Grow Your Own Crops On Your Ship | Starfield Hydroponics Habs free Mod Review (XBOX/PC)
Today we are checking out free ship hab mod that lets you grow food on your vessel
Link below to the mod
コメント (24)
You sound slightly under the weather, which is exactly how I have felt the last few days as well. Hope you are feeling better!
The crop messages are just fluff.
I added the glass cylinder decorations around the doors when doors are linked because it looked very empty with just the shelving gone. I haven’t seen other habs do that myself but it is easy to do.
The lighting is 6 full sets of lights that are enabled/disabled, which could be part of the load times. Either that or its the glass windows.
Thanks for the review, as always the video was great!
Love the look of these jabs but been having lots of bugs with these on Xbox
Interesting mod, but something that stood out to me was the absence of ladders. I think a top porthole blocks ladders so I guess a glass top might also.
This Creation is Groot.
I am glad you are back Crimson. It felt like an entire week without an upload from you, and that made me feel like Gary cut off from Aurora.
At what point did he profile all the lighting options of the habs, I thought that was a major factor of the mod, and I want to see what all the different colors look like?
Thanks to @bLaCkShAdOw for the mod and @Crimson for the commentary. These are some nice Hydroponics habs. I really like how you can select where and how many windows there are. These will decorate my top decks.
love it, the irish fella goes straight for the potato plant. looks like a decent mod this one
lol makes me think of Cora using the Botany lab on the Tempest to grow her plants in ME Andromeda. Cool Mod, great review as always Crimson.
It’s pretty corny that it disables achievements Bethesda could’ve made a Bag by integrating Mods into their base game, these mods genuinely breathe life into the game they failed to deliver and they just make sense the Quality of the content is perfect and fits perfectly 😒
They should review mods and if they’re immersive & balanced they should let you keep your achievements.
Don’t know if you were under the weather or all the wind from that storm kept you busy irl, but glad to see you posting again!
Best I could tell from a quick web search, an oriel window is one that projects out from the surface around it, kind of like a bay window.
The habs are very thoughtfully designed — the terminal and storage are always in the middle, so you only ever lose the plant racks. My one nitpick is that they produce something out of nothing, but I guess that’s the way extractors work too, so eh.
this is such a useful hab to have if you’re heavy into cooking… not to mention the potato mission would be done in a snap with MUCH LESS HASSLE
A free mod?
In this economy?
I could see this also be usefull as a outpost Mod for the greenhouses
I’ve been checking every day for a new post, fantastic!
The empty ones keep the windows and open up a LOT of custom decorating options…Nightclub hab anyone? XD
❤🎉 This is an incredible Mod!
Thanks Crimson! I’ve been waiting for this one.
Matilija made the external windows render as a kind of golden non-transparent material so you can’t see the empty interior, so the author could do that kind of thing. It also helps the FPS in the ship builder. It did look like the settings were reset when you edited the build but that’s probably unavoidable.
It’s not tomato, it’s pronounced tomato
I know what I plan on growing
Crimson! You’re back! Was starting to worry you fell down a well or something. Cool mod, but personally, I want a windowless version of the habs
I like it but would’ve been better without windows
Darkness and shadows in the wrong place are so irksome, I retcon that theres an invisible alien creature eating the light
This should synergize well with useful morgues habs
Coffee time. Heeeees’s baaaack! Awesome, thanks for the video.