DarkStar – Game Setting Overrides – Starfield Mod How-To

starfield 情報局

DarkStar – What game settings does the mod override, and what does it mean for you? How big can you build your ships? How big can ships be and still land on landing pads?
#starfield #darkstar #modding #bethesda #creationkit

Website: www.wykkydgaming.com
Discord: www.discord.gg/joindarkstar

Taqs:darkstar,starfield,mod,shipbuilding,landing pad,game setting


  • コメント (12)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @XMK2CATX1
    • 2025年 3月 27日 9:55pm

    Yes, even with a newer machine, I have ran into the issues that you mentioned in here & can vouche for the crashes & lag. As I have mentioned in my own videos.

    • @anderporascu5026
    • 2025年 3月 27日 9:55pm

    Very tabletop, thanks Darkstar!

    • @InquisitorSorynn
    • 2025年 3月 27日 9:55pm

    Thank you for including longer custom names. It was always a pet peeve of mine when I couldn’t name something exactly how I wanted it

    • @tunin6844
    • 2025年 3月 27日 9:55pm

    I have been using the Ship Builder Configurator mod. Looks like some overlap, but nothing that should cause any issues.

    • @livinglife3386
    • 2025年 3月 27日 9:55pm

    Forgive me sensei🤭

    • @C42-e8n
    • 2025年 3月 27日 9:55pm

    I love your suggestions on ships and habs. Glad to have confirmation on what I’ve experienced!! Can’t wait!!!!!!!!

    • @JimLayneFH
    • 2025年 3月 27日 9:55pm

    Looks awesome! Can’t wait.

    • @anon_emus
    • 2025年 3月 27日 9:55pm

    ay need to makes me a list of mods to delete when this comes out

    • @Baldicar1
    • 2025年 3月 27日 9:55pm

    when does this mod go active?

    • @anon_emus
    • 2025年 3月 27日 9:55pm


    • @rjgammon
    • 2025年 3月 27日 9:55pm

    made it

    • @KenBauer
    • 2025年 3月 27日 9:55pm

    All of this is looking amazing.