Starfield And Fallout 4 May Be Coming To The Switch 2 – Luke Reacts
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Insider Gaming’s Original Article: https://insider-gaming.com/starfield-and-fallout-4-are-also-coming-to-nintendo-switch-2/
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コメント (62)
2:18 Since the Switch will feature DLSS it has a higher chance to run Flight Simulator
Just give me Skyrim again, rather play that than Fallout Mid and Borefield.
No man’s sky is already on switch. I’ll play that instead.
I know a lot of people didn’t like Fallout 4 because it was less of an RPG than previous games. That said, I would be pumped if it came to Switch. I would prefer Fallout 3 or New Vegas, but Fallout 4 is probably the game most casual players would gravitate towards due to the better controls and visuals.
Unless the switch 2 has some form of ssd i can smell the loading screen complants.
Bethesda milking their older games dryyyy.
I just love Luke Stephens Live. The atmosphere is so calm and chill with a genuine passion for video games. I’m playing DA Inquisition now btw. Decided on returning to that rather than paying for Veilguard
If it gets released on Switch 2, I still won’t be interested in it…
7:59 wouldn’t it be hilarious if someone at Nintendo just thought buying LCD screens would be fun without any intention of using them like they just love LCD screens
I’m surprised it’s not on ps5 already to be fair
Dear god no…. why sully the Switch’s library with Starfield? That game was meh AT BEST!
Bethesda threatens to release Starfield on the switch2
Nobody wants starfield, can they just move on and focus on something good?
Stalker 2 🤣
Switch owners wait for Star Fox, get Starfield 😂😂.
Starfield? No chance. It can’t even run at 30fps on Steam Deck whenever you are in the cities?
Fall Guys on a nnormal Switch ist very Bad. I hope to Play IT on the Switch 2 properly.
I would say the Mouse function would be nice for Civilazation.
Nobody cares about Starfield anymore, even on PC, XBOX, PS5… Let alone on Switch. I’m fascinated by your obsession that Starfield is the topic that gets you the most views. Another video about Starfield. BORING.
Portable loading screens for every entrance you go through irl
How exactly do they expect Starfield to work on a switch when it barely works on a console?
Starfield is an awful joke and while there’s things I liked about Fallout 4, it’s clear to me it’s the least memorable Fallout game.
Nintendo is giving us Starfield? Why do they hate us so much?
Loading screen simulator coming to switch 2, 16X the wait yay!
The switch 2 is reputed to be around PS4 pro level. Running Flight sim 2024, which requires a constant fast connection on a mobile device, can’t wait to see that
So they wanna scam people on Switch as well?
Will be a LCD screen would raise the price too much for launch
That’s an interesting way to limit test the switch 2’s hardware and software integrity
Meanwhile Im still waiting for UFO 50 on the switch. But I get starfield?..
Slopfield and Fallout: 4 Dialogue Options can stay right where they are
Activation can’t even get call of duty running on the ps5 or xsx right
If I get fo4 before fo3 on the switch I will end it all
Oh God no, the Nintendo bros! We have to warn them!
lol natural pessimist…
Skyrim on Switch2, having to do a random update for all Skyrim version for some just work reason, breaking mods again…conveniently killing Skyblivion.
Chess club captain send his regards (⌐■_■)
LCD is absolute trash.
I have 500 hours on the Witcher 3 on my switch lite and it runs pretty decent
Imagine the frame drops when you try to walk through Boston 😂
Doom 2016, eternal, dark age, dark doul trilogy, elden ring, witcher 3, cyberpunk 2077, mostly open world stuff
Im sorry for their loss. 😅
finally starfield at 15 fps
Its coming to all platforms
Why would Nintendo ever, in a million years, possibly want people pouring their play time into games on game pass? What does Nintendo get out of that? It’s honestly baffling that industry analysts think that’s a thing that would happen. Why would nintendo or Sony, for that matter, want people to have access to a library of decent games for a small monthly fee that goes to NOT THEM? Game pass has done wonders for Xbox owners buying habits. I’m sure Nintendo would love for people to play an Xbox version of Arkham City on their Switch for one low monthly payment rather than buying a copy of Arkham City on the eShop.
luke, do your research, the legit leaks say its a 1080 p lcd screen not 720p
For the love of god Microsoft let Nintendo make a banjo game
you can wait on loading screens…on the go!
all 5000 Starfield players will rejoice
The switch 2 deserves better then Starfield
Both games run on my phone using a windows emulator, Nintendo is not ahead of anything anymore
I can appreciate the reporting on this but I play on PC only so this is extremely MEH for me.
They need to fix Fallout 4 before porting anything… I guess, not that the Switch can play mods anyway…
Starfield?… LOL!
They will spend more money porting it than they will make from sales.
Trash games for the trash console
More paid mods on more platforms
Bro u are only hating on Bethesda for the views now. I the beginning you were very informative. But now you just say the same thing over and over again, just for the views.
Now I can be bored on the go!
Might sell a few hundred copies
Can we just get Fallout NV and 3 instead, please?
Switch players does not deserve such cruelty.
Wow that sounds horrible definitely not trying to play them games let alone on a Nintendo
It will absolutely certainly have Skyrim