Starfield Venera Paid Mod Review (XBOX/PC)
Today we are checking out a paid mod that adds a new location and some new quests to the game
Link below to the mod
コメント (22)
Hello, mod creator here.
1.The weapon shop quest can be started by doing a second successful trade with the man in Akila. He hints at having a new job during the first transaction.
2. About the price of 500 credits:
When pricing my mod I have to factor in the amount of work that went into it. The entire station was built (and imagined) from scratch, along with the lighting and every single decal or prop. No piece of the station architecture was copied from the main game. I would also like to show that virtually every room in the station is a custom unique room (the ship services office looks very different from the room connecting to it and the airlock itself is not a stock prefab from the main game. As for size, the Venera interior is about 50% the volume of Cydonia’s main level interior.
Then the scripting work for the quests, the voice acting work I did myself, and the scripts I wrote for the people I hired. And adding the voice lines into the game, editing the sound files, modeling the character faces and thinking of the storyline. Then the additional work of figuring out all the gameplay systems that are required for ship services, crowds, mixing the crowds so they are more varied (the crowds in the lower levels wear different clothes than the crowds on the top area). Also crowd density varies in different areas. And getting crowds to be haveproperly and “crowd” in the right areas.
The weapon shop scene is about 6-8 minutes long, involves 4 npcs + the player, and each npc has varying characters he is facing and facial expressions (not just the speaking npc). Also cutting the voice lines so the pace and emotion of a dialogue is preserved can take some time, having an npc respond within a second or withing 0.2 seconds can change the pace and emotion of a dialogue.
I just wanted to explain that a bit because the work of creating a new landing zone is exponentially more work than a regular dungeon because of all the gameplay systems that interact with each other. I could have “stretched” the gameplay by arranging the gameplay into various generic dungeons with a quest npc saying 5 lines per dungeon and copypasted some basegame content into it to “fill” the gameworld more, however I wanted to see if I can create a densely packed and detailed landing zone (from scratch) that players would like to repeatedly visit in their travels.
Doesn’t work on x box
Can’t do a second trade with the man in akila
…hard pass (explained why to Mod Creator)! 👎
You pushed away the irish shanty singer 4 real? How could you?
Hey dude if you don’t mind could you create a playlist for all the PAID mods you’ve reviewed on your channel? I use your channel as a great source as to figuring out whether I want to get certain paid mods but its a pain scrolling through all the free mods.
Priceless. You are a master Smuggler.
@Crimson; Do you have any plans to upload an “updated” video after this, with the weapon quest. That shop, and its choices, might make this Creation worth more to players.
It’s a cool new place, looks very alive, Starfield being so big needs more kind of things like this, I’d love to see more towns with shops and a option for player housing. A smuggler town on the outskirts of space would be really cool, wink wink, nudge, nudge, where Pirates, spacers, ecliptic and other low life’s could hang out, and not be hostile to each other while in the town or in orbit. It could even have a players smuggler home, if you were role playing that kind of character.
Thank you Crimson for the review. I was going to buy it, but what you get isn’t enough incentive. Like if the city was located way out in the farthest reaches of the settled system for what it is now, it would have been an incentive. Some quirky space colony way out would be awesome. Especially since no modders seem to be utilizing any of those star systems. It’s a cute town for 5 bucks, but something to flesh out the game and quests with something new and useful at the end as an award would be awesome. I never played Crater 87, I might check out that one. Going to watch your review for that one now.
Thanks for your review, and for saving some credits 👍🏾
Haven’t played this game in months and paid DLC like this makes me not want to. Can Bethesda do anything to overhaul the game to make it more interesting? I often would fall asleep while playing.
Coffee time! Wow, a morning movie. Buddy, my hats off to you doing this on a daily. Much appreciated the work you throw into these videos and the channel itself. Great video. Thanks for the review.
I am hoping to see more mods like this that add new explorable areas to the game although I am sure it takes tremendous effort on the part of modders to make content like this otherwise there would more of these mods already.
Great review. I really appreciate your hard work on reviews of these. I also enjoy the humor
I really hope you take a look at tiny reasons to settle the void. Looks very intriguing.
18:31 😐 . . . . . . I am joking
The guy at the Red Mile also sells shielded cargo containers for your ship not just the scan jammer . If you use both it up’s your chances significantly of getting past the scans .
To unlock the Gun shop quest, you need to do 2 smuggling missions, and then it should unlock for you
Apologies for not showing it in the video
Sometimes it pays off to be up at 4 a.m.
Wow, finally a new city!
Once you use zone79’s crowd overhaul you would never go back