Starfield Mods Fielded- Release Updates and additions explained!

starfield 情報局

Hello everyone, Ive got some new items and a brief explanation of the build methhods for them . . . all of that and more in this video! I had to hotfix the new container, it wanted to float away . . . some other small changes. PC updated, Xbox has to wait, CK giving me pains.

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  • コメント (9)

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    • @frujinassen9076
    • 2025年 2月 18日 9:57pm

    Great video.

    • @mrmilwaukee89
    • 2025年 2月 18日 9:57pm

    Really digging it my man, is it possible if you could make a extra of the small landing pad beacon with ship builder to not spawn the technician that would be freaking wicked since I wanna be by my lonesome.

    • @JoseSortaRican
    • 2025年 2月 18日 9:57pm

    WIcked WEPA!!! Always awaiting eagerly for your mods! Anyway of making a mod for a larger landpspace/plot space to fit it all? 😆

    • @madthproductions
    • 2025年 2月 18日 9:57pm

    Ive been sp hyped for this!!! Def some great news to start the day! So mich awesomeness added w Fielded. Is this now the most comprehensive outpost mod for Starfield? Maybe. Ima do some vuilding and have a review up in a couple hours! 🔥🔥🔥💪💪💪🥳🥳🥳

    • @dannyrambojun4388
    • 2025年 2月 18日 9:57pm

    Ooooh in gonna build something wicked😈 thank you sir. 👏🏽🌍

    • @thorgen_ironside5279
    • 2025年 2月 18日 9:57pm

    Awesome as always! Gotta grab a nap, when i wake building something Wicked for sure 🙂

    • @SlySoSavage
    • 2025年 2月 18日 9:57pm

    Thank you wicked, I’m ready to get building. I’ll do a base inspired by Tommy! Dusty planet I’m feeling

    • @macronomicus
    • 2025年 2月 18日 9:57pm

    Amazing release man!!

    • @macronomicus
    • 2025年 2月 18日 9:57pm

    I think the issue with the NPC is its choosing a random look each time you hover/load a potential npc, but the game has some npc prebuilt looks that are not fully done or dont like being loaded in such a way, I found the same issue when doing matilijas ship crew, if you just move your mouse back & forth usually it will cycle to a compatible npc look and load.