Starfield How to Get to NG+10 The Fastest Way Possible
How to get to NG+10 the fastest way possible without mods or cheats. This is the best way to get to NG 10+ on Starfield new guide for beginners
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Taqs:starfield gameplay,bethesda starfield,starfield new game plus,starfield starborn,starfield ending,starfield ng+,starfield new game plus explained,starfield ng+ explained,starfield ng+10
コメント (100)
I am just shortly before finishing NG+1 and i am enjoying this. You can do any quest beside the main quest and you are really free to do anything with or without NPC’s
So i am stuck in ng6 how i can get ng+10?
NG+ 6. (very hard difficulty) around level 80. Seems pretty boring. By-pass main quest, they hand you a weapon, run to basement of lodge pickup weapons on wall, run over to weapon store sell everything, buy a ‘big bang’ (my spec is for pistol/laser/particle/marksmanship/sharpshooting/issolation/tank physical/medicine/boost assault. I also have 4 in weapon engineering. Buy ammo, wait at chair buy ammo, wait a chair, then run around to a few venders buy what I need to upgrade 2 things on shotgun, and I have about 1000 damage gun. Pretty much one shot most of game, maybe 2 or 3 shot anything high level pretty easy boring. Collect some artifacts pretty much only pickup guns that are high value, sell guns, buy meds and more ammo. doesn’t seem like it takes more then 5 or 10 minutes at the start of every ng+ to get setup for another round. Gets really really really boring doing the exact same thing over and over and over again. (temples). Make sure when you ‘finish’ the main quest and get the last artifacts to go back to lodge (so you can do all the temples for the artifacts the hunter/emessary hand you). I’m pretty much almost bored to death of the game it’s so easy waiting on shattered space and hoping for a survival mode.
Star field is probably my favorite game currently I’m on my last achievement which is the organic material and your video’s always help me get better. Glad I found your channel and thank you for making these
Starfield. Good stuff
I would give it to my friend
If you want to get to max powers you have to upgrade those too on every NG+ run .
I have almost become starborn looking for powers still but wondering how do you increase powers.?thanks love starfield
7 mins of shite before getting to the point
Thanks for this.
Starfield 😉
Or you can upgrade laser weapons and the cutter all you need.
I love playing the game via game pass. To get a copy of it, will be the best!
Also there are free guns in the basement of the lodge.
Love the video.
Starfield 🤘
Starfield ❤
Starfield !!:)
Tbh I would probably never use the armor or ship from it
If you max out lasers in combat skills the cutter does really good damage saving you stress about ammo
You have a power that slows time, this levels up with your ng+, what ever level it is represents your number of ng+’s, that’s the best way to track it
STARFIELD good luck everyone
GET TO THAT 500 GOAL GUYS (im broke so i just hope to get deluxe edition)
Dude I turned it off after 3 minutes of you talking bs. Nobody wants to hear all your bs. Start the video talking about the topic not wasting peoples time.
And I can’t grind 25 temples 10 times without having something else to do so I play the story again. Its actually really fast, and gives you a break from rinse and repeat. I’m at new game plus 7. Level 78. So by the time I hit new game plus 10 I’ll be level 100 with all the important perks unlocked, and upgraded.
Your powers level is the same as your ng+ number. So if you have personal atmosphere 7 then your probably on ng+ 7. If you’ve found all the powers each play through
people who do this method will regret big time having not leveled your powers the true meaning and reward of the ng+ hides in leveling your powers to 10 or atleats the ones that you like(wich is random so ye gl) other then that you only get a suit and an upgraded ship wich both the armor and ship can be replaced by better ships and armor combinations in the game itself
When you head to the eye and see your dead body, just turn around and walk back out, you can skip the whole conversation with Vladimir
Starfield !!! It’s taking over my life
Turns out, the real NG+ are the powers we gained along the way.
So I completed the powers got all of them to 10 then I realised I lost the adoring fan trait sooo gutted now I have to do that all over again
I mean anyone who beat the game once coulda figured this out just as easy as you did.
Dang 10 trips in unity but u could have just bought a few drinks
This game is set in the future. Why put a dress over a beautiful space suit and make it look so ugly and old fashioned. This isnt assassins creed. I cannot run around in space wearing a dress. I hope they allow us to remove the dress
Talk less bro
Starfield 😮
Good info for people just getting to NG+, i came here looking for tips on how to speed up the process of the actual gathering of the artifacts and how to speed up visiting each temple, going back to vlad, then going to the next temple and having to run allllll the way there, so this didnt help me at all because i already knew about skipping the main story, but good info for people just getting to NG+ nonetheless.
Nice Vid
Whats the reason of NG+ if not for the powers you earn. If you do not pick em up on every NG++ you wont become a stronger Character. The Ship and suit are just good middleground it’s the powers that realy make your char “OP”
You can know which NG+ you’re on by looking at ship name. I’m on NG+ (2), ship is Starborn Guardian II
Some good insights here but not sure I agree about the weapons. Having been through NG now and maxed out all skills, some of the damage on the weapons you have is so low that it’s just going to make it more time consuming when you fight the starborn at the end. While you don’t need to find legendary weapons each time, a high damage shotty + rifle with a load of ammo will save you loads of time. Imo running round with an equinox won’t do you any favours. AMP is also your friend for all the running between temples
Starfield!! Imo, this game is 10/10.
think you dont get views cause you talk for ages and dont get to the point of the video fast enough. youtube now a days is in your face. especially now with shorts
So you have to find the artifacts every time you start new game plus?
I feel this video was unnecessarily long lol so basically just skip main story and grab some artifacts and then go to the next ng+? Got it
Starfield 👌
Its so frustrating, the fact that most of us going for NG10 to play properly so thats 10 games then trying to get lvl 10 on all powers so there is 24 x 10 powwrs each = 240 temples ??? And load screen each time between vlad for a tenple direction and eye
Great video!
Starfield, good luck hitting your 500 marker buddy
Starfield ❤
Starfield Thanks for the video 🙂
Starfield ❤️❤️
one note, you can level your starborn powers to 10 also by going back to all the temples each NG+, so you might want to do that on each run as well.
Loving the vids mate I personally enjoy starfield probs not as much as others for me it’s a 7 out of 10 game. But what I enjoy most is seeing something your passionate about and seeing vids on it keep it up mate love it
i just hate having to go back and forward from vlad to the temples
Great content. Starfield…
Starfield 😊😊😊😊❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Starfield x
I just finished NG+2. I have a little OCD. Therefore, I must complete this to NG+10. I dislike the ship.😊😊
If I win please give it to someone who you think deserves it and does not already own starfield. I have starfield and don’t play games enough to accept the gift of another game.
Is there a benifit to NG+ beyond keeping your level, is there any exclusive NG+ quest-lines ect??
STAR FIELD🪐🛸🚀❤️!!!!
Starfield 😊😊 I wish we could do a new paint job to the starborn guardian ship. I wanted to paint it mint green …🤷🏽♀
I personally didnt enjoy the ending. Sure i think Starborn as a new name for youre character is really cool its just i wish Bethesda had multiple endings instead of just on but thats just me. But my character has the Starborn outfit of having the battle torn cape on the front and back and i have no idea which NG+ that is hopefully its the 10th one because i surely have done it 10 times.
updated comment: yes i quickly checked my characters outfit with this list and i apparently done it 10 times. Wasn’t even paying attention the whole time lol.
Another great video by my 2nd favourite YouTuber
Congrats on your newfound success broadcasting a new game that’s not Call of Duty. I think a lot of people are going to fall behind sticking with the call of duty train.
Hope you get ur 500 likes brother!! Loving Starfield! I’d LOVE to see the winner be someone who cant afford it at the moment. The game is totally worth playing! Great vid! God Bless you and yours, 499 to go!