Xbox Says Starfield HUGE Success ALL IN

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Xbox Says Starfield HUGE Success ALL IN
Xbox Just Killed Itself Starfield HUGE Success
hope you have a good great and fun time here

Taqs:gaming,react,games,video games,qwazar77,starifled,fallout games,dragon age veilgaurd,top 10 games,assassins creed shadows,star wars outlaws,fallout 76,starfield,elder scrolls 6,fallout 4,fallout 5,gta 6,avowed


  • コメント (42)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @orthopedix6202
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    Its getting to the point where there are no games that I want to play on Xbox Halo, Starfield there is better versions out there.

    • @Cloverleaf1997
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    PlayStation might have to worst UI out of any console, it’s actually terrible

    • @hankstorm3135
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    i think you are mistaken that sony does not need it. sony has it’s own set of problems. it’s game production costs more than it has consoles to sell to.
    they too are going multi platform not for no reason.

    • @hankstorm3135
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    wokeness and dei ended xbox. its their own doing while knowing and should have known better.

    • @B-U-T-C-H-E-R
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    PC, Xbox, and Nintendo only account for 35% of the Xbox revenue. PlayStation now accounts for 65% of Xbox revenue 😅.
    PlayStation is keeping Xbox alive, and honestly, really carrying the industry on its back

    • @Rokemikal
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    bro what teh fuck is that thumb nail? lol

    • @B-U-T-C-H-E-R
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    Destin is a clown and a shill

    • @kenjibartandgaming8220
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    I still have nintendo

    • @BarringtonDailey
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    Pick PC, Both Sony and Microsoft push the agenda. Sony is now headquartered in California.

    • @fewfwefwfwff
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    15:36 is this africa?

    • @295Phoenix
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    My understanding is that Starfield was a success thanks to pre-orders (can someone ban pre-orders please?) but Shattered Space was an abysmal failure so Bethesda can’t rely on pre-orders in the future.

    • @arcadianlhadattshirotsughW33Z
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    games in the cartridge era cost more with inflation because of actual manufacturing (cartridges were essentially lil peices of extra hardware that included the software inside, as well as extra chips for various things like memory, sounds, save functionality etc as well as boxes, art, books etc all adding cost) , shipping, advertising and retail costs.. sega and nintendo had to cut their profits with many other arms of the market just to get a game sold… the cd era greatly cheapened software manufacture, but not the rest.. then they promised us a digital future would make all games cheaper, and it has for non new AAA games, but there is zero excuse for it now in a mostly digital, online storefront (in some cases first party storefronts where they can sell a first party game and keep everything), plus microtransactions, season pass, etc etc etc for games to cost $100.. especially when quality is NOT rising with those costs and the market is already flooded with video games and other entertainment..

    • @Mordrek
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    the moment that MrMattyShill said “xbox fans” reminded me that those ppl actually do exist… sad

    • @terryvaters125
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    I would advise anyone to unsubcribe to this channel since dude is obviously a PS fanboy.

    • @arkgaharandan5881
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    HE is the biggest shill i have ever seen

    • @undeadmaster666
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    ok the guy is talking complete bs. i have been a gamer for nearly 40 years now and in that entire time no game i repeat NO GAME ever cost me 100. not once. the only diffrence with games then vs now is at least back in the day when you got a game you actually GOT a game. not a licence, not a half finished mess, none of that. these are the dark times of gaming i think and we gotta make game companies realise that if they want to make money then they best make an actual good game. also drop the woke stuff its a real drain on gaming on the whole.

    • @fern9804
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    Bet they wish they kept catering to “bro” games

    • @teluspirate
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    At least it gives YouTube channels something to generate money…. Better some revenue goes to a video about a shitty game than the game
    Company itself

    • @lanelesic
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    Theres players that got into gamepass in 2017. and paid like $1 in the first year but since have like 7 years times 12 months times $10 so like almost $900 spent and 0 games owned. When they stop paying for gamepass they are left with nothing.
    $900 can buy a lot of games with discounts, keys, sales, bundles, etc.

    • @dr.prophet8972
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    You should have hold yourself a couple of hours to add the anouncement of Forza on PS5 into the converzation.

    • @darkhart1275
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    so is that “guy” on the MS pay role or getting free games from MS? seriously…

    • @JJJnl
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    To be fair Xbox is simply trying to expand their Xbox gamepass reach the issue with that lately is that there have been 0 good new releases in the last few years to make people want to pay for a Xbox gamepass subscription, I canceled my gamepass because only woke games are released so keeping my money

    • @Christofer_tTt
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    Bethesda had the world by the balls and squandered it

    • @idvoid___
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    I always thought Hellknights were gay.

    • @oneluckyshot326
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    Xbox game pass: “You will own nothing and be happy”.

    • @Harrison11106
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    Xbox will become the new Sega, if it isn’t viewed as that already. I was originally hyped for South of Midnight & Avowed. I don’t have much hope for Avowed just due to the timing of the month it’s coming out. Even if Avowed is spectacular, once Monster Hunter Wilds enters the scene at the end of February, any positive momentum it gets will cease. I’ve not seen a lot (gameplaywise) from South of Midnight, & when I don’t see actual extended gameplay footage, I get worried.

    • @TargetRenegade
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    PC gaming is so easy to get into, why would anyone bother with paywalled multiplayer Consoles?

    • @namelessone1641
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    Elder VI will be a disaster. But I guess memes will be stellar.

    • @VeigeAlice
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    I hate how a word such as “woke” which meant those whom are aware of what’s going on, be it political, social etc has been tainted. Every time I hear people associate it with sort of..”brainwashing”(lack of better words) where something good to has great meaning, is tainted. I assure you, me and among many others in the world are also aware “awake/woke” by it’s true meaning, not the newer one associated with social aspects that was used by those apart of what the U.S dollar bill represents – study it. Many politicians, celebs, world organizations, some world leaders etc are apart of.
    If anyone whom accepts any label, be it political, or social you’ve already lost, in a sense.
    Such pre-conceived notions involving these phrases are and will be used as a means to gain control over us, to cause separation. The variations of chaos that’s been created, by the same ones, people react. People seek normalcy and the same ones at the helm, which are apart of the same club will have the answers.
    People need to be incredibly mindful of what such bandwagons they choose to jump on, cause many are being played to create justification for their actions, which many will be willing to give more of our freedoms over. They can and will use such labels to go after people, as people are so caught up into the perception and the lesser emotions of hatred. Many don’t know up from down anymore.
    They’re all masons and that eye on that dollar bill represents the religion that upholds a certain angel. They do not like the Lord. They’re the ones of the gaze of the eye we’ve been warned of so long ago.
    Be careful what you perceive in this reality. Things will get real one day.
    God bless.

    • @MarkSpencer-u4i
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    Shattered space ? Shattered dreams more like

    • @TheRud3B0y
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    What he meant “They were 100$ already” is most likely due to when games cost 50$ and you adjust for inflation it’s 100$. Actually if you check game prices since the begining and adjust for inflation the actual price has almost always lowered.
    Not defending new prices kinda hate and already unwilling to pay current cost for games

    • @jtuber7529
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    woke box x

    • @piotrmajewski5978
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    Wrong title – XBoX is long dead and Playstation keeps stabbing itself. Final Fantasy Rebirth just debiuted on PC to 40k peak on Steam. Pathetic numbers. Hate to live in times where Sony and Square are so damaged brands…

    • @nobodykayaks1041
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    Its all about catering to the casual gamers

    • @xlmncopq
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    xbox is known for halo and fable or at least it was previously when the games were made by people with vision not some people with no talent

    • @nickd6303
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    With both PS5 and the series x/s being out for five years now, all that there is to show for is time wasted on live service endeavors.

    • @heideknight7782
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    Microsoft doesn’t need to get back the money they invested for the game studio acquisitions, because the real value of them lies in the big IPs, which Microsoft now owns, including some of the biggest IPs on the live service segment. A recent article on videogameschronicles also states that Microsoft/Xbox was the #1 games publisher in December, about $0.5bn was spent for Xbox games on all platforms (including PS5, btw).

    • @Zargkhon
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    How it feels to be a Xbox Fan? Feels lonely, gay and having shit to Play – I guess. They turned Master Chief gay/woke, they are done. They have no Clue what they are doing …

    • @sallydrum7669
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    Concord live action movie please

    • @xx-zo9ew
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    Games are already 100 dollars because of micro transactions

    • @liahfox5840
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    Microsoft never bought these companies for profit. They bought them for a perceived monopoly on woke-shit, because Bill Gates wants us deleted. If we had more options on operating systems, Microsoft would be finished.

    • @tomdub5215
    • 2025年 2月 01日 9:55am

    im hoping to hear about Star Wars outlaws 2