Starfield Finally Responds To The Community

starfield 情報局

Responding to the official tweet from StarfieldGame, we showcase a new update for Project Warfare and more. Stay tuned.

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Taqs:starfield,starfield mods,starfield gameplay,starfield impressions,starfield reaction,starfield creations,starfield news,starfield mod,starfield essential mods,starfield review,starfield top mods,starfield creation kit,starfield modding


  • コメント (39)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @Mikee_V
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Don’t give up on becoming verified ill be checking in on you you have a lot of CK knowledge & you should advertise it in your portfolio 👀

    • @INT-DEXGaming
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    The game is not abandond yet.
    Atleast not for modder like you who inspire alot of people including me to create my own ship mod.

    your CK turtering video is very helpfull to the community.keep up the good work. thank you.

    • @serenalewis101
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Amazing video !

    • @RealSevenSix
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    They said literally nothing. Like they went out of their way to make certain they said nothing.

    • @mootedtols4865
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    If it’s highly moddable, the next game will do just fine.

    • @mootedtols4865
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    good news thanks. I rated it 6/10 on the initial version. To be honest, I think people suffer a little from nostalgia. Would you play fallout 4 unmodded?

    • @tenathzeckron
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Hell yeah bruv, can’t wait to see more from you. I’m always here to throw out ideas for weapons. Even though i know you’re swamped.

    • @doronspencer2177
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Ummm can u work on the clothing and s suit mod to fit females and more tiers to some of your lower standard guns. Great mods , I just have a female character that looks like my wife …I want to see the curves lol especially since she made sure it looks like her.

    • @Ed-ealmighty
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Bro can I ask for a mod request since u added in vectors?

    Can u mod in tom Clancy’s the division 2 the chameleon? It’s a vector that fires a 100 rounds like a machine gun. But give it st Elmo’s ability… Electrocutes ppl. Ah puh weez 😆

    • @mustafao09008
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Bethesda are known to make their announcements close with their launches if you see the recent track record of 76.

    • @XcosmogenesisX
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Can you please make some female versions of your suits? Just one or two at least. This would be dope. And thanks for your amazing work! Hopefully BGS will drop a juicy update for Starfield, but as you said, I keep my expectations low.

    • @MildPsychedelic
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    call me when they add aliens I wanna go where no man has gone before 🖖😏

    • @AtharvaThumbare
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    they should focus on ES6 rather than deadfield

    • @SlySoSavage
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    ❤the gold skin homie. I don’t know if you’re playing with HDR, remember it will change the look of the skin a lot. That gold looks perfect 👌

    • @UmmerFarooq-wx4yo
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Did you actually make that model from scratch?

    • @VioletElite4
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    I didn’t end up buying Starfield. After I saw all the detailed reviews from (Not IGN, etc) and all of the events that have transpired since then, I have determined that Bethesda just isn’t the same company they used to be. I’m totally fine with just playing Oblivion, Fallout 3, and Skyrim until I die.

    • @Nickster3002
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Oh man that RPR sounds mean af! Hell of job dude.

    • @DarienDragonFox
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    I want to see more guns, more interactivity. Somthing to give meaning to exploring

    • @GunterThePenguinHatesHugs
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    What could they be cooking up? 🤔
    Expecting a May ~ End-of-July release window…

    Still expecting shadow drop/ announcement of Oblivion _remaster,_ and it’s subsequent release 2 weeks later at some point mid-summer I reckon?…

    • @nickzukowski4106
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Hopefully you get into the vc, they get access to some ck documentation which could be useful.

    • @carenthusiast2199
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    You know the desert eagle might be a good weapon mod

    • @e.l.i8993
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    I’m gonna have to wait and see. I was working on a mod but stopped after what felt like them abandoning the game. I may continue but wait and see. If it’s just some creation thing i may just stop and focus on studying UE5 work on my own thing and studying blender for 3d animation.

    • @Jargnar05
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Yeah, I can be patient. 1 major update a year is still good in my opinion.

    • @Bear-Knight
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    @510Deshawnplays so no update on my Atlas Clothing patch issues? Is it just a local Conflict? Even tho my load order is heavy, I had an Ecliptic replacer working perfectly before i tried to replace with Atlas Ecliptics

    • @High_Key
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Music to my ears

    • @maceryker6012
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    This is great news way more positive than watching the market crash every fuking day.

    • @Undeadspartan042
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    An update is nice but modders are keeping the game alive.
    Whats the status on those dope N.O.V.A Units we keep seeing in your videos? They look dope.

    • @KyoKomma
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Wait n See. At least they didnt put Starfield on the back burner like I thought they would.

    • @k4karnage
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Please consider doing some Shotguns my guy, I have a crippling lack of boomstick in my weapon racks and the Big Bang is only a dazzler for so long.
    Thank you and keep up your hard work, your FREE mods are some of the best.

    • @mikeymondavi
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Whatever you decide or not to toss out to us, just thanks for everything you do. Muchly appreciated man.

    • @L96A2
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Hey bro, thanks for all you do with your mods. I appreciate the hard work. Just wanted to let you know.

    • @Ivixation
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    very good to hear. not sure if itll be a paid update or not though. after switching from xbox i need to rebuy the game on steam

    • @ZoNEE79
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Its good to hear something from them, and looking forward to seeing what they might be working on. How ever big or small it might be. Something is better than nothing imo.

    • @player24361
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    They need to add water physics, worlds still feel dead with the water they have now.

    • @koyooko5160
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Lmao an update after months and its just a “we’re listening to your feedback guys promise 🥺👉👈.”

    • @Rikhammer
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Your weapon mods are fkn 🔥🔥🔥

    • @Rikhammer
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Thanks what I’m staying don’t get you hope up as a ship builder don’t set the bar high.

    • @gibletti
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    so is the ripper in the addon pack the same model as the one from ghosts or it is the one from iw? cus i remember in the description for the standalone version you credited ghosts as the source for that one

    • @Scott.webb64
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    While I’m glad they finally said something, I have a feeling this is way to little, to late. The only reason I even have the game installed is to use/support your and Deitys mods.