Bethesda FINALLY Breaks Their Silence On Starfield…
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#Starfield #Xbox #Gaming
Taqs:starfield,starfield 2025,starfield 2025 update,starfield news,mrmattyplays,Starfield,starfield shattered space,starfield shattered space review,starfield shattered space impressions,starfield dlc review,starfield dlc impressions,is shattered space good,should I play starfields dlc,mrmattyplays starfield
コメント (609)
I have played elder scrolls since arena,, I have no hope, faith, or even interest in elder scrolls 6 news.. their in no chance of anything other than focusing on profit.
Too many women and liberal soy boys working at that studio.
how to fix starfield, get rid of the woke crap, fix the “charictor creator” as its rubbish bring back fallout 3/76s , fix the guns there horrible, add more random stuff and quests. thegame is boring and it still crashes i just reinstalled it played it for 15mins and crash, uninstalled it and reinstalled no mans sky lol
Bethesda could have saved years and millions of dollars if someone in that studio just said “this game is boring as fuck, what are we even doing?”
Yep late to the game but man Starfiield such a disappointment. Couldn’t make the jump (cause of $) till now and it’s just an average game not deserving of a sequel. Just move on BGS. Elder Scrolls 6 better not suck!
As someone who has played starfield since the beginning, i think it still has a lot of unrealized potential. I will focus on one thought though. Starborn story lines. you have this great potential with the whole new universe idea. You get to play through limited story lines in the beginning, but what happens if you decide to a starborn arc? Or as the more you play lingering choices affect your new universes? I fully agree that more variety is necessary in planetary exploration, but it being a single player game, give us the content.
Dude we don’t want anymore 76 or starfield why don’t they focus on the games fans want? Why isn’t elder scrolls the prority
If they’re gonna make me pay for fixing their game, I’ll pass. I already paid for an expansion I didn’t play. If they drop a massive free update together with the next expansion, maybe that will generate some much needed goodwill. But who am I kidding, we’ve seen the direction, I’m not holding my breath for a sudden 180.
No, they’re Not listening. Their last update screwed up the save system on series x and who know what else.
I’ve been waiting since November for my game to fixed so I can EFFING play.
I can’t save at all. It crashes the game. I’ve written to them. Crickets.
I’ve supported them since the early 90s. I’m done. Screw this company and they can Eff the Eff off!
To have the temerity to try to get me to buy Doom before fixing this tripe is beyond pathetic.
Another casualty of the game industry’s greed.
This is the most nothing video ever made
Does anyone find it odd that none of the characters in the game really reference other planets or locations? it’s like as soon as you leave whatever planet you’re on everything on that planet and all the progress you’ve made there ceases to exist. It begs the question why focus on the planet I’m on when I can go to another planet, and why focus on that planet when there’s another one afterwards.
I really like Starfield. Admittedly though I didn’t play it until after Shattered Space came out. From what I hear it’s much better now than it was at launch. I’m glad they added buggies though. Can’t imagine having to walk to all those POIs on foot.
I can’t wait to see more out of starfield it’s the only thing besides skyrim to hold me over to elder scrolls 6
i dont think starfield can run in a switch 2
everybody is wrong about Starfield. But, also partially right because Bethesda didn’t trust themselves and caved to fan expectations and ruined the game. But it isn’t supposed to be Skyrim in space, stop trying to push it to be Skyrim in space.
Screw one planet dlc. We need an expansion that mixes up the worlds and adds new mechanics to the worlds. Make them more fun and interesting to explore. Cut down load screens where possible. Also give players a reason to build settlements. Allow us to recolonize the stars. Set up trade networks..etc. We have a surface level game that just needs more depth added to it. Only way to move forward if you want better results.
While all of you are bitching, Im enjoying the game for what it is
Yes but when tho ? ^^ In June ? Near 2026 ? After Half-Life 3 ?
How about adding N@zee zombies in space, anyone for Castle Starfieldstein?
No, free buggie was a good idea, but it should’ve come sooner.
Starfield doesn’t need an expansion, it needs to fix the freakin’ base game. The atmospheres on many known planets are all looking wrong, same goes for the surfaces. There must be actual uniques again that are not just reskins, the world needs to be more seamless and the hundreds of empty planets need more variety…
Shattered space was just more of the same i couldnt even finish it
Atp if id rather them just let go of starfeild if it makes es6 come sooner
Matty I love your content but this clickbait is getting out of hand 😞
Bethesda needs to be split up into 3 studios. Where each studio works on an elder scrolls, game, a star field game and a fallout game They could do something similar to what activision does.And if they did everything correctly, they could crank out one of these three games every three years
Or having your own home like the mantis’s layer that you can make yours with a working ship elevator. Or opening up your own company like a ship building company with quests. More bounties things that don’t require mods because we all know that sometimes those don’t work. I also swear I remember them saying that you could research and design your own guns.
It’s a wrap for this game wayyy to many titles are coming out for anyone willing to come back unless you do something like 2077, no mans sky reboot. With KCD2 success, monster hunter record numbers and everyone waiting on GTA6 I think you learn from your mistakes Bethesda and move forward. I didn’t even name all the games coming out just on gamepass ninja gaiden, doom, atom fall. They dropped the ball and let us down only they core fans who fail to see how bad it truly is keep that game alive
Nope no bathesda games should be ported to PlayStation it just feels wrong .
I’m looking forward to what they come up with. I really enjoyed Starfield but was definitely disappointed with the POI system. I’ve played hundreds of hours of Elite Dangerous so I’m used to boring points of interest. I started off with Space Shuttle for the 2600 (1983) so I don’t complain too much about Starfield.
Matty, Starfield is beyond saving. Snap out of it, snap out of the toxic positivity. Not every game deserves the benefit of the doubt. Starfield is done, it is a fundamentally bad game, there’s nothing they can do for that game, aside from Re-Making it.
I think they should focus on fleshing out one full planet with multiple LARGE cities and an abundance of content
I’m not that interested in starfield myself, but I’m interested in hearing Matty’s opinion on it. That I am.
Forget Starfield. Concentrate on making ES6 a banger.
Far Harbor is only seen as great because F4 wasn’t.
gamers: “I bought this game and I’m mad at game not myself derr duuurrrDURRRRRRRRRRRRRR”
I want to play Starfield… but every time I do I get so fed up and so pissed off I have to uninstall it.
I hope I get to play Elder Scrolls VII before my grandchild graduates highschool (I’m not married and don’t have kids)
2k players for Starfield. They fucked it up.
I went back and played Starfield and had a lot more fun than I thought I would. I really wish the cities would have gotten more work. Akila had a lot going on but it was laggy. I would like more exploration within the colonized parts of the galaxy. The outpost system needs filtering BAD. The quality levels were just as bad as in fallout 4 (wish you could upgrade gear to the next level). There should have been more unique gear. But I didn’t regret playing it. I’m not sure why casuals hated this game. I get hardcore Bethesda fans hating on it because it lacked rich lore and quests that explore the lore but it was a fun play
I feel like I am the only person who genuinely loves starfield. At this point I play it more than Elder Scrolls games or fallout games, to me it’s just the perfect sandbox to build and do anything you want in. On the topic of everyone hating the loading screens, I definitely agree that there should at least be a way of hiding them so the game feels more seamless, however as someone who has played Bethesda games their whole life they don’t bother me. Older titles had way longer loading screens and the time loading in Starfield is almost instant. I’m hoping for more content from Bethesda for the game, I’m hoping the modding scene grows, and that support for Starfield will last a long time. Love it.
The problem with 76 was it gave me a headache after playing it. Hole starfield would have a better experience than it did. Im a playstation guy so hope it comes over id buy it day one love the fallout series
Starfield is trash. People coping, thinking it is even passable much less a good game are part of the problem.
Starfield is decent, not great, but teetering close to bad. Could be much better.
Starfield’s biggest problems is it’s boring
I think toxic YouTubers will hate every game, Starfield, TES 6 – EVERYTHING! It’s the same as on TV news, where they constantly talk about natural disasters, death and all kinds of bad things.
Matty Bethesda cycle: Hype-> Disappointment-> Light Criticism -> Rehabilitation ->Hype.
Starfield isn’t terrible but holy shit was it painfully dull and that is what angered me most. You can say a lot about Bethesda games but the last thing I think of is boring.
Starfield reaching Skyrim level? No way. Market is different, Bethesda spent most of good will and practically nuked the mod community with creation club.
The moment I hear radiant and randomly generated I immediately ignore the game. It’s just a supplement for lazy.
Bethesda should just forget about this bad game snd move on. Their games are known for exploration and this had none. It was strictly fast traveling from one place to another. I tried to explore but the planets were boring. Forced 40 hours of play and shelved it. Not going back.
he says bethesda makes damn good video games, honestly, they make mediocre games which then get fixed by modders and the only reason people are interested in their games is because of ip that they once created . since skyrim, they have only released bigger trash than the last,
I have enjoyed Starfield, and I believe it is an amazing game. I am definitely getting the Oblivion Remake.
Can you stop comparing it to Cyberpunk. Cyberpunk was a great game hidden behind huge bugs and rushed development.
With Starfield, we got the game that Bethesda’s streamlining and secondary systems shoehorning was always going to come to. The game needs a total overhaul, to compete with the other big open world rpgs. And I know you would never say it, but I don’t think Todd’s ego would allow for them to admit the game has massive problems that need fixed.
I stopped playing Starfield day 1, my PC wouldn’t take me past the opening thing where you are a miner after you find the thing it would crash on cut scene. My PC Can run No Mans Sky in Ultra which is more demanding especially with worlds 2 dropped. Then I heard it wasn’t the NMS traveling they had advertised for the initial 2022 release, as well as it wasn’t skyrim in space not even close (it would be an insult to skyrim to call it such) I didn’t play it but my brother was able to on his Nvidia (we have almost the same setup mine is just AMD) setup and told me how it was. This makes me seriously concerned they are going to ruin that franchise like every big name studio has with all their best titles.
Seems I can only get excited for Cyberpunk Orion since CP2077 was then best rpg I have played probably since skyrim. Thing is that was their first one, the opening act of what looks to be the best rpg series since Mass Effect.
Starfield dies this year regardless of what updates come along. GTA6, BF6, and other high profiles will leave the games memory in the dust.
The game was so painfully average (at best). Graphics were sometimes bad. Planets and bases were basically “Copy & paste”, I’d prefered less but with much more variety.
imo starfield needs:
More POI
More enemy variety
More dungeon/longer dungeon variety
expansion on starborn as a whole
new vehicle types (mechs as an example)
more encounters while exploring planets
weapon expansion
more hand crafted quests
more impactful decision making with quests
more content around backgrounds
I enjoyed starfield but it wasn’t immersive at all. It felt like a copy and paste when exploring
I was dumb enough to pre-order. Which included the DLC. 0% chance I will spend money on the next DLC. Bethesda should give up on Starfield, just as 90% of the players have.
Dude’s been in the same bedroom since 1995 XD
There are several thing I want to see added or improved on Starfield:
-POI variety: More types of POI and random enemies, loot, and random events like enemies calling in support. You should never know exactly what you will find when you go into one.
-More role-play support for being a mercenary, bounty hunter, scientist, medical doctor, spy/corporate lackey, industrialist, colonist, etc.
-A world that responds to what you do in it. Space is big, so you probably won’t run into them everywhere you go. However, they can respond to what you do in the world and seek you out. So a reputation system would help and NPCs would respond positively or negatively to you depending on your interaction with them.
-More ship parts and the ability to manipulate parts like the modders do.
-Make loading screen less annoying. An easy fix is the grav jump animation. Just continue it and fade to white and fade back to coming out of the jump. They can also have one of your companions call out any red flags that you should know about: “Power to shields, below 50%”, “We are carrying non-shielded contraband.” “We only have 3 shield parts, Captain.”
I’m in the “move on” camp. The base game is a dud. What’s the point of providing MORE boring planets to explore, robotic NPCs to talk to and random enemies to shoot?
They better just move on to ES6 like they should’ve done immediately after Far Harbor, but my guess is they want to do their best to redeem Starfield out of the mid territory. But they can’t. The core exploration problems are fundamental to the game and no amount of updates can fix that.
im seeing so much starfield gate in the comments so imma put this here
Personally ive been playing this game since launch and ive thoroughly enjoyed it and have been playing it nearly nonstop…..and i am apart of 2 communities filled with people who also still play it, and sure it has some issues but with the mods it makes those issues seem insignificant
the games biggest issue was how they compared it to skyrim and oblivion saying its like them but in space…….which gave a false impression of what the game is, for those of us who play and love space games like star citizen, no mans sky, mass effect and so on its a great game,
side note the star wars mods when all combined makes starfield a significantly better star wars game than star wars outlaws
i’m still not convinced that they’ll release an oblivion remake
The big announcement is going to be its coming to the PS5. There might be some superficial new things but I don’t expect anything meaningful.
there is almost nothing they could do to make this game good, the Bethesda formula doesnt work in space because space is space.
Something yall not ready for is this
What if Fall out 5 and Elden ring comes out but on one of the 1000 planets in starfield as a HUGE dlc with a LONG story line. And for you to play it, you have to be in that planet.
For fallout, what if it’s in starfield Earth and was manufactured to be Fallout.
Remember, they have 1000 planets that’s open for customization.. just think of what they can really do
Imagine a Nintendo Direct where they show GoW, Halo, Doom, Starfield…, More Skyrim, Metroid Prime 4, Monster Hunter Wilds. Koizumi Announcing Halo would be WILD
No Man’s Sky is waaaay better if you want an exploration game in space. Starfield failed horribly in that aspect.
After what they did with the Fallout 4 update. If there is no new rebirth for Starfield and it is implied that support will become minimal. I will completely ignore all news about the development of The Elder Scrolls VI. I’ll always have that feeling in the back of my head that this is just another project they’ll abandon before it’s completed to its full potential. For these reasons, my hype for The Elder Scrolls VI is the same as I had for Dragon Age Vailguard, that is, less than none.
I think the Starfield IP is good overall. I think it’s a new style of game, new aspirations, and so there’s some things that worked and some that didn’t. I think giving them time to iterate is worth it. Personally I enjoyed the base game. That being said, the fever dream levels of anticipation around ES6 are wild.
The problem with the starfield is that it’s just a bad game and everyone playing it still is trying to cope and figure out why they aren’t having fun when it’s painfully obvious why. It’s dogshit guys, another half baked Bethesda product who woulda guessed?
I don’t think Bethesda understands their own games which is a sign that all the talent left them already. I’ve said this before and I honestly don’t care about Starfield anymore. I don’t think they can do anything meaningful with this game. They can certainly try and get at least some things right, but that won’t make the game any better. It is fundamentally flawed. No exploration, not excitement and everything is just bland.
Furthermore, I don’t trust Bethesda to make the next TES better than Starfield unless they hire the right people for that game, for a great story line and characters + action combat done right, which would be a first for Bethesda. We live in a world where Cyberpunk, Elden Ring and other open world rpgs exist. Hell, even Avowed did at least combat right. There are simply no more excuses for Bethesda not going for better combat.
I’ve been very underwhelmed with Starfield.
I bought the premium edition thinking that they were constantly and consistently going to be adding content.
Instead, we’ve only seen two mediocre updates.
Starfield is the only Bethesda game that I stopped playing without finishing the main story.
I don’t plan on coming back unless they really make it worth It.
If not, I’m having a great time playing KCD2
I think BGS knows better than ever, what to do or not do. So TES 6 will be great as a result…
I usually agree with you Matty but after 200 hours of playing Starfield, I remember 2 missions. The alien bug that transforms and joining the pirates. Thats it. Everything else is just a blur followed by eventual disappointment.
The unity entity mentions that we may meet the creators on our journey.
I’m expecting/hoping we get a dlc that elaborates on this.
A big part of Starfield’s woes come from a design philosophy of “let’s give the modders an amazing canvas.” Whether it’s intentional or not doesn’t even matter. It is pervasive and abundantly apparent in its blandness.
Bigger games and more open world can start to get a bit ridiculous. Playing ninja gaiden sigma made me appreciate a tight fun package.
Dude it’s been over a decade since Bethesda made a decent game yes i’m calling Skyrim decent since that is what it is without mods, Starfield was a joke not a Bethesda game. The fact that Bethesda says “it takes feedback to heart” cracked me up there have been countless mods and suggestions that would improve their games since Morrowind almost none of them have been implemented by default only by modders, it’s pathetic at this point the fact that it took the modders 1 week to massively improve Starfield’s inventory system is the perfect example of how Bethesda never listens since their inventory systems were always crap.
I think the thing i don’t like about starfield is that everything feels too realistic almost and stuffy.. I don’t think there’s really that many interesting characters
Man kcd2 is a staple. They have alot to live up to with tes6
Don’t need them to tell me what was wrong with it…. I figured it out myself.
Put about 30 hours into this game and then never went back. It was just so f-cking boring. All of the loading screens and terrible writing killed it for me. And don’t even get me started on the pointless planets and ‘exploration’. But what’s worse, and what REALLY turned me off from Starfield and Bethesda in general, is their inability to accept responsibility for the game being an overall poorly designed and implemented experience.
Bethesda leadership boldly claims again and again that the players are the problem, and that the game is a masterpiece. They go into reviews for the game and tell people they’re wrong for disliking this slop. That’s literally insane, and I can only surmise that this entire game was developed in a constant state of toxic positivity. No one had the balls to come out during development and tell Bethesda studio leads that what they were doing wasn’t going to stick the landing.
The emptiness of Starfield is my biggest problem with the game, second is the slow pace of travel that makes exploring a very time consuming business.
I want more locations, more NPC’s, more wildlife, more vehicles (not just drivable but flyable like a shuttle or a hoverbike) and more side quests that are actually interesting or give some unique reward (like beforementioned vehicles for instance).
I wouldn’t expect much more than a bit of surface polish from Oblivion remake (if that’s more than a rumour) since they’re still working on TES 6. Bethesda doesn’t seem to put much resources into remakes/remasters, so I doubt they would make one that is actually noteworthy unless it’s their main project.
I was starting to wonder whether Bethesda forget about the space game they made
I love this game yes I’m a Bethesda fan yes I love Star Wars yes I love fallout and yes I said yes to many times lol but this is one of those games that if you put in the time and effort and read the lore this is a game that’s really something special until the next mass effect comes out I will be playing this game for a long time but I love this game the combat the music the gameplay the ship to ship combat is superb and yes I am kissing butt here but again give it a chance and you will see why people love this game now go out there and explore friends!
We know whats next for starfield, “a monitor in the expansion launch dev interview part” had an imagine of a working mech and some of the components needed for it.
The problem is mechs wont solve starfields problem. The problem is the same POI’s over and over, and loading screens, and fast travel. ALL make the world feel dead. You dont get that exploration/living world feel you do from Beth’s other games.
For me, the multiverse thing was a big turn of so the main quest was cringe. Next is the exploration and they should have known better than to make many planets with nothing of interest on it. Last was the content, after like 30-40 hrs theirs nothing much more to do and that is not what I was expecting for a fallout in space kinda game.
Xbox have a big presence at Nintendo direct… maybe a presence, but not a big presence. Maybe something like “play gamepass on switch” but thats it…
I need more from starfield other than just another planet with a storyline. I need more interesting AND VARIED POI’S, More diverse biomes, more activities, more interesting things to explore and do in space, just MORE. The possibilities with this game are endless. Theyve made a solid foundation now use your imagination and go wild!! More factions, more weapons, more armors, just give us MORE MORE MORE.
Gamers dictionary:
BMI (Bethesda M@ntal Illne$$)
Diagnosed after one episode of starfield d$rangement syndrome
Starfield ds =
Presence of 2 + criteria
1) Giving lengthy 5 (+) minute angry speeches about starfield having obsolete graphics, being boring, pointless etc etc
2) Acute confusion and transient psychotic features caused by gamers that actually like starfield or still play the game
3) Observed Frothing at the mouth or emotional instability when thinking about starfield.
4) Making up things about starfield when you never even played it
5) Giggling and excitement caused by negative reviews or player drops
6) Exhibiting a profound and personal hatred for Todd Howard
2-3 criteria=mild
4-5 criteria = moderate
6 criteria = severe
Out of boredom(?) I started playing SF again a couple weeks ago. Mainly just grinding, getting to know companions, etc. Not doing any faction quests yet, level 34 currently. I will note when grinding (basically scanning planets/systems, hitting POI’s, etc.), the buggy makes a world of difference. Just the time saved going from POI to POI has completely removed one of the major grips I had initially with SF, so KUDO’s for that. My own fix for the terrible MQ is to just never go to the first Temple. My own fix for inconsistence quest logic is to never join more than one faction, to role-play. And honestly SF is still the hardest RPG I’ve ever tried to RP in. The fact that on one cares if you join every faction, even enemy factions, is just FUBAR. I do long for the days of Morrowind when choices like that actually mattered … now I have to just pretend they matter, while at the same time, they really make no difference in the grand scheme of things anyway.
I have never been more disappointed in a game. I tried. But boring, uninspired, unwieldy and broken. I never finished. I had a game breaking bug that took 7 months to fix. Not worth going back.
My prediction: Switch and PS port, “Starborn” DLC (of roughly the same size and quality as Shattered Space), plus a handful of new Trackers Alliance quests to finish off that faction. Then they are done.
2 years of support, 8 factions, they will say they did what they intended to do. Then it will be at least 2027 before we actually see the next ES.
This game has huge potential, I hope they don’t abandon it. I am waiting for more QOL improvements before jumping in again. Many are like me ready to dive in again. They just need to fix the systems.
Starfield is empty, lifeless, and woke. I’ve lost all interest in it.
I have been wanting a big reason to return to Starfield and I thought that Shattered Space would be that reason. I didn’t end up returning because of the mass amounts of negative reviews and the mass of big great games that released this year. I enjoyed Starfield, so I definitely want to return to it, but I want BGS to give me a great reason to. I want the old BGS design philosophy back…
I enjoyed SF. Yea it had some issues but I still enjoyed it. I really hope they do hit it hard and drop some dope DLC. I would really like to see an overhaul of the new game plus, and a massive update on the building/crafting/weapons etc. Plus have decisions really matter, like a Megaton moment. ahhhh, such good times blowing the town up. 🍄💣
Honestly, Bethesda should walk-away. They shit the bed epically. There is supposed to be two more paid Expansions. I have utterly NO FAITH in them making anything anymore. I don’t even care about Fallout and Elder Scrolls anymore.
Fuck Bethesda,
They don’t care about their consumers anymore, I can’t be bothered even believing in TES or FO anymore
A PS5 port, more micro dlc. Ie, single missions for ten dollars and a mobile app where you can buy stuff
Starfield’s next DLC should just be you stumbling across a new planet with a mysterious ancient civilization that’s been abandoned. And that entire map should just be the Skyrim map ported in and upgraded. And all the cities and whatnot are from Skyrim — just abandoned or recolonized by space-faring settlers who are trying to learn more about the mystery of the ancient civilization. Bethesda always brags about porting Skyrim to everything. Why not port it into your own game?
Matty, nobody gives a crap about starfield. It is a shit game, shit story, shit mind numbing dialogue, shit performance, it is shit.
I don’t care if it gets DLCs. The game is garbage I won’t touch and I am fairly certain the majority of gamers and former Bethesda fanboys share this sentiment.
I have the Shattered Space edition…and i have never even played the DLC
So basically they launched an incomplete game and are going to try and fix it a year later. Great.
lol if the Switch 2 can’t run Starfield why the hell did they even bother “upgrading”?
I hope going forward with Starfield that Bethesda leans away from Starfield being something that it’s not, an RPG, and leans more towards what it actually IS. A cozy game. A sci-fi Stardew Valley. No Mans Sky has and it’s worked out well 🤔
At this point bethesda/bioware would need to physically shit inside of a gamecase and mail it to him in order for Matty to finally move on from these studios
Problem is …….simple. people employed by todd are dumb 👍 give machine games elder scrolls budget and let them make a fucking game 👍
Starfield sucks. I don’t think there’s any redeeming it because the core concept and gameplay of the game is horrible even if they shoehorn good story into it. The gameplay loop the gameplay mechanics are shit if they’re smart. They will go to Elder scrolls six and try to make it more likeoblivion, Skyrim and fallout new Vegas.
Move on leave this game behind Bethesda.
We want elder scrolls
They need to fix a lot of base stuff about the game along with the expansion. The POI are repetitive and unimmersive , the factions are bland for the most part, they need to add and fix the weapons and armor etc. They have a good frame to make the game good but they’re trying to sell the game bit bit with creation club
When Starfield fans are clamoring for more content, I don’t think that releasing the game on Nintendo is what they had in mind.
Starfield on Switch 2? Only when downgrade to fit into it’s Hardware Limits (i mean Memory. Ram or Storage)- Hoping for a good Port, but expecting an N64 Starfield on Switch2. Perhaps Bethesda lacks on Sci-Fi Storytellers. Sure Fallout is sci-fi and it plays only on Earth. But lets see. What if: They release another DLC where we find some Earth secret Bunker (Asteroid)Colony in Space or some Moon? Why Secret? Well only the V.I.P.s got an ticket like this Special Bunker in TV Fallout Series, and we stumbled over it. Do we Help them survive (out of love or Greed?) or do we do not care for them?… Yeah, or they could play the Fallout Base story (Player need to exit this secret Colony to save it. aka Water Control chip or seek some lost Father?). But i would snuggest to came up with a new Story and .. But well, better a good rycle then a Bad new thing, right? sry, for the Wall of Text. p.s. I would gave this DLC the name “Lost Paradise”
Todd is outdated we need new visionaries, i hope spencer can sense that.
Todd time to retire.
I just want more story content. There is alot more I want the game to continue.
i would just be happy with follow up quest lines of the main factions, with more branching routes, for example crimson fleetsetting up it’s first actual settlement and trying to ligetimise via colonizing/taking over a settlement, if you sided with them one the first go through, they have funded and built most of it themselves, if they havent, theyve taken over a list colony and are desperately building it up before secdef find and wipe them out. or the arrest/death of hope is causing the freestar collective’s council to fracture and you have to work to prevent the collective from dissolving. or hells have UC invade valruun’s space believing they are about to launch the next crusade (either rightly or wrongly depending on the outcome of shattered space)
something that they can easliy fix is adding more poi variation on planets and in space. that would get me to reinstall. still the best space rpg ive played. funny people complaining about writing when bethesdas writing has never been amazing. best NG+ implementation ive seen in a game too.
Starfield was such hot kaka, it was painful to play it, couldnt even finish it
Starfield was and is a complete game. The fans got a relatively polished game. They got a product they paid for so let’s just let this game go. It’s never ever going to be good, it’s boring it’s genuinely mid game, not worth the hours of your life. Let it go make ES6
Snorefield felt like a boring chore. The leveling wasn’t fun, the story wasn’t engaging, and the entire game was empty.
The big problem with Starfield is that it’s above all a game about cowboys in space. Let’s see why. They tried to sell us a space exploration game in which the main thing is to try and find out “what’s out there”. Honestly, when you look into space, nobody wonders if what’s out there is some kind of five-legged dog, or plants with blue leaves, the big question is: “Is there intelligent life?”. Making a game about space exploration and not having alien civilizations is ridiculous.
Starfield needs to do a Concorde, but never ever to return. No Ps5 port, no Nintendo port, no updates or patches. Just let this game go it is completely hopeless, just run with ES6.
Honestly bro, does anybody really care? I mean REALLY?
rip starfield
I have moved on from star-field, and nothing they have done has made me reconsider coming back. Their best questline, the pirate quest-line, was honestly the main selling point and it’s not worth coming back to just for that. If BGS wants to produce more DLC, that’s fine, but I hope overall it’s mainly to make ES6 better.
I’d like to see them learn from No Man’s Sky. Better exploration, less loading screens, immersive transitions from space to ground, better procedural generation, etc. It’s just fascinating to me to see how NMS wound up getting so much right with such a small team and budget – and all with no paid DLC or micro-transactions – yet Bethesda seems to be struggling with the same concept.
You can’t operate a single-player game as a live-service game. Why would a single-player game need frequent “updates”? Everything’s supposed to be there from the start.
They had years to play No Mans Sky and learn something. They learned nothing because all they care about is repackaging old slop with a new skin and selling it for as much as possible. Bethesda is dead to me. Same with most, one time beloved, studios who produce what used to be successful IP’s. I will play their older titles that brought me to loving them and ignore every release while waiting for them to either climb to greatness again…or go bankrupt for their hubris.
If there was any game that Bethesda should have made multiplayer it’s Starfield… They literally gave us multiple planets to build and explore and could have built off that to make space stations and create our own factions..
This is such a wanky non-video. And I used to like your videos for their honesty, no it feels more like a conveyor belt of click-bait and hot-air. I don’t like what Bethesda have become, but this is literally sucking off the teat of their demise.
I gave up on Bethesda around 2016. This is a good time.
Plot twist: The expansion is going to be a PlayStation timed exclusive
Bethesda seem like a very sheltered ignorant, almost infantile company at this point. ES6 will be a wait until reviews job for most people. The fanbase behind Oblivion and Skyrim are all in their late 20s – late 30s now and I think that’s why Bethesda is struggling now. They haven’t grown up with their audience.
The continued faith in Bethesda from Matty shoukd be studied by scientists
I want my time and money back in this game
If they took 76 and made it a solo game with mod capabilities and still adding DLC’s and whatnot, I would totally buy that. Maybe not a popular opinion, but I think that it would sell.
As a long time BGS modding fan, I thought like many that the worst thing about Starfield was the lack of world building, scattered isolated islands in a sea of procedural boredom.
I map skipped the space jank, until I got to “Oil Rig” world, then quit, trying again with mods fixing many flaws I discovered the Story was even worse than exploration.
I ignored every power after the first one, which I was forced to collect & “demo”, I went to every location collecting looking for information, but avoided every power upgrade point.
When I got to the end, there was no answers to my questions of what, why, where, just a cringe NG+ time jump excuse for collecting more ever more powers for my character to ignore.
For me what they have to fix the most if space exploration and loading screens. There are some mods that allow you to actually fly from planet to planet, but having this done better in-engine than through a limited mod would be a real boon to the feel of the game, especially when there would be no fast-travel to a place until you flew there.
And I think the no-loading screens speaks for itself. It certainly isn’t easy in an already released game, made for loading screens, but I simply have little hope for TES6 in that regard, if they can’t manage to pull that off in SF. At the very least let me enter buildings without loading screens, planets landing/starting, system-jumps, and fast travel I can accept them. Just buildings and caves should not have them.
Brother you seem blinded by your nostalgia at this point. Nothing great in 10 plus years is fucking insane. This Bethesda isnt your Bethesda.
I want bethesda to stop focusing in graphical fidelity. People want the game to look good not photorealistic, and i want them to figure out how toake their open world fluid. I want them to figure stuff out like monster climbing and further improvements to their formulae. I feel like current bethesda is unable to decide what they want to do
They need to move on and give us the next elder scrolls installment.
Personally I would have downsized starfield to two naybe 3 dense solar systems. Freestar in one, UC in the other. Shattered space be the mysterious 3rd. Would have started during the war so you can get warring planets under siege. Keep the procedural generation for any systems outside the 3 mains
Excuse me? Black hole dlc? 🤔
“Bethesda has lots of great games you want to go back and play over and over.”
Proceeds to only name fallout 3, NV and Skyrim only.
‘The Far Harbor moment’ you mean when the game keeps crashing?
This one is indeed not a fun one to go back to, to many loading screens and to many POI’s that are just flat out boring. Playing space messenger is fun but is it really Starfield anymore if i have 300 Star Wars mods over the top of it? I pray one day I eat my words on this game.
When you look at the videos pre-release and you see the kid looking at the spaceship and imaging a future as comander and you get this AWFUL space experience then you realise how bad the game it is and how many broken primises they have. Shattered space is SO BAD , the writing, gosh… what happened with bethesda??? and they think that a free BUGGIE before the expansion was the problem??? really??? OMG.
The difference with Cyberpunk was CDProjekt Red was aiming for it to be an IP they can build on, and with the atrocious launch of Cyberpunk they had to make it up to everyone including themselves. I don’t see that same future for Starfield, I really don’t envision a Starfield 2 happening and I’m guessing it gets one more Shattered Space sized update before it gets dropped. Bethesda accepted Starfield for what it is, from it being Todd’s dream game to their online reaction to the criticism. Cyberpunk had to apologize to everyone & admit their deceit, while changing their company structure.
What they need is to move on from starfield. that game killed the reportion of the studio, THEY NEED to focus on EOS 6, they only have one shot now .
Sh*ittered Space. Cant even finish that crap.
I put thousands of hours into oblivion and fallout 3. Bethesda has never hit those heights since. They are a dead company. I couldn’t even manage 10 hours on starfield, probably the most boring game I’ve ever played.
The biggest sale of Starfield, the one the devs were talking most about, was the shipbuilder which was described as free and allowing
players to build the ship they wanted. Yet we can’t even turn out damn landinggears around, we can’t turn or twice 70% of the modules,s
we can’t build ships bigger than 3 1×3 modules , and we have to build our ships atleast max 1 level from the ground for our landingbays.
i worry for elder scrolls 6 and hope Emil will have little to no input into it cause i dont want a starfield in fantasy situation
OK so if you can’t be bothered to watch this video – they put out a tweet saying the game is going to be updated ‘this year’. That’s it.
Starfield – the game no one really needed.
I wonder if Bethesda is going to release a mobile port of Skyrim before ES6 lol. I mean modern phones are basically emulating it with Winlator
Switch 2 will use Nvidia T239 SoC as GPU. It’s roughly equal to a RTX 2050 or a standard PS5. So it should not have a problem with Starfield.
Wtf are you talking about lol the games a bag of shit.
Brother ew…
I think the main issue with Starfield replayability is mods. People don’t keep going back to play Skyrim just because it can be replayed indefinitely but because the community keeps working on it and adding more and more contents for it over the year.
Starfield tried so hard to monetise its mods, people flocked into their paid mods program which shift their focus from making great mods they want to play to mods that pay their bill with the lowest effort possible and in return that become a vicious, race to the bottom circle where they have to make these shit low effort mods to thrive which don’t attract people which result in them having to make even shittier mods to survive the ever decreasing playerbase.
There’s no community for Starfield, just an industry but this kind of industry can’t survive without a community.
Id rather go on my 20th Skyrim run than have to play one minute of starfail….
I tried Starfield but could not get into it. The first town place was so dull and the combat was meh.
The space bit looks great aesthetically. That’s about it
Starfailure is dead, it died barely a week after release. It has nothing to offer anyone, it’s a bland, boring, sterilised, DEI dogshit game that deserved the failure it has become. The “cut content” aka the “expansion” just proves they are creatively bankrupt and have nothing. Will never break even let alone make them a profit. Nobody cares about it anymore other than to either meme on it or laugh at it
No matter what FO76 does it is not a fallout game in my eyes it’s a trash take on a fallout mmo and that’s exactly what it plays like. Starfield I didn’t hate the game but the general game was boring after the 1st play through.
I have little to no hope that they will cheat a banger with ES6 I just can’t see them getting their stuff in order to make another “Great” game. We will see what they do with the oblivion reboot but with skyblivion coming I already know where my time will be spent.
This Game Just Needs VR Support and i’m Back in😜
Base game Starfield is mid at best. It’s far too shallow for a Bethesda game
I’ve totally given up on Bethesda.
nobody even plays this game anymore… what? it’s totally irrelevant in the gaming landscape.
Got bored after landing on 5th planet encountering meaningless faceless piratebase, where the base looks identical
They say they hear us but you didnt hear us the first 20 times so what makes them think we’ll care now?? This is a common practice in gaming in general “We hear you” then nothing or worse happens.. Not holding my breath.
I enjoy the game I’m doing my first playthrough right now and it’s got its hook in me seriously. Gunplay fantastic and I’d never thought I’d say that about a Bethesda game lmao
EXCELLENT VIDEO – I love hearing all your thoughts on Bethesda. Keep it coming. You cavil A LOT though in your reviews (needlessly find fault). Avowed and Shattered Space come to mind.
It’s sad that Sony is always the farthest behind.
Cross plat? Hell no! Pc and Sony, best i can do… sometimes.
show this game trailer is on nintendo or xbox? nah, those people don’t even exist!
The only thing Sony isn’t behind in is lawsuits against fans… but not by much behind nintendo lol
Starfield doesn’t just need a new expansion, it needs an entire overhaul if I’m to get back into it. Love ya Matty, but this is pure hopium. Besides, they already had a chance to redeem the game, if it didn’t happen then I doubt it’s gonna happen at all. Certainly not entirely on the basis of a tweet.
Really hope I’m wrong. But they haven’t really ‘wowed’ me since Skyrim, and that was 14 years ago.
I was wondering today if I should try this game
Starfield is the most diappointing game I’ve ever played. I was so excited for BGS to make a space game and they screwed it up royally. It looks terrible, the dialogue is terrible, the character animation is terrible, the writing is terrible. The star map is utter trash. I bought the expensive version that included the DLC and I’ve never even played the DLC because I have no desire to at all. ES6 is going to be in the same crappy engine BGS won’t move on from and that Pagliorulio guy hasn’t got the first clue about gamers or game deesign. BGS are totally deaf to criticism.
I enjoyed starfield also, I really liked the survival mechanics they added and also the camera zoom toggle. I’m looking forward to the next DLC and hope it’s good.
Starfield is a great game if you are not constantly trying to compare it to Fallout or The Elder Scrolls and expecting all the mechanics and gameplay elements to be the same. Much like how I don’t expect Fallout to do everything the same as The Elder Scrolls and vice versa. Once you accept this and stop expecting the game to be something it isn’t… it’s just simply way more enjoyable to play.
There are a lot of people who try and play Starfield in the same way they would play TES. Just roam around randomly and hope to stumble upon something interesting. The issue is, in this type of game where you can visit entire celestial bodies, there is just no way to do that. The most BGS can do is continually add more and more POIs to selection pool. But people need to realize that whole random POI system they have was never meant to be the main content of the game. I wouldn’t even call it side content; they are the equivalent of radiant quests in Skyrim. It’s just a more advanced version of that.
The other issue is people have too much of a gamified mindset when it comes to the word “exploration”. Landing on a mostly empty planet, walking around and looking at various plants, wildlife, or just the terrain … is also called exploring (and yes that is fun to some people). You could remove all the POI in Starfield and still call it a game about exploration. You just have to understand what that word actually means.
People hear them say exploration and then get disappointed when they see repeated random POIs like as if it was ever going to be possible to fill an entire planet (let alone 1,000) full of unique POIs while also delivering a full game with main quests, side quests, and faction quests. Obviously, there is a limit.
My problem with starfeild is the story. That story kneekaps it from the start.
2000 hour’s on starfield can’t wait for new updates what ever they are glad they aren’t rushing to just jump to ES6 didn’t really play or get into Skyrim so all on Starfield for me.
I don’t hate starfield, I put 200 hours into it, but its just the most blatant example yet of Bethesda not fulfilling the potential there games have to offer.
My biggest gripes.
-The companions are too alike, being from the same faction was a… missed opportunity.
-Settlement mode being worse than FO4… dumb dumb.
-Exploration is stale after a good few planets.
-Exactly identical POI’s with the exact same enemies in the exact same placement within those POI’s and the exact same loot locations.
-Every Star born Temple being exactly the same was just pure lazy.
-AI isn’t the best, especially the animal AI.
-Ship building is fun, but things like not being able to see the internal of the ship during building, place doors and ladders, restrictions that make things difficult for no reason and quite frankly the power management system was anti-fun.
Bonus points
-Va’ruun was bigged up as a mysterious super secret faction, and the DLC did little to expand on them. (As far as I am aware, I haven’t returned since before the DLC launched so feel free to correct me if am wrong.)
-The added survival/difficulty mechanics are… weird… I just wanted a fallout 4 style survival mode, think that was fine.
-The new game plus feature was disappointing…
Would like to see Starfield get the Cyberpunk treatment, however the base game underneath Cyberpunk was actually fun.
Lack of variety in locations was a big problem.
But the absolute worst was the lack of choice in a game where NG+ is integrated into the framework of the main story lmao
WHO CARES if you killed everyone in one location, resulting in not being able to finish a quest of some sort? Thats the only feature that would’ve made it make sense to have multiple playthroughs. How is it that you can’t come in with knowledge of these side quests and just take out the bad guy/girl early?
connecting the dots? they should only focus on the dot that says make good games agian.. question is can they do it
I bought an Xbox X for this game… Thank God for GamePass 🤦🏼♂️
the whole setup for starfield with the 100000 empty planets was flawed from the start.. no way to fix this
My problem with starfield is.. they took out meaningful exploration..and the Shattered Space was lackluster @ best…so… and i am not going back to it. So updates dont really interest me
I completely forgot this game even existed.
To many loading screens plus lies about exploration
Won’t touch Starfield, every second wasted on it is an offense, but deep down, I know Elder Scrolls 6 ain’t ever coming out.
the story was so boring in starfield and felt so unfinished the whole story was built around new game + lol
I love the idea of a location pack for building out more on the planets! been curious to try some mods that attempt to do that. I agree w you that the base game had some awesome quests.
This is the worst Bethesda game ever
If No Mans Sky and Skyrim or The Witcher 3 can all run on the current switch, I don’t see why Starfield won’t run on switch 2
tell bethesda to play 1993 wing commander privateer, to get ideas. starfield is a sleep aid, works better then nyquil
I think an expansion needs to do something with making more points of interests, and connective tissues would be the best things to add in a new story expansion, as well as a planet story, and some uniques. I think some quests/factions in the base game have a lot of potential and could just use more lore added to them
How have they not made an update with more outposts, at this point I don’t want them to spend more time on Starfield, just focus all the resources to make ES6 so we can have it sooner than later.
It’s hard to have faith this game can materially improve without a complete rework – the story, the quests, the fighting, the enemy A.I. the exploration, the skill tree, the feature-removed crafting, the “biggest variety of guns” that’s actually like 3 guns that all kind of play the same – the actual BONES of the game are bad – hollow, poorly thought-out, in an unreactive proc-gen world where NPCs feel like mannequins – it feels like chatGPT generated “generic space game”. It would take basically a complete overhaul to make an upcoming expansion playable I think
Starfield was fun enough after you lower your expectations. Its not Skyrim in space, it lacks exploration. But guilds, guests and nonlinear gameplay are all still there. But it wasnt worth the nearly 10 years Bethesda sank into it. I also dont see how it’s worth fixing if the core issue cant be fixed as its the gameplay concept itself. Just take the L and move on.
So many mods for Starfield that already address a lot of the complaints. And they just keep coming…
None of the quests in starfield was good. The entire game was absolutely mid. Below average even.
As someone who put hundreds of hours into starfield, I love for there to be another installment. I personally enjoyed it. Far from being one of the best Beth games, but it isn’t absolutely terrible. I have hope for the dlc.
More cities would be nice, more missions for trackers alliance maybe more in depth story and if they could make the game little more immersive would be great lol
My big issue with Starfield that I think can bleed into their next games is that it felt “Childfied.” Meaning there were no complex, moral breaking quest that had you take a minute to understand what could happen. Everything was straightforward like “yup, this is good, and that is bad.”
Im ready for Bethesda to disappoint me
i can sooooo see black rock i mean microsoft putting gears of wae 4 and 5 on new consoles before the trilogy collection. thats how they are now
Starfield felt a little sterilized. And this is another big problem with a lot of games these days
We need the base systems developed, Alpha Centauri, Sol and Cheyenne at the very least with 10 pois each, preferably in an unique place where we can use our rover to go through.
They stuck with it just barely long enough to fill that expectation of a DLC that pre-order fools paid for. ES6 isn’t gonna be any better, fellows.
To properly make Starfield live up to its potential would require major effort, and that isn’t something Bethesda is capable of and/or willing to do.
There would need to be a complete revamp of PoIs, both in terms of how they are made (they’d need to be generated layouts to increase variety), the quantity of them, the variety of enemies within them, where they spawn (there shouldn’t be factories/mines everywhere), and so on. And this would only fix part of the problem.
The other part would be there would need to be a reason to want to visit them. That would require a complete revamp of loot. Like mods would have to be dropped, rather than crafted (and you could then perhaps learn the recipe from it, or some of those drops are recipes), and there would need to be more interesting ones. The quantity of uniques and their special perks would need to be greatly increased, while where they drop would need to be limited to certain PoIs. And the loot generation would have to be based on a seed that is saved, so no save scumming the boss right before it dies until you get an item you are happy with.
Space combat would need to be rebalanced, as currently, missiles and ballistic weapons, which are not good against shields, have the longest range, while lasers, which are good against shields, have the shortest. But long range is when enemies are most likely to have shields, while short range is when they won’t. And so everyone with a brain uses particle weapons, which are good against both, and sit in the middle, range-wise. Plus it is just common sense… why dedicate half your weapons to shields and the other half to shields, when you could dedicate all your weaponry to both and wind up with an overall much more effective weapons package?
Melee combat needs a complete revamp. There would need to be special takedown animations. Different weapons should have different animations. There need to be mods for the weapons. There need to be different tiers of the existing weapons. Basically, melee combat would need to be properly implemented, rather than a very basic functionality they just tossed in.
The temples would need to have at least a small amount of “we actually tried” put in as well… each power should have its own trial, its own temple layout. Although, personally, I think the entire “special powers” thing is garbage and should just be removed from the game, but it is there, so it does need to be done well.
And then there’s another huge issue: a game with new game+ needs a reason for players to want to play new game+. Starfield doesn’t offer that, because you can’t be locked out of quests and your decisions make jack all of difference. Even the ones where the quest implementers did the best they could (the clone one, the generation ship, and the pirate line) don’t change jack all, with the pirate line coming the closest in that at least the pirates don’t aggro on you any more, but even there, with an event that should have major impact on the galaxy itself, doesn’t. So systems need to be in place to support actually changing the world, with consequences. Companion variety needs to be increased (both in terms of how many there are, but also in terms of how they act), and again, consequences need to be there.
Then there are matters of scope. They need to add a bunch more cities. Big ones. A major faction’s capital planet shouldn’t consist of a single small town. Heck, there are probably more people on the space ships that appear and disappear in that sector in a given day than would live in a town of that size. And meanwhile, the biggest city we do have in the game is on a planet where… there’s nothing else.
Short of it, there’s so much wrong with Starfield at a core, fundamental level that there’s really no point in trying to fix it. They’re better off making a Starfield 2, with a proper design team, and a focus on making it a game worth playing, rather than a bare bones, low effort game that they expected modders to create content to keep people around, because they did for other games. Because that’s Starfield’s biggest problem. Bethesda figured because they are Bethesda, modders would want to mod anything they released, but failed to realize that they need to release a core game that is compelling enough for modders to want to mod it. They’ve been on a downward slope in this regard for quite a while now, and they’ve finally crossed a threshold where the modders aren’t going to bail them out.
If it’s ever on sale I might bite.
I completely forgot I played through Starfield until I saw this 😂
If any game needed to be live service in some way it was starfield
I think Xbox can keep this one exclusive, it’s ok. I just a physical copy of MCC and Gears collection on the PS5.
I think the cities are too small and the lack of settlements outside of the main cities is jarring. Why is there only 1 city on Jemison why aren’t there any towns not 1 building mining colonies randomly placed when landing on a random point im talking hand crafted towns with actual quests scattered around Jemison its just so unsettled for a settled system. Not to mention everywhere else. Where are the mega farms supplying food why is there more bandit outposts on every planet than friendly towns it makes no sense at all. If I plot a random position on a planet it should be empty except for organic stuff like caves. I shouldn’t be running into spacers every time I land. There should be distress beacons or Vasco saying something like “theres a hostile settlement detected should I mark it on you map?”. Make it a space Sim or a no thoughts RPG you can’t do both
Bethesda is washed. Accept it, move on.
I would love to have starfield on ps5. I still have to finish fallout 4 and dlc. But I keep going back to Skyrim…
Bethesda makes good games, only highlights SKyrim and Fallout 4 without context as to why people still play them, lol. No, Starfield is proof they no longer make good games and maybe never have. Skyrim STILL has very little competition, is one of the best modding platforms to ever exist, and released in a time where OWGs were rare. They tried to repeat that but in space and failed hard.
Cyberpunk core story, characters, premise, world were all awesome on day one. Youre comparing the incomparable.
Considering I’m a big nerd when it comes to space, I loved the idea of starfield and was considering when getting Xbox just to play it but after hearing all the negativity behind it I never got it
I see people saying “why does Matty love the main quest of starfield when his main point when reviewing RPGs is writing” I watch every Matty video. He was my most watched YouTuber last year. He is bias with Bethesda because he’s a massive fan. I played starfield just because I love Bethesda, but I was dissatisfied with the game. But I LOVE Bethesda so I play it and I have hope for the future. Matty loves Bethesda but he recognizes the flaws. He’s as honest and objective he can be while being bias. I respect it. He’s a good reviewer and I trust his opinion
i want fallout 5😢
When FO4 and 76 dropped I replayed FO3 and NV instead. When Starfield released I played the Mass Effect trilogy instead. No regrets. I have a blast playing awesome and entertaining games. None of those come close to entertaining. I have no faith in ES6. ✌🏾
I really enjoy the base Starfield game, would like at least one more expansion that adds some fun mechanics like Fallout 4 added robots. The game is what it is, no point trying to win over critics. I hope Bethesda understands all the criticisms so we don’t go through this hostility again with ES6.
They’re waaay too slow on these updates. We need more than one big update this year.
Sad to say i couldnt even get through the second mission. The suspension of disbelief of random strangers just handing me their personal ship with to real tension or dire circumstance to prompt it was ridiculus
I spent 120 dollars to get its premium edition preordered, played for 40 min then uninstalled. never ever preordering any games from now on learned my lesson big time.
More like get modders to fix everything and provide content so we could get nickle and dimed for every small fix or quality of life improvement
Bethesda should stop, stop reminding ppl how good their games were! Cause it only makes there most recent stuff look worse!
At this rate, with the way Microsoft is going. I wouldn’t be surprised if they announced a PS5 or Switch 2 exclusive game.
Starfield on paper is my dream open world game, but it’s so poorly done. The core elements need to be changed in order for me to play again, and I can’t see that happening. A new planet with a storyline, sure. I mean, it’s content, but once it’s done, then what? I still play Fallout 3 and Skyrim. I wish I could say the same about Starfield, but they dropped the ball big time with it.
They should make it co-op already. It’s just too lonely somtimes and wouldn’t it be cool to show friends all your hard work on posts and ships ect. The mods are what’s keeping this game alive. I like this game but it has its flaws
An aien invasion….is the only thing that would bring me back to that game
I quite enjoy Starfield and have more time in the game in the 18 months it’s been out than in any other BGS game in an 18-month span. For whatever reason, the game resonates with me unlike any other. I like the quests (main, side, and faction), I love the soundtrack, I love the Nasapunk aesthetic they went with, and I even enjoy the exploration for the most part, though it could use some work on the POI and space flight/exploration side for sure. It’s the only space game that hits most of what I want, and I’m willing to live with the compromises because of how good it is in the areas that matter to me.
I’m excited to see where BGS takes the IP since there are a lot of good ideas and potential here. Let’s hope BGS has taken some of the feedback and are bringing something spicy for the “exciting changes” they mentioned in the tweet.
Fallout 4’s modding boom started 2-3 years after its relase. If nothing still happens to Starfield even in its modding scene after 2-3 years then I consider it a dead game.
I could play Starfield, or do literally anything else.
Bethesda jumped the shark with Starfield. I am not sure they will recover from it. people can b excited about ES6 all they want but now they need to prove it to me before I pay money for it but I will likely just play it on gamepass unless it is amazing then I might buy outright. Same with Bioware, although I am more confident they can do better with ME than they did with Veilguard.
Even if they lose a bunch of money on it they should absolutely overhaul the entire game with more content and make areas feel more lived in and unique also they should release a dlc that ties up the loose ends nicely in the end of the base game because that ending left a lot of questions. I was really annoyed that shattered space did not pick up on the main story when people have invested their time in the game and just want a good conclusion. From there they could easily walk away from starfield and that universe altogether and they would be redeemed. Afterwards let creation club content exist for people that really want to hang on to the game and move on to the next elder scrolls and fallout.
Guys let’s just admit that Bethesda has turned into Ubisoft where they think being “safe” is trendy.
Patiently waiting for the ps5 version, been pretty dark on everything and still excited to play
idk guys might need to UPGRADE your pcs to see the good in starfield!
For me it’s pretty simple if they don’t make it a Free Update, i won’t bother.
I didn’t come back for shattered space, just read the patch note and leave.
They need to fix the loot, skills and POIs.
And it should be a Free Update or else i won’t bother.
I enjoyed Starfield and have always thought it to be an excellent game. Just to include other voices here other than people shitting on the game.
they need a phantom liberty moment that actually improves/ fixes the base game. The problem is they think its a great game from what we have heard, while the majority of actual Bethesda fans think its lacklust ( I have been a Big one since fallout3 and also really enjoyed oblivion prior). The base game was ok, but a little sparse and lifeless feeling, but Starfield Shattered Space was a bigger disappointment to me than fallout 76 on release which was my most disliked Bethesda game. At least it had more than a few hours of content. The 30 price was a literal insult of spitting in our face to anyone who pre ordered or paid full price believing in something similar to Fallout 4 dlc. Our fault for having expectations as today they are repeatedly tossed off a cliff.
Not sure how anyone could come away from their statement with anything other than a nothing burger, but boy was that sad.
They really do need the full Cyberpunk 2077 treatment, with both a 2.0 launch of the base game and a Phantom Liberty (or Far Harbor if you want to keep it in the family,) level DLC expansion. It’s not 2011 anymore, and they are way out of position to coast on their laurels about this. other games do what they do better, but they STILL have the best chance at building the definitive space RPG for this generation if they would just put some damned EFFORT in.
And stop absolutely relying on the modding community to fix what they cant or wont. paid mods are bad enough on their own, but any sort of QL mod that comes up should be not only free for all, but rolled into the base game itself via update with the modders permission (and pay for their work.)
I STRONGLY think they’re just throwing good after bad with Starfield, why are they dumping their time and effort into DLC for a game that a large majority of people dislike, I’d MUCH rather them working on DLC or even just afterthoughts for Elder Scrolls and how MUCH LONGER that game is going to be successful…. It seems like we all deep down know that including the company but no one wants to flesh out. I mean, it’s honestly kind of strange
If it’s not a second war between the free star collective and the united colonies, I’m honestly not going to bother
I know exactly what I want from Starfield. I want them to fix all the half-ass stuff in the base game.
I want more POIs so it doesn’t feel like I’m “exploring” the same ones over and over.
I want to be able to save and load ship designs/interiors and outpost interiors. I want outposts to have a point beyond xp grinding.
I want a more deterministic way to get the right affixes on gear than save scumming until a decent set appears. Expanded crafting comes to mind.
I want a decent UI instead of something that’s worse than base game Skyrim.
I want to feel like they put their heart and soul into making great content instead of pouring it into low effort money grabs like $5 quests that don’t even work properly.
But here’s the thing, they knew they had to deliver with Shattered Space, and they half-assed it.
Unless the next expansion not only walks on water, but also addresses a ton of the other issues, ES6 isn’t in my future. I don’t know, but my guess is that they’re cooked.
As long as the new expansion doesn’t hinge on space combat. Since it is so developmentally disabled. I got a FPS RPG, not a space battle game.
Starfield is lame to play. Outer Worlds and Stalker 2 which are similar in genre, feel vastly better to play in comparison. Bethesda needs Microsofts help in developing fun FPS gameplay. Starfield felt almost exactly like Fo4 which had really mediocre gunplay for even the time it came out in, it shouldn’t be their baseline.
In short, poor exploration and copy paste gunplay from Fo4/76 killed me from ever returning to that game. (Also the guns looked like buns)
They should have never promised 10 years of updates.
From start to finish, I really like Starfield as a game. The difficulty sliders really helped with tweaking the game more in the direction of a space simulator that I was craving. However, the writing is just really really bad. The quest designs were mid to bad. And the lone star rangers and the UC faction quests were the only ones worth doing. The main quest was trash, the Ryugen quests were trash, the writing in this game was just…. So bad.
I have no idea what they could do to “fix” Starfield. I wish some of these failing studios under the Microsoft banner would take a stab at adding some content.
Whatever they add to the game, it needs to be good. Like as in “America Rising 2” Good that added a much better expansion to FO4 than Far Harbor or Nuka World.
Lay it on me, Daddy Todd…
I cant wait to go back to Starfield. I will be there day one for the next starfield DLC
Quick question, why are the Starfield writers so bad at their jobs? A good example is that Gal Bank is self-funded, and protected, but if you raid one of the ships you get a single bounty from United Colonies. Should they not have hired Ecliptic to come after the play like with the “wanted” background and that is just one point where they messed up so badly. Did they not have any editors or listed to anyone who play tested them game?
I think you’re extremely hopeful for the outcome you want. Starfield is dead and Shattered Space was simply the coroner pronouncing the time of death. Fallout 76 was improved, but only so that it could be monetized every way possible. Starfield is not a live service/MMO title. If they do any fixing, it isn’t going to be free, it is going to be paywalled. I’m also betting that any fixes/expansions that come out for the game are going to require the Shattered Space DLC to be able to use. They have to sell it somehow.
But honestly, I’m in some serious doubt that they are going to do anything like a fix. I’m betting that what they are announcing is another half baked expansion and “adding ways to play”, and/or porting it to more devices so that more people can be disappointed. If this expansion fails and the additional ports don’t sell like they want, I’m going to bet that they are going to pull the plug on Starfield. And honestly, I wouldn’t care if they do. If they moved the entire Starfield team to TES6 today and made sure that they game released in peak condition, complete, not buggy, and endlessly enjoyable, I say let Starfield lie in its grave. Don’t disturb the dead. Because lets face it, Starfield can’t be fixed. The core game is screwed and would take an entire rewrite to fix it. Again, it’s not like No Man’s Sky, it didn’t just need the features added that were missing. Starfield needs basically the whole game replaced.
their “big year” is going to be a ps5 and switch 2 release.
Maybe if they let you enter planets with your ship without loading screens, which can also be tied into letting you explore the entire planet without being close to your ship, along with the buggy vehicle and and ALL the fixes and QOL changes, starfield would’ve been faaar better received.
And no this doesn’t prove Todd right, because these things should’ve been in the game since launch. Todd thinks he could’ve fixed a bad dlc with a single vehicle
In the games I wish I would never hear about again, Starfield is near the top, right behind Veilguard and Concord.
I love the ship building…but the rest is okay
Fruit of the poisonous tree. Give up hope for BGS; it’s garbage that needs to go bankrupt before they’ll change.
I love SF because of the Star Wars mods
5:46 that filter/color grading is atrocious, what they hell were they thinking.
They are beating a dead horse at this stage, take the L, learn the lessons, move on to ES6 and get it right. I like to think that at least they made all the mistakes on Starfield so maybe Elder Scrolls can still be good.
This game could be good if they put out an expansion possibly called settlers or pioneers and added races or something to settle the empty worlds.
I hate how empty starfield is
In all honesty I’m scared for tes6 but I will say this, if they can really just make a Skyrim 2 but just a little bit better like multiple daedric quests per prince add a deeper system for roleplaying mod compatible and no voiced protag I’ll be happy but yeah.. and also idk if it’s hot but hot take fallout 3 and new Vegas has better feeling combat then fallout 4 and forward I genuity hate the cartoon look for 4 and forward 3 and new Vegas also just feels better in my opinion
you have more explorations in the helgen to whiterun area in skyrim than you have in the entirety of starfield, and i’m not joking, you have less than 20 POI in the whole game… yes you read correctly you have 20 dungeons in the whole game, the loot is fixed, so you’ll always have the exact same items and weapons in the poi, the only random thing are chests content.
They are so incompetent that by “exploring” the first planet of the game, i found the radio station POI that comes with an advanced AA-99 a gun that has a fixed spawn, and comes with the prefix advanced meaning it’s the highest tier of weapon available, i got that weapon as well as an advanced regulator and urban eagle at lvl 4…. those guns don’t even spawn on ennemies at lvl 70… basicly i won the game at lvl 4, completely breaking the ammunition economy, weapon economy, because i had the best loot possible straight off the tutorial ( at this point in the game the mealstrom does 3 to 4 damage per bullet, the aa-99 has a higher fire rate and accuracy and hit for more than 40 dmg, the urban eagle and regulator were over 100 dmg per shot ), for comparison, it’s like escaping oblivion sewers with a max leveled umbra blade, or escaping helgen in skyrim with a dragonbone sword… it’s broken fundamentaly, they are so bad at this they didn’t even think of procedural system using tiles for POI so they could mix and match tilesets to make explorations feel less boring, ffs i knew all POI by heart by hour 10… it’s terrible, even binding of isaac or warframe knows that making a tileset systems allows for a bigger “fake” diversity of environnement to atleast give the illusion of variety… they can’t even do that in starfield.
The frequency of loading screens is why I’m staying away from Starfield. I really want to love Starfield – I love games set in space and focused on space exploration, and I think it’s cool that players can customize and build their own ships in Starfield – but the number of loading screens I have to sit through is immersion breaking. I hope they do something about it (I spent the money, after all), but if they don’t, I fail to see why I should waste my time when I’ve already wasted my money on the game.
Honestly, I didn’t mind the lack of communication. What worries me is when they do release the next update, it’ll be a minuscule thing compared to how long we waited.
“Bethesda mental illness” lol. I was wondering how a tweet resulted in a video 😂
I dont think I’ll ever play ES6. My prediction is that its going to be more of the same crap we saw in starfield. The only possibility for me to get it is if it receives universal praise similar to what ME2 got back when games were great
7:23 exactly how I feel. Shattered space is the reason I firmly believe TES6 will suck. I don’t think Bethesda has it in them anymore. Same with BioWare
Move TF on from Starfuddled!
I played 500 hours of Starfield.
Had a good time.
Built many outposts and ships..
If it had a multiplayer option. I would have stayed for a long time.
Eventually I realized no one was ever going to see it all.
Or interact with it how I designed it.
Made me feel like I was a bot.
The problem with starfield is the fact that it doesn’t feel like an active universe. You have your 5 side missions outside of the main quest and that is basically it. There are no dynamic events that demonstrate that events are happening outside of what the player does. After you complete all the side missions there is nothing left to do other than finish the main story. Considering that you have dozens of starsystems to explore the amount of content seems so minimal. It feels like the game needed more dev time but considering how long it took to come out it makes me think that the people working at Bethesda aren’t up to the task anymore.
Starfield 2.0 is needed.
It was sold as a vast Starfield and we didn’t know whats out there (in space). Somehow every planet has been visited by pirates and people are landing all over the place all the time. There’s random POIs where there should be none, and there are no rivers or anything that looks vaguely like a planet surface. Everything is the same and everything has already been discovered. It’s a dead world – zero life.
From time to time……..nice……
I just kept downloading mods…but i stopped playing. Last time i got on my game wouldnt even start. So now my save is busted..its going to take a lot to get me back into the game.
Honestly im still disappointed with the wasted potential. No one is modding the game anymore. Or if they are, theyre charging money. So theyve completely destroyed the modding scene. All they needed to do was cut the crazy 1000 planets, take another year or 2 and implement seamless travel.
Look at kcd2. We dont need to enter every building or pick up every alarm clock. Youre just taxing our cpu for no reason. No one cares about putting 500 potatoes in an airlock and watching them fall out, when your npc’s cant even use a ladder
the game is done jsut give up and try again, probably the most boring bethesda game ever, god i hope Fallout 5 is not as generic and DEI and this game
I’ll take nms over starfield anyday
Bugthesda’s management is toast.
Not the tasty toast; it’s the toast that fell jelly-side down.
Emil P., Todd, and most of their colleagues need to go.
Screwing up exploration one of the top reasons that players want to play such a game is an unforgivable sin.
After all of the feedback from Fallout 76, they didn’t try to get their act together for Starfield.
I know that Elderly Scrolls 6 is going to be another janky mess.
It will work not as a game but as an easy target for content creators.
I just want them to prioritize quality exploration and immersion over always building larger. Sure Skyrim’s cities are more the size of bigger towns but they certainly feel like cities were people live and I did not get that feeling from Starfield’s
I hate starfield, there is no game I regret so much as a buyer as starfield. If they release a 2.0 version, reviewing they original view for somethig enjoyable, I try. Otherwise I never going to buy a Bethesda game again.
I put 60h in starfield, and I felt like a addict trying to have some high that never happened.a
At this point, knowing they are probably going to double down on procedurally generated maps for ES6, it’s going to be a hard pass for me. I’ve come to the realization that all the dev studios that I grew up with and made my favorite franchises are long dead.
I’m going to have a controversial take, Far Harbor was too bite-sized to get as much praise as it does. I replayed it recently and it is very, very short. It’s not hard to make meaningful choices when the story is as small as it was.
I put over 20 hours in Starfield and really don’t see the appeal in their procedural generation approach for the kinds of games they’re trying to make. The inventory management of all the different resources for crafting and building were just a pain in the ass, I didn’t want to engage in half the systems in the game. It felt like the space theme was getting in the way of the RPG experience they were trying to create, and I think people are deeply in denial about how bad the story is due to procedural generation because aside from some decently written companions most of the setting is utterly forgettable.
So when are they fixing fallout 4? It’s crazy how Skyrim, a game that released in 2011 is more stable with mods on Xbox than fallout 4. I need answers NOW.
A nintendo reveal will be totally disrepectful to the people who bought this day one because it means they have been wasting resources to port this game to a device where very, very few people will play it instead of making the game good.
Hopefully these new updates are whenever they’re doing are better than that piece of crap shattered space DLC like seriously you made Skyrim and fall out for how is the content of this game so much lacking like by this time Skyrim and fallout 4 had multiple DLCS But then again maybe if they put enough effort and work into it they can turn it around like no man’s sky did
Here, let me make even simpler for you- Bethesda, in true Bethesda form, typed a lot of words with letters but didn’t say much of anything.
I think Starfield is a good game, it just needs…more…
That’s why I’m not so much hopeful about Bethesda, but more for the modding scene. I’d buy an expansion from a modded so long as it was quality work & was achievement friendly.
I still like it
Only buying after release and reviewed by non corpo gooners. Skipped Starfield and i played every es including online on release since morrowind. Fallout to. Im the core of Bethesda and i skipped it no regrets.
I do not expect anything from Bethesda at the Nintendo event because they could barely get the DLC to run properly on modern consoles without weird hiccups, at least for me.
Honestly, Starfield broke my heart. I loved Fallout 3, New Vegas, and 4. The dlc’s were great, some of the bugs were liveable… Then they announced Starfield with just the logo at the end of that major event years ago. For all those years, i waited for a fallout-ish experience, but in space. Then they announced all the systems and planets and i started to worry….
Like, there’s not much to do in the game. I’m on NG+7, so i have tried, there’s just nothing there. You visit the first 3 other planets that don’t have much to do, and everything after that is just copy/paste. I’m sorry, but a space farmer settlement game doesn’t do it for me.
I wish they stuck to a handful of planets and made the space traveling a more important part of the game. Going to space, maybe fighting one or two ships, then jumping to another planet…. It gets boring after the 30th time. Everything in Starfield is procedurally generated rinse and repeat.
I still love the idea of what Starfield could’ve been, but what it actually was… Well, it was disappointing at best.
I am over bethsda games. They are clunky and require to much time spent reading. Starfield has potential but it freezes and skips way too much to be a modern game.
Its hard to take you seriously when you cant explain why you didn’t like something by giving clear examples of what next expansion needs 🤷🏻
Starfield will never reach the levels of love players have for their previous titles, you would need to completely redesign the game from scratch, it can’t be fixed through minor updates.
My biggest disappointments with the game were: lack of a sense of travel through space, randomized POIs, and lack of meaningful loot.
The graphics, music, and quest lines were all great.
The game needs a content expansion that integrates with and improves the aspects of the base game that players found lacking. Combat, exploration, weapon and armor variations, stealth. Especially exploration.
A standable expansion only works if the main game already attracted and engages players. Fallout 4 and skyrim DLC that added new lands and all that content are built on top of a generally strong and loved foundation. Starfield, shattered space and any other expansion doesn’t have that.
I don’t know how people keep going back to vanilla FO4 or Skyrim. They’re so boring without a boatload of mods.
Another video where he was going to talk about something negative and ends up being another “Matty Gargles Bethesda/Todd Howard’s Mayonnaise” video.
For Starfield, the next expansion should be Giant Mechs that are upgradable with motors, Shields, missiles, lasers, jumping power, running power, punching power !
Mods have already fixed what Bethesda should have. New POI’s, weapons, ships, and quests.
0:08 is what the video is about.
Starfield made me SO sad. It seemed really exciting but it made me bored, annoyed and quite underwhelmed. I didn’t even play the DLC even though I got the expense edition that has shattered space built in. I just played it once and fully quit. 😢
I need another galaxy and more intelligent 👽 life
The only way that Starfield will in any way redeem themselves is if Quests and Exploration Points of Interests are added to the game for ALL THE REST OF THE 800 PLANETS THAT ARE CURRENTLY BARREN!!!! This game was so doomed from the start when Todd Howard announced there was 1000 planets in the game but only 200 of the planets were handcrafted, if that!!! Starfield Needs the “No Mans Sky Treatment!”
Starfield will be forever broken as a gameplay experience so long as you have to go through loading screens every 5mins to progress anything, i was honestly impressed with the ship customisation and combat but there’s nothing going on in space other than hyperdrive jumps and loading screens
This whole video feels like Matty wants Bethesda to make a very good expansion just so HE can clap back at people who don’t like Starfield. So Matty can say – SEE? Bethesda is still great.
Also Matty, calling Fallout 76 ‘a bump in the road’ is an understatement of the century!
Very excited! God bless!
Starfield needs to improve what they already have, not focus on adding more “expansions”. The planets need more content, a reason to explore. It’s literally just a go to marker game. You never go off on skyrim-esk tangents coz you’re not traversing the same way. The base building/mining, etc also has no reason to partake in it.
I appreciate the work that went into the buggy being added but it sucked overall.
I will never forget the line they said where they planned on players to enjoy Starfield for 10+ years. The game didn’t even keep me entertained for 6 months, and the lack of any good dlc content is extremely disappointing. They must have really thought we would go nuts over the bland, copy and paste content and the lack of any real unique loot. Even the armor sets, which I always love in Bethesda games, were disappointing. The whole game is just a big disappointment. I try to come back to it every now and then and I always get bored and just want to play Fallout or Skyrim again.
Is moving free corrections err.. updates.. to a paid expansion really a ‘w’ for fans?
It takes 15-20 minutes to load in my save on series X. Then it freezes often especially on planets with 6 or more total plants or animals. It just is not playable on console and I get no help, no support from Bethesda.
The problem with Starfield is that Bethesda went to broad with their gameplay ideas without adding enough depth; so any attempt to expand on a single aspect of the game (like a story DLC in a single location) means abandoning other aspects of the game like spaceship customisation, space exploration, procedural generation, outpost building. They’ve trapped themselves in a situation where they can’t please their fans who all enjoy the game for very different reasons.
In my opinion, their future DLC should be much broader in scope and touch on enhancing most gameplay systems in some way; they decided to create a game with 100 star systems and over 1000 planets yet Shattered Space preferred to pretend that they didn’t exist. Starfield will forever feel like a failed attempt if they decide to do the same in their next DLC.
This isn’t a diss, but you seem to care more about Starfield than Bethesda does.
Imo, they need to move on and focus on Elder Scrolls.
It needs to be big, and they need to focus on tech to create what everyone is expecting.
I wrote the following review on November 25, 2023 after 325 hours. I see with a certain pleasure that some of my ideas have been taken up.
(I haven’t played the DLC yet. Reasons: a) I didn’t feel like it after I heard it was buggy after the release b) Sorry, I personally just don’t like purple)
Who is laughing now Todd?
So I’m not really laughing because of Starfield…… Or differently than Todd imagines…. Okey. I’ve been playing Bethesda / Zenimax games since Morrowind. And a lot, but by no means exclusively (from AAA to Indy/Betas everything is included with me). Bethesda launches have often been associated with the release of certain Xbox consoles. So it wasn’t really surprising to me that Bethesda now belongs to Microsoft. Always had a lot of fun with the vanilla versions of Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout, ESO etc. and the mods. While it was a bit sad that the release of Starfield was postponed, I found it understandable in the end. In the meantime, the hype around Starfield was getting bigger and bigger and I couldn’t really escape it. Because – except for Fallout 76 – I always found the development from game to game at Bethesda very good.
State of affairs: So, why don’t I recommend Starfield to other people? After so many hours in the game? Why do I still continue to play?
A) Maybe I am a Stoic (For the Stoic as an individual, it is important to recognize and fulfill his place in this order by learning to accept his lot through the practice of emotional self-control and striving for wisdom with the help of serenity and peace of mind (ataraxia)).…..
B) Hope for the community (mods / patches)
C) Levels for potentially good addons ATTENTION!
From here on there will be spoilers that I do not mark individually as such: Besides, this is my personal subjective opinion. So please don’t hit ^^
What did we get that is GOOD and was to be expected as usual for Bethesda: Faction Quests: Are good to very good. You will also be rewarded with useful items (stealth part or nice ships). Interesting side quests. Partly really well written German voice acting
What did we get that is ANNOYING and was to be expected as usual for Bethesda: Annoying return after quests to the quest giver (unfortunately increased immeasurably by the artifact quests with Vladimir)
What did we get that is NEW and GOOD: Shipbuilding Graphics themselves
What did we get that was actually thought of differently and was nerfed for the broad mass of players and thus makes little sense? Food: (Man, how hard the Bethesda staff went to create so many different types of food). Is actually useless in the current version; even if you have leveled everything corresponding in the skill tree and it is now also possible to consume directly (Fully skilled character results in 2 percent more XP / XP through food? yes….) I’d rather sit in a doll’s corner and pretend to eat cake with 4-year-olds….
Base Building: Yes, there is. However, if you consider that e.g. Helium 3 was originally essential to get from one system to another…. Now you can just fly through “Brain AFK”. Simply adjust your ship briefly. How happy I would have been to find helium 3 tanks in a base (as still available)…. Well….
Opponent AI….: Was too smart for the players???
Environmental conditions nerfed: Suit values present (see the system in “No Man’s Sky”). Good immersive idea. Now it practically doesn’t matter what environmental values your suit has…..
Diseases annoyed: Yes…. Is too complicated for players….
Now to the bad things for ME (measured by a certain “Bethesda standard”): The soundtrack…. With a few exceptions like this Death Metal music (I’m not a Metal Head) or the music in the Astral Lounge, I really don’t like the soundtrack. Sorry. I have a lot of fun with games that have a terrible soundtrack, BUT: THIS IS BETHESDA!!! Compare the music of Starfield with the soundtrack of Skyrim. I had so much enjoyment with Skyrim music; even outside of the game. Soundtracks in games and movies make up half of the experience (for me). Man!….
Facial animations: Basically not so good. Congruent with the voice acting of the NPCs? Acceptable in the English version. In the German version, you wish for a sack on every NPC (serving suggestion: Mantis helmet)…. 😉 Man, so much energy put into multilingual editions and then you just don’t want to SEE it….
Skins: Ok, if you had the Constellation Edition (cough!) you can’t even customize Heller’s cutter. Only the standard cutter…. I understand that the whole skin story is designed for the upcoming (monetized) mods…. Nevertheless, it would be nice if I had the opportunity to transfer the design of e.g. suits that I already call my own to others (with better values but not desired design). Um… It doesn’t work….
Crafting: Have you leveled up to become a medical genius? Want to make medi-packs? Not possible… Ok, you get enough of it while you play, though…… Really?
Suit and weapon crafting: There is NO such thing. You can CUSTOMIZE your stuff. Where do we get there, if everyone just grabs a weapon or ebony ore…. (um, armor) from scratch? And maybe have a lot of fun increasing the values of the items immeasurably via potions and blacksmithing equipment? No, no….. This is the future and not a fantasy game…..
Melee Weapons: And here it happens: Even in this one….. Fallout 76…… you can adjust them. Your steam hammer or claw can only be leveled with the “unarmed combat” skill, but hey, it works.
Shipbuilding in your own base: Hm…. You could now massively farm materials via the Outposts. But unfortunately, you can’t use them to create a ship yourself. You CAN create ships there, after all, you are now a genius in ship design. But you dummy!! You are a consumer. So PAY for your ship. Build your own from materials? You’re really funny… hahaha.
Procedural content generation: Ok, to be honest, it’s not really alien to Bethesda. See “Arena” and “Daggerfall”. But a handful of randomly placed locations that are the same on every planet (down to the positioned corpses)? A little more would be really good…..
Hopes for the further development of the game:
– Mods: I’m very curious to see for which mods Bethesda grants and records the official release and for which not….
– Va ́Ruun DLC (maybe in this Serpentis system? 😊 – A DLC with ONE handcrafted planet. But RIGHT. That’s Bethesda’s strength. Handcrafted things. So do it. 😊
– Hope that Microsoft helps Bethesda to make the engine a little fluffier and the location screens a little smaller. So that the “flow” so often touted by Todd doesn’t get lost in the loading screens….
– Clever (modifiable) melee weapons with range. The golden Va ́Ruun blade is quite nice and benefits from certain suit mods. But you can do better Bethesda. I know it.
– I want to belive: Bethesda,… Consult NASA for advice. Super. Does the “Drake equation” mean anything to you? I want intelligent aliens. A company like Bethesda, with such a (literally) fantastic backround. You can do it!!! 🙂
– Shipbuilding: What are the arguments against turning, mirroring or turning structural parts in all directions???
Then I get the Constellation watch out of the closet again and wear it with pride. 😀 DDD
They need to cut their loases and get ES6 and FO5 out. Its a guaranteed payday for Bethesda.
A company that size taking 15+ years to release a sequel is absolutely ridiculous. Unacceptable
Sees the video is 14 minutes long. When will Matty talk abut Starfield?
couldnt finish star field. It acted like i should not care. i love the clubhouse! but there is no story.
If starfield was just 1 planet and much more focused, I think it would have been fucking amazing.
They need to find a way to make exploration interesting again, and Starfield is fixed in my eyes
So, Todd actually wonders if people would like Shattered Space more if they locked their new transportation method behind a paywall….
Starfield 76 incoming, I’ll bet my last penny on it.
Nobody cares about starfield anymore we just want elder scrolls 6
Too many loading screens in this game it’s an absolute joke. Also they need a radio of some kind so mission can complete without having to reaver through 5 solar systems to just go hey I did what you wanted. Logistically a ridiculous game
4:28 “they MAKE damn good games that are fun to go back too”
Proceeds to list games 10 years or older… I think the correct tense at present is “made”
They should’ve increased the seed for the game. So the random generation would generate waaaay more things. Essentially like Minecraft’s random worlds. But they didn’t, why??? I don’t know, age of empires from the 90s had this crap, I don’t understand what the deal with them is.
Starfield stopped being a part of my gaming language when they started charging for everything while having a largely empty game. If I want new content in a game I’ve already paid for, I have to pay more. If I want to use mods to help fill the universe out, I have to pay if I want to keep gaining achievements. Starfield has made me largely turn my back on Bethesda. I haven’t even touched Indiana Jones because it was dropped by Bethesda, that is how betrayed I feel.
I think the game deserves to be worked on more, hopefully they leave it to work on ES6 and maybe next year they begin developing more of the game.
Im looking forward to more updates, modding is great, there are well over 10,000 mods for the game already, but official expansions are important. I have over 1300 hours in the game already & still have yet to get to all the quests, & im still on my 1st playthru too lol, the game is excellet, but more is needed to fill it out. I’d suggest go thru the popular mods & include the ones that enhance & fix the game perfectly, then add more DLC. There’s lots more they can do besides too, so its just a matter of where they want to focus, & where the actual players want them to go.
My love and adoration for Bethesda and their games has shifted to other studios now, it’s far too late to gain it back, unfortunately. Elder Scrolls 6 used to be my most anticipated game, now I just really couldn’t care less and that’s sad but true.
Starfield just straight up WASN’T FUN. You can grind and “explore” but at the end of the day there’s no drive to get lost in the game world it’s self. They should just take it as a loss and focus on more successful IP’s
I say drop Starfield and move everyone onto ES6. Learn from Starfield so that the sequel is better.
Wish i saved my money to be honest…
I was a Bethesda fan boy. I loved prior works up until. Fallout 76. But starfield. I took 2 weeks off work when it launched. It broke my heart and it’s never mended. I still have some hope for Bethesda but ES6 will be the make break point.
Not gunna help Halo, or the joke its turned into, all they do is add rainbows and dumb crap
i don’t think starfield is enough of a success to ever do starfield 2.
Its definitely gunna be the mods that save Star Field but they shouldn’t aim to create games that have to be modded to be good
This next DLC, needs to come out in 2025 and it needs to be BIG. It needs to be bigger than Shattered Space was, more diverse, with more content, maybe even the biggest Bethesda DLC yet, with a large section of planet to explore, lots of content, designed around the features and ideas of starfield (maybe even including the buggy) and then… maybe… with a large DLC like that, almost like a standalone smaller side game if you wanna think of it that way, and being available on all consoles, then Starfield might have actually redeemed itself to a lot of players and be in good standing. And tbf, at that point, I think they could end Starfield 1 off there, just like that and leave it in good or at least “better” standing with the fans, so they can fully transition to TES VI with more confidence from the fans and in the teams themselves.
Star field to me is why The Outer Worlds I think did it better. Instead of a hundred plus worlds where only a few actually have stuff of interest in them, that game shows you can go to 5-10 worlds and each one is developed enough to spark one’s interest in a positive way without 85% of the world being empty.
Why do we keep putting stock in these games studios that continuously lie to their consumer base about their product?
-Here’s a good idea that Bethesda might want to adhere the next time they tout a big release and want to support it for years… make a good game. It really is that simple.🤨😏
-My synopsis of SF: Starfield was good for about 2 hours. It was decent for about 10 hours. It was repetitive shite for, well, the rest of the game. Skyrim it was not (Actually, come to think of it. It was exactly the same with a different coat of paint. Perhaps that’s the problem?).😐
I think it’d help exploration greatly if they:
-make more interesting craftables, that provide different gameplay or are just cool to engage with, so you’ll want to gather resources more;
-Interesting collectibles, maybe with some leaderboard associated with them or a group, maybe some lore additions, so you’ll want to get out and explore POIs;
– put much higher cooldowns on POI repetition, because they already have a ton of POI to discover, so you don’t get tired of repetition;
– steeper prices on stores for buying resources, so you’re more incentivized to gather them on planets than buying them.
Maybe a system to recycle objects like in Fallout too so you can gather just about anything and get benefits.
And If they make human enemies feel more different between each organization, with classes that have different counters and loot, it’d also help in keeping things fresh with each POI you encounter.
Also, while we have a ton of POIs in Starfield, the most interesting ones are usually human structures, so I think it’d be interesting to add more natural POI and maybe random natural events (meteor shower, earthquakes, Vulcanic eruption), so they can make barren and distant planets less humanly inhabited while still eventful. Give players an XP reward for surviving a dangerous events like that.
BGS is done, time to let it go.
As someone who loved Starfield as is as well as Shattered space; I think all Starfield needs to solidify itself as a good game in the overall perception of gamers, is another quest expansion the size of Shattered Space & above all else improve the points of interest algorithm. Add about 15-20 more POI possibilities as well as some new enemy types & if possible, improve space exploration. If they could do that, then it’d probably be seen as a win by most gamers. Imo Starfield was already good so it’d just be icing on the cake.
I use to be very excited for ES6. Then Starfield came out and i realise how bad it was. How outdated their Engine is. How SOOO MANY RPG’s have come out since ES5 in 2011. (Witcher 3, KCD2, BG3 etc) And they have set the bar EXTREMELY HIGH! I don’t have the confidence in Bethesda and Todd Howard that they can catch up or break new ground in the OPEN WORLD RPG genre. They are already a decade behind. It’s disappointing.
I haven’t played since it came out but if a Ps5 port happens I’ll try it again. I do have hope.
I started to write all the things I want to see in Starfield, but I realized I just don’t have the heart. Bethesda doesn’t care what players want, they don’t care about making sure the game works right, and they don’t care about putting out great content. Todd’s tagline that Starfield is “irresponsibly large” tells so much.
Its still crazy that you had an interview with Todd Howard.
I think what’s missed in all of this is that the Starfield hype wasn’t there to begin with. Nobody wanted this game, especially when it came at the expense of ES6. It basically delayed their flagship franchise, and now anyone who wanted ES6 is going to view this game way more harshly than they may have before.
Best source of game news. Make a daily video series
With respect, I disagree. Bethesda needs to ditch ship entirely and focus on what their customers want. It’s. It starfield. Not by a long, long margin
There’s no reason to play starfield when Cyberpunk exists in the state that it’s in 😂
‘Bethesda obsessed Autism’ is a more fitting term (and no, it’s not offensive to use the word before anyone starts)
I enjoyed my 70 hours with Starfield. It was a good time. That being said, I wouldn’t be upset if they laid it to rest and focused fully on ES6.
I caught the nostalgia bug and went and found the old Shoddycast TES videos and saw that you were a guest star on one of their podcasts! Small world
Bethesda will always disappoint. Don’t get too excited.
Hopefully Bethesda can improve the Radiant quest generation from the mission terminals. At the moment, they are small one off go here shoot-this or deliver-that. More types are desirable, for example go find a certain type of creature and scan it. Protect a ship/place/person at some location. Go help somebody by applying medical care, or repairing their ship, or maybe returning them to safety.
If they expand this into mission chains, there would be more of an adventure to them, and be so much more fun. At each mission POI, present an option to select from more than one course of action. The choice selected will alter the final outcome in some way. Repeat for N parts of the Radiant quest chain. The result will be a small adventure outcome that reflects the Player’s choices at the quest finale.
Perhaps add ‘news’ monitors at some locations that would report on the Player’s accomplishments, like the SNN broadcasts do.
There’s lots of things that Bethesda could choose to pursue.
I have been a Playstation guy for about 20 years. I bought my first xbox just so I could play this game. I played it for about 5 days and was so bored that I stopped playing it and that was that.
I played for about 100 hours, was utterly bored, uninstalled and have less than zero interest in returning to it. During the same time, reinstalled both Fallout 4 and Skyrim a few times and will so again.
Starfield sucked and I’m a huge Bethesda fan and obsessed with Fallout but SF wasn’t even close to the level of previous titles.
They need to drop Starfield and put all hands on deck for Elder Scrolls 6.
You are aTodd fan.
Todd is charismatic.
But also manipulative.
I dont entirely trust him.
I uninstalled the game 0 interest in reinstalling.
The player Oblivion mod will be higher quality and be out before the Beth remaster.
Destin did a good video about XBox you shoukd watch it.
I would probably game back if they made an in depth survival mode.
I enjoyed Starfield well enough. But the fact that the world isn’t one big place really hinders the emergent gameplay. I put in 60hrs and moved on to the next thing because I really felt I was “done” with it. But, I’d be down for a reason to come back.
This gave me the wishlist video vibes, bring them back! Those were my absolute favorite videos from you before FO4
Todd I have your reading this but if you want make your games good again, get rid of your legendary weapon system and bring back unique weapons.
Please just drop Starfield and move on. Game sucked from day 1 and it was just a Todd jerk off fest. He needs to retire so he doesn’t soil ES6.
what StarFail needs is to remain locked in the Bugthesda basement (cause that piece of shiet game stalled Elder scrolls And fallout 5 ) Also they really need to step up the game creation ,8+years for 1 (!) single game is a joke ,specially if it ends up mediocre ,you have people ,make more teams and work on MULTIPLE GAMES AT THE SAME TIME ! Your Fanbase is GETTING OLDER ,bethesda…hurry up…
Maybe they should break their silence on what they’re doing about Fallout 4, while they’re at it.
They came in, completely ruined the game for no reason, and left without a word.
Fuck Bethesda. It’s clear they don’t give a shit about Fallout 4 or the people who play it.
I shouldn’t be required to downgrade and be forced to use out of date mods because nobody at Bethesda gives a fuck about the quality of their work.
“[…] it did not go over well with most people […]”
For one, 3300 people is not “most people” “It didn’t go over well for most who reviewed it” would have been a better way f phrasing it. Often, it’s a vocal minority of players who complain about the game whereas you don’t hear much from the majority who are perfectly happy with it. I couldn’t be _happier_ with my purchases of Starfield, the Soundtrack, Shattered Space, most recently, the Premium Edition upgrade, and the $50 I’ve spent on creation credits. I love the game, it feels like a return to roots for what a Bethesda game is, for better or worse, it just FEELS good to play. I’ve added a few things for immersion and QoL, but over all, It’s been an absolute joy to play. Now, granted, I can’t speak to the game prior to Jul 4, 2024, when I initially purchased it, but aside from having to do some finagling with my admittedly unsupported RX 580 at the time (I’ve since upgraded to an RX 6600 and am getting 106fps (on average) @ 1080p Medium, I’m one happy camper. It’s been a great experience thus far.
I care. Keep these coming.
After playing Starfield and the expansion I think the best thing Bethesda could have done was just make it all in the Sol system. Have a story about how parts of the Earth were destroyed but there were still livable areas but we had to leave the Earth. Have a moon colony, have a Mars colony and have a colony on Jupiter’s moon, Europa. Have huge space stations around Earth Mars Moon and Europa. Make it less in the future to explain why we can’t warp to another system yet but that we can easily get around our own solar system. Then just pack a ton of content into all these locations like a regular Bethesda game.
Just port it, forget about it, full steam ahead to ES
Starfield is a solid and fun game. It gave me what I wanted, Skyrim in space! And even tho it has its flaws I love the game and hope their is more DLC to come
My biggest gripe with Starfield is the emptiness. in every other bethesda game if you walk into the middle of nowhere, eventually something will happen around you, whether that be an unique enemy encounter or a courier, etc. With starfield if you go onto a planet in the middle of nowhere, absolutely nothing will happen, just dead air.
Bethesda is dead!
Long live Warhorse!
They need to focus more on the fighting between the factions. I don’t even think they need a new world or anything unless it’s a place that all 3 factions are vying for control of. What they really need to do with it is also just add more stuff to the planets they already have. Give us more factions stuff, maybe some smaller settlements where they’re making a go of it, just more character and more things to explore in the space we already have.
I don’t know what it was, but the whole intro fell flat. Really just didn’t work for me. Having a NPC and his entire guild tell me over and over that they know I’m excited, how could I not–and I wasn’t. I was just bleh. Then I get to the big city and it feels lifeless. Then I tried to do missions and it was boring. I just can’t invest in a game that isn’t fun.
I don’t know how to explain why I felt this way but I just couldn’t get hooked. I’m scared for TES VI. That is the game I’ve been wanting for 8 years and now I dread it.
When it comes to Bethesda its all about managing your expectations, because whatever theyre selling is not as good as they like to think it is.😊
One thing i don’t want any rpg to do is shorten the playtime. I think all rpgs should be 80+ hrs. I mean these games aren’t made for the people that want instant gratification to me they are made for us to escape to a new world for months and if there’s enough to do you quickly forget all the beginning and makes a new play through that much more enticing
“cook” makes me cringe😅
Enjoy your betheslop 🤣
If bethesda cant bring their voice acting, writing, and animations into 2025. I think everyone should boycott TES6 until it goes on sale. Because if starfield cant have dialogue and cutscenes AT LEAST as good as the witcher 3 thats wildly embarassing.
If TES 6 writing, animations, voice acting, and cutscenes meet the bar of 2015, a literal decade ago, then they do not deserve our money.
Interesting video – misleading title
Man, Bethesda i don’t care about no Starfield i want Fallout 5 or a 3/New Vegas remaster.
Even give some more expansive DLC for Fallout 4, not a fan of Skyrim im not a dungeons and dragons Lord of the fantasy type of guy.
Bethesda needed to abandon starfield before shattered space
Resources moved to ps5 port I think.
Honestly, Starfield is just a really boring world. Like super boring. The lore isn’t interesting and it’s too family friendly.
If you’re gonna sell me a Sci-fi game, I expect to see some hardcore stuff or some crazy interesting concepts… not a done to death multiverse main story which is just too fantastical unbelievable and takes away any and all tension from the universe.
The Settled Systems are also very generic and boring. I was hoping the Shattered Space dlc would get me more intrigued for a new faction, but instead it made them so basic and generic, just another boring faction that honestly is even worse than the base game factions.
Idk, it’s gonna take a lot for me to actually think about ever going back to Starfield, but as is… the Crimson Fleet questline isn’t enough to keep me going.
How many come backs you gonna suport from them?
Wait Starfield is coming to PlayStation 😮? 😅 Just joking…
The only Starfield update I want is them announcing they are done with it and moving on to TES6
MS is not announcing xbox games at nintendos show or ps show lol. That is very silly to think that would happen BEFORE MS shows a MS game on their own show. C’mon man!
Tbh with you I am expecting nothing from Bethesda anymore
Bethesda must be shuttered, Todd Howard fired. they are a disgrace. ES6 is going to be trash. 100%
They need to add about 100 more random POI’s and seriously try and reduce the loading screens…Also they should add in some cuss words and grime to the world cause its way to squeaky clean. Main problem tho is when your all into the game and immersed it totally pulls you out of the experience when you have to go through 5 loading screens just to get to a new location.
The player count isn’t where it needs to be?!
It’s not even fucking close lmfao. I don’t understand why they’re still even working on this game.
Every person touching Starfield at Bethesda right now should immediately be pulled off of it and put onto ES6 if that game is going to have a sliver of hope at righting the ship.
According to LinkedIn, Bethesda Game Studios is on a hiring spree. Mostly Senior positions (alot of them Engine-related) & with some very experienced people landing a job. Like, I have spotted a “Lead Environmental Designer” who worked at BioWare during SWTOR days and some other guy from 343. Both 2024 hires. Both Senior positions.
I am still waiting for someone with better LinkedIn connections than me to do a deep dive.
[I haven’t bought Starfield and may only do so on sale, but still curious.]
Edit: The first thing they need to do yesterday is fire Emil and give the game a makeover (not DLC) with new writers who know what they are doing. But I won’t hold my breath.
Click bait. Ur title had pretty much nothing to do with ur video bud.
It’s kinda sad that just them breaking silence saying yeah we are working on stuff is a w like I feel at this point an update preview just to see what is taking up there time like say yes the ps5 version is coming it’s crazy to give a new franchise to just one console like money could of rolled for this game and the support could of been better that’s which is beside the point I’m making but like drop a blog on what you have down the pipe line to feed the community some hype again like you had two major expansion in 9 month for fallout 4 with workshop in the middle
I love matty man but it’s hurts my soul when he says starfield has good quest like it had so much potential like no full scale war between the untied colonies and the cowboys boring one missed opportunity but different folks different strokes
I think that they should focus on making space exploration better. Maybe figure out a way to make it seamless? The astrogate mod already do this to some degree with a lot of jank to be honest but an expansion that focus itself around space and ship combat would be really fun if they figure out a way to make it feel better
There is no future for Starfield.
Paid mods killed any loyalty that I had towards Bethesda and I have been playing Bethesda games since Daggerfall. I simply won’t participate in anything Bethesda related as long as paid mods exists. It is what it is and I won’t change my mind.
It all sounds nice but will turn into another disappointment. Prove me wrong Bethesda…
I think the bethesda we grew up with no longer exist!
I’m back to modding Skyrim after a 2 year break
Im enjoying avowed more than i ever did starfield. Surely that shouldnt be
Matty elder scrolls 6 better be good or Bethesda is no longer a good company
I can’t believe that investing in making Starfield better will at all effect the success of Elder Scrolls. The reality is Bethesda MUST NOT FAIL with ES6. So going all in right now seems like the right plan.
Oh boy the Menu navigation sim is releasing more slop can’t wait
To be fair they are costing buy on starfield with the garbage that is overpriced creations(if you can’t tell i hate that system), also why do xbox fans thing Nintendo of all company’s are gonna share their stage with xbox during the reveal of the Switch 2.
Saying that Starfield needs to get to the Fallout/ES levels of being replayed before they move on is pretty wild. There is about a 0% chance of that happening at this point.
The base game itself was average at best and that is if you are being generous. Then the expansion was not only bland and not well thought out – it was massively overpriced. The game is dead and they should just let the IP fizzle out over time.
Bethesda need to put everything they have into ES6 and Fallout 5. Because if one or both of those are as disappointing as Starfield, then they are in some serious trouble.
Proving that they will MAKE their big games good, even if the first year is bumpy, is important for player trust. Beth might have market research polling that says Elder fans are nervous that it will suck, and suspect that Beth might abandon it too, or just close (eek). If players see that Beth kept working on Starfield and kept improving it, like they said they would, well that would help their image.
It’s been a while but you finally said something I agree with
I would still rather play 76 than attempt Starfield again. And the fact I feel that way still makes me sad.
LMAO, we don’t f**king care anymore, Todd.
Stop..stop stop stop. There is no Oblivion Remaster. If there was we would have already had a trailer in February or January especially if it was launching in June. I hope to eat my words. But I really don’t think we will get an Oblivion remaster.
Not gonna lie, Fallout 76 is still an L in my book. Was NEVER my flavor, or what I want out of a bethesda RPG.
hope they put a crap load of work for it be a be an absolut diaster and a bunch of people get fired and they get a big shake up because they are not currently able to make a great elderscrolls 6 game with the current team.
Currently playing oblivion right now finishing up the achievements. Only have 5 left. Doing shivering isles
I’d love to see a UC vs Va’ruun zealots war. The story could be that Varuun is attacking a sector of UC space and you’re leading a military operation. Love to see more large space and land battles.
I still haven’t replayed skyrim over two years
They would get the player numbers up by targeting the space sim player base and overhauling space travel the game will probably sink or swim on if they do that or not. I mean you only have to look at the comments of a NMS vs Starfield video for example to see that doing something about that would have a big impact on player numbers.
bruh, less than 2% of the launch player base came back to play when Shattered Space launched. Interest in analyzing the game isn’t the same thing as interest in *Playing* the game.
Are ppl actually paying the unoptimized garbage.
The problem has been the procedural planning. They need to overhaul that aspect with the bases and locations. Basically you want to have a good classification system for the procedural levels. It is basically getting the combinations right for how it pulls and designs the procedural level so that there isn’t a high repeatability of the dungeons and levels and so that exploration isn’t repetitive. Like basically, there needs to be an actuary to model the algorithm so that there is a low probability of a repeat level or area and figuring out how to craft and design those amounts requires a good sense of statistical modeling and combinatorics. I found that too often there were levels and enemies that were too frequent and exploration was more or less not rewarding. I also think the transitions cutscenes were also the main reason that it felt bad. It was choppy to fly around or fast travel and it didn’t feel seemless like how No Man’s sky does it where the loading screens are hidden. I still played 20 hours of the game somehow. But I quit once I got mad at the quests where it is follow the green dot and then you just go from green dot to green dot never really doing anything. So it felt like life.
Bethesda proudly presents: basic shit that should have been in the game day 1 , available now on creation club for 19.9999 dollars only 🙂 Enjoy bethesdcucks
bethesda on that 1 year per patch grindset
Or they could fix the borked job they did the FO4 in the last update. If they can’t even do that, you really think one dlc is gonna fix a game with even MORE issues?
Hopefully they can squeeze in some more loading screens, maybe some when you check your inventory or something nice like that
I have this game and I forget it exists.
Starfield is the best game to launch with GIX, GI-2.0 in particular. Robot demo from launch of AMD GPUs must’ce shown the tech. I doubt Starfield would have it’s story fixed – but it still may have lighting and shadows fixed. And there’s still a small chance path tracing could launch on switch 2.
Starfield is a joke. Do we really need to hear more about this turd?
I’ve been over Starfield for a while now. Total let down from Bethesda. Either move to ES6, or good luck in the future.
You helped boost that pos and took too long to admit it was mid.
This post is just my honest thoughts on the state of the game AND the brand. I am still excited for the second Starfield expansion Starborn(nothing known further yet).
I was disappointed in the Shattered Space, as the planet and art direction was great, but the number of quest and side activities was much less than say Fallout 4 DLCs.
The only real factions I had interest in, was Starborn, and Constellation.
I’m hoping the future DLCs will focus on them and possibly have a deeper connection.
As far as what I would like to see:
–More Starborn weapons, outfits and locations(especially if the next DLC has a secret Starborn escape hideout)
–Buildable Space Stations
–More “Unique” Weapons and Outfits(like Fallout 3, and New Vegas)
–Greater focus on NG+ and allure(more unique alternate universes, venders, exclusive side missions etc)
–Go all in on Ship gimmick with interplanetary and air to surface exploration(do a No Man Sky thing)
–Do something with the water, more aquatic settlements/planets… actually allow us to dive into water and explore marine ecosystems?
–Hammer home on the Philosophical elements, introduce more factions or quest involving the artefacts or even further what’s beyond them.
–For future DLCs push towards a new colony war(or something that allows the use of the hinted mecha)
–Have a Fallout Horror inspired DLC(introduce more underground locations/caves and more stuff involving the hazardous elements)
As for the brand point I mentioned:
I would like to see more stuff on the Bethesda Gear Store!
Hunter figure, Frontier Ship model, Starborn helmet, Constellation companion figures(already did Vasco), Minor laser replica, etc.
I also hope we can get a StarField Anime or TV Show like Edgerunner or even the Fallout TV show, I think it could work.
I think the thing I’d like most for Starfield is a massive “pack” of locations. At least 500 that just fit right into their random generation for the planets. Each of them handcrafted and just being a wide variety of things. Dozens of areas not unlike the Mantis hideout, large and small caves, attempted settlements …. Just stuff to be generated. Reasons to go to most or all of the planets because eventually I’d want there to be so many of these “packs” that you’d have to do new game + just to see it all with one character.
77d 22h 40m sailing the blackest sea. My list of wishes obviously contains some heavy changes like atmospheric flight. Starfield’s biggest issue is it’s a game that taps into the magic of spaceflight but removes the wonder of flight. If they figured this out alone, people would freak. But realistically what I’d like to hear about is plans for mechs to be added. Eventually getting its own builder. Ships could have dockers specifically for them. They could be voiced copilots in space, and retrievable on the surface for exploration/combat. They could have wheel/track/propulsion drive types. This could eventually lead to a new mech war.
I don’t play melee runs but I would like to see more melee move-sets for those that do. Maybe combining the boost pack assault skill into some as well. Do some air melee attacks lol.
Radio stations. Not only for music but info and mission triggers.
Large cosmic events visible across the galaxy that trigger an investigation to cause. Bring players out to those “extra” systems. Maybe some scientific missions to gas giants, doing up close inspection and analysis. Grab some ring dust lol. Maybe grab an asteroid and study it or move it off a collision trajectory.
I personally would like a switch in settings that would let me turn off credits for ship parts and require lists of resources and components instead. This could allow me to tie mining, crafting, and shipbuilding a little.
There is more like tightening up the mods and how the game runs with heavy load orders on console. Also reducing the gap between PC and console mods. But anyway, thanks Matty. SF is my game and I hope they keep dialing it in. Catch a smile out there. o7
Not everyone would agree, but if done well, and being a little subtle about it, they could make a DLC that strangely enough takes place on a planet that looks a lot like Skyrim… then Fallout 4, then Doom, then Halo, heck throw Indiana jones in there… I would like to see them land on the “Pitch Black” planet and find Riddick…. or maybe Jurassic World… and they REALLY need some seriously dangerous Aliens… it needs a major enemy.
It’s horse armor
The problem with Starfield is that it’s a 30fps game. And once it got a low resolution performance mode I already lost all interest.
they dont need more content/dlc story…. they need to fix the gameplay loop and add depth
Second colony war would be a prefect dlc with mechs.
Yeah, I just got this game not too long ago and the mods are cool kind of sucks that there’s a lot of pain mods though like there’s not that many mods available there are some useful ones but I’ve noticed Starfield doesn’t have as much mods as fallout 4 and Skyrim
What does it matter? Only 4k players sooo.
I have lost all confidence in Bethesda, I do not believe they can make Starfield good, not even great, good. Also, I don’t think they can make a good ES6
i want to LOVE Starfield but I genuinely HATE it and have ZERO hope for anything to do with it until they have seamless space/atmosphere travel
if they dont fix starfield its hard to hold out hope that they wont fumble ES the same way
1. why is this a ‘journey’ in the first place. this was a full priced single player game thats been out for a year now.
I think it will run on switch 2. Not switch 1
we need to admit the old bethesda is gone. its not coming back. fallout 4, fallout 76, starfield, redfall, ghostwire tokyo, deathloop. all misses.
Nobody cares about Shitfield.
I would like to see a story-driven space combat expansion.
What good quests in Starfield? Captain Mack did a pretty good set of videos on how bad the questing is. Starfield will never have a redemption arc unless they rework the game from the base (which will never happen). It’s a fundamentally bad game.
Unpopular opinion but I enjoyed Starfield. It didn’t have the sense of exploration that I had hoped for, but if you go into it without expectations, it wasn’t as bad as some make it out to be.
I already wondered when a video from you will come about this topic.
and here it is <3
I do care about Starfield, and hopefully Starborn will be the "far harbor-moment" for the game. but even if not, I will not become a hater for this game.
and last but not least a PS5 version would be awesome. just for the sweet platinum trophy alone 😀
Bethesda second expansion are always bigger. Adding new areas and massive quest. Bloodmoon, Shattered isles, Dragonborn, Far harbor, etc. I do feel hopeful for next starfield expansion. But i love starfield so maybe I’m not very subjective.
Starfield will probably never be”fixed”I enjoyed the game but I understand that it’s a Space Exploration game with very little any space or exploration 😂and many people cannot get beyond that and they’re not wrong
Elder Scrolls 6 in Starfield
Dear Bethesda, I need three features
1. To be able to dismantle stuff for resources
2. To be able to use facilities as a base after I clear it out
3. More lore books and videos, and Bookshelves that will nicely organize my books automatically
Also, just port Far Harbor to Starfield, 😛 It would be rad.
The biggest miss for me was the writing,it was so poorly written the scene’s didn’t made sense at all. And I know you have to have a certain level to sell a good story, Well sorry Todd Emil really misses the nail that he defended the sloppy work the write team put off. Settlements and for me the most important aliens, and I don’t mean animal’s I mean Aliens !!! But what I really hope to see is consequences into starfield or FO76 or any game for that matter, If Emil just took notes on what people told him, without saying to much and just say we will take your info and consider it or whatever. Just don’t try to defend a bad game, admit it say sorry and move on. Stop being a jackass before your fan base because that can seriously harm the company. So I leave it with that, and starfield has potential they build the house so to speak, now they need to decorate it. And PLEASE Bethesda do it slow take your time. !!!
I fell off the game at about the 150hr mark, seemed to be maybe halfway through the main campaign. I am hoping they might give it a bit of a retool, like Cyberpunk did, even if it’s not as expansive as Cyberpunk ‘s was. I would like to come back and finish the game, but it’s a hard sell for me still unless they retool things a bit. The loading screen situation in particular is ROUGH. If they could fix having so damn many of them, especially when travelling around in space between planets and between systems, even if not for landings, it would go a LONG way for me… Plus trying to nickle and dime me by selling me content outside of my purchase of the game, like selling bounty missions for $5 EACH FFS, just really shits all over us who supported Bethesda for YEARS but don’t have a lot of money. They used to one of the best studios for me to get games from, cuz I got a lot of game for my money. Feels shitty to bot get access to the all the content even though I bought their DLC…
It really doesn’t matter what DLC they release for starfield, I hate the game. The way it’s designed is fundamentally flawed. They would have to remake the whole game from the ground up for the changes I wanna see. I think a lot of other people feel the same way. I got shattered space for free and still didn’t even touch it.
starfield was boring, ive had no desire to replay at all since i completed it
If it’s not seamless travel or another dlc with garbage story telling they can stay quiet.
Bethesda has the release cadence of a solo indi dev with health problems. It’s like they are the George RR Martin of the gaming industry – past genius, but now everyone is wondering what the f**k they do every day.
Ignoring everything else that sucks about Starfield, and it’s a lot, the largest contributing factor to Bethesda’s decline – again, ignoring writing getting worse – is the procedural aspect of their games. It went from some ignorable little side thing in Skyrim, to an annoyingly pervassive faction- level part of Fallout 4 (that was heavily criticized and memed) to a main tenet of Starfield and how you play it.
Nothing wrong with proc gen in and of itself but Bethesda implements it in a lazy and honestly, offensive manner. It was ai slop before ai slop. It adds nothing, and actively detracts from gameplay/ design where now you have to engage with it to grind or loot infinite trash to either sell or roll dice forever on meaningless loot. So they actively WANT you to do meaningless garbage for hours. Lore, atmophere, world building, environments/variety, interactivity suffer and are stretched thin around main game loop of shoot guy forever.
Man I wish they never wasted time on this game
I get your point of them not cutting support. Basically, right now, a lot of people, including myself, have zero confidence or very little in the studio. But if they make some banger dlcs or updates. People might have a little more hope for Elder Scrolls 6.
I hope news on starborn dlc
I liked Starfield and that is an unpopular opinion. I do think they could have done a lot better. Kinda just makes me sad that it didn’t turn as great as Fallout 3, NV, 4, Oblivion, and Skyrim. I still have hope but currently my rig won’t play it with the latest update, so that sucks too.
The only thing keeping this game alive are the mods and paid mods
They shouldn’t waste the resources, just all hands on TES6 and move on from your space game nobody asked for.
Maybe they need random encounters to pad out the void of their universe. So you travel to another planet and always find something
5k players today…..its a dead duck folks..
When are you gonna play kcd2
This is the year Matty! I pray for the Starfield redemption as much as you do.
Going to PS5. Worst kept secret in the industry
They should just release Starfield on PlayStation and Nintendo and just go full power on ES6 their biggest franchise that will either keep them afloat or destroy them. If they don’t go above and beyond with ES6 they are done.
Just picked up the game again after about a year or so. Haven’t played SS yet or the buggies. I don’t understand the hate this game gets man. I just don’t. I love it and I’ll definitely be playing for years
They need to move on from starfield game is just not it
holy shit matty what a clown take comparing starfield with cyberpunk…saying cyberpunk needed an anime…needed updates etc….dude…no ammount of animes or updates will fix starfield,starfield is broken from its very core and inception,cyberpunk with all its issues was still a good rpg day 1,choices mattered,dialogue,the story…all that didnt get better because of bug fixes,the updates just improved the issues
So you want them to make content for the 4000 people still playing this?
I have both Steam and GOG version of Skyrim installed. Have thought many times of uninstalling Starfield didn’t even complete the dlc will not pay for another.
here is the one thing that can get me to play this game. make the space travel like elite dangerous. if they did that, the game would explode.
Well good luck Bethesda, my wallet is closed!
Considering matty cares so much about quality narrative in video games, its BAFFLING how he praises starfield’s main quest
Interesting, yeah, I wonder how it will all play out. Never thought of it that way, but what you said does make sense. Time will tell
correction: bethesda made great games a decade ago
All I need from Starfield’s next update are fixes for all the bricked quests. It’s shameful for such an ambitious RPG to have SO MANY broken quests…
dayuum bro you yapped for 13 minutes, I was hoping for some crucial info but man you kept going off unnecessary yapping
Vr might be cool
Bethesda wanted to release content each year in order to grow revenue with Starfield.
But, I don’t think we get a DLC this year.
Instead, I think we get a PS5 port.
Is it possible to scale load screens? Meaning, if I have a beast of a PC could I have no load screens or very few and with a less powerful PC I’d have load screens in and out of buildings etc.? Kind of like that open Skyrim mod where you didn’t have load screens into towns
When did starfield come out a year and a half ago, then the shattered dreams DLC , sorry space. Lost interest . Compare Kingdom come D 2 to starfield it’s embarrassing for Bethesda
Starfield is the only BethSoft game that has released since Morrowind in which I have never gone back to after a single playthrough. I even own the DLC but haven’t even played it yet. I think what would really help is for them to add some meaningful exploration in the game. I don’t want to find the same cookie-cutter structure with enemies at the same exact spot, same loot, etc. I’m starting to think that’s just not going to happen. The game has been out for well over a year and I’ve been watching the updates and I find it crazy that such a big team still working on the game has done so little.
They abandoned the game, they ignored all the post launch feedback such as horrible itemization, crappy game loop, 80% of the perks don’t matter, uninteresting exploration. All they did was a little lipstick on the pig and try to convince us its 9/10 when its really a 4/10. I have zero hope for the next expansion and quite honestly listening to their feedback my guess is they learned nothing and other games are going to be of similar subpar quality. New Oblivion/ES will likely not even hold a candle to things like KCD2.
Star field sucked get over it lol I did
Because of how the game works at it’s core, a “good storyline on a new planet” just won’t cut it. In Skyrim and FO4 I can run around making my own adventures, and lose myself in the world when the story is done. You just don’t have that in Starfield when everything is segmented and theres no “real” open world to explore. All there really is to do is repeating the same quests over and over through ng+ or doing radiant missions. We need a new gameplay feature from the next DLC that you can keep working on long term. They thought 240 temples for all starborn skills at level 10 was going to be that, but that just lead to 1 of 2, 1 being “that sounds mindnumbingly boring, I’m not doing that” or 2 “I’m going to sit here, mouth agape, for 3 days straight and just get this done”.
Honestly my best suggestion is hire the dude that makes Xeno Master, and add a bunch of more animals. They’re horribly under utilized, and discovering and collecting them using the mod is super fun.
NMS did it better
Still haven’t completed Starfield, just haven’t been interested to jump back into the game after a year away from it.
Another announcement from the Husk of formerly awarded developer Bethesda… Let me guess 2 new Buggys for fre and a bulding DLC that doesn’t even reaches Fallout 76 base game versatility.
The biggest myth in gaming is that fallout 76 “got better” it’s not true at all, it’s the same game. It’s just only fanboys play it now, the same people that “loved it” at launch say how much better it is now, it’s still bad
Why is Bethesda even wasting time on Starfield? Move on and give us Elder Scrolls 6 already.
my opinion on what could save this title is simple….
-make the planets entirely explorable , i think “procedural” might be the correct term as “No Man’s Sky” or “Star Citizen”.
-allow for actual landing or flight inside the planets atmosphere.
-allow for the construction of cites/settlements like “Fallout 4”
if i could download or build my own city on various planets, that would add years of enjoyment alone.
Starfield is not good but i did start another play through on New vegas 🤣
I feel like this is the dev’s version of “checks in the mail”
Meanwhile Hello Games has launched how many free dlc sized updates since the launch of Starfield?
If starfield came out in 2009 it would have been loved by everyone. They either update the engine or it’s gonna be a flop
I just started playing cyberpunk after all the updates an man I feel like the biggest dumb ass for playing starfield before hand
Its hilarious to me you’re still approaching any of the games in this engine like we’re still in waterfall.
Despite the game, its a cool setting to play in, just a lot of jank and poor quality. Just please don’t abandon the game..Pull a No Man’s Sky out of it. Keep refining it until its better and better.
They should just drop support and make sure es6 ends up mediocre at best. Starfield is so meh. Its significantly worse than fallout 4 and that’s saying something because that was worse than skyrim. Which happened to be inferior to oblivion.
Starfield is not coming to switch 2 that game would look worse that mk1 on switch
Love your work, Matty! Appreciate everything you’ve done, just wanted to say thanks! 🙏🏼
Literally only a few hundred players left in this game. I don’t know why they’re bothering. It clearly doesn’t have the sticking power of FO4 or Skyrim.
I really hope Starfield adds:
1. New full companions/ romance options! (but ideally neutral / evil morality);
2. Space flight between planets (even if it is just hiding loading screens);
3. In-game Bestiary/ Codex of our discovered flora & fauna (with images); and
4. DLC Expanding the story of the Creators & First Contact DLC.
Matty, I’ll do you one better…I don’t want to see a planet expansion like Shattered Space. I want to see a new Star System with the focus being content in space. Make space travelling more engaging. Add more space random encounters. Add more space dungeons (ships, star stations, et.,). Allow us to build star stations for ourselves. Sure we can still have planets and stuff but make space the focal point of the next expansion, specially if it is going to be about star born and we will be travelling to different locations.
Honestly Betheda should just cut their losses at this point, but more importantly, they should LEARN from them. We have been waiting for a new elder scrolls experience for so long that babies born upon Skyrim’s release are in junior high and high school. Thats almost a generation of people. I really hate the fact that Starfield was a let down, but I want them to dedicate as many of their resources as possible towards preventing the next elder scrolls game from being the same.
Oblivion remake isn’t real, we would of got news by now. My prediction is Star field and fallout 76 are all we are getting forever. MAYBE we get es6 in 2035 but we are never getting a fallout game ever again, NEVER. it’s over
I really hate seeing the Xbox dynasty come crashing down
I know there’s a lot of haters right now. But…
I spent a lot of time with Starfield, and I know it has some major flaws. However, I believe Starfield is at its heart a great game. It has a very solid foundation for improvement and expansion.
Many of Starfield’s worst missteps could be addressed effectively with some relatively minor changes to the base mechanics of the game. For example, I’ve been playing with the POI cool down mod, and it fixes one of the biggest complaints people had.
Anyway, I think a 2.0 update launched alongside the next major DLC could have a huge impact on Starfield’s quality and longevity.
I hope there’s a PS5 port as well.
Bethesda is the kind of company that will play their own game with mods to fix UI instead of fixing UI.
Pigs will fly before they meaningfully improve the game.
I still need to give Shattered Space a try. Got to the planet but never did much after landing.
BGS said they plan to support this game for a long time, but the game wasn’t the new pillar game to stand alongside TES and Fallout they failed to create a new franchise, the expansion was even worse than the base game, they will drop 1 more expansion a PS5 port and move on, even the modders aren’t showing interest in the game and without them it has no longevity.
BGS supporting Starfield when the Fallout show is a massive success and people are wanting a mainline game, and The Elder Scrolls crowd will have been waiting over 15 years since the last mainline release it would be completely idiotic to continue working on a franchise that wasn’t received well.
Bethesda’s big take away from Starfield needs to be is that Nothing in Starfield should be in ES6. Weapon system SUCKS. Armour System SUCKS. Settlement system SUCKS
The ONLY good thing in Starfield was the Ship Builder. But space combat Sucked So there you go…
If they release new expansion it should be free for those who bought the last lackluster expansion.
I’ll continue playing Daggerfall, thank you
It just rubs me off the wrong way so much that Matty knows… He knows how terribly mid Starfield is, he knows how terribly bad hopes for TES6 are, prolly all-time low for us decade old ex-superfans… He knows everything yet he still prefers to sugarcoat it with hopes and dreams of what ifs.
BGS is dead, all the talent long left; all that remains is Emil, Ashley and Alan.. Not including Todd he been playing CEO since his sugardaddy Altman kicked the bucket. To think that under Altman was better than this.
Starfield needs more gameplay systems and more POIs. You can’t improve the game with one off locations like Shattered Space tried to do. They need to improve exploration by at *least* doubling the amount of POIs. There should be biome specifc locations, abandoned space stations that lean into some horror vibes, new tilesets that we have not seen before that will break up the monotony of seeing the frozen research lab for the 20th time.
The game could also use of gameplay systems that makes exploration better. Unique legendaries, harsher climates that require specific suits (think a spacesuit specialized in irradiated, frozen, hot planets, etc) this could keep the player engaged and make them think about what their setup when landing on a planet. Then have that risk of traversing inhospitable environments rewarded with cool unique gear.
They’re gonna turn one of the planets to Skyrim and the another to Boston
I think Bethesda will probably announce one or two more expansions to tie up the game and then announce they are in active development of Elder Scrolls 6. I can only hope we get another teaser even if it’s just the confirmation of the title and location of the game. The title alone would be huge for speculation videos. Even if we don’t know where it’s set or what it’s about. But imagine if they drop the plot and location of the game and some key points as a token of good will to redeem themselves in the community. Sadly I don’t think they will do that being realistic. It was a fluke when we got the original TES 6 teaser so many years ago.
I want a Star Wars Space Pirate video game with a ship builder like Starfield. Black Flag space ship battles and Fallen Order type gameplay. Anyone else?
Nah they don’t need doc they need a cyberpunk 2077 style complete makeover
This game is a 8.5 out of 10 to me with a POI overhaul. I enjoy this game way more than Fallout 4, but the layout of the planets and how you get there turned many off and I get that.
Still cant believe we’re not getting Fallout 3 remaster yet, just give us something fallout please but not 76, 76 sucks.
They’d need to release the game on a new engine with a TON of changes to get people back,
Starfield will have a slow death for posterity only.
Bethesda games have always been garbage. The modding community is what made their games enjoyable.
The problem with Starfield was, and still is, they sold us on a game about exploration, but the lack of variety in points of interest makes exploration boring after a while. They need to increase the amount of variety of Points of Interest in the base game.
As a former big Bethesda game fan, I am kinda shocked that I now don’t even think I can be bothered with Starfield ever again. Not unless the next DLC is actually a full-scale overhaul that basically remakes the entire game giving it proper writing, dialogue and characters and/or worthwhile exploration. There is nothing in the game that I actually care to play again, and Sharted Space wasn’t it either… It was mostly just more of the same slop… And the Creations cancer on the modding scene also utterly killed my interest in using it as just a bland sandbox for mods.
There’s too much potential in starfield to let the core game waste away. I would just add more cities at various planets with unique cultures which in turn could yield unique quests. Shattered space was the start of this but unfortunately the only good quest was the last mission, and the planet seemed like just a dark uninteresting wasteland.
I still have hope for StarField. I enjoyed the base game. The expansion was definitely a miss. But tbh, they got their return on investment, because for most people they already paid for the expansion with the deluxe edition. That being said, I really think Bethesda next expansion really has to be a hit to redeem themselves, otherwise ES6 isn’t looking good.
Meanwhile Fallout 4 continues to be broken, after a whole year lol
Sounds you are praising these failures. “But look after years of work, tons of DLC’s the games are now decent.
Well that avenue of game making has effectlt killed the gaming industry. Preorders bottoming out, over all exploration purchases. Gone. Trust lost.
For only an additional 90 dollars your 70 dollar game will work beautifully….., great business model
I liked starfield, but forcing myself to speedrun however many starborn NG+ as I did kinda killed any motivation to go back and enjoy the story again. I think the starborn concept was cool but essentially forcing people to play the game over and over in order to level up your powers was just an obvious way to get people to play longer but it also burned them out quicker, imo obviously.
i put about 80 hours into Starfield and it became so boring and repetitive that i lost interest (and i’ve put so many hours into FO and TES that i’ve lost count). The only thing this game showed me is that BGS has lost their mojo and that TES6 is in big trouble.
Definitely just ports, starfield was a waste of all of our time unfortunately. Such wasted potential.
One thing I really didn’t like was that the “special edition” was a damned code in a box
Todd howard said,that it’s a modders paradise, so if starfield is going to change things around start with the modding community, and yes there should have been co op 😊
i would be impressed if there were no loading screens patch ( i still won’t get back on) but it’d be impressive for bethesda
My perfect sci-fi game will never be made. A Star Trek KOTOR-style game.
Having your own ship / bridge. Strategic ship combat, assigning crew to parts of the ship. Beaming down to planets or other ships etc.
Funny missions in the holodeck.
Full of references from all the series (except Discovery lel)
This game is a joke, especially after we got bg3 with everything you can do in that game
Preordered the collector’s edition, played through the whole game, and never came back for the buggy or shattered space…prolly never will
…it’s actually the true sequel to Skyrim, there is no Elder Scrolls 6
I can’t wait to play starfield in five years when it’s good
on all my favorites, YOUR video and audio are always out of sync. It is really rough to watch. Please fix as I can’t deal with it for much longer.
the work they put out reflects their future projects. People weren’t hopeful after 76 and I think that hurt starfield. They had a redemption arc with 76 but it was way after starfield could have used the hype. Starfield needs a win before they start hyping up ES 6
I see a lot of people saying they should move on to TES6. They can do both. About 100 devs made Skyrim, they now have over 500 devs. They can work on both TES6 & Starfield at the same time. It’s not one or the other.
I think at best we get a similar dlc to SS. They bigged up SS as their biggest dlc, slaved on it for a year and it still let everyone down.
Core starfield has so much wrong with it, they may as well just make Starfield 2 and start from scratch given how tarnished the game is.
How about more space content in a game that uses space (feels like an afterthought).
I think they need to add multiple systems and planets along with in the updates I want a new shipbuilding company it’d be cool to see a different space suit brand it’d be cool to see them do other small add ons like they had with fo4 maybe add more depth to resource mining like do some type of galactic trade federation or some shit lmao
lol he things people have passion for starfield LOL,such delusion….ykes
My god Starfield is such a pile of garbage 😂. That player count on steam is abysmal
Starfield was truly underrated. What a great game that genuinely captured space exploration! The music, the details, and the world-building were amazing.
Looking forward to the DLC.
4:40 “Starfield needs to get to that level”
Oh, Matty, but there’s were you are wrong. According to Bethesda, particularly Emil Pagliarulo, Starfield is already at the same level that TES and Fallout. In fact, he thinks it’s even BETTER that those.
Dead game, dead IP
I care about the game!
DLC and a port probably
I left Starfield behind after sinking 280hrs in over the first three months after launch. The lack of consequences or real choice, and tedious procedural generated content crudely done so that you’re unable to actually land and experience isolation almost anywhere.. it got too much.
I do though feel weirdly ready to go back to it again, so I hope they give Starfield some love and see if they can improve it. Shattered Soace looks pretty lame so it’s not been enough to pull me back.
It would take them releasing the rest of the dlc for free for me to try it after how ripped off shattered space made me feel.I was a defender of starfield until I played that and have never felt so ripped off
I really loved Skyrim, and I’m a big NASA fan boy and just a huge fan of that aesthetic, so I was so excited to see what they could do with Starfield. I played 100 hours and just could not get into it
I think they are working on the PlayStation version and dlc 2
i want to be able to build a space station and be able to set up cargo transfers between all outposts and the space station
Not sure if they could but it would be awesome if they made it so I could fly my ship from planet to planet without having to fast travel
If your game is shit on launch, chances are it will always be shit. That’s been my experience, and this game is shit. They should honestly abandon it, the Creation Engine, Emil Pagliarulo and Todd Howard. All four of those things are each of them an Albatross hanging from the neck of Bethesda.
Sadly all faith in bethesda has faded for me after starfield and im not even excited or concerned for es6 im just numb to bethesda now its sad i was excited for years about starfield bethesda made my childhood better i hated seeing them fall like this
this game will have a LONG life!
The game had incredible potential, but much like space the game was very empty and felt very samey
Im not expecting a huge update. It will probably be something dissapointing.
Yo maty you should look out for a game called atomfall its very similar to fallout/stalker set in britain i think it would be interesting to cover it up in next video.
Man Starfield was one of the biggest disappointments in my gaming career. No mans sky was bad but is now great. Cyberpunk had a horrible launch but is great now.
Starfield came out and was meh and the DLC was bad. I just don’t see them making anything worth it in this game. It’s so violently mid.
I just spun up cod bO6 on pc gamepass… and immediately uninstalled it. Xbox sucks so hard I was laughing the whole time. Gears ultimate needs it’s own install folder and needed 3 restarts…xbox blows. Thanks god I only paid 1 dollar. It’s not even worth 14 a month. You xbots have absolutely zero standards
Far harbor was ok at best
Summary: “here’s why bethesda copying ubisofts playbook is a good thing actually”
I’ve completed a full second run of Starfield(including DLC). Plus I’ve been chilling with outpost & ship building. So far I have over 500 hours. It does have flaws but it’s still a good game. I don’t understand the waves of hate this game gets. It feels irrational really. And this is coming from a guy who’s played a ton of classic RPGs for over a decade. I am curious to see what they do with the Starborn DLC.
I downloaded it again to give it another chance. Still very disappointing… I ended up trying NMS again and was blown away. Starfield just feels so robotic…
Starfield just ain’t it man
If you’re crazy what does that say about those of us who have been waiting for this video since the tweet lol
Outer Worlds 2 vid?
NO! No more Starfield! Work on The Elder Scrolls VI! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
I wish we could just forget about Starfield. This has been the single most negative event this entire generation—just this massive black hole of energy, funding, and time. So much lost due to this one game. So much opportunity wasted. The games that otherwise could’ve been made. The communities poisoned with cope and gaslighting. It’s like talking about Avowed in 2031. It’s time to move on.
Time to release the next cut content as DLC yayyyy
At this point everyone should copy Warhorse’s production stream and adapt it to their company.
So enjoy your channel please keep them coming and have a great day 😂
It’s probably just a PS5 and Switch 2 port
First! Please god first
Edit: I have failed my lineage once again😢 -2nd place commentor
A Field…of Stars???