Starfield News – Starfield Lives – Bethesda Speaks
Today, on Starfield Essentials, your weekly Starfield news report:
00:00:00 Intro
00:00:44 Starfield lives
00:04:24 The Pumpkin Protocol
00:06:22 Kinggath needs Spanish translator for WIP Creation
00:07:15 More Halo content
00:08:25 Pathfinder MEA Redux
00:09:51 A real armillary
00:10:58 Understanding POI Cooldown
00:12:50 Try El Jefe Combat AI
00:13:36 Polycounts of BGS heads from Morrowind to Starfield
00:14:18 DLSS frame generation finally working on Linux
00:15:55 Outro
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Starfield Essentials: #Howto Make Legendary Weapons and Gear Using #Mods
This past week Bethesda broke its silence on the status of Starfield.
The Pumpkin Protocol is available on Nexus Mods
Kinggath Studios, who brought us the Doom Creation last year, is looking for a Spanish translator for future Starfield content.
The Halo Reach Pelican is only available on Nexus Mods.
If you would like a vanilla Pelican build, see Iconic Ships by Ship Technician on Creations
Halo Shotgun Standalone is available on Nexus Mods
Pathfinder MEA Redux is on Creations
and Nexus Mods
I used my usual console commands to spawn the armor and give it some legendary effects.
For the suit, I always add the following. Replace the first value with the one matching your equipment.
;EM Shielding
FF065C85.amod 3AD4DA
;Optimized Servos
FF065C85.amod 3A83E1
;Heavy Shielding
FF065C85.amod F77AF
;Gravitic Composites
FF065C85.amod F77B7
;Add legendary
;O2 Filter
FF065C85.amod 000690AE
;Weapon Holsters
FF065C85.amod 00060295
;Assisted Carry
FF065C85.amod 002EDE4F
For the helmet, I always add these legendary effects.
;Add modifications
;Ballistic Shielding
FF065C86.amod 3AD4D9
;Sensor Array
FF065C86.amod 3A83D9
;Heavy Shielding
FF065C86.amod F77AF
;Gravitic Composites
FF065C86.amod F77B7
;Add legendary
FF065C86.amod 001336C1
FF065C86.amod 002EDE4E
FF065C86.amod 002D01A2
There is no boostpack in this set, but if there were, I would add these legendary effects:
;Add modifications
;Hazard Protection
FF0526FF.amod 1CAC94
FF0526FF.amod 34BAA6
;Balanced pack
FF0526FF.amod 3E612F
;Add legendary
;Combat Veteran
FF0526FF.amod 001336BE
FF0526FF.amod 000C9A43
FF0526FF.amod 000BE540
I learned that an armillary was a real historical device after reading this post by Redditor Dane Alaska Cruz.
Anyone else not know what an "armillary" was until playing Starfield?
byu/DaneAlaskaCruz inNoSodiumStarfield
POI Cooldown is available on Creations
and Nexus Mods
El Jefe Combat AI is available on Creations
and Nexus Mods
Polycounts of BGS heads from Morrowind to Starfield
Polycounts of BGS heads from Morrowind to Starfield
byu/starfieldnovember inBethesdaSoftworks
Finally got DLSS frame generation working with Starfield
byu/taosecurity inlinux_gaming
On Linux I use the Ubuntu PPA with the 570 drivers. I manually updated to the latest DLLs, had preset K working.
Enable Nvidia DLSS 310.1.0.0 DLLs with Preset J on Linux
byu/taosecurity inlinux_gaming
My Linux Steam startup is simply
MANGOHUD=1 %command%
コメント (56)
Starfield probably would be way better by now if bethesda didn’t botch the creation kit so hard, I understand you can’t give out the full kit that build the game, but that thing. A company who want’s do make money from mods kneecaps his official kit to the point of amputation. Every modder who releases a haldway functional mod has the patience of the gods.
This kills me about Xbox title fans. All CEOs and leadership needs to do is come out for an interview and they buy themselves another 6 months. Now twitter comments are doing the same thing. Next is just an upload of Todd Howard smiling and “look! See! It’s all good, told ya! He’s smiling, why would he smile if it wasn’t all good!!”.
Viva Starfield!
Romans 3:23 “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” The wages for our sins is death and we have all sinned, sin has caused a spiritual separation from God. John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” God Loves you so much He sent His Only Son Jesus to Die the death you and I deserve and Pay the Penalty for All our sins satisfying God’s Justice on sin, Christ was buried, and Rose Again the Third Day conquering hell, death, and the grave. When you give your life to Christ your sins are washed clean by His Blood and you’re a new creation reconciled to God and brought into a relationship with Him, you have Peace with God adopted as His child and He we will start the process of sanctification in you by filling you with the Holy Spirit who will never leave you nor forsake you, and you’ll have Eternal Life. Your next breath isn’t guaranteed, and if you die in your sins without being saved you will spend Eternity in Hell forever in torment and darkness in God’s Judgment. Don’t reject Christ who Loves you and Died for you, this life is Temporary and SHORT, but eternity will never end and you’re going to spend it in one of two places. Repent and Follow Christ as your Lord and Savior turning from your old ways and walking with Him. Romans 10:9 “If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” We are living in the End Times the Bible warned us about and Jesus is coming back so much SOONER than any of us Think!!!!. The Rapture of the Church is going to take place at any moment and when it does, the Great Tribulation will begin. Look around the world and wake up to what’s happening, this is what the Bible told us about living as in the days of Noah. Be vigilant and sober minded because the devil is seeking whom he may devour as 1 Peter 5:8 says. Don’t be afraid and remember God is in Full control and right there with you. Jesus Loves You
Idk why this game gets so much hate, i love space games like Elite Dangerous and Starfield, especially with Mods.
“The team has been hard at work”
Viva Starfield 🙂
Im happy Bethesda didn’t let the internet trolls stop them from working on the game.
Viva Starfield!
Viva Starfield!! Great Video Richard! Shouldn’t be to long now. They have always had people asking about the next update in all their tweets since December. The facts that they chose this one person recently gives me hope it isn’t too far away.
So happy that we finally got some starfield news from Bethesda! I feel pretty sure Starfield for PS5 is coming later this year. Managed to sneak in a few hours this weekend. NO new mods for me this week. Spent time selling weapons from my cargo hold. Down from almost 700 to a measly 350… VIVA Starfield! Bee seeing you all… in the Starfield!
VIVA STARFIELD. Bethesda has always been tight lipped when it comes to developments for their games. Todd has said on multiple occasions that he prefers announcements very close release, so it comes as no surprise that BGS hasn’t said much since the last update. you are correct that haters have the most asinine complaints. they are mindless NPC drones parroting nonsense that they saw here on YouTube or Reddit and can never be satisfied. to put it bluntly, they are insufferable whiners and should be ignored by both BGS and the fanbase alike. thanks for another great video!
Thanks for the heads up for that pathfinder spacesuit. Been wanting some mass effect stuff for creations
I love to see them add mechs just like helldivers 2.
Viva Starfield. Another great video to watch during my Monday morning commute. Definitely looking forward to more content from Bethesda. Starfield is still the main game for me. The mod authors continue to produce great content that keeps the game fresh and interesting.
Great video as is the norm we come to expect from you. Viva Starfield 😊
i dunno man, the 6 week release cycle updates was a nothing burger and when they say this year, prob means oct to dec, so rip
My god the amount of videos iv seen on this small leave me alone post of starfield is just sad. It shows how done they are with this IP when the few players of a game all put out a video that their favorite game is actually not dead its well just sad.
0:00 bro yes! I made the pelican as my ship in my first playthrough and I freaking loved it. Its a lot easier when its prebuilt though so love that mod!
This game must live on! It just checks all the right boxes for me.
Viva Starfield Jefe Ricardo! Another great update
– more real (romanceable) attractive (!) companions
– more framework biomes, or more handcrafted areas with quests & new rewards (companions, weapons, ships) FOR FREE !!! (dumping them on creations is just greedy and will push players away)
– more choices with consequences (even on older content put in retrospective.. like joining Crimsons or Varunn..)
– more interactions between companions
– more cool looking, but also hot looking gear sets
– more weapon types, gameplay wise (look at The First Descendant..)
1:14 tries to run through window.
The only news I’m going to really care about for Starfield would be “we’re redoing the main quest and companions in entirety, reinstating NPC scheduling, ripping out the multiverse mechanic and expanding the cities to actually looked lived-in instead of a few loading screens to bare, empty rooms.” Anything short of that, I don’t care.
Shattered Space had legit criticism.., like the “Haunted Orphanage” quest.., it starts off interesting, but then feels minimalistic (just listen to some audios, simple encounter at the end, no choice or suprise, etc..)
same with the ending of Shattered Space, no real choices.., no new companions (just two ugly followers, no dialogues or romance options)
It’s clearly lacking the passion of other titles…, and forced DEI is making it bland & tame & “ugly” overall
they need a 180 with the next DLC!!…
I LOVE Bethesda single player RPGs.., but sometimes, when you love someone, you can’t just cuddle them, you need to speak the hard truth
Viva Starfield. Arriba Arriba 🙂
My favorite moment of the week: Starfield Weekly News by Richard, thank you sir! I just completed the base game achievements this week (still haven’t purchased the dlc), after a one year hiatus and I am having a blast with my first modded playthrough. Your videos are awesome!
I use Grindy Combat. It changes body part damage scales and combat AI.
I wouldn’t mind a Starfield TV series. Especially if it was handled by the folks that did Fallout over on Amazon
POI Cooldowns: it fixed my issues with the new GrindTerra “GRINDTerraverse Planetary Procedural Generation” mod which has a lot of changes to human settled world POI Spawn availability. The only problem is there were too many and now that is fixed.
The lead team that made Elder Scrolls Blade has a new game cominng out. Being worked on since 2018. The Castle leads were different from the Blades leads, although there were alot of overlap with developers, non-leads.
I only tried El Jefe mod but i like it but im playing on Hard and the AI feels a lot better. And i have played the game extensively 1600 hours. Ecliptic and Varuun feel especially harder because they take defensive positions and circle around you instead of rushing at you. There were plenty of times where i felt overwhelmed and had to change positions. Spacers and Crimson Fleet feel easier by comparison. To be fair I haven’t tried all the AI combat mods but i like this one and I recommend it.
The author also recommended to use his other mod Human Damage so you might not have gotten the full effect.
Glad to hear, Starfield has its fanbase as does Elder Scrolls and doesn’t have to be Elden Ring popular to be good enough for us, viva la Starfield!
You dont need a mod to make the AI insanely good. Its already in the files, you just gotta adjust the values.
I had spacemarine level of AI on day 2 of starfields launch.
Theres SO many variables. You cam make em cover fire better, use more flanks, grenades, how many charge at once etc
Viva Starfield!
Starfields numbers have been dwindling a ton, i highly doubt a tv show and MMO will be in the works for Starfield, as much as i like Starfield, i can see the direction this game is going and its not just Starfield its all of Bethesda’s games, there paid creations are just starting to ruin there games in general, because all the mods ive wanted recently for this game are only paid. My predictions are as follow, we will get Starborn, then they will release a special addition for PS5 then move on to ES6 full production. Dwindling Starfield numbers mean less likely chance of the 5 years or so of promised content updates.
I love Pathfinder MEA Redux.
It’s compatible with Ecliptic armor replacers like Zone79’s because it’s added via Leveled-List instead of replacing
I love all the new mods, i just hope we get some ports from other Franchises. Personally i love all the Star Wars mods because I’m building a Star Wars load order
They should add a radio feature for ships. You should be the DJ. Maybe even something similar to SSNN but with music.
Another fantastic Starfield update. Really liked learning about the armillary.
Richard could you check “Player autions” starfield player count. i cannot post links, numbers seem accurate though.
they should make a DLC where you re-terraform and re-populate earth. THis would, of course, require the main quest to be finished first
Starfield is my favorite game, probably of all time. I will respectfully disagree with part of your take on shattered space. Forcing a player to join a faction, in this place, a cult, removes role play options. Role play are what these games are about. If you look at the base game, players are given the option to join a faction as an operative from the beginning, thus allowing for more role play. Unlike the base game, shattered space does not give this type of option. It is an example, my opinion, where Bethesda could have done better for their role playing fan base.
Lack of choice also hurt players here, back to the base game, if I start as a pirate, I never have to join the Vanguard and can still do a fulfilling play through, this is just not so with shattered space. It can be frustrating to the player base because all it would really take is a couple of lines of dialogue, the choice to shut the cult down is already there. Shattered space also, unfortunately, became a great example of no consequences. This was a DLC about one faction and your choice should have altered the game. During the CF questline while you are aligned with CF, it alters the game POIs because your
faction has changed. Something like this should have been done for shattered space.
I love your channel Richard and agree with 95% of what you say, from someone who absolutely loves this game, apologies, but I disagree here.
Also I don’t think these games will ever feel the same because most of the people that made the old games are no longer there
Sorry but going radio silence never helps the game company that just means you are not confident in your product and it shows week leadership so anybody saying going radio silence is a good thing you clearly never run a business and you never will because it will never succeed being quiet and you’re supposed to communicate with your fans not Go radio silent this is a sign of disrespect
I loved SS, but the ending was lack luster to be honest. Fun DLC overall though.
Viva Starfield my friend! Great video as always. I’m so impatient for some more game news I really hope we get something big.
Vivaaaaaaaaa Las Starfield!
GPU died the night i took off for 2 weeks vacation, new card inbound but ugh, really wanted to make some ships this week and kick the tires on that Pumpkin Protocol mod. Come on UPS!
4:14 An online version of the game is what I am hoping for, the possiblities for the game are massive. Just the thought alone of being able to see other players out in space, going about thier day would really lend itself to the RP in RPG. I could go on, but the main key point is Bethesda has the inforstructure to pull it off, as they did with Fallout 76 which I might add uses the same engine just a slightly older version then the one Starfield was built on, so the engine does have the ability.
I’m proud to say that was my tweet!
Personally I don’t think Bethesda deserves a pass on the negative feedback on their DLC . All they would have had to do to get me to go back and do it multiple times would be to add a new Starborn power and temple location . As it is I think I’ve visited the Varune Homeworld 3 times . Whereas I can’t even count how many times I’ve joined the UC Vanguard .
Hey! You featured my Pelican mod! Thanks!
awesome to hear news from bethesda 😀 and keep up the good work richard
Starfield was always alive as long as we continue to play it! 😀