Starfield Varuun Ship Habs 2 Free Mod Review (XBOX/PC)

starfield 情報局

Today we are checking out the updated version of the varuun habs that adds some new ones

Link below to the Mod



  • コメント (24)

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    • @skyriminspace
    • 2025年 2月 12日 9:56am

    This looks great! Looks like it’s time to build me a new ship….

    • @ruemistressofyeets
    • 2025年 2月 12日 9:56am

    Neat! That mess hall has enough in it to qualify as a living quarters, except for beds. Love the bits of flavor text and the shoutouts to other MAs.

    • @umanoid1523
    • 2025年 2月 12日 9:56am

    I had to get rid of Shattered space since it broke my game. I got an autosave bug that would crash my xbox all the time. Autosave wouldn’t turn off either from the control panel.

    • @CRURayality
    • 2025年 2月 12日 9:56am

    The armory… you really want to enter on one of the fore/side doors.. that way you lose nothing.. there is a LOT on the back wall.. most of ShadowWeavers habs should be fore/side entrance to not lose anyting.

    • @CRURayality
    • 2025年 2月 12日 9:56am

    THIS is why I watch you. You are VERY THOROUGH in your reviews. You have found things I have not found…

    • @CRURayality
    • 2025年 2月 12日 9:56am

    RIGHT.. reading all of these makes the game more fun.. spend HOURS just reading the stories, books, notes.. etc

    • @CRURayality
    • 2025年 2月 12日 9:56am

    @ShadowWeaver_82 is the BEST!!!

    • @CRURayality
    • 2025年 2月 12日 9:56am


    • @CRURayality
    • 2025年 2月 12日 9:56am

    Sista B Citizen is another Starfield content creator. I ran the idea of having a ‘Mod Author Awards” and meetup.. Like a comicon for Starfield Modders

    • @CRURayality
    • 2025年 2月 12日 9:56am

    the computer in mess hall has shout out to Sista B Citizen… as one of the streaming shows

    • @CRURayality
    • 2025年 2月 12日 9:56am

    can also sit at round tables in captains hab and messhall

    • @CRURayality
    • 2025年 2月 12日 9:56am

    The bathroom is a hallways fore to aft.. . so bench wont be problem

    • @CRURayality
    • 2025年 2月 12日 9:56am

    She also made the Vohaul habs. I love the details in the decorations..

    • @hraefn1821
    • 2025年 2月 12日 9:56am

    Va’Ruun are like the emo kids of the settled systems. “It’s not a phase mom! The great serpent is my life!” XD

    • @_TangoDown_
    • 2025年 2月 12日 9:56am

    Great review! Always love more habs!

    ETA: Hats off to the mod author for the extreme detail and creativity, plus the humor! Fantastic job!

    • @ThePotchili
    • 2025年 2月 12日 9:56am

    The fact it’s free when it has the quality of something I’d gladly pay for really says a lot about the creator

    • @ShadowWeaver_82
    • 2025年 2月 12日 9:56am

    Hey! Thanks for the review, Crimson!!

    • @crankycat3677
    • 2025年 2月 12日 9:56am

    Thanks for another great review! I really appreciate how you place and explore the habs. On the cafeteria, there were a couple of light switches on the doorway to the cooking station.

    • @Themistocles30
    • 2025年 2月 12日 9:56am

    We need more space suits not retextured but new skins.

    • @mtfreeman800
    • 2025年 2月 12日 9:56am

    Coffee time. Habs are so nice makes me feel bad about exterminating the Snakes on sight. Awesome video, great review.

    • @Buzz_329
    • 2025年 2月 12日 9:56am

    You missed a button in the mess hab. That fireplace turns on.

    • @JonasNonyabusnes
    • 2025年 2月 12日 9:56am

    Nice free mod cant see anything beat the falkland version though. Thats just.. well how it should be. However theyre all modding into the right direction and evolving. Loving that.

    • @Ross74h
    • 2025年 2月 12日 9:56am

    Looks like I need to update my mod for this then, I love the originals, I completely rebuilt my ship with them so it’s getting updated with these now, hopefully if there is more habs added we might get a bunk room (maybe using the 1×1 or multiple “copies” of the 1×1 interior so my crew don’t keep stealing the bed in my captains quarters!

    • @steveswartz6707
    • 2025年 2月 12日 9:56am

    Great review!