Is Starfield Boring? Dev claps back at Critics #shorts

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#shorts #starfield #gaming

Taqs:Starfield,Starfield game,Starfield developer response,Starfield controversy,Starfield review,Starfield gameplay,Starfield barren design,Starfield boring claim,game design debate,Bethesda game studios,Starfield Bethesda,Starfield user review,gaming controversy,Starfield criticism,game development insights,Bethesda response,Starfield design philosophy,Starfield player feedback,video game development,Bethesda controversy,Starfield news


  • コメント (71)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @kinh0t
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    Ibought the game and finished 1 time. Yeah its boring, its far, veeeeery far from skyrim quality

    • @Wowaniac
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    its at 68% its been falling for months. They made a 2005 video game in 2023 and expected it to be well received. The entire game is a major downgrade from the entire Fallout Series

    • @coopernoble6139
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    My complaint at the moment is I am stuck in a ship with a low fuel capacity and am out of range of any systems with a shipyard or settlement. The pirates spawn rate for me to try to pirate a new ship is pretty lowZ

    • @carnie69
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    I haven’t played the game yet, but I’m with the devs on this. If you think the universe is just one big candy store where there’s always something dor everyone, you’re deluded…and should stick to a Ratchet & Clank

    • @MrTirien
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    I do agree. Some planets should be barren.

    • @ScreaminNorman
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    The game will never live up to the hype it had. We didn’t learn on no mans sky…..

    • @jeremylloyd3109
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    They could have said go play Minecraft with mods on. But they gave us space fallout

    • @Devin-O
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    Elite Dangerous an older game you can land anywhere on any plant and do anything this was made years ago.

    StarField big AAA corp and you make a open world planets where you can only explore a small part…

    You make a bold claim of a open world space game and half ass it what did you expect?

    • @gonzogoonie4312
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm


    • @jeffl0385
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    And then there’s me over here thinking there’s far too many lush fertile planets

    • @yourcakeandeatingittoo1576
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    Sometimes I want an empty planet/moon. Mainly for outpost creation I want nothing but resources, I don’t want to have to deal with wildlife

    • @AustinAaq
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    We got GTA 5 after elder scrolls 5 and we are getting GTA 6 before Elder scrolls 6 yet there are 3 open world space toys no one asked for…..

    • @user-mw3rk7pl9m
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    Bla bla and then next year modding opens up and planets are now full of life

    • @michaelp1979
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    LOL, if the game had garden worlds everywhere you would call it unrealistic, it’s not realistic by design but challenging and you complain. Gamers are grumpy.

    Forget the worlds, I want more spaceships!

    • @justinnutter6008
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    I couldn’t care less what the reviews are or if it’s GOTY. It’s an amazing game. What? Should I like it less because of the reviews? This was dumb af.

    • @ferrymarshall5346
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    Todd lost his touch
    If this continues to TES 6, then Beth is done 😢

    • @andreaskarlsen1530
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    stupid game design, everspace 2 managed to pull it off

    • @aussieskitz
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    You guys would cry if there was too much going on. Devs can’t win.

    • @tstar420LA
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    Typical Bethesda great concept poor execution

    • @DanielPvb4
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    It’s fun while there are main quests left to do. But once you’re done with those. It’s really an empty game.

    • @themixmasterdylanshow247
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    I freaking love this game

    • @jolleyroger7623
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    My experience playing StarField was a lot like the first time I ever had… Or uh… “Got-LUCKY”… 😏🥴😘

    I didn’t have a clue what I was doing, and like a bottle rocket, the excitement climaxed and ended way too fast… 🤦🏽

    • @teddyjackson1902
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    Up until around 2014, it was the job of the business to meet the expectations of the consumer. There’s been a noticeable inversion of the relationship dynamic where the corporation will now berate the consumer if consumer does not like product.

    • @H3lIHound
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    well damn, my mistake, i guess starfield is a fun game. it was designed that way lol

    • @ScentofLaceration
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    I don’t see enough people complaining about the writing. Its just not good, I finally stopped playing it because I couldn’t get into it no matter how hard I tried.

    • @martybarron816
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    Given i am not a space guy i am so glad i didn’t bother with this game

    • @TheHabadababa
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    That’s not boring, that’s just so we could hit the number we advertised, it’s your fault if you go yo the empty planets would have been the only honest answer.

    • @FINsoininen
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    When was Spore made? I feel like that game did a better job at this 15 years ago..

    • @nawsthejaws2618
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    Every Bethesda game is boring after beating them, but mods help to continue to add fun and value to the game for years to come.

    • @the69fury
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    200 hours played. After completing the quest lines there wasn’t enough to keep me engaged.

    • @grmigrim9834
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    What is the difference between a player saying that that design is boring, and a dev replying it is not boring? As long as the person who wrote the critique does not explictily express that it is not fun for themselves, I think it is fair to answer the generalized statement with another generalized statement. Not everybody thinks that the design they chose to do is boring. What I liked most about the game was the feeling I had when playing it. I did as little fast traveling as possible because I enjoyed the feeling of travelling that vast world. That way I found many interesting interactions I assume many have missed out on.

    • @josepharce1684
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    The game is boring

    • @notpeachtea6028
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    “ITS A BUG HUNT SIR!!!” It really did devolve into that for me its not necessarily boring perse its just not entertaining

    • @zachlewis9751
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    Congrats your space exploration as Sci-Fi ARPG is a little more realistic.

    At the expense of playable content.

    • @slyace1301
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    Scale of the universe? Mfs couldn’t code a proper map to go through without loading screen, they are bullsh*tting us with philosophy of the game.

    • @ChunLisSlave
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    That dev probably thinks Andy Kaufman is unironically funny too…

    • @RaCaMaGir
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    Oh… Feelings? This game gave you how many hours of entertainment for the cost of a monthly subscription or $70 bucks? It’s better than Diablo IV in my opinion, compare that with what other game of the year?

    • @RaCaMaGir
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    I agree with the Dev… This game is an educational tool for everyone, what to expect in our universe, theres going to be a lot of planets without life, a lot of gas giants, with moons that hopefully have life… If they did the equations right planets in a Goldilocks zone should be finite… Now, conversely, what is the population of StarField? How many people live on Neon, Akila, New Atlantis, etc. should be in the 10s of millions? Hundreds of millions? If that is the case it feels like there are not that many people in the StarField universe… I should be able to build space stations, run into other sentient species and add legendary aspects to guns and equipment for a ridiculous amount of credits… StarField is a great 1st effort… And should be acknowledged for it’s contributions to gaming…

    • @august3777
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    Players do get to dictate what devs do. They do that by publicly complaining about the game and then not playing it. See Season 1 of Diablo 4, for an example.

    • @ruibarian5187
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    Empty planets are totally fine if the planets with content on them are more interesting to compensate. But the planets with people on them feel just as empty because every NPC in that game would have been subpar 10 years ago.

    • @ruibarian5187
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    Sometimes people don’t think jokes are funny because they don’t get the joke. Sometimes players don’t think the game is fun because they don’t get the point the game is making, so it’s not enjoyable. It’s not always the case, but it’s also not never the case.

    • @InConsulting
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    This was boring 😁

    • @yangvincent7408
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    No man’s sky has more than 1000 planets, and most of them have no alien habitation, but the sheer freedom of building , exploration, and destruction have made the game much better of a choice when it comes to space genre. So suck it starfield, I regret preordering it.

    • @HariF94
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    Scamfield even worse than D4

    • @venomh4616
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    The most boring thing is to sell items, every vendor has a limited amount of money and I had to travel to a lot of different locations to sell my things

    • @Hentai_Akuma
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    The no man’s sky effect

    • @danicule8671
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    Game is trash

    • @dreamsoflorien8237
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    I’ve never understood the hype about these games. Skyrim was boring as shit with awful combat and I didn’t even think about buying this turd

    • @TheAleksander22
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    Not sure about the joke metaphor. A joke can become funny once you understand it.

    • @Mace2Face
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    “But that’s not boring” huh??? You can’t just decide that lmao

    • @davidgoldstein729
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    Gamers are not inherently deep-pondering philosophers; most are more like adrenaline junkies. Devs who expect them to be wide-eyed with wonder at the vastness of emptiness have forgotten what things are like outside the ivory tower.

    One would at least hope that “barren” planets (e.g. devoid of life) would at least be rich in some kind of minerals. As for the ones that aren’t barren but are just kind of same-y… The Starfield devs put a lot of customizability into the player character generator. Imagine if they’d done the same sort of thing for wildlife, and applied a randomizer to it? Will Wright’s Spore comes to mind…

    • @stevemischlich2180
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    I quit Starfield to play season 2 of Diablo 4. Just got bored.

    • @kevinoneil5120
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    Ah yes, clapping back against criticism by telling the audience that they’re wrong. How very 2020’s of them 😂

    • @groto27
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm


    • @ddist0rtt
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    Boring and devoid of any creativity from the devs that worked at Bethesda a decade plus ago. I can guess their hiring practices, as with most western devs these days.

    • @Rolandais
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    You think you want it, but you don’t! Don’t you have Mobiles? Funny how Blizzthesda now have the same owners, huh?

    • @punkylesh7575
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    The game needed alien humanoid races, imagine how boring Star Trek would be if there were no other aliens societies to interact with?

    • @fiftysevensix
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    This game is a simulator. If you think flight simulators are boring, you will likely think this is boring.

    • @Boyahda
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    This reply reeks of AI. Or at least I hope so.

    • @jonathanbradley2652
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    I got bored after my first play through. It has absolutely no replay value

    • @gowzahr
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    If it doesn’t exist already, it’s only a matter of time before there’s a list of planets that are actually worth visiting, effectively reducing the number of planets to a dozen or so.

    • @IndustrialBonecraft
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    Except he’s not wrong. Gamers just don’t know what they want and complain about things they don’t understand. It’s amusing and the outrage gamer culture is increasingly pathetic.
    See: All of the comments here full of people who somehow insist that the devs’ jobs are also to just perpetuate an ignorant echo chamber.

    • @jimkid1392
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    The devs can say whatever they want about me as a gamer. Theyre not going to change how i feel about their game.

    • @abrameleh5865
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    There is infinite number of planets in space… but bethesda decided to add only those boring and empty. Why you may ask? Because it’s cheaper.

    • @gowzahr
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    On paper, 1000 (empty) planets to explore sounds significantly different from 100, but in practice, I imagine it’s about the same.

    • @Roe777
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    So they made empty planets but no vehicles to at least have fun going fast, bad devs are bad

    • @doriansookochoff9768
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    The dev shouldn’t be a dev if he wants to criticize what people find fun. You aren’t going to win everyone over on a game and just make one that you’d find fun.

    Except I guess that isn’t what they do over at Bethesda anymore.

    • @Mindofthequill
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    Ah yes, exactly what I play space adventure video games for. Realism.

    • @anarcho_cyber9119
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    I played it for like 3 hours, the next thing I know. I’m returning it and getting my $100 back 😂 if there was a Razzie award for games…starfield would be top contender

    • @Ziggyvu
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    Half the time is spent either in menus or walking to your destination. There’s more menu hopping than gameplay.

    • @he77hawk.71
    • 2023年 12月 03日 9:55pm

    It’s fun at first but you quickly realize it’s boring as fuck and repetitive to no end you’ve seen 1 planet you’ve seen them all