Make Anyone A Follower | Starfield Axe Of Friends Free Mod Review (XBOX/PC)

starfield 情報局

today we are checking out a mod that lets you make anyone your follower

Link below to the mod



  • コメント (15)

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    • @nywolf9798
    • 2025年 1月 17日 9:56pm

    lol, why an axe? Just don’t pick the wrong axe :). Fun mod 🙂

    • @ruemistressofyeets
    • 2025年 1月 17日 9:56pm

    The thumbnail looks like that time I agreed to take some colonists to a safe port … and they ALL followed me into a POI! They didn’t follow into the interior cell, but up until then they took out their weapons and joined the fight. They lined up just like that before we boarded my ship again. It was really weird.

    • @Doc…Vanguard.Warship.Voyager
    • 2025年 1月 17日 9:56pm

    This is great, an updated version and expanded of one of the first joke mods I used. I think you can use some of the equipment exchange mods to after them I once they are a follower.
    .I’ve always wanted matsura the grimm & brogan as followers after their quests.

    • @murderraven7770
    • 2025年 1月 17日 9:56pm

    make Tuala come with for the whole UC missions lol

    • @MrVman858
    • 2025年 1月 17日 9:56pm

    This is gonna be great for immersion. My SysDef character already has major Hadrian as a follower but I’ve been trying to get Alex Voge, the SysDef pilot from the vigilance. I have a mod that gives you a ring to spawn any NPC‘s. We go planet to planet looking for pirates and then I spawn a bunch of SysDef soldiers to fight and secure the location, they are also equipped with the halo shield mod from N12. The lore behind it is that the UC sy-920 create a personal protective shield for ground forces.

    • @MrVman858
    • 2025年 1月 17日 9:56pm

    This is insane. I’ve been looking for ever for a mod like this and I was just about to give up hope. But here you are reviewing the very mod I’ve been looking for. Thank you good sir!

    • 2025年 1月 17日 9:56pm

    I need this Axe in real life. I have no friends where I live, so it would be nice to go around Axing people … in the name of friendship.

    Quality mod.

    Unrelated, @Crimson Flyboy, have you seen the “V’s Appartment from Cyberpunk 2077?” An insanely dedicated fan of both Starfield and Cyberpunk remade the apartment in Neon’s Trade Tower, and it is spooky accurate. I only wish Nibbles (the cat) was a baby Ashta.

    (Edit)- Imagine giving this Axe to one of your Followers … or even ALL of your Followers, and then everyone they attack also becomes Followers of your Followers … until you break the Universe you are in. Thousands of Followers.

    • @SneezingEagle
    • 2025年 1月 17日 9:56pm

    Hate followers they just get in the way. Cool mod concept for those that don’t mind them

    • @cole9706
    • 2025年 1月 17日 9:56pm

    Super neat

    • @k4karnage
    • 2025年 1月 17日 9:56pm

    Gotta say, having a posse and taking a poi down sounds wicked.

    • @willia451
    • 2025年 1月 17日 9:56pm

    I wonder if you can turn Anasko Va’Runn into a follower? You know. Like when you first land on Va’ruunkai. He’s standing right there.

    • @BeardedFisherman68
    • 2025年 1月 17日 9:56pm

    I’m gonna have so much fun with this mod!! I’m gonna need a bigger ship!! 😂😂😂

    • @General-Penguin
    • 2025年 1月 17日 9:56pm

    Pretty Cool…. Thanks for the review…

    • @mtfreeman800
    • 2025年 1月 17日 9:56pm

    Coffee time. (Gets a weird twitch in his eye watching Crimson try to figure out where the entrance is to a POI), cool mod, great video, thanks for the review.

    • @Tim_from_Fresno
    • 2025年 1月 17日 9:56pm

    You can also add aliens like Gary. A Terrormorph would be fun to have.