Starfield News – New Free POIs

starfield 情報局

Today, on Starfield Essentials, your weekly Starfield news report:

00:00:00 Intro
00:00:50 New free POIs
00:02:01 Add Vortex enemies outside Kavnyk system
00:04:30 What happens in Dazra…
00:05:03 Complete DarkStar paid creation pending
00:06:04 True Achievements Top 40 rankings are tough for our genre
00:08:27 My own Star Wars mod list
00:10:05 Axe of Friends integrated
00:10:39 Replacing Ammo Type Icons and Labels with Ammo HUD
00:11:30 Mass Effect armor in Starfield
00:12:19 Launch character creator with clean save
00:13:04 Another cool Star Trek build
00:13:42 Board and capture the Valentine
00:14:10 Outro

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Starfield News – Winning on Xbox

Take it to the Limit with Chaos Mods

Four Unique Locations for Starfield is available on Nexus Mods

There is currently no Creations release, but I have asked Fritz714 is he has plans to do so.

Integrated Enemies Vortex Phantoms is on Creations

and on Nexus Mods

If you are using a mod like POI Cooldown

you may limit seeing these Abandoned POIs.

Redditor skyeyemx posted this video and I got permission to share it with you. It shows what happens if you fly into the Va’ruun laser while it’s operational.

My personal favorite flying craft is the S-47 speeder, which is available on Creations

and Nexus Mods

R. L. Parker from Wykkyd Gaming released a video showcasing his new Dark Star mod.

For the first time since I started tracking the rankings on 3 Sep 2023, NONE of my games are listed. Those games are Starfield, Cyperpunk 2077, Skyrim, FO76, FO4, FO3, BG3, NMS, and SWO.

I have previously talked about the amazing Star Wars conversion kit called Star Wars Genesis.

As of the latest version of Multitool Axe, you can find both capabilities in a single tool!

Multitool Axe is available on Creations

and Nexus Mods

Ammo HUD is available on Creations

and Nexus Mods

On Creations you can download extensions individually, like this one for the Incapacificator 3000:

Mass Effect N7 armor is on Nexus Mods

but not on Creations.

In a recent video I mentioned this “clean save” on Nexus Mods

and wondered how to change the character using a mod or console commands.

In a comment @JerryHenderson72 said I could use ‘slm 14’ to launch the character creator during game play.

This is by Frequent_Pair_6794 and the ship is the USS Vengeance.



  • コメント (43)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @civsully1740
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    Have you covered or can you recommend a mod that levels enemy NPC’s equal to your character’s level? Thanks

    • @roddytknightii817
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    Great channel!!

    • @skyriminspace
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    Be my Frankenstein. Was that it?

    • @thorgen_ironside5279
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    Excellent content as always Richard, I appreciate your content grind and dedication. It is impressive! Well done, and how about some Kudos’ for Richard, eh? I am sure you have dropped some Kudos on mods over at Nexus, so here is some Kudos for you good sir! KUDOS 🙂

    • @Sabruka
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am


    • @NanSoloMods
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    Nice Vid. thanks.

    • @webthiago
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    “Be my valentine”.

    • @jonathantucker6603
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    Be my Valentine!

    • @frujinassen9076
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    Бъди мой Валентин!

    • @dynamicphotography_
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    Excellent update! I always enjoy. 🙌

    • @ProfX1527
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    Thank you for covering Ammo HUD! I’m glad you found it useful and I plan to continue maintaining it on a standard cadence, as long as there are new game DLCs and custom weapon mods coming out.

    • @mattgall-j2x
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    Starfield on the ps5 ps5 pro soon

    • @Bear-Knight
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    @richard presents Starfield essentials Mass Effect 1 is still one of my favorite. After 3 full playthrus, I could only go back modded 😍😍

    • @civsully1740
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    Hey Richard, Do you use a em weapon to subdue your characters and if so which one? Great vid as always.

    • @thearcanegearsmith4885
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    Another Great video! I really think you should have gone with “KHAN!!!!!” instead of “Be my Valentine”…. HE Tasks me! He tasks me and I shall have him! I will chase him ’round the moons of Nibia, and ’round the Antares Maelstrom, and ’round perditions flames before I give him up! BEST ST Movie. Period. 🙂 As for Starfield, I played the “Shame” Mod this week it was excellent! Looking forward to the “New Atlantis Awaits” by checker90. I wish the “Vortex Phantoms” was achievement friendly, been waiting a while for that. As always Be seeing you… in the Starfield!

    • @anderporascu5026
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    Be my Valentine, even if I’m not a fan of the holiday 😊 awesome mentions of Darkstar, as Imperial Knowledge puts it, paid creations become canon lore for any Bethesda game now.

    • @briancowan4318
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am


    • @briancowan4318
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    So, would you suggest Nexus over Creations? The reason I’m asking is because Starfield & Creations does not appear to play well with mods. Before my game did a fatal Nose Dive, I had just spent several hours modifying a ship. The result was my ship became inaccessible, all ships disappeared while in Ship Builder followed by a Crash to Desktop! Oh be my Valentine and give me a response!

    • @JimLayneFH
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    Darkstar is a must have in my mod order, he makes great stuff!

    • @johndilleyjr.9620
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    Be my valentine. Your news videos are one of the highlights of my weekends. You do great work 👍

    • @mikeymondavi
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    Oh Clementine, be my Valentine, and i’ll pick up dinner on my way back from the daily XP grind.

    Yeah man, lookin forward to Darkstar. Shut up and take my damned money. Those pads are lookin excellent.

    Between that and Stroud Premium, its lookin pretty damned good for shipbuilders here in the near future =)

    • @Tim_from_Fresno
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    Great video as usual, Richard. Every year for the last 33 years, I have asked my wife to “Be my Valentine 💝 ” and she always says Yes.

    • @calebwalton2778
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    One of the things that I was most excited for with starfield, outside of the game itself, was the plethora of new YouTube content that was sure to come out of it. Well needless to say we, that’s not what we got. Thank you for still making starfield content for all of us weird people who still actually enjoy this game. While this game may have its flaws, in my opinion there is still much beauty in what Bethesda did with this game and so much more untapped potential for this universe they created and I hope that this franchise doesn’t get swept to the wayside. Let’s do our part in keeping it alive.

    • @aurawolf2221
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    Always appreciate your weekly Starfield reports 😁

    I’m coming home from my holiday tomorrow & really can’t wait to get back into Starfield 😂

    • @Tealc69
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    Richard, you are seriously missing out on mass effect ! Also, Be my valentine ?!?

    • @Nickster3002
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    Be my valentine! Thank You Richard! I enjoy waking up to your Starfield videos every Sunday!

    • @Sweetpea_Plays
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    Be my valentine! I’ve been testing upcoming mods and I am pretty excited about what’s coming.

    • @ardentdfender4116
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    Richard, what is that N7 Spacesuit and where is it from that you and your crew are wearing? Update: You answered it later on in the video.

    • @caiooca5793
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    Pois look cool, gonna take a look today.

    • @magister.mortran
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    Be my Valentine!

    • @343thesentient8
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    Nice update!

    • @IceBoNeZ
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    “Be my Valantine!” 😄

    I only just recently discovered the voice actor for the pilot of The Valentine, is actually Nathan Evans, a Scottish singer/songwriter who became famous during Covid for posting videos of him singing Sea Shanty songs, notably “The Wellerman”. 👍🏼

    • @NovierRecords
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    Be my valentine and actually play through the Mass Effect games, I’m sure you’ll like them.

    • @ghostrider231_xeno
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    lol Be my Valentine

    Hello again! Thanks for showcasing the updated version of my Multitool Axe mod!

    Also no problems on the naming! You are all good now 👍

    • @qwertyvypez
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    Hey Richard, the difference with Starfield and Indiaina Jones, is that we hope Starfield continues to get content updates and support continues for years to come. People rightly worry about this with the player count dropping so much

    • @knightsofazeroth
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    You are always going to have new games taking away players from Starfield. Lack of updates and patch fixes also exaserbate this phenomena. Even after playing Black Myth Wu Kong (300Hrs) Kingdom Come Deliverance II (230Hrs) Space Marines 2 40Hrs, Im not big on co-op play so only regular campain done) I keep coming back to Starfield (2,088.9 Hrs). Its a solid game, no its not spectacular like the others Im quite aware of its short comings but its still a great game to play and also you can come back to it at anytime and pick it up and its like you never left. I love the Darkstar manufacturing mods & use it on all my toons which are all between 290-300.

    • @bulenthasan
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    Be my ❤alentine!

    • @MagicGoblinPrincess
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    That’s good to know about the console command to open the full character creator! The person who told you about that can be my valentine!

    • @KoLkAMiSt
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    What happens in Dazra stays in Dazra

    • @BigBangfanforlife
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    I got a feeling the next update is going to be a big one with the devs have been working on something for 3 months plus.

    Paid mods are feeling to feel more high quality lately. Plus I do like mod authors are slowing adding paid versions of popular mods.

    I do hope for more clothing mods, hair mods, ship designs, starborn homes and more expansions on Unity.

    • @zeroone8800
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    I think that Kingdom Come: Deliverance II and Avowed have taken much of the open world Western RPG player time right now.

    • @SlySoSavage
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    Dark star ⭐ mod author is going all in with this one & doing as much testing as possible. Levelling the enemies to match the player was such a gamer changer. Will get my 💰money!

    • @JerryHenderson72
    • 2025年 3月 05日 9:55am

    Watching a Starfield video on my phone while I play Starfield on my PC 🤔