Modders are ALREADY giving up on Starfield.. #Gaming

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Modders are ALREADY giving up on Starfield.. #Gaming

#LukeStephensTV #LukeStephensLIVE #Streamer #Twitch #Xbox #PS5
#Starfield #Bethesda



  • コメント (28)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @skyriminspace
    • 2023年 12月 17日 9:55pm

    That’s an opinion. Everyone is entitled to an opinion.

    Modders can only work with the games & the materials they’re given by the developers. Modders are standing on the shoulders of the people who created the game in the first place.

    I think starfield is going to stand the test of time & before long there’ll ba a deluge of “i like starfield now” type videos.

    Respect the grind though. Paying bills through youtube isn’t as easy as some might think.

    • @forzafan92
    • 2023年 12月 17日 9:55pm

    i would argue that not everything needs to be multiplayer and if you want to play with your friends just play a multiplayer game instead of modding an existing single player one

    • @szmr
    • 2023年 12月 17日 9:55pm

    Do we reckon Bethesda will attempt at listening to the community and making updates?

    • @TOXYK
    • 2023年 12月 17日 9:55pm

    Starfield is GARBAGE and it’s not going to turn around to become a Cyberpunk or a No man’s sky,
    THE END.

    • @Nidvex
    • 2023年 12月 17日 9:55pm

    I played this on xbox game pass. it went… reasonably, at first. I definitely loved some of the story gimmicks it got going for it, like the Main Character ACTUALLY having parents (everyone deserves the parents you can choose to have in this game.)
    But the longer I played the more it felt I was checking off boxes. Once I realized I had absolutely zero desire to build a base in the game, the fact of the matter dawned on me: Damn am I happy I didn’t pay for this.
    When you’re not experiencing the dialogue and story, and made to deal with the gameplay, the game was legitimately boring and sad. The gameplay is so mediocre that no amount of mods can possibly save this game. It would’ve been better off as some kind of digital Choose Your Own Adventure book where it’s all story, with little to no gameplay to deal with, maybe attributes for dice rolls or something.

    • @exnozgaming5657
    • 2023年 12月 17日 9:55pm

    I don’t think Bethesda was ever a good company. Their games were always basic, boring and mediocre. Their fans runs on nostalgia. In gaming industry we have special phrases for em, “bathesda standard”, “for a bethesda title”, etc which just shows they are faaar behind other studios and its cuz they are lazy, lacks talent , liers and greedy fucks who knows no matter what shit they produce if they can create enough hype through marketing fools will buy. Doesn’t matter what review they give, we will just deny and say they are wrong.

    • @austingraham4
    • 2023年 12月 17日 9:55pm

    Ya know, I have to give it to them for trying something new. It was a gamble and they kind of lost (though I enjoy the game tbh, nothing compared to Skyrim though), but they tried.

    • @HocusPocus-db2jd
    • 2023年 12月 17日 9:55pm

    Don’t make the xbox fanbase mad they’ll definitely say other wise 😂.

    • @ImBored8141
    • 2023年 12月 17日 9:55pm

    I love Starfield only because it got more people to appreciate Star Citizen

    • @josephking3837
    • 2023年 12月 17日 9:55pm


    • @uteriel282
    • 2023年 12月 17日 9:55pm

    when modders who went through all the shit bethesda threw at them from morrowind to fallout 4 say they dont want to work on starfild cause its trash you know its serious.

    • @gpfhantom1890
    • 2023年 12月 17日 9:55pm

    That says quite a lot, even modders can’t make this game interesting. And that’s all Bethesda has going for them too, it’s the modders that make their games better

    • @dankusmemeus7093
    • 2023年 12月 17日 9:55pm

    Do you blame him? The game was bare bones mediocre

    • @electrofreak6330
    • 2023年 12月 17日 9:55pm

    It’s not trash. Not a masterpiece but not trash

    • @StarlingInSpace
    • 2023年 12月 17日 9:55pm

    And now with Bethesda implementing paid mods, it’ll only get worse

    • @tairyu2574
    • 2023年 12月 17日 9:55pm

    The lack of personality doesn’t help it either. Riften, Whiterun, and Markarth alone had characters with a lot more …character.

    • @smokingbarrels7019
    • 2023年 12月 17日 9:55pm

    Emil Pagliarulo, that is a name all of you should remember. Why? Because he will ruin the next Elder Scrolls

    • @thatguywiththeguitar7203
    • 2023年 12月 17日 9:55pm

    FYI cyberpunk 2077 has mod tools… just saying

    • @10191927
    • 2023年 12月 17日 9:55pm

    😂 Man Starfield community can’t catch a break

    • @nickp4084
    • 2023年 12月 17日 9:55pm

    They just need more content for procedural areas. Add borderlands style loot. Everyone would love it.

    • @Trey-Farmhand-Suit
    • 2023年 12月 17日 9:55pm

    I uninstalled it after 60 hours and I still have Skyrim down loaded and still play it and fallout new Vegas

    • @johnnymcfake
    • 2023年 12月 17日 9:55pm

    Modders are going to be all over this, especially him.
    Does anyone want to put money on it?
    I’m in.

    • @ZombieBacon13
    • 2023年 12月 17日 9:55pm

    I havent played starfield but we can’t act like Skyrim was some perfect game.

    • @rufus5208
    • 2023年 12月 17日 9:55pm

    Wow! Thats unbelievable

    • @tonilazuto3228
    • 2023年 12月 17日 9:55pm

    Bros whole channel is shitting on starfield. I hope when it become irrelevant so does this garage page

    • @ZephKin
    • 2023年 12月 17日 9:55pm

    They had a decade’s worth of hype and time to make Starfield into “Morrowind + Elite Dangerous” or “Fallout 3 + No Man’s Sky” …whatever you call it. It needed space travel not space fast travel, but instead we got not a game, but more work for modders who could make their own game at this point. FO4NV – probably will kick starfield in the balls when that spawns on steam. And that’s just pathetic – but hey, modders deserve rights to be their own studios atm seeing the corporate BS laziness nowadays. Oh, and shout out to Lethal company’s zeekers. 1 dev like them can have their own small team with their creativity gone viral. Proud of that dude.

    • @gamingpotato8821
    • 2023年 12月 17日 9:55pm

    I was so hyped for this game for months and my excitement alone got me through 20 hours of this game and when that wore off I realized how boring it was. Can’t imagine playing this for 100 hours and enjoying it like others have

    • @rando6836
    • 2023年 12月 17日 9:55pm

    The fishbowls aren’t even interesting. They all have the same googly-eyed, diverse NPCs, the same basic sort of enemies, etc.