Starfield The Wait Is Nearly Over | Bethesda Break Their Silence

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    • @Spiderwebb4051
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    I always got you

    • @flavorlessdenial8271
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    I’ll be happy with another Shattered Space type DLC. But going by the trademarked Starborn I really really hope it’s a new addition in there for NG+ runs, or just in general really, that fills in the content between questlines… The questlines are great, but there is a heavy diminishing return on the enjoyment of doing them over and over. My hope is that “Starborn” offers some new end game – tiny reasons to settle in the void / unity centered weebly wooblies activity to fill in the time spent in the game… Bc the radiant missions do be getting tiresome x)

    • @ToxophiliteEast
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Good s**t! But also…
    1. No more NPC clones (Cora Coe or Shop NPCs), not for a $70 game!
    2. More Clothing options and Cosmetics (seriously, these shops were bare, where’s my futuristic Gucci Store!?).
    3. They need to GREATLY increase the number of P.O.I.s in-game, for a $100 ($70) there needs to be ‘hundreds’ of locations!
    4. Obviously Va’ruun Ship Parts (Weapons, Habs, Shields, etc.).
    5. Fix the Main Quest and remove the ‘plot holes’, this should be an easy fix!
    6. More idle animations for NPCs (and character specific ones) – so that they aren’t blankly staring into the void.
    7. More unique Weapons and Armors, like The Mantis and At H*ll’s Gate DLC.

    • @Kaijudomage
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    They heard you I guess lol

    • @BP-cd8wx
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    My prediction: it’s going to be some “fixes” to bugs that no one noticed and maybe a little bit of shit that should’ve been in the first Release.

    edit: I forgot the quotation around “fixes”

    • @Katsuhi50
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    stuff i want to make starfield feel like a game worth playing multiple playthroughs of
    1. New Origins/traits that effect dialogue
    2. new faction questlines added to ones already in the game for UC/Freestar/Crimson fleet/Ryujin
    3. more character development for companions or perhaps just new companions that don’t feel like the same person morality-wise
    4. Starstation building + robot variety + robot building and upgrading we all know automatron was a fun dlc and it would make sense to have the ability to make them ourselves if we can build entire star stations and ships the way we do.
    5. reignite the colony war with a new important resource discovery, lets face it mechs and horrific alien super weapons are the kind of thing we need to make this game’s universe feel like it matters Which faction will you help? who will you shoot in the face to get what you want? what choices will you make in your next NG+ that will be different? all of these questions will be further explorable if there is conflict to resolve and the fact we don’t get to pilot a giant mech is a crime in and of itself.

    • @fischlnarfido6120
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Starfield just feels like a lost cause. Bethesda putting effort Starfield would be futile for them since only few people would be interested on buying Starfield DLC.

    • @mistalsetsuna408
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Aside from this already wished for, I’d like to see more of the Vanguard storyline. Give us three more universe options where our decision on that quest (microbe or Aceles) actually has an effect.

    With the microbe, you either get a universe devoid of Terras or a new threat arises from some sort of mutation (risks of science) or do we see Aceles on planets from the start and seeing the species flourish.
    Maybe a universe where Freestar and the UC know about the artifacts and Constellation is on a mission of survival in this darker version.

    There are so many options

    • @MrEgg93
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Our own star station!! Connect them to bases, have your ships docked and even!! Send them out with a crew to do a convey mission or something? Similar to black flags feature. Would be cool

    • @bassethoundslover5475
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Hopefully meach that we can get and make up are own

    • @beedyeye1
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Better AI for companions and crew, also busy crew. If companion or crew has piloting they can pilot your ship or any ship that you own. More Crew slots like Head of security and ground crew.

    • @TheGreyBush420
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    I hope they still make the Starborn DLC.

    • @ramireza6904
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Give outposts and materials more purpose! Would give the game immense longlivity.

    • @gamingguru2k6
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    I think it’s just mostly a Playstation port.

    • @TazGaming141
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    My wishlist????
    ●more ships
    ●more ship companies
    ●more ship parts
    ●planets that actually have a reason to explore them
    ●more rover options and make them more customizable
    ●more points of interest
    ●make planets weather more hostile
    ●introduce blackholes
    ●More quest and lore
    ●more space encounters
    ●make a radio station for each colony
    ●expand on the outpost building
    ●the option to make other followers fly ships in our fleet
    ●add huge asteroids in orbit that we can send out mining ships to mine minerals

    • @deathraptorf22gaming
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    At this point I don’t really care, I get most of what I need from mods. as long as they don’t break mods again I’ll be happy. I don’t trust any updates Bethesda does, there is almost a 99% chance they’re going to break something, somewhere.

    • @larriejohnsonII
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    the ability to take my ship through each trip/unity…

    • @magickaddict
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am


    • @Hauerization
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    So theyre gonna update…something. 😉

    • @mootedtols4865
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Escort missions and …. A WINGMAN

    • @scang7107
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    I don’t like to think in the spirit of what I want and I don’t advise anyone to come up with lists of what they expect from new updates in order to avoid disappointment. But I’m just glad that the game is still alive. I hope for another story DLS and possibly a variety of POIs

    • @mootedtols4865
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    “modding’s dead” guys, I read it on the web

    • @ruemistressofyeets
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    I never doubted that BGS was still working on the game, and it’s nice to see that confirmed by official sources.

    But it should be noted that the post said absolutely NOTHING about any kind of timing. We shouldn’t get all excited for something to be dropped Soon (TM). Nor should we start speculating about what it could be, only to be disappointed when whatever they actually do isn’t what we were thinking.

    • @MattiRe_FIN
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Hopefully they won’t break the mods. Especially from nexus. I think I will disable autoupdate and wait a bit after they release the update.

    • @zypheran
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Feicfidh mé sna réaltaí thú! 🤫

    • @caiooca5793
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    To me First Person Shooting mechanics and melee should be number 1 priority:

    – See Through Scopes
    – Leaning
    – Takedowns
    – Melee animations dodge.

    Along with some POIs with Akila architecture or any architecture that doesn’t look like I’m raiding Corvega for the 1000′ time.

    • @crooklyn673
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    NPC’s with vehicles. Pirate reinforcements rolling up with Rovers.

    • @kNOwWHEREtoR1
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Im a simpleton. I just want to be able to save a character customization and load it again any time I start a new game. I mean Jebus Cripes Everquest 2 has this feature and its more than 20 years old.
    Also, space stations.
    Also, independent crews to earn you (and them) credits.
    Finally, its the damn future! Stop gatekeeping on the money. Maybe people had limited gold pieces in skyrim. But, IT’S THE DAMN FUTURE! If we gonna get pronouns then give vendors unlimited money!

    • @RobertChisholm
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    New POI’s
    An easy way to share and change appearance in the Enhance! shops. Perhaps a long string of characters you can copy and paste into to save your appearance sliders.

    • @JerryHenderson72
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    A fully customizable camera option would be real nice , up down side to side not just 2 options of 1 too far away and 1 too close with the retical at head height .

    • @futurewario9591
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    More companions. Starfield should have at least a couple evil companions & also more quests & Earthling clothes.

    • @gameactual
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    I finally ‘tried it out’ and 260+ hours later I still hadn’t finished but decided to take a break. Glad Bethesda *finally* poked their heads up. While I learned to live with certain ‘aspects’ of the game (loading screens 😵‍💫) I sincerely hope that they are going to do a huge qol update followed by more dlc

    • @bhavyasharma4115
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Phil speer is now the new lead for starfield who actually made trackers alliance quest , I think we are in good hands

    • @GamerlegoB
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    I really want an underwater update with underwater pois. I think it would make exploring planets really cool, as well as give modders more cool stuff to make

    • @olsonbrandon91
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    I’m sorry.. you think adding a vehicle was ground breaking? you seem like a good guy so I’m sorry if that’s mean sounding but.. no it’s really not, it’s cool though and I’m sure it wasn’t easy for them. I’d like to see new POI’s though if anything.. at least.

    • @VampireNoblesse
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    – need more deep / romanceable companions
    – need a new DLC (new map, enemy types, weapons..)
    – Fallout 4 Vault 88 excavation mining into deep caves, astroids, etc..
    – Fallout settlement & ship system for followers (place at shops, bars etc.)
    – new soundtracks from Ion Zur

    • @aperezdeal
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    So hand make the planets and no more repeating POIs?

    • @Ed-ealmighty
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    For the love of Baby God Howard get rid of the loading screens and add true planet to space traversal NMS style what are we waiting for 😆

    Bethesda u made a game called brink decades ago add ark city to starfield as a new location to visit

    I wish a modder would add the entire city of New York barrier city from final fantasy spirits within and use the new vortex and doom enemies as the phantoms 😆

    Add captain falcons blue falcon

    U also have rage 1 & 2 add some cool enemies from that game to starfield it wouldn’t hurt anything 😆

    Allow me to have up to 10 companions at once stop it with the 2 companion limitations 😆

    Oh and add more weapons that uses the cutters infinite ammo on a cool down inknow allyah addison rechargeable weapons mod is a thing but bethesda needs to add more weapons that uses infinite ammo

    • @johndilleyjr.9620
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Great news although it is not much more than vague reassurance that yes BGS is still hard at work on Starfield and will show off what they have been working on when they are ready. I am most interested in news about Starborn DLC. Besides that more POIs and an official overall by BGS to how the procedural generation works would be awesome. More ship parts and energy weapons would be icing on the cake.

    • @CrazyyWolfgang
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Wow a million dollar company is slowly adding things to their underwhelming game!

    • @dissident1337
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Short of a fundamental redesign the game is never going to be saved.

    • @minimayhem1588
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    I want to see next dlc for starfield 🤣

    • @Littleeqb
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Id like to see better POI variety and immersion, more factions missions and depth, maybe some companions updates and more weapons and armor/ clothing but for the sake of god please improve fidelity and optimization its 2025 Bethesda 😂

    • @xbox-elevatedspark
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Nice to finally hear at least something. I luv the game so I’m going to play regardless but I am excited and relieved to know that things are underway and in the pipeline for this year…I’d obviously luv some new ship parts, a whole new manufacturer or two would be better, but I’ll settle for a shit ton of new pieces in all categories…lol…there are a ton of other things I’d luv to see them do but I really do hope we finally get some more BGS ship stuff….thanks for getting us the info CFB…👍

    • @keithcourson7317
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Well, at least they threw us a bone. Not a big bone mind you, but a bone nonetheless.

    • @High_Key
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Awesome news!

    More ship parts
    More dynamic space encounters
    New planetary and space POIs
    Attack finishers

    • @cole9706
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    This post from Bethesda honestly annoyed me a little. Months and months of radio silence and then a vague post is all we get. It feels like more of the same lack of transparency that leaves the door open for people to make fun of BGS and Starfield. I love Bethesda and I love Starfield, but I’m not above criticising them, and they should’ve given us a Starfield roadmap ages ago

    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Who was waiting for anything from starfield? People actually play that shyte?

    • @AD3Supa
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Proof Bethesda watches Crimson Flyboy. A coincidence that this tweet came after your video yesterday? I think NOT!

    • @adriansherrod9113
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Until they decide to make a space exploration game an actual space exploration game i cant play it. It is just boring now.

    • @danceswithowls4000
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Now I need to know what you said. lol.

    • @andrewferris3394
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    I want to see more content about about the colony war maybe even travel back and take part in that.

    • @debanks1
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    New Ship Parts
    New POI’s
    A new storyline to the Tracker’s Alliance Quest

    • @sparkzmentalz2
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    All that wait for another disappointment lol. Bethesda takes way too long to release something. And when they do, it’s more crap than good.

    • @_TangoDown_
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Frankly, it just warms my heart a little to hear that, at the least, they are still working on new content.

    Thank you Crimson for forwarding this bit of fantastic news!

    • @TootsyBootsy
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Allow us to sacrifice artifacts to give to companions so that they can get Starborn powers as well
    Allow us to return to our original universe if we so choose
    Randomized dungeons
    Modifications go to inventory rather than being destroyed
    Make having a crew important for the integrity of larger ships when we travel
    A map search feature

    • @MyRealDelusion
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    If this game wasnt an empty mess you wouldn’t have to wait on content or a word whether they have given up on it or not. I would rather play 76 and I think that pretty much explains it all.

    • @player24361
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    They need to add water physics to worlds. They feel dead with how the water looks.

    • @DrowChyld
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Thanks, Crimson! I don’t follow or do social media (other than youtube videos and Steam friend chat)
    so this update was nice to know about!

    • @gingerpicklemcpickle
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    I’d love an update or mod that makes firefights more realistic. Bullets should rip spacesuits etc. making you stop to repair. We have vacuum tape for no reason! Or even environmental effects on the weapons that make change your loadout depending on the environment. Cant use a ballistic weapon on a planet with a high temp atmosphere as it cooks your ammunition and causes misfire or explosions. Cold planet, laser weapons are reduced due to the effects of cold on the battery power etc

    • @magister.mortran
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    I want seamless planet landings and hovering over the surface with the ship. It’s probably not going to happen, but several mods proved that it would be technically possible. We have interplanetary flight and landing anywhere with Astrogate and hovering vehicles, so why not doing it with ships?

    • @GrimDaysAreHere
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Dude gets gaslit by whatever peon mans the Starflop X account, and y’all grab onto the hype turd like it’s a liferaft.

    • @lilhutt1
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Multiplayer. So we can make our on pirate crews n planet to go take over from other crews 😅. Space battle against other players

    • @Nobodyspielt
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    I also have news. A few days ago, a grain of rice fell over in the corner next to the trash can in the cafeteria on the first floor of Bethesda. It was discovered that there was an update behind the trash can. The cleaning lady put it on Todd Howard’s desk. But now there’s a big problem. He has to get the huge stick he’s sitting on out of the dark black hole before he realizes that the cleaning lady has put something important on his desk.❤sorry

    • @sirbowserfelix9293
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Yep, new ship parts, modules, weapons, etc, just more ship related content, as well as more ways to use the ship appart from the mods. We got some really cool mods, but OG content is always great.

    • @XMK2CATX1
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    I posted some of mine on a video you posted last week & I had just seen prior to this one. Then again, with over 9k hrs on this game, I have found a few things I wish could change/add/alter. Yet, I am trying to learn how to use the CK to do a few of those things but with zero exp with any bethesda games prior to this one, I’m having a hard time. Yet, I am pretty sure I could test the F outta them, to see how they work.

    • @civsully1740
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Not sure this is ground breaking news really. I think we all thought BGS would release something this year. When they’re ready with something it will drop. Meanwhile no need to fret given all the mods that are coming out almost daily. Enough to keep even the hungriest SF player occupied with until a new update comes. I actually like the surprise element keeping it low key.

    • @CreatureWheel
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Restore the use of Helium-3 needed for space travel. Make it an option in the menu for those of us who want it

    • @Focusbreak-Habeeb
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    I SAY LET THEM COOK. They can take all the time they need as far as I’m concerned. 😀

    Last thing we need is for them to rush things.

    Also, I want to see news about the next expansion. New star system, factions, characters, and things to shoot!

    • @Fiann-n6d
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    More POIs, POI overhaul

    • @franknitty8460
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    I appreciate your info but the game seriously needs an entire overhaul. Every since they released Shattered Space and introduced mods the game has never been the same, as an Xbox player I experience several game crashes.

    • @kirbster3678
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    maybe upping the cap on how many crew members you can have, because I would certainly like an achievement friendly way to do that

    • @theitechlab
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Well, speak of the devil! This is exactly what I wanted to see.

    • @XoRandomGuyoX
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    If we’re asking for a wishlist, the most “bang for the buck” would be stuff that provides a new framework. E.g. once they provided a rover a bunch of vehicle mods appeared. While they may not do as much planetside due to the various procedural systems already in place, space is wide open for expansion. Right now it’s just ’empty box where a ship or some asteroids might spawn’. So frameworks to make more things occur in space might expand interest in the literal ‘star field’.

    • @lordvalinar774
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    This reminds me, I STILL need to finish my mod … lol (been procrastinating)

    • @svranca
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Finally!!! I have 3,800 hours in Starfield. I stop playing it a few weeks ago as I am playing KCD2. I desperately needed new content and I am so excited about it!!

    • @qwertyvypez
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    The number 1 thing i want to see is a POI change so that the clutter inside is randomised and the lore doesn’t repeat

    • @martyk656
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    What I’d like to see is unlikely to be popular with many but I’d like Starfield to be more like Fallout 76. Not an MMO lite but at least co-op – Like Minecraft. I’d also be fine with a Fallout 1st type of subscription service that allowed for private servers and included $10 worth of Creation Points per month. If they bundled it with Fallout 1st – say $150 a year for both – that would be wonderful. That way I could play F76 and Starfield without feeling like I had to keep playing one or the other to get my full money’s worth. Bundle it with Minecraft Realms for the trifecta.

    • @qwertyvypez
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    The thumbnail is hilarious 😂

    • @Bear-Knight
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    1 console optimization
    2 more ship variety (enemies)
    3 Fallout 4 style settlements

    • @manoukage-tb9nw
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    I really thought for a moment that they had abandoned the game. They can’t afford it anyway, they’re making the PlayStation version and there’s money to be made.

    • @nickzukowski4106
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    I’d settle for a description of their qa process when it comes to paid mods.

    • @MaxCarnage1984
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    I just want them to finally fix the ECS Constant bugs.

    • @keiran5170
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Truly they need to overhaul the whole game before doing any DLC. I liked the game but man the replayability is not there compared to other Bethesda games.

    1.Change the starting quest – many people i know said they switched it off as soon as they got to New Atlantis

    2. Starborn dungeons-have them have bosses rather than a spinny circle

    3. Space exploration needs to be changed, its non existing and is a huge complaint by a lot people.

    4. Outpost system needs to be expanded to be similar to Fallout 4 and should be the endgame system for rebuilding humanity.

    They need to knuckle down and sort it out.

    • @jaredmongrain2966
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    A list of things I’d like to see
    -New ship parts/ highjackable npc ships
    -drop down ship merge glitches brought back
    -more ship slots/outpost hangar to display ships not in use.
    -more fleshed out companions/crew
    -more trackers alliance quests
    -weapon armour and clothing spawns that make sense (for example varuun zealots should have varuun armour, not an explorer helmet, and uc marine armour, when looting. Also locational loot should be the same reliant medical uniforms should spawn in medical locations for example)

    • @awkwardmonster
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    i wanna see MECHS! have the crimson fleet or those pesky spacers get a hold of mech parts contraband and build them out in a remote part of the settled systems or something

    • @sdefiel3719
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    I’d like “The Den” to stop disappearing

    and more ship parts.

    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    YESSS … Thank you.

    • @Backbone420
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Thanks for the update. My list of wishes obviously contains some heavy changes like atmospheric flight. But realistically what I’d like to hear about is plans for mechs to be added. Eventually getting its own builder. Ships could have dockers specifically for them. They could be voiced copilots in space, and retrievable on the surface for exploration/combat. They could have wheel/track/propulsion drive types. This could eventually lead to a new mech war.

    I don’t play melee runs but I would like to see more melee move-sets for those that do. Maybe combining the boost pack assault skill into some as well. Do some air melee attacks lol.

    Radio stations. Not only for music but info and mission triggers.

    Large cosmic events visible across the galaxy that trigger an investigation to cause. Bring players out to those “extra” systems. Maybe some scientific missions to gas giants, doing up close inspection and analysis. Grab some ring dust lol. Maybe grab an asteroid and study it or move it off a collision trajectory.

    I personally would like a switch in settings that would let me turn off credits for ship parts and require lists of resources and components instead. This could allow me to tie mining, crafting, and shipbuilding a little.

    There is more like tightening up the mods and how the game runs with heavy load orders on console. Also reducing the gap between PC and console mods. But anyway, thanks again for the heads up and keeping me informed on my favorite game. Catch a smile out there. o7

    • @Termi325
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Hey dude this is great news thanks for the update! also just a thought but i’d love to hear which faction is your favourite I think that’d be a good video!

    • @jeffk6686
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    1. Fix for the stuttering issues on console.
    2. Better Creations UI for console (multi-select, no more random LO changing, no more auto-scroll to top of list after deletion of a mod, no more “Can’t Connect to Bethesda Servers”, etc.).
    3. Seamless space flight (I know, probably never going to happen).
    4. More POIs and better Proc-gen.
    5. Trackers Alliance update.
    6. Something to make Outpost building worth it. 6. More companions.

    Too much to ask for? 😆

    • @aurawolf2221
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    That was my tweet just FYI so you’re all welcome Captains!

    See you in the 🌟

    • @mallatratt36
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    At least its something

    • @box-headrobot7531
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    I suspect we will get a rover for the remaining ship manufacturers. The Rev-8 is Nova Galactic, and we got the Deimos one a few months back. So probably a Taiyo, Stroud, and Hope Tech at some point.

    • @Rikhammer
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    About fkn time right fkn BGS

    • @thetennessee
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Like a day after your video asking for communication. Dude they are watching.

    • @ZoNEE79
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Speak of the devil. 😁

    • @korruptwisdom8688
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    See you asked and they answered. 👍

    • @rabidgears
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    I’d like to see pilotable mechs, but that’s not very likely. If they ever do something like that it would probably be part of a main DLC.

    • @Ivixation
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Proof they watch your channel. They put out a tweet days after your video.

    • @mtfreeman800
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Cool, Ad Astra.

    • @Atarijmike77
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am


    • @SlySoSavage
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Just get off the sofa 🛋️ Crimson FB…’re creeping me out 😢😂

    • @YogBaal
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Please fix the creation club issues — you can’t “unbookmark,” the load order is never the actual load order, etc. I haven’t been able to save my load order to the Bethesda network in over a month. Every time the game crashes repeatedly I have to completely re-build the LO from scratch, which ruins my day.

    • @DuVtrell
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Food/Drinks tab. Need.

    • @Capt_CrimsoN
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    I wish they could tell us more!! This is basically them just saying:
    “We’re working on it”

    • @BigBangfanforlife
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Well I would like to see:
    – space station building
    – more ship parts
    – reduced loading times
    – more paid mods
    – Ray Tracing
    – more optimisation
    – more photo mode options

    • @mikeymondavi
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    The only things i had on my list for delivery this year was the build shipbuilding update we’ve all been waiting on since launch (M Class, stations, related refueling, parts, maybe Trident as a Creations habs vendor) and the story drop Q3 of this year. Anything outside of that is icing on the cake in my book.

    That said, i’d like to be seeing some heavier refinements to the base product just as much. I know they spent a year digging themselves out of the launch hole and all that jazz, but now’s the time to see it. Either way i’ll be here for it.

    • @ChozoSR388
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Like I said yesterday; Bethesda is tight-lipped about what they’re working on, you know that.

    • @StoneAgeWarfare
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    I hope they mean a lot when they said ‘a lot’ because I want this game to be 🔥🔥🔥

    • @nolgroth
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Since you asked….

    1. More ship parts.

    2. A transformation of the Outpost system to be more like Fallout 4’s settlement system.

    3. More space habitats. This includes player crafted/owned space settlements.

    4. A smallish story DLC along the lines of the Mechanist story from Fallout 4.

    All of that is just wishful thinking. It’s nice to see something from Bethesda. Like a half-step in the right direction.

    • @UmmerFarooq-wx4yo
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Microsoft Starfield Flight Simulator 2025? Someone tell the Microsoft’s ceo to play the mods, and advertise the top mods on their OS or social media sites or something.

    • @bossredd-77
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am


    • @PorscheGuy101
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    I wanna get space Walking,in the game, that would be cool

    • @willjosef8087
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    I just want them to fix the game on pc, so that it doesn’t crash every 10 minutes. It has been like that since the update in June last year. Before that update it almost never crashed in more than 500 hours of playing. I miss playing the game!

    • @AhoiMalloy
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am


    • @EXAMsystem00
    • 2025年 3月 08日 9:55am

    Finally christ