Elder Scrolls 6 May Borrow Starfield Mechanics

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    • @TheTrollVtuber
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Live stream channel https://www.youtube.com/@RomanianTVeeLivestream
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    • @MurderCrowAwdio
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Does anyone even have good hopes for TES anymore?

    • @CheeseOfMasters
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Jesus Christ I thought they were going to do Elsweyr, why on earth are they going the redguard route in current day? The well couldn’t have been more poisoned.

    • @syminite1
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Horrible. ALL the Talent at Bethesda is gone, they got nothing to hold in to but Skyrim and now they killing it too. At this point I don’t want a woke Elder scrolls with loading screens galore.

    • @eliaspanayi3465
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Starfield had mechanics?

    • @miruneverdies
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    High Rock and Hammerfell? So, TESII: Daggerfall?

    • @kwisatzhaderach9591
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    The only way ESVI will be worth it is if they kick out Emil and Todd. Have the same level of story telling as Witcher 3.
    Have the same amount of experimentation and magic system as BG3.
    And a combat system as fun as Darksouls and Monster Hunter.

    • @Vulture_5
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    After the several relaunchs of Skyrim, FO4, 76 and Starfield + DLC, people shouldn’t expect anything from TES6, especially with Todd or Emil there, lol.

    • @SolantisA
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    They should just release Skyrim again… They really did peaked with that.

    • @Gungrave123
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Xitter is pronounced “Shitter” i believe

    • @crillianmarvin6256
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    So a pointless settlement and ship mechanic to take away from the quests like in fallout 4 and starfield? Whats not to love.

    • @JadedWarlock
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Classes existed till Skyrim. They were prominent till Oblivion where everything was nearly stripped down. Then Skyrim removed it completely and replaced it with the perk system.
    Now all people have to fight against Stealth Archer builds cause you are naturally drawn towards Stealth Archer builds.

    • @Picster1
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Most big companies discourage/disallow modding now, as gamers will mod the social initiatives out of their games. Look at Nexus, which now bans mods it seems ‘inappropriate’ from it’s site. Companies no longer want people to mod, as they want you to hear their agenda. So I do not think ES 6 will have modding at all, which will give it a similar fate to Starfield

    • @woodwyrm
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    >Elder Scrolls

    TES haven’t had any proper character classes since Skyrim ffs, and even before Skyrim they barely had an impact on your character at all!

    Yep TES VI is going to suck, and that isn’t even a hard prediction to make.

    • @Didymuss1
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Of course ES6 will have Starfield mechanics, Bethesda have only ever made one game but with a different IP’s skin on it. Since Fallout 3, for each new game, from the previous game, all they’ve done is tried (with mixed results) to make it look less shit, add in one new mechanic which they market heavily (which in Fallout is something from the original games), take away some mechanics, added in new hardware destroying bugs and raised the price.

    • @SokarEntertainment
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Rainbow people making an Elder Scrolls game, set in the Redguard home province? The meme are going to be so real

    • @phantom-lofi
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    7:58 Daggerfall, Morrowind, and Oblivion had classes, Skyrim was really loose with it unmodded so you could level whatever out of its skills

    • @ldmt1995
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Settlement building can you fück ºff with that already? Show of hands who enjoyed building in fallout 4? Did you like having to carry 100 typewriters because you needed the screws having to scower every place for adhesive?

    • @paksoldat
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    If it’s anything like Starfield or Fallout 4 it will be garbage.
    They must use a new engine and it can’t have loading screens, like every other open world game made in the last 5 years.

    • @fringer6
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Can’t wait to see Redguards and multiracial Bretons.

    • @RandomGuy010
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    It’ll come out in 2030, and be fixed by modders around 2033. Almost a decade. I’m not gonna waste time thinking about TES6 just yet.

    • @Soubifloof
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Skyrim was the only elder scrolls title without classes, up til now, vee

    • @Nickname863
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    I do not think they are concerned, since they do think Starfield is a successs

    • @patigelstarberry4302
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Bethesda one game away from just completely removing whites.

    • @conloneaddy2932
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    My advice is this, play Morrowind on Openmw, get the patch for purist, optimization patch, project atlas, enhanced texture, and Tamriel Rebuilt. You’ll have a great time.

    • @Null_sys
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Bruh I don’t want settlement building, I want to be an adventurer.

    • @vgamedude9811
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    take place in hammerfell yuck

    • @zielisawzielony9366
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    No hope. Bethesda of old is dead. I will mod Skyrim.

    • @domehammer
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    My main concern for ES6 is if it has pronouns because it’s a easy indicator of quality. But the fact high rock and hammerfall… two provinces in one game. It concerns me a lot.

    • @Coconattsuu
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    >Game to have Fortress and Village building alongside settlement building

    Suddenly my interest dropped off a cliff. I’ve never seen anything like this implemented in a fun way, it’s always a chore

    • @Pasci234
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Its fucking bethesta. Everybody who expects anything else, then a buggy, agenda driven, boring mess is a fool.

    • @vane909090
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    To steelman this…the ship building was one of the best things about Starfield. Now, the problem is that you can’t really do much with your ships due to all the limitations on space exploration and combat.

    • @TheKlink
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    All the way back in 2005 I was saying that there’s no reason why a single engine couldn’t do every genre because I was heavily into the quake modding scene , and people had tortured that engine into racers, chess, rts-s, rpg-s, half life1 AND 2, etc, . Project Zomboid, around a decade later, was making a big thing about refactoring code to embed new features instead of tacking them on. I mean with Bethesda, you’d think there’d be a number of ” code keepers ” watching the industry and saying “oh we could add that ” and then optimising from the ground up periodically, especially as they’re famous for re-using the same engine.

    • @The13thRonin
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Anyone who has been holding any hope for the Elder Scrolls 6 since it’s absolute sham of an announcement is not smart enough to turn a computer on, navigate to YouTube and bring up this video. They probably require an iron lung to assist them with breathing.

    • @marducms
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Until oblivion you had classes. But the system was backwards. If you wanted quicly become a good fighter you would choose the mage class.

    • @julianviktoredstrm932
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Wait, so being absolute dogshit is a mechanic now?

    • @Bv2097
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Skyrim SE was peak Beth

    • @ArachD206
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    TES6? What? I’m still playing TES3: Morrowind.

    • @MaxPayneX1337
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    I didn’t expect TES6 to be good ever since Skyrim.

    • @dragonforks93
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    So they have taken everything people hated about Skyrim, Starfield and Fallout 4 and smooshed them together?

    • @thomas00129
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    i hope it will have better writing but with emil at the steering wheel i dont expect any of it so il just hope the world will be a vibe like skyrim was

    • @christiankirkenes5922
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    They’re also welcome to borrow the same amount of money I spent on Starfield for their game, $0

    • @deimiosxxx
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    My expectation with the Elder Scrolls 6 is: pink and purple color scheme, loading screen simulator, clean soulless UI, inferior to Skyrim 1.0 and more buggy.

    • @astrodawn578
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    What is it they think we want? We want a base game and not a broke mess. We want fantasy not high tech sci-fi sec hand trash. I don’t want a cut scenes and loading screen game. This is trash.

    • @COLT_Chris
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    People, please.
    Bethesda is sitting on an ancient and long dead engine. Coating it with a new and pretty paint, like FO4 (which still didn’t have dynamic lights and shadows and had donkey ass world textures) and starfield (your character doesn’t have a body and doesn’t even cast a shadow when in first person) won’t fix the problem or make a good game with new and fresh gameplay.
    Let go off the copium gas and move on.

    • @commandergame
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    *Will have naval battles, ship building and marine(underwater) expolration*
    Sounds cool
    *inspired by Starfield*
    scratch that not cool

    *abandoning classes for a natural progression*
    why write that? Skyrim already had no classes.

    *game to have fortress and village building alongside settlment building*
    ugh “another settlment needs our help”

    • @nawtdankk
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    skyrim sucked too. stop glazing it. it’s only somewhat playable with mods. you all know what i mean. elder scrolls died long ago. even the jump from Morrowind to oblivion was crazy. morrowind was the last true rpg. you could actually kill quest related people in morrowind making the game halt because well…you killed the quest giver

    • @bappo2693
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Elderfield: A Vow of DEIborn

    • @matteoorlandi856
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Remember Kids, TODD LIES.

    • @fs5866
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    I’m not worried about using strafield mechanics but that the story gameplay and characters will be super bland.
    They sound hire some too of the line fantasy writers for this.

    • @messire9837
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Well, I love Hammerfell. Therefore, I might choose to reinstall modded Daggerfall as opposed to hoping for open world cheaty riding filled with 12 people capital cities, me thinks. Also I pretty much stopped hoping for worthy TES after Morrowind. I’ve been proven right ever since then.

    • @CrewDrastically
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    GTA 6 Vs EDS6 Who would launch first lmao

    • @Donchikiman
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Of corse it’s set up in Hammerfell 😂

    • @MaxIzrin
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Oh man… I was hoping to see Black Marsh.

    • @joshuakern1274
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    I have ZERO faith in the next elder scrolls game. Starfield was so God damn boring! 🥴

    • @Inshokuten69
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Let’s be honest. We know that ES6 will be an extremely buggy radiant quest simulator with an average at best story. A couple months after release you’ll be able to download a fan made bug patch and a series of quality of life mods and have an okay-ish playthrough. If you wait another couple months you can add some mechanic/combat overhaul mods and have a fun playthrough.

    • @voltirsilent
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Starfield mechanics? You mean bugs and loading simulator?

    • @PixelMurder
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    As far as I’m concerned and until proven otherwise, ES 6 will be the worst shit show in gaming history, something like Dogshit 76 meets DEI, with 16 times less the details.

    • @juliusfishman7222
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Lol big cities aka 10 buildings and 13 people repeating the same lines.

    • @zebedeebones8685
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Oh for fucks sake, we already had a game set in High Rock and Hammerfell. Give the other provinces their time in the sun.

    The idea of adding settlement building also gets my goat, that was the most boring part of Fallout 4. Why not instead of focussing on that, you focus on adding more quests and storylines, or make the mechanics of the game more in depth? You know… With it being an RPG and all that?

    • @bandawin18
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Hear me out, what if they add the random generation but ONLY for one portion of the game involving Sheogorath? Would fit him perfectly to have an area that’s random for everybody

    • @zanzazaar
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Classes were abandoned after Arena, in later scrolls classes were just set of choices to start with the proper skills.
    Entire leak is bs bait.

    Also, lack of classes is good in scrolls. It is iconic here and playing mix is great.

    • @maht0x
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    I quite like jack of most trades but with penalties (particularly if extrapolated from your initial Character Sheet skill rolls) – a warrior who can shoot an arrow or cast a low level heal.

    • @yewtewbstew547
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    The settlement building feature needs to just die already. A huge part of the appeal of Bethesda RPGs ever since Oblivion has been exploring detailed locations filled with developed NPCs who have their own personalities and routines. Player built settlements are the absolute antithesis of that, they’re cardboard box forts populated by two dimensional robots. They actively _reduce_ the immersive nature of the game world.

    • @chrismiller5940
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    The Creation engine Bethesda uses has been around for a long time and has been modified and patched repeatedly and used for pretty much every rpg they have made. I took a weapon mod for Oblivion, changed the master from Oblivion to Skyrim and it worked with no other modifications (used a hex editor to change the file as this pre-dated the Creation Kit for Skyrim). Also in Skyrim adding the line ‘bVATSdisable=1’ to the ini file will disable the cinimatics on kill moves so they happen as part of normal combat and of course VATS is part of Fallout. They really need to create a new gamew engine from scratch and stop modifying the Creation engine as they really need something modern not some two decade old hacked game engine.

    • @luckysgi-5karrow378
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Actually mods even as light as removing skill usage requirements/skill exp before leveling them up (JUST CHOOSE ONE GAWD DAMMIT: skill points OR skill exp bars), eliminating space powers grind tied to main story completions into killing other Starborn instead & doing the dumb temple light orbs chasing, and increasing exp gain rate by 10x really made Starfield far more interesting lol. Just absolutely simple stuff like that was needed and somehow Bethesda couldn’t figure that out. I was able to discover that all the “identical” exploration points like enemy bases aren’t truly identical. It changes at least a little bit by not just enemies, but a few doors may be locked or something. They at least thought of something however little it may be. 🤣

    • @snellavision
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Funny thing about “the politics” is that given the world building in Elder Scrolls the activists should be able to organically weave their politics into the game without being on-the-nose and cringe

    • @luckysgi-5karrow378
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Chalk it up to Bethesda doing open world formula worse than Ubisoft lmao.

    • @hariman7727
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Because the developers now aren’t the developers of the classic games, and they just don’t care anymore. They think fans will eat up any slop.

    They already did for Skyrim, which wasn’t actually that great, but did stand out as an open world western RPG when there weren’t many of those around beyond Fallout.

    • @luckysgi-5karrow378
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    The vast emptiness and cookie cutter repetition of Starfield space exploration only works in terms of world building because space is….. absolutely fvcking empty and they tried to go more realistic approach. It’s boring, but it works for anyone having a little knowledgeable of how space is irl and is an issue of realism isn’t fun. Hopefully ES6 remembers it’s not in space.

    • @luckysgi-5karrow378
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Starfield had mechanics????? 🤣

    Tbh if anything they’ll copy the low-gravity areas to repackage as the underwater exploration.

    • @Lagbeard
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Elder Scrolls did use to have classes until Skyrim… But classes didn’t lock you out of skills or anything, you just needed to train the classes major and minor skills in order to level up.

    • @nchastan
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Strongly disagree on classes being a good thing, especially in a Bethesda game. The freedom is the selling point, but that freedom required work back then, casting spells was heavily limited without a high magic skill in Daggerfall and you had to train on non-combat viable spells to get anywhere at first, since skill level impacted spell cost. Weapons were missing a lot, at low level in good old Morrowind if you didn’t train it, and your attributes were based on what you leveled up so the “class” was built naturally, and skill level was required as a gate for quests. Compare with Skyrim where becoming archmage requires 3 spells, one being given to you in the Shield tutorial and one being an ice version of the mandatory starting fire spell, with a book to learn it right next to the “puzzle” that needs it

    • @NoOne-vb2du
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Lets be honest, we all knew deep down it was over like 5 years ago

    • @VeraldoAncodini
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    If you think TES6 will be a good game, then you’re completely detached from reality.

    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    It’s cool Bethesda hasn’t seen my cash since FO4

    • @dragonturtle2703
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Classless systems doesn’t necessarily mean you can do everything, at least not everything to the max.

    Though considering you hate non-linear games you’d probably want something with classes rather than modular builds.

    • @MaTtRoSiTy
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Oh man, they are going to ruin it, aren’t they?

    • @andrewdrednaught
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Do. It.

    • @steffithemad8327
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Anything inspired by sh*t (Starfield) will still be sh*t.
    AZ was right.

    • @stevenscott2718
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Oblivion and earlier had ‘classes’ but all they were was your starting skills, during play you could train/level any skill.

    • @SpookSkellington
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Who’s ready for “butch girlboss redguard with modern day haircut” who is plot essential and probably will lecture you on how redguards are superior in every way, and they always know best?

    • @kimmoruohoniemi7158
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Having played lot of Starfield, I say the ship building in it is one of the worst and poorly done mechanics in it, so if the ship crafting in ES is just as bad, it is gonna sink lol.

    • @sauliusvekteris526
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Why you guys dont have respect for yourself? Why you still believe in Bugbesda studio? Havent you suffered enough from Fallout 4 or Starfield?

    • @DjMaxi005
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Lol, only “may borrow”, it’s a Bethesda game, it’s a 100% guarantee

    • @twi57ed
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Bethesda is not a good idea, wdym elder scrolls?!

    • @fnot804
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    15 years ago people knew that underwater levels are a bad idea.

    • @bombadt-yt9818
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Which mechanics?

    • @belstar1128
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    It wont be a big deal as long as the rest of the game is good but will it be ?

    • @lance134679
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    I don’t think invoking Starfield should be seen as the curse of death for Elder Scrolls IV, at least not anymore than the fact that it’s made by the same studio. I personally really like Starfield and have probably put around 1000 hours into it. But that means I also see all the flaws, such as having loading screens for pretty well all traveling. The writing was a bit weaker than previous games, IMO, as well, and the minigame to get the specially powers is really tedious after a while.

    • @shinigamiauthor
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Bethesda is dead. Everybody needs to get used to it.

    • @anonymostoxicmale3241
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    just endorced the more racism mod in skyrim. just the one left on nexus :/

    • @monarchtherapsidsinostran9125
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Gonna be honest. In a vacuum all of these things sound amazing in theory.
    Literally as it stands amazing ideas.
    I don’t trust bethesda to make Literally anything though so.

    • @LittleNemoGaming
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Alternative video title: *WW2 Bad Guy Drank Water*

    • @ALovelyBunchOfDragonballz
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Good news, i have zero hope for this game. Which means i win no matter what, either im proven right or i get an entertaining game, but im pretty confident that i wont be motivated to spend $120 on the next slop in a beloved skin suit.

    • @Alex.Holland
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Starfield is objectively the best game modern bethesda has made, but it still wasn’t a GOOD game, and its 2025 not 2010, people have better things to play and more entertainment to spend their dollars on. They will have to really knock it out of the park with this next game, and I have zero faith they will do so.

    • @mokadelic4037
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Yeah, now I’m 1000% sure that TES6 will flop hard. These companies are clueless….

    • @jaroslawwasila8884
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Guys, i know we’ve been through a rough decade and a half of an abusive relationship with our fav hobby… but perhaps now is the time to slow down on the jaded spouse shtick… we are beginning to shit on games that aren’t even playable betas yet, as a self defense mechanism. Lets wait a bit, m sure we’ll have enough time to sbit on it between the prepurchase and official release.

    • @Agent_Chieftain
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    I mean, Starfield already borrows mechanics from every other Bethesda game that exists. That was never the issue. The issue was that the usual formula was stretched over an impossibly large game map, making everything feel samey and boring. There was a distinct lack of the usual Bethesda exploration where the world felt alive, even if it was scaled down. Hardly anything happened randomly, unlike Skyrim or Fallout 4. Not to mention how sanitized everything felt as well, where they removed any and all gore, and the “seedy criminal” side of the galaxy was still very clean and safe feeling.

    I hope the success of the Fallout TV show made Todd realize that people want gritty and violent; not safe, clean and sterile. If we could get a dark fantasy ES6 out of that, that would be nice.

    • @quirinoguy8665
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    At this point I’m praying Bethesda does not make a new Fallout game, fuck it let the fans make their own, they literally made their own Fallout game with Fallout London, just stop.

    • @Shawn-eu1od
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    but at what angles will the characters raise their arms? will it make you uncomfortable?

    • @1Cold1Wrath
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    It won’t be better than Skyrim. That is 99.9% certainty

    • @MoxieCatte
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    I’m like 90% sure that this “leak” is fake (one of the big tells being that Skyrim did not have classes, but this leak presents them ditching classes like it’s something new) but using procedural generation in boating content and having ship battles honestly doesn’t seem like it would be that bad to me. As long as they had big handcrafted islands you can visit too, having little undiscovered isles that are randomly generated fits well enough with the mechanics.

    • @pronoblewolf
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    As fallout 4 would say EVERYONE DISLIKED THAT!!!!

    • @Lenarian
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Check out the gdc talk by two former devs at Bethesda if you want to know just how bad it really is. Those guys are so buried under bureaucracy (leads spending all their time at work training the dozens and dozens of newbies from support studios they keep churning through on how to work with their tools instead of actually guiding the ship toward a goal) that, even if they were talented, they would be prevented from creating anything good anyway.
    I HIGHLY doubt that them taking an L in front of daddy Microsoft since then has somehow REDUCED the corporate bloat infecting that company.

    • @agodelianshock9422
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    They must take care to avoid the procedural trap again. Wide as an ocean but deep as a puddle is not the way to go. There are times and places where procedural is great, building a settlement and customizing a ship is fun. Talking to generic generated NPCs and doing copy-paste quests for random loot is not. Those can be fallback systems for once all the handcrafted content is finished like the bounty system sure. But not at the cost of the handcrafted content itself. Skyrim didn’t have explicit classes and I didn’t have too much of a problem with that. My main gripe was the lack of gameplay attributes and stats. Oblivion and Morrowind had many more spells and more unique gear because of this. Skyrim lacking a basic lockpick spell is insane to me.

    • @daddyattitude
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Imma pass!

    • @Elderberry_Shrub
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Can’t wait for the videos comparing it to Skyrim

    • @Ramsey276one
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    6:59 that will never get old, HUH?


    • @wishuponamonkeyspaw2458
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Starfield has mechanics?

    • @captaindonut9243
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    how big the is the city?

    • @TheCynicalAutist
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    “May borrow”

    They’re using the same engine, it’s basically a given.

    • @da_roachdogjr
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Guys, its gonna be bad. You don’t need to speculate, I’m telling you right now with 99.9% accuracy (pulled directly out of my brain)
    There’s only one thing that can make that game good and its how well mods will be supported.
    If they fail to provide an open way of making mods, don’t even bother.
    And ffs don’t preorder this.

    • @ArminiusGroß
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    So, the player is building the world rather than Bethesda?

    • @B.E.3.R
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Skyrim was the last good Bethesda game. Fite me! 😀

    • @spnked9516
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Marry the story and fluff of Morrowind to the scale and RPG elements of Daggerfall – that’s all Bethesda needs to do to cook up a likely winner. But they’re not going to do that. Instead, they’re going to cook up some unholy union of the worst elements from their last major modern games (watered-down mechanics of skyrim + the “do it yourself” design of Fallout 4 + the puddle-deep world of Starfield = ES6).

    • @DevinSilverVids
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Thing is: There isn’t much wrong with the mechanics in Startfield. There is however plenty wrong with the implementation, writing, devs, especially Emil in particular who can’t take criticism or responsibility, list goes on.

    • @lite4998
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    I am done being disappointed by modern western games, so instead I’ll just anticipate it being awful and enjoy everyone else’s disappointment. Schadenfreude. And if it’s somehow good then I’ll just play it. So I have nothing to lose.

    • @bradenmickan4789
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm


    • @O0kalā
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Instead of yawning, I say ‘Starfield’.

    • @16m49x3
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    What do you mean abandoning classes? The elder scrolls has never ever had classes??? Has this person ever played a tes game?

    • @R4L14N
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    put multiplayer in it Bethesda, like fallout 76, then ill buy your new game.

    • @derrickmiles5240
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Dumbed down skill systems are the worst trend in rpgs.

    • @OxyShmoxy
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Will Hammerfell be a good choice I wonder? It begs for the MESSAGE and I don’t believe the modern Bethesda can resist the temptation.

    • @ShyZShark
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    TES 6 is likely to be a vessel for modern day ideas unfortunately. I’m not even overly heated about a lot of the ideologies themselves, but it does bother me when it’s shoe-horned into a pre-established franchise. I’d prefer if they stuck to their own isolated world lore, but Skyrim was far to big of a cultural impact, that activists of any kind would be drooling to have a hand in getting even a nugget of their ideology in TES 6. I’m not huge into the Elder Scrolls series personally, but I was considering jumping into TES 6 as my first real exposure to the series. As time goes on though, I don’t know if that’ll happen.

    It’s truly sad, when you can’t just make a game, a game, and leave it at that. Not everybody wants to come home and play “Why You Are A Bad Person Simulator” every time they want to relax.

    • @cecilsharps
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    every shit mechanic Bethesda used in the last decade is now available in one place.

    • @JanstonCordell
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Bethesda has been toast for years. Anyone thinking that TES 6 will be anything resembling worthwhile is straight up delusional.

    • @sigy4ever
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    … abandoning classes? you mean like SKYRIM DID?!?!?!?!

    • @equilibrium9272
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Poor Vee, I’m sorry you’re not maturing and getting out of video games. It’s sad to see people you like wallow, move on, and find something new.

    • @TourFaint
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    >abandoning classes
    but skyrim didn’t even have classes anymore. And classes in oblivion and morrowind barely mattered, only interacted with how fast you level up, they didn’t change anything mechanically.

    • @YarugumaSou
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Don’t forget that since it takes place in Hammerfell, the homeland of the Redguards, expect tons and tons of leftist analogies with modern day politics.

    • @Jayyy667
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm


    • @Red_Devil_2011
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    How many condescending lectures from the “Hammerfell” people to the “High Rock” people will there be in this game? Lol. The Veilguard/Avowed-type writers will ruin this game.

    • @rustymustard7798
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    At this point if it releases at all as disappointing broken janky live service horse armor slop in a meh world it will still exceed my expectations.

    • @chiefbungalow
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    76 and Starfailed have all but dashed any potential excitement or hope that es6 will be any good.
    Todd’s lies, greed, and extreme risk aversion.
    The nepotism within Bethesda that placed Emil as the head writer.
    The quality of Emil’s writing and his refusal to expand and become a better writer
    And other going ons that have lead to the decrease in quality, and dumbing down of systems/simplying their games (I love skyrim and it has taken countless, countless hours of my life but I can admit its faults)
    And the cancer from tumbler that has grown and metastasized into dei.

    It’ll be popular for a week, the pendulum will swing (as it did with starfield) and it will be hated for a month, and then people will return to skyrim, oblivion, and morrowind

    • @Acesahn
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Bethesda games are slowly becoming more and more petrified right before our eyes. It’ll just be a lump of stone when they’re done devolving.

    • @jmmywyf4lyf
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    The more flexible leveling system is a deal breaker for me. That was the worst part about Skyrim, next to its pathetic magic, it’s underwhelming melee combat. I was already expecting to pass on elder scrolls 6. Bethesda has been on a wild downward spiral for over a decade. Fallout 76, fallout 4, even Skyrim is only half of an RPG when you compare it to even oblivion but especially tomorrow wind. If it wasn’t for the modding scene, Skyrim wouldn’t be remembered for anything

    • @counterstructure4908
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    tldr: my expectation is “meh”
    Classes were already dropped with Skyrim so the pinch of salt is now a teaspoon of salt. But expanding on or at least reusing building mechanics is no surprise. I did like it in FO4. With the limit of having only one land, they will have less repetition, but i don’t think they’ll stop separating caves and dungeons (or many buildings) behind a loading screen. Starfield has an edge-catching/climbing mechanic, so exploration could be more interesting. The ship building in SF is kinda neat and the fights are kinda neat. It might have been better as a multiplayer, because NPCs are simply simple. Their Gamebryo 18.0 can now better support bigger maps. So sailing could be nice, but i don’t expect AC Black Flag. SF doesn’t have manual docking, so i also don’t expect that. Press button and a scripted scene plays. Ship exterior will be walkable, but interior will be a separate level like Skyrim. SF has more dialog skill checks then FO4, so checking for perks could happen. If i recall SF story (that’s a statement on its own 😉 it was heavy on concept and light on drama(?). More world building than plot so to say. Going back to an established universe. Hell, going back to their own established universe should help. But i do have doubts.

    • @ripvanwinkle2002
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    if its woke like starfield it already sucks and i wont play it.
    no more games with ugly women and pretty boys and everyone is trans and black and gay.
    sick of it..

    • @DarkstarArchangel
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Borrowing the large-space-with-nothing-in-it is one of the bigger problems, which is a concept and not a mechanic.

    • @npbarnhill
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    I was pretty hyped for Starfield. I’m not making that mistake again.

    • @GG-fi4ye
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    So it means that elder scolls is fucked.

    • @greaterrestoration6214
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    They say they are going classless because clearly none of the current devs played the older games. Except Tod, but i dont think he matters anymore.

    • @AdonanS
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    The classless system is more for people that like to roleplay, Morrowind being the best example, as it allowed you to give your custom class a name and description. People are welcome to do what they want with the system, but the only time I ever made a class that can do everything was when Skyrim first came out. I soon stopped doing that because I realized I was bored. Anyone who watches Fudgemuppet has an idea of what I mean.

    Hell, even a Jack of All Trades class can be fun as long as you don’t make him a master of everything and roleplay with it (no equipment or spells past a certain rank, no lockpicking locks beyond a certain rank, limiting perk selection, etc.). What I’m saying is self-imposed limitations are, ironically, what make the classless system fun.

    • @Niyucuatro
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    I would like some of the starfield features to be in skyrim. Like the vaulting and climbing.

    • @Noperare
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    “Borrow mechanics” I mean, Bethesda been using the same engine since Morrowind. I would be surprise if we find Morrowind code lines in Elders Scrolls 6.

    • @AthosZ92
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    I just wanna run through a forest man, really dont care about playing sea of thieves but in Tamriel.

    • @Tall_Order
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    I miss older RPGs that had multiple different skills, and you add points to the one you want and leave behind the rest of them because you would never be able to earn enough skill points to master more than 2 or 3 things. Those RPGs forced you to make decisions rather than let you raise all skills to max.

    • @E.T.S.
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    These games/engines are outdated very soon in the wake of AI.

    • @rebbyra
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    16 times the detail

    • @Tall_Order
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Elder Scrolls hasn’t had Classes since Oblivion. Unless you count the MMO.

    • @kungfuvoodoo9889
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    After Skyrim I was hoping year after year that we’d hear of ES6, hopefully with a coop mode. But now after Bethesda has fallen so far, I just can’t be bothered to care anymore.

    • @Tall_Order
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    In Before modders mod out the unwanted stuff and then Nexus Mods bans the modders.

    • @xelldincht4251
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Elders Scroll6 will have a different dimension that will have procedural generation areas/dungeons. I am calling it now

    • @Grimkeeper17
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    The procedural generation was fine in arena when not much was established but now i just think there’s too much to write around to make it work… however, they like to use their dragonbreak macguffin. Also will fall short of daggerfalls system. Sure all the other games were a more narrow scope than daggerfall too but now there will be major retcons from established daggerfall lore/worldbuilding compared to any other elderscrolls source just due to how dense that game was. They just cannot fit the scope of what everyone would like within a skyrim sized box.

    • @andresbogado7133
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    I smell another soulless trash like Starfield, there is no creativity and passion at Bethesda but maybe modders can actually save this one lol

    • @TheStarcleaver
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    I don’t have high opes for ES6, not with current Bethesda

    • @Campocosas
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Starfield 3d models for characters, were the fussion of established human races, but not based on reality, ignoring that some phenotypes are dominant.
    An example would be that they mixed q black cat with a white cat, would create a grat , but in reality cat colors herutage doesnt wirk like that

    • @rifleman2c997
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    I’m apathetic to it now. Bethesda had thier shot with starfeild and failed, and from Emil’s speech, we can be sure Bethesda will ignore any critical feedback.

    So let them fail.

    • @kroganshepard6594
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Oh wow! Another reason not to buy it!

    • @Anonymous-mp2ln
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    I don’t give credence to “leakers” without footage to leak, not that I am expecting any footage beyond a camera shot at the office to be created for another two or three years.

    • @kingshizit3106
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    How can we stop this? We don’t need another avowed. Elderscrolls 6 should get the sonic movie treatment, now so it doesn’t fail.

    • @danausplexippus5079
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Black pandering game when public opinion shifted and USAID gets radically cut. They lost already.

    • @vikingwalrus2253
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    I am not optimistic for bethesda

    • @matt.random8473
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Honestly Starfield’s concept is more appealing to me than TES, but I still didn’t buy it because of the technical issues/limitations and woke bs. If I were a big TES fan, I’d definitely be worried about what Bethesda is going to do with TES 6

    • @nicolasportela5513
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    I bet you people are still going to buy this game because Skyrim was good, then realize it’s absolute shit, I don’t even think mods will save this game just look at Starfield, Bethesda is creatively bankrupt, if they weren’t reselling Skyrim for the 20th time they’d be out of business!

    • @ziggytheassassin5835
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    So sick of non base building rpgs adding “settlement building” mechanics. Its always so mid and just feels like theyre ticking a box.

    • @radicalcentrist4990
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Hammerfell is the homeland of the Redguards and High Rock is the homeland of the Bretons. I think I can already feel the kind of story they’re gonna make. There’s gonna be some conflict between the bretons and redguards and the redguards will obviously be presented as the guys that you should feel sorry for.

    • @cristitanase6130
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Will it have beautiful females and no woke garbage?
    If yes, then they can do whatever they want.
    If no, then they can go bankrupt, preferable after this game, but I’m no picky.

    • @Aserbic
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    They’re going to do the content bloat the Assassins Creed have been doing.

    • @bendegorro754
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    I don’t see any problem. What make this franchise popular are the journey and very modding friendly. Starfield was not a dog shyt games, it’s just like a Todd Howard brain freeze in the middle of the development. They can easily copying their past Elder Scroll games with better game engine and simplistic story, and the fans would be very happy.

    • @Zero_2500
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    I will be shocked if ES6 is good.

    • @colonelflagg9669
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Not having Jeremy Soule music is already a red flag.

    • @SomeCanine
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Sunk cost fallacy. They spent so much money on the engine that they used in Starfield that they believe they need to use it again.

    • @commisaryarreck3974
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    So it’s going to not even be the size of Daggerfall, just worse? 3 waypoints in the middle of nowhere that make every single place look the same and you’re not allowed to explore for anything interesting. Dead boring uninspired cities

    That and why Hammerfell, I was so excited for us to visit a place like Elsweyr or another Province we haven’t seen before. Lush jungles and deserts, the Black Marsh, the homelands of the various mer

    • @TheMorbidHobo
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    I don’t understand “abandonning classes”, what classes were in Skyrim?

    • @KingBuilder525
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Vee’s out of the loop. Everyone paying attention to Bethesda already knew Starfield was just Skyrim in space. Everyone who played morrowind already knew Bethesda was beyond making a good game

    • @Dumah36
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    ES6 is not and was never going to be good.
    This is not the era for good games in the West. If it was announced in the last ten years it is not gonna be good.
    at best is going to be mid. Unless it is coming from a smaller company or people like Larian studios that are truly about making games it is likely gonna be ass. I don’t expect the West to get back in the game til after 2030.

    • @unkosherfood
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    there are definitely things they can carry over from previous games that would add to the next elder scrolls game. as long as it is additive and isnt there instead of what makes the game an elder scrolls game. including as many expandable systems as they can will make things easier for modders which they need to get back after starfields issues not only with player count but with new file system making modding harder. i welcome things like settlement building and ship building/vehicle stuff as long as its robust and doesnt come at the expense of other things.

    the release of avowed made it all the more clear that rpg games need responsiveness such as water ripples and npc reactivity to feel alive, something that starfield had moved away from even though oblivion and skyrim were some of the best examples of it.

    • @sim.frischh9781
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Modders gave up on Starfield, so if they use Starfield as a basis, chance is Modders will not even try to touch it.
    And the game is pretty much guaranteed to have to usual current day-isms in it, given that we´re talking about activists.

    • @EvaUnit02
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Fallout 3 iteratively built upon Oblivion. Skyrim iteratively built upon FO3. FO4 iteratively built upon Skyrim. Starfield iteratively built upon FO4.

    Obvious turn of events. Are the “concerned” people the usual leftist NPCs who lack pattern recognition and critical thinking?

    • @cptncutleg
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Having a mix of skill and perk with task requirements wouldn’t be out of place.
    Indeed, I feel that gating skills at each 25 skill-levels and unlocking that gate with prerequisite perks isn’t a bad idea, and I can’t wait for Bethesda to botch the execution

    • @Bullminator
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Piratenation? isnt that the guy who hates game preservation?

    • @Bigotsandwich1995
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    what do you mean no classes? elder scrolls doesn’t really do classes. what are you changing? natural progression is what it always did

    • @SaintAdjacent
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    So you can build a Pirate ship that looks nothing like a Pirate ship

    • @WizuhWilson-r2k
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    People who believe that Elder Scrolls 6 will be a good game with good gameplay, no bugs, and no woke propaganda, are smoking a cocktail of cope, hope, and dope.

    • @ryszakowy
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    let’s get this straight
    they made space skyrim with guns and changed some words (and removed dragons)
    and they want TES 6 (that physically nobody is interested in at this point) to be more like that…

    • @kamikaze00007
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    I think they’re basically just hinting that they’ll be using AI-generated landscapes and points of interest now instead of handcrafting them all. If it’s true they also used AI for the facial expressions and talking animations for the faces of the characters in Starfield, maybe that too. Overall, it’s definitely not going to end well. TES6 is dead in the womb. Let’s not kid ourselves anymore.

    • @RosaKaraline
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Honestly I don’t think I’m missing much by skipping this one. I’m looking more forward to fan creations like Skywind and Skyblivion at this point than modern games. I don’t trust Bethesda in current day to do elder scrolls correctly anymore.

    • @MitternachtssternXIII
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    im telling u skyrim is as good as it will ever get, the elder scrolls 6 will be trash

    • @ProfessionalScofflaw
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    I showed this video to my dad. He joked that we are going to end up getting Elder Scrolls 76.

    I think hes right. This is giving me “16 times the detail.” Vibes. Im not even going to be angry until we get an actual evidence of these leaks. I have no expectations.

    • @fnord4960
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Another triple a game dead on arrival.

    • @stopthat1169
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    I don’t mind if they borrow it’s mechanics. I do mind if they borrow it’s politics.

    • @hfric
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    at least Crowbcat video about its Failure, will be Epic

    • @f145hr3831jr
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Oblivion was the last Elder Scrolls game with character classes, and even then you could create your own if you weren’t interested in any of the premade ones, and the mechanical differences between classes were anecdotal at best.

    And yeah, a character who is good at everything is boring, both narratively and gameplay-wise.

    • @JCDentonCZ
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Ship sailing mods exist for Morrowind, so surely it should be possible for TES6. The writing and the execution of all the ideas are the biggest problems however, the DEI cheque probably cleared just in time and unless DOGE somehow raids Bethesda, removes the activists and force a rewrite I’m not too confident that the game will be good.

    • @BEN1AM1N
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    They should just disown starfiel, and go back and build on skyrim instead.
    If they weren’t retarded, they could make it good, honestly if they hired any normal gamer as game director it would be good/great.

    I mean they could make characters good looking. They could hire chatgpt as a writer so writing would be even bearable.

    But let me guess, they are gonna make green mushroom people all over and write every character so unbearable that you just want to kill every npc they see. Every faction will have a female leader that is strong independent woman who hates all men etc etc.

    • @pensador6953
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    only way i can think of them fucking this up is removing modability…somehow.
    To be honest, i think they can’t make a surprise anymore.
    i mean at this point what is left to screw up?
    The bar is so low, they would have to dig to be even lower
    They wil need a power drill for that one.
    maybe a whole factory of power drills.
    they will need some kind of GENIUS OF FAILURE!!
    To actually surprise.
    That’s what i think at least.

    • @hfric
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Morrowind was the last good game from them … Oblivion was a downgrade … and Skyrim only became good , since you can mod it to be anything … even a totally different game … Starfield on day one , anyone that saw its core … said … the game is so broken in basic things, you do not mod it … you , uninstall it and move on … to No Man’s Sky … or to X2 or X4: Foundations

    People wanted for years the RemakeRemaster of Redguard … but what did they get … Skyrim that now works on a toaster … so no , they failed at start …

    • @rafadylewski7190
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Makes you wonder if the best ship for winning all naval combat is gonna be a donut-shaped raft, just like how the best craft in SF was a hollow cube.

    • @void_gazer
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    trash incoming

    • @DiabolicCrusher
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    What mechanics? The jetpack? Or being fucking empty and barren? Pronouns in character creator? Oh yeah, totally fucking innovative. Starfield is quite literally just a glorified Fallout 4 reskin but in space no matter how you spin it, yet it’s somehow even worse.
    As for the classes, pre-Skyrim games used to have those, but they were basically just starting bonuses.
    Regardless, i think i’ll just stick to modded Daggerfall and Skyrim, don’t even care about this, hard to get hyped about any of Bethesda games after the stinker that is shitfield.

    • @gamingguru2k6
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Writing and Equity focused moralism were the worst problems with Starfield. I wouldn’t say the game mechanics were exactly the main problem. It depends what they do.

    • @blakecampbell-taylor2865
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    At some point a company needs to change its management when things aren’t improving. Bethesda has had several high profile failures in a row now. Todd and Emil need to go, it’s time for a change in leadership. It’s just a business decision.

    • @TheLeadElite
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Aside from DEI nonsense, my biggest concern is the locations in the game being randomly/procedurally generated. So many games these days seem to use procedurally generated content as a substitute for actual level design and I’m tired of it. I want to see clever and fun designs for areas with memorable set pieces like with late 90’s-early 2000’s platformers. Some randomization is okay, but too much of it makes the game lose any sense of balance or continuity.

    • @godforsakenhell
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    I wonder if it’ll be another game I will be physically unable to play because of forced smooth camera.

    • @ShadowAimai
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Starfield has no procedural generation beyond rubble/foliage position. The rest are just noise maps to pretend some terrain features and copypasted locations peppered around the place.

    • @panzer00
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    The one thing that I did not want in an Elder Scrolls game was “settlement building”…

    TES is dead.

    • @bubbadumps3747
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    15+ years for something likely worse than skyrim.

    It took 6 years for skyrim to come out

    • @ilari90
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Hammerfell is more versatile area than a gray rocky place. It at least should have deserts, jungles and grasslands too. Although Bethesda propably paves it with cement.

    Morrowind at least had classes, those were more of a starting option and then you can level up everything by using the skills but it was easier at the beginning to use the stuff you selected as your main skills, and those determined what you need to grind if you want to get a level up and raise ability scores. Of course at the end of the game you are good at everything if you grind enough. I think it’s better system than Skyrim.

    • @metazare
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    If you’re still holding out hope for ES6 after the bomb that was starfield, you’re a fool.

    • @GeraltofRivia22
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Everything before Skyrim had classes.

    • @jeromekammerer4733
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    “The cook will borrow the taste of water for the next dish”

    • @dony2852
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    TES hasn’t had classes since Oblivion. If the leak is truthful, the things that come to mind regarding classes would be that they are dumbing down the system to not have skills, perks or even races. It would be interesting what excuse they would make this time if they really do remove such features.

    • @MrDezokokotar
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    >Hammerfell, home of the redguards.
    Im shocked i tell you, shocked.

    But anyway, does anyone really have any good expectations after the absolute slop that was Starfield? That game’s worldbuilding and writing was so neutered and boring its not even funny.
    And i even quite enjoyed Fallout 4, even though it was clearly already starting to go awry then, but now i have no trust in Bethesda whatsoever anymore. Theyve become just as rotten as most large western studios.

    • @ZeptionHellsing
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    the only good thing of strfield was the ship comabt and boarding ship mechanics.. unless they plan to add space ships or naval combat i don’t see the point of this

    • @pattyviggers3581
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    I hate building, I hated in Fallout 4 and I am going to hate if the game is any good and not a failure as Starfield.

    • @AdamantineAxe
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    “It just wokes”

    • @SantaClause-m9h
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    The outer worlds had the worst leveling system, just as you are hitting the swing of things the level cap kicks you in the teeth an screams no more food! I’m a big fan of maxing skill trees and when you can’t I just feel something has been taken away from the game.

    • @tristanrussell448
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    The issue with bethesda is not just DEI. Its also just concentrated laziness and that is unlikely to change anytime soon.

    • @mattg3484
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Bethesda just keeps re-skinning the same damn game. Elder scrolls, fallout, starfield, all the same

    • @infantryrecruited
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    So the new elder scrolls is going to take place in Hammerfell which is essentially the “Africa” of the elder scrolls universe…

    • @Cardulionax
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Don’t know why anyones surprised. This has been the logical progression of all of Bethesdas games since Skyrim and though some might not have caught on for Skyrim no one who was paying attention could deny it by fallout 4.

    • @scrow7752
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    !!plucking pronouns!!

    • @aerfwefd7334
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Todd HOOOOOOOOWARD of Bethesda games is here, so buy my games.

    • @are3287
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    As long as it doesnt borrow starfield devs and directores lmao amiright oh wait…

    • @Ananonymousguy-nk9oj
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    I have no hope on anything made by Bethesda since Starfailed, as i like to call it. Expect the same type of game with obsolete mechanics (including loading screens each time you enter or exit a building), bad writing and awful engine and performance

    • @jankyteeth6213
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Sounds like they wanna distance themselves far away from the older games and just sticking to whatever fad they have made in the current previous game like the Settlement System and building mechanics, not to forget Skyrims lame skill tree levelling system. Say what you want about Oblivion but the levelling up system in that is limitless.

    • @shnorkeythefourth4572
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    All I care about is
    1: is it crazy
    2: is it racist (yes I think it’s funny and it’s what makes the universe stand out in this day and age. The setting would be irreversibly damaged without it)

    • @gpness
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Skyrim 5, sick

    • @Brainbusta86
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Oh Tod, buddy, pal, mate.
    Fool me once …

    • @vespasianflavius2766
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Why is that surprising to you? Fallout used elder scrolls mechanics. And Starfield used fallout/elder scrolls mechanics

    • @adamuadamu5081
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Its gonna suck, just like ESO sucked

    • @Caursten
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    This is a Bethesda game. At least a quarter of this will be broken and buggy. Another quarter of it will be a day one DLC. And at least 20% of the listed content will not exist at all in ES6. Business as usual for Bethesda.

    • @GermoDante
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Was anyone expecting anything different than Starfield but fantasy? As soon as Starfield proved to be DEI Bethesda slop, I lost all hope for ES6 to be good.

    • @Knoloaify
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    That “leak” is just a 4chan post. It might be true, but it’s very likely to be BS. Also High Rock isn’t “rocky terrain” Vee, it’s the homeland of the Bretons, it’s covered in green plains.

    • @plumaDshinigami
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Expect any constructive criticism about the mechanics and gameplay for Starfield to go the same way that complaining about the MJ stealth sections in the PS4 Spider-Man game went.

    • @nuclearicebreaker
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    I’m not necessarily against the idea IN PRINCIPLE, doing starfield randomly generated with naval combat like Daggerfall SOUNDS cool even if its limited like Starfield space combat….
    The thing is they need to fire Emil and literally everyone who had anything to do with writing Starfield and all DEI hires
    Edit: AND THEY NEED A DESIGN DOCUMENT I almost forgot the most important part (but that’ll never happen so expect trash)

    • @terrykrugii5652
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    >fast loading times

    I call cap. Bethesda would need to optimize their code, and they’re incapable of that afaik

    >set to take place in Hammerfell and High Rock

    Excellent excuse to “slip in DEI initiatives under the radar”

    >will have naval battles, ship building, and marine (underwater) exploration inspired by Starfield, explorable islands. Dragons will return

    No comment. Didn’t play Starfield

    >Set to have 12-13 big cities

    So wide as an ocean, deep as a piss puddle. Got it

    >progression system is much more flexible, abandoning classes for a natural progression, better combat

    So Skyrim progression system, but with coping that its somehow better than previous installments?

    >Game to have Fortress and Village building alongside settlement building

    Man, they sure are enamored with making Fallout 4’s settlement system work.

    • @LordSleven
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    If it’s made by bethesda it’s trash… I’m not gonna even give it a chance

    • @mikefloyd3152
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    I hate settlement building in games

    • @TheAutistWhisperer
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Oh God no!

    • @SpecShadow
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    people started noticing that Beth games are getting more shallow and worse… better late than never, I guess?

    • @skrv8588
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    So… Illiac Bay with Yokuda? I can only see this as being hilariously “hip-hop”

    • @BuetifullPersun
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    I’d rather play modded skyrim. They are never going to make an okay elder scroll game again after seeing how starfield came out lmao

    • @aj.j5833
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Elder Scrolls had character classes, but you can modify them or build a custom class.

    • @CommanderBohn
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    It’s high chances It’s D.O.A.

    • @GorbixElite01
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm



    • @Vragnarax
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Cancel the naval battles and refocus on RPG mechanics.

    • @aj.j5833
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    I can’t wait to be lectured by A Redgaurd on how racist I am for being white adjacent in current day language.

    • @DB-xz1sb
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    yah, but will it have 16 times the detail?

    • @WllKiedSnake
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    For ship building likely. You can build boats.

    • @logicrules5793
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Nonsense title. Starfield is already just borrowed Elder Scrolls mechanics

    • @minakatahizuru
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    It will be woke like Starfield

    • @odirex
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Prediction: They’ll use your webcam to match your exact color on every NPC, but there is a lightness limiter.

    • @All_Hail_Chael
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Of all Starfield’s crimes, the boss bitches and BORING quests were the worst for me. ONE quest line was good, the space pirate one, then at the end, instead of becoming their leader like you would in Skyrim, someone else took over.

    As the Drinker would say “fuck off game”

    • @Saf_Ibn_Sayyad_Bacon
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Starfield sucks though.

    • @Mika-Fresh
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Ship building would be interesting, so long as I can make a phallic barge.

    • @Schlumpsha
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Marine underwater exploration inspired by Starfield? Meaning no diving, poor swimming without splashes and yet again no underwater combat? Oh dears…

    • @CraigB13
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    The chance this is not going to be woke, body type A/B, pronoun bullshit is literally zero

    • @Unapologeticweeb
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Im so sick and tired of the settlement system

    • @darken2417
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Its over.

    • @Badookum
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Little lies, stunning shows! People buy, Money flows! 🎶

    Todd Howard is a modern day snake oil salesman, I’m telling you.

    • @aj.j5833
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Oh look, it will be conveniently set in place where Redguards are from in current day. Nothing to notice there.

    • @ClockworkGearhead
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Red flag, which seems to be the only flag they raise these days.

    • @SergioLeonardoCornejo
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    The game isn’t even in beta testing and they are already driving potential customers away.

    • @blackka25
    • 2025年 2月 25日 9:56pm

    Starfield sucks