Starfield Badtech Sub Space Warfare Ship Design Paid Mod Review (XBOX/PC)
Today we are checking out a paid mod that adds some new ships and alot of new cool parts
Link below to the mod
コメント (35)
So hey, actually, this was a great video, and convinced me that this might be worth purchasing for some of those wing/spike parts. However, a note about those cockpits. They have decoration panels in them, which is a big no no. Having multiple decoration panels in a ship, will cause issues where the decorations you put down will be “attached” to the closest decor panel, and may not be preserved when you edit the ship later.
So I won’t ever use the cockpits from this mod. I have supplemental cockpits in my own mod which have the decor (and armilary) panels removed to prevent these issues.
These are some awesome looking ships, genuinely some of the best looking ships ive seen.
Im honestly convinced in buying this mod.
And awesome review as always crimson 👍
This paid mod isn’t achievement friendly for 200($2)
I can’t build a decent ship to save my life. So I do purchase this guys he seems to be the only guy who sells ships. I was disappointed about the achievement thing so It doesn’t go in every load out. The mini guns are the best part. The sub theme isn’t my thing but whatever.
for me is just shitbashing, sorry for that but is what is for me this kind of mods for 200 credits. But i can understand if someone with less time or less creativity want to buy those kind of mods, but please…also 100 max, more is a total scam.
Yeah I got his/her stinger ship mod, it was a 100 credits and the reason I paid for a ship mod was because I was starting a new fresh game and didn’t want to be stuck with the frontier while I upgraded my skills, normally I’d just make a ship. The Stinger looks like a funny looking bug, it’s pretty cool if you paint it yellow and black like a giant hornet, but the biggest reason I got it was because, while I wanted better than the frontier but I didn’t want anything too OP, and the stinger fits that bill, the stinger A class is equal to a good A class ship, maybe as good as the first guardian you get. As far as the chest goes, it’s the mod authors way I giving you the money for the ships, the ships are hugely expensive, even the A class stinger was over 300k and the B class over 400k and the C around 500k if I remember, so starting a new game I wouldn’t have been able to get it. Hopefully the author will make a parts mods, but also keeps making ships, and maybe give people an option for different power levels on it, so if you don’t want OP you can lower it.
I downloaded a mod the other day that adds a couple of new Starborn power’s . One of them allows you to teleport from anywhere to your ships cockpit . Something that would be a good one to use with ships that are hovering that high off the ground . And I don’t even consider that to be a cheat because it’s something that all of the other Starborn in the game can do . And we shouldn’t even need a mod to allow us to do the same things .
You see awesome ships,
I see ridiculous OP cheats that I don’t want in the game, ever.
Remember crimson, there are still many people out there that just don’t like building ships, so if they can buy cool ships like this, it is great. But I do agree he should just make a separate mod with just ship parts.
I believe those flipped cockpits are a WIP for his next mod release he has mentioned in Reddit post.
I think this is pretty good for 200 since he added the parts. I’ll probably pick it up.
As far as achievement friendly mods I think all mods should be. Starfield, fallout, Skyrim are all similar in that you can’t really cheat most of the achievements. The games are pretty easy and outside of a few achievements cheating money, levels, weapons, etc. doesn’t really help you get the achievements. You still have to actually do x thing to get the achievement.
Love the aesthetics of these ships, but I, too, would prefer using the parts myself. Custom interior habs would be a bigger draw with this. I hope the mod author continues to expand on this because the design ideas are really cool, but I wouldn’t jump on it just yet.
Thanks for another stellar review Crimson!
Hopefully they’re listening because it would be cool to get some of those parts to just build your own ships with.
If you combine this with Sgt.Owl’s Submarine, you can build the perfect Sub with both a unique interior and exterior. Baldwin’s greatest strength is clearly not interior design, but rather kitbashing weapons and structural parts.
That being said, the functional upside-down cockpits were awesome! The Swordfish has such a unique window when you are seated at the fore cockpit, for those who like FPS combat. That Swordfish cockpit is upside-down, for those who did not notice at first glance.
By the way, the Torpedo Tubes have snap points for the BadTech Missile Launcher, so you can put them into those holes in the Torpedo Bay.
Cool ships, but I shall pass… Thank you for the review ^^
Pretty sure owl tech had a better free submarine mod with custom stuff if anyone was interested.
Edit: Cool designs though but I hope they can actually land….
for some reason i find my self whistling Yellow Submarine 😉
Keep it up!
I like that you’re rethinking your position on the previous video. You’re trying to be generous which is something a lot of other content creators struggle with. Thanks man. Appreciate the work you do for the community.
It’s interesting that the paid ships are overpowered compared to vanilla, but aren’t labeled as Cheats like other cheat mods.
I love Starfield it’s so much fun for me when I play it I love Sci Fi Games I like it better buying Ships that’s already built. Because I’m a person that just can’t get the the hang of ship building. I just can’t catch on to it. I’m going to buy this Mod thanks for Sharing. Thumbs up for your channel.
Coffee time. Very neat, I like the parts for sure, but the ships, the over powered guns, the lack of attention to interior habs just don’t do it for me, I don’t think. Great video and review.
Crinson. Just 1 thing. You are often saying mod authors should make it so paid content can be accessed very easily if the user wants .. isnt that what the chest of credits is for? The ship actually costs something in game. But if you choose to, the shortcut is the credit chest.
For me at least I wouldn’t have a problem with any paid ship mods if it was a fully custom-made and decorated ship.
These ships are floating and can’t even land properly. Not exactly lore-friendly.
Definitely would like this creators custom ship parts in a pack. But balanced around standard A/BC class progression
I think the ships are very cool looking. But for me personally Id just like the ship part pieces at a reduced price would be cool so i could use the parts to build what i want.
Crimson! you really don’t like people charging for their ideas and/or creativity. A couple bucks for someone else’s creativity/idea is okay. In society we do this for just about everything. I can’t draw so if someone else draws a picture that i like I’d pay them for it. Why is that concept so taboo in this game for you? People spend HOURS creating these things. Some charge, some don’t.
Yes! That is a fair compromise. Bethesda should allow us to use blueprints.
aw a little disappointed that the giant front window piece wasn’t a real window. was going to buy
To the Mod author, please don’t stop building your ships and charging for them. I own the stinger, and I love it. In my opinion, it is worth $2.00 for the achievement friendly. I am not a ship builder and don’t want to be a ship builder. To Crimson, I still like and will hit the like button, and I can still see your reason for your opinion. Just, I respectfully disagree.
sub space. Ha…I understood that pun.
This deserves the money. The parts make it worth it for me.
I’d like to see a scratch build using these parts to see if they can be easily used to create new ships with unique design features like the floating, cockpits etc and see how well it works out
I’m OK with any paid ship mod (or any paid mod really) that actually brings something new.. I’ve bought some of Badtech’s other ship mods purely for the few new ship parts that I’ll use when building..
Don’t really care if it’s vanilla friendly or not, I’ll just not use it if it feels too cheaty.
This particular mod though I deleted when I noticed that it wasn’t achievement friendly, so I was too fast in assuming that it WAS achievement friendly BECAUSE it was a paid mod..
Anyway, here’s a ship mod I’d love to see:
A mod that introduces legendary ship encounters where if you can defeat them, you can obtain legendary ship parts, that comes with some special perk or stat boost or something that you can use for your own builds.
Another ship related mod I’d like to see is one where you can leave your ship for a space walk.. Maybe to do some mining, or use the boost pack to stealthily fly over to another ship and sneak inside in order to steal it or loot their stuff before silently leaving again.
I know you at least can fly around outside the ship, because I’ve seen it in that other mod “tiny reasons to explore space” or whatever it was called.
36:05 we all live in a yellow submarine.
Good looking mod. You want my money I want to be able to build with the pieces