Are Starfield Creations “RUINING” Bethesda and Modders?

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The community thinks that Creations are ruining Starfield. Let’s talk about that…


The Best Starfield Creations (Playlist)

3 Creations You NEED in Starfield

Starfield’s DOOM Mod is Awesome!

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00:00 – Intro
00:50 – Are Starfield Creations BAD?
02:07 – Is Bethesda rejecting the Community?
03:16 – Are Mod Developers Earning Enough?
05:08 – Talking with a Creation/Mod Developer (1)
08:02 – Talking with a Creation/Mod Developer (2)
13:25 – Final Thoughts – Are Paid Ruining Starfield?

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The Starfield community have been very vocal about “Creations” – Bethesda’s built-in mods for the game – ruining Starfield, Bethesda as a studio and the community. Let’s discuss the impact of Creations while also bringing in two Creation/mod developers to help speak for the community.

#Starfield #Bethesda #Xbox #Microsoft

Starfield, starfield creations, starfield updates, starfield update, starfield DLC, starfield expansions, the best starfield creations, best creations for starfield, starfield discussion, Bethesda, Bethesda game studios

Taqs:HeroVibes,Hero Vibes,Gaming,Starfield,starfield creations,starfield updates,starfield update,starfield DLC,starfield expansions,the best starfield creations,best creations for starfield,starfield discussion,Bethesda,Bethesda game studios


  • コメント (13)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @HeroVibes
    • 2025年 3月 09日 9:56am

    What are your thoughts on creations in Starfield?

    • @BlorbusUnimax
    • 2025年 3月 09日 9:56am

    starfield is such a terd

    • @LadyBits2023
    • 2025年 3月 09日 9:56am

    starfield ruined itself by being a painfully boring bug filled walking simulator. tf you on about.

    • @TheObscuran
    • 2025年 3月 09日 9:56am

    Nexus mods is censoring mods based on the owner’s ideology. They can sink for all I care, I’d be glad. They are the reason I stopped visiting their site, not creations.

    • @hachiro_de
    • 2025年 3月 09日 9:56am

    The base issue is the game itself.
    Yes, Starfield has many mechanics and possibilities, but most of them feel like an empty hull. I don’t think its a bad game, but many aspects are not really fleshed out.
    I love the scifi-space genre. And I don’t mind to fast travel to planets (even though free flight would have been awesome). But the game cannot give me the same feeling of an immersive world to really dive into, that for example skyrim gave me. Even with the limitations of the old creation engine they created a fantastic game. Starfield feels more like “its okay, but nothing great”.

    • @Kellett781
    • 2025年 3月 09日 9:56am

    I have found that if the creation doesn’t lock you out of achievements, it’s probably been thoroughly tested. Every other month or so I check out what is new.

    Frankly I’m surprised that Microsoft hasn’t ordered some of these failing studios to kick out a “creation” for Starfield. Give those fools some busy work before they go on to their next flop or have their doors closed.

    • @juanarreola8074
    • 2025年 3月 09日 9:56am

    Thanks for doing this video and being the voice of many that think like this. I personally dont like most of the creations because there are some that should be added to the vanilla game and theres no real point about paying for something that should be in the game

    • @CorvusSix
    • 2025年 3月 09日 9:56am

    Lets be honest here, money aside, without the Creation Club Bethesda would have died off years ago. It is the Creation Club / Modder Community that has actually fixed most of their broken game issues. It reminds me of the 90’s early 00’s days of the Mod and Level Community for the Quake Games. Which I was part of, it was that community that kept those games relevant for as long as they did. When id moved away from that around Quake 4…notice how that franchise has kind of faded into the background? That community is still out there for Quake 1-3. But just not as prominent as it once was. Having a healthy and thriving Mod/Level community is a very good thing for the longevity of any game. I just hope that when we get a new Quake game down the road id Software makes a push to breath new life into that community.

    • @patrickphillips6550
    • 2025年 3月 09日 9:56am

    I think the game is just bad by itself. Nothing is ruining it. It was garbage to begin with

    • @qwertyvypez
    • 2025年 3月 09日 9:56am

    Documentation means documents that explain how to use the CK and its various features

    • @qwertyvypez
    • 2025年 3月 09日 9:56am

    Hey peole basically never tip and nexus payouts are abysmal. Creations are vastly more profitable. If it wasnt we would go back to releasing our mods on Nexus

    • @SF-OwlTech
    • 2025年 3月 09日 9:56am

    i like your input

    • @swellerace
    • 2025年 3月 09日 9:56am

    The creation engine is ruining bethesda and starfield!