This Paid Mod Broke My Xbox | Starfield The Icarus Device Paid Mod Review (XBOX/PC)
We take a look at a paid mod that works on pc but causes your xbox to crash and break
I won’t be linking the mod below
コメント (62)
Author here. Have your pitchforks at the ready gang. The mod runs on XBox. The issue Crimson encountered was a simple bug that exists on both PC and XBox. If you fast travel after entering the ship via hover, there is an effect loop of camera shake and engine rumble that does not terminate. That loop was still going while in Atlantis, so not Xbox related. The reason it didn’t terminate was because the script waits on a takeoff event to end it. Fast travel does not generate that event. There’s a video on my youtube explaining the issue and there’s a simple workaround for anyone who encounters it. Enter the ship, takeoff, then land. The effects loop will end. I’ve already written a fix and am testing it, will have it to Bethesda shortly. Just some facts for anyone here who might be interested in facts.
Personally I like the concept of this mod but on the off chance that it does screw up my game or Xbox I’m not going to risk it I tend to play it safe when it comes to mods. I’m just not much of a risk taker.
Honestly, if you want a solid flight mechanic and you’re willing to pay, just get yourself Shade’s Deluxe Dynamic Boostpacks.
I own both that and this Icarus Device mod. I will say that the zero-g flight using the Icarus Decice seems to be a little more stable – engaging DDBP flight mode tends to stutter a bit, especially in third-person if your spacesuit was hidden. However, DDBP wins in the mobility department, on top of being cheaper. It’s much faster movement speed with better turn response that’s all somewhat adjustable through a gameplay setting.
In fact, even though I kinda subjectively prefer the Icarus Device for flight, I don’t think I would use it without Shade’s Zero G and Flight Precision Enhancements from DDBP also enabled.
Oh, and the looped camera shake effect from the hovering ship is just obnoxious. I reduced all camera shake settings to 1/4 of their default intensities a long time ago, but it’s still rather annoying.
One of the many things Crimson said that was absolutely true , ” If you make a mod for Xbox, buy a fing xbox!”!! How can you thoroughly check for bugs or hiccups if you don’t have a console? Free mods are at your own risk, but when you start charging for your work, you have to do quality checks on your product. It’s your name on the product. Glaring issues like the game freezing switching from first to third person view are easy catches. He’s right !!!
Pop off queen
You are my go-to for reviews! Maybe there is infact a workaround, but this is exactly why I’m skeptical of any paid mods.. When money is charged, it should work better than a simple reboot can fix.. There are great paid mods for sure.. Also, absolutely awesome free ones.
Buyer beware! Good to see mod author reply.
Speaking of broken mods – there’s a paid mod called “more ship variety” that literally tanks your fps by a factor of two. There’s been mentioning of it on reddit as well. Might be worth checking out
now your talking. somebody has to point out this nonsense. amen brother!
Look crimson, Im going to level with you here:
I appreciate the effort behind your channel and what you do. I watch pretty much all your videos. However, in the case of wynter’s RYOS, I tested the mod on the XSX and XSS and havent had any of the problems you faced, and I have a pretty sizeable load order. As a matter of fact, I use RYOS on my load order and its one of my favorite mods for the game, ever since I first got it on the XSS.
Other thing I didnt got from the testing of this mod: you obviously played it for over an hour on pc and then jumped to xbox without, apparently, doing the quest again. Youre obviously running some mods on pc and doing console terminal commands, because you used skk’s ship command mod in some areas. This implies youre not running these mods on a clean slate on both platforms, specially if youre importing saves from one platform to the other. Best case scenario, you’d need to have an identical LO organized in the exact same way in both platforms if youre importing cross-platform saves, to my knowledge.
I know its difficult to test these things on a perfectly clean slate on 2 platforms, but thats the cleanest test conditions. I also agree with you that modders should test their mods on all platforms they release their mods, so there’s a degree of responsibility on the modder’s shoulders (and bgs) as well. Just want to get full transparency from all sides.
thank you so much for the warning
Is thos what’s making my game not even load to main menu…?
Don’t apologies for yout comments. It’s ofensivo that someone did this and pass Bethesda’s reviews.
Many modders are leaving Creations for the Bethesda’s obligation that must be paid mod for free achievements.
I play Starfield in Xbox+pc and I bought steam version and it’s shameful that Nexus mods are much better optimized and runs much better than the fudge of creations mods. Creations mods app is embarrasing and Bethesda must abandon it to nexus mods
Not defending anything/anyone at all, but from a technical perspective, I wonder if loading the PC save on the Xbox caused the issues you were seeing. Sometimes the way you make something for PC is slightly different for Xbox and you end up having to have two different archives for each (meaning the scripts/textures/meshes in one may not be the same as the other), so its possible something didn’t get set right because the save with the mod enabled wasn’t started on the console side. I’m simply guessing here for this mod specifically as I don’t know anything about it other than what you have shown, but I have run into things that I have had to do differently on Xbox than on PC with my own creations.
Thanks for the review but you need to recheck out roll your own start.
I’ve been using it for awhile now and it works great (PC) and you can buy a deferent ship at the start if you take the credit stick in the safe $200,000 credits. Use the ship terminal just outside the door.
Thank again I like your reviews keep em coming.
Nobody in NA bats an eyelid that you’re flying in zero gravity.
Bethesda needs a team (or a better/bigger team) that can verify and publish paid mods for both Xbox and PC, any mod that doesn’t have the “verification” should just be free
44:05 pause bro😂
1:03:37 this is me af lol
Your arch nemesis winter hawk strikes again lol
I bought the mod a couple days ago. So far, I haven’t had any problems with my Xbox. I finished the quest last night.
Thank you for saving me $5.00 (like $8.00 CAD). Cool features, but it sucks when mods just don’t work for Xbox, made much worse if they are paid mods.
I was waiting for a review of this mod and here it is. I have a PC but who knows if the mod might cause issues long term on it. I finally have gotten the game to be stable after so many issues with basic load order problems. I don’t want to risk adding something like this that might be a problem. So really appreciate finding the flaws with it. Personally I’d like to see your reviews without the swearing. Just seems to take away from the quality of your content. And yes I’m Irish too. Hope this area gets better because your content is fantastic in reviewing mods for us. Knowing what works and doesn’t beforehand especially with paid mods is beneficial to all.
Great review. Made a mental note not to buy any creations by this person on the previous cash grab mods of his/her. Thanks for saying what we all think.
Hey modders, why not just make your own game? Is it because you actually have no tallent and need to ride the coat tails of devs? Prove me wrong
Thankfully crimson is here for QA testing
when i put it on performance mode on my xbox,it makes my character and other npcs fuzzy and kinda pixelated around their body shape. how did you get performance mode to look good like that. or if you could what are your tv and xbox settings, i have a 4k 120hz samsung with vrr i have vrr on tv and xbox if that matters, (dunno if i should have one vrr control off on one)and all that good stuff if that info helps
Thanks for giving the warning up front, I sometimes don’t have the time to watch the whole video, work gets in the way. It’s a shame the story was well done, hopefully he/she can fix the issues.
01:03:43 …out here doing good work, appreciate you! 😉👉
I suppose my main question is did the Xbox get the hard reset after installing a new mod? I only ask because this possibly might be more a Bethesda mess up then the authors mess up.
Also not like this name is a rarity but there is a sci fi book series called The Icarus Saga that I highly recommend to people, and in the book they deal with some devices that can alter gravity so just thought that was neat and gave me an excuse to recommend those books lol.
Thanks! I greatly enjoy your mod reviews and look forward to them. It is to your credit that you were willing to give this mod a fair assessment despite how you felt about the quality of the mod author’s previous work. You were willing to take a chance that the mod author had improved his or her modding skills it is most unfortunate how things turned out. Unhappy incidents like this are why there is a wariness towards paid mods.
I’m glad I didn’t pull the trigger on this one now.
Modders need to test their stuff properly before submitting them. And if they don’t have the platform that they plan to release it on, set up a Reddit asking for testers.
It’s not that hard FFS.
1:06:00 Literally my first thought when paid modding was first announced.
Didn’t necessarily expect it to come true so soon, but still.
I really do love/hate being proven right over and over when it comes to that happy marriage of avarice and incompetence in corporations.
Meh, in terms of quest the Doom mod does the whole it’s dark and the monsters are coming much better- for free.
Thank you for making honest reviews. Its one of my main reasons for watching. You’re awesome and I greatly appreciate your efforts.
Console player here, thank you. Cool looking mod, but I can’t risk my load order and runs on unstable mods. I’ve worked too hard on my load order and it is too large and delicate. I understand there will always be an advantage with PC, but I’ve noticed the gap between modding on PC and console for a while now. Hopefully this gap decreases in the future. Catch a smile out there. o7
Did you try doing a hard reset of your XBOX? Xbox button, highlight Starfield, menu button, exit game completely. You’ll be kicked out to the XBox menu. Settings, reboot XBox. Then load up Starfield brand new. (Not XBox quick resume feature). A lot of audio issues can be resolved on XBox by completely exiting the (Bethesda) game and reloading it new. (Sort of like Cyril+Alt+Del on Microsoft Windows fixes lots of things).
I’m using it on Xbox with no issues
There is so little quality control, guess it is not worth it.
just bought This mode before i Look at you’re video.Now I’m gonna delete it.I’m not gonna use it because I have enough problems with the game crashing as it is , thanks😢
get’em crimson. no need to apologize. keep it a buck!
I will say, the writing is better done than most of these kinds of quests, but the price tag is still too egregious for what it’s offering.
Also, y’know, the game and console breaking issues…
The author needs to stop charging for baby’s first mod projects, it’s clear he or she doesn’t properly test their work, and has no right to be selling this on a professional storefront. They even went as far as to mention requesting a refund from Microsoft in the instructions for the mod as if it was that easy.
I also blame Bethesda for both verifying Wynter and not properly testing their work on the storefront; the anger in this video is well justified.
The digipick mod Wynter made stopped me from picking any locks on my xbox so i had to get rid of the mod. I’m glad i watched this video now, such wasted potential. Thankyou Crimson you just saved me 300 credits
lol I always appreciate your reviews Crimson, they help a lot when it comes to considering what mods I want to use, especially since I play on Xbox. I think it’s important for people to see which paid mods work well and which ones have issues.
Also I just have to say that hearing you rant at the end of the video was so damn funny lol, I was dying with laughter at your frustration and colourful language.
2:30 wtf
These Creation mod authors are taking the piss
I had this same issue and it cleared up after some time. I made a comment to the modtrailer on his page and he replied asking for details and stating he had put it on the update list.
Coffee time. Excellent review. Thanks for posting. The saltiness was completely justified. It was also quite entertaining. This kinda poop gives the haters more ammo, Bethesda needs to get a handle on QA/QC for modders work they expect us to pay for.
I was suspicious of this one, because the previous two Creations that this Author made were not of very good quality, and I thought this one might follow suite. I am sorry about how it broke your Xbox, but I am so grateful that you tested it for us. I do not know how I would have reacted if it ruined mine.
Fortunately, if I want the same effects promised by this Creation, except for the hovering ship, I can just use the Dynamic Boost Pack for 100 Credits that also allows “Zero Gravity” flight anywhere now. It is a far superior Creation, and cheaper too.
And it does not break my Xbox, although flying too fast can cause my game to hitch and lag heavily, but that is because Bethesda never intended us to move that quickly while loading their assets.
Thanks for reviewing this Crimson, and taking another massive hit for the Community.
Shocking, truly.
Want to know the worst part? Depending on where you live you can get xbox cloud gaming with their gamepass ultimate plan. This allows you to stream the xbox version of starfield to your PC to test xbox mods
This happened with my game too, froze and made unplayable. Should have waited for your video.
I need more Salty Crimson rants. What a shame, the quest had some great ideas.
Shit like this is why there needs to be better vetting for what is allowed to go through the paid process, or allow ratings on mods at the least. Mod author obviously didn’t test it on Xbox thoroughly, and once they get their money from you buying the mod, they have no incentive to fix any issues with said mod. The rating system in Fallout 4 was abused by trolls, sure, but anything is better than the current system.
I don’t think I’ve heard you this mad before
Thanks for the review, watched them all but hardly reply.
This is why I got a refund for Falkland, told Bethesda that paid mods on creations should work with no problems on console and modders should be obligated to test it on X and S serie.
This would have pissed me off too, glad that I have shades boostpack, solid mod that works and never thought it would be updated to what it is now
I play on xS and had no problems so far.. Love the mod
Thanks for the heads up.
Hey Crimson, I think it’s a bit unfair to title the video “Mod broke my Xbox”, when it didn’t actually brake your Xbox, it froze and ruined the audio of the game. So that’s a bit of misinformation.
It’s still not acceptable from the mod author though – assuming this issue isnt isolated to your Xbox, which we don’t know
Modder: ‘Hi buy my mod!’ then mod ruins your game. This is why I find the idea of Bethesda SELLING just about everything people submit is very appealing to me.
I appreciate that you upload the whole video for a mod, whether there is a problem or not. We audience can feel the similar way to some extent.
As for the testing on xBox, before Bethesda releases a Creation, they test both on PC and xBox. Though, from what I can see the update after the launch, there seem to be always some issues or minimum adjustments.
Well glad I didn’t get it then mate. With over 300 mods I don’t want to brake my game again. Sometimes I get no audio on Xbox with new weapon mods installed but a reset does fix it always. 👏 upload to creations they must test on Xbox or have someone else who has one. Some of us with a beast P.C still just prefer to play on Xbox ❤
Wtf…thanks you for warning, i have just xbox