What’s Happening To Starfield In 2025 ?
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What’s Happening To Starfield In 2025 ?
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Starfield is the first new universe in over 25 years from Bethesda Game Studios, the award-winning creators of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Fallout 4. In this next generation role-playing game set amongst the stars, create any character you want and explore with unparalleled freedom as you embark on an epic journey to answer humanity’s greatest mystery.
In the year 2330, humanity has ventured beyond our solar system, settling new planets, and living as a spacefaring people. You will join Constellation – the last group of space explorers seeking rare artifacts throughout the galaxy – and navigate the vast expanse of space in Bethesda Game Studios’ biggest and most ambitious game.
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コメント (20)
I don’t like how Bethesda is becoming this brand to me that, you have to have mods to make the game enjoyable or long lasting. Playing Cyberpunk 2077 with no mods and it’s leaps and bounds more detailed and intriguing than Starfield. I do love Starfield but I can’t overlook the difference in quality.
Ima be so real rn lol. It’s my favorite unmodded Bethesda game. I didn’t get into Skyrim until I saw lots of mods for it. Then I got a pc and modded the hell out of it and finished it with the nolvus modpack.
I couldn’t get into fallout games but I genuinely had fun with this game. Have over 400hrs and all powers maxed out. But I don’t know when I’ll return to it. Or if I will even.
If you add in mods on XBOX via Creations you have the opportunity to have an amazingly good experience playing Starfield.
You do have to change your expectations a little bit, which is difficult for some people with low attention spans. But if you want to be a space explorer out there in the cosmos, you can absolutely do it and have a good time. For me personally, I’m getting a little bit older now, and this is going to be my best and probably only chance to explore the cosmos, and I’m going to do it while I still got a chance.
The modding community is also just started kicking off much slower than previous titles. Most likely due to just interest in the IP not being fully there yet. They just really need to adress the game core issues and maybe even do a overhaul on a lot of the core mechanics.
A major issue that turned off a lot of people is the loading screen and soace flight. I can totally understand not having space flight be the seamless or travel based way some of these critiques want it to be since thats not the focus of the game. But having a more seamless loading screen that gives the illusion of going somewhere than cut to black for a while or a photo is something they need to think of. Also elevators being a loading screen is far better than the fade to black because well it allows the elevator to be an elevator.
Starfield is Bethesdas most hand written dialogue and hand crafted quest game. That is a fact it has the most writing out all previous games. Yet the way exploration is handled with the procedural stuff the hand crafted content being so far inbetween eachither it leaves the player to feel as tho there is more procedural stuff than hand crafted. And because of the exploration and navigation being the way it is where you cant just go to he star system because the map isnt fully explored or your ship doesnt have enough fuel it leaves to feel like the game is nothing but load in an area then repeat going to another area.
The customization that people really enjoy in previous games got completely wiped out with it just being an outfit selector. You cant loot everthing off enemies like previous titles, and the npc behavior/reactions in cities that we are used to from previous titles are not there at all.
The “survival” sliders dont add much or feel extremely half baked. Drink and eat an item only for 30 minutes to not feel dehydrated or hunger amd literally i mean anything. Alcohol doesnt dehydrate you and the effects of it mean nothing. The elemental hazards that planets give you no matter if ur suit is equipped for that hazard will just deteriote the suit and damage you no matter what. Also the damage sliders to try to emulate the survival damage system from Fallout 4 is no inbetween. Either its super easy to kill u and the enemy is easier or its easy to kill u and the enemy isnt as easy to kill. Not the equal playing field or equipment ur wearing playing a factor.
Just slowly adding missions to do is at least imo not what is needed rn for this title. I love this game and am starting to be a mod author on it with my main goal working on vanilla stuff to flesh out the game on areas i feel like it fell short at, but it does feel like after Shattered Space “failure”, the majority of the teams jump ship to ESVI, switching main writers to just the one that was in charge of a Creation Club quests, no update or word since November and a leak that the next expansion is just called Starborn really feels like they just abandoned the people that dropped the game waiting to come back and especially those that are still playing this game. Feels like they are soley banking on the mod community and some creations quest here an there.
I just want to see this game at the full potential ik it can be its the 1st time a sci fi game like this has been able to fully drop and be as open as it is. Yes we have NMS but that really just offers space flight and base building sandbox, and SC is still in alpha with it being an MMO. Theyve acconplished a monumental task just needs to ve supported until we get the whole vision of what it can be.
Still play it and still enjoy it. Play it like a sandbox though. But that’s how I end up playing most BGS games. I’m just waiting for them to add atmospheric flight, mechs, additional melee movesets, radio stations, large visible cosmic events to investigate, and ability to turn off credits for ship parts and use resources/components instead so I can tie the mining to ship building. All of these things, not as mods, but as part of the base game. Especially the atmospheric flight and mechs.
They made an awesome game that taps into the magic of spaceflight, but removes flight. That needs to be corrected. I don’t care if they delete half the systems and require a lot more of my Xbox storage space to do it.
As for mechs. They should have their own builder as deep as the ship builder. Unique dockers so they can be mounted during flight. Then retrievable for use on the surface. In flight they could serve as a voiced copilot and additional weapon system. I wouldn’t hit mechs so hard but having stories, NPCs, and mech remnants everywhere in the base game but no gameplay with them is a bummer. Already provided all this in feedback to BGS, just waiting to see if they are listening. 75d 9h 49m sailing the blackest sea as of writing this.
Catch a smile out there. o7
Starfield needs fixes on Xbox.., mini stutters, long loading times, mod menu keeps crashing, etc.
and we need deeper content, more enemy types, more real companions & romanceable, more real choices, etc. etc
Todd & co. need to refind their passion..
AND FIX THE 3RD PERSON CAMERA, IT FFING BAD! (why.., why not just use F4’s camera system?.. facepalm)
Starfield is a true Bethesda lovers game. I thought it was mid and the side quests and faction quests killed the the main story as the main story for me personally was horrid. Played it on release and put some good hours into it but that was enough. It was set up to succeed as a modders paradise but not having vehicles and the performance was horrid at the beginning killed it and procedurely generated copy and paste was bad they should have kep the planets down by min of 70 percent and concentrated on performance and story progression. That’s just my opinion which means nothing but at least the die hards are still enjoying it. Never been a one game gamers anyways and to put thousands of hours in can’t even imagine.
It’s time to port the game to other platforms to find new players
The game with no mod or with mods has ridiculous stuttering in many places like The Well and the higher the character level the worse it gets. Broken company and a broken game.
They need to fix the stutter in neon the well and other inside areas from my understanding it’s a base game bug not a mod issue
I’ve played it for a while since release and it’s just idk doesn’t feel new anymore just the same haven’t fully tried it wit mods yet
People confuse the pois for skyrims 340 dungeons, but actually the equivalent for skyrims 340 dungeons were the 1600+ planets in Starfield.
I’m close to 800hrs myself and love this game. The game is definitely intended for a niche type of audience. If you don’t understand the type of game you’re getting into or its purpose for exploration, then it’ll appear boring and tedious to you, and that’ll make it or any game unappealing. Hence, the backlash from so many people who were expecting a quick Cyberpunk meets Skyrim in space type of game. Not a slowburn with very little handholding. Those people expected instant gratification form a space sim, but if you’ve already put in hundreds of hours, then you probably already get Starfields appeal. Starfield isn’t perfect but in this case it doesn’t have to be because it’s close to being a masterpiece to me and at the end of the day it’s my opinion of the game that matters most to me.
Hard to get back into this game when everyone hates it.
The game runs really well now, and with mods it’s an awesome game. Their is no end for starfield, the modders have a huge open canvas to paint on. So even if Bethesda loses interest it’ll keep going like fallout 4 does. The DLC was good, totally enjoyed it, I just tune out the negativity and usually unsubscribe if I think the content maker is just trying to get clicks by bashing games that I enjoy.
i still play daily. Mods are making it live on for me.
So this video is just a waist of my time.
I barely play starfield anymore. But I do jump back in from time to time.
My irk is that every mod I download breaks another mod, or it breaks the game.
I’d like more abandoned towns or abandoned settlements with a good story attached. An abandoned utopia experiment on a space station. A clique of people living in a commie style space station. Metro in space?
I have over 1500 hours into starfield so far, I love the game & want to see it succeeded but… the negative voices are louder than the positive ones unfortunately.