Dead but then every five feet there’s a random shack with bad guys just waiting around to be shot.

    • @NSGrendel
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “There is only joy in finding gold when digging through dirt. Every reward system is based on this. We got the balance wrong. Plus a lot of our best people keep leaving due to corporate mentality and overwork. So when one of the marketing executives suggested, “leaving planets empty, like scratchcards”, we did it, to see our kids.

    Fixed it <- 7 years in games industry.

    • @Xenodargon
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda cut QA testers like I cut my vegetables for dinner

    • @Bobby3OOO
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They’re not empty. They have bases and dungeons and resources. They just don’t have grass or trees. Still human settlements everywhere. Sorry if that’s too hard to follow

    • @grantgosselin7813
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The fact western game developers with a long standing reputation are pumping out such absolute trash and thinking they can get away with it is because people refuse to start being real with these people. Legenoftotalwar is the only streamer I’ve seen with enough balls to say straight up to developers that they suck ass their games suck ass and they have been pumping nothing but shit and holding nothing back while saying this. The fact a game company has the balls and ego to say that their simulation is anything comparable with going to space and another celestial body for the first time is absolute insanity, and these people deserve nothing but disdain and criticism. Bethesda started going downhill with skyrim, anyone who was around for morrowind and oblivion could feel the shallowness of skyrim and could see what was coming.

    • @raihanmansurdi4404
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Also, another point, the moon isn’t a planet, the moon is a moon.

    • @niallallison5785
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Just give a scanner that says “huh not many quests not many places to explore” and people won’t be bored going to the boring planet”

    • @ZigaZagu
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Damn… That’s crazy

    • @eddiebernays514
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They tried to cut costs while cutting costs

    • @crimsonpotemkin
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They could’ve said “we left some of them empty for future dlc or the modding scene”
    It’s not a great excuse, but it’s still probably better

    • @Bec-Son
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda “why does everyone like fallout new vegas more than 4” howard

    Seriously, compared to new Vegas star field probably has less content than a 10 year old game

    • @pumpkingamebox
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Going to an empty moon wasn’t boring in the same way as it wasn’t boring to go to first grade for the first time. How quickly did you get tired of school? How quickly should a normal person get tired of empty planets in a video game meant to hold your attention?
    Rick and Morty already made this joke by making their space game super realistic.

    • @tylermech66
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    You know Bethesda, there’s kind of a _reason_ we stopped going to the Moon!

    • @Inshokuten69
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda? Try something else? If they did that they couldn’t reskin the same radiant quest simulator for their next game.

    • @achildofearth
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Can’t expect the majority of the planets out there to be interesting.

    • @amvalentine
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Fun fact:

    The Moon is useless and unexplorable, unless humanity can make something out of it.

    We can, which is why it’s important. But in Starfield you can’t so it’s just one big piece of empty land.

    • @greglane334
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Real “You have cellphones, don’t you?” energy

    • @h3rmesactual
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “It’s not a bug, it’s a feature” kinda response.

    • @stupidboyliker6960
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda’s one and only marketing strategy is gaslighting their player base in hopes that we won’t complain about games that are shit.

    • @milescarter7803
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    That’s not the most incongruent thing about the game. You want me to believe humans expand into the galaxy and are wasting resources on bullets for guns? The absolute closest you would get projectile based would probably be an air gun. But realistically it would probably be something else. Not RDR2 in space

    • @Dutch_is_a_Weird_Language
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “Where’s your PR Training?”
    If Fallout 76 is to be considered: no longer present at the company for at least 5 years

    • @mhmm4303
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I guarantee you they felt bored at least once.

    • @MattCedar
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Boredom is a lack of inner resources.

    • @AL3XSlayer
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am


    • @andrewash9230
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    This has “Don’t you have phones?” Energy

    • @nordvestgaming1238
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I think they also forgot the astronauts were LITERALLY ON THE MOON, not sitting at home playing a video game.

    • @letsplaysquire3257
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “You’ve all got phones right?”

    • @jessegimenez5480
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Your players are the ones that decide if it was boring or not lol what kind of crap is that. Bethesda has been a giant let down since fallout 4. That being said I enjoyed fallout 4. Let’s just say they are no rockstar games, and everyone knows it.

    • @nakuvamp
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Lol because exploring an empty planet in a video game where it is cannon in your video game thats your a highky advanced civilization and planets with alein life exist unless we can do cool shit witht the empty planet why bother. Exploring an empty planet IRL would be amazing because its entirley new to humanity the fact ur on another planet AT ALL is a feat of human sceince that like 6 people have ever done in history

    • @dylanrouse-do7ey
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am


    • @argentpanphagein8898
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I haven’t played Starfield, but one of my gripes with space exploration games like Starbound and No Man’s Sky is exactly the opposite of this. Every forsaken rock already has outposts on it! I want to explore the unknown, dangit! Of course, literal barren rocks are still boring, tho

    • @shalizzle793
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I wouldn’t even mind the statement “some of our planets are meant to be empty” if even a small number of the other planets weren’t incredibly empty as well. Even the planets with major cities on them are… just about entirely empty. furthermore, empty planets would be great if you could colonize them more effectively, but their colonization system is completely fucked and dysfunctional, and not rewarding at all.

    • @Carl_with_a_k_
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Thought that was somebody defending Bethesda lmfao didn’t realize it was someone FROM Bethesda

    • @xzaratulx
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    16x the details I guess xD

    • @runelt99
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    To be fair I understand what dev was thinking of. Hbomberguy did a video on no man’s sky and even had a segment in pathologic video – where he said that the game leaves you waiting to do stuff and leaving you to think. I probably butchered it but just watch his no man’s sky vid, the start he sarcastically acts like he hates it but no he ends up with a contrarian opinion.

    • @eriadorranger2196
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The_Investors™ don’t like any admissions of failure

    • @Lucyopps
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Even when I thought Bethesda made sense, this man makes a damn good point to their argument!

    • @Glogdome
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I’d imagine only Todd is allowed to take that position and I don’t think he feels that way.

    • @flora_76
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am


    • @BottomBunkArt
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda taking the L and trying something else? More likely to find that portal to Narnia or get that Hogwarts letter

    • @the_doug_digital
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bold of Thor to assume Bethesda employees receive PR training

    • @matrim1762
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda forgot that NASA sent stuff with the astronauts like a go cart, golf clubs, ect cause there WAS nothing, they had to give them dudes something to stop boredom when not sciencing

    • @Bat0541
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I am far less enthusiastic about the next Elder Scrolls game. Stanfield, to me was really just a litmus test for ES6, to see if they had finally come out of the slump they have been in since (arguably) Skyrim. Bethesda really needs to step back and look at their approach to their games, both from a technical and design front, and I’m just not sure they are willing and/or able to.

    • @michaelcunningham9831
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    If anyone wants to play a game like starfield its valled elite dangerous

    • @maiyneboros6693
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Theres flaws for sure. But planets having nothing on them is like goin to a hill on an earth dessert and say, there’s nothing on here. Some places are barron. Should there be peeps on every planet? I get yah though. I want stuff on every planet too. In a way it is more realistic.
    And cmon your hating on bethesda now? The peeps that made the best games of all our childhoods?

    • @aekleful
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    And that response is the entire problem. Small companies learn from their mistakes and listen to their players. But these companies get so big they become arrogant. “That’s not a flaw of our game! You just need to get with the program!” And they talk down to their players.

    • @pimphatwaggoner1655
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    bethesda has the worlds worst pr and that’s been known for many years

    • @nickshane5985
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    So every planet I visited had stuff to do, literally every planet I visited had some form of out post with people to slaughter. But I guess after 14 days of game play I missed a few.

    • @derekhart8637
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda cant take an L. Its impossible. You are wrong. Todd Howard is perfect. 🤣

    • @Biggssyyy
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield was easily one of the most boring games ive played in a long time lol

    • @matthewlantz1677
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    People didn’t go to the moon to stand there!!

    • @Denien82
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They were also scared out of their minds likely. That helps with the boring thing… 😂

    • @RaCaMaGir
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I replied to this? Damn you algorithm and short term memory loss…

    Anyway… Not every planet is going to be populated… Some planets should be death traps, with really good loot or hard to reach elements… Or so hot, radioactive or corrosive you die as soon as you exit your ship…

    StarField is a flawed masterpiece that was nerfed to make it accessible by a large amount of people… There should be a hardcore version…

    • @0_bus
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    We haven’t put someone on the moon since 1972, it IS boring.

    • @andreasreich3933
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    If Starfield was like Kerbal space program – people wouldn’t be bored cuz the mun is empty but since it’s so ez it’s boring

    • @bradygroves988
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The biggest problem with Starfield is how it seems like places that shouldn’t be empty, are, and places that should be empty, aren’t.
    They really struck out on the procedural generation, because it doesn’t FEEL like a universe, it feels like a procedurally generated world.

    • @rico5545
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The argument that it makes it more realistic for certain planets to be empty as it is irl would have at least made sense as a decision. Instead they chose the wrong dialogue option.

    • @NineHundredDollarydoos
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They’re trying as hard as they possibly can to defend Starfield’s dogshit procedurally generated empty field simulator because they desperately want to keep using it for future titles. They don’t actually care that it’s not fun because it means less work for them.

    • @KingFinnch
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    also, if the astronauts were on the moon for a few days, i imagine it would get incredibly boring incredibly quickly

    • @MayorOfLuckyBoyNV
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda mad that people aren’t eating up the slop from the trough

    • @keycrafter7471
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They don’t need pr training, they kept getting away making garbage content to the part they probably have 1 guy that is doing most of the pr, because they know people will still buy it, not a lot but they know long term it will make them a lot of money

    • @Gholefi
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I wouldn’t even care if the planets were empty if they wouldn’t fuck up the gun design again. Bethesda can’t make a gun that would actually function for shit.

    • @assfjkaskfh
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Idk man people said the same about mass effect one and its still the best one. Kind of gave you that space is scary cause it doesnt have stuff all the time.

    • @dannykuang9433
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    That’s Bethesdas arrogance for you my man. That and their total disregard for their players. Seems like they’re not gamers making games for gamers.

    • @bich_what
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They spent the budget for the pr training on the higher ups’ new cars…

    • @10cody7
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They just keep learning all the wrong lessons and thus their games have gotten worse and worse since morrowind

    • @kevinwells9751
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I love scuba diving but if there was a game that considered if nothing but realistic simulations of scuba dives with no quests and no progression I’d get bored very quickly. Real life adventure and in game adventure are totally different things

    • @kamrynsikes
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda’s great at making games where everything’s destroyed so they don’t have to put *THAT* much extra effort into world building.

    • @descendency
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Next time I hear one of my subordinates say they’ve bored because they have nothing to do, I’m going to tell them when the astronauts went to the moon and there was nothing, they weren’t bored…

    • @jstuckless
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    ngl I liked that some planets were empty. I know that’s an unpopular and uncommon opinion but it doesn’t really make sense if every planet has shit on it… there are tons of planets in the universe that are just empty, I assume that would still be the case even if we started colonizing it. *shrug*

    • @TheAlexagius
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Funny that the astronauts brought a car to the moon and hundreds of years in the future people don’t, for some reason

    • @DanteGrey
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    PR? Bethesda? Oh that’s a good joke Thor, I’m stealing that one.

    • @gutzrage187
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Blows my mind every time I hear this said.

    • @imacrazyguy5831
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Its hard to be excited when thrre is nothing to explore or do. No one wanta to run around for 30 minutes and do nothing.

    If I only had an hour after work to unwind, I dont want to run in a line for half of that time twiddling my thumbs.

    • @TmanT321
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda’s mentality these days seems to be “The beatings will continue until morale improves”

    • @roguegen5536
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They hired the same PR guy that Blizzard did during the “don’t you guys have phones” fiasco.

    • @averagewhatdude
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Comment 5 hoping more people will find Odins son

    • @Areresi
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Random Gen’d planets would give a wide variety

    • @Marijuanajoseph
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    This game is so bad

    • @TheRealSevYT
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “Where’s your PR training?”

    Thor, cmon man. This is _Bethesda._ I would be surprised if anyone there could complete training programs due to bugs. They probably think PR training means they’re going to open an office in Puerto Rico.

    • @PhaserRave
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    It’s a dumb response to the negative feedback, I agree. I did like the emptiness of it, personally, but I get it’s not for everyone.

    • @presidentfrog4683
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Todd is piping insane amounts of copium into the office.

    • @michielblancquaert2996
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    And Todd was surprised he didn’t receive an award lol

    • @thomasel9171
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Its a red pill moment for gamers i think, its an empty and pathetic excuse of a game. They will absolutely continue doing this as well.

    • @ransseslopez
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    This shit has me concerned for the future of elder scrolls. If it is anything like starfield, it might be the end of Bethesda.

    • @MechMK1
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I hate that developers use “but realism” as an excuse for things that are not entertaining. I don’t want realism, I want fun. If I wanted reality, I’d go outside.

    • @SimonProctor
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Here’s the thing, if Bethesda had looked at the reactions to planetary landing in Elite Dangerous they could have foreseen this. Space is very very big, very very empty and either very very boring or trying to kill you.

    • @darrkstarg
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    There was plenty on the moon. What a dumb thing to say.

    • @louiedfn6552
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I personally was fine with that in Starfield. I used them for resources farming and misc stuff.

    • @YlakerranJatka
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    as Gaben said. Realism isn’t fun.

    • @andydarling8951
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They should’ve had a smaller number of higher quality, purposefully designed planets. I don’t want a kajillion procedurally generated places to go. Imagine 10-15 fully- and I mean fully- fleshed out planets connected to deep lore and high quality storytelling. Could’ve been so much better.

    • @Tacospaceman
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They should make the empty planetoids adoptable. We can have our own planets. That’ll entertain us for sure

    • @tyrantworks9604
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Well, think of it this way, they’re leaving empty canvases for the modders to finish the game for them again.

    • @neilnograles
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    A certified “dO yOu GUys NoT hAVe PhOneS?!?” moment… 😅

    • @chrisp6339
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They weren’t bord on the moon because at any moment something could go wrong and they might die. They had so much running through their minds beyond the fact they could die.

    • @vladtheinhaler5601
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “Some of the planets are empty because we got bored designing them” more like

    • @heyro3852
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “Where’s your PR training?”

    Bethesda has PR training?

    • @zeonos
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am


    • @gdreaper8771
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    This is legitimately an Elon Musk tier PR response, just so out of touch and weird.

    • @neilemminger8628
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Realism > fun is not a great videogame making strategy

    • @RoniChard2010
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The procedural gen was one issue. Not enough assets or variety to justify it.

    Every landmark, PoI, building, etc., was always spaced at a predictable distance.

    Things would re-roll on loading the planet, so random structures and formations would change drastically. This made familiarity impossible.

    The more baron planets would have been better with even less shit. For example, if I have to get better scans to locate a cave or abandoned outpost and then there legitimately is nothing for miles. Would have been better than the 400-700m markers for other areas.

    • @waroftheworlds2008
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The goblins have taken over their PR team.

    • @orrusfellin5150
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Apparently, those are AI generated. Which is probably even worse.

    • @user-ir6un6ly7e
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Personally, I think that’s great that they left some planets empty, it’s more realistic, but it’s boring. The best thing they could do is make these planets rich in materials, make it advantageous to build a base or something there. And to make it less boring – add some events, structures like a crashed ship on empty planets that are in systems with planets that are lived on, or with space stations.

    • @tenwholebees
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I think Bethesda PR training is just Todd going off about how gaming journalism isn’t good and that whatever he touches should win GOTY

    • @chikirin9349
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    As someone who actually agrees with the original point and weirdly enjoys walking through calm environments in between adventures, comparing it to the IRL moon landing is cringe, however It’s inportant to have calm atmospheric moments in between action moments it’s one of those things that Bethesda has always done really well.

    • @snackerrr
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Yes yes and yes, it´s cringe, weird, childish and ignorant behavior, coming from a dev, no wonder the game turned out like it did when you have devs like that.

    • @brandonwright7950
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Remember a month ago when everyone was huffing straight off the copium tank and were trying to defend this game? I do

    • @ELiT3Griefer
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am


    • @DragonaxFilms
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I thought that quote was made up 💀

    • @Kintizen
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I will continue to say: Starfield happened because of Star Citizen fundraising. They saw the money and believed it was a quick rich scheme. They knew exactly what they were doing.

    • @omarelfakihperez4466
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The astronauts had a bunch of tasks to complete

    • @Maddie_rae_1999
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The idea that games should feel like real life is actually the stupidest argument I have ever fucking heard in my entire life.

    • @javierramire8170
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    So it supposed to be like real life where if you did explore space you’d more often than not find empty planets but they forgot they were dealing with oversized children lmfao

    • @andrewlavoie3639
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Thats bethesdas problem, they dont try anything new

    • @Wiki1184
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Feels like they forgot that doing something in a video game is not the same as doing it in real life.

    • @yugijak
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The thing that just makes me laugh is that No Mans Sky manages just fine.

    As if planets being empty isn’t an issue if there is a reason to *be* there doing something

    • @vixvox7948
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Having empty space makes the stuff filled places more alive, FOR ART! Video games are an interactive thing, too much emptiness is not good

    • @markusajo5007
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    It sounds like the “do you guys not have phones?”

    • @LEMON-sc3po
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Love how there’s nothing on those planets yet still make a 4090 run at 3fps on low quality like wtf 😂

    • @turtle4llama
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They went to THE REAL MOON!

    • @biggiecheese726
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    That comparison is nuts. The reason going to the moon in real life wasn’t boring is because you actually flew there. It had only been two times before, and the people that landed during Apollo 11 were the first humans to ever plant their feet on something that wasn’t Earth. Compare that to watching a few loading screens and landing on a barren landscape

    • @kayleblang5081
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Their PR training wasnt coded into their ChatGPTs templates they used

    • @boneman9751
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    This lady and gentlemen, is what we call in the industry a “cope.”

    • @Bendilin
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I know this isn’t the response a lot of people want to hear, but by having some completely empty planets it makes it easier for modders to make custom planets/Death Stars/etc by just swapping/changing files that are already there than having the game add planets/locations you can reach through the 3D star map.

    • @CMCSE
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Tod Howard its just Butturt…🙄

    • @hansanderson9556
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Thats like saying:”Its ok to have your caracter walk for 3 hours doing literally nothing else because hiking exists and is it boring?”

    • @teh12man
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    You’re right, if I went to that planet I probably wouldn’t be bored either, but my character is there in my stead. So it is.

    • @TheMapleDreamer
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    That’s such a brain dead response, and astronauts get bored.

    • @DaJman99
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I’m sorry… I kinda agree with them on this one. I like the idea that some of the planets are empty. It’s space. I love space. The gamble makes exploration worth it

    • @neverlucky28
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They didnt were bores because it was real life😂

    • @Eastunder
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Comparing the moon landing with playing a video game 😂

    • @staledog4393
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Telling the customer that they are wrong in response to criticism. Fuckin wild

    • @orcristghost3204
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “It’s empty to overwhelm you, being overwhelmed is fun!” 😂

    • @Brendanin
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Realism doesn’t equal fun

    • @NateCurrie01
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    A fun fix (maybe a mod idea?) I had is a rumor in game that there is an ancient civilization with ruins “coming online” and then a random, small number of the empty planets have ruins that you can find if you know where to look and are willing to spend a few minutes poking around.

    As a side quest that would be a really fun way to make them ALL engaging for people who like ancient mysteries — you’ve got a chance at stumbling on the piece to some puzzle. You don’t even have to solve it in game just make it as intriguing as one of the book sagas in Skyrim or something.

    • @brahtrumpwonbigly7309
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    This is realism at the expense of fun, which is an unacceptable compromise as realism matters exactly zero and fun matters 100%.

    It’s like a chef responding with “It has all the required nutrients” when you tell them your food is bland.

    • @velvia7880
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They used ChatGPT

    • @michaelpalacio5
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Their official response boils down to, “Nuh uh!”

    • @pokeydude
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They could’ve just said “The players are gonna have to realise that some planets are just empty and barren” and could’ve received less backlash.

    • @ThatBigRedBear
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    It isn’t the player’s responsibility to make the game fun. Telling people, “I don’t know what to tell you, it IS fun, you are just bad at having fun.” Is just bonkers.

    • @arx3516
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Yeah, being part of the first mission onnthe moon and playng an empty game while sitting on your couch is totally the same experience.

    • @SaryM29
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    It’s just like when they go “Well, but it’s realistical!”.
    And guess what? The purpose of the game is to be fun, if that realism makes the game less enjoyable and is completely meaningless, even in the context of a realistic game, then remove it.

    Think about how Minecraft would be trash if it were to be completely accurate. For starters, let’s take away the inventory and add encumbering for backpacks, then see how it goes

    • @sirfancylord754
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Its sucks that Starfield sucks. But I’m SO happy that Bethesda is finally not getting a pass this time.

    • @sinopale0606
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    It’s the equivalent of a grandpa saying “when i was your age, i only had an orange and a few sticks at christmas to play with”

    • @eugkra33
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I think they have assigned the Starfield NPC to do the PR for the game. The game is becoming conscious…it just can’t relate to humans.

    • @33elkyeet91
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I mean bethesda knows they fucked up but sending sergeant copium to the frontline does nothing for them.

    • @Crastin134
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Never played Elite dangerous? 🤷🏼‍♂️

    • @yusefbababa9131
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “Where’s your PR training?”

    They left it back at Fallout 76, and they clearly haven’t learned since 😂

    • @andrewdavis7620
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Such a shitty take, yes the planets are supposed to be mostly empty because that’s how the actual universe works bud

    • @acllhes
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bro pr training might be something I need

    • @maxnova9763
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I mean they could keep working on it and give players their money’s worth instead of just moving on or being sure that modders do the work for them

    • @DemonKing19951
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Should of just said they were considering filling those planets in dlc or adding a base building mechanic in the future. Empty planets would be perfect for that.

    • @B.o.o.L
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Not taking player suggestions are the stupidest thing you can do. They’re going to continue to bring in monetary value, and theyre telling you how to make it better for more players. Free criticism is the best criticism

    • @eugkra33
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They could have fixed the boringness by actually making them feel dangerous, or unexplored. Instead every time you land there is a pirate ship that follows you 2 minutes later, and 200 yards away. I don’t know if that’s every time, but at least 1/3 of the time to the point it’s very predictable.

    • @ematuskey
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I understand they were going for realism, but I feel like people don’t play these big Bethesda games to experience that kind of reality.

    • @cringeworld9762
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Or how about they were actually in outer fucking space not staring at a screen

    • @ThatGuyNamedMatthew
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    What do you mean you aren’t having fun? I have an entire R&D team working hard to tell me you’re having fun

    • @ItsJustPhanix
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They wanna try so hard to defend THEIR “masterpiece” and can’t stand criticism…. Hello games did better …… Bethesda…. C’mon

    • @znail4675
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    It’s not easy to be bored when doing something far more dangerous then Russian roulette.

    • @Terra-hp3se
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    If i want to go to an empty moon I’ll just go play Star Citizen instead, thats got multiplayer and pretty fun flying

    • @cattysplat
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Huge aspect of this is Microsoft owning Bethesda. Honestly nearly every MS owned studio just phones it in now they are guaranteed a paycheque and slapping their game on Game Pass saying job done.

    • @aschneider8912
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    As NakeyJakey put it, Bethesda is a AAA studio that acts like they’re still a small obscure indie team

    • @getthegoons
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I mean I definitely think if you do it right the majesty of a planet by itself can be a reward but Starfield just isnt… Majestic

    • @March556
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    How can you compare going to the MOON in real life to not having fun in a video game in your chair

    • @hoovo
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I feel as though Bethesda didn’t learn from something that mastered the exploration of various planets and galaxies by fixing their screw-up, a.k.a “No Man’s Sky.”

    • @_APG_
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Game design philosopy 101: Never confuse interesting with fun.

    • @sock8278
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    dudes acting like when they went to the moon they were just like “oh wow, cool” and then left

    • @szeth5287
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Near zero gravity. That’s a lot to do, even if you’re only walking

    • @godskook
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The astronauts **WERE** bored, I’m sure. There was a lot of downtime.

    • @g1tr3kt5
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “Ya jackass.” 😂😂😂

    • @Zelleynor
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “where’s your PR training”, im pretty sure that IS the Pr training 😂

    • @MaxDeckard
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda peaked with Oblivion

    • @Corvustyx
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    This short just made me realize Thor is a lot like MoistCritical if Charlie got a CompSci degree

    • @TheDragonshunter
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Well the joke tells it self… Gaslighting people, jeez…

    • @kyleb6131
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Since ME3, I’ve learned you have to respect a companies “artistic integrity”. -_-. Lol.

    • @eclairdawnlight8470
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The moon wasnt empty or baron in the eyes of scientists. Thats the difference.
    An “empty planet” in a game will always be baron yo the player

    • @sensekaren2395
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I enjoyed it immensely

    • @ForTheFREEMAN
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    they are like soviet Russian. “we are invaluable. “

    • @yesthatpaul
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Todd Howard showing his age more than the Creation Engine in this game.

    • @king_of_codbo255
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Im glad starfield isnt on playstation i wouod have been so dissapointed if i had bought it. It seem almost a waste to play it when no mans sky exists

    • @alexkeene3828
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    If it was. “We wanted the ones with stuff to feel special so we put empty ones too” I could understand but saying empty ones are fun if dum

    • @darkmyro
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “This thing was fun why is this vaugely similar thing not fun to you?” That’s the feeling I get that from the comment. Also going to the actual moon is achievement, going to empty moon in a videogame doesn’t make you special, there’s dozens of games where you can go to a planetoid or a moon or a different planet. You’re not being creative by making a piece of an empty moon.

    • @brolicanklesanonymous
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    It’s like they forgot they were making a game and that people play games to take a break from real life.

    • @jacktheotter437
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    It’s fun to see new things, like Skyrim planck mod for vr spinning signs, but very much not staring into a blank landscape

    • @johnlime1469
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I mean it’s probably the same PR training as _Fallout 76_ .

    • @MatthewAC100
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    ‘Don’t do it again’ he says fallout 76 fallout 4 if it wasn’t for the modder community BATHESDA games wouldn’t be in business and Xbox would never have saved them

    • @patricklorran1960
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Maybe cause they flew an actual rocket to the moon, maybe cause they were experiencing low gravity for real, maybe cause they were seeing the fuckin earth from afar, maybe cause the thrill of making it all work and come back safely. Dunno Bethesda maybe all that

    • @andrewcorbin4851
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Honestly, i respect it. Its thoughtfulness put into…. Hey guys do we just want a couple empty planets, so you can just go and see it like real space?

    • @aerialace4230
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    That line is such a, “it’s not the developer who’s wrong, it’s the player 😡 “ moment

    • @lildvsvevo
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    It’s not boring ≠ it doesn’t have to be boring

    • @TheInspire96
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Its like that episode of rick and morty where they play a space game on realism and its just the void of space lmao

    • @totoco2
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    What if… it’s a reaction to many players writing about their desire to explore and numerous videos about atmosphere while players basically roaming empty spaces 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

    • @arron4749
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    It’s NASApunk, people knew what they were signing up for. It’s more content dense than other games in the genre.

    • @nathanrosman-bakehouse359
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They ruined it by saying it isn’t boring. The idea that planets will be empty for realism is a good one. You should be able to do stuff on them though. Base building, settlement creation. Mining operations. Terraforming. Idk

    • @wormspeaker
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Honestly I would have been fine with empty planets if there was some gameplay associated with it that was worthwhile. I mean I never even saw any empty planets I got bored before I even got to that point. The populated planets all felt like they were made from the same small pool of random elements. Once you explored one of them, there was no reason to do more.

    • @IparIzar
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Even their PR team is buggy

    • @Litepaw
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Ah yes, the apple approach. “You’re holding it wrong”

    • @Sturrmm
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The ego these glorified account managers have at big companies is out of control.

    • @LordSatanikGaming
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Comparing actually being on the moon as the first human IRL, to an experience in a video game is hilarious. I don’t think we can even comprehend the size and awesomeness of that without actually doing it. Starfield is a 6.2 out of 10. Morrowind was way better.

    • @bakuiel1901
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    There was a lot of things on the moon, and it wasn’t a digital environment 😂

    • @Napalmburns
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The bootlicking just reaches new levels i see….

    • @ot00s1cko
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    It’d have been so easy to say “yea they’re empty. Planets might be boring when you’re a space traversing species”

    • @codysullivan7851
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Management can’t admit when they are wrong at any workplace. These people huff their own farts like it’s their source of life. The game design at Bethesda is about 10 years behind when it comes to design because they sat on their ass for years while Skyrim made them money rerelease after rerelease.

    • @JuanRodriguez-xl6mp
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    just take the L. i remember when Microsoft was dealing with the red ring of death ordeal, thats how to take on an L

    • @GuiriTV
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    What a horrible analogy from Bethesda. The fun was the harrowing and difficult steps to create the journey to reach the moon. In Starfield, you dont create the ship after years of design, implementation, and testing with amazing scientists and engineers. The ship is already made, piloting skills and physics are simplified, and once you visit someplace, you can fast travel. So the ONLY fun in that is actually visiting and exploring the planet, because the trial to get there was easy. Plus, this was humanity working together to advance science and achieve unthinkable goals. Bethesda deserves to be butthurt for creating a 2012 game in 2023. And creating a game is nowhere NEAR rocket science, it’s more like a hollywood production studio.

    • @HHGofAntioch
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Make the empty planets god-tier for building your own base.

    There, solved the problem.

    • @ben13254
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    even NMS had more to do at launch

    • @bradenstephens2104
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They could have said it was for the sake of realism and say some planets are just that way. They kind of went in the wrong direction with this for sure.

    • @ruski77
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    It’s funny because “the planets are meant to be empty” is such bs. There’s a copy/paste lab/outpost/bandit cave within 1km of every possible landing site on every single planet. So it’s not just boring, but the reason for it being boring is total bs as well.

    • @No_Lucks_Given
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    It’s okay modders will fix it.

    • @redonkulous3746
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    *uses the PC master race voice for Bethesda*

    • @benstephens187
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesdas community managers are unique individuals for sure

    • @iamsam322
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    It’d be one thing if they gave planets extra moons with nothing on them but it really just feels lazy

    • @leonelpadilla8484
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I get they were trying to do somethin but so are we! 😂😂

    • @piranhaplantX
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    When you own up to a mistake or shortfall, it often leaves the public eye quicker and it gives the trolls less ammo. When you double down on the mistake, you immortalize your incompetence into the form of a meme that constantly reminds everyone of your mistake.

    • @kojo0ttiz316
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda being typical ass again

    • @OriGuyOriginal
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Imagine comparing your walking simulator to actually being on the damn moon.

    • @BenjaminWalburn
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Isn’t Starfield infinite? I don’t care that some planets are empty in an infinite world.

    • @TheSilversepiroth
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    This is a company who for the past decade has expected the community to do the actual work for them, what did anyone expect?

    • @JuanPablo-wg9bk
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am


    • @darwinawardrecipient955
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Imagine comparing travelling hundreds of thousands of kilometers to advance human sciences to pressing a scan button on Glip Glop – 69 and having two crickets appear. 😂

    • @Lupinthevapourable
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    There wasn’t “nothing” on the moon? There were space rocks that contained infinite potential. There was more interesting stuff on the moon than in every Bethesda game released! The very dust on the ground contained information no one had ever had the opportunity to study! The rocks on a digital landscape hold no information that isn’t similar or identical to everything else in the game!

    • @the.fatjohnny503
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Or use the complaints as guidance to further update the game. Its obviously a aspect which bugs people, so slowly populate each system. Add things over time,, call it the special explosion update.

    Oh bethesda. Maybe in 10 years time the modding community can do what they did for Skyrim.

    • @rachelalucard9641
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    There is a shit tone of science to be done on the moon. But I don’t think people who aren’t scientist will get excited by seeing and taking high resolution mass spectra of moon dust.

    • @angelicus-9307
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “You all have phones right”

    • @TheHyBriD3I6
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They got the PR guy from politicians

    • @securityboy122
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    It just works, it just works.

    • @RemoG0915
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They went to the moon and immediately realized they needed a vehicle lol

    • @yawnMan8
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    company’s are getting way to comfortable

    • @cyanidegrapes
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    This is akin to when battlefield devs were like “if you don’t like our game don’t buy it” and then Battlefield tanked into obscurity

    • @count3122
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    It’s like if skyrim’s dungeons were completely empty with only 1 enemy inside,

    • @svenjorgensen5
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Game designers sacrificing enjoyment for realism need to take a real hard look at what they are doing.

    • @Elfcheg
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Hey man! Congrats on 1M! ❤❤❤

    • @jasonespinoza5105
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Astronauts had WORK to do on the moon!

    • @neverknow2474
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    People used to play with a tire and stick and weren’t bored. Kids play alone with nothing but a field and a soccer ball and arent bored. Doesnt make it good game design

    • @WileECoyoteYM
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Both sides got a point. You thinking his point is dumb is crazy

    • @B3RyL
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “Our game is boring by design” must be up there among the dumbest takes this year.

    • @vectusvalorian
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Yout mom was satisfied with listening on the radio while cooking dinner and raising you. And you want tampons?

    • @baronnecas2880
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Girlfriend Reviews had one of the best lines about that, about humanity visiting the moon and realizing that shit was boring and bringing a car with next time (since Starfield has no planetary vehicles)

    • @Razlin
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I’ll buy Starfield when it gets down to $19.99. I can’t beleive all these suckers who paid $100 for this steaming pile

    • @Yuliviee
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    damn, comparing literally landing on the moon to exploring a barren planet in a video game. SAME THING GUYS!!!

    • @dragomaster2422
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I think it would be cool if you went through a lot of Riot Games’ devs’ responses on Reddit/Twitter. A lot of the Riot Games community claims they aren’t listened to, but the devs have so much interaction. From Phreak’s YouTube videos to August and Phlox streaming to all their comments all over social media.

    • @freeflbird3
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    This is another “You all have phones” moment 😅

    • @ashember7064
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    We left the planets empty to give modders expansion, community woulda gone nuts.

    • @jeke1672
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    the fact that bethesda thinks their game is an equal experience to BEING ON THE ACTUAL MOON is a new kind of delusional

    • @tuph4088
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    This whole dev response annoyed me. I’m enjoying the game. Hell, I’m enjoying it more than Skyrim and Fallout 4, and I have 1K hours+ in both games. With that being said, IT’S OK THAT PEOPLE DON’T LIKE STARFIELD!!! It’s OK that people have different opinions and standards. Did they think they were going to change someone’s mind this way? That’s absurd. I think this just shows how poorly Bethesda as a whole takes criticism. They are so used to decades of people singing their praises that they can’t handle it when it doesn’t go their way. Sad. I’m still gonna play the shit out of it, but OOF.

    • @Geova-zb3ri
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Add some dlc fix it, do (never thought i would day this ) what cd projevtdid with cyberpunk

    • @jayhongfr
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    we all know what he wishes to say, but Todd Howard can’t handle the heat.

    • @Ghostly_Cactus
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Yes Bethesda the Moon is empty because the Moon exists in real life, Starfield is a Fictional VIDEO GAME, A video game is inherently meant to entertain or escape reality, so that means make your GAME fun not boring

    • @LMF1716
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The moon also wasn’t empty. There were moon rocks collected on that and other missions that gave incredible insights onto how the moon could have formed. We already know how bethesdas empty ass planets were formed.

    • @kdizzy07
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    – “You guys get PR training?”

    • @Just2Epic4U
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    We aren’t gonna talk about how Adrenaline dumping of an experience landing, let alone WALKING on a planet/moon surface that isn’t Earth would have been for the astronauts? They were literally pioneering that shit for us and this guy says they were BORED? Can we get an out of touch of the year award show going for these guys? Jesus.

    • @Wungus_Bill
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Genuinely insane response lol. There is no difference between actual, lived experience and video games, so if something is fun in real life it must be fun in a game too.

    • @BeachFrontSolutions
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Anytime I hear “designed to be {bad_user_experience}” all I think now is it was actually 1 of 2 things:

    * computation/technical issue they didn’t know how to resolve and/or,
    * “we tried to pull a fast one and now are mad you caught us”

    And in either it’s always better to be honest instead of “well actually”-ing your users.

    • @awcleve
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Haven’t played starfield yet, but in other space exploration games they have empty planets. It’s kind of expected and part of exploration. It would be almost immersion breaking if every planet was fully populated.

    • @AbbreviatedReviews
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Had they fleshed out the exploration mechanic beyond “scan rocks” for these barren planets, that comparison to the Moon may have been at least kind of applicable.

    • @silentvoidx9267
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Fill them with secrets in future patches

    • @cat_on_jam
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    My theory is they made Starfield ass so they could release Elder Scrolls 6 and have people’s expectations lowered enough to (hopefully) be pleasantly surprised.

    • @colincroft1722
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    This is probably a steaming cold take, but I don’t find it boring that a large majority of planets in Starfield are empty. I find it realistic, actually.

    • @Garbageman28
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    It’s legit baffling to me that someone at Bethesda approved the response of “when people in real life did the thing this game simulates for entertainment they weren’t bored”. Was the intention to divert attention away from how boring the game was?

    • @NachtBogen
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Take the L and go PATCH THE 11 BUGGED QUESTS I HAVE. Whew kinda blacked out there

    • @AGuyWithTheFace
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I mean I enjoy the game and I guess if you don’t have a raw sense of exploration in a new area and need a quest or a bunch of doodads to keep your attention then Starfield isn’t for you. Not that the game is perfect but I think they miscalculated how broad of an appeal this type of game would have and weren’t very clear on communicating what players should expect from it. Hopefully they do realize their marketing and design mistakes in trying to make this a GOTY level experience and make their next game have broader appeal. For me the game works perfectly fine and I’ve enjoyed the game but they did fail in achieving what they were trying to accomplish. They’re also being whiny about the criticisms, which isn’t a good look.

    • @ManikFerret
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The astronaut comparison is wild. Years to make a machine capable of safely launching man in the air long enough to reach something thought impossible. Then you have a blank location in a bethesda game that they clearly just slapped into the game to fill the world up. And it probably took them half the time of the development to place each empty planet 😭

    • @Scrapps97
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Havr you guys seen the Bethesda responses to reviews on Steam? They are refusing to accept ANY critical feedback, and instead gaslight their reviews just like this with things like “oh, you just haven’t played enough at 100 hours to REALLY see all the fun stuff” or “it was by design that we have only the same 20, encountets for every randomally generated planet” and “if you are tired of fetch quests, there is all kinds of exploration, combat, and starship customization to check out”

    So to everyone who hasn’t enjoyed Starfield – just play more! That’s what Bethesda says.

    • @SylviusTheMad
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I like the empty planets. The universe would feel contrived if all the planets were full of content.

    • @Curt-ze6hl
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Some of the planets can be empty and it was cool and made sense.

    I played 200 hours of Starfield. The problem was there was entire star systems that essentially had nothing.

    • @mcstench8913
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    yea they also got to RIDE a fucking ROCKET to the MOON… doing that in a video game where you click a button and go to the moon is a little different

    • @blackops1856
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda doesn’t understand making one of the most advanced technological feats of the century doesn’t equate to the same experience as opening Gmod sandbox on your computer. And honestly that’s really telling either how arrogant they are, or how blatantly stupid their team is.

    • @elementkingaming1947
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They werent bored because there was actually shit they were able to do!

    • @josechan2146
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They legit said a Rick and Morty “it’s more realistic”

    • @switchbox239
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Responding to the growing complaints that Bethesda isn’t growing or learning with “You’re wrong, we did this well and did nothing wrong and there’s no room for improvement” is a BALLSY move, to say the least.

    • @stefdezy1562
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin weren’t bored when *they* went to the moon, so what, you think you’re better than fuckin astronauts or sum’ dude?”


    • @asaffin1
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They weren’t bored because they were standing on the actual fucking moon, you absolute muppets!

    • @zaboknowsbest13
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The problem is there’s so many. Even if you find something coop good luck remembering the planet and the system and where the system is on the nightmare of a map.

    • @WBPalive
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    His answer is nonsensical, but I do agree that it is unreasonable and unrealistic to expect for every single planet to have stuff to do and be filled.

    • @Corninthesky
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “This whole episode is unwatchable” ZACH KNEW

    • @MrClonedzero
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Alright, this guy dogging on devs defending their work is disgusting. I’m unsubbing. I’ve played Starfield its great, its not boring at all. I’m out, this guy used to be interesting but he’s SO full of himself its obnoxious.

    • @nicholasthesoulless5727
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    That responds really doesn’t surprise me coming from a company that literally says it just works for their games Jesus this is the reason why I’m done with Activision shit and iam done with Bethesda shit I’m tired of playing their mediocre shity games

    • @michaelreyes7125
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I was excited about Starfield, then disappointed. The only exciting part is the “shuttle” designer. Space battles are shallow point and shoot.

    • @TK-gx4ze
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “They weren’t bored” because if they slipped up at all, THEY DIE. There is no respawn IRL…Bethesda PR is dumb as hell…

    • @tuurderom2017
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They could have just said ‘who says that they’ll stay empty’ now you have a potential quest line about establishing a colony

    • @Hyenadont
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Its even worse, cause there are no empty planets in starfield, so you can never feel like youre discovering a new world or going somewhere like say, the astronauts. There is no emotional connection with the exploration.

    • @conaldeugenepeterson2147
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Corporate cope is a special thing indeed

    • @35milesoflead
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Yes, with all that technology that was available in the 1960s, a few people managed to successfully launch and land a spaceship on an extraterrestrial body.

    Meanwhile, 54 years after such an amazing event, with even more technology, Bethesda can’t even launch a working game.

    • @GrayMatter337
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    imagine trying to equate walking on the fucking moon in real life to loading into a virtual barren wasteland with shit all to do in an attempt to defend your own shit decisions. Holy hell thats full on delusional

    • @Yistern
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda doesn’t need PR training, they need a reality check and leadership replacements.

    • @toufusoup
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesdrones foaming at the teeth when anyone disagrees with how they were told to enjoy their games

    • @monolithic7739
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “It just works!” – Hodd Toward 🥴

    • @neonleach6888
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They also went to the ACTUAL moon not some fake digital planet sitting in a chair at home

    • @cbwmechbot
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Add this quote to the Bad PR Hall of Fame, amongst “Don’t you guys have phones?”, “We want players to feel a sense of accomplishment” and “Gamers don’t know history”.

    • @spawnistic
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    There isn’t any PR training. Clearly lol

    • @BlueGoblin1
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Yeahvlanding in low g for the first time without it being acut scene. Making sure you had enough fuel for re-entry. Stepping out and figuring out what to say to the whole planet watching. collecting samples of soil, air if any, finding a suiyable place to plant and record the flag raising, making sure you did not run out of air or time before the return trip wihich required connecting with an ol part of the ship. Maintianing communication and logs documenting everything to the minute detail.

    Yeah tge astronaughts were not bored cause it was a life or death adventure with a strict timer that was essential for advancing all man kind with a budget that could have housed and fed many. So you had an obligation to make it worth it.

    Starfield you hop scotch around and play laser tag and scan some rocks. There are no real stakes and it is a reptitve grind. I reget paying for that game.

    • @mikeruxpin2829
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Some planets are empty? The majority are empty or clones of other planets

    • @Rurik_Luci
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They should have made it so instead of it. Just being empty empty. You got some resource for finding the moon. You get a shit load of whatever for finding it as a reward from somebody else.

    • @hellothere9167
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Comparing the real moon landing to the one in your game is wild😂

    • @ynvch
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The Moon is not empty. God damn it.

    • @skullkid692
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Anyone else tired of the liars and gaslighters that took over gaming?

    • @meesk6261
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “Hundreds of hours of quests” yes but for what ive seen alot of that is the same fucking quest generated exactly the same but maybe a different place..

    • @AdDelayed
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Are you familiar with Nakey Jakey? His most recent video about Bethesda is something i think you’d have a lot of thoughts on

    • @Ay_melegi
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Play games to get away from reality not experience it

    • @nerradus
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    It Makes sense that some will be empty , that’s life

    • @H2OChicken
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Smart PR Actually because they got you to talk about it. Good or bad if people are talking about you its a win as attention = $$$

    • @mittensthemighty7028
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Also, they were on the real moon in real life. Even now that would be an amazing ecperience.

    • @kyubii972
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    It’s a pretty boring game. Def the first Bethesda game I’ve ever u installed in the first couple days

    • @4Leka
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Empty planets are not boring in KSP because you can do science and achievements there. They aren’t empty with nothing to do.

    • @skiffee1134
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Friendly reminder that they will just keep getting worse until people stop giving them money. 🙂

    • @graphi1477
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I think it’s more realistic to have empty planets. Literally every other planet in our solar system is lifeless. Including the dwarf planets and moons. But yeah that response was a bit weird.

    • @RedRocksies
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Thats such ”I havent touched grass in decades, this cubicle and shareholders happiness are my life” take, comparing your fucking game with actual moonlanding 😂 get the fuck outta here

    • @Kxadd
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    People on the Moon weren’t bored because

    1. They were on the frickin moon. IN REAL LIFE.
    2. They were to experience some super cool gravity. IN REAL LIFE.

    Meanwhile in Starfield:

    “I just travelled 50 billion fictive miles so that my character takes longer to hit the ground after hitting the space bar.

    • @evilbass159
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    If you ever put something boring in your game you are deliberately boring your players. I dont know how thats such an alien concept to developers these days but it is. Its just so weird that its infected bethesda now, the people who literally reinvigorated open world gaming in 2011 with a densely packed sandbox that people put thousands of hours into, only to now go “yeah people wanted dungeons in skyrim to be deliberately empty, it adds to the immersion”… like what?

    • @leooo420
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I never understood people who bought every fallout game, like all were basically the same, looked the same played the same.
    Fifa is the same but the thing is fifa is a sports simulator and u cant really experiment much with football.
    Post apocalyptic wasteland open world is certainly something u can experiment with..

    • @umbratherios5614
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    aren’t these responses from bethesda AI generated by GPT?

    • @ChiboSader
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Whenever a game company tells their customers what isnt boring or fun it just reeks of an awful attitude. Like when blizzard told us “you think you do, but you dont” about wow classic. Nice job, blizzard… we thought we did, and we do. Game developere trying to tell you what is fun and what is not is so ridiculous

    • @TheSpeep
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    You dont get to brag about the size of your game world if you put nothing in it.

    I can make an empty unity scene in 3 seconds, that shit is infinite in size (even if shit does render a bit wonky on coords past like 100k)

    It is very easy to add empty space to your game, the point is to do something with it.

    • @Dmuneee
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Imagine the hubris required to compare the moon landing to your shitty fucking $70 game lmao.

    Oh my god the fact that this man still has a job tells me I have a career in public relations. I had no idea the bar was at a “careful you don’t trip on the way in” kind of level.

    • @R4yj4ck
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I know there are many different problems on this planet that come from different places and need different solutions, but I can’t help but feel like a good chunk of them could be fixed if large companies could just admit they fucked up. You never hear them say “Yeah we tried that, it didn’t work, now we know.” They always double down.

    • @nahseh
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Tfw Bethesda forgets why everyone actually plays their games lol

    • @r.rodriguez4991
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The thing is there are players that are fine with “empty” planets. To call it an L is a little silly. People need to stop imposing their preferences on game designs as if they are objectively better than what others enjoy.

    • @danujus77
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Meanwhile elite dangerous is also using this as an up side. The game is mostly nothing.

    • @Tchnfrq
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    i mean yeah they are, but i think its worse that they tried to fix it by putting „random“ outpost there that have what feels like 3 possible layouts. if you gonna do hard scifi then do hard scifi and give me floating rocks that are completely empty with one mine max per planet. id appreachate that more. then sprinkle in a few developed planets with handcrafted outpost instead of generated copy and paste shit.

    i have 129 hours in starfield. i like starfield, but they took their strategy of „we sell a canvas for modders“ a little far.

    • @gamersthumbs4673
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    A lot of professionals thess days doesnt have proper PR training. I’ve been saying this for years.

    • @bradyward2177
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “They weren’t bored on the moon” Brother I’m not on the moon, I’m in my room playing your boring ass video game

    • @ziggyfrancisco
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Flying through empty space can be fun too, but like most of the space stuff is just “fight a couple ships” or “now fast travel to this system, now fast travel to this planet, now fast travel to this landing zone” like even no man sky did space flight better

    • @InvitalPulse
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    IMO they made some places barren for build spaces for the outpost.

    • @zomdiehunter115
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Counter point to the moon point…. THEIR ON THE FUCKIN MOON IM SITTING IN FRONT OF A GOD DAMN TV

    • @cashandraven2369
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    For me it’s not even that they are empty, it’s just how big AND empty they are. You can walk for 10m without seeing a single thing in some instances, smaller instances with just more stuff to even look at would be miles better than running for 10m from point A to B on some weird fetch quest.

    • @ERRORCODE616
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    This guy got the same PR training as “Do you guys not have phones?” Guy from Blizzard.

    • @lordwoods8631
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I dunno, I like the empty expanse.

    I mean, I like THINGS to do, definitely. But as far as making a somewhat accurate series of planets? Yeah, mostly empty expanses is what I expect to see. And they are pretty neat empty expanses.

    I mean, I would RATHER there be a bit more. Like, 20% more stuff would make me happy. And still keep the empty feeling. I don’t want mega cities which expand across planets. I want to wander around a planet, and find stuff on said planet.

    Maybe throw in some man made jungles, terraformed areas, dotted about, break up the monotony a bit. That’d be neat.

    • @TheKally
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They’re acting like an indie Dev who just put out their first game..

    Very weird behavior from a professional studio.

    • @alexanderbowers5225
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Called it from when I started playing. The “beauty in the nothing” lasts once; twice tops. Making it a core part of the design was a mistake from the beginning.

    • @marinemanaphy101
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    It’s so funny to compare experiencing the real emptiness of space – a vast, unflinching universe that has inspired everything from profound personal breakthroughs to deep despair in the people who have experienced it – to a video game with a bunch of empty filler content. Like, yeah, if I could go to an *actual* empty planet in real life, the emptiness would be awe-inspiring. The first people on the moon were the first human beings to set foot on an object in orbit that wasn’t earth. If your game treats space travel and interplanetary exploration as a norm, then you can’t make that argument because even the in-universe understanding of space travel and exploration is that it’s not inherently interesting just to go to another planet. This is like arguing that because Christopher Columbus was mind-blown when he got to the Americas you aren’t allowed to be bored if there’s nothing to do in the middle of buttfuck nowhere in rural Ohio.

    • @mycatdied1341
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Well I think the first and most important thing to point out is, Starfield is a fucking video game. People play games for entertainment and content. Which your game inherently lacks.

    • @jsshull19
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They weren’t bored because they were ON THE FUCKING MOON. I’m on my couch playing your boring ass game

    • @DiceRobo
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    If they wanted to make “nothing there” a important concept they could have looked at, you guessed it, No Man’s sky.
    The sentinels (floating GTA cops basically) are on every planet with any kind of structures on it (ruins, factories, buried treasure archives etc) If you do go to a moon that is empty, there will be nothing there, which means there will be no structures to explore, but also no sentinels to shoot you when you start trying to mine stuff.

    • @bennett475
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The fact that the developers are paid to say “no u” is fascinating to me

    • @lucashummel5952
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I’ve never played starfield, but maybe they left them empty so you can start dlc there? If not that is a total L from Bethesda

    • @jonnekallu1627
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    In Elite Dangerous it takes real DAYS to venture from the human civilization (the Bubble) to the only human colony out side of it.
    From there it takes real DAYS to travel to the center of the galaxy.
    Then of course the trip back to the “bubble” takes several real days.
    I’ve done the trip twice and there’s nothing but dead empty worlds, black holes and neutron stars to keep you company.
    Well ok I did once find life forms that lived in space but that’s beside the point and my point is:
    Some of us are just built different

    • @Wineblood
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “Where’s your PR training?”
    This is Bethesda, you’re seeing the results of their PR training.

    • @colaphoenix6849
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Let the players colozine and mine the empty planets. Problem solved

    • @kantor7497
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Look, Bethesda has had multiple console generations to learn these lessons. Let’s just make peace with the knowledge they only push out buggy incomplete barely passable games that look pretty

    • @krispingle
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Why do people want every inch of every surface to have bustling cities? Starfield is hot dogshit but they at least need to criticize the right thing. Space is empty

    • @ginyoo9118
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    You can tell Bethesda is so used to for their fans to protect them from any negative comments or reviews. That’s why they think their shit smells like roses. Stop defending companies they are not your friends, you are a customer and they provide a product. Have self respect, if a product is not as advertised and or it’s not to your liking you should get your money back

    • @YudhaLeonhart
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    If u watch half life documentary by valve.. gaben talk about why realistic is not fun.. if u just put some empty planet because its realistic.. why put there at all..

    • @canoodlepoodle7892
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I feel like just saying “planets in general are pretty boring” wouldve covered their point without sounding pretentious and preachy; and making half their audience go”🤨”

    • @KyleMielke
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Empty plants are fine if they are an opportunity rather than a dead end. How can I interact with an empty planet? Can I map it and sell the data? Can I mine it? Can I build a base and use it to explore farther? Can I terraform it? Even if I don’t want to do any of those things, the option turns an empty planet into an opportunity, rather than a dead end.

    • @alienatedpoet1766
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Even before release they said they had planets that had nothing so modders could fill the empty space. I don’t see how anyone is surprised about this.
    What I’m more surprised about is the game is so boring that modders don’t want to mod the game. That’s when you know that Bethesda dropped the ball.

    • @ShinTobyTeh
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Pretty sure the Apollo 11 astronauts also had the task of trying to literally not die on the moon, which I would say constitutes as something pretty f**king exciting.

    • @zachnightwalk9168
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Free comment.

    • @donttouchmysoda7551
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “Your not bored! your playing my game! you cant be bored!”

    • @daemoncastillo3779
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Devs getting out of line with this advanced gaslighting. They’re incapable of taking the L. They belong in politics tbh.
    “Its good because i made it and i say so,” mentality.

    • @vyse102
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    All they would have to do are have smuggler stashes or crashed probes and abandoned cargo transports. Make a scan available from orbit to highlight those anomalies, and planets without those anomalies would scan as unremarkable and players could avoid them.

    • @MogofWar
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    So are you able to colonize those Empty planets? Like if there was an MMO basebuilding, type livinf world situation, then empty planets would be a useful feature.

    • @KingCrazy9
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I’ve been saying it since they revealed there’d be “thousands of planets to explore”: Most people would much prefer 9~12 dense, populated, hand-crafted “planets” (they don’t even have to be an entire planet, they can be glorified zones) to explore than to have 1000 empty ones.

    • @hamadraith4637
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I like to think of the Kerbel Space Program game. You go to the moon in that game. Because it’s technically difficult to get to the moon, it’s interesting and fun. There doesn’t need to be anything on the moon because that’s not the point. If there’s nothing to explore, don’t put it in an exploration game. Because you’re undermining your point.

    • @edgarcastillo2804
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    what a logic phrase to write

    Thor almost got an aneurysm right there. o7

    • @SCPTheplaguedoctor
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Honestly Empty Planets immersive but not all immersive things are cool so make it have an empty surface add cave systems or add some weird shit

    Ive seen empty no mans sky planets that were more fun

    • @WilburJaywright
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Companies have marketed garbage at ridiculous prices, trying to convince people it was chic and somehow secretly beautiful for so long, are they starting to believe it?

    • @VoermanIdiot
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Imagine the level of ego to compare not trying to make an engaging experience in your video game to humanity being able to step on the thing in the sky that even the primordoal ooze of our planet could look at – if it could for the very first time. The thing minor religions has been formed around worshipping.

    • @LadyZubat
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    My question is wouldn’t some of the plants be empty by design like they’re uncharted untouched planets and were the first ones there to set foot on them? Why didn’t they just use that excuse?

    • @juannieto6789
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The moon landing was a first in human history, if in starfield you can have a personal spaceship, it would be the equivalent to having a personal jet, and you wouldn’t go to an empty field if you had a personal aircraft, you would go somewhere interesting to do interesting shit, not just kick rocks

    • @andrewpurvis8961
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    It would be like if had a whole season where they scanned planets and found nothing. Technically that probably happened a lot of the time, doesn’t make good tv. We want to watch the times something interesting happens, cause its entertainment

    • @kimlarsson3669
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda has fallen as much as Blizzard have. Two great empires that got toppled by monitary greed.

    • @Jcarby24
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I agree and disagree. They should take the L. The consumer didn’t like it. But I don’t think not doing it again is always the right answer. Some of the best games ever made ignored what players wanted and created art from their own vision. Whether or not they make money is up to the consumer, but I think having a vision and following through on it is fine and nobody should tell a game developer not to do it again. Though I think their response was just shitty PR.

    • @GoobusShmoobus
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Strange that a video game company doesn’t seem to understand what makes a video game idk a game🤔

    • @Snowspring09
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Honestly, for especially the empty planets, they could have improved the atmosphere of the game. Code in cues for additional atmospheric music for those types of situations, perhaps some interesting/rare sights, like a comet

    • @grimtygranule5125
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “They certainly werent bored”
    Bro. Did he even research shit before he just says that?

    • @SilverSniperz
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Difference is one is a scientific mission, the other is a GAME purchased by people trying to HAVE FUN

    • @4589dude
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Likening the experience of physically walking on the actual moon to doing so in a video game through a computer screen is the dumbest shit ive heard in a long time

    • @pawlack
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    There is a high chance that all those responses are written by ai like chatgpt or smth

    • @CaptainZaibatsu
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Loading screens are boring

    • @modernNeanderthal800
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Like saying “kids in the past didn’t watch TV, they read books!”

    Well kids in the past didn’t know what they were missing!!

    • @sheonyx
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    if they’re empty by design, justify it through storytelling. make it so we can do cool science shit. make it a side mission to collect samples from different empty planets to figure out why they’re empty. there’s so many ways to explain it, they just didn’t bother, or they rushed it.

    • @dickyboi4956
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The comments are cringe but the “i hate empty planets” complaint is bullshit because i see a 50/50 split between people sayimg they are boring and people sayimg theres too much shit on planets that should be empty. I think the solution should be that barren planets should be very empty with rare artificial sites and mainly natural poi while life bearing planets should be more densely packed. Overall though i love starfield

    • @D3sToD3s
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Remember Mass Effect 1 and the mako explorations?

    • @VibinWitch
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Big Defensive Energy from a game studio that thinks too highly of themselves

    • @jaybonkers3741
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Nobody went to the moon

    • @cheetahentertainment3374
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Also the difference between in game space and real space….. ITS FUCKING REAL.

    • @michael6880
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Empty barren satellites are fine, it was expected, they told us about it in interviews and launch trailers
    What’s not fine is that the populated planets and major cities are also boring as hell
    New Atlantis doesn’t hold a candle to diamond city or Solitude

    • @sunbleachedangel
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    So your game is boring by design? Amazing

    • @ToxicNekoBoi
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Out of touch devs are always my favorite as they have the weirdest excuses and explanations ever. Its just funny to see them clown on themselves😭

    • @jacobroth214
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I agree that not every planet and moon needs to have things on it. I also think they needed to do more to make the exploration fun. I think its fine if Bethesda wants to have their empty planets, they just need to add something else to make it more fun.

    • @ADreamingTraveler
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda comes off as one of those companies that still thinks they’re the best gaming company out there and don’t realize that everyone else has passed them and make things better than they do now. It just comes off as “our games are the best you’re wrong for not liking them”

    • @winterxbeholder4230
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    If it were some great accomplishment to the player to have reached an empty planet, then sure. The moon was an accomplishment of space travel and an opportunity to do science with space rocks, which could lead to answers about life and creation. Traveling to an empty planet in this game is not its own reward.

    • @biqqas7632
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    People on the moon had rovers and a want to explore a new play. I have 2-3 way points on a map that lead to caves and mining depots that all look the same😢

    • @Michael_Raymond
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    As alluded, the moon was far from empty. It was actually a pretty intense time crunch to get all of the samples and data they wanted

    And by time crunch I mean they literally had a limited supply of atmosphere

    • @TheMagicianOfGaming
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The real bethesda solution would have been to allow player modded worlds to be added to these worlds. Push off the development onto the players.

    • @Logan-tw7wv
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda’s response to the negativity has honestly put me off the game. I put 200ish hours into it, got bored. Planned to go back before console mods were out to 100% the achievements, but now I just really don’t care to.

    • @Artikoris
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    One of the first thing I did in this game was to go walk on the moon and it was awesome because I already love the moon. Why would I care to take a walk on random empty planet with a non-memorable name.

    On explorer side, we don’t explore shit because every thing is auto-generated emptiness. It’s not like if you found something special that the dev could place their to be found but more like the game will give you a cookie for walking 2 miles in the same direction.

    • @stonerbland7621
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda huffing hard on the copium

    • @AldricSaint
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Let’s not forget this is the same company when asked, “Is this a bug or a feature?” replied “Yes”

    • @jerms_mcerms9231
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    A fantastic example of debate pervertry.

    • @WobbleJetpack
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Comparing flying a rocket and walking on a moon thousands of miles away from your entire home planet to clicking a button and walking around a dead, empty plane is crazy ☠️☠️

    • @Delaterius
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    That is a bad response. It reminds me of my days as a WoW player reading the Blizzard forums where they just told us we didn’t know what we wanted.
    However, the empty planets aren’t the bad design. The bad design is what lead players to go to somewhere empty expecting something other than emptiness. You don’t get mad at Minecraft because you walked for 5 minutes without seeing anything interesting. You were expecting to see nothing interesting and you saw nothing interesting, so you weren’t disappointed. If players are going to the empty parts of Starfield and getting upset, it’s because something set up the expectation that there was a chance it wouldn’t be empty, and Bethesda failed to disabuse them of that expectation before they went there.

    • @nuttyak2taps
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They really compared booting up a game for an hour to humanity accomplishing an incredible feat that most deemed impossible not that long prior, just to not have to admit that the game is bad.

    • @justwes1240
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Starfields hype was killed faster than I could think

    • @Dr.Dipshit69
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    It’s the players fault, seems to be the recurring theme here

    • @ohio9499
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I try to defend star field but that is a horrible take

    • @thaddeusii2142
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I’d love to see Thors reaction to the dev post for Rogue Trader

    • @concibar4267
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I will put “Where’s your PR training” into my box of polite yet slamming insults 😀

    • @WhiteBreadCrumb
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Ahh yes comparing one of the biggest scientific achievements ever to a crappy game games arent real life.

    • @stepz12
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    No man’s sky still blows starfield out of the universe

    • @CrazyEnzo03
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Thank you for taking the time to comment on this Starfield review developer response! *Writes an entire novella’s worth of pure gaslighting.*

    • @jordananderson2728
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Someone pointed out “The astronauts weren’t bored because NASA gave them a shitload of things to do. In a video game, we call those _quests_ ” and that has lived in my head ever since I read it.

    • @callumengland6395
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    And also it was the moon… like what

    • @3rdworldliberalisamericanc950
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Well “it just work” was a song about Mr.Howard and his asshat company

    • @Dangerous-Beans
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Yeah, that’s them saying, “You’re wrong, you don’t understand our product”… Great way to make people like your product

    • @dakunskye
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    This is what happens with no man’s sky actually. The lead said that he wanted the sense of vast emptiness but as the game went on, it was patched to be more full and allow multiplayer.

    • @AntonioZL
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am


    • @gapkillercool
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am


    • @GabrielPryn
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “Try to leave out the part that readers tend to skip.” -Elmore Leonard. I think this would apply to making games, too.

    • @DarkIzo
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    bethesda: “i respect your opinion, even though its wrong”

    • @JimmyJoeBob
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I certainly like Starfield the way it is. But this is a weird take for them to have

    • @therealbahamut
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The astronauts weren’t bored because they were the first ones there and because they knew very little about their environment which could kill them at a moment’s notice if they were careless. They had a MISSION to accomplish and they were ON THE CLOCK.

    Starfield does not have that excuse.

    • @nybethobdilord6912
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    That’s a “Don’t you guys have phones?” Type ass comment. Lmao

    • @KyonV13
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I mean you can’t really compare an irl physical human milestone to a VIDEO GAME that’s meant to entertain you. On top of hearing the growing number of complaints about open worlds with nothing to do.

    • @Taijifufu
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They just have to not BS that hard.

    • @banterwithbawden5444
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Plus the fact you can’t actually fly your ship or actually explore planets

    • @PatTube99
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    lol some of your planets are boring? Try most. Its empty

    • @joshgrnbuddha3381
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I mostly liked Starfield even though it did feel like many of the side stories were unfinished and in need of some DLC expansions but the main story was pretty good.
    Now if they’d just left it as “space has a lot of empty planets so we wanted to make it realistic” That would have been grand, but this is an odd PR choice. Like I want to push back just because it feels like they’re telling me I’m not having fun the right way lol.

    Thanks for the entertaining content and I’ve learned a lot about the game industry since I started following.

    Be well

    • @Bourbon_Socialist
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I’m really glad that this weird spell that Bethesda has over people is wearing off, I’ve been saying they’re trash for ages.

    Personally I was done with Bethesda by fallout 4. When I saw that fucking dialogue wheel I knew.

    • @ant8779
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    there really trying to compare space exploration irl to space exploration in a game like wtf

    • @GreeniestBeaniest
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    there’s a significant difference to exploring the moon in REAL LIFE and exploring a boring ass empty world in a video game lmaooooo

    • @cricketwizz
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Take the L as in later as in they won’t

    • @grahamgriffin5902
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Thor is a scientist at heart. We tried something and it didn’t work? Write that down and then try a different thing.

    • @bonebips
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Most pretentious thing a game dev has said in recent years. Kinda nuts that they decided that was an okay statement to make for shitty core design when it comes to planets in a game about space.

    • @koboldsage9112
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Ah yes, gaslighting the critics is the perfect way to appease fans.

    Its not as if there were any other profesionals accross other industries whose mistakes they could be learning from to know not to do this.

    • @professionalcasual5482
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Naw no mans sky is the exact same way but people love that now

    • @pellunderscore
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Bethesda has not meaningfully improved in recent memory, and this statement shows exactly why: they are incapable of taking criticism.

    • @Jacob-qr8pl
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Where’s your PR training?
    “They just told us to release another port of Skyrim.”

    • @dreadwoe7661
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Every good thing in the game was invented by us
    every bad thing in the game is realism and is actually a good thing
    every bug is a feature
    every criticism is irrational hatred

    • @HerpaDurpVg
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Sure… but they were ACTUALLY ON the moon. Not in their living room.

    • @maclnmacln
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I am so happy I didn’t purchase starfield and instead playing it off game pass. The games good but not great. Nothing compared to Skyrim. Worst part is flying. You can’t even really fly it’s just load screen after load screen.

    • @lordflashheart3741
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Yes, but….. this is a game.

    • @askaykeeners8712
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    something i dont get is the in game lore is that humanity has been exploring the cosmos for some time yet there is only 4ish citys in all of space

    • @e3uphoric51
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am


    • @veryslyfox9704
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “The people who went one time in their whole life and saw something completely new to mankind is exactly like a procedural survival crafting game from 2015”

    • @riton349
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Comparing the moon landing w. a shitty game is insane.

    • @unoriginalname3442
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Honestly they could’ve taken the whole “It gives modders room to build in” route and it probably would’ve sounded better

    • @supersayainasriel6745
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    So some planets are procedurally generated and others are just empty? How do you mess up twice with a delay? God I’m glad xbox bought Bethesda so I don’t have to play this

    • @yourstigma1213
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    The most Todd Howard response

    • @OctagonalSquare
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    It would be one thing if ALL of the planets were super full and interesting. Then you come to one that is void. No life, no noise. That would make the emptiness unique and interesting. Make you wonder why it’s that way. May become a favorite place for players to go to just chill in the quiet void of space. But if most of your planets are either mostly or completely empty, then you just made a bad game

    • @Zack-bl2gg
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Yea but Starfield isn’t bringing me to the moon, it’s putting me on an empty surface on a tv screen with nothing to do 😂
    At least the moon guys could pick up rocks or something

    • @LostWallet
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    seeing all these excuses, I no longer hype for Elder Scroll 6

    • @iridian
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    You guys have phones right?

    Getting Diablo PR vibes here

    • @sanddry738
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Yeeeahhhh. I’m losing hope in Elder Scrolls VI with how brain dead some of those comments were. It’s an absolute joke and they either miss the point entirely or just don’t give a damn and are throwing whatever bullshit out therr

    • @kol2456
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    A litteral “When I was a kid” from a game company

    • @memnyatta
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “Why is someone not having fun? I specifically requested it”

    • @bhx7527
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Its interesting when NMS planets are interesting, but I get that they get repetitive

    • @railguy2518
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    This is what gets me about the whole thing. Starfield is not really a terrible game, it’s just disappointing. But Bethesda REFUSES to accept that they could put out anything that isn’t FANTASTIC, so they just keep digging their own grave.

    • @mechacosi1856
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    In a game like spore i would understand that most planets are empty because they have the worst conditions, but in spore, empty planets can still have artifacts and can still be colonised
    And spore was released in 2008
    Come on starfield

    • @DrunkedOwly
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I love how stupid the argument of “it was interesting in real life, so IT IS great in a game, regardless”

    • @MythrilZenith
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Starfield is a super niche game that tried to be the biggest thing possible because that’s all Bethesda can make now.

    There are people that really enjoy the fact that a lot of space is empty. That is going to be, GENEROUSLY, 10% of your target audience.

    • @MrSchifferPro
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Ah yes, games are supposed to be…checks notes… reality…

    • @MarkARoutt
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Pr training? Bethesda? What?

    “It just works”

    • @gamelate7076
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I feel like if they were gonna leave them empty, then have an option for players to add to the planets.

    • @IzabelCraig-tw3rp
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Wonderful and unique content!
    🐹 :

    • @AliceJimenez19
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Your content is a true oasis of beauty. Thanks for this visual feast!✌️ $ 🍟

    • @KaityKat117
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Gives me “Do you people not have phones?” vibes

    • @leolion8063
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Ramind me of mass effect, even though can’t travelled to every planet, but at least the planet we are going are not empty

    • @JerodTrd
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    When your game is even emptier than Frontier Developments ‘Elite: Dangerous’, you’ve screwed up.

    Damnit. Now I want to get the ITV: Pregnant Yak out to go power-sliding through mail slots again!

    • @kevindual
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They’re trying to Jedi Mind Trick. “This IS the fun you’re looking for…”

    • @mop-kun2381
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    atleast they dont think the moon landing is fake, thats something right ?

    • @asaulticannoli9235
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    So funny 😂 yeah because they were on the freaking moon lol

    • @jopro0
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Wow! Look at all of this…… Atmosphere around here! Man, I love existing simulators.

    • @FavioBecker
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Is that gaslighting? Sounds like gaslighting… 🤨

    • @Viriyamt
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    My brain can not connect

    • @Botan-VEVO
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I honestly do *not* understand how bethesda isn’t completely out of business with all the moronic shit they do all the time

    • @squanchygetttin
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “You cant be bored if Im having a good time ruining your good time”

    • @anthonydavis5288
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Like Thor said when the astronauts went to the moon they had stuff to do. That’s why they weren’t bored.

    • @imjustapotatoleavemealone
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I don’t play games for realism…

    • @epfsixucsoip2926
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I feel like he’s gonna hit 1 mil in the middle of the night for me and I’m gonna miss it. That’s okay though, I was there for the world record, so I’m content.

    • @gnitsaf
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    I worry that Bethesda has burned all its good will and are doing nothing to get it back

    • @ZombieKitty321
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    They got so far out of touch that they forgot, most players play there games for interesting worlds that inspire wanderlust, not rocky field number 7

    • @HottNugget
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am


    • @hhudy
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    “You’re having fun, because I said so”

    • @tjmonsi
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    this is like… that developer doesnt understand there were lots of things to do on the moon for gathering data and experiments than any activity on a lifeless procedurally created planet in starfield.

    • @Classic7-4-7
    • 2023年 12月 20日 9:55am

    Honestly thought they would use the empty planets for later expansions/DLCs, i was very wrong