Why Is Bethesda Radio Silent Regarding Starfield

starfield 情報局

Today we are going to talk about bethesda lack of content for starfield and talk about what we do know



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    • @davidbell4986
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    After Bethesda scammed so many, including me in 76, I will never trust them with another dollar. Besides, No Mans Sky is a blast!

    • @XMK2CATX1
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    I hated the shattered space dlc. While I am probably one of the players with the most hrs of playing with it. I’m trying to learn how to mod with the CK now, I have a large learning curve on this. I wish we had an Alternate possibility for the Shattered Space DLC. I generally despise anything varuun/ecliptic, and on a NG+ were Andreja & zealots killed all of Constellation, I wiped out everyone on their home planet. I went full on roman/greek/ancient era on them. So, I wish that was a regular chance for you to do. With at least one ‘leading house,’ being dirty & working with the zealots & the ‘speaker as well.’ I view basically all of them as being totally dirty. Even though this is a ‘game,’ I don’t like being ‘forced’ into the ‘religion’ that they so call practice. That’s the main reason, I’ve stopped playing the DLC part. I’ve been using ‘Burn your bridges,’ to kill npcs like Bayou, Everyone on the key except the trade authority guy & a couple of the UC council. Since the game will not allow me to kill sanon. Of course, all the security at the Red Mile get’s ‘removed’ as well as neon security. I have yet in the numerous NG+’s to have one were Quark (if you catch that reference, you’re older) teams up with ecliptic, although I’ve had on one of my characters 3 Andreja’s killing all of Constellation in a row. Not sure how that happens. When you run into Vanguard out killing Morphs & Zero Recognition on your Character, being one of the leaders of the TMD. I’ve had several ‘missions,’ to kill one, then after I find it/kill it, there’s several Vanguard there, ‘telling me, I need to leave the area because it’s unsafe.’ That or I wander across those same kind of group, being attacked by spacers & I save them from the spacers from killing them off. Zero thanks for the assist or recognition. Gratefully, with thanks to some Mod Authors I can build some awesome ships. Some of which, I’ve uploaded onto this platform. For the most part, I’ve come to begrudgingly forced to admit that ‘Followers’ are basically worthless & sometimes even harmful to combat. When they get ‘spotted,’ draw fire, then try & hide behind your character. My current playthrough I have been working on, with my 2nd weakest current Character, lvl 270 with 1 time NG+, it’s June & I have yet to go into Constellation. I know it’s going to be a vanilla playthrough, because barret is on vectera.

    • @stephenallen4374
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    The game is rubbish and and just a loading screen it is too hard to make mods to fix it the engine is a piece of rubbish they’re abandoning the game

    • @skyriminspace
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Every time bethesda releases anything, be it actual dlc or just an update video of some form, the anti-fans crawl out of their basements to take a big steaming turd on it before shuffling back into obscurity.

    There. That’s why we haven’t heard anything.

    Starborn is coming. But there’s a little thing called ES6 in the pipeline now so there’s probably only ten devs on starfield stuff from now on. 😂

    • @raptor1313666
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    I’m on hold with Starfield. It was fun when I played, and I gave it 800 hours (most in the ship builder) across two playthroughs. I don’t regret my time in it in the slightest.

    But it’s still towards the bottom of my list of games (of that type) that I prefer. Specifically, I was hoping for a more interesting version of planetary exploration. I admired their tiled mapping system for giving us a “Skyrim sized map in each tile!”, but the relative emptiness or procedurally generated hotspots made it disinteresting over time. Hell, even the ship builder got stale, because all the parts were basically the same after a while, and the ship itself couldn’t *move* across the surface.

    I don’t mind the lack of seamless planetary landings. I can deal with a loading screen (animated or static, I don’t mind). But I would just love to be able to get in the ship and take off and fly over the surface. But, of course, the problem there is that even a Skyrim-sized tile is too small for ship-based exploration.

    The rovers were neat additions, but they were more of a bandage over the issue instead of an actual solution to it. Ultimately, I don’t think the engine can support what I really want out of a game like this, so I’ve drifted away for now.

    That said, if the rumors of this “code changing update” pan out and it’s something that introduces more seamless transitions overall? I’ll give it another look. If, however, there are just more bandages, then I’ll shelve Starfield on a more permanent basis. There are other games that I want to give my time to, and I’m not going to lament over a game that I enjoyed for as long as I did.

    • @nolgroth
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    As mentioned in your Discord server, I have over 4k hours in Starfield. I’ve been waiting patiently for more content, but Bethesda ain’t delivering. Considering that with Fallout 4 Bethesda had released several DLC within the 18 months or so following the launch, I don’t think it is unreasonable for a press release saying “Hey, we’re working on some stuff. More news as we get closer.”

    And Bethesda, SHIP PARTS. A DLC like Wasteland Workshop or Contraptions, filled with ship parts, would sell. Seriously pull your heads out and equalize the pressure.

    • @oldmanaarbeh5112
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    So much potential, but they failed on outpost system and shattered space was lazy. I started KCD2, and I am much happier, Unless Bethesda makes major overhauls to this game, I’m not coming back to it.

    • @awkwardmonster
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    love starfield but took a bit of a break until there’s more updates and creations to checkout. playing through indiana jones, rdr2 and witcher3 in the meantime

    • @DeeMillercMEnoMORE
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Waiting to see what they do to add some real explanation & unique items

    • @travisbaez8430
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    I’m leading a pretty large FB group that is aching for updates. No Oblivion remake news, No Starborn news, Nothing new for months… I already pre-ordered Doom Dark Ages, which is Bethesda? But more ID. If Virtuous is making Oblivion, idk what else they could be focusing on rn.

    I’m scouring daily for any shred of Bethesda related news*

    • @GabeHeron
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Starfield needs a lot of help.

    • @TheOutlawGamer-c6z
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    I still love Starfield, even though I broke it with mods, I’m fixing it.

    I can only imagine the citizens of New Atlantis looking up at the tree thinking, there’s an Irishman talking in a tree, you don’t see that everyday.

    I’m holding out, but I’m fixing it at the same time.

    • @Prophet_36
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    $170 AUD for the base game and 1 DLC. need at least 2 more DLCs to justify the price. or its a no go for Bethesda’s future games for me. bought the game to support the company but yea…. if they want to treat their customers like Ubisoft so be it. we all know how its going for them

    • @TieflingInAJar
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Game flopped they’d rather push Elder Scrolls 6 which will print money even when its inevitable dogshit because bethesda refuse to learn and refuse to abandon their outdated janky creation engine.

    Long time Bethesda fan and im done, starfield was the last straw.

    • @mindureownbusinoseyparker3815
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    As a newbie rookie only 8 days of time in …I’m at level 48 just stopped short of quest for unity as I ain’t doing ngplus I ain’t losing 650k credits my outpists x 5 plus my 12 yes 12 ships go figure I had 10 in list owned then awarded R ship then got prison ship aswell added hence 12 lol😅 so I’m not gunna do ng+ I like doing side quests etc then having vacation at my beach place in paradiso or valley view for a swim n relax on terrace sunbathing or flying around in my jet bike to explore the surface recently nodded the jemison mansion v impressive or my free stays in new atlantis penthouse I know sad 😮 my character is female n hit as f… great bod so bikini walks on beach at paradiso are a must in-between piracy who said crime does not pay …. nxt I’m nodding robots will one of u genius modders please do robots from mechs to Vasco styly etc please I love having Vasco have my back I’m waiting for real life Vasco to buy from Amazon 😅 dropped by drone or crimson fleet c class over our house

    • @Jeremy-k9t
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    I’m just gonna unsub because you’re pathetic and the Starfield fanbase is living a delusion while being nasty to people who are living in reality. Best of luck everyone. This game is never gonna be what you want it to be because they don’t have the talent to do that and they don’t care about any of you at all.

    • @Jeremy-k9t
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    This game has around 2-4K players at any time and you think they’re going to put a ton of effort into it. LIVE IN THE REAL WORLD.

    • @box-headrobot7531
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    I’m still playing Starfield in between other games. Usually ship or outpost building, including decorating custom interiors. Started messing around with the CK as well. Besides that? Sometimes it’s nice to just be in the game chilling on my ship out in space. Especially with the Astrogate, Miss O’s and the Mining Conglomerate mods. Slow cruise in space, bust up some rocks and a glass of St. Brendan’s is the life!

    • @lordofgrunts22
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Part of me cant blame them for going silent with this game after how critically panned it was among the masses. Which to me is a shame because conceptually theres so much i like about starfield

    • @BearyCoolGaming76
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Thanks for doing this type of video. All i do is build ships in this game and i am having a hell of a time doing it! If Bethesda can address the issues you mentioned as well as expand on the ship builder, I think we are in for great things. The Playstation launch is an overall positive thing and it will hopefully breathe some new life into the game.

    • @sofaking1627
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Flop field

    • @Termi325
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    It’s really sad that Starfield was so poorly recieved though I admit I was someone who took issue with the state of the game, though I have come to enjoy it very much now (mostly thanks to mods and updates/dlc) though I think Fallout 4 had received all its dlc in the same timeframe we find ourselves at with starfield now so it is concerning, especially considering Todd originally said they planned on updating and adding dlc to this game for up to a decade before its release.

    • @manoukage-tb9nw
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Starfield is not a bad game. Thr quality of narration is incredible every faction have a wtf history. Bgs are genius vulture quest is too amazing and the best mod quest for far. People are becoming too demanding these days. they want real life in a game. The Bethesda recipe is the same and that won’t change, I think for elder Scrolls 6, don’t dream too much. I love Skyrim, I love Avowed and I love Starfield, I would love tes 6 for sure. If you don’t like the old mechanics of Bethesda games, stop playing them, it’s simple. I think the next tes 6 will not have a good rating. It will be an average like 85/100. I Ill never go PlayStation. It give me nothing except games i hate like jrpg and japs games. In 2023 on xbox we played starfield in 2024 we played stalker 2 in 2025 we played avowed and its just the start.

    • @Michael-jl9ne
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    I’m on my first play through of Starfield and am enjoying it. I do hope that the next expansion will explain more about the Starborn. Once I finish my first run I plan to learn to mod the game. That’ll keep me busy as I learn how to make content and mods.

    • @willspettingzooandgarden7666
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    I have played on both Xbox and ps but I prefer the pc over all but it’s a personal choice. I have my ps5 setup as a racing simulator mostly Grand Trismo and currently have not bought an Xbox since gen 1 since I play on pc

    • @OwnerGriffin108
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Still playing starfield, love the game, I am a busy person so I’m just getting the riujin quest done now, loving it so far, not sure why I didn’t get to it earlier.

    • @Owen-v5p
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    I loved Starfield shoot me. I don’t care why are you idiots say

    • @Backbone420
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Keep working on my atmospheric flight BGS. Let me know when you’re ready, I’ll be waiting. Catch a smile out there. o7

    • @theitechlab
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    I’m a huge fan of Starfield but I’m really wondering why the radio silence from BGS. I get this isn’t live service, but this is your brand-new IP that needs as much content as it can get to draw in and retain players. Basically 6 months of nothing isn’t a good look unless they drop a huge update by surprise.

    I mean, Fallout 4 had all of its DLC (6 total with 3 being story-based) in less than ONE YEAR after launch–by comparison, Starfield has received 1 DLC (Far Harbor size) in the 18 months post-launch. Yeah, there were some updates like the REV-8, but that’s not on the same caliber as an actual DLC like we saw in Fallout and TES games of old.

    I’m huge into sci-fi, and this game scratches the itch I had for a space game, but boy do we need some more content in form of big DLC and hopefully a rework/re-bake of some elements of the base game mechanics. Seriously love the game a lot already, but there needs to be some updates from BGS about what the plan for Starfield is going forward.

    • @Joe0079SpaceWarrior
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    And also it would sound like another headache for Bethesda to go through to put mods on PlayStation

    • @stiftarcory4364
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Bethesda trying to pull that sleight of hand but nobody’s buying it, they need to clean house and hire competent developers.

    • @Joe0079SpaceWarrior
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Because PlayStation doesn’t like mods

    • @Joe0079SpaceWarrior
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Most likely mods probably won’t be coming to Playstation

    • @Joe0079SpaceWarrior
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Even if PlayStation has a lot of player base does it mean the game will sell any good if people are already know the game is not doing well

    • @N7-alpha
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Rumor Microsoft wants to take Xbox the way of Sega and drop hardware be a game maker only.

    • @jaysuer6730
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Not only do we need the starborn DLC but we NEED AND I MEAN WE NEED AN OVERHALL ON TRAVELING THROUGH SPACE.
    An actual transversal travel system so I can properly travel planet to planet. We should be grav jumping to different star systems but enough of the loading between planets, I want that actual feeling of moving through space. That is still killing my play through of feeling like I am flying through space

    • @jeffk6686
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Just come out and say we’re still supporting the game and are working on stuff. No timeframe necessary. I think, at this point, everyone would just like to know the game hasn’t been abandoned.

    • @drackar
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    They’ve probably realized that starfield has something like 5% of the player retention of fallout 4, let alone skyrim, and have realized throwing good money after bad is a waste of time?

    • @BluntApe
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    It hasnt been 3 years of Starfeild! Haha. Its been 1 year and 5 months. Still got a very long time for them to do stuff with this game.

    • @LieutenantGruber
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Let’s move on to tes6. And forget about this misunderstanding of a game that starfield is.

    • @ripmurdock6975
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Its beyond saving unless they include the ability to deep six Barrett and destroy Constellation (while still progressing the mq) for a bad karma run. Like, they KNEW Marcy Long was so bad, the F4 player base wanted to ice her, and therefore updated the game so you could. Then they release this with Karen simulator (Sarah) and Barrett yapping on about his husband as soon as you meet him. You cannot be a badass in the game therefore it has zero replayability as an rpg imo. It’s beyond fixing with updates. Time to fire everyone involved, try to lure at least some of the Oblivion/F3/Skyrim talent back and at least attempt to make a strong ES6.

    • @MaxCarnage1984
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Honestly at this point (after finishing a regular playthrough and a NG+ playthrough), I’m just playing Starfield for the mods.

    I’m just surprised that there’s barely been any Doctor Who mods released, aside from a couple of Dalek suits.

    Some Star Trek mods would be nice too (yes I saw Inquisitors phaser mods, and they are very low poly and buggy as hell).

    • @ChozoSR388
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    You know how tight-lipped Bethesda are about shit they’re working on. This should be no surprise to you, bro.

    • @backwoodsdude1
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Im playing the “choose your own chunks” mod and just finished a universe with only my magic space man powers… no guns

    • @ProfX1527
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    If Sony doesn’t change their stance on external content, none of my mods will be able to on the Playstation in Creations since every single one requires a script or interface file.

    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Been playing the game since Early Access on Xbox, with only one character, and currently have 33 days played on my most recent save, without going through Unity.

    Yes, my save is bloated, and my audio is bugged from the Story Mission that breaks music tracks, but I am sticking to this character until I have unlocked all Achievements at my own pace, like Gary without any Aurora.

    I mostly ignored your channel when it was Ship Reviews, but started watching your content Daily when it turned towards Creations. I have hope that Bethesda will not abandon this franchise, but at the same time – as you mentioned – they have a history of remaining silent until a big surprise drops out of nowhere.

    I still remember Fallout Shelter getting announced and launched on the same day, while showcasing Fallout 4.

    A shadow drop for Starfield would be great, but I also need to see that they are working on something. Anything.

    • @methyou6622
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    So “Season Pass” was a total ripoff…
    Aside from that, I’m glad someone else is asking what I’ve been asking myself. Bethesda really sold the heck out of this, as taking decades to create, and will have decades of playability. I still play Skyrim and Fallout 4. So I KNOW where the standard is at. And Starfield has not done that.
    There’s a lot of gatekeeping and fanboy blocking goin on. But I have 3,496 hours in the game. I am by no means a “hater.” BUT, give us content up to the standards. That’s what we were sold, that’s what we were told.
    Both Fallout 4 and Skyrim had DLCs that were massive, rivaling the base game. Don’t gaslight the players, especially the decades long fans. Just deliver. And where is that delivery? When is that delivery?
    I’d like to see more DLC, more ship parts, more UNIQUE locations, more detail. Please, just live up to the Bethesda standards of the past. Please…

    And I had to go back and edit to say, YES, the ship building, is the most fun part of the game, hands down. And my biggest real disappointment, is not a lot more ship parts and variables and details.

    • @henrycarlson7514
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    interesting , Thank you .. i gave up on consols years ago , on the other hand , do what works for you. as we all know there are people that are by Profession unhappy . I like Fallout 76. Happy Gaming

    • @Adam-z8z3f
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Let’s hope they fix the stutter every 3 seconds glitch. Cause playing with less than 30 mods or I get that stutter. Which I read it was base game code or something to do with the game it’s self sucks

    • @mrmilwaukee89
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Honestly if it isn’t any content adding update or DLC it’s better if they don’t release anything, my load order is working perfectly without a hitch.

    • @DrengrJeep
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Developers need to go back to waterfall style project management resulting in completed releases like they did back in the days of Atari. Game development went downhill when they went digital and shifted away from waterfall, and towards team collaboration, which resulted in incomplete bugged games with promises of future patches.

    • @Rikhammer
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    BGS being quiet can both be a good and bad thing, but I’m hoping they don’t sure Starfield has problems, but I hold this game close to my heart. I mean, I’ve never modded before, but this game made me release a ship mod. Hopefully, other mods as well.

    • @orionfrost
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Bethesda is one of the very few companies that plans years in advance. Starfield may be bare bones right now but they may have a content schedule that spans years to come that we don’t know about, Like Bungie has done with Destiny 2.

    • @a.g.m8790
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    You can tell Bethesda is embarrassed by Starfield and the response it got by players and media. They expected this to make a big splash and be their scifi Skyrim but it just flopped around for a bit then was forgotten about. Not a bad game by any means and I had quite a bit of fun w/ its limited systems but it’s missing that “it” factor that even games that launched in a technically bad state (Cyberpunk 2077, Baldurs Gate 3, Elden Ring etc.) have. The best way I can describe it is it feels like it was made by people who don’t care about it

    • @wiresandchains
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Cuz they ripped y’all off and still lost money

    • @zacharymurdock8215
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    I am hoping in the Starborn DLC that they greatly expand the Temple Quests and Artifact hunt to be much more engaging and interesting than “here is an artifact in this random cave go get it” and “Here is a temple, go there, solve a boring puzzle, get a power, fight a starborn, the end”. I want to see the temples turn into alien dungeons that require starborn powers to get through. I want other factions like the Crimson Fleet to be hunting the artifacts. I want the UC and FC factions to have public archeological expeditions and convert collections to get the artifacts. An artifact was used to make the first grav drive, so even with no knowledge of the Starborn, there would be much interest in finding more. I want to see more lore on the original builders of the temples and anomalies (and more world building in general, Starfield is an original IP, they need more lore and history
    added to the game).

    • @amirchollet2975
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    People still play this shit? Lmao

    • @J.B.1982
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    This is normal for Bethesda. They don’t make live service games. That don’t do much post launch support. They have your money and they could care less.

    • @StoneAgeWarfare
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    I really wish that a lot of the executives at Beth would wise up and realize that they need to be more generous with titles like Starfield and 76. Lower the prices, offer more sales, and have roadmaps. That would clear up some of the animosity and resentment from the community.

    • @gbhgvhgbh
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    My guess is they are working on a PS5 port and they obviously won’t talk about that until Microsoft/Xbox are ready to announce.

    • @nywolf9798
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    I’ve noticed some new POI’s lately, nothing big but different. I’m honestly not worried, but If the next DLC doesn’t do well then I’ll start to worry about any future DLC’s. The cats pretty much out of the bag with mods, Starfield is the new Fallout 4 but way bigger, a huge open canvas for modders, Some huge mods coming out soon!

    • @kenmck7802
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Todd saaaiidd , it’s nice for people to miss things. Well he’s got people missing Elder Scrolls, people missing Fallout and now you get to…miss Starfield. Welcome to the…club.

    • @RoninTheBlackFox
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    If SF goes to PS5… there will be some sort of update associated. The question is what needs to be done… for me there is additions needed to make it better or even great. MODS can’t fix it.

    • @DiodaGrainProductions
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    this game just sucks; it set back Bethesda 20 years in game design. I don’t even think today’s Bethesda can even recreate Skyrim which was honestly mediocre compared to Oblivion and Morrowind.

    • @Pyrrhamancer
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    See I feel the same way however I don’t mine waiting for the dlc to drop if thy make it pop off and make it amazing and worth the wait then to me that’s okie

    • @EdwardAmarille
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    if Starfield does go to playstation, i hope that Sony doesn’t limit the modding like they have done in the past. it is honestly one of the major factors in me dropping the playstation and sticking to xbox exclusively.

    • @kenmck7802
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    “Todd said, Todd said” When you going to learn not to trust a WORD that comes out of that guy’s mouth, he …LIES. Spencer is no better an the greaattt “writer” Emmmiillll can’t say a sentence without putting his ASS in his mouth. The ONLY reason they’re “updating” modding tools is so MODDERS can come in and make…the game Todd always dreamed of. Obviously Bethesda…can’t.

    • @X363
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    The playstation player base isn’t “5x bigger than Xbox”. Both platforms have about the same numbers for active users, which is around 130M inlcuding last generation consoles.

    Now, speaking of current gen only which is the one where Starfield is available, playstation has about 2x shipped consoles. So not near “5X bigger” as you said.

    • @Carson-to4zr
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Because the game absolutely sucks ass

    • @skitkjell85
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Just uninstalled it. Soubt I’ll ever pick it up again, but if anything good drops for it sometime I guess I’ll keep an eye out.

    • @X363
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Phil Spencer never said Starfield is going to playstation much less “soon”. All he said is that he wouldn’t affirm it will forever stay as Xbox console exclusive, it will probably go to that and nintendo switch 2 at some point, but he never confirmed it or gave an estimation.

    • @mythicsnap594
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    When they released atomotron dlc for fallout 4 it was my favorite dlc by far saw they had robots in the starfield trailer just assumed it was ganna be a thing hope they add a dlc for new robots across the stars and being able to make many combinations and maybe even new compartments for ships like auto turrets or drone launchers just things to make the game more interesting maybe even assemble a squadron and maybe a head ship that works like a home and has a massive hanger you can see your favrote ships sprawled out in the hanger

    • @GoldenLeafsMovies
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    The silence doesn’t bother me. They stated they’re rethinking their strategy ever since shattered space so they’re probably working on the game and waiting until the next big update to release the content. What worries me is that what they’re working on won’t be substantial enough.

    • @thorgen_ironside5279
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    I am in the Starfield most days on PC, 300+ mods – having a blast 🙂

    • @amalaugustine2183
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    I want starfield to launch on Playstation soon , so that lot of people experience the good side of starfield.

    • @fiveaclock2549
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Bethesda NOT “updating” their games is a good thing, Bethesda isn’t exactly known for fixing their games, it’s actually the opposite,

    They’re known for breaking and abandoning their games, they operate on a 2 steps forward, 8 steps back concept, they “fix” a minor non issue and create 12 major game breaking issues, that’s how BGS works

    Count your blessings they not updating the game, because it’s actually a good thing

    • @ghengisbobber
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    I’m still playing daily, alternating grinding my main up to 200 and trying new characters and backgrounds.

    • @Capt_CrimsoN
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Not gonna lie, the silence on Starfield does have me concerned. I love the game, but like… compared to previous titles, the lack of news is telling. Fallout 4 had all of it’s DLC released in the first year (all of it released in 2016). I heard rumors that Starfield would be having a “game changing” update, but its been radio silence.

    • @Hurbster2112
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    After being very keen on the game, I just lost interest. The story didn’t grab me, I saw no reason to go anywhere else after I finished the game. I liked the universe I was in and didn’t want to go anywhere else. I just thought it was fairly poor storytelling and I certainly didn’t want to do those lovely, lovely temples again. As always environmental storytelling is Bethesda’s strong point, so I was very disappointed to see so much use of generated content. Shattered Space was disappointing as well, a tiny curated area surrounded by the usual AI-generated POIs, nothing new was brought to the main game itself, and if you didn’t make a certain choice you could not do it anyway. Lastly, there was zero desire to go anywhere the various stories didn’t take you after a while. Sure, when I started I explored everywhere and everywhere, but after my 5th or 6th identical pirate base I just did not bother.

    • @bossredd-77
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    The younger me would’ve been furious at an Xbox game going to Playstation.
    The older me understands that it only helps the games I love get longevity because more players.

    • @blackfish95
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    I’m really eager for new content, but thankfully the modding community is providing some great stuff that keeps me playing. I don’t feel like the game is too buggy, any issues i see lately are mod related.

    • @The_slimshady_kkkid_
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    No refunds sucker

    • @mikeymondavi
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Its an Agile product, if you thought BGS was too quiet during the Waterfall dev era, its gonna be 10 times worse in Agile delivery just because its so much harder to lock down timing on large epics/enhancements. I honestly expected we’d be a bit deeper into the 5 year delivery schedule by now but at the same time they did spend most of last year digging themselves out of the launch issues hole and they still had a 3rd of the base game product in post-launch backlogs.

    I think (just my opinion) what happened after Shattered Space is that both BGS and MS product management teams kicked off a reprioritization for delivery based on feedback. I don’t see this as a negative thing as this happens at my company every other quarter, but its hard when you’re the consumer on the outside looking in with a company who only tends to speak to things ready for delivery inside of a 30-90 day period.

    I think we’ll get the PR teases for this years delivery like we did for 2024 in 2023 by the end of CYQ1 which is rapidly approaching, but none of this has ever made me worry about them canceling the product, scaling back the 5 year delivery schedule, or somehow not going to make it’s 10 year product lifecycle window. I still think BGS is going to SaaS up SF, Fallout, and TES by the time this is all said and done.

    The only things i have on my list for this year is the story drop CYQ3/4 and the big shipbuilding update we’ve been waiting on since launch (M Class, Stations, related refueling mechanics, new version of builder, more parts, maybe Trident as a paid luxury habs vendor via Creations. Anything else outside of these things would be icing on the cake to me.

    • @GreenH0cker
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Because Starfield already sucked up too much time from ES6 and Fo5 development. Microsoft is putting pressure on them for another Fallout game… Starfield is NOT the priority right now

    • @MemoryPallace
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    When traveling in an open world game is terrible it’s utter fail

    • @DavidHolden15911855
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Good video Crimson – I’m still playing Starfield as much as I can. I actually started a streaming series on twitch with a new character, and I decided on each universe I will randomly choose different aspects of the game to force my character to not always use/play the same style. For example I randomly decide on weapon time, companion and quests. So each time I jump the Unity I will need to complete that universe with those specific conditions. It actually turns out to be quite enjoyable

    • @RobotWithHumanHair.
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Cool accent

    • @NightshadeDE
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    “Bethesda has been radio silent” good honestly, I’d prefer them to take the Hello Games approach towards updates and show them when they are ready to launch.

    • @elel9640
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    The fact that there are still people that care about this game is wild to me.

    • @1s3ngr1m
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Actually anyone thinking Bethesda would still allocate programmers to a completely failed project like Starfield is beyond my imagination.
    ATM this game has less players than a free of charge fishing simulator.
    I wanted to like it, bought the deluxe digital edition….but after grueling 300 hours of getting around the insane amount of bugs i never ever played it again, not even that abysmal crap they called a DLC….because simply….there are more entertaining things…and more state of the art games.

    • @janetd5121
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    We need the Starborn DLC which will hopefully tell us who built the temples. We also need the ability to create settlements/colonies and build our own space stations. This is my current wish list for the game.

    • @ramireza6904
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    This game is dead, BGS have abandoned it nearly 6 month ago. This comes from a BGS Fanboy with 700+ Hours in Starfield. But lets be honest: Post-Launch support of Starfield is the WORST of all BGS games i played since Daggerfall. Wich is very sad: Starfield had SOOO much potential. But why they should still support it? Steam player numbers 2,265 atm! This is terrible.

    13:57 LOL, grow up! 😀

    • @redsamurai6586
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Just be aware this is my opinion, but in a nutshell, I think Starfield is a pretty fun game, but it could’ve been so much better. Take for example taking out your spaceship your starship, but then you can just fast travel everywhere……😅 or able to have a family in Skyrim but in this not really 😂😂😂

    • @killyshoot9161
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Todd said no more roadmaps and shit. I think they will drop shit but they don’t want that “hype press” no more because a lot of folks hate on starfield just because it’s the niche thing to do. Roadmaps set expectations and they don’t want to do that no more. I love starfield and still play it regularly, but don’t blame them for radio silence with how a lot of folk just love to talk shit etc.

    • @danceswithowls4000
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Going to PlayStation does nothing for me The creators have done so much for starfield. I love this game and will be playing every day for this year I hope they have great things to add and fixes this year!

    • @patrickphillips6550
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Because the best sucks ass and even they know it?? I mean even modders don’t give a shit about the game 😂

    • @whitemojowolf
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    I’ve given up hope that they will fix much more Iike the procgen. All we will get is content like Shattered Space with some bug fixes here and there. I think Shattered Space’s reception has shifted the more long term vision.

    What sucks for the modding is that the modders don’t even have all the tools and there will be a point to where these talented people decide that the time investment isn’t worth it and go back to the older games, or do something new altogether.

    • @beezwax112
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    New viewer here o/ I’ve been playing Starfield again for the first time since launch. Glad to see many of the updates and I’m enjoying the creations too. The game is really growing on me, I hope Bethesda don’t give up on it. 🌠

    • @ericbrown6347
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    I think Sony will allow modding…
    On Arma Reforger PS5, the game dev has said Sony has given the go ahead to allow all the mods available on PC on PS5 and a lot of those mods use external assets…
    So maybe Sony has changed their mind on this stuff.

    • @pietro0games
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    My issue with PlayStation port IS this thing about increasing the work done by modders. Checking errors for Xbox takes a Lot of time already

    • @rileywinston744
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Yeah Starfield is still my main game!! Has been for a long time, definitely looking forward to another update and dlc.

    • @gamingguru2k6
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    I put 300 hours into the game. I think most people just don’t care about the starship/settlement building. I know you say that’s a lot of the appeal, but I’m saying there’s a niche audience for that.

    I can’t easily explain the issues with Starfield, but it’s written in a very safe, inoffensive way. Like the story never really gets into things like prejudice or any form of moral ambiguity. Sure, there’s at least a questline that deals with war crimes, but it frames things in an unambiguous way. There’s a tendency for everything to be very black and white, like the mind control chip thing.

    Even compared to Fallout 4, you could at least argue for some merit between the factions. It’s at least a little debatable.

    I think Shattered Space tried to be a little more nuanced with the writing, but they made a faction that should be one of the most prejudiced factions to outsiders, pretty chill all things considered. The game feels too safe, and people find that lack of interpersonal conflict boring.

    • @uncledarren4262
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Shattered space is the second story line (besides the main) with a Satanic agenda. I could use a science fiction nutral story line for a change. Also why are they charging for update content like adventures and things like more choice of looks for your characters, vehicle choices, etc. Micro charges destroy some player bases… the poorest. Myself I am a gamer in the 60+ catagory. A limited pension income. Maybe it’s fine for kids who’s parents have unlimited disposable income, but I do not.

    • @510DeshawnPlays
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    I Made the same video last month on this lol

    • @angryglock
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    It’s up to the modders now. BGS is done with it. Maybe in a couple of years the community can make a game of it.

    • @mtfreeman800
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Coffee time. All good points and good observations. And of course I’m playing Starfield with occasional ventures in to Skyrim. As a previous 76 player, pretty sure Bethesda is just licking its wounds and working toward its next DLC. If the addition of PS does occur, i definitely see a resurgence of interest occurring. The IP is too successful to abandon, so I expect future content. Great video, thanks for posting.

    • @Berkzian
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    lol i didnt know Starfield was not on PS, i thought, surely by now it would be.

    • @shanewoosley8303
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Still playing starfield, love the trackers alliance

    • @caiooca5793
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    They are pulling a No Man Sky here, I’m sure… or I wish 😅

    • @eidannishidan3794
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    to respond to the title, “Because no one cares”

    • @FaIlenLegion
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    will always be an xbox player to me its just a better system and playstation has security issues plus they rip people off like with the new 700 dollar ps5

    • @DougJessee
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    It is a horrible catch 22. If they give a goal date, don’t make it, bad press.
    Don’t announce anything, radio silence…
    Content this year? We just started March…
    ‘Content barren’? What an interesting phrase…
    Because I think we are swimming in content. Sure it is mods, but not what I would call it barren.
    Now, do a better job at reviewing mods, especially paid mods, 100% agreed.
    Bug fixes more often? Again, totally agree.

    • @mariomorgan8805
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    And at the same time Xbox say the Starfield is expanding and drops the new expansion.

    • @mariomorgan8805
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Picture this: Playstation event when the crowd is walking out at end you hear the PlayStation 1 boot up music and the screen says “come back to the Starfield”

    • @KyoKomma
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    I think Bethesda is working on cranking out Doom , elder scrolls, and trying to get fallout 5 done because of the tv show. as for starfield likey back burner

    • @Bear-Knight
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Rumors going around that Bethesda has abandoned Starfield after the Shattered Space reaction.

    Bethesda’s Response: . . . . . .(crickets*) . . . . . . . . . .

    • @UmmerFarooq-wx4yo
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    In 2011, Microsoft paid $8.5 billion for Skype, Microsoft announced they will be shutting down Skype on May 5th.

    Meanwhile Microsoft bought Zenimax for $7.5 billion. In 2021.

    So when Todd Howard said “10 years”, guess he was letting us know.

    • @WolfClaw114
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Still heavily playing starfield. Jumping around, getting into battles and admiring the views. Even delving into the CK to make my own apartment.
    I am hopeful that Starfield will be getting more. It has so much potential, so much freedom that anything can be made.

    Now while i am slightly worried about the silence, i do remember Todd saying something along the lines of he wants announcements to release to be a short timeframe, so maybe that is what’s happening. They have been silent because they are waiting closer to the finish line for the next update? Along with things that had been said about they should have released the rover with the DLC and so on. I imagine they may be bundling things together? Hopefully, so it seems like a big update instead of a bunch of small ones. But hey i could be wrong.

    Either way i am not leaving starfield for a long time. Im here for the long haul. I will explore, battle and enjoy my time. Adding things via the CK when i get the time and inspiration because i so do like building in it. This is the closest thing to a space mercenary sim i have ever played and i am not letting it go.

    • @ramen_guru
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    I think they are focusing on the ps5 port. I hope it comes out soon. I think it will hype up the game again and they might release more updates and content.

    • @FekenDruid
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Playing hard. 2800 hours and still learning. About half of that is in the ship builder. Keep up the good work.

    • @Bear-Knight
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Bethesda: optimize/finish your game

    • @marconihimself
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Having a mod like ascension and a level limiter creates a sort of endgame which sets your character archetype in stone but keeps the game engaging. From that point on youre basically roleplaying but youre never “safe”. I really hope theres a stream of quest / activity related content for the game’s long tail because it is pretty enjoyable as a long term experience after you tweak its gameplay systems and enrich the world a little bit.

    • @qwertyvypez
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Btw we got the Deimog vehicle and Perfect Recipe quest in November, as well as bug fixes. And the Hells Gate quest in December

    • @ZombiUnikorn3
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    They need to tighten up on some of the serious bug/glitch issues before they drop on Playstation. I’ve still been trying to play Starfield, but I’ve had serious issues since the last big update. Fack! Who am I kiddn’, I’ve had issues with this game since it dropped, especially after CK dropped. But I’m still obsessed with the game and determined to get it to work right. Still haven’t even played Shattered Space yet. 😪😵‍💫🤣

    • @lonewanderer3456
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    If Bethesda don’t release at least two more DLCs for Starfield, they can forget season pass sales for future games.
    The base game, 1 DLC and some creation credits does not equate to value for money.

    • @johndilleyjr.9620
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    I still play Starfield about every other day for a couple of hours real life commitments permitting. I would like to see enhancements made to the procedural generation rather than abandonment. There have been a few mods that have added new POIs and another that has a cooldown feature so a player will not see the same POI repeated in a short time. I enjoy the exploration aspect of gameplay so I am in favor of anything that adds more quests and more areas to explore.

    • @conandrake444
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    I dont have much hope honestly. We might have one more half baked DLC but then I think the only support will be with Creations.
    Also Where are the tools that will allow modders to make new animations ?

    • @dantefettman354
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Great video. As a modder who’s making mods for Starfield, I really appreciate you covering Starfield news without being all doomy and gloomy. Your channel, along with other YouTubers such as the Bloo Moose, remind me that there’s still a big audience for this game.

    In regard to their silence, BGS has generally always been pretty lackluster when it comes to giving updates on their games. Honestly, I wonder if Bethesda’s management when it comes to marketing and PR are just really incompetent at what they do (Pete Hines, for example, was never good with communicating to fans). As you said, they are working on SOMETHING. The obvious thing being porting the game to Playstation. I’m also predicting they’re working on another mission for the Trackers Alliance since there’s only been two for the faction so far. Phil Speer, the mastermind behind both quests and the faction, has recently been promoted to being Starfield’s new lead quest designer now that Will Shen has resigned from the studio. He’s shown himself to be competent at what he does, so I’m hoping he brings his A-game for the next expansion. Speaking of which: I do hope that the next expansion is a Phantom Liberty-level experience where they REALLY go all out with the content. I get the feeling that they were holding back with SS due to them making much of their money with the pre-orders (Which apparently was an order from Microsoft to have House Va’ruun cut from the base game to make it a pre-order sweetener. If so, that could explain some things about the expansion feeling a bit half-baked). While I enjoyed SS, it’s quite evident that it didn’t rock audiences outside of fans such as you and I. Some critics were very disappointed with the expansion, expecting it to be a Phantom Liberty-level experience (AKA a big overhaul to some of the game’s systems and a long main story). That’s on them honestly, but I can’t help but agree with some of the criticisms (Lack of unique items only the player can get, short main quest, no new ship parts, Andreja not having a big role in the expansion outside a few new scenes).

    As for Playstation, I do hope it boosts up the player numbers. I’m a PC gamer, and the last console I ever owned was a PS3. However, that will change when I start making mods for Creations. I’m gonna invest in getting a PS5 and Xbox Series X|S so I can test my Creations on consoles.

    I’m currently biding my time by streaming Starfield in 4K on Geforce NOW. It’s glorious. I’m also developing quest mods. It’s a lot of work (ESPECIALLY in regard to level design. Jesus.), but it’s worth it with how much freedom the game gives me as a modder.

    Either way, I’m in it with this game for the long haul. Sci-fi is my favorite genre of fiction, so in some ways I’m more passionate about this game compared to Skyrim and Fallout.

    • @JonBoyMaccabeeHaya
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    That’s funny that Xbox Console players can play the Shattered Space DLC, but those who play on XBox Cloud can play the DLC. To me it’s not worth having the console anymore, I can stream Starfield on my Tablet or a monitor without the need of the console. I just started playing Starfield about 3 weeks ago and there’s no need for any other game right now other than Black Ops 6 occasionally. I’m enjoying every aspect of the game from the ship builder, exploration, combat and even learning the periodic table from a video game. I just randomly came across Starfield one day after playing Mass Effect Andromeda and haven’t played Andromeda since. It’s actually one of the best games I’ve ever played so far. Just when you think developers are out of ideas, they come with something that blows us all away.
    All you Xbox Console players just play via cloud gaming online. Duh

    • @MrImmortal709
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    I don’t have much hope for Starfield getting big content updates, the DLC did not much to bring people back, current playernumbers are abysmal as they can’t even get past 5k player peak, not average “peak”.

    • @XoRandomGuyoX
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    I see this going one of two ways: they actually make a Playstation port, in which case they may drop one more DLC to accompany that launch(the size and scope of which likely depends on how much they had in the pipeline prior to the lauch of Shattered Space), or else support is just sort of quietly dropped altogether and they instead sit back to collect a cut of ‘Creations’ sales. In either case, the “years of support” for the game isn’t going to happen; save maybe a $7 item skin.

    • @magister.mortran
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    I play Starfield every day. I tried Cyberpunk 2077 recently, but it just isn’t the same. It’s more like a 1st person perspective movie. Only Starfield provides the freedom to explore that I want.
    I wouldn’t care, if there won’t be any future Starfield updates at all. The game is good as it is, and the modders provide permanently new content to explore. And if one day there are no new mods I will make myself familiar with the Creation Kit and produce them myself. The only thing that could make me stop playing Starfield is, when Starfield II is released. Then I would probably switch to the newer game.

    • @Ed-ealmighty
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    I understand ppl dont like starfield but for the ppl who do play it

    Come on bethesda

    There are things they could still do like add no loading screen planet to space traversal

    Or add more sentient alien enemy races

    • @High_Key
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Starfields still my main game! But it’s been way too quiet. Really a bummer if they’re dropping support for this game earlier than expected. But very good point about a potential PS5 launch.

    • @jimjam7928
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    I reckon they do a few more big updates, at least one more DLC, and then leave further “content updates” to the Creations scheme

    • @TKAandMore
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Right now, SAG-AFTRA (an American labor union for actors) is in the midst of a lengthy strike involving the use of AI voice cloning in video games. Currently, the only negotiated exceptions for voice actors participating in the strike are for live-service games which said actors had already been hired for. Even so, said VAs can choose to ignore that exception and continue striking.

    Starfield isn’t live service, so the exemption doesn’t apply. Who knows how many VAs won’t be returning to the booth for months? Games like Starfield have massive amounts of recorded dialogue, they can’t just do what Destiny 2 is doing and have a few missing audio files here or there.

    Also worth noting that Andreja’s VA, despite eligibility for the exemption, chose not to finish her lines for the latest Destiny 2 season. Even if a similar exemption is made for non-live-service projects, it’s entirely possible that some key folks who are devoted to the strike still won’t come back until the strike is fully settled.

    • @Jeremy-k9t
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    Because it’s a commercial failure. Are you simple? Companies exist to make money and nothing else. Understand that or be pathetic.

    • @tbgame2266
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    thank you for talking about this and keeping the community updated, would love to see a roadmap from bgs. this is not a good look on them…

    • @climatecypher
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    I’m playing until a better game comes out. About to test NMS and Elite.

    • @gulskjegg-x
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    I truly admire your tenacity, but you have dedicated too much time to a dead game.

    • @chrystineleibel608
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    They better say something soon or there will be mass abandonment.

    • @bhavyasharma4115
    • 2025年 3月 07日 9:55pm

    There was change in leadership, i think trackers alliance team has taken over starfield