Starfield TNs Out In The Blackness A Space Survival Mod Paid Mod Review (XBOX/PC}

starfield 情報局

Today we are checking out an awesome mod that overhauls ship mechanics adding crew morale and ship malfunctions

Link below to the mod



  • コメント (28)

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    • @thetennessee
    • 2025年 3月 15日 9:56am

    Maintenance Video:
    Derelict Video:

    • @hook5077
    • 2025年 3月 15日 9:56am

    Do you know if this mod conflicts with heat leech mod?

    • @jose-j8009
    • 2025年 3月 15日 9:56am

    Great video as always, this mod looks very good indeed… I wonder if it could be translated into other languages, such as Spanish.

    • @jacobsimpson6775
    • 2025年 3月 15日 9:56am

    Thank you for this video just re-downloaded and saw this mod so downloaded wanted to know what it’s about perfect video mate. Subscribe

    • @apharoahnamedlegion9215
    • 2025年 3月 15日 9:56am

    I’m game…

    • @JesseJamison-f6i
    • 2025年 3月 15日 9:56am

    That’s just what you need, a malfunctioning ship when you’re trying to fight space pirates 😂

    • @High_Key
    • 2025年 3月 15日 9:56am

    I use plenty of OG Tennessee mods because they’re just so well thought out, and they feel like they should’ve been in the base game.

    • @Ed-ealmighty
    • 2025年 3月 15日 9:56am

    I hate that they’re charging us for gameplay mechanics that have always been staples in past games 😆

    I like survival games but i like survival games that are fair and bethesda has never been fair about their survival mechanics

    Take Shartedfield only u die from losing suit protection not your companions not the npcs and not the enemies only u.

    In skyrim same thing only u can freeze to death only u swing your weapon slowly because your freezing to death not the enemy who fell in and emerged from the water with u the enemy is playing as if survival mode is off and moving like neo 😆

    Both mods Out in the blackness and dusty sound cool asf but ive had enough of survival modes only affecting me and not everyone else in the damn universe along with me… 😆

    And to the mod author Tennessee no disrespect but u dont think that all those menus to navigate is a but excessive?

    Like why not implement a more immersive way of relaying malfunctioning information to the player?…

    Instead of a thousand menus why not have warning lights within the cockpit that light up when a specific malfunction occurs? that the character must press – the warning lights representing your menus?…

    Warning lights that light up within the cockpit that warns the player of malfunctions (think Starfield when powering up the grav drive your character presses buttons and off u go…

    Why not have lights that blow pop flicker within the cockpit instead of millions of menus to shuffle thru we could just press the button that needed to be pressed to fix the malfunction (again the same way your character presses buttons to activate the grav drive)?

    Something more immersive then navigating a thousand menus 😆

    I like the idea of dusty and out in the blackness but No mans sky was built with destructible environments in mind dusty wants me to run under a rock 😆and hope i can see somethin to mine to replenish suit energy but this only affects your character and no one else u cannot use a cutter to burrow into the earth for protection 😆

    Butter’um i dont want to be the only one surving/dying either 😆

    • @syoung2333
    • 2025年 3月 15日 9:56am

    I like the idea. But why doesn’t my assigned engineer attempt repairs? Or direct it as assigned? Why do I have a crew in the first place?

    • @deathraptorf22gaming
    • 2025年 3月 15日 9:56am

    I don’t know why but this adds a new level of immersion which I can totally get behind as soon as I get money I’m definitely getting this creation I love these kind of immersion mods

    • @NeeeksSF
    • 2025年 3月 15日 9:56am

    Seems like a great MOD but when your out of your ship doin your thing wouldn’t your follower need food and water as well?

    • @xbox-elevatedspark
    • 2025年 3月 15日 9:56am

    After seeing CFB play with this in a stream I was waiting to try it out…just picked it up and gonna check it out tonight I hope we can get a fuel mod to go with this on Xbox eventually. I know there is Starvival but that changes so much. It would be cool just to have a basic fuel mod (a la ships use gas) to go with this gem…thanks CFB for the review and to @thetennessee for what is undoubtedly another amazing mod and for all you do to make the game more badass. 👍

    • 2025年 3月 15日 9:56am

    “You need to mait a winute.”

    Words cannot describe how much I love you, and how hard I was laughing.

    Big thanks to TN for doing all this work. No wonder it took this long. I normally dislike Survival Mods, but this Creation gives me so much immersion while flying and maintaining my ship, especially becaus I live on my ship. This makes perfect sense, and reminds me of the Vertibird Player Home from Fallout 4, which also required maintenance and fuel to operate.

    (EDIT)- I just stopped by the Ship Services Technician at New Atlantis, and noticed that a Portable Diagnostic Terminal was also placed where he stands! I built one on my ship, which does not have a Vanilla Engineering Bay, but this PDT at the Technician is both convenient and immersive with the Creation enabled!

    • @greenlandium1543
    • 2025年 3月 15日 9:56am

    I hope somebody will also make a mod that do something similar to this Creation to outposts, where we can have outpost crew management and such. Nonetheless, this will definitely be a welcome addition to my load order. Cool mod!

    • @briancowan4318
    • 2025年 3月 15日 9:56am

    Woot woot! Now should the mod ‘Crew Eats Food’ be removed?

    • @Adam-z8z3f
    • 2025年 3月 15日 9:56am

    No thanks not interested in survival type stuff. I mean it sounds cool for ships I come across or derelicts but, a system to where I half to constantly repair crap sounds tedious and annoying imo

    • @mtfreeman800
    • 2025年 3月 15日 9:56am

    Coffee time! Outstanding immersion mod. Great review, thanks for the video.

    • @falconnm
    • 2025年 3月 15日 9:56am

    No surprise that an Irishman had 100 potato and 100 whiskey in his cupboard. But how did 100 Boom-pop Orange get in there?!? Inquiring minds want to know! 😉

    • @falconnm
    • 2025年 3月 15日 9:56am

    Laughing at the concept that I have to pay $$$ in order for my ship to malfunction. Damn it, old Bethesda would have given me ship bugs for free!

    • @Bear-Knight
    • 2025年 3月 15日 9:56am

    Adds in new Rpg feautures and something else to do with your money 👍🔥💯

    • @AhoiMalloy
    • 2025年 3月 15日 9:56am

    Very very cool!

    • @UmmerFarooq-wx4yo
    • 2025年 3月 15日 9:56am

    This is seriously adding more gameplay mechanics & systems functionality role play. I guess there could be crew skilled in each of these new functions, for those who don’t want to micromanage it alone themslves but would like the notion of crew sounding out and milling about. With bad crew choice leading to big mess ups or sabotage.

    • @bhavyasharma4115
    • 2025年 3月 15日 9:56am

    This mod is genius

    • @johndilleyjr.9620
    • 2025年 3月 15日 9:56am

    Another amazing mod review! Always looking forward to another video.

    • @thetennessee
    • 2025年 3月 15日 9:56am

    Awesome review Crimson! I look forward to seeing you master the system over time, and eventually learning the ins and outs. I know I gave you a tall order in reviewing the mod as it is.

    • @thetennessee
    • 2025年 3月 15日 9:56am

    Quick clarification, it is Starship Engineering that lowers the repair/scan time (down to 1 minute at max), and Research Projects (which lowers the cost of crafting and research) also effects repair costs.

    • @dannyrambojun4388
    • 2025年 3月 15日 9:56am

    I think its a great idea but personally contrary to most people im not lining up to make my game experience harder + adding extra mechanics to worry about nice idea for a mod though i can see the target audience. 👏🏽

    • @SlySoSavage
    • 2025年 3月 15日 9:56am

    Cool 5pm 🕔 watched his trailers & it’s an amazing mod! Does it work with useful mess halls?