Starfield’s biggest modders have already quit #shorts

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Taqs:Alanah Pearce,Funhaus,IGN,Charalanahzard,god of war


  • コメント (165)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @postmortem1547
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    As a member over at Nexus Mod Community I’ll say
    these people gave up on their mod and the game to
    The CK mod tool is not even out yet so there is not
    much that can be done about it and with the games
    engine having a new upgrade the Scripting I’m told
    is different to confusing at times.
    Give it time and the Team will probably be back when
    the CK finally releases,Hopefully.

    • @MaximumVelocity13
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    dawg really got so fucking bored of the game he gave up halfway lmfao he just like me fr

    • @JakeRyanBooth
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    If you speak the truth about a game, they just tell you you’re a hater. I knew this game was gonna flop from the moment BGS released Fallout 76. Lost faith in the company and they’re dead to me as far as I’m concerned. I have zero hype for Elder Scrolls 6 because of the direction this company has taken under Todd Howard’s sorry ass regime.

    • @TheNotSure
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    I don’t get the outcry. If you were shocked, you clearly are not learning from history.

    • @rodrigovillena5209
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    That kinda sums my thoughts up

    • @MegaBadseed
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Guaranteed this Modder is just another Xbox Hater.

    The game is fire! Real gamers know this.

    • @AP-hn8wd
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Anyone only Pro Xbox that actually hate Starfield?

    • @isntyournamebacon
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    People keep reporting on this. Its one mod team or one guy. All the modders i follow are planning on working on starfield. Modders like Kinggath(SimSettlements), Fadingsignal(Truestorms), Oznius(Bodyslide,Outfitstudio) and Elianora. Xedit and Nifscope teams. People keep posting clickbait titles saying “Modders are abandoning Starfield!” Nah guys. The creation kit isnt even out yet. Xedit has intentionally hidden some of the record types as they dont know what they are yet. Nifscope has alot of work to do yet. There is already a plugin for Blender. Thats how people have been getting armor mods already. People have short memorys. When Skyrim came out people had a hard time porting Oblivion mods over. The Nif format changed and the animation system. So armor mods took alot of work. Most didnt bother. When Skyrim came out the game had a 1.7gb memory limit and the game would coppy texture files to system ram and leave it there. You could eat through that pretty quickly. The “large address aware” mod took some time to come out. So early on in Skyrim modding you had to pick an choose what mods to run or the game would hit its 1.7gb limit an crash.
    Its always like this when a new Bethesda game comes out.

    • @aarachus
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    There’s more to the story

    • @trancepower1205
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    So where’s all the fanboys who were defending this shit game back when it was released?? They are awfully quite these days..

    • @mahominishiyama124
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    The game is mid, but the engine is garbage. Modders were hoping for better this time

    • @michaelst9575
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Na toll.

    • @kiooo9
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Todd Howard needs to retire he’s destroying the company. He’s a giant sociopath

    • @Azazel47
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    With the amount of recycled code in starfield I’m surprised that skyrim mods don’t work in it with just a few minor changes.

    • @arbiter9180
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Kek bye, I didn’t even finish the game. Once I met the starborn I was like wtf. They couldn’t even make a new name. They had to copy “born” from TES. I got a little bit further in the game and just lost interest.

    • @GRIMHOOD99
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    I got SF for free to new amd card (which I bought as an upgrade for cyberpunk dlc) and after 90 minutes I quit it and unistalled it because it is without the doubt the most boring, uninspired and mediocre product I have played in 15 years. I was not excited about starfield, I didn’t even plan on playing it and it still dissapointed me as a free game.

    • @daddymacdown
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    I dont understand why this is news? Who cares about a random modder not modding? You just dont see shit like this being reported on any other game. People that hate it just need to move on already. You arent going to convince anyone that likes the game to stop liking it so just shut up already. Not you Charlana just talking about hate farmers

    • @denfansteven4910
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    The Starfield negativity deeply saddens me… I love the game. Cant wait for more content

    • @bubbleoniaRising
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    I gave up after 128 hours. For me, it was the companions and their dialog that grates. The writing overall was very lackluster, and YA as well. I do love the ship builder though.

    • @GunSurgeon
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Such a disappointing game….

    • @sobzuk
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Its popular to call it trash but truth is its just meh and thats worse because BGS

    • @RockRock2233
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    So does this mean you can stop being amazed at potato physics and pretending this is a good game now??

    • @HerbJon
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    I’m confused. Didn’t Bethesda realize that this would happen before the release? How disconnected are they??

    • @flexingmecha
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    I just struggle to connect to people that dislike the game so much that it borderline hurts them, though I never expected it to be a game of the year but I guess it’s my expectations of Bethesda that they make ok games in the first place because Starfield feels like every other game of theirs with more loading as the main sticking point for myself imo.

    • @Hackeysacked
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Translation –

    This game doesn’t play like Skyrim, therefore it’s trash.

    • @itsdeonlol
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Bethesda needs to change…

    • @Dracobyte
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm


    • @caffeineaddictlolecksdee
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    chad modders

    • @gqueirogabr
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Wow so glad this game came free with game pass

    • @landonewts
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    I’m playing the hell out of Starfield. I recognize some flaws in the game, but I’m still enjoying it. I do like mods, and I love that Bethesda has generally welcomed the modding community, but for me a game doesn’t live or die because of mods.

    • @vipstarizm6990
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    He NEEDS to do one for Cyberpunk!!!!!!!!

    • @samnyce
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Straight up, these modders don’t get enough praise or pay for the work they do!!!

    • @younggarde4797
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Everyone enjoying bloody christams and you talk trash about this old game lmao :DD

    • @younggarde4797
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    She needs to be a toxic teacher in a p0rn game. :DDD

    • @younggarde4797
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    I have never seen such as depressed girl as you’re. You’re begging to become a p0rn game character. 😀

    • @Mrsmifff
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    I didn’t even bother finishing the game. The travel system the lack of companion options and freedom. Everything about the game screamed not Bethesda

    • @wreckingvi2265
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    They wanted modders fix their game for them for free. Lol

    • @bobmarley-vc6us
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Good by! leave space to the new ones. They’re multiplayer was f***ing trash tho.

    • @charr4671
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    “Gives up and uploads everything for someone else to finish”. Man’s taking moves from Bethesda’s own playbook.

    • @ImBackItsDad
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Facts tho lol midfield just isn’t the game we were promised, it ain’t even next gen

    • @Da_Shrooms
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Yeah at first I was blown away by this game, the scope was immense, the side quests were fun, and the visuals were great. But it never pushes beyond that peak and it gets really boring. Ultimately it feels shallow and by the end I couldn’t wait to be done.

    • @sheld0n
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    I’m trying Starfield now after finishing BG3. Basically the content missing from Starfield is already in another game called Elite Dangerous.

    • @motorcycle-man
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Feel him though. Stopped at the literal last mission and cant get myself to finish it lol

    • @mikeyfrancisz
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Starfiled is boring

    • @palpaladin315
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Typical fanboys 😆 – all cheerin’ when its riding high; jump ship as soon as its inconvenient. 😃

    • @nobyra
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    After no mans sky, it seems the release a shitty game and fix it later is the new meta. Gotta love gaming.

    • @ulyaoth3579
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Just throwing this out there, if it’s not going to be on Xbox Series X. I don’t care. I don’t have the time or patience to bother with PC games anymore. I prefer my console games.

    • @Aeneas137
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    I spent 75 hours trying to enjoy this stupid game. That’s all I will give it of my life. I didn’t uninstall it but it’s on a slow backup drive and will probably never be moved back to primary storage again. Bethesda has given me a lot of enjoyment over the years so the $70 was a tip. I got nothing out of it so it was a tip. I don’t mind. but I’ll never buy another Bethesda game without a steep sale.

    • @TransmentalMe
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    They still haven’t even given people modding tools AND they made the game harder to mod, it’s like a snake eating itself.

    Bethesda definitely needs a shake up. After Fallout 76, having a second launch that just completely missed the mark is unacceptable. They’ve got one shot left with TES VI, Todd really needs to step it up with his design work for the next title or he needs to pass the torch.

    • @AeyGee
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    IGN’s 7/10 or Jimquisition’s 4/10 makes more sense now.

    • @ct_devoid
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Multiplayer seems like it would be difficult to implement in Starfield anyway. I personally enjoy starfield but everyone can have their own thoughts until they don’t.

    • @bobbyfischer9927
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Starfield was just fine.. It was fun for a bit but got boring really fast. The traveling around space is pretty terrible at most times

    • @ianjanas1370
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    They also planned on making a fallout 4 version too. Didnt even know they were working on starfield

    • @devastatheseeker9967
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Imagine hyping a sci fi game for years and then dropping starfailed

    • @vincentnugent9888
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Eh, another person will come along and just do the job instead. There’s always somebody better out there, even if you think you’re real good at your job. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    Plus, multiplayer isn’t something I want from these games. I love them because I know they’re completely single player and I can do whatever I want.

    • @Kyle-yn5hy
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Games are subjective, I’m in that rare minority of people who just don’t like Skyrim. I’m not big on fantasy in the first place, but I still enjoyed the “charm” of games like Oblivion and Morrowind. Skyrim just didn’t have any of that charm for me, so I didn’t like it.

    Yet this modder loved it so much they made an incredibly complex multiplayer mod for it, which took years to finish. I didn’t love or hate Starfield but I liked it more than Skyrim that’s for sure. It’s almost like different games are going to appeal to different people, and that Bethesda’s philosophy towards game development is to try and avoid rehashing older games in new titles.

    People love to hate on Bethesda games, but they’re one of like four studios still pushing out these massive sprawling RPG games. It’s easy to compare it to BG3 this year, but we get a game like BG3 how often? I’m reminded of a quote from Todd Howard: “We won’t always get all the way there. But, I’d rather shoot for it and then see where we end up than being safe.”

    • @netflixandchinchilla
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Modders complaining and giving up before official modding tools are even available seems pretty ridiculous to me

    • @gwidao123
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    I wish bathesda hired the top modders while in development.

    • @mellowyellow2576
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm


    • @Spartan_83
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    It’s crazy people either love Starfield or they hate Starfield and hell is still one of the best selling games in November and people that put in hundreds of hours which is not something most people would do with a game that’s bland and boring.

    • @SecksyMan
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    The Bethesda developers gave up years ago, so not surprising.

    • @gamer-san8923
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    There’s a reason why Bethesda is now eyeing their most successful game Skyrim by updating its creation club content because Starfield didn’t do as well as they hoped.

    • @demontheory
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    I played 20 hours for the game to start “getting good”, Played a couple of more hours and decided that indeed the game is trash. Todd Howard and Bethesda just sold us smoke and lies.

    • @97javic
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    This dude’s mods are “fucking garbage”. 😂

    • @chasejackson7248
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Guess the game will be mediocre forever if its all on Bethesda to make it better.

    • @ThailandDantotherescue
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    I wanted to love Starfield… it got dull faster than any other bgs game… im hoping the dlc fixes some stuff. . I don’t feel ripped off… the game just feels a little unfinished

    • @DrCwRc
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Starfield’s awsome!

    Space exploration, space battles, space piracy, ship building…

    The story is great tbh

    Only thing that i dislike is the buggy Outpost system😢

    Its a lovely mini game for whoever likes city building/resource gathering games but its not optimal at the moment, not even with the current mods.

    • @Arklay_98
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Played for 2 hours I was bored it never grabbed my attention.

    • @wastelandwanderer2693
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    I just noticed I haven’t played a whole lot of Bethesda Game Studios games. Only played Fallout 3 so far and I loved that game but I’m not sure if I’ll ever give Starfield a try, it’s just not reeling me in with anything. I like post apocalyptic settings more than space but it really depends on the game.

    The Bethesda games I immensely enjoyed the most were the games that weren’t developed by them, but the ones they published. Doom, Wolfenstein, Dishonored, Hi-Fi Rush, The Evil Within were bangers imo.

    • @BrazenInc
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    modern executives suck at life

    • @baileycampbell
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Well, the game is shit lets be honest…

    • @Dylamn
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    That’s what happens when you expect modders to carry the game for the next decade for free.

    • @Lilpat60
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    lol I guess Im not the only one that can’t fall in love with this game. I quit after 5hrs of gameplay. I don’t know it is, but the game feels empty & souless.

    • @camf33
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    And that’s why Beth just broke Skyrim with their big update, bc they know Skyrim is and will continue to be their bread and butter. How does it feel Todd?!

    • @VetGamerBoceifus01
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Yall youtubersvare trying to fan flames that aren’t even embers. Several of yall keep pushing this, this guy, though a good modder, is only one of many that has his opinion. He may not like it but there are hundreds of other molders that don’t hate it. He doesn’t speak for every modder, yall need to stop making it sound like he does.

    • @TremorBoria
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    I ported Skyrim onto my smart fridge today, Having trouble downloading mods though.
    Maytags customer support was very little help. A little disappointed with them. 😮

    • @user-gh1ql5uc8t
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Not sure how much hate the game really deserves. It is rather weird that a lot of the hate for the game is from people that actually just weren’t interested in it. Versus the game actually having a problem. I haven’t played the game in weeks. I had some encounters with bugs from the game but nothing that couldn’t be reloaded and fixed besides a few ctds that were incidental. However the one criticism that actually holds up about the game is that lack of content within the game itself. So much of it feels like generated filler and less like a designed and developed game. Idk but compared moments where you have a split reality quest where details actually kinda matter it can be a bit jarring because you can easily that there are almost like levels to the content. Some have said that Bethesda game design has been outdated for almost a decade. But I honestly think that has just failed to evolve in a meaningful way. For instance one major evolution to Sid Meier’s Civilization was that in Civ VI they added a mechanic for the environment to go into turmoil. Hurricanes, volcanoes, etc. can directly impact gameplay and the entirety of the game. For direct comparison, I’ve yet to be on a planet in Starfield where the only moving environmental element is some form of water. Bethesda’s model works, and sells lots of games. But they need to improve what they have. It may be impossibly hard to mod something like the frostbite engine but destructible environments would’ve been a huge improvement to make for this particular RPG. You could literally be play the beginning of Mass Effect 2 over in Starfield if that was possible. And so on and so on. But unless Bethesda does something drastic to save the reputation of the game, which is very unlikely. The sooner we get the devkit the sooner modders can try to make this into something so much greater. Personally, the lack of difference in universes is rather surprising to me. But hopefully that can be fixed too.

    • @Megablueliner1
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    One single modder. Not plural, one guy who was making a co-op mod nobody asked for that would never have worked. This story is a nothingburger.

    • @GTRFREAK17
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Could always go the MikeBurnFire route and have your friend as a companion while they sit next to you on the couch…

    • @benjaminubben4436
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    The Phantom Menace of video games

    • @4589dude
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm


    • @The0sidewinder
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Mods suck. Official mod support will be available next year.

    • @shawnmolsen4
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Starfield is a perfect example of how society now believes that if something isn’t the most awesome, mind blowing experience…it’s the the worst, most “mid” experience they’ve ever had. This is why I’ve given up paying any sort of attention to 99.9% of YouTube content creators. I finally realized I don’t care what these twats think, and neither should you. Alanah is one of the last true level-headed creators out there. I appreciate that she doesn’t cash in on rage porn and hate bait.

    Starfield is a good game. It’s not Skyrim. It’s not Fallout. It’s not No Man’s Sky. It was never promised to be. If you enjoy Starfield you’re not alone, you’re in the majority.

    • @SubiKinubi
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    In a few discords, there’s a few big fallout modders that are doing the same, apparently it has some big core issues that the other games didn’t have and modders can’t fix it

    • @blak4052
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    the thing is the first time the game came out people that dont like the game where attack online by the people that like it and the people that like it was more than you think a lot of people like the game without playing more than 6 hours in the game BUT after more than 6 hours of gameplay even they saw the game was bad real bad that is the uproar of the game and the Devs of the game say the game is bad because is the fault on the players it was a Tweet and top of that tod howard say the mod comunity will fix the game

    • @RyanWeeks000
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    If you search “starfield together” in the starfield subreddit, you’ll find the mod authors more nuanced take a few comments down in the thread that mentions this post. Apparently he was just ranting on discord, and has a more nuanced take. Can’t link it here or youtube will nuke the comment it seems.

    • @scarecroow1611
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Its literally one guy

    • @20tetsuo77
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    To be fair, idc about this specific mod, never was interested in skyrim multiplayer. However I really hope the ck revives the modding community and they fix the load order issue, otherwise the game’s dead for sure

    • @thegameslave2
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    I don’t hate Starfield or anything, but it made me sad. I was hoping for something different, I guess. I think I was looking for something kind of like No Man’s Sky, but with Bethesda RPG vibes, and it didn’t exactly turn out that way. Plus, Bethesda trying to justify themselves when everyone was saying how boring and empty things feel was not the move. I do hope the game gets better.

    • @ManlyPelican
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    So Bethesda’s plan for modders to make the game good is backfiring, $7.5 billion.

    • @popi2971
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    I enjoyed the game, but those loading screens were out of control, it is sad to hear that modders think it’s a waste of time to try modding this game, oh well maybe that’ll change in the future.

    • @BillboBirsay
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Can you imagine the amount of people leaving skyrim in droves just months after release?

    • @malbrolyat4643
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    It is very boring to be fair.

    • @trekbsg
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    No one likes quitters. Strap on a pair, roll up your sleeves and go to work!

    • @CZProductions
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    I think his other statement that the game is bland and boring and not worth the time investment is far more accurate than it being F’ing trash. The game is okay, a 6 to a 7 in my opinion, but I completely understand not wanting to dedicate thousands of hours to it. I played about 70 hours and don’t see myself ever coming back 😅

    • @Hurlesboy
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Days later they release some bullshit about how “players are disconnected” stfu, y’all just butt hurt, Bethesda.

    • @Bardish
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Sadly it feels like BGS didn’t realize or just forgot what made their games great. Its the free roaming exploration. Starfield is a game that eliminates that, its a loading screen simulator between small self contained instances.

    • @Jake-bh7fd
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Is everyone finally ready to admit Starfield was overhyped and is mediocre at best?

    • @charliewalker9443
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    I have no idea what is going on, or what this is about. Yet I find myself enjoying watching said random videos I know nothing about purely because I find your take on things great. 😊

    • @quantumwitcher9376
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Whats with all the dramatics though? I get not liking the game but everyone is clutching their pearls like no tomorrow. So dramatic 🙄

    • @user-lm3nr1yc2t
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    I’m waiting on that dlc

    • @AgentownshipRebelion
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Welp. More Starfield for Alanah then. Yes I know that doesn’t make sense!

    • @user-ic8yo9sr5k
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm


    • @jtg753
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    After seeing the moves they recently did to modding for Skyrim, I would be wary of making any mods with Bethesda involved.

    • @digitaldruglord1815
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Clown. Dev tools aren’t even out yet

    • @BarkerVancity
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    im so worry about es6

    • @Tank207
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Didn’t take me very long to get very bored with the game.

    Then again Bethesda’s games were never really my thing. Only reason I played Skyrim as much as I did was because it was fun to install all kinds of wacky ass mods.

    Who remembers the ukulele playing bear?

    • @TalonsRebellion
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    “Modders will fix the game and make it better.”
    “Oh no.”

    • @timothypatch5080
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Yikes, I like the game but I don’t love it like Skyrim or fallout 3 and New Vegas so I kinda understand although it seems like they made Starfield so it could be modded, just all those empty planets, you could make one into Dune maybe make another into a Star Wars planet

    • @mortecai222
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    can’t wait for the “starfield is actually good now” youtube videos in 2025

    • @toetag4
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    So we ain’t gonna talk about factions being cancelled

    • @Winterfellen
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Don’t blame him. I wouldn’t spend that many hours on this game either.

    • @swayde1228
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    I downloaded the game when it first came out and I needed a ton of mods just to be able to make the game enjoyable to play. And I know without the mods the game would be terrible so I just have not updated my game at all because I know a lot of modders will not be updating their mods along with the game updates.

    • @Raviouliformiouli
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    My main complaint is the combat. Shooting is fine, but the melee is some of the most boring combat in any game. Fallout 3 you can punch a deathclaw and have their head explode making you feel like an unstoppable bad ass. But in starfield you’re just punching over and over and having the enemy stagger until they ragdoll. Then the space combat is good, but you don’t even get to do it that often. Just a few easy ships every now and then. And the planets are empty as hell. Repeating outposts, boring stuff like windmills with a box of minerals next to it. It’s just not worth exploring. Then the random encounters are just people wanting some iron, or they’re pirates. It got about 200 hours out of me, but a Bethesda game should get at least 1000 hours out of me. So while I had a good time playing the game, I’ve officially done just about everything there is to do. The 1000 planets thing really did mess everything up. 10 planets would’ve been great. But 1000 planets, and only a few of them have one city each just doesn’t cut it. So I see why the modders aren’t having a good time with this one.

    • @ogmack4958
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Known from Day 1 Starfield was TRASH feels bad for all the people that have to try it before they recognize.

    • @SPREET5454
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Worst purchase decision of my life, and i bought Jump Force

    • @pixeljauntvr7774
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Uh Oh! I hole Bethesda has a plan B.

    • @themostcomplete
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    well,hes has a point..Tbh he has all the points..Bugfield is abysmally boring..

    • @mattmeyer6186
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Skyrim Together was trash. No loss there.

    • @yokaigypsy
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    “The game of the generation”

    • @Eldur0
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Yeah I only played 150+ hours before I realized it was a bad game /s 🙄 I still don’t understand people talking about a game they don’t like. Move on and let people enjoy things

    • @Deka4891
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    So be it.

    • @curiousfox4463
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    I spent hours on Starfield (mostly in 3rd person) and I still think the game is trash. Maybe it’s because I hate getting Aurora for Yannick, maybe it’s because of the many loading screens, maybe it’s because I don’t like the forced 1st person dialogues, maybe it’s because of the ECS Constant bug that keeps leading me back to Paradiso, or maybe because Sarah keeps disliking some things I do… Oh and now she can breathe in space now. I stopped playing the game a while ago.

    • @heyhoojoe
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    I called it a week after release. The only thing I’m ashamed of is how long it took me to lose the rose-tinted glasses.

    • @findingpeacedailyfpd6064
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm


    • @jace15076
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    “Game of the Year.”

    ‘It’s a Bethesda game.”

    “The mods will fix it.”

    “Xbox tax.”

    • @thisistheescapeplan
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Imo it was fun for a playthrough, and a 1ng cycle blast though… but after that… even in the ng+ was just “Ok I’m bored now”

    • @superandy2k13
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    I don’t understand people’s obsession with putting a shit ton of content in a space game you work from planet to planet THERE IS NOTHING IN SPACE ITS FKING EMPTY!!!!!

    • @gordonfreeman9733
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Finally even the most loyal fans realized how pathetic this game is 🤮

    • @superandy2k13
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    I’m not going to fix something instead I’m just going to sit here and complain about how shity the thing is so people don’t realize I suck at my Hobby

    • @tomsimmons7673
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    That about sums it up.

    • @SabiJD
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Couldn’t care less about co-op/MP BGS games, so that’s no loss to me.

    It’s not much of a reflection on SF and mod support, though. That will only start to be gauged next year with the proper mod tools.

    It might have less support, but it’s guaranteed to have some incredible stuff over the years, so I’m still looking forward to seeing what’s created. SF really needs EVAs, as an example. Plus an equivalent of Place Anywhere for ship interiors.

    • @TheFilmGuyOfficial
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    The game is just fine! But so much of it feels underdeveloped. Also in my opinion the main story should have been a side missions and the faction missions should have been the main story

    • @thebrendan03
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Do modders make money on this? If not why do it? I understand having a passion for something you love but to mod games and give it to the devs for free seems strange to me

    • @Jonas-ej7id
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm


    • @wayjohnson1
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Guess I’ll go play Factions now.

    • @privatebaldric8767
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Yay, I did a comment

    • @JoeRand849
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Starfart Bethesda’s biggest failure

    • @707zacbuster
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Yea. After beating the game and seeing the games content mainly comes from the story and the 3 faction missions theres not much else to do. And NG+ is not worth it when you learn all the money and ammo you farmed for doesnt carry over

    • @davidanonymous4234
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    What I don’t like is that their clothes stay on after you pillage them

    • @aresdonachelo5283
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    How many years does this game been made?

    • @Just_A_Random_Desk
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    I’m glad people are finally starting to dislike bethesda’s trash.

    • @monehselik6185
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    It is pretty trash tbh. I was so so so hyped for it and it just fell completely flat. Dont have much confidence in Bethesda moving forward unfortunately 😢

    • @rando653
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Can’t wait to see what game that modder is making. It’s obviously going to better than starfield.

    • @DanWMiller
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    I just found the game dreadfully dull, my favourite part of Elder Scrolls and Fallout was the exploration and I was hoping for more of that but I found I was hardly ever rewarded for that in Starfield

    • @Maggbba
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    It’s okay, at least You didn’t fail Todd with all your honest enthusiasm.

    • @SamFisherCell
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    It is trash. Well spoken.

    • @saigaiiikami4314
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    I imagine part of it is because how much more difficult it seems to be to mod starfield. BGS changed something I guess when they upgraded the engine, so now it’s kind of trying to workaround something that BGS did. Hopefully other modders work on it .

    • @kamilstanczyk7670
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    If core gameplay (loading screens) is bad, no one is rescue that, just because it’s from Bethesda, that’s not work in that way. 🙂

    • @YourOneStopShop
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    The problem my guess is that because planets are randomly generated and dont really occupy the actual locations of where planets are, so mods like open cities and skyrim together wouldnt work that well because Bethesdas approach to Space Sim is unapologetically inauthentic. You even spent an entire night flying to a giant jpeg.

    While I like what they did with space, grav jumping being a loading screen, interplanetary travel being a loading screen followed by a procedurally generated grid map with structures eliminating the feeling of mystery and exploration, and my ship providing another loading screen to access the planet just dulls the space experience. My personally crafted ship feels more like a glorified storage container with its own loading screen to access than an actual ship. And I can skip all of those loading screens with one loading screen, if im not overencumbered.

    • @davinark1844
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Jeez. The title is the biggest bait I’ve seen in a while.

    That’s ONE modder, of a NICHE project.

    Anyhow, Starfield has no appeal for me so i’m happy to see anyone freeing themselves up for more FO4 and Skyrim modding.

    • @Inezba
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Well that’s fine there then mister modder so go create a game yourself

    • @daysgone2997
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    we knew it was trash but for modders to say it is just aint good for bethesda 😂

    • @911man77
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    I stopped playing once I found out unarmed sucked on very hard

    • @JOMRANN
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    The game is indeed trash Bethesda has refused to modernize the way they develop games

    • @rasengdori13
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    My content creators have now confirmed that it is okay to dunk on Starfield despite many of them praising Starfield for weeks after launch. The cycle of rage engagement continues.

    • @Phreno_Xeno
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    The Bethesda modders are such primadonna’s. Always were.

    • @TannyWanny
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    bad game is bad. shocking.

    • @paulolsen2300
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Still haven’t played it.!

    • @bookkeeper1995
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Game Was pretty fine, but when a developer blamed players for starfield sucking I checked out lmao. Skyrim is a perfect example of a fantastic game, it’s held up for over a decade. Starfield is a painfully empty universe that has painfully stripped down mechanics and it’s inexcusable

    • @GhostC4t404
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    the game is trash

    • @Siege900
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    I’m surprised people are working on big mods already. The modding tools aren’t even out yet. Besides that the mods are going to get blown away over and over again for a couple years

    • @SNEStalgia
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    That’s crazy, I really enjoyed Starfield. Maybe I just haven’t experienced a lot of the problems most people have.

    • @JoriDiculous
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    well that was a non surprise if i ever seen one

    • @clem1257
    • 2023年 12月 19日 9:55pm

    Good for him