Starfield Cargo Ships Expanded Free Mod Review (XBOX/PC)
Today we are checking out a free mod that adds 20 new ships to the cargo link at your outposts
Link below to the mod
コメント (15)
Hi, thanks for the mod review! I really enjoy your videos and was surprised to see my mod reviewed. Some parts of that cargo link system is at the engine level so I was not able to find anywhere to edit the scripts to adjust cargo capacity. I think it may be something that requires the script extender and possibly a SFSE plugin. Believe me I did try changing it though. I hope you don’t mind I am going to link this video to the mod page. Cheers!
Wish we also needed to hire crew to pilot the ships, and maybe a random event that halts operations until you to kill some space pirates around the area, I truly wished they kept the settlement system from F4, turn it into something more intriguing like the outpost system from State of Decay 2 instead of just abandoning it entirely.
Thanks to @bLkShAd0w for the mod and @Crimson for the commentary. I still haven’t built my first Outpost. I better get cracking so I can utilize this mod.
I’d really like a mod that adds micro-ships to ship vendors. I’d also like a mod that adds beam lasers to ship weapons. Or at least one that let’s you add the starborn ship weapons like any other. I think there is one that adds them, but it also adds a bunch of other stuff I don’t want. The barrage missile launchers mod is an excellent mod and a good example of what I mean.
Very cool mod thanks for reviewing crimson
That first green “micro ship” had both of the (secret) parts you get through the Crimson Fleet quest, not to be confused with the scan jammers that can also be bought at the Red Mile. At least, I am fairly certain that is what they were, attached on either side of the cockpit.
I too like the design of these tiny ships.
This MOD looks cool…more cool stuff is always appreciated…thanks for the review as always CFB! 👍
Very imaginative! The Modding Community has just brought so much imagination and immersion to the base game. Kudos to all the Modders and their works!
Coffee time. Well neat. Never would’ve occurred to me to have even asked for a mod like this. Thanks for the video.
Having a system similar to NMS would be nice…where we could manage and send out assigned frigates on missions…
Can i get recommendations on all xbox mods that add new piloted ships into the world?
1. Cargo ships expanded
2. Starfield Fleet Expansion
3. ❓️❓️
Speaking of Deimos having cargo ships, they’re probably some of the rarer ships in the game since you never see them unless you purchase one yourself. The small Atlas would easily fit on a Cargo Link Pad. Then there’s the larger Bireme, which looks like a tiny version of an M Class ship; that one needs some parts swapped to be useful though, such as ditching the outdated Nova Galactic grav drive. Then you have the Celestial, which is deemed a cargo vessel but tries to be peppy for combat.
This mod works great and it is much more fun to see the various ships coming and going. I wish it had a volume control for the cargo ships, they are too darn loud!
Getting bigger capacity ships in response to needing to move more cargo is a good idea. I think it would also be neat if you had to pay for your stuff to be hauled. I’m still looking for a good reason to actually build outposts other than to provide supplies needed to build more outposts.
Yeah I never do a cargo link because I didn’t want to see the same ship landing forever😂 if I want to see ships landing I build near a city