Starfield News – Take It to the Bank
Today, on Starfield Essentials, your weekly Starfield news report:
00:00:00 Intro
00:00:50 Banking comes to Starfield
00:02:04 Massive New Atlantis overhaul WIP
00:03:39 Venera city Creation WIP
00:04:57 Vigilance faction Creation WIP
00:05:50 Kineer makes it easy to find sweet outpost spot
00:06:50 Bedlam 2.0 released
00:08:04 RamTech Prologue is creative and educational
00:09:20 Achievement Friendly Non-Lethal Framework and Useful Brigs
00:10:10 Crime Overhaul and Social Skills Extended
00:11:56 Sinking Weapon Workbench fix
00:12:33 Starfield on Nintendo Switch 2?
00:13:17 Creative Starfield art
00:13:47 Outro
Join the channel to access perks that Sarah dislikes:
My “chaos mods”
Green and Gold is available on Creations
and Nexus Mods
New Atlantis Awaits: Teaser Trailer (Upcoming mod) STARFIELD
New Atlantis Awaits: Progress Update STARFIELD (Work in Progress Mod)
Venera trailer
Venera voice acting
Modder Novafinch announced a new Creation that is a work in progress titled Vigilance.
Bessel III-b Mining Survey is available on Creations
Bedlam is available on Creations
and Nexus Mods
RamTech Prologue is free on Creations.
Non-Lethal Framework Achievement Friendly is 100 credits on Creations
and Useful Brigs Achievement Friendly is also 100 credits on Creations
Crime Overhaul is 300 credits on Creations
and Social Skills Extended is 100 credits on Creations
Weapon Workbench fix is only available on Creations
We know that the Nintendo Switch 2 will arrive in 2025.
However, there’s a rumor that Starfield will be one of the games available for it.
eXtas1s: Diablo IV, Starfield, Microsoft Simulator, Starfield coming to Nintendo Switch 2
byu/IcePopsicleDragon inGamingLeaksAndRumours
コメント (43)
I stopped caring about achievements as soon as I learned you cannot get achievements in modded games even with bug fixes. I’m happy to support mod authors who create multiple free mods
Those comic book covers look great.
I have a weapon workbench that is sunk into the floor in my ship and I get a prompt to use it but can’t. It is also no longer able to be selected in build mode.
I’ve run Starfield on my Steam Deck several times since release and always found it to be challenging. Even on the lowest settings, load times are significant – loading a save in an interior cell takes several minutes.
The game is stable, however, and I have not found it to crash at any point. FPS is low and lagging is constant, but it is technically playable.
I don’t feel that Bethesda would be able to optimize this game sufficiently for it to both a) run seamlessly or passably on handheld, and also b) look polished enough that the studio would feel confident their reputation would withstand its release.
New Atlantis overhaul looks great, been waiting for something like this. Venera too also looks quality.
So glad Starfield’s modding scene is dying in such spectacular fashion.
Mo money!!! Great vid as always Richard! Definitely picking up that Galbank mod! Hopefully some word on a update or roadmap soon!
Mo money 💰
I watch this channel because I love this game and I like how you preview mods to try out. I also was thinking about sharing my art with you as well and what do I find here but YOU ALREADY JUST DID AT THE END OF THIS VIDEO! Omg dude THANK YOU! You made my day, week hell even month! Thank you so much for sharing the art!
We don’t have pets in starfield to pet like Skyrim and we don’t get NPCs coming and settle in our outposts like fallout 🥺 , I want these two things In starfield so bad 😭😭
Mo Money!! Thanks Richard, another excellent and informative video for my Monday morning commute.
I really hope Nintendo and Sony relax a bit on modding regulations if Starfield does make it onto their systems. The promise of being able to reach such a massive audience would drive so many more modders to Starfield
The sinking Weapon workbench issue, I have only encountered at the house in Dazra. So far….
I hope we get some more Bethesda creations soon; they feel kinda like DLC.
Take my 💵 I’ll definitely get it
Thanks Richard. Appreciate the news and general positive outlook towards starfield. I love the game as is and it’s only getting better !
Mo money! Great vids 👍
Nobody shows how to make civilian outpost cargo links work. They all say press (key) to activate, and nothing happens. Help!
Mo money!
Thank you for everything you do on this channel, brought Starfield over Xmas and having a blast
That guy in the suit I know his voice! Crater 87,
Always look forward to your news updates! The Venera and New Atlantis Remade mods look cool. Bought half a dozen mods in Creations this week. Finally got Lyria and Robin Locke, but need to play with load order since Robin is not loading properly. (I’m On PC). I have played quite a bit on my SteamDeck (100+ hours), it is OK, but the framerate is not the best, I am sure I could tweak it some more. Lately I have been playing at my PC and a 43″ 4K TV as my new monitor (60hz) and love it. Will try to figure out my load problems this week but have a ton of work to do so we will see… Mo Money! Be seeing you all… In the Starfield!
I’m putting this on all being reported as soon as the video drops so the algorithm can issue these news videos regularly.
BTW, what is the mod limit for Starfield?
Starfield (with Shattered Space and another major DLC preferably) on Switch 2 would likely make me seriously consider a purchase. But speaking as a lapsed Nintendo fan, I otherwise have minimal interest in the Switch 2.
I’m so glad I was made aware of this channel. Keep up the great work, Richard.
With hope an update comes out next week. It’s about time we got one
Mo Money, sukkkkka!!!!
After playing Crater 87 I don’t trust the NPC at 4:40.
I just added the Kineer bessil mod. it does make finding location much more help full. the rest of the mods look good and wait and save up credits
I have been playing Starfield quite a bit recently on my steam deck And it runs really well…Some activities can be a bit harder because of the screen size, specifically outpost building… But Sometimes it’s just nice to relax in the recliner and game out lol
Looking forward to these new mods to expand either where you go or factions & I don’t mind paying for good mods plus you’ve gotta love Ramtech….I use it as a time saver after many, many, many hundreds of character levels of trying to find that 1 piece of high tensile spidroin galaxy wide I’ve a been there done that attitude to resources that you should have access to more widely than you do in game so I roleplay support from Walter Stroud for that little luxury & I mean mini-mini bots what’s not to love about that, great video as always makes my Sunday…..Oh & mo money is always nice.
Is the crime mod worth it? I think it’s an error to be corrected in Starfield. I’ve tried others, like the reaction to the shots and they haven’t convinced me…
Thanks for the news!
“Mo money” Hey Richard, I’m sorry we need more segments; you’ve kind of spoiled us. 😅 I play Starfield on my iPhone with the Xbox app and use Backbone as a controller; it works well for the most part. Thanks for making awesome Starfield news content; looking forward to the next. 🤜🏻🤛🏻😎🫡
Crime Overhaul will no longer allow for surrender or forgiveness after the next patch. While initially found to be working and clearing QA, behavior appeared to be inconsistent. I have reported the behavior officially to see about a bug fix, but there’s no guarantee if/when it will be addressed. I believe it may be possible to overcome this with SFSE and reintroduce the surrender feature as a free offering, but only PC can use SFSE. The next update will include adding a prisoner outfit when jailed and some better witness logic for witness management in a space station.
With Social Skills Extended you can still point your weapon at someone from behind. Only people who see crimes report crimes.
Venera city mod, they paid $600 for voice actors, ahh well, you get what you pay for, tbh, the voice acting is dreadful
I would recomend a switch 2 for more than just starfield alot of nintendos switch games which are backwards compatible are really fun especially zelda totk, it has a unique cool building mechanic similar to starfields too.
But if starfield does come to the switch 2 I’d definitely be hypes to buy it on it I would really want a physical version on a small cartridge.
I hope that workbench fix really works. Though these days I’m just using graff’s 1×1 nova workshop hab. Mo money!
Love how this game continues to thrive!
Thank you for the Starfield news man.
I hope one day Bethesda will release the tools to make new animations mods, but I fear the worst ^^
Thanks for letting us know about that workbench fix. Due to interruptions it took me 45 minutes to fully get thru the video MO MONEY 😂😅
Was hoping starfield got better over time. All the creation mods are very basic. Nothing like buying broken mods with no refund or way to leave reviews. Where you at Bethesda !!! You are limited with what you can do with the creation kit. With nexus modders can use other modding tools. Everyone just let creation store die or Bethesda get better quality control with what your selling. Im not a hater I love the game just want more than what we got and what we are getting. Can you imagine the next update still working on bugs and small fixes on a game fully released well over a year ago. Im trying to be positive but its wearing off honestly. Bethesda does not have a history of making things better unfortunately and we need to stop saying Bethesda its Microsoft now and Microsoft is notorious for getting flops and mediocre games out of their way. If TES6 is mediocre too I honestly think Microsoft will do what they have done to every other development company and close the doors. Why do you think Microsoft wants another company to make fallout 5 because they know Bethesda just cant do it anymore.
Mo money, mo problems i think is how that jam goes =)
Yeah man, the sinking bench has been a pain in the ass for a while. I’ve kinda gotten used to the multi-bench mods which also allow me to save on space inside the ship but totally hope BGS fixes that at some point.
“Somebody Help!!” “Come Quickly!!” “Stop, Thief!!” “Stop!! You violated the law. Pay the court a fine or serve your sentence. Your stolen goods are now forfeit.” Go to jail. Resist arrest. Pay gold.
Thanks for the news! Also that art is so cool. Love the classic comic style. Dude Bethesda should use that for a DLC story or for Starfield 2. Maybe some future skill books 📖.