Starfield Is Disappointing,You Should Play It
I finally decided to play Starfield a year after launch, here are my thoughts.
@MKIceAndFire (clips)
@MikeShabb (music)
@defendthehouse (clips)
@MartinTheTrue (clips)
If i forgot to credit you, pls notify me.
0:00 intro
1:21 intro2
3:23 part1(the writing)
6:03 part2(the characters)
9:10 part3(the good)
15:17 conclusion
ignore this:
Starfield, Bethesda, The Elder Scrolls, Skyrim, My Summer Car, Oblivion,Doom the dark ages
Taqs:starfield,bethesda,the elder scrolls 6,the elder scrolls,starfield 1 year later,starfield gameplay,shattered space,doom the dark ages,oblivion,xbox
コメント (21)
The worst quest I’ve played so far was ‘First Contact.’ The only way to beat it playing as an ethical character is to pay 25,000-40,000 creds. The premise is star trek awesome, but they beefed it. i love the game but it can be REALLY bad
Great video!
I had a similar experience with Starfield, it often gets almost “good”, but then goes “bad” just in a few seconds. My main tip to play this game is to ditch all the companions, it feels much better without them.
I made several happy noises before the 3 minute mark I would deny having made even if a recording existed of them. That merits a sub. Good job.
Good on you for having fun and not letting the opinions of the internet shape your enjoyment of the game. I’m still not going to play it because I have sworn off of AAA, but its legit nice to see someone having fun instead of just complaining.
While technically the most replay-friendly of all bethesta games because of new game+, starfield had almost no replay value for me. I played throigh it once, had an absolute blast, then I put it away and never touched it again.
It’s meh. Not good not bad just fine I guess? Wait for it to go down to $30 or less.
It’s sheeet
I returned it and used some of the money to buy Morrowind and Oblivion.
Absolute masterpieces that I sank dozens of hours playing in just a few weeks. I can’t fucking leave them alone lol
I was so down bad and bored the other day I almost bought starfield. I bought Grounded instead.
I tried for 20 hours at launch on Xbox then decided to wait for mods. Played again after performance mode was added , then again decided to wait for mods. Played again after mods were added to console then finally gave up. It’s just too disjointed and lacks personality. On the bright side I have a much greater appreciation for Skyrim and fallout 4 now.
i wish i played cyberpunk earlier. hour to hour it slaps starfield into orbit.
11:22 this. Getting a random distress call can turn into a multiple quest mission with interesting lore!
It’s far from a bad game. There’s a ton of good stuff in Starfield and I respect the heck out of the scope of game Bethesda tried to pull off. I understand what they did and why they did it.
It just turns out that it isn’t all that great of a game once you put it all together. Too much space and emptiness, maybe. What works in an open world (ES, FO) didn’t work in this setting. The space travel put me off, too (though I liked space combat). But I think mostly it was way too much procedural and not enough hand crafted. Open world travel between 10-20 handcrafted stations & planets is probably game of the year and played for a decade. That’s hindsight talking, though. I get and respect everything they tried.
I gave it a chance and gave up. It was unobjectivly a bad game. People can enjoy it whatever it was still a bad game thanks Bethesda.
Dank memes. I’m still not slogging that shit for the potential that I might have a fun moment between the long swaths of intended digital struggle sessions.
I never usually comment but I wanted to say keep up the quality content and I’m sure you’ll hit 100k within a year
Well done giving a balanced take dude. 👏
If you don’t like the writing you should look for games that have better writing. 😂
The writing has never been the centrepiece of any bethesda game.
There’s always enough lore for context, there are curated quest lines to get you started, but in a genuine RPG you are given the sandbox & the tools, & off you go to create your own fun. Your own stories.
A well-written preconceived story is actually less a part of an RPG & more like the plot of a movie. Where the writer/director has complete control over the sequence & pacing of things.
Ask anyone with hundreds of hours in starfield how they could repeat the same quest lines over & over for so long, & they’ll probably laugh at you. That’s not why or how they play.
great video! really well made.
Really enjoyed this video, keep it up