Bethesda Just Suprised Me With Starfield..
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So basically something is coming and they’re working on it.. great. I’m satisfied with Starfield the way it is, not that I actually play it but I’ve been watching a lot of the playthroughs and it’s very satisfying
as far as I know Elder scrolls 6 may potentially have a 2027 release date.. still unsure about that. As far as Starfield is concerned I can’t wait to see what content is released by Bethesda.
shatered space was shite because most ppl got starfield withthe first dlc that is why they put that little effort into it. they dont get new money in. just wait untill that pack deal is over and we see proper stuff comming.
I don’t think they would be able to change the main flaws of the game at this time as its baked in. The scale of the setting is lacking, the overall economy side of the game is sadly lacking and the actions you undertake have really no great bearing on the game world at large. The outpost system in the game is forgettable and large scale trading is frankly non-existant.
I love Starfield and I’ve got over 550hrs into the game (thats without playing for a couple of months too), adding additional content into the game would be great; space stations (along with an editor), robot creation (along with an editor) and various other types of land vehicles (along with an editor) would be great….
The game is flawed and I hope that ES6 is more like Oblivion/Skyrim than Starfield. I’ve just been playing Oblivion and that is showing its age somewhat but the core game is great and I’m contemplating Skyrim again….
Nice. Random Twitter comment buys them another 6 months. All they need to do is a small interview or Twitter comments and they can keep delaying content forever…
starfield needs a new faction that rebuilds the mechs.
I have no idea why Tod Haward does not do an all hands on deck to the development of the Elder Scrolls 6?
This is what we all want! it’s like telling your fans you want this, but we are going to make that
ive subbed to your channel like 2 years ago and haven’t seen a single video recommendation on my feed. Just this one popped up just now. Nice to see you still uploading good content
Im still awaiting of a new update of even and add on for Fallout 4
what’s wrong with using Tweets? don’t be a
I actually really love starfeild even tho it has its downs. It’s still amazing game.
Nope… I don’t want ES VI. Won’t be playing that at all. Now that I’ve had Space, there’s no going back. Bethesda or not, swords and sorcery is dead to me. Not trading in my starship on a horse. Heck no.
As someone who truly wanted Starfield to be a great game I just simply could never get into it. So much immersion breaking things that ruin it for me. The skeleton is all wrong for this game, it’ll never truly get to the point I need it to get to to be able to be fully immersed and enjoy myself.
I love scifi…I love RPGS….but Starfield looks so bare bones compared to Anarchy Online and SWG. I feel the FPS mechanics are really loose…I feel they should of went with a more tactical/milsim approach to fps combat. I feel like they over looked all the small details that make RPGs immersive.
Fix the combat. The enemy always run away.
this game would be worth playing if it had aliens in it, i’mma stick to mass effect for my space sim..
My humble opinion (someone who put 400 hours in Starfield).
In a way its lazy game but hear me out before judging my assumption, nothing is fully flushed out, Starborn powers and acquisition of those powers is really bad, flying in zero G hitting sparkly dusts is just not it, a really loud sound and boom, teleported, here is your power, here is a random Starborn enemy for you to kill, done, next… While Skyrim had its own dungeon for each shout, you had fun exploring and looking for those powers and defeating bosses and draugr on the way, you also rarely ever visited the same dungeon.
Cities, man, they suck, the game didn`t had a City/World Map during release, do I need to say more? Skyrim had many cities, all different, all unique in their own way, with major quests in each city, major NPCs, to this day I remember Grelod the Kind, I remember the Jarl Balgruff, I remember the Riverwood trader and the golden claw dungeon… I remember killing the first dragon and absorbing the power, it was awesome.
Story? What story? Starfield has a project of a story, some random quests are awesome, but the main campaign? Jesus, that was worse than children’s book, “hey sup random miner that I`ve never seen before, here, have my ship for free, also have Vasco a very unique and expensive robot to accompany you so you can fly back to lodge while I get stranded in this random mining colony planet without any particular reason”, “I have zero idea if you know how to fly or anything, but I “trust you” even though I`ve never saw before in my life”, Emilio’s writing in a nutshell. (In the beginning I thought it was an engine limitation, only the player could fly the ship, NPCs couldn`t fly and teleport you, but that wasn`t true, on the Crimson Fleet questline, you board the Jade Swan ship and they teleport you from the ship cargo, you can even see space from the window inside the ship, it was just laziness and rushed/bad writing).
Marriage, I did marry all different NPCs, just to see how it would`ve been, and so on, honestly I was very disappointed, Skyrim had a ceremony, you would go to the church, known NPCs would show up, you get to live in the same house (awesome with the Heart and Fire DLC), you could have kids, your spouse would cook and open a shop to generate passive income… In starfield? Even if you have the Kid perks active so your parents are still alive, they don`t show up to your wedding, at that point its just lazy.
Remember that quest in Starfield that had you run the “Red Mile” and you had that NPC that did the run many times and was the “champion”? Well I did beat him by running that Red Mile dozens and dozens of times, I was hoping it would give me a trophy, a unique weapon, armor, BRUH! NOT EVEN AN ACHIEVEMENT! I got a random “common” weapon, and I was able to tell the previous record holder/champion dude that I`ve beat him and he gives me a beer and that is it… talk about disappointment…. Also my game crashed as soon as I spoke to the Asian Lady that ran the place once I reach enough runs to break the previous record holder… Once again, Starfield is a lazy game, these are just a few examples, I can give many more, didn`t even touched the settlement mechanics, the random generated POIs, the Skill Tree and Perk tree that is just The Worst of Fallout IV + The Worst of Skyrim = Starfield.
My suggestion from anyone still expecting something from BGS and this game, sorry to be frank, but seriously, move on, its for your own good, like, let it go from this abusive relationship.
Starfield was not developed to be the best possible game and the best game ever by BGS, it was a platform, a blank slate / canvas, to sell mods from unpaid creators to the players while BGS gets a cut of the profits without any effort, don`t look at their marketing, look at their actions, the DLC was cut content from the base game, there are hints of it, also most of the assets on the DLC was the same assets from the base game, there was nothing new or unique, even the data pads are the same which doesn`t make sense lore-wise, they had to adapt and use different technology because they are trapped in the void of space/dimension, how come they still have the same random items, clothing and computers… In Skyrim when you go to the Dragon Born DLC, everything on the island is different, from enemies, to weapons, armor, materials and spell books, its a huge difference, on top of adding to the previous mechanics, more shouts, more unique weapons and types of weapons (throwable spears).
It is not a game made with love, it`s a game made with intent to acquire money, as much as they could.
If you doubt me, I recommend you to start a new run in Skyrim, you`ll see the difference.
I’ve been waiting for them to make it steam deck check so i could enjoy it but they’re taking their time. One can only hope.
Starfield isn’t going to effect TES6, there are two different teams working on each game, adding more people to the development of a game doesn’t automatically make it better, “Too many cooks spoil the broth” and all that, the negative reception hasn’t really effected the starfield support either, since it’s on Game Pass and they are raking it in via the creations too
I’m sorry, but the game is lackluster. It has the polish of a brick and the story is poor at best. I don’t think there are any reasonable improvements BGS could or would do to resurrect Starfield’s reputation.
Starfield is good and Shattered Space sucks. Forcing the player to embrace a hated religion to play Shattered Space was a horrible design decision by Bethesda and while you can repudiate that embrace at the end of Shattered Space you effectively give up visiting the location again in “that universe”. I wish I could get my money back for Shattered Space.
Starfield will be launched on PS5 and the Switch 2, it’s gonna be huge how hypped Starfield will be again soon
I think you’ll get your wish for them to move on from Starfield, in a way. Bethesda is used to thinking on a long post-launch timeline, but I think Xbox wants them to be more agile so they can crank out the next hit.
I don’t think they’ll leave Starfield behind completely, but I also don’t think it will get to the place Starfield players want it to be in. One thing to consider: team size was cited as a problem with Starifeld’s production. If teams were too big for that, it may suggest that they have the flexibility to split off smaller focus teams for when it’s time to make more Fallout 76 and Starfield content over the next few years. I just wonder what they have up their sleeves, if indeed they want to see Starfield’s lifecycle extend over the next 5 years — aside from just letting modders do their thing with it.
Let’s not forget that early access reveiws were mostly positive and it wasn’t until Bethesda announced they were going to support the modding community by allowing them to get paid for their work and upset the Nexus modding die hards who then ran a very successful smear campaign against the game.
Modders should know it’s a modders game,they determine weather or not the game becomes great or a total piece of trash,this is not hello games,and also the reason why the haters hate on this game,is because it’s not as great as star citizen, that game has no loading screens and even though it’s not a done game,it makes the case on what starfield should have been done.
Passion for stat field?!?!?!?!? It was a horrible game. Redeem yourself with ESO6.
Selfish Starfield player and long time Bethesda fan here with over 77 days worth of play time in SF. I want Starfield to get dialed in more than I want extra effort thrown onto ES6. Starfield is here now. Elder Scrolls will come when it comes. They have enough employees to do both. It’s called multitasking. And I want them to keep tweaking it for many years to come. Since it’s a new IP I want them to listen to the SF fans and let us help them adjust the base game until it’s right. Back in the day, “fixing” games after release was fiction. Now it’s the standard. Get my atmospheric flight and mechs in SF and then you can go Elder Scrolls it up as much as you want. Catch a smile out there. o7
NPCs will now use Deepseek.
I would be pleased for a new DLC, however I would like more control in the game content sliders. the poi map sites are ok but a slider to reduce or get rid of the small one thing sites with a foundation and some random stuff and loot are far too common. a slider in game options to reduce or in my case completely remove most of these sites would be much appreciated. I am of the Space is immense and for the most part empty school of thought. more accurate scanner info on where resources can be found would be a far better option.
Starborn deserves an expansion, imagine a cloaked ancient world still with an ancient civilization. After you become starborn you are taken to the leaders of the ancient world and given quest that can have an effect on that reality
Cant wait several years from now for all the haters to go, “actually, Starfield is good and always has been” when I’ve been here enjoying it the entire time. Just like Fallout 4.
Can Beth surprise us fixing Fallout 4. Remember Beth udate fallout 4 and broke all the mods. They havent fixed it yet. Its been going on a year and Fallout 4 still broken.
Some dev teams get stuff out of pretty fast honestly. CDPR is moving pretty well and Witcher should be out in a few years. And phantom liberty honestly still feels like it just came out for me. Granted in was late 2023. And came off 2.0 not to mention lots of other cool updates after.
I do think it’s taking a long time just because this particular triple A game is just soooo huge and probably has a crap ton of coding. But in general depending on the type of triple A game and the team can crank out a game in 4 years.
Also for me Fallout 4 was the worst game I’ve played. It sucked just kept crashing and crashing lol. Got 11 hrs in and stopped
Starfield really just needs a small team to work on DLC while the rest of the team focuses on TES VI. It doesn’t take more than say 20 people to work on DLC. Probably even less depending on what they are currently working on. I need to get back into a Starfield at some point.
The core game just isn’t good. There’s too much duplicate everything. Characters are flat and boring. Dialogue is sub par. Space consists of mini parking lots for ONE potential RNG event. Exploration is boring after the first few hours. There’s no excitement or sense of wonder in finding anything. And once I became friends with the crimson pirates I had to listen to the same 3 stupid one liners over and over and over again. It’s painful
I think making POIs have randomness so they arent exact copy pastes would do wonders for the games longevity and would get me to return
All they need to do is add what the actual players & fans want plus some DLC, and to laugh at the whiny internet trolls that mean nothing & never have.
Starfield as the core game exists now will never change. It’s never gonna be the same explorative experience the other BGS titles are, it’s just not that kind of game. I feel like the next DLC adding another type of end-game “grind”, for a lack of better words, similair to the 240 temples run together with a Shattered Space-esque experience with a new planet focused more on exploration is the way to go. That said another problem is that everyone you ask have their own very distinct opinion on what they need to be doing in order to fix the game. They’re not gonna be able to please all of us.
Elderscrollls 6 has its own team, it was already in development for years before Starfield even released.
it seems like a bit of a self fulfilling prophecy, Starfield is a great base game but it needs more of everything. but with all the hate it seems like the DLC isn’t coming. It needs some of those cheap non-story DLC’s that we never talk about for fallout 4 like Contraptions and Wasteland Workshop to pad out the existing features of the game. More random encounters, armors, weapons, ship parts, outpost parts, additional companions. I’m just tired of clearing the same 4 dungeons and 3 ship encounter on repeat.
tbh. what I really want from Bethesda is better management and focus on quality and the right people for the right roles for the Elder scrolls 6. we should know already that team size doesn’t matter really when the team is managed poorly. They managed to build Skyrim with much smaller team in 3 years, Skyrim map was built by 4 people and still it’s the best world map Bethesda ever created – You need the right people for the right job, more people is usually just more arguments and disagreements and eventually it impacts quality.
For Starfield they should have a dedicated team with people who are passionate for it, like Fallout 76 – they have studio that keeps maintaining this game and generally it seems people who still play it are happy
bethesda should put a bunch of points of interest around every major city and make each city a actual map with things to explore kinda how shattered space is
“Unfairly” really? There are mods that added more to skyrim or Fallout 4, hell modders in starfield have done more than they have.
Bethesda did the bare minimum and has donthing since
Nah… Keep Starfield xbox exclusive, Phil Spencer’s been too much of a cuckold when games comes out, barely any exclusive.
It’s the “starborn” DLC they’re working on most likely
Great Video !
once again.