Halo In Starfield M6D PDWS Free Weapon Mod (XBOX/PC)

starfield 情報局

today we are checking out a free mod that adds the magnum and its variants from halo into the game

Link below to the mod



  • コメント (20)

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    • @vincentclark5739
    • 2025年 3月 06日 9:56am

    I cannot find my weapons on Xbox. I found the ammo but the 3 locations listed haven’t had it the multiple times and days I’ve attempted

    • @unifyingforce85
    • 2025年 3月 06日 9:56am

    not gonna lie that definitely sounds beefy and beautiful

    • @deathraptorf22gaming
    • 2025年 3月 06日 9:56am

    Looks like one of my favorite Halo weapons is in Starfield. Now all we have to do is wait for a Magnetic Holsters and Ammo Hud Patch for the good old ‘M6D Swagnum’ so we can have that big sucker on our hip. I do wish there was more skins though maybe a few extra different scope types because that scope looks like it belongs in cyberpunk and it’s kind of odd-looking on the gun. Different firing sounds would be great to depending on which type of receiver you had installed.

    • @dysonfrelix2783
    • 2025年 3月 06日 9:56am

    Fun fact, the variant in Halo CE was developed for Spartan use specifically, and was listed as: the Spartan Special.

    It and the AR were Spartan assets assembled for operation Red Flag, along side the MK-V armor and Cortana. So every time you see the AR and Magnum, those are Spartan weapons used by normal people.

    • @VenomPURP
    • 2025年 3月 06日 9:56am

    How do you get ammo for this gun? 😅

    • @gingerpicklemcpickle
    • 2025年 3月 06日 9:56am

    I don’t like the way the pistol isn’t shouldered when adding the brace. Looks weird.

    • @Undeadspartan042
    • 2025年 3月 06日 9:56am

    Hilarious i uninstall starfield just to find out halo weapons have finally been added…
    Waiting for more before i consider touching the game again.
    High quality ODST gear next would be great. MA5B, Smg etc. Uc to unsc etc.

    • @ghengisbobber
    • 2025年 3月 06日 9:56am

    It slaps , I just wish there was a short suppressor. I love the 2x smartlink and it makes the urban eagle look anemic.

    • @MaxCarnage1984
    • 2025年 3月 06日 9:56am

    I would love it if more Halo weapons made it into Starfield. Taking down the Hunter with overpowered Halo 2 SMG’s would be so satisfying!

    The Spartan armour mod and Warthog mod are both glitchy and a little outdated though. Hope someone improves them.

    • @EXAMsystem00
    • 2025年 3月 06日 9:56am

    The compact is for regular marines/law enforcment if I remember correctly

    • @mtfreeman800
    • 2025年 3月 06日 9:56am

    Coffee time. Nice handgun. Great video and review.

    • @ChristianPierce
    • 2025年 3月 06日 9:56am


    • @theazhang997
    • 2025年 3月 06日 9:56am

    Looks cool and i like the sound

    • @dutchy7962
    • 2025年 3月 06日 9:56am

    Looks good, I love the old earth style weapons, got the other 3 mods from Nova and they are great.

    • @JerryHenderson72
    • 2025年 3月 06日 9:56am

    I have never even played Halo , but I did start watching the Halo Show on Netflix . I haven’t owned a console in about 20 years . I am strictly a PC gamer .

    • @WolfClaw114
    • 2025年 3月 06日 9:56am

    Absolutely loving this gun and the aesthetic is amazing. Always loved ODST and now i can use the pistol i admire in Halo.

    • @grantbartholomew2057
    • 2025年 3月 06日 9:56am

    If your interested for cockpit content, you got Mattell’s Modified Modules, last update in December i believe

    • @High_Key
    • 2025年 3月 06日 9:56am

    The attachments for this are soooo *chef’s kiss
    Easy download right there. OH and congrats on 7k Crimson!

    • @Nickster3002
    • 2025年 3月 06日 9:56am


    • @Tim_from_Fresno
    • 2025年 3月 06日 9:56am

    Another good video. Don’t know if you knew it or not, but you and Neon Jai showcase the same mods about 80% of the time. His released this morning USA times.