STARFIELD – Top Ten BEST Followers You Should Have In 2025
Starfield’s best companions so far in 2025 as voted on by you.
Starfield is the first new universe in over 25 years from Bethesda Game Studios, the award-winning creators of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Fallout 4.
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The Gang’s All Here : https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/details/3e08f295-789d-4296-b043-be347679de2f/The_Gang__39_s_All_Here
NPC Enhancer Gun: https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/all?author_displayname=Reigor_Sureclaw
Make Rosie A Real Doctor: https://creations.bethesda.net/fr/starfield/details/c416cd19-c408-4f77-acdd-b4c647c32d03/Make_Rosie_A_Real_Doctor
Robin Locke: https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/details/31bc272e-edc6-4d27-a420-2d6d5fd99f79/Robin_Locke___UC_Fly_Girl_Companion
Lyria: https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/details/16f1e5e7-e1b0-4d96-8403-f1bbc8a9cfaf/Lyria___A_Starfield_Companion
Some Mods I Use:
Weapons Locker – Sistahood Blades by sPookey69
Weapons Locker AIO sPookey69
House Keys by Mark Bridgeman
Zone79 Clothing, Armor and Hair Mods (all of them)
Your Personal Space Station
Eli’s Crimson Fleet Habs
The Gangs All Here
Inquisitor Boss Mods (all of them)
The Cyber Runner Sky Suite
SKK Settlement Attack System Mod
Scrappy Structures – MillsBuilds
NPC Enhancer Gun – by Reigor
The Size Zapper by – Ghostrider231
Juiced Adoring Fan – Inquisitor
Midas Manor Player Home – Dialectric
Better Buildable Walls and Doors – Miss O
Better Living Houses – Decor – Furniture – by StackGX
Tower Hab 2 – by Betamax76
PHK Planetary Habitation and More – by eabel303
Matilija Aerospace – by Matilija
Va’ruun Habbs – by ShadowWeaver
Vohaul Habs – by ShadowWeaver
Horizon Beta – by Architecctt
Fleet Commander – by korodic
McClarence Outfitters – by Kinggath
Lyria – A Starfield companion – by AlmightySE
Robin Locke – A UC Fly Girl by unoctium
Horizon – by architecctt
Owl Tech Habs (All of Them)
****#Starfied LOAD ORDER STRUCTURE****
– Bug fixes (e.g. Unofficial SF Patch, Unofficial Shattered Space Patch)
– UI Mods
– Texture Overhauls
– Environmental mods (Weather / Planet overhauls)
– Plants and Foliage Overhauls
– Missions/Quests (example Escape, The Vulture)
– Perk mods
– Cheat mods
– Ship mods
– Vehicle Mods
– Locations / Player Homes
– Outpost Items and Décor / Crafting
– Body Models ( Example ZBB)
– Items (example: weapons and armor)
– Follower Mods (Example Gangs All Here/ No Angry Companions)
– NPC’s ( Example Robin Locke)
– Appearance mods
– Audio Mods
– Gameplay – (tweaks to combat, Starborn Powers)
– Patches
– Mods that mod creators request should appear last
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Taqs:Starfield,Bethesda,BGS,Starfield followers,folloers,companions,Sista Citizen
コメント (72)
Ah, thank you! Andreja holds a very special place in my heart – so glad she matters to so many of you! Xx
Great video but some of us are holding out for a Sis B Starborn companion mod 🦾🧑🏾🚀
Who was THAT girl with the patch on her eye. ,,????
That liria sounds. Like a dum blonde. Girl.
Heyyyy. Folks. Heard the news. On the 19 june. They are canceling ,FIRST DESCENDANT for ps4. and xbox one ,,, ,people. And UP GRADING to the other. Peoples consoles ,,,so i heard. ,,,,,,,😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
Thanks for the video. Is there a tutorial for the NPC Enhancer Gun? I’m used to using mods but I cannot understand the ones that relate to changing appearance.
Nice seeing a positive Starfield video pop up. Agreed that Andreja is #1. She is the Serana of the game with plenty of dialog during Shattered Space. My multi companion mod only allows 1 romanceable follower at a time so I mainly trade off her and Sarah and keep Jessamine. With just giving different hair to Jessamine, she is best looking one.
Ah Andreja……I could write songs about her. Your version of her is hot hot hot! Calm down, Hippie. Fabulous video Sista, well done, bravo!
Yeah, that’s pretty much my take on followers. Although Robin Locke, I couldn’t remove her from my team, when I needed to. So until there is an update to her mod, I’m not using her.
Sista B Starborn ….AKA the starborn Goddess – CRUSHED IT. I want the music used for my playlist – BTW. Appreciate that you included the VA for each . The Ezekiel montage was FIRE!!!!! – sooooo GOOD . ( Barrett??? how in the galaxy is that a thing ..” twinng” “Muscle Power” – well I guess he is entertaining in a dad joke way) and of course MY Andreja is NUMBEAR UNO! (So sorry Sarah but your top notch in my galaxy; my theme music for Sarah would be meridieth brook’s – I am a B*tch Im a lover 😂😂, she did play the drums in band LOL )
Jessamine, Sofia, Betty bowser, lyria. Dani garcia, marika borros, .. Sam, andreja, and from the new crew mod Lara and Alice. Those are my all time favs, I must say the companion I most wish for would be nolele I was sad she stays at the lodge and you can’t romance her.
Like and subbed. Wanna give an shout out to my favorite co-pilot Amelia Earhart.
Lyria is fun to take out on missions, her dialogue is funny. I used the enhancer gun to turn Sophia into Ashoka with the Star Wars alien mod. I currently have 15 girls on my ship as the “Bikini Battalion” using the gangs all here mod.
Barrett got on my nerves right from the jump the way he treated Lin. I did do his questline for the achievement exactly once and it didn’t improve my opinion enough. At least we have Vasco roasting him.
i think id put ezekiel on top 0 cz i own him a big one tho
i always have him on my ship at least
i’ve dated the four companions from constellation and i like adreja’s look but her personality or morals/beliefs makes me take a step back
but id would always put barret at the bottom, he has a way of loving which i don’t like lol and i hate sarah.. i feel sorry for her but that’s all, plus she and barret are a little too old for me lmao
besides that that’s a great video, i loved the edits and your crew’s look
You nailed this one Sista! 👊👏 🍾
*Sarah Morgan hated that*
The biggest problem with Sarah is that she’s vanilla as hell. Just a complete by the numbers companion. I like her quest and her backstory is interesting. The fact that Sona just gets completely forgotten about after rescuing her sucks. It’s this huge reveal that a child has been living basically alone on the planet Sarah’s ship crash landed on over a decade prior and they don’t do shit with it. There was so much potential in characters like Sarah and Sona. Also, I tend to play as younger characters (somewhere in their 20s) and with Sarah being like 40 or even 50+ years old depending on how you interpret the timeline of events, yeah I’ll pass. I don’t romance Sam or Barrett for the same reasons, both relatively boring characters that are out of the age range of my player character.
Andreja just hits the sweet spot of mysterious and edgy enough without it being her entire personality. Yes, it’s a large part of her personality but that’s modern Bethesda writing being unable to give us truly complex characters. I romanced Sarah in my first ever playthrough but have gone with Andreja every single time after that. Just feels right.
I honestly do like all the Constipation (lmaooooooo) companions, it’s just unfortunate that they’re all very plain and that they all have basically the same exact moral compass. Sarah explicitly states when you first meet her that every member of Constellation is their own conscience and that their members haven’t always been on the right side of the law. Yet, by the time of the game’s events, they’re all a bunch of do-gooders, with Andreja being the only somewhat-rogue of the group.
I haven’t tried out any of the CC companions yet but you might’ve sold me on a few of them!
I can’t keep a gamesave alive to save my life. Do you put in place all of the potential followers in your load order up front, or do you only load one when you need it. I keep reducing the total number of mods but it is becoming more sketchy instead of the opposite. Now I can’t even get a game to Start on Xbox…. not a save. New game. I was running 400 mods at 19+gb and it was fine until I removed one mod. That started my gamesave crushing… I’m setting up now gamesave #6. My 400 mod game I got to level 52 before its demise. I can’t get to 20 anymore. Any help on handling Followers and POI’s would be greatly appreciated. Load ’em all or just a couple to start and gamble killing the save by adding later?
I have Lyria. She cracks me up with some of her comments, but eventually you need a break, so I could use some more companions. I like having Betty Hauser around. I just have to take away her grenades when we are boarding ships: “Here comes the BOOM!” I like taking Rosie along whenever I am doing anything related to medicine and organic resources. I also take her along when I am collecting pirates for my Brig. I give her a stun gun. I can’t have the good doctor taking lives. I am not getting a Mordin vibe from her.
Sophia 😍. We need a mod. Great video.
Okay, second comment. I have to get the mod you used on Andreja. Also, if I could vote, I’d vote you the number one Starfield content creator, at least in this Unity. It is just a hair higher than Crimson Flyboy, but your content is more comprehensive than his. Can you provide a list of your clothing mods? I don’t have some of the clothing options you have. I have tried and use EIT, Bounty Hunter, CrimsonX (don’t like), Inquisitor (don’t like), and I forget the name Veteran or something.
Jessamine for the win. And, FYI, it is an Irish accent. Slight difference I know, but yeah. Fam is all Irish and some still have the accent.
Time & effort was worth it Sista! Bravo! Ezekiel had an almost High plains drifter feel. Loved it. Thx for all the hard work.
Very entertaining video, thank you! Esp. loved the dancing scene with Jessamine 😀
But — Marika??? Where’s Marika??
Right now, I really like The Crew. Finn is a vendor and is awesome.
Sista we need a music party playlist. Lol.
As I have said before, Hadrian is my cos I want to take over the family business of cloning, so I can clone myself at half the price lol
I’m digging the each character has a music that fits them, absolutely awesome.
friend said watch this…. Thanks for a very good laugh at complete nonsense.. heres a like for makeing me laugh so hard
Excellent work Sista. Loved it. Thanks.
I really dig these info vids; knowledge drops, but laid back👏. Unfortunately due to time travel shenanigans; I always end up missing the live streams😔. I personally dug Hadrian’s quest cuz she’s like; you think you got daddy issues; mine wiped out a whole planet, so top that🙃. I took a break from Starfield to try and hit my backlog of other games, but now Sista got me feeling like Michael Coleone over here. “Just when I think I’m out she pulls me back in”. 🤣. Solid work as always Sista; hope to see ya starside.
Wait, what? Someone is making a video about Stanfield in 2025? 🤔
awesome video as always sista! great list 👏o7
Great video. Your presentation is 🔥🔥🔥
Barrett forever!!! ❤😂
Hi Sista thanks for the lineup I get as many companions as I can I love having so many of them I think that it will be so cool if we can someday in the future of the game that a modder will bring Star Trek characters into the game I would gladly pay for them they have Some Star Wars and I am a fan but I also love Star trek too thank you for all you do to keep this game fn to play with information and I love watching you play the game when I’m not playing it somedays keep up the good content thumbs up for you and your channel.
This video was GREAT in sooooo many ways. I agree with almost all of the picks, irrespective of the order. So many laughs…like your back and forth convo with Lyria…HAHA 😂…or how you captured dude eating his steak…lol…you cracked me up with this one Sista…great job…now I just gotta find the time to make it to a live stream, it’s been a minute. I do catch all of them on replay…👍
I’m actually a big fan of Audrey tbh. Can’t play without her as my Companion, love her dialog
Almost 1400 hours in this game and HOW DID I NOT KNOW ABOUT EZEKIEL?!?! Granted I dont spend that much time in Akila….
Anyway damn good video Sista!!! Editing skills definitely leveled up! Still laughing over the Barrett part! 😂😂😂
And I dont care what anyone says or thinks, but still team Sarah from this universe to the next ❤😅
Hey sista, try the mod ship Crew assinghments to put rosie to work and u can fine tuning in the settings…. or the paid mod with the 6 Crew member, this doc can u send to areas or rooms for the day or night
Andreja is the worst person in the game. Yes I’m aware Ron Hope and Rokov and Dumbrovsky exist, I said what I said. Sophia Grace is queen of the universe.
Excellent video Sista❣👏👌 Lots of fun, informative, AND loved the music choices 😎🎶😘
A sista video!!! Love this type of content thank you for making this!!
But “Bae Victus” at number 9 is a crime! Cant wait tell some inspired modder adds to her companion lines and make her romancable like they did with the crimson lady
Hi love the video and music was spot on. Andreja my fav always go get her soon as I can, but we need a Sista Starborn companion
I like Betty Howser because she doesn’t run away if you do evil acts. She’ll even help you.
I have a great idea for a mod, but I don’t have the technical acumen to make it.
Andreja for the accent and innocent humor. Seconded by Hadrian. If i get bored and want a comic relief i bring the adoring fan. He is so hilarious in a firefight.
Great video Sista
Barrett??? 😂😂😂
I’M suprised there isnt any mods that make everyone romance options
Excellent video… entertaining and informative. I appreciate the shoutout and, just know, I’d share my bacon with you too Sista😂🥓🥓🥓🥓
I was sure Robin was going to be voted higher. Great video Sista.
For me, Andreja is so central to my enjoyment of the game that she has to be number one. I like Hadrian Sanon a lot, too.
I really dislike Barret. He’s so glib and arrogant.
LOL! That video was fun. I’d like to see more of them.
I mostly agree with the list (My favorite is still Lyria though.). It’s a little bit shocking that Sarah (our favorite Karen) didn’t make it into the list. It looks like BGS set her up to be the main companion. She even has one of the best companion quests. But I agree, her attitude is just annoying. Sam Coe didn’t make it either, but that’s not really a surprise. It’s not even him, but Cora who I simply can’t stand to be on my ship. So he has the only companion quest that I never played.
No love for Omari Hassan? Shade on Barrett? Wsup with the hate for the Bruthas!? 😂
The only bad thing about any companion vanilla & paid for is that they dismiss other companions when they shouldnt
I want my small platoon 😆
Absolutely phenomenal video Sista! You did a fantastic job with the mini music videos and the voice over was perfect! This one is definitely gonna smash. It is clearly well known and well documented who my number 1 companion choice is, and you absolutely did her justice. Please keep this type of thing up.
Really high-pro, Sista! Right on, Admiral. o7
Thank you dor keeping going. I think you qre one of the only content creators for Starfield that remain this active 🙌
Solid list. No complaints.
Without paid mods, Marika sneaks in there.
Don’t underestimate the value of a good sandwich.
Hadrian…Hadrian…HADRIAN!!! That woman is nearly PSYCHO on planet exploration/’bug-hunting’ with her military background – she is a fearless badass and is truly a ‘throw grenades first ask questions later’-type companion… then she’ll turn around and quietly gift you with items she finds during exploring lol… BEST PRACTICES: Add Nexus or Creation mods that give you anti-gravity grenades and STAND. BACK.
One of my favourite companions on field for a lawful playthrough is Autumn MacMillan. She has a nice set of combat skills and doesn’t complain for shooting the last enemy one time more than necessary during a ship boarding. She also brings the player flowers among other things and is all-around pleasant company. It is worth bringing Sarah for the first meeting with Autumn during the Ranger questline, as Sarah’s reaction to her is very entertaining, in my opinion.
We love Dreja cuz she’s a sweet savage.
Great vid Sis. Keep um coming.
Also, Hadrian is best girl in Starfield.
Hey Fam, You have a great list. Marika always makes my list. Equip her with a Legendary Breach, she will clear the way 4 u. .
lol, droppin in to say hey, and dont be hatin on Barret! Anyway good video as always Sista. 😊
Andreja = Sweetie Fox.. worships snakes… Russian accent. (IYKYK)
I LOVE the music selection.
Im surprised Rosie doesnt sound like a southern Black girl… a la Iggy… LOL
NIce Sons of Anarchy montage in the middle.. LOL
Gotta do Black to Vectera mission to get Barrett.
I know it took you FOREVER to capturer these clips.. Great work. Great editing.
Ok.. U get a pass for no stream today.. U made a nice, edited video.. Thank you. WE STILL WANT A STREAM SISTA!!!! o7