Starfield on PS5 for $70 – Would ANYONE Actually Care?
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コメント (118)
No I don’t care one bit
Free on ps+ or i won’t play it. At this point, im doing them a favor just by considering playing the game.
I’d play it I didn’t hate it on launch tbh but i like Bethesda games and enjoyed the main story actually and there was a ton I never did so I hope it does come to ps5 I’d buy it for sure
No, maybe for 10 euro but even than i must be despred.
Copy paste loading simulator? Pass
So many games this year if starfield comes to playstation even for 50 nobody would care…..this year is no place for trash or mid….too many games coming
70$ is crazy it’s worth 20 or 30$ at most tbhhh 😂😭 DLC included..
Bethesda needs implement mods into it they’ll make a Fortune
Games should be $50 because that’s the quality of the products we are getting, or even lower
What’s the point of owning an XBox
No, now a new Elder Scrolls, or the new re-worked Oblivion yup, new Fallout game, Yup…. Starfield looks boring to me and looking into reviews and lp’s has only made me know this isn’t a game for me.
I want Ori and its sequel on playstion.
I think they will update starfield soon just like no mans sky
I’d buy it day 1
I loved the game
If they put on Plus for a cpl months Id check it out🤷
Good point about MS waiting for the Switch 2 before dropping some of these release announcements. I hadn’t thought about that angle.
As for Starfield, I’m on PS5, and I might pick it up for $30 or so, when I was in the mood. Certainly not at $70.
I saw nothing really wrong with Starfield. I played it on pc when it launched and it was a decent game. It’s not GOY by any means, but it still has it’s fun elements.
Would like to see things like sunset overdrive come to playstation
Phil said and microsoft ceo said Playstation is no longer a competitor know ur shit
I probably wont but Started or Gears of War. But I do hope we get done good Xbox games in the future
man I have a headache just listening to this non stop rant.
Not paying $70 for starfield.
Maybe and this is a strong maybe ill get it for $30 dollars
I’m interested. I’m more interested in the idea of State of Decay 1 – 3 coming to PS5.
why don’t I just wait for outer space 2?
Im not a bgs fan. There games don’t appeal to me but if this was say Gears of War Eday 2 years later I’d definitely pay $70
Starfield is a mid-game at best. Send it over and make more money off of it. Bethesda is cooked if they screw up ES6 because they are close right now. The expansion pack was meh too. I played it and I don’t have any desire to ever play it again.
We have seen what happens when sony doesn’t really have competitor just look at the ps5 pro price
They have to pay me to play that snoozefield
I couldn’t care less. I’m not interested in this garbage.
If Starfield came with its expansions id consider getting it for PS5., but not for $70.
Pretty sure no one on ps5 gives a fuck about starfield
I feel like Starfield is the one game Xbox players are just like “take it we don’t even want it”
Starfield comes to PS5 I’m not paying $70 for this old ass game
Only if it’s ps5 pro enhanced
Xbox gamers didn’t like the game, PC gamers didn’t like the game and now PS gamers won’t like the game lol.
Your criticism is garbage was no story no chance to divorce the story there is no….. New Vegas like writing oh that’s right.. ya
The general problem with Starfield is the things NPCs asked you to do would only make sense in a medieval setting. Those “talk to [person]” quests where you travel to another planet, talk to [person], and travel back to the 1st planet, would only make sense in a future where comms somehow don’t exist.
From friends who I know that have Xbox with game pass they never talk about this game BUT hi-five rush they wouldn’t shut up about. Bethesda games have been stale for awhile
I would actually put in hundreds of hours into Starfield even if it’s mid to low tier on my PS5.
If it was free I’d still play something else instead
I’ve actually been waiting for starfield on the playstation, but no , I won’t be paying 70$ for it , I’ll just wait for a discount and then if i don’t have anything else i want to buy this year , I’ll pick it up .
I don’t care if it’s 70$ I don’t care if the game was mid I want this game
I would want to play it I was not one of the people getting over hyped about it I just wanted a space Bethesda game which it does ok so I will get it I’m lucky that I sell my plasma for fun money so 70 here and there is not terrible more of you should try that if you are 18 or older it helps others while getting you a bit of money to use for yourself
I would care if starfield goes for 70,it’s a big game.
Gamecross not working at Sony,he goes off of fake news Mosley for relevance,( and my time isn’t for nonsense from this channel 95% of the time )
Prob not but it would nice if they gave it as a free title to ps plus
Oh word??? If starfield is 70 it wont be on my PlayStation 🤣 I’ve seen the game that shit is barely worth 45. They should be lucky I even feel like trying it. I’ve got 1000 hours on nms, honestly might just play that
I’m paying $100 for Forza horizon when it comes to PlayStation also for Flight simulator
I would for a physical version. I personally love Scifi and the Doom dlc looked amazing.
If I had a ps5, I would get it on sale.
It’s actually a decent game now since all the updates. Worth the money imo. I play it on the XSX.
dont buy anything made by microsoft games. let them waste their time and money. soon enough after nobody buying their games even on playstation they will shut down.
Honestly I couldn’t care less about starfield and there’s no way I would pay full price for any game that is not day 1 on playstation
Love the updates, but this is proving to be a slow process. Hell of a lot slower than a news cycle. Could we put a moratorium on this crossover talk til it actually starts happening. Giving Sony some cast off games and a surprising small time hit, seems more of a test or example right now. Anything else is pure speculation. I could be wrong, but I don’t remember hearing about anything official, pen to paper kinda stuff. Yeah, they can shout from the rooftops that Halo MC or Starfield will be coming to PS, but dates, prices, etc, are what we need hard news on first. Cuz they could always just stand up and be like, “Gears of War? Who told you that? I said it? I don’t remember saying any such thing”. Handshake deals don’t work in a digital world ya know.
⚠You need a new mic. Sounds like you are talking to us from inside a bucket🪣
I’ve wanted starfield because I’ve wanted it since it was originally announced for PlayStation first , but then Microsoft purchased Bethesda . So I was a bit upset over that , but I’m not sure I would pay 70 dollars , these days times are expensive and I have 2 teenage daughters that I priortize over any of my wants . But I would pay like 40 !
Starfield looks interesting and that’s about it. The story is boring and the DLC is trash!!! Starfield is around 125 gb but No mans sky is at 19.88 gb so for game size alone SF is kinda waste of space for a very mediocre game. Half of Starfield is loading screens!!!
Since it is worse Skyrim buggier I wouldn’t pay anything for trash expecting me buying it for full price … let xbots have it …
Not paying 70 for it but I would quite like to play it.
I don’t like exclusivity. Let gamers enjoy all games on any platforms they desire to play.
Starfield. Starmess more like. I had it free with my amd 7900xt back in the day, i put 40 hours into it but it was a slog and got very boring. I won’t be buying it for my ps5.
not buying any game for 70
Some will play it, some won’t. Whatever, if it’s coming, someone wants it. I’m very curious to play it. I like a space theme over fantasy one. I played Skyrim, now I wanna see the other side of that coin. I know Bethesda makes games that usually all have the same sorta problems. Bethesda issues, as I like to say. Even with those well known knocks, the majority of their games are beloved. I wanna try it out before I decide. I’m not so sure about a $70 price tag though. That might make me wait a bit. And now there’s talk of game price increases again! Ugh!
BUT, gimme Forza Horizon 5 before anything, maybe Gears, and I can wait as long as I have to for the rest.
I bought this game on Greenland gaming for 50 percent off. After 20hours it gets boring. Might give more chance later.
Hehehe I’ll wait till the minimum 50% sale and thanks but no thanks for Your “exclusive” MS 😂😅😂😅
I want what todd is smoking tf
About that gta on buying it on multiple platforms.. I gotta admit. I bought it on Xbox 360, Xbox one, Xbox series x, ps4and ps5 😂😂😂😂 never did get it for ps3 though 🤔
I wouldn’t buy it for $35 knowing what I know based on player reviews.
Just play NMS
Tell Microsoft they can keep it😂😂😂
I don’t think it’s worth the 70 now
Don’t care IMO this game was a failure no matter how they try to spin it the whole no man sky system didn’t suit it like a last ditch effort to prolong more playability.
spider man 2 cost say $356million they hav not making that back yet
I remember being stressed about missing Starfield, but not anymore. I’d buy it for $20.
i disagree if u there games are not cheap no more. i think it time for no exclusives or time exclusives now
There are plenty of examples of games coming out on different platforms and doing better than their original release. In any case, It wouldn’t hurt.
The elephant in the room: No Man’s Sky, which has been continuously improving.
A few years ago, maybe Starfield might have been a viable alternative to a still-troubled NMS, but now? That ship has sailed.
NMS is arguably one of the biggest comeback stories in the history of gaming, right up there with, ironically enough, the original launch of Skyrim.
NMS also isn’t trying to current-day us with California stuff, as that one famous rant so famously put it.
those remastered and remakes of sony are almost full price and youre worrying about other companies lol even youre favorite trails games that took years to be localize are full price lol
Once they Mention Killer Instict,Hellblade 2,& Rare Action Replay Compilation then youll get my attention
I would care because the more XBox games that end up on PlayStation consoles makes me happy because it just further proves that XBox as a gaming company is losing the overall war to Sony😊
Maybe below 30 bucks, and I might think about it. Full price? Not even a second thought
No thank$ maybe 40?
I don’t i heard game sucked ass
It’s should remain on shovelware pass to GARBAGE steam as usual 😂 or destroy the gaming industry’s to exclusives too.
Just like free multiplayer etc to physical DISC media’s too. The list goes on
The game it’s even better now since they added vehicles to drive on those big planets
As long as Sony is limiting mods in games on PS no game with mods will be worth anything above $30 to me. Bethesda games on xbox & PC are living the golden age of mods.
50$ no more
*Starfield can pound sand… Game is old and run its course. IF Bethesda wanted my money they would have released it day one. Now we know the game is mid… Yeah, no thanks!*
Starfield wasn’t worth the game pass subscription and is worth even less now. Any PS owner that is willing to give MS $70 for Starfield is looking to burn money.
70 buck’s 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 or 100 buck’s 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 no ONE’S cares the new sega to stadia 😂
Playstation: QUALITY EXCLUSIVE IP ONLY! & PSN/+ control too. Please or please.
Seems like something ponies would say to not want a game on their system. The game was great for what it was, have expectations. Is it genre defining? NO. Is it life changing? NO. Is there still way to many loading screens? YES. Is it a good mix of fallout style actions and exploration with space exploration mixed in? HELL YES.
If you like Fallout style exploration and are willing to overlook the loading screen (it pulls out of the immersion but the loads are super quick), then get it! Great bang for your buck which is what matters at the end of the day. Now quit whining and enjoy games for games. While I agree it was overhyped to be the next best thing and yes Bethesda has lagged lately, it doesn’t change the fact this is a game you could sink a hundred hours into easy and enjoy the majority of.
Nobody cares about Starfield going to PS5. I told you so, Sony Fanboys.
70 buck’s 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 F2P OR free. Starflop to Jones etc
Bladeflop etc or whatever’s it’s called
Ok. So is it coming to playstation or not. All I heard was a what if that we heard before
All TRASH or flop 30fps brokenness multiplatform TRASH games or flop nms COPYCAT etc should be on shovelware pass pc BEGGARS to switch az usual 😂
What’s a console’s war exclusive wars or COMPETITION? Lol or 😂
Maybe at 20€ i’d think about it
The assassin creed fanbase would, they’d enjoy another mid game! 🤣
I’m not paying 70 dollars for any game.
Companies making record profits every year don’t need to be raising prices every year.
No one cares what’s a XBOTS losers. The.
New Sega to stadia to multiplatform TRASH or 😂😂😂😂😂
With mods the game is fun. Go get powers mod them to max. Get the starwars content aliens,troopers, fighters,light sabers…..u feel like a darn jedi in this gamr tbh.
Powers could be better but mods add new powers too.
Game isngood for a playthrough at most for sure.
Graphics and lighting is great
Nah it was a waste of money definitely a gamepass game not enough content
Thos game was built to monetize. What a disgrace.
Why would anybody care for such a game
Starfield was a disappointment, they should have made a new Elder scrolls or a Fallout game.
Well i see why people don’t play it nomore
i bought starfield for pc when it released only played like 2 hours it was so ass
Yes bring star field to ps5
Played it on xbox not intrested in a ps5 version
I enjoyed the game a lot, only reason I bought a xbox X I hope it does come to PS5 but I’m not holding my breath
I left xbox since 360.. because customer service…is star field good?
I’m good without Starfield….and all other Bethesda games, until they start to show more respect to their fanbase
It’s a bad game ar full price 😂
Not until we got enough mods
Didn’t interest me then sure as shit doesn’t now