Bethesda Confirms New Updates For Starfield And More
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More than anything, I’d like to see an update of the piloting aspect of starfield. I enjoyed so much building my beautiful custom ship. But it’s limited to flying in orbit. And that’s it. I can’t fly between planets or land manually on planets or anything really. It feels so limiting. Second place is the annoying repetition of alien animals. Felt lacking. After a few populated planets, I felt like I had seen everything there was… and I did spend the time visiting every planet in the hopes I would discover secrets.
I would like to see a DLC where we find the truth about constellation. Their evil diabolical plans. This would explain why they were so cavalier about complete and utter genocide of what may very well be a sentient race. It would also explain why they would be so willing to be so reckless. Sacrificing safety for speed in the annihilation.
You know what would be cool and solve a lot of issues with the unity? If they released a DLC where constellation gets the ability to jump to any universe, allowing you to jump between your original universe and others at any time. It would certainly make the starborn ships more useful if they were the vessel that allowed you to do it.
Only massive changes could bring me back to
tbh, after my fo76 experience simce 2019, coming from fo4, i want a multiplayer starfield where we can see each others ship & camp design. have a certain planet for players with multiplyer contents.
I wanna be able to build m class ships and space stations inherently in the game
I would like to see a starfield just as people are escaping earth. At the beginning of the first ships leaving earth. The earths atmosphere totally deadly for earthlings even around 2150, only those who had stored oxygen and capable of making oxygen and food pods could survive. With the first colony ship landing in a oxygen rich world and having to make ships transfer oxygen back to earth for the survivers hoping to get off the planet. Those survivng under shrinking seas or in radiation protecting vaults.
Colonies DLC!
Todd’s in the kitchen, cookin’ cookin’ good
I know everyone wants a Colony war dlc, but I only want 2 things. To be able to save and share load orders and ship builds.
What outpost is that at 2:00 mins where there’s a bunch of contraband
Its still got 4 years left on the delivery schedule Todd and everyone spoke to pre-launch, so more content was never a worry i had. This story will wrap up in 2028 and i’m still expecting them to SaaS it up along with ES6 and Fallout the same way.
I think the biggest issue was with the new dev/delivery approach is that they had so much tech debt coming out of launch that they had to pay it down over 2024 rather than hit the cadence they were thinking of for the 5 year delivery schedule.
M Class/Stations and related refueling which was 30-40% done at launch will most likely be the next big update we get. I think we’ll get Trident as a luxury habs vendor via Creations, but its the heavier refinements to the base product that i’m more interested in seeing them hit. I love new stuff, but Agile delivery is supposed to be continuous improvement & delivery and it doesn’t seem that BGS has hit the stride they’re looking to hit. I think they will, but they had a lot of work to do on the bugs/stability stuff, especially for consoles.
I’m thinking the story progression will end up being Base >> Shattered Space >> Starborn (or faction war) >> Faction war (or Starborn) >> Creators/Ending but given how we came outta Shattered Space i’m unsure if the Starborn TM will end up being the next story drop or the faction war they’ve been hinting at since base which narratively makes more sense. Can’t wait to find out
i would love to have an update where you can assign crew on other ships and have a small fleet of ships to follow you in the solar system
A colony war expasion would be great (should be in the base game like Skyrim’s civil war quests) but I think the one bit of UC stuff that simply not present (and I’ve looked about for it) is a Aegis quest line. After helping the UC in defeating the Terramorphs then deciding to help the guy in the basement, surely you would be trusted enough to do more than pickup something from under a park bench? a great missed oportunity to introduce maybe a shadow war between UC & House Varuun or another unknown faction.
We can only hope….
colony war2 or at least let us play as ecliptic faction
For sure Starborn, however, besides that perhaps a fleshing out of another major human faction or potentially a hostile alien faction?
Please be it about outpost colony building 😭😭, it has potential
Personally I like to see more quests with real substance opposed to “We are glad you turn up ,the spacers are really giving us a real hard time”
In depth quest hidden on moons and planets that get you involved. Perhaps a real Alien that needs help to survive as humans are taken over it’s world just for its resources.
I think it would be really funny and also interesting if they made a universe that was just one planet, like Skyrim, and instead of systems, all the locations we know are on the flat map with major locations being cities … and it’s all fantasy world instead of space game for that universe … perhaps a sneak-peek at ES VI assets? … but NOT ES VI, just something like that, almost as if they’re lampooning themselves.
Your “spaceship” would just be a horse, or horse-like ridable animal and everything that has to do with building spaceship is just riding animal customization. All the weapons would be fantasy weapons like spears, swords, bows, and magic spells.
Je ne sais pas. I just thought of it. Most people would probably hate it, but, IF something like that was done (I doubt it), it could open up a whole rabbit hole of speculation about things found and seen in the fantasy flat map universe and how they might apply to Elder Scrolls VI. 😛
Alternative to this could be something like the Memory Den in Fallout 4, or the DLC from I think Fallout 3, or NV that takes you back in time to the Alaska battlefield … but, in this case it’s The Colony Wars?
… and another other other thing could be something similar to the synth plot in Fallout 4, except we finally get our aliens, and they’ve been among us the whole time, and it’s a big conspiracy, and it opens up an entirely new faction, as well as depths to characters we never suspected, and perhaps, even a companion we’ve known has been a secret alien the whole time? … and it generates this whole air of paranoia and suspicion about who’s real and who’s not … a little bit like The Thing? … and there very well could be an internal conflict between secret alien factions so there’s “good” aliens that just want to live among us, and there’s “bad” aliens that want what baddies always want; power.
… I mean, all this is just derivative slap dash kit bashing pieces of things that already exist and adapting it to Starfield. We don’t really have a lot of new stories, so, adapting old stuff in new ways might work, or it might be terribly lazy and uninspired, and will get ripped by critics, and be the death of Bethesda. 😛
I think a industrialist DLC would be nice. If you know what you are doing with the outposts you can gather ridic materials, have them automated to build basic parts which then get automated into building complex parts. Add in the ability to make more finished products automated like chunks if you gathered organic materials, guns, spacesuits etc. Have the ability to create trade routes, purchasing agreements with stores, your own storefronts. Have enemy corporations who sabotage you, just try to out trade you by undercutting your prices etc.
Looking forward to it.
Honestly I’m not really sure what the use case for stations would be outside of just being another style of outpost, hardly seems like somthing worth having if its just more of the same. What this game really needs is a move to online or at the bare minimal introduce co-op. But that aside the game needs a lot of quality of life improvments, such as the ability to scrap items for raw resources. Proper astroid mining, not the lame one we have right now where you blow up the astroid and get a base amount of a resource. I’m talking actual mineing lasers with stats like yield per cycle, ore holds etc. There just needs to be more reasons to be out in space aside from the limited pool of encounters currently.
Still need shared, unlimited storage for outposts. Include it in a $5 Outpost and Ship Building DLC similar to Wasteland Workshop and Heartfire.
I wish they’d make a Great War DLC. They keep talking about a “shaky truce” in the settled systems, so it’d be interesting to see things kick off
Yeah, how ’bout a new civilization like Klingons with scaled down Birds of Prey ships? That and more ship parts.
I think the best DLC they could do would be you land on a random planet, and the screen goes black, then a loading screen comes up and says welcome to Fallout 5 enjoy 😆
It is pretty clear the one major narrative left incomplete in the game was who build the temples and created the artifacts in the first place? The Starborn DLC will likely answer those questions, i suspect they must be aliens as the temples predate humanity. I do wish for a settlement system to colonize worlds similar to Fallout 4 as well as a system to build our own space stations.
Honestly? I would love to see an Operation Anchorage type DLC about the Colony War, or even the Narion War. We see the UC employ VR tech for the Vanguard flight test, I don’t think it’s unreasonable think that maybe the UC or the Freestar Collective have some sort of VR experience about these wars that are full of propaganda. I think the lore about those conflicts and everything prior to the events of the game are super fascinating and I’d love to see Bethesda expand on it.
2 new companions in shattered space dlc..infact. you Said you were disappointed that shatter space didnt have any companions…..
new factions can always be added if you ask me. maybe some lost colony ship and colony. or some militaristic faction.
Great Video !