This Ships Main Weapon Annihilates Eveyrthing | Starfield Owltech Nautilus Free Mod Review (XBOX/PC)

starfield 情報局

Today we are checking out a free ship mod

Link below to the mod



  • コメント (22)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @SF-OwlTech
    • 2025年 2月 20日 9:55pm

    PDY does work with the hab; it is the spawningg of the ship that PDY does not work.

    • @professorhelmling6059
    • 2025年 2月 20日 9:55pm

    New OwlTech? Looks like I’m loading up Starfield tonight.

    • @nywolf9798
    • 2025年 2月 20日 9:55pm

    Another cool mod from owltech!!

    • @murderraven7770
    • 2025年 2月 20日 9:55pm

    This is actually really similar to a ship I built and called the Nautilus lol but that was before Owltech

    • @kblythe78
    • 2025年 2月 20日 9:55pm

    I cant get doorways working in the nautilus when i board to capture it… I disabled PDY AND STILL NO DOORWAYS TO MOVE ABOUT THE SHIP TO TAKE IT OVER…

    • @WGM77
    • 2025年 2月 20日 9:55pm

    Does this mod plays nice with Darkstar Aerodynamics?

    • @bossredd-77
    • 2025年 2月 20日 9:55pm

    I put in tons of hours and resources into crafting my top-tier warhorse battle hardened ship. It was supposed to be the pinnacle of starship design in starfield. It was supposed to be so bad ass that it could theoretically take on Sysdef Command or the entire Crimson Fleet and the Nautilus one shotted it all back to the drawing board.
    Am I mad?
    I must acquire the Nautilus at any cost, even if I must sacrifice Sarah and Andreja, it must be done.
    (I do draw the line at my best friend Vasco, though)😂

    • @_TangoDown_
    • 2025年 2月 20日 9:55pm

    More beautiful work from Owl Tech! Owl sets the bar high for hab designers, for sure!

    Thanks for the review, CF!

    • @civsully1740
    • 2025年 2月 20日 9:55pm

    Amazing work by OwlTech. So CFB can you reach out to OT and ask him if there is a way that the modder can assign crew members to specific areas of the ship? I had to step away from SF for a bit so maybe there is a way to do this. If so if someone can let me know here I’d appreciate it. I say all this as the modules on this ship just screams to me to have crew assigned as to random sandboxing throughout the ship. Anyways I’m sold on this mod and I’d pay for this! Fantastic job OT and great showcase by you CFB!

    • @mikaelowe8430
    • 2025年 2月 20日 9:55pm

    i changed the missiles on it to the 280 ones and the third weapon is PBO- 300 auto alpha turret, i also added radar dish and shield booster, comspike,conduction grid, multi frequenzy scanner so i get 90% chance to avoid scans

    • @danceswithowls4000
    • 2025年 2月 20日 9:55pm

    SGTOWL has done it again ! It is time to hunt this guy down and take his ship for research 😂😂😂

    • @syberghost
    • 2025年 2月 20日 9:55pm

    sgtowl has an “OwlTech Nautilus Empty Containers Patch” that turns off the container spawning and makes them safe.

    • @mtfreeman800
    • 2025年 2月 20日 9:55pm

    Coffee time. Eh. I can build my own ships. Thank you, no. However, ship and the mod look awesome for those that don’t. Great video, thanks for the review.

    • @briancowan4318
    • 2025年 2月 20日 9:55pm

    Thanks to @SgtOwl for the mod and @Crimson for the commentary. I’ve been using @SgtOwl’s mods for awhile now and really do enjoy them. I have been adverse to using ANY Cargo Hab, even for role playing, as they don’t add (for me) a reason for existence. However, the Nautilus’ Cargo Hab has broken the mold. Well done!

    • @Bear-Knight
    • 2025年 2月 20日 9:55pm

    Ship interior brightness fix in relation to planet day/night cycles
    –Ship Interior Brightness(not test) Ship Day/night cycle(test)

    It works great, some 1×1 HABs are brighter than others

    • @Bear-Knight
    • 2025年 2月 20日 9:55pm

    No PDY Solutions on xbox
    1–walk through walls
    2–SKK Universal Stash (teleport to ship)
    3–SKK Ship Management tools (teleport to ship)

    • @otissanders2624
    • 2025年 2月 20日 9:55pm

    Crimson your opinion on most things is cool but some of us like the gun the way it is. because you’re an influencer to alot of these modders telling or even asking the modder to nerf it cause of how you feel about it is unfair.

    • @nesef
    • 2025年 2月 20日 9:55pm

    regarding PDY: read description again 🙂 it will work fine, but the ship that you can board will have no doors. so you need to use tcl when boarding.

    • @magister.mortran
    • 2025年 2月 20日 9:55pm

    I like the interior, but the stats of the ship are seriously overpowered. Even in Extreme settings, it makes space fights too easy.

    • @TheHst2112
    • 2025年 2月 20日 9:55pm

    Sorry, i had to pause and LOL at you getting wasted. “Excuse me?”

    • @SlySoSavage
    • 2025年 2月 20日 9:55pm

    He did such a great job 👏 been my main ship since my others bug out and deleted themselves. I had to cheat not to get one shot killed😂 i tried many times but that sniper and that caps a sick pilot 👨‍✈️

    • @grantbartholomew2057
    • 2025年 2月 20日 9:55pm

    I would like to see very strong ship weapons but with the limitation of that they shoot dead straight. So it is up to the skill of the player to position and fire accurately. Like old school “Wing Commander” Cross hairs and anticipating the target’s trajectory, to make the hits