Starfield Mod Trailer | The Prax Dilemma

starfield 情報局

Trade Authority starstation 34-B has been decimated by a spacer attack. Help the Trade Authority restore the station and transform it into a trading hub.

The Prax Dilemma is a quest mod featuring 2+ hours of quest content, 500+ lines of professionally voiced dialogue, and unique rewards.

Coming soon!



  • コメント (5)

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    • @Backbone420
    • 2025年 3月 02日 9:55am

    This looks awesome. I’ll be waiting for this one. Catch a smile out there. o7

    • @JonasNonyabusnes
    • 2025年 3月 02日 9:55am

    Verrrry cool, nicely done! You have an underrated channel my friend. Keep up the good work!

    Also like the effort in the trailers

    • @RichardBejtlich
    • 2025年 3月 02日 9:55am

    Love to see this! 👏👏👏

    • @pixelcount350
    • 2025年 3月 02日 9:55am

    This looks amazing. Is it coming to xbox?

    • @pixelcount350
    • 2025年 3月 02日 9:55am

    Interesting, Is this like a treasure hunt type of mission?