Bethesda Has A Todd Howard Problem…

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★ Nearly six years later we re-visit Fallout 76, Bethesda’s controversial looter shooter live service… ★
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#Starfield #Bethesda #TheElderScrollsVI

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Taqs:Bethesda Game Studios,Starfield,The Elder Scrolls VI,The Elder Scrolls 6,TES 6,Bethesda,Fallout,Fallout 76,Fallout 5,Fallout New Vegas 2,Fallout London,Fallout Miami,New Fallout Game 2022,Fallout 76 DLC 2022,obsidian entertainment,Avowed,Fallout New Vegas,Fallout 4 Mods,Fallout 4 New Vegas,Fallout 3 Remastered,Xbox Bethesda Showcase



  • コメント (1738)

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    • @neil3202
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    With Todd Howard we can see the effects of someone succeeding and moving upwards despite their utter lack of talent and creativity.

    • @takh6806
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Ditch the old terrible engine and go Unreal 5 is the first step they need to do

    • @Kaezlo
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    How do you blame one man for the entirety of a game’s reception when that game is a space game, which is notoriously niche gaming, and has been for well over 30 years. If you don’t think this is the case then you clearly haven’t been paying attention to any of the space games that have come out in the last 30 years and many of them just don’t hit a huge market penetration. Why is that? Because space games, unlike fantasy is not the catch-all that everybody seems to want to play.

    Now that said I don’t deny Bethesda has a problem with its leadership and probably some of those issues root to Todd Howard’s design philosophies sure. But trying to place the entire blame of the reception of starfield on him just seems like he’s a scapegoat and an easy target because he is the face of Bethesda.

    I do admit that fallout 76 launch was absolute garbage and the lack of NPCs on launch shows a disconnect to the leadership and design teams management that made this game and decided that was what they wanted.

    But fallout 76 just like cyberpunk is a completely different experience now and to use that release as the catch all silver bullet for Todd Howard’s management is cringe but only part of a much bigger narrative.

    • @Alex4n3r
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Just make an ego shooter. Weapon handling was quite well implemented in Starfield.

    • @gillarioace3637
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    ESO is my favorite game. Replay value due to massive landscape, and many different things to do. Paying to store more goods $15 a month is lame. And players kicking tanks out of dungeons and trials is obnoxious. Other than that, it’s really good. Does need a major revamp with graphics, and built in microphone usage on ESO 6 on Xbox and PC.

    • @eleven99
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    I’ve never seen a franchise flanderized harder than Fallout.

    • @turdwallet8840
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Todd has always been a mediocre game director. Its just become so much more apparent every title. He gains more creative control and becomes overbearing to his teams. Talented employees either don’t get to shape the game for the better or don’t stick around at all. People like Emil are a dime a dozen in every industry. Unqualified and unprofessional. These kind of people grapple to leaders like Todd who want to hear they’re a genius and always on the cutting edge. Now that Bethesda is owned by microsoft chances are incredibly slim someone who isn’t a company man will take over Bethesda after Todd steps down. I’ll always want Bethesda to turn it around, but realistically that will never happen.

    • @dimitrilium3912
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Todd is that guy on the team who overpromise, keep juging everyone work, suckup to the teacher and claim it was all him at the end, despite having done very little.

    • @MaxPainMSF
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Unfortunately I’m not looking forward to ES6 any more 😢 I know it won’t be what we thought/hoped it would be. I’m still hopeful but not excited atm🤷🏾‍♂️

    • @The7Reaper
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    His ego is just too massive. He thinks he’s God’s gift to gaming, and any criticism is just from jealous trolls.

    • @roguewtf4770
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    so Todd learned instead of putting out new features and gameplay to hold onto it until hes ready to release a shitty dlc that way theres less hate. elder scrolls 6 is cooked.

    • @ilikepiedontu
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Bethesda and Rockstar as well as many other companies has a development release problem, which is don’t release it, wait 10 years. I’m calling on everyone to boycott these companies for this practice, there is absolutely no reason why we should be waiting 10years for a game that’s going to be riddled with bug and we ALL know this is going to be true.

    • @gregpenismith1248
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Skyrim is a trash game, same with everything that has come after it. It’s a buggy, watered down RPG, that put as little effort into the dungeons as they could get away with.

    • @jeremymarsh1377
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Elder Scrolls looks like a PS2 game. I tried playing it and gave up on it quickly.

    • @bchin4005
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    I stopped playing BGS games after FO3 and I don’t regret the decision.

    • @tameflames
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Todd “The Con” Howard

    • @istrumguitars
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Emil’s a bigger problem. Guy can’t write his way out of a paper bag. Or a plot hole. Clearly never read Choose Your Own Adventure as a kid either.

    • @DickWaggles
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    What boundaries in the gaming industry has Todd Howard pushed in the last 20 years? That is such navel gazing nonsense, it’s no wonder everyone hates journalists

    • @BladeRunnerEnthusiast
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    The ultimate sandbox fantasy simulation with world history and all that, hands down is always going to be Dwarf Fortress

    • @sari4tune
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    its just works

    • @CometSamurai
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    I think Bethesda also needs to move away from the Creation Engine, it’s a 20 something year old engine and it’s not good at the best of times anymore. And while I love games like Fallout 4 and Starfield they can be really buggy at time (for example: exploring downtown Boston on the old gen Xbox and PS consoles) maybe they need to move to Unreal or something, hell even CDPR are going to be using UE5 for the next Cyberpunk and 2077 looked gorgeous on the RedEngine!

    • @TheRealHeavyG
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Gamers are stupid. Devs from a studio that make hugely successful games from a genre borrow a lot of inspiration from those games get shamed from doing what they are good at.

    • @jedadieaskyland2046
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    I will personally never not love Bethesda. While there are a lot of good points brought up in this video, and others like it, I can’t necessarily agree with a lot of them.

    While Todd is the “face” of Bethesda, he has a huge team of people behind him who all share a part in the making of their games, whether good or bad. Not to mention the fact that Microsoft bought Bethesda, so I highly doubt the final decisions are made by the man himself, but rather an entire team of people who are looking to make a profit. Why else would they buy the studio in the first place?

    I simply feel putting all of the blame on one person is a little “out there”.

    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    ES6 skill system:
    You can choose to level up HP, Stamina or Magicka and one perk for Sneak, Magic or Melee

    • @izzyis-real
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    1:12 My friend knew I stole his weed when I passed him the blunt of the blame

    • @anthonybarone8144
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    ES VI is doomed…

    • @Andy-rf8rr
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Starfield’s technical leap was essentially place the player in a blank, groundless map. Attach a spaceship hat like they did the boat for Point Lookout to make it look like you were in a ship, then enabled noclip

    • @braddishv3146
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    I’m really conflicted here – I started with Morrowind (thousands of hours), Oblivion (less because of the leveled loot and generic dungeons – no reason to explore), and Skyrim (Ok, I played through a few times but it just felt flat and nothing was earned). I was a freshman in college then – and will be in my mid-late 40s before ES 6. I don’t blame Todd specifically… but many of the people Bethesda made passionate about games are simply aging-out. If there is a literal generation between releases, who is left to care? Oblivion did get me invested in Fallout 3 and NV, but 4… I downloaded and it took me almost 5 years to get into. It just sat in my library because I must have played a few hours at first and been like, “Meh….” 2006 me was totally prepared and saved up for a new rig in grad school for Oblivion. Today I couldn’t/wouldn’t justify dropping a couple grand to get the full experience of a maybe* like Starfield or ES 6. It’s just disappointing more than assigning blame at this point.

    • @n_beast3378
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    People in my opinion complain too much. Is it perfect, no. But I don’t know why people are expecting it to be so. Bethesda game is always gonna be a Bethesda game. And every single release that they’ve done in the past 20 years has been met with complaints. Starfield fallout 76, fallout 4. It is hard to make these games, I don’t think they get credit where credit is due. If you want a game like Skyrim, then go play Skyrim. But people just think that all Bethesda games are gonna be as good, that’s not the case. And they can’t always just choose to make things as good.

    • @Fongosaur
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Todd Howard of the zack synder of the games industry

    • @johnnymcgeez5647
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    I would rather have them take the litteral skyrim engine and just make ES6 there.. Better that than for them to invent something new and crazy and whole thing ends up being totally ruined… With Skyrim engine we at least know that modding community will come and make it into a proper game.

    • @revl8n817
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    The Toad was always overrated. He has never been more than the face and mouth of the studio. The game design and development was 99% the people under him…and all the creative competent people left long ago. Congratulations on waking up to see the real Todd Howard.

    • @danielpena-un8vl
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Todd Howard has been living in his own alternate universe for years now.

    • @TDMHeyzeus
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Honestly their style works fine if its made by genuinely passionate and creative developers (see: Enderal). The problem is their design is dull as dishwater designed by committee slop.

    • @KimchiYeo
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    i think todd is like thisbecause he allready once said he wont be here for many more games and i think he wants to retire ona big note that peopel remember himother than the ”it just works meme” seeing his latest game isn’t loved by the fans he now panics and wants to have a hand in everythign evenmore because he wants his legacy.

    • @KimchiYeo
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    You kinda look like a younger more sober 8biteric

    • @GuardianM25
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    I hope he retires soon

    • @lazerboi34
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Dei problem, no talent problem, agenda problem, list goes on.

    • @ottone2863
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    If you see what I said, I’m highlighting that we’re fallout 76 and the concept semi thoroughfare will call it same identities. We would think like where oil pumps are would be consistent in unfolding space, so constants and non semi thoroughfare. Quick random state would be seen unfold site. Indication sort of like it’s not doors. That aren’t there anymore because you’re inside the inside out, yeah.

    • @grungehog
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    I’m getting sick of the hype and people saying “this needs to be monumental” or other trite crap like that.
    The problem is that they left it too long.
    They’ve had enough time to make 2 games and instead we haven’t even got 1.
    They absolutely could have just made 2 more games like Skyrim in the same engine + DLC in the time they’ve been idle, and those games would have sold and would have been great if they just had a realistic scope.
    Contrary to what many people think you don’t need to be innovating all the time, if you make something good that people like just keep doing that thing.
    Write good stories, interesting characters and refine some of the gameplay elements but you don’t need to reinvent the wheel every time you make a new game.
    They were clearly capable of building cool worldspaces and excelled in environmental storytelling.
    Personally I would have been really happy to just get more games like Skyrim just in different provinces.
    “the tech for what we wanna do doesn’t exist yet” is a big red flag, it means there’s likely too much scope creep in mind.

    • @jackgirote9132
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    So much to unpack here. It sucks when management won’t admit a mistake. They just defend and deflect to decisions that were made under them, like the vehicle comment. I have had similar situations in my job. You tell the managers to their face what the issue is and they brush it off and blame, not following procedures. People remember things like that and good people leave companies. Also Todd being the gate keeper on everything drives people away. People don’t get the opportunity to be creative.

    • @krufty47
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Todd is washed I fear

    • @ottone2863
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    And as far as the game Is defined as easy as it is to say.We can’t role play rebuilding America its factions don’t allow us to do that as them either It has no.
    Makeup access or identity that I had to be an involved dweller And that’s just.
    Saying something let alone fixture To be a proponent of asset , remodel or fashion Advancement considering the Mon indications on release.They are the ones who made it.Stand beyond statutes in the Is in the action?How lucky are we it’s Being stamped sustained. And had a temperament to maintain This defense of the robbery that led into the climax of gameplay to Such a feature that the cloak and dagger things became off putting in any play That paid.
    Any attention to the locations it was diminishing at the At the least.

    • @ottone2863
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Hey, you know, my name thing. Yeah, 01 should make it that, but with the goal we can do it. Properly seriously, you’re not opening. Just put 01 seriously. It says the festive place should do it even cause it fixes it to their game. This isn’t the fix it percentury employee. At least the Goole. can have it background. Best in the brightest.

    • @jbeachboy100
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    is their games rushed or people that work there dont know how to make quality games?

    • @tonyrodriguez5138
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    I think every single trailer or public released clips of any game in the past 7 years always showcases WAY too much. It’s like every time you start a new game after watching video of it before hand, ALWAYS feels like I already know what to expect.
    There’s no mystery.

    • @Krispiikhan
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Just reminded me that Starfield exists

    • @daben7145
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Imagine a chef pissing in the prepared meal, the guests complain about its bad taste, and the chef saying “its not everyones cup of tea”, delusional little gnome.

    • @PsychoTy1998
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Todd Howard was once seen as a God, everyone bowed to him, everyone revered him. But Like a God he refused to change, adapt, try new things. People have renounced Todd Howard and now, he’s trying to grasp back at what he was once seen, without changing or adapting. Todd and his sweet little lies.

    • @Kaledarkwind6151
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Reminds me alot of what happened to George Lucas. Ego went right to his fucking head.

    • @cargorunnerUK
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    I literally just finished a 1000g achievement run of Skyrim anniversary edition. It was 100 or so hours of really enjoyable varied content. Both in visual design and quest design and characters and writing. I was never bored. I was a vampire, a warewold, a cannibal and I human-scrificed my wife. The world was rich with lore and background writing. It is very hard to believe that Starfield was created by the same studio. In Starfield, the world lore and writing is dumbed down to a simple childrens book. The art design is almost universally generic NASA that we have already seen in many games, films and TV. The only exceptions are a star trek town, a star wars town that we have seen before and a cyberpunk city that we have seen before. Starfield starts with a good mystery and lots of potential but as soon as you meet the starborn the terrible writing kills any interest you have in the main story. The only time I was not half bored was on the UC Vanguard questline.

    I have no problem with their engine. But unless BGS hire professional writers & cancel their policy of only creating the simplest safest most generic quests possible then there is absolutely no chance that ES6 will be good.

    • @stevequincy388
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    The arrogance of Bethesda and Todd Howard these days is astounding. Instead of listening to player feedback on Starfield and looking back and seeing what made their previous titles like Skyrim, FO3, and Oblivion successful, they just get butt-hurt when we don’t love their latest releases. Starfield is a completely bland, boring space RPG. There really is no excuse for it. Ever since the Fallout 4 release, Bethesda has really gone down hill in my opinion. They’ve become too arrogant and greedy now. I swear they care more about monetizing their old games through the creation club content than they do creating new titles. The passion they had during the Oblivion/Skyrim days just seems to be gone. I don’t have much faith in ES6 at this point.

    • @GyprockGypsy
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    The problem with video games now adays is the major limit on play ‘fun’. Fallout 1 is a great example. An assault rifle can fire 1 bullet for roughly 10 damage, or burst fire for 10 damage x10 (potentially). A mini gun fires for 10 damage x30. The long and short of it is that ANYONE with a minigun was a serious fucking threat.
    Nowadays it doesn’t matter ‘what’ you have, all that matters is that it’s the ‘Legendary +10 of Vampirism’, because otherwise you are doing a 10 minute fight against a bullet sponge with 3000 hp that you do 4 damage too.
    Also, trying to blame ‘bugs’ for a games failure is so fucking strawman. “I don’t get why people didn’t like my pie! I cooked it for exactly 75% of the time it said to on the box.”

    • @JonAS-MR
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Brunt of the blame, not blunt of the blame.

    • @nathanielthomson6600
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Hot take: fire tod before he kills the company.

    • @tomikaze777
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Great video! BGS needs a huge leadership shake-up for Elder Scrolls 6 to be any good.

    • @penb1830
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    We don’t want innovation. The bethesda formula was perfect, right up until they started trying to innovate. Oblivion was better than skyrim, and fallout 3 was better than fallout 4. The moment they started playing with procedural generation, everything was ruined. They could’ve just kept adding regions to skyrim or oblivion, and that would’ve been better than starfield. Add morrowind, add hammerfell, add somerset isles. An expanded skyrim (or better yet, an expanded oblivion) would’ve been perfect.

    • @specialfred453
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    I don’t want more Skyrim. I want more Morrowind. I’m honestly more interested in Wayward Realms than Elder Scolls 6

    • @fasdfsdfasdfasdf7173
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    You mean a Tod coward problem. No innovation or risk taking at all. Just stale gameplay combined with minimizing costs. Can you believe that not even the main quests have any depth now?

    • @Opnn8d1
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Of course Bethesda CAN exist without Todd Howard. But the thing is that there is no guarantee that whoever would be stepping into his shoes would do any better. That’s the way that the game development landscape is right now. The industry has been failing left and right, with a handful of exceptions, but when so many studios allow themselves to be dictated to and manipulated by third parties whose agendas have nothing to do with producing games the average player wants to play, there is a much bigger problem than who sits behind some desk in some office building.

    What Bethesda… and every other studio… needs is someone willing to take steps to produce games that are fun and engaging, rather than seeking to stroke their own ego and pander to groups that don’t really care about producing quality entertainment.

    Other than that, I agree that Bethesda’s has a Todd Howard problem, in that the man refuses to accept that everyone else but him and his yes-people have moved on beyond Morrowind, which is essentially what the current design model remains based on… even Starfield.

    The biggest difference between Starfield and what has come before, in terms of world exploration, is that all of the places you can go in previous titles had an entry point somewhere in the same single worldspace. You could literally pick any direction and start walking, and you’d find something you could explore right then and there, or come back to later. But Starfield spreads out its locations across 1000 world spaces so for the player there’s so much moving around that even if the game has the same number of places to go as say, Skyrim, they feel few and far between. And it doesn’t help that their procedural generation system, has such a small draw pool of elements and nothing stops the same element from being drawn multiple times in a row, what by all rights should deliver a varried experience is doing the exact opposite for a lot of people.

    They did not go far enough with the procedural generation. It’s not enough to just plunk down one of 100 hand-crafted POIs on a planet. Procgen should have algorithmically produced the POI on-the-fly based on logical themes, driven by a master seed. Generative AI can allow for that sort of map generation, if the rules governing it are tight enough. But if they must go with the draw pool of pre-made POIs, then they need TWO draw pools, with elements being tossed into the second pool which won’t be drawn from until everything in the first pool have been drawn. Not only will this ensure that everything they make gets seen, but the only time the same element might be drawn twice in a row is if it happens to be the last element pulled from Pool 1 and the first drawn from pool 2. But with a single draw pool from which the same element can be drawn multiple times in a row, then the whole purpose is defeated.

    I like the idea of a world to explore where no two players will find the same thing at the same place, and not even the developer can predict, beyond hand-crafted quest-related areas. That’s what Bethesda was shooting for, but failed to achieve, because the elements in the procgen draw pool did not exist in large enough quantity and can keep getting selected. If Starfield were a restaurant, the menu would look like this:

    Gray Food with Brown Sauce
    Brown Food with Gray Sauce
    Both served with a side of Green Chunks

    • @henry63094
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Been saying this for years, he needs to take a step back :/

    • @hiraetharc
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Good for their time but it’s long been over. Basically, they’re dead. Save your money, stop buying their games and move on 😊

    • @Pat315
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Been saying it for years.

    • @wardancer6165
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Todd Howard is increasingly becoming an out of touch has-been and it’s unfortunate he doesn’t see it. He needs to update his management style, but I think he just refuses to change and admit he’s wrong.

    • @clout977
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Bethesda would have a M rating while having baby sucking on a bottle type of stories

    • @intermidable
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    When 76 released with no NPCs, I vowed to not only never play 76 ever in my life, but to never play another Bethesda or Todd Howard title. I’m very happy with my level of stubbornness and wish more people had it as well, as capitalism would be in a much better place.

    • @Zlysess-un9ib
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Stopped giving bethesda a dime and I will NEVER pay for something from bethesda evwr again

    • @cmdaniels1986
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    It’s amazing to see people compare cyberpunk to Star Field when cyberpunk was a major failure on launch.

    In 2 years people will hate ES6 and say “why couldn’t they have made it as good as starfield).

    Same think happened with fallout 4 that everyone “hated” on launch


    • @paulmurgatroyd6372
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    I guess by extrapolation that Bethesda has ALWAYS had a Todd Howard problem, right from the start.

    • @ivanchelo91
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    And what has Todd really done creatively? I mean, beyond his CEO duties and that office and management stuff.

    • @youshotonce
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Should of took his retirement like 10 years ago

    • @clout977
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Todd is photogenic have you seen the other employees like the one from the Indiana jones interview that EVERYONE was roasting

    • @deepseadoughnut44
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    The way I see Bethesda now is like the starter on a relay race, they had a good run but the baton has been passed to other people who they may have even inspired but who could take the RPG open world genre to new heights Bethesda sadly turned out to be incapable of by refusing to improve

    • @wyattbernhard5855
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    I thought he got dropped after selling Bethesda to Microsoft he needs to…

    • @dawndarklight44
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Skyrim is an amazing map, a bad game, and a horrible story.

    • @MrMightyReedy
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    We should’ve been enjoying incredible, yet smaller versions of Fallout & Elder scrolls every 2 years & instead we’ve been left desperate & disappointed by one man.

    The sooner he leaves the better.

    • @riggze
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    yeah elder scrolls 6 is gonna suck. 0 hope for it

    • @trevorpearlharbor5171
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    If Todd Howard needs to leave, then Emil Pagilarulo needs to follow him. Emil should also be held to account.

    • @steveminla
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Starfield, the ONLY game I’ve ever played, where the more I played it, the less enjoyment I had playing it.

    • @clout977
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Bethesda fan boys when there’s a crappy storyline- “ItS BeThEsDa” like it’s a valid excuse why it’s bad

    • @DarthDimmadome
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    I’ll continue to play Bethesda games, but only through a Gamepass subscription. I haven’t preordered or paid full for a Bethesda game since FO4 and if starfield wasn’t on Gamepass, I’d have never given it a second of my time lol.

    • @clout977
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    They been having a Todd problem since fallout 76 and starfield

    • @DarthDimmadome
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    TES6 will legit make or break Bethesda. I imagine by 2030 (if TES6 bombs) that Bethesda will be liquidated by Microsoft and devs will form smaller companies and or join the Gamepass game devs lol.

    • @MonkeyspankO
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    If you don’t admit there’s anything wrong, you’ll never improve. I’ve been playing games for literally 40+ years, to the point i should run a video game consulting business, and I’ve seen all this before. Nothing changes until these industry titans implode making room for something new

    • @MinisterofViolations
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Bethesda is done, they will not see another $Dollar$ for me.

    • @sameanigga
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    godd howard 🗣🗣🗣🗣

    • @riv4196
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Its not even the elder scrolls/fallout systems and gameplay that make starfield bad. It is these constant reminders that theres no depth or payoff to anything you do.
    Finish a quest chain.. oh. Well that was dissapointing. Kill a boss.. oh. The loot sucks. Build a ship.. oh. Theres barely anything to do with it. Unlock a thousand chests and doors.. oh. Nothing inside but pocket lint.

    • @r3fotzirx
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    I have been let down by every bethesda game since morrowind but tbf when i downloaded starfield of gamepass i had very low expectations and wound up uninstalling it after a couple hours.

    • @JasonJrake
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    I’m adding “Seagull-ing” to my vocabulary!

    • @PortalOfAwesome
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Bethesda has been taking 1 step forward and 2 steps back every game since Morrowind. Todd peaked early and has been sailing in the wind of his own farts ever since.

    • @PETEYBOY954
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Chat, are we cooked?

    • @DoomedMadhouse
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Todd Howard needs to relearn what a ROLE-PLAYING GAME is.

    • @BeautifulMan4015
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    You still wont mention Rockstars recent shenanigans, they are far worse than Bethedsas issues, stop shilling rockstar

    • @BxBxProductions
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    holy cow that’s some OG footage where the mirelurk queen still spawned at that area

    • @DetectiveGumshoe2025
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Fire Todd and bring in Once Lost Games (Julian Lefay, Ted Peterson) and give them the resources they need to finish The Wayward Realms.

    • @dienand_gaming
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    After Starfield Bethesda went from being a developer where I would buy anything singleplayer they release day one to one where I will buy Skyrim’s sequel if people say it is good later on… Probably on sale

    • @ponchopower
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Todd isn’t the whole problem but he is a big part of it.

    • @nambot12
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    I don’t understand specific issues with Starfield outside of the character’s not being able to make a difference in their world and some of the factions not being fully fleshed out. The story is both grandiose and terribly insignificant as nothing you do will matter in the end. Every game Bethesda has ever made has had bugs, and when they aren’t game breaking usually they are funny. The story itself is what bothers me. Bungie didn’t make massive changes to their engine for years because the content worked. To me, there were amazing stories being told in Starfield and what we got was a peaceful aftermath filled with corruption and petty insignificance. Even the big stirring changes felt like the world state was the same afterwards.

    • @laurentderrien
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    didn’t you like when he took credit for Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, a game he prob had almost 0 involvment in ?

    • @ItsTooEasy
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    They need to bring in Hodd Toward, a much more evil lad but it would make more sense based on the company’s trajectory since 2015

    • @baswenmakers6846
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Pizza Huts got greasy and their food got uninspired over time. Bethesda is doing the games equivalent of that.

    • @skmo7072
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    I mean they could use a different engine that isn’t the same one they’ve used since 2011 – might help

    • @vovasyhin7219
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    “Stagnated” is a dire understatement, Bethesda sat on their fat ass for nearly a decade milking SKYRIM and Re-Releasing it for the 15th time, while they have not made a single god damned game game for nearly 10 years, developers that were not working, were not being paid because there was nothing to work on, so they were most likely let go.
    Which brings us to today’s Bethesda, full of people who don’t know the first thing about game DEVELOPMENT.
    Starfield and its new DLC is the perfect example of how creatively bankrupt and stagnant they have become during their down time. If Stafield is the best we can expect from today’s Bethesda then there is NO HOPE FOR TES6 & FALLOUT 5!

    • @daanamelink7148
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    So Todd’s the weak link in the chain… sounds about right.

    • @uncledrake6606
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    People keep talking as if Skyrim was such a breakthrough game, but that’s just not true. In fact, Bethesda games haven’t changed much since Morrowind. In a sense Skyrim is just more Morrowind, but with less text and a LOT less guilds and learnable skills.

    What made Skyrim such a massive success is the heavy nordic theme. People (Myself included) just dig vikings.

    • @xSH4D0WHUN73Rx
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    It’s time for Todd and emil to go! Probably a few others too.

    • @tigrecito48
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    does anyone else think that Bethesda should give up the rights to Fallout, and maybe let a developer like the ones who made Baldurs Gate 3 make Fallout 5? you know.. a roleplaying game…

    • @PaulReed
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Todd Howard is photogenic? WHAT? Even Fallout 3 character creation monstrosities are more photogenic and all have more charisma. Todd has always come across as, for want of a better way to put it, the nerdy school kid who fell upwards. He’s standing on the heads, not shoulders, of everyone else to make himself look better.

    I still don’t know how anyone believes a word he says after the Fallout 76 blatant lies – 16x the detail – yet Starfield got hype and then he came out with his usual crap only for it to end up being a glorified loading simulator with characters so bereft of personality (and facial expressions) you could mistake them for mannequins and it’d be an insult to mannequins.

    • @LecherousLizard
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    We laughed years ago that Fallout 3 was just Oblivion with guns.
    Then some 15 years later we got Starfield the Skyrim with guns.

    • @toastythecod9745
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Modern bethesda games are presented as the ultimate immersive experiences, but oddly I find that they always seem to have this veil that prevents me from being properly immersed.

    It’s like they focused so much on putting random shit into the game that they almost forgot why they were there in the first place. So what seems to end up happening is that the core parts of the experience lack depth and a human touch. They’re then punctuated by these little ‘bethesdaisms’ like bugs and half baked features that stop you from actually engaging in the world in the ways that you want.

    The result is that you end up with these constant reminders that you’re just a person playing a game. Which seems to be the opposite of what they’re aiming for.

    • @wihukeon
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Technological leap of starfield? Yeah the technological leap of loading screens is the only leap they had.

    • @jackpickren2280
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Yea dude doesn’t have a vision for next gen.
    Dude is out of the loop.

    • @DaddyHensei
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Starfield has potential, todd and his yes men just need to get out of the way. They need to do something new from a design perspective and take risks with starfield.

    I actually liked parts of the lore and wanted a bit more. Like the terrormorph storyline.

    • @FictionBlue
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    You’re saying if this would be another Skyrim there would be immense dissapointment. But the irony is Bethesda can’t even make a new Skyrim anymore. Look at Starfall – it is a degrade from Skyrim in every way.

    • @famedgaming1865
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    I hope Todd the Liar doesn’t go anywhere. It’s been fun watching him telling sweet little lies.

    • @UnknownMoses
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    I dont want Bethesda to change it’s game design philosophy unless they go back making it like morrowind with more choices. I do not want them to use a different engine

    • @dutchvanderlinde5004
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    I like star field. I just wish you could manually fly to the planets.

    • @schizo_fox
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    despite all that i have a strange suspicion his replacement would be much worse.

    • @alcoyot
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    I strongly believe that they only way to save the major America. AAA studios is a complete cleansing of the Aegyean stables. Everybody gets fired and yes I mean everyone. Including and especially these top managers like Todd who are a massive impediment to making games. Just start over completely fresh with hiring staff.

    • @NvTeddy
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    I think its hilarious people think he developes games still.

    • @Golemoid
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Legacy has a KillaHD problem

    • @Ye4rZero
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    I want my money back for Fallout 76 Todd

    • @westisnt
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Starfield really doesn’t do anything their other games didn’t. The space travel stuff is novel but ultimately it just became an extended load screen with the occasional dog fight. The ship building is just an evolution of the base building from FO4. Everything else was pretty much repurposed from older games.

    A new IP should have new things in it otherwise it’s just FO4 in space pretty much.

    • @XtremeXbox
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    ES 6 needs to be as big as ESO was. Which could fit both Oblivion and Skyrim in it’s world and it would only take up 1/4 of the world map! ESO is a 120GB base game. ES 6 needs to be as big and have varied dungeons not cookie cutters, like ESO. Because everyone is going to be pissed if they waited this long just to get a world full of copy & paste.

    • @jeffgadbury8444
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    People just want to play good, fun games. Give the people what they want.

    • @AlanStrandbygaard
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    No. Fans want a copy/sequel of Skyrim. Just with higher detailled graphics etc.

    Game developers like Bethesda made a huge mistake trying to create a fantasy game in space. It didn’t work. What would have worked would be a complete remake of Skyrim. It would have been a hit.
    When people gets to love a game like Skyrim they actually hope there will be a continuation of this game so they can keep on ‘living’ in this game world. Just like longing for your favorite dish.

    I personally would have been happy if Bethesda had used all the combined efforts used on Starfield to create a remake (or sequel) to Skyrim instead.

    • @joske2838
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    They haven’t made a decent game since Skyrim. Fallout 4 was probably my most disappointing game of all time (until elder scrolls 6 comes out) then that will take its place 🥴

    • @Zabbai777
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Look: You don’t have a problem with Todd. Todd has a problem with you.

    • @shardinhand1243
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    a big reason bethezda sucks now… is your fualt, players that dont care about quality, theyll eat the slop bethezda craps out… and theyll cheer for it… bethzeda do for as bad as tod is… doesint have a tod problem… it has a player problem, yall will slurp up that garbadge and cheer for it is mobs… youll preorder anything they put out and then fix it for them… so dont expect bethezda to improve… blaim tod all you like, he;s a diluded liar… but he couldint refuse if the comunity gave a crap about the quality of the games….

    • @warriorpoet667
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Bethesda is 10 years behind the rest of the gaming world.

    • @shardinhand1243
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    tod howard what ever kind of dev/person he was is now just a conman, another generic petter mulinux, or bobby kotek… trust him if your a fool, support him and you should not complain when he rips you off… scorpions nature is to sting…. tods nature is to lie….

    • @KimmyTheForsaken
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    There will be no truly great games again until the system which suppresses the collective wants of the fanbase is destroyed.

    That system is Capital.
    The individualistic choices of the heads of these game developers focus solely on what is important to themselves personally. There is no care for the greater narritive or gameplay features, all that they focus upon is what will make them the maximum profit for the least investment.

    • @philosoaper
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    I hope ES6 will be good, but my excitement and enthusiasm for it died with the release of Starfield.

    • @shanedeanhofmeister-yi1kw
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Bethesda is not going to get that evolution with the Outdated Almost 30 Year Old Embryo Parts of the Creation Engine 2 Is Running On because the Embryo Source Code is so ingrained in the current engine that Bethesda literally can not change the Embryo Source Code without the Creation Engine 2 ceasing to function at all!!!! Basically the Engine is being held together by “Gum!”…. I have said this over and over again. Back in 2010, Bethesda should have realized by then that the Engine they were using was literally crap, and should have started to create a brand new state of the art game engine sorta like Unreal Engine! Skyrim should have been the “last” game on the outdated engine while they would have supposedly created this brand new game engine for Fallout 4 “Hypothetically!” …….

    • @LyuboA
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Definitely this guy needs to go but unfortunately now it won’t matter since Microsoft bought them

    • @ravenquinn7214
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    I really want to Bethesda to succeed they gave us great games back then and if they need to get rid of someone to succeed mostly Todd so be it

    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    bugthesda has been the only dev i have seen that has failed upwards

    • @alexdlocoa
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Hear that, Microsoft?
    Todd needs to go.

    • @ipot399
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    It is 2024, you should not have to go through a loading screen every time you enter and exit a building.

    • @ipot399
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    They need a new engine that doesn’t have so many constraints. Gamebryo/Creation Engine really struggles with loading areas quickly, that’s why horses and vehicles are hard (but not impossible) to implement. They also just have too many loading screen in general, that’s a problem when so much of your competition offers a more seamless experience.

    • @FriedrichMainlander
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    🤣 if you’re an optimist, you’re not a very good “realist”.

    • @Sequentonal
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    the reason Skyrim got as big as it is these days is primarily down to the modding community.
    the game was a laggy, crashing mess when it came out…

    • @FirstNameLastName-okayyoutube
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Fallout 4 graphic mods offer the tech leap… so i call bullshit. They are trying to hard to not push hard to understand the problems.

    They should bring causal christian stuff into the games lol. drive out the woke soulless stuff.

    • @FinnEskimo
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Toad is absolutely the problem, and the reason I haven’t purchased anything from Bethesda since Fallout 4. As soon as I see him promising anything I know it’s a lie and I’m safe avoiding the product.

    • @Erocksome
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Todd is crying in his sugar bombs while playing Stalker 2.

    • @trolltroll5931
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    The hype for TES6 that was once causing my mouth to foam has gone away almost completely. More excited for skyblivion

    • @trolltroll5931
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    I re-downloaded the game for Shattered Space. I got to the whatever the serpent people planet was called and was just to bored to do the story. I never bothered to find how to get a buggy. Don’t care.

    • @iwiIInotreply
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    I don’t care if the game looks like poop. If it’s fun to play, make it look like its running on a potatoe. I really could not care less.

    • @AgentRikuOfficial
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    It’s obvious none of these idiots even play games anymore, probably haven’t for the past decade. They’re so God damn out of touch with reality I can’t even imagine how far their head is up their ass.

    • @2i741
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    when you were talking about the buggy calling it buggies, I thought todd howard was trying to be fun calling bugs buggies lol

    • @Fylasfrommabi
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    ultimate fantasy simulator, .. todd.. you can’t even get CLIMBING done properly…

    • @DeanGulberry13
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    cyberpunk sucks though lol.

    • @botmushin8878
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    .. what technological leap is there in starfield? x’D

    • @RedVoteRedemption
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    “It just works”

    • @jacquesjtheripper5922
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Pretty girl there on stage at start, who’s that?

    Idk todd seems a lil full of himself.
    And talks big about themselves like they are so full of passion… lol..

    • @jackiewilliams4854
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    You people are hilarious. Bethesda is Todd Howard. Don’t like it, go play something else. Seriously, a bunch of people who’ve never created anything spouting shit like THEY know how to make a great game.
    Here’s an idea….. take some programming classes, apply to a company and create a game better than Bethesda. I know, it’s easier to bitch about games than actually making one.

    • @BoredPodcaster
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    “Everything had to go through Todd, but we got everything done in time, which is unheard of in the industry.” (Paraphrasing)
    That should tell you exactly how mismanaged the majority of the gaming industry is.

    • @nogladney
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    I think all you youtubers are wrong about this. The majority of Bethesda fans absolutely want more skyrim. More oblivion. More Morrowind. Label it however you want but that is THE MODEL of what most pure Bethesda fans want except with some improvements and more lore. The typical gamer may crave huge innovation but it ends there. Thats why Starfield reviews are MIXED and not negative like you’d expect when listening to these youtubers discuss it.

    • @ArcaneTurbulence
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    The engine needs rebuilt, but I don’t think they should change from the elderscrolls-oblivion-skyrim feel. I don’t want some new-fangled system that they are 100% sure to F**k up. Just use what works, and take the jank out of it. A return of spellcrafting like oblivion had would be VERY welcome. I also loved how you could just get completely immersed in the game world of oblivion and Skyrim. We need more of that. That means minimal UI.

    • @beatingyou8137
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    All of these studios seem to be trying to put out (ok) games instead of making something great. If they mess up Elder scrolls I’m gonna lose it.

    • @unclebuck1313
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Well sadly a lot of older Devs have left Bethesda and it’s just not Bethesda.
    Look at Bio-ware….I’m not sure if any of the old Devs are left. The good News
    and we should all keep an eye to some of the newer Game companies that have
    started up a few years or more ago.

    Can’t remember the names but there are several
    that have a lot of older Devs from Bio-ware Bethesda and CDPR{just to name a few}
    So it’s not all bad news and I’m looking forward to see what they put out in the next year
    or so.

    • @MumonguGaming
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Just like a lot of these companies, they are living on past success. This is when most of the staff from Bethesda, Bioware, Obsidian, Activision, Rockstar, etc have moved on to set up their own companies. Bethesda has always been overrated and it’s the Modding community that have made Skyrim what it is. If the mods can can make a better game than the actual studio, then this says a lot about the Bethesda formula. Played Starfield and it felt 10+ years old. This is a huge problem and one Todd is blinded to. He and his team need to listen to the community and maybe, maybe things will actually change. Start by dumping the Creation Engine.

    • @Oldboy..
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Eventually you get so big that you’ll take heat no matter what you do. Todd gets all the hate but dude gave us elder scrolls. He’s a legend. Those games are important historically.

    • @Sandal2000
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Starfield is a very good example of what not to do, if not for Bethesda at least let’s hope that some other teams will take the hint.

    • @mehface
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    id be fine with more Skyrim, the problem is they keep nerfing it. go back to complex linear upgrade systems. Trying to make it appeal to normies is the reason it sucked. Oblivion to this day is way better, and if oblivion was as pretty and cinematic are Skyrim, I’m almost certain it would be more successful than Skyrim.

    • @alottalogic
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Both from Howard and Bethesda heads, they want their games to appeal to everyone and be open to everyone which in turn removes so much from those games, look how they hacked the magic system fr Morrowwind to Oblivion to Skyrim, it’s gotten simplier, look at how they took a Fallout 3 mod and made it the focus of Fallout 4(the settlements /building) and Starfield could have been better if they limited the planets and removed the damn “space magic”

    • @NothingCoherent
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Starfield would have been good if the writing wasn’t so pathetic, scared, and bland. The game has a NG+ loop meant for repeated playthroughs, and quests are presented to you as though they have different possible outcomes, but in reality none of this is used. There is no “good” playthrough, or “pirate” playthrough, or anything that would result in different choice outcomes. It’s just the same quests no matter what. There is no RPG.

    The design intent is obvious. They just never followed through. The writers and quest designers are solely responsible for ruining Starfield.

    • @Anon-s2q
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    meh, Im fine with the engine – hell, I still enjoy old 8bit nes games – so I dont need some technological amazement. But what I DO want is better writing, better quests, better world building.

    • @MisterK-YT
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    I have a kinda out of pocket idea. Can you try making a video / video essay about something positive? A video about something you find amazing happening in the industry or smtn like that. (I’m not hating. Almost everything I watch on YT is analyzing something critically. I don’t mind it. But idk. Might be cool once in awhile to see the people who are so good at making criticism/expose video essays publish a video that makes viewers feel excited or grateful about something. Especially something most viewers perhaps weren’t even aware of prior to the video)

    • @dirtbiker08josh
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    I had a PS my whole life. From PS1 I switched to Xbox because they bought Bethesda. Now to be fair, I love game pass and don’t really regret it. Bethesda is not the same though. I don’t have hope for ES6 at all.

    • @SeanHH1986
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Exact same systems as morrowind with all-voice acting and *technically* hitting the enemy on every weapon attack visually. Modern graphics. You’re welcome

    • @Cronoo
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Miss kirkbride’s writing. Hate how forgettable every bgs game ive played the last decade has felt.

    • @MrTeamMelo
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Xbox fans… starfield being compared to skyrim?? Starfield is basically No man’s sky. Fallout 4 is basically fallout 3 and fallout 76 doesn’t have a single player experience just online which why I don’t play it. Let’s not forget M$ owns them so it’s only going to get worse not better.

    • @deedeedeedeedeedeedeedeedeedee
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    When was the last good game bethesda made?

    • @IsraelSocial
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Todd is the guy that makes what bethesda is today! Without him the studio would be dead, bethesda has pther projects and most of them are trash, so for me, it is clear he is the master mind, but he need to go the danger zone most often.

    • @ldcraig2006
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    This explains a lot of the reasons behind the delay of TES VI to me. It isn’t just that Bethesda had “other irons in the fire,” so to speak. It’s not just a matter of updating to the latest technology to make the game look and run smoother. To me, it seems as though they’ve run out of ideas. They built up this fantastic world (Tamriel) that has a richly developed, intricate history, where events of the past shaped what happens in the future. From Arena’s being a basic “gladiator-fights-to-escape-prison” style, to Daggerfall’s quest to seek all the parts of a Staff of Chaos to release a usurped king from hell, to Morrowind’s Neverarine quest, to Oblivion’s amazing fight against the Lord of Hell itself, to Skyrim’s battle against a faction that wants complete and total control of the entire continent, it now seems that Bethesda doesn’t know where to go with this story. There are so many sandboxed, pointless side quests in Skyrim they could have cut in order to keep the Civil War as it was initially written, without cutting it to the bone. So now we’re waiting for TES VI to find out what happened to the Empire. And Todd Howard – rather than appointing people to oversee Bethesda’s other games – fiddles about with his pet project, letting other games languish unfinished, then gets pissy when the gaming public doesn’t love it as much as he does. Someone should remind Howard what movies came out of Disney in the 1990’s, when they let the Florida animation studio do what they wanted without the Anaheim studio breathing down their necks.

    • @user-od8zy3gu5n
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Get rid of the fool… The next Elder’sscroll will be out in 10 years and we dont want another dud. Followed up by, Fallout will be out in 20 years.

    No Todd = Next Fallout will be worked on NOW…

    • @candyjones2671
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    10:33 they picked him because of looks?? Who cares what he looks like

    • @Naruku2121
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    The ‘Waiting to put the Buggy in the DLC’ has the same energy as trying to distract with jangling keys in front of toddlers.

    • @azidalesoterica5997
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Emil Pagliaccijasonderulo

    • @candyjones2671
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Starfield was no men’s sky with NPCS. That’s it. Build random bases on random planets and do nothing.

    • @DivineKnight_115
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Bethesda needs a major engine upgrade or a full replacement.

    • @dylanarmour6727
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Shartted space

    • @BiOhAzZaRDqqggbb
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    I swear, people don’t stick to their lane. People, gamers, just want a solid storyline, a decent baseline of a combat system with animation slots, not buggy and clunky, but solid enough (that modders will actually make into something), an open world, filled with little quests that an actual gamer in conjuction with a writer and a developer, have written together, and that’s it. They just need to upgrade their shit-ancient tech engine, to something modern that won’t actually fall off and die, when people start modding it, and yes that’s skyrim, the open moddable world game. Personally a storyline that I have an impact on, a greater war etc. is really important, that my character is sort of unique or will become through immense work, but also the survival element is very important for the RP. To have a home or a tent, live outdoors, manage your food and water, supplies etc., made those mods essentials in my list, cause I could actually and uninterruptedly enjoy my power fantasy.

    • @DonsleyB
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Bethesda is now the epitome of greed and laziness, ruined their own reputation.

    • @karlsnod2784
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Fallout 3 made me a Bethesda fan, skyrim strengthened it… I looked back and played older games, oblivion, morrowind, I plan on doing a daggerfall play though… But fallout 4 angered me… They spit on the lore and history because it was all but a soft reboot of the fallout franchise…. 76 was OK… If they fail with ES6 I don’t think Bethesda will recover… Lot of folks are jaded at the media industry… Look at Star Wars… Look how movie studios just can’t make proof… People have been burned to many times… We have see massive financial failures in video games and I fear if Bethesda also fails with ES6 doesn’t wow fans again… The video game industry might start drying up… But maybe that’s a good thing, maybe we just need new blood so to speak…

    • @ichigokage
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    I’m sorry for another comment but I just remembered something that made me feel disgusted with Todd. I don’t remember when the interview happened. Think it was before 76 came out. He was talking about how many people still play their older games. Something most people would be over the moon about.

    But Todd? He didn’t like having zero ‘touch point’ with the players. That he couldn’t charge more for things really. He came across as so ungrateful for what most developers would kill for. And then he threw it what little remained for 76.

    • @smj3productions
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    I’m a massive fan of Skyrim and fallout 4 yet I won’t even dl starfield with pass.

    • @ichigokage
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    The moment that lying little worm uttered ‘1000 planets’ I knew it would be garbage. It echoed what he said about the garbage fire that FO76 is. I do not care if you like what it is now. They should not have gotten applause for including NPCs in a freaking RPG.

    Screw Todd. Screw Emil. And Screw Phil Spencer or Pete Hines. They’re scammers and openly insult their players.

    • @Lethal_Venom
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Todd Howard sucks

    • @StudSupreme
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    It’s guaranteed that ES6 will come out as a bland, buggy, highly woke disaster

    • @VelvetFox_424
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Barely any Americans worked on starfield. All imported lame Chinese and Indian talent

    • @smithy456
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    If The Elder Scrolls 6 doesn’t use Unreal Engine and Bethesda once again uses their in house proprietary engine I think we can wave goodbye to a possible masterpiece

    • @Kfo221
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Dude needs to get a new job. But itll never happen. ES6 WILL be awful. Just like I said Starfield would be

    • @TheCrossed23
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Todd and his grandad game engine are a cancer to gaming

    • @iainmore3961
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Bugesda also has a greedy Microsoftwoke problem

    • @WalkingLegacy
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Starfield was 5 steps back from Skyrim. FO76 was 90 steps back. Bethesda is just big corporate and will be even worse under Microsoft.

    • @Macintosh1001
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    He’s created a creative bottleneck environment in his studio.

    • @triggertits
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    Todd needs to learn some humility, or he’s company is doomed.

    • @someone-ke4qj
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:56am

    His reductionist philosophy makes me think of the cabal banksters I wonder if he’s now part of the Davos club

    • @aidankirkland7034
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    It’s not looking good I hope I am wrong of course but after 76 and then starfield hopefully it blows my expectations away but at least we’re getting a new Witcher and hopefully whatever larian is cooking up

    • @BeanEaterExtraordinaire
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    “We saw a technological leap with starfield” what leap? It’s functionally the same as fallout 4

    • @Adventurerer
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    “its not everybodys cup of tea” ok then you dont need to be in charge of brewing it then

    • @nokturnihs
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Bethesda sold out and Turd Howard was their shepherd there. They were always going in that direction (horse armor) but after it rained money with Skyrims release, they stopped caring about actual quality or creativity and it became the bottom line they chased.

    • @sophia_comicart
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Been saying this for years. His ego has held Bethesda back and their IPs hostage for years. Just look at how he smeared himself all over Machine Games’ Indiana Jones. Ok so he proposed it but they’re a master dev team who worked on it for years just so he could shove himself into the limelight at every publicity opportunity.

    • @AdamWest1290
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    “Christopher Nolan of gaming” bulls***! Wtf said this ?

    • @BerrypickerwithaGUN
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Never liked him, I knew that once he became the Director, I knew our games would immediately go downhill, HE IS THE REASON FALLOUT 4 CAME OUT HALF FINISHED!

    Do you all not remember when Fallout 4 came out and we all noticed the half finished content and cut content and Bethesda straight up told us “Don’t worry about it! Modders will fix it!”

    This is Bethesda now! They release half finished games like Fallout 4, Fallout 76, Fallout 3 and New Vegas and the Elder Scrolls and ofcourse the DOOM games and they expected us to fix their broken games with mods… I wish Turd Howard never joined Bethesda because if he never had, we’d probably actually have FULL GAMES instead of half finished games with lackluster quests and incomplete concepts, especially like Fallout 4!….. Fallout is a brand! People will buy it because it’s “Fallout” and expect something amazing but we received a subpar product instead, nothing like slapping fans in the face and telling them to deal with it!

    • @ismichi
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    inb4 todd missing would remove any charm from bethesda games

    • @clickbaitable6320
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    He’s stagnated for decades that’s why he fails upwards and the masses eat up the slop.

    • @osamabonjovi6764
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Fallout 76 has not turned anything around. 76 is a dumpster fire

    • @danielbasey-link5178
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    The biggest problem isnt yes men, but surely that people like todd howard and his associates, only talk with and/ or in terms of money.
    Under these conditions, this video falls on deaf ears, as do requests from consumers, unless one of you can show Todd how your idea has made money before, he wont even consider it. As a consumer base we should move away from companies that blatantly dont listen and only move with the money. Surely its about time they reap the fruits of their “labor”.

    • @jwmdlm07
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I liked fallout 3 and Skyrim but I truly don’t believe Bethesda has made one great game they are way over hyped the best fallout game wasn’t even made by them

    • @kylio95
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Emil Pagliarulo is the one who needs to go big time, Bethesda will never improve until he’s gone.

    • @soultaker0469
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    What would be cool is the have the rpg elder scrolls game be an actual role playing game. Like when i cook food i need to actually cook food, not just be a station and i sit and just click what to make. It needs to be detailed like no others business. I need to actually drink water or actually make my weapons. Almost like a super detailed mini game in the game. I need to feed and take care of my horse, i need to shower or i smell and human enemies can smell me, crap like that. Its a role playing game. In 2024 and beyond, it needs to actually be a role that im playing. And to have casuals happy you can have it turned off before you start the game. Like either you want it or not.

    • @elwood6548
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Not looking forward to Elder Scrolls 6.. a retired old game engine, and Im sure lots of loading screens to look forward to. Safe and boring.. passss.

    • @Apoxiosis
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    7:17 jesus todd is such a manlet lmao

    • @Kobold666
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I’m glad the renderer in their engine doesn’t require an overpriced power-wasting GPU to get 30fps out of it, like so many current titles that only focus on visuals but suck in every other regard. Nobody needs 16 times the detail, we just need a good game.

    • @rigastudentsrent7759
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    It will be wooooke

    • @Gooeygiuseppe
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    So glad to not be the only one that sees and realizes that the last few Bethesda games have quite literally been Skyrim reskins
    Fallout 4, 76, and Starfield have quite literally the same exact headbob animation same engine with little changes, at least with studios like FromSoftware the games have immense similarities but they make enough changes to where it’s not exactly the same game as the last. But every game after Oblivion that BGS has put out has been the exact same but just with a different coat of paint
    Same boring exploration/story/writing and just not fun unless you drown the game in mods.

    • @officedullard8722
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Daggerfall released in 1996, Morrowind 6 years later in 2002, Oblivion 5 years later in 2006, Skyrim 5 years later in 2011.
    TES6 is nowhere to be seen over ten years later. I just wanted more games, not more wait.
    At this point, if TES took place in a completely different province like Black Marsh, most of the NPCs would probably be female Redguards.
    Fallout4 also sucked.

    • @Apoxiosis
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    yes, all bethesda games suck ass even back to morrowind. im prepared to admit that. are you?

    • @e.g.7705
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    As a gamer of all Final Fantasy games and an 8 yr stretch of WOW Elder Scrolls seems very dull outdated and janky. I played Oblivion and dropped it for WOW as it was a better game by far UNTIL it wasn’t right around the end of WOTLK.

    • @M808B_Scorpion
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I think they have more of a Creation engine problem

    • @katietree4949
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I never understood the hype around Bethesda. After they released remaster after remaster of skyrim, people kept on praising them and I just couldn’t understand. Its like Intel (Bethesda) releasing their 14nm+++++ (Skyrim+++++) until AMD (more than half the game market) released objectively great games. Only problem is Intel learned from that, Bethesda is still that old man, ‘back in my day, things were built different’. Come on gramps, Skyrim level stagnation isn’t going to cut it.

    • @DebiDalio
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Modern Bethesda is boring.

    • @Muppemania
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I think Todd is high on his own farts sniffing them believing they are roses.

    • @jassykat
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    As someone who enjoyed Starfield, I don’t know what you’re talking about.

    • @be9240
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Their formula works if they just do it.. make an open world game that has a great story, keep the dumb bugs that people use to be op, and make it payable. THATS ALL anyone that buys one of their games want. The graphics and game play don’t even need to be top teir, they just need to be playable and not completely janky. Starfield was a much better game than most people gave it credit for, but the bugs killed it. It was unplayable, and still have moment where it’s unplayable. THEY GOT RID OF THE BUGS that allowed you get the best suits and weopons easy, but didn’t fix the underline crashing. IF they would have flipped that around people would still have played it like crazy.

    • @domomonstero3077
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I and all the friends i talk to have given up on Bethesda for really just 1 reason that makes all the problems. The pile of shit that is the Creation Engine. It is where all the bugs and terrible performance comes from, also the poor game design. It is so restrictive in what they can do eith it because it’s decades old. It’s trash and Todd “the retod” Howard is too cheap and lazy to use a new graphics engine. Bethesda’s next game is going to prove that they are past their prime abd ran out of imagination and creativity years ago.

    • @dillongarner1
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I’m going to be so depressed if he messes up ES6 🤬🤬🤬🤬

    • @gutz4garterz735
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    It’s only going to get worse so why complain the talents gone Ubisoft bioware Bethesda have all hired talentless woke morons with a hatred for gamers….m

    • @jxw457
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I’m over ES6. I’ve already accepted it’s not going to be good.

    • @jpteknoman
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Bethesda has been making ground beef slop for 20 years now but there was nobody making burgers for players to compare it to. Now there are several.

    • @miragegaming984
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I wanted to like Starfield but they really messed up with the loading screens. it was designed to run on a ps3 and not a ps5. The myriad of loading screens would have been acceptable in the ps3 era but not during the ps5 era.

    • @DenofLore
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Its called Foudners syndrome and bethesda will fall and crash as a result. If not soon then when Todd dies.

    • @ChocolatePope
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Climbing a procedurally generated mountain to find some procedurally generated loot in a copy-pasted location is not as fun as it was when everything was hand-made. So even though I could fly to that planet and climb that mountain I just won’t. Because it’s boring.

    • @Olenh
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Brunt of the blame. Not blunt xD

    • @THEGOOD360
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Stanfield runs on an updated Morrrowind engine. They didn’t step forward even a single foot…

    • @markmorris7123
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Dont want to see an evolution…Just want a goid game

    • @markmorris7123
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Totally disagree..I would love another game like skyrim…But hes not duplicating skyrim,, not at all

    • @LyrosTome
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I don’t even think they need to evolve, if they dropped the game with as much content as oblivion or Skyrim with up to date graphics and combat people would love the game. Bethesda just hasn’t dropped games with that amount of content in a long time.

    • @greggfridline4260
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I think CDPR may be in trouble. Devs and writers left the company and formed a new one. They didn’t like how it is being run anymore. Guess they have backing also. We will see in a few years.

    • @MapleMayhemGaming
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Yeeeeeeeah Todd Howard’s gotta go….

    • @DarthShadow25
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I will at the very least defend Bethesda’s game formula. Their formula is fantastic, and I still want games made by that formula. Just look at Fallout London, that is a fantastic experience that I enjoyed playing more than many new games, and that follow’s Bethesda formula perfectly. The problem isn’t that they need to change the formula.

    Many modern games follow ancient game formulas and people eat them up. Call of Duty, Metaphor, and Elden Ring all follow formulas developed over a decade ago, and those games are still very well received (CoD is a bit more of a different story, but you can’t deny its popularity). Even BG3 follows roughly the same formula as DOS1, and that was an indie game from a decade ago.

    The problem isn’t the formula. The problem is their execution of the formula, and, if we look at a game formula like a recipe, the ingredients. The ingredients of the recipe are the various systems in the game. The ingredients they use in their formula are outdated, and largely poorly designed and unfun. You can have the best recipe in the world, but if you use poor and expired ingredients, the product is not going to be good. Even that, unfortunately, is a bit misleading, because just because a system is old, doesn’t make it bad. Take spell-crafting for example. I can’t imagine anyone would complain if spell-crafting were included in ES6, yet that was a system developed almost 30 years ago in Daggerfall.

    The hope is that in each game Bethesda would iterate on their systems to make them more fun, engaging, and rewarding, but we do not see that. Additionally, they have a very risk averse mindset, and a clear culture of toxic positivity, so everything they are producing is mediocre and milquetoast at best, with a few gems sprinkled in there, but a majority of the content is lacking because everyone is too afraid to take risks or to tell their fellow devs “no, that sucks”.

    • @marketingmark
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Bethesda has become so mid. I have no faith that Todd will recreate the old school BGS magic for TES6. Who cares if you can land on a planet if it’s empty?

    • @josephc7272
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    It don’t matter how bad it is ppl still going buy it cause it’s elder scrolls

    • @filipfenix
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    When you peak with Skyrim, and you can’t even reproduce that in your newer games is kinda funny

    • @DarkMatter280
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    ‘The blunt of the blame’? Do you mean brunt?

    • @ettar12
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Negative, negative, negative!

    • @MechaMan2012
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    BGS is in one of the worst feedback loops I’ve seen. BGS themselves are incredibly arrogant, don’t take criticism well or even acknowledge it exists, latch onto how they were system sellers 10-20 years ago, and think everything they touch is gold. In turn, there is a small vocal minority of fans of their games that push forward the narrative that every game until now has been a masterpiece and that all the hate is unwarranted and unreasonable. BGS latches onto this small group of people, points to whatever random out of context playerbase number they can find exclaiming “number’s big, can’t be wrong” and then continue the cycle.

    I want them to do better, but I don’t see them being capable.

    • @Doomed_Raven
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Todd Howard isn’t the problem but is part of a bigger problem. He did help make one of the best RPGs Morrwind. But over the years content and features just keep vanishing, Skyrim was great but it was very streamlined by comparison. Now throw in the real problem, neo Marxist untalented DEI hires and neo Marxist ‘consultants’ like the now infamous SBI, and Bethesda have no hope like most other studios. It doesn’t matter who you replace Todd Howard with see? at this stage it’s like replacing one floorboard when the whole house has wood worm. Maybe that’s Howard’s fault? maybe it’s Microsoft after they bought them? that seems more likely looking at the dire state of Microsoft.

    • @neveridle
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    the title is extremely clickbait but lets see what the content is about… I dont think you could pin this on just todd when you got their devs specially head writer replying to criticism with a “nuh-huh” and “actuallies”

    • @_Luluko_
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Their biggest problem is they keep cutting corners to have less work. That started already with oblivion and the removal of levitation and in Skyrim with no acrobatics and way less armor/jewelery slots etc. And that starfield with its procedural generation is just the next step and that one is just too big and cant be fixed by modders. You can do that to place random trees/rocks but not almost all of it except a few cities and dungeons.

    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    They’re a dead company

    • @willshepardiv
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I disagree, a new Skyrim or oblivion with good writing would be fantastic. We should have gotten one every few years like the time between morrowind – oblivion – and Skyrim. That’s what I call the Todd Howard Problem…

    • @billy0936
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Looking back I thought Skyrim was amazing. A year later I learned to use mods. That’s when I noticed how incomplete the game was and how the modding community goes far and beyond to fix and preserve these games.

    • @cc31reaper
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I don’t think giving someone freedom to do anything is bad for a game I think it adds to rp. Elden ring did it where you can walk off and grab items and Skyrim does it Skyrim still had 30.000 players active at all time on steam if gatekeeping in a game hurt a game this would not still be this successful and wouldn’t be used by firm soft maybe it’s not your cup of tee but most people that play thoes games and myself included do not want to be put on rails so I don’t understand that point you made at all sounds like a person issue

    • @peter486
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    play Cyberpunk, then go back to starfiel, you will notice what a shit game starfield is. they wont make anything good in the future they just wont

    • @slashrocks19801
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    It doesn’t help having over 20 year old base code in their engine they will always be severely behind the times.

    • @snakething87
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Knew Todd was cooked when he gave that interview prior to 76 about how Skyrim and Fallout 4 were still incredibly popular BUT Bethesda was disappointed that they couldn’t monetize those players. Once I heard that I knew they’d never make another quality game, because “engagement” and “monetization” were more important than fun and quality.

    • @zazikikomo7796
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    The issue isn’t just that the TES6 will likely not innovate as a game. People also love the Elder Scrolls settings as one of the last good modern fantasy settings but Skyrim mishandled it in a lot of ways and Blades+Elder Scrolls Online has done worse. Each iteration of the franchise cheapens it. That’s what bugs me.

    • @masterofbloopers
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I just can’t bring myself to dislike Todd Howard. He seems like a genuinely nice guy who is way in over his head and struggles to stay on course. Though I do understand that he’s dragging Bethesda down. I hope one day he miraculously has an epiphany and starts listening to fan criticisms.

    • @wilfredwayne7139
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I owned the dlc didn’t make it past the space station it was too boring.

    • @ddnnmo
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Let Todd Howard cook! “It’s too much…”, if he would designate someone else in his studio for starfield we’d have ND’s Intergalactic about 5 years earlier and a blue haired sidekick.

    • @HomicidalTh0r
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I still have no idea why this PoS is so idolized.

    • @MausStoleYourCheese
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Todd. It’s time to retire.

    • @wilfredwayne7139
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Dude he’s been the Bethesda problem since 2012.

    • @niceguy1228
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Hard disagree. People love skyrim and i think people would be extatic with “just more skyrim”

    • @nashtwamp
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    just like Turd Howard, es6 is going to be trash

    • @AkshansYoutubeAccount
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    lets be honest, if they can make another skyrim this would be insane.
    my fear is they repeat starfield

    • @rory-red
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I’d rather play CooP than play worthless singleplayer that why never bought or even played Starfield

    • @Themistocles30
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Problem is the game has less content and you have to out in an extra $$$ for that. Alien races should of been put into SF.

    • @Abyssmouse
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    19:00 Basically… the most original, significant, meaningful aspects of TES would never have existed if Todd had his way? This industry is so bizarre.

    • @tranquilitybase8100
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I want the next TES and Fallout to be great games, I really do. I just don’t believe the team can do it now. Feels bad man.

    • @DiluviumEyesofThunder
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Skyrim was a massive cultural success, and arguably among the ‘best’ games ever made. There hasn’t been a single payer game like it since. certainly not one made by Bethesda.

    • @Pwnners
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Oblivion remake is going to be so fkin bad

    • @Harrison_Rs
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    They need to remove Todd, he is not the right guy for the job and is always lying to his customers. I dont care how good he looks on camera get the snake gone.

    • @jokesonyou5629
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    It’s funny because they’re owned by Microsoft. Meaning they’re not gonna make another good game.. Microsoft is only known for laying off employees and how to implement Micro transactions 😂 im happy i always been a Sony fan

    • @hansolav5924
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    so todd want to make the perfect fantasy experience? too little, too late. check out Wayward Realms. made by people who UNDERSTAND player agency.

    • @JTSuter
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Excellent opinions, unlike the constant dickriding I see on r/bethesdasoftworks and r/starfield. I was wondering about the current consensus on Todd Howard, and I agree with most if not all of these points.

    • @FieryWACO
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Is Todd Howard to blame for the Iron-manning of the T-60 Power Armor in the TV series? I was embarrassed for whoever put jets on their wrists.

    • @mikekuzmicz8408
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I think Todd is a minor problem in the studio. There was an ex Dev iirc, who spoke about how none of the Devs in the studio want to take responsibility for the work they do. I personally think that’s a Waaaayyyy bigger red flag than Todd Howard being rather tame with the games. With the yes men culture in Bethesda in general, I really don’t think he’s even close to the main problem in the studio

    They even had the opportunity to fix CE but they still couldn’t do it! It’s baffling to say the least, but it’s not surprising the more you know how big of a cesspool Bethesda is, and honestly, I don’t think it became like that cuz of Todd, I think it’s like this cuz of Zenimax before it was closed. issue now is the cluster fuck was never resolved

    • @Ph33NIXx
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    If Todd does not play modern games, his knowledge is outdated.. and his judgment will be outdated.

    • @AlwayzFresh
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Bethesda has been very clear an unwavering. Nothing is about to change, nothing needs to change. If you didn’t like Starfield you don’t/won’t like future Bethesda games.

    • @carcerharlson9767
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    So it’s Todd’s fault we aren’t getting anything as deep and immersive as Morrowind? Time to contact to Morag Tong…

    • @silpex92
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Todd is a lying a**hole. With all the shtstorm that happened with Fallout 76 release, I set my mind into not spending a dime on anything Bethesda as long as Todd is still there. It was a SCAM. They scammed their fans for some quick cash.

    • @jonwilbeck01
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I think you’re wrong. I think people just want Skyrim 2, essentially because it was the lore and setting they made it so sacred. They could make “Skyrim 2” with better combat, graphics and day one mods – it would sell gold.

    • @CookiePieMonster
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    How much you wanna bet that the Oblivion remake is gonna just be Skyblivion with better graphics.

    • @sallymae3631
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Fallout new vegas looked like dov shit but ive played that more than modern “rpgs”.

    You dont need fancy graphics to build a rich story and setting.

    Bethesdas just incompetent.

    • @Kiyuja
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    story, writing and music score are subjective. But there is no denying that Starfield absolutely sucks on the tech side, tons of loading screens even though asset streaming has been a part of games since a decade, dialogues feel jank af because of that archaic system they use. I personally dont feel the game is pretty but thats subjective but it 100% runs way to poor for its fidelity, then add missing / poor implementation of HDR, poor CPU utilization, the list goes on…Bethesda needs a hard rework of their software to enable the vision they have, the reviews reflect that.

    • @whitewalker9862
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    There’s absolutely no hope for TES 6. It will be another epic gaming disaster with outdated graphics engine and mechanics. And they’ll blame everybody for the fail other then themselves.

    • @Bigbadbones86
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Todd is the worst thing that ever could have happened to Bethesda. He’s made me hate a game I loved.

    • @Weavole
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I will still die on the hill of “Skyrim is objectively a bad game.” So making “Skyrim but space” and “Skyrim but with Guns” Will still be a bad game. People just have rose tented glasses for Skyrim.

    • @feloniousjones8834
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    i feel alot of the issue is not just the size of the studios but the people they bring in to fill the jobs. theres been alot of progressive bs crammed into the recent bethesda titles because they, like alot of studios, hire inexperienced activists instead of veteran devs. howard is a huge problem because he allows crap employees to insert the ideology in to the game

    • @EyeofValor
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    It’s really weird people still think he controls anything. Pretty sure he’s the figure head and the scape goat for Bethesda going woke.

    • @evilmarius
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    It just works.

    • @OleDirtyMacSanchez
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Another Major Problem Bethesda Currently Has besides the 1 that used to be Todd Howard. Is a lack of Creativity and Talent, Bethesda has NO CREATIVE FREE THINKERS, No 1 that can Build a Great World Space, Make Great Looking Characters, Weapons, Armor, and Lack Great Writers For Good Story Telling, and Character Backstories. Microsoft is Quietly trying to Remedy that Problem, however there is a Large Shortage of Talent in the Gaming Industry due to SBI Woke Stupidity having Infiltrated and Filling Up the Gaming Industry.

    • @reztech0ne
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    if TES VI fails, so does Bethesda. There’s no recovering from flubbing a main series release like that. They have a legion of loyal fans, myself included, that have played TES for decades, who would be devastated if TES VI comes out looking like Starfield

    • @fadedmass1662
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Bethesda has always been AA gaming publisher. They had a couple gems early and have been operating off that early success for too long.

    • @OleDirtyMacSanchez
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Bethesda already pretty much exists without Todd Howard. Microsoft pulled 90% of Todd’s Creative Control away from Bethesda Titles after the Fallout Show. Microsoft is disappointed to say the least, by what Todd’s response was concerning Fallout 5. 2035 was not an acceptable Time Frame for Microsoft concerning the Fallout Franchise. So, expect Fallout Titles Quite a bit Sooner.

    • @ian2057
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Hot take – they havent made a good game since oblivion

    Yeah, fallout 3 sucks and skyrim is overrated

    • @ttabood7462
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Bethesda has had a Todd Howard problem for a long time. When a compulsive liar is your front man, yeah that’s a problem.

    • @aliekexie8467
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Nah, its bethesda has a bethesda fanboy problem. Like tell me why innovate, when the fanboys eat up their slop and defend it? You have 0 idea how infuriating it is dealing with em, and it always boils down to ”jUsT gEt MoDs FoR yOuR pRoBlEm”

    • @nastytechniquez9685
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Not everyone’s cup of tea. Lol this guys out of touch. Just say what is obvious. The old formula is stale in the current environment of rpg games. They need to innovate now and make something new rather than tons of the same old

    • @Archangelm127
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Until they ditch that shitbox engine of theirs, any other changes are irrelevant.

    • @genericusername9299
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Why do people blame only Todd Howard and why so much? There are other higher ups and executives at the company who cause a lot of damage

    • @ReapersLove69
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    as much as i dont like bethesda’s reduce reuse recycle method of game design I don’t think todd being overly dedicated is the issue

    • @Earthwormjimm
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    It’ll never be enough for you lunatics. When will you understand Skyrim was a shot in the dark? A unicorn. You’ll never get a second Skyrim. Just go play Skyrim.

    • @CanadianConservativeGuy
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Todd is garbage he can go away any time. He hasnt had a good idea in years.

    • @TJ-bd3mc
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    All I really wanted was Skyrim in space. Multiple races to play as, different factions/guilds, maybe a handful of really fleshed out planets that actually have a feeling of a lived in experience.

    • @nostrius-t1z
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    You either die a hero or live to be the villain.

    • @averagemage6038
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Tod is bad, but hes not the problem. Emil pagliorillo is the problem. Tod is the reason our games get overhyped and under developed, but overhyped is just a problem at launch and under developed isnt as big of a deal as alot of people make it out to be. Emil is the reason the storys are garbage, the designs are baby proof, the mechanics are dull and uninspired

    • @mystic9314
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    They got so lucky with 76 comeback it hit a new high recently even after the dip from the show watchers that left

    • @qqqq-dp4rv
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    why do you need to show your face

    • @illegalmonkey
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Outer Worlds had one solar system and had tons of story content and places to go. Bethesda routinely over reaches for now reason.

    • @MarkoBotsaris
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    One of the biggest, most important game developers in the world makes a space exploration game that has 1000 planets and many solar systems and they somehow are unable to implement a 3d map so you can have some kind of f**king concept of you know, the SPACE! Instead planets hide behind other planets in a rectangular small 2-d chunk of the galaxy. The exercize of creating such a 3d map where you can zoom in and out, rotate the view, and translate through the star f**king field is something that any undergraduate programming student could have implemented over a weekend. One example like this is a missed opportunity. But when the same type of thing is repeated over and over and over throughout the game, and where fundamental systems like the inventories, the economy, the writing and even the space travel itself have all of the charm of a spreadsheet it rises to institutionalized cluelessness. This is not about being too different. Its about apparenlty not having the faintest idea how to make a game nominally about one one of the most romantic concepts ever, space exploration, exciting and not a chore. The game is not TOTAL crap, but it is just that Starfield is so agressively mediocre and so clearly from a company that can no longer innovate itself out of a paper bag.

    • @badwolf8112
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    what i didnt like most about starfield is how odd changing someone’s mind can be and the removal of traditional exploration of bethesda games. just that traditional exploratory map is enough for me to love Fallout 5, TES 6, etc. yeah a lot of the faces and ai are weird and dumb but i don’t expect much from those aspects of bethesda games, nor do i care as much as i do about the map.

    the engine thing is a red herring a lot of people who don’t know how to program latch on, you don’t need to start from scratch nor is it faster, in order to fix the actual issues people actually have. many ‘new’ engines or new iterations are just heavily modified old engines (like idtech).

    i think it’s a big gamble whether todd being replaced wouldn’t also remove many of what we find essential to BGS games like almost everything being interactable and movable, being able to pickpocket almost anyone, have lore all around, etc. hopefully he learns from some failures and hopefully TES 6 won’t be one of those stepping stones.

    • @Mauri.El.Creador
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I remember a few years back, they let us download Fallout 76′ for free so you could try it. So fknning BORING man!

    Ubisoft also, with Far Cry 6! Its like theyre telling themselves we’re the problem. “You havent played the game yet, you’ll see.”

    • @thatguywithamustache6043
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Fr get someone with love for the games, ezy man, put fudgemuppet guys as directors

    • @pvrp_gxd
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I enjoyed cyberpunk at launch more than fallout 4, what does that say ?

    • @marlan5470
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    What I’d like to see in the next Skyrim is dungeon puzzles! Here’s an example of a fun puzzle: the Guardian Statues in Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess. Stuff like that. Skyrim could even include a minigame like a simple chess to allow entrance to some area. Better stories about the draugrs and overall Epicness. The stones of Barenziah could have had a more satisfying finale. Some fireworks would be nice.
    When becoming a member of any of the guilds in Skyrim, I felt like I was just being their errand boy.
    *We need some epicness for the heroes’ trouble.*

    • @Idle1996
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Indiana Jones disagrees

    • @Hauggyful
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    That Indiana Jones game wa spretty damn good.

    • @dreamingflurry2729
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I agree with the title! Todd Howard may (I don’t actually know, because there is no list of all the things he did for Oblivion, which IMHO was the last good game BADthesda made!) have once been a good Dev, but now? He’s so high up his own ass, that every sort of “progress” has stopped! Frankly, they are now doing Oblivion, but worse (and with guns in the case of Fallout!)! I mean compare a BADthesda Fallout (lets use Fallout 3!) with Fallout New Vegas (or even Fallout 1 and 2) and it’s obivious who can’t tell good stories, can’t write amazing characters (compare say Fawkes the mutant with Lily from Fallout New Vegas or Star-Paladin Cross with Scribe Veronica Santangelo in New Vegas!), can’t write good factions (hell: There aren’t any real factions in Fallout 3 or even Fallout 4 – outside of the big ones for the endgame in 4, but even those were badly done! Hell, 3 of them are just dumb (“Must blow up Institute!” – Instead of CONQUERING THE DAMN PLACE and using the tech there! The BoS especially! Yes, they were elitist and rather insular in Fallout 1 and 2, but they never were a human purity kind of nazi cult, like they are under Manchild Maxson, a guy who should not be Elder at all! Sarah Lyons should be, especially since an Elder dying in frontline combat is quite unrealistic IMHO!) and (in Fallout at least) default to boring family stories that are a bad hook for the player who spent what? An hour at most with said family and now is probably not very motivated to chase down their ingame daddy or ingame son!

    • @snafubar447
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I’m old. I remember back when Todd and Bethesda bragged about how everything in their games were hand-crafted, and that they would never use procedural generation.

    • @SirSpenace
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Imho game companies are finding it easy to ignore legitimate gripes with games because there are so many “anti-SJW” types who want to pop blood vessels over things like picking your MC’s pronouns.

    Why are they going to take legitimate criticism from someone who still gets triggered when they remember trans people exist? It’s like taking financial advice from a neo-Nazi lol

    • @Roylevis
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I can not stand these game studios, whom gaslight us gamers. They want us to pay for their unfinished games and then cry out how toxic we are, when we dont buy their poorly made games.

    • @mightylink65
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Elder Scrolls 6 is still early enough in development for them to turn things around… but they wont.

    • @Chaosticks148
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    This video reeks of Reddit bullshit

    • @F4nt4zm499
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    skyrim ws for me always overrated and so will be elder scrolls 6

    • @nancypelosi480
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    skyrim sucked.
    its always sucked.
    people need to let go

    • @PedanticGaming
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    One thing I honestly don’t understand is this idea that ‘Bethesda has fallen off since Skyrim’ and ‘Skyrim was revolutionary’… no it wasn’t, it was a dumbed down Oblivion, which was a dumbed down Morrowind and I don’t even think Morrowind was all that special. Bethesda have been making mediocre to bad games for FAR longer than the last 13 years and the position that people take of ‘well they were good before Fallout 4’ is just as false as saying they’re good now.

    • @Rando-s7t
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Yes but… Bethesda has a Creation Engine problem.

    • @sophomore3752
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    If the ESVI gets to be “more skyrim”, it would be a bigger success than starfield. Many people want “more skyrim/oblivion/morrowind”. And the engine is not the issue. Case and point, the skyblivion project is using skyrim’s engine, the game looks great and there are many fans super excited to play. Starfield fails because it is designed in a way that shows their weakest points, instead of their strongest. Load screens, fetch quests, optimization issues, long standing bugs, etc.

    ESVI could be made exactly with the creation engine from skyrim, as is, and still make a wonderful game. If you combine the storytelling and player agency of the witcher series, the side quests of oblivion with skyrim’s feeling of exploration, you would have a great game. AND this “game” could be improved if you then add excellent creature designs, a good character progression system and none of this needs a new engine. It needs people that care about making a good game, instead of good profit margins.

    • @AstralTiger92
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    lol VIDEO GAMES….

    Take up so much REALITY

    • @OlegSmileSSToRM
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Please tell Todd that I love exploring because I know I will encounter something that is handful crafted and has a mini story in it

    • @scottgrant1998
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    @LK-HD. In a word, it’s hubris. That’s the underlying issue that is plaguing Bethesda (and making them unreceptive and defensive over player feedback) and what is ultimately keeping them in the past, unable to innovate and move forward.

    It’s not the first time we’ve seen this happen to a AAA studio, and it likely won’t be the last.

    • @markjor4245
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Stop complaining and give Bethesda $70!

    • @MikeXHawkXLong
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I feel like Todd Howard is a wish version of Zuck

    • @artinotsoparty
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Legacy stuck in the past with this one just like Bethesda. Nothing new to hear and see here. Just the same old story of the last 5+ years.

    • @vampiregoat69
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Todd Howard is useless and don’t know sht about gaming he needs to leave

    • @elijahheuerman392
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Todd was the best way to kill a franchise it most unique way possible by constantly killing all the features from previous versions of games he is on. From dagger fall to Skyrim the only reason why the had success was to given out different consoles games meaning new players who did not have previous game experience.

    • @relyingbulle5634
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    indiana jones game was really good tho

    • @PalleRasmussen
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Go watch VLDL’s new series to gain insight in, how board meetings at Bethesda and any other AAA gaming company works.

    • @slicer5846
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    So how often Skyrim got re-released? Cant wait for 14 re-releases of Trashfield if thats his “baby”

    • @alliselectrical4381
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Please stop this nonsense and blaming the game engine. Enderal for Skyrim, Fallout London for Fallout 4 and New Vegas for Fallout 3 shows us that the engine is not the problem at all. It is what you are doing with the engine, look at alle these awesome mods from the modding communities out there and what they can squeeze out of the Creation Engine. And by the way, although Starfield in all of these gameplays seems to play quite boring, but it is absolutely not the games look or the loading screens. The design itself seems off. Unreal engine 5 games are looking very good but very samey, and without an awesome gameplay design, I strongly do not think that UE5 would be the solution.

    • @davestar4718
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I played 25 hours of starfield and hardly enjoyed any of it. Glad i didn’t waste anymore time playing.
    I hammered fo3, Skyrim, fo4.
    Starfield felt like a step sideways with nothing new to bring.

    • @IronFreee
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Todd lacks the ambition of the first Elder Scroll games, he thinks he has found the recipe for success and he has a “that’s good enough for them” phylosophy.

    • @hentaioverwhelming
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I kind of feel that Todd should step back and just become TheSpiffingBrit’s “IT JUST WORKS” meme

    • @Crazozourus
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Just replayed Skyrim with Lorerim 2.0. Absolutely mind-blowing. Creation engine is not the problem. Lack of vision and talent at Bethesda is.

    • @Betonoszlop
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Todd is a shamelss marketing man farting blatant lies everywhere he goes

    • @swahini
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Todd Howard is exactly like Peter Molyneux, he overhyped Fable for years and promised features that wasn’t even planned or never made the cut, and just like Peter, Todd is spewing a bunch of shite and worst of all, Bethesda ignores fan feedback, skyrim and fallout 4 havent been bug fixed since their latest dlcs and even with skyrim’s hundreds of releases they do NOTHING to fix the fucking game! i cant play fallout 4 anymore cuz its so buggy and crashes so often its no fucking use anymore! i honestly think people like todd and peter needs to be fucking fired, and the idiot who said fans will be disappointed with TES6 cuz of high expectations(even if its true cuz damn we spoiled, im just happy if the game works) and starfield and shattered space was a huge fuckin disappointment and they do very little to improve it.

    • @Palemagpie
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Fallout 76 was when i got off the bandwagon. That rolling dumpsterfire and every misstep along the way opened my eyes to how Bethesda thinks of its customers and its IP.

    I didn’t even buy Starfield. Way i saw it, if it was good. It would be good 1 year on.

    And it wasn’t, so i never wasted money on it.

    A misstep is fine if you learn from your mistakes. Bethesda refuses to learn and will always make excuses instead of accepting any responsibility.

    So screw’em. If they won’t respect me as a fan, why should i respect them as a developer?

    • @jnsl1982
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    James Cameron once made The Abyss. He was a genius. A long time later he made Avatar 2. Yikes.
    Ridley Scott once made Alien. He was a genius. A long time later he made Gladiator 2. Yikes.
    Todd Howard once made Skyrim. He was a genius. A long time later he made Starfield. Yikes.

    • @WarPoodle-pc5wu
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I dont get how Starfield is such a big game. It doesn’t feel like a big game. It feels like a very small game that was spread paper thin over a large series of menus to hop through. None of the planets feel big because only tiny cells of the planet are accessible at a time. It feels like the smallest game they ever made. Its like they poured all their effort into sandwich physics and forgot to make a game. They definitely didnt put anything into the writing. Its literally the main story from No Mans Sky, without any actual understanding of the story from No Mans Sky. Its like a really really dumb person played NMS and they thought it was neat but didnt think about anything happening beyond the looping time and multiple universes. They copied the NMS homework and cut out everything that made NMS great and condensed any fun you might have into a series of menus instead of actual gameplay

    • @fuselpeter5393
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I began my Bethasda-journey with Fallout 3/Oblivion and I stopped at Fallout 4/Skyrim and It never bothered me that much that these games were always technologically behind because somehow they had some sandboxy appeal and interesting world. Fallout 4 was the weakest of all these by a mile and I still liked it somewhat.

    I personally don’t care that much if ES6 would be cutting edge or not as long as they build a good RPG with an interesting world and the signature sndboxy approach. Good mod support like usual with be nice too and loading screens should be avoided as much as they can. ^^’

    • @GhostOfSnuffles
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Starfield was Todd’s Magnus Opus, it was the physical personification of Todd talent and imagination. The fact it was bland crap proves that no matter how much money and time you give to a person with no talent they will never produce something of quality. Todd is a hack, pure and simple.

    • @vadim_65rus
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Watch them hire todd howard to get hodd toward instead

    • @darrenthompson7995
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Todd Howard is the Dwayne Johnson to video games

    • @CameronToth1337
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Starfield just doesn’t capture my attention as much but I do enjoy it

    • @Babyboomer_59
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I never gave much thought about Todd being the problem so yes, I can get behind you on this. I would also wonder why the show Fallout series, when there’s no foreseeable sight of fallout in the future.

    I never even stuck around to play shattered space, it was a faction based DLC thus I already knew I wasn’t going to like it before even came out, I don’t even like Va’ruun nor Andreja as a companion, I dislike them more than the BOS of FO4 and from what I’ve heard she never even played a part in that DLC such as Nick with Far Harbor.

    • @theslay66
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    “Maybe we should have released the buggy with the extension” is really what embodies the problem with current Bethesda.
    It’s the old problem of confusing the metric with what it is supposed to measure. Public reception is supposed to be a metric of how good or bad your product is. And when they get bad reception, they ask themselves how they could have skewed the metric in their favor, instead of questionning what they could have done to deliver a better product. Or in other words : how they could have fooled their consummers about the quality of their product.

    That’s how any business completely loses sight of what they’re supposed to do. And it’s so deeply ingrained in their logic that they don’t even hide it, they don’t see any problem with this way of thinking. But the larger cause for business failure is when the metric becomes the objective instead of whatever you’re supposed to deliver, because you start to do everything you can to skew the metric, even when it is actually detrimental to your product. That’s how you fail. And the most dangerous thing there, is that as you’re concentrated only on the metric, you don’t even realize you’re actually failing, until it is too late.

    • @klittle5627
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    The only so-called “evolution” Bethesda has shown in the last decade is more woke.

    • @ThePopo543
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Bugthesda needs to bring Michael Kirkbride back

    • @funkinc6992
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Best at dlc? Sorry cyberpunk phantom liberty is better than anything from fallout 4 or starfield. Not a single dlc from Skyrim beat hearts of stone (Witcher 3) let a alone I mention blood and wine

    • @Songofthe_sea
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    My husband has been the biggest ESO fan for yeaarrrssss. He played it religiously and bought the new content every time but some of the last expansions were a bit meh and now he’s been playing New World a bit, all he keeps seeing is how much better ESO could and should be. ES6 will unfortunately be so far behind other games still

    • @mrpostaldude8289
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    And the really concerning thing is: Skyrim by itself was already a really lackluster game. Dragon Age, Mass Effect, the Witcher and even Fallout 3 together with the magnificent co-op project New Vegas showed long before how you can tell a story, how you make NPCs relatable and not these lifeless husks Skyrim was displaying back then.

    Then came Fallout 4 and everything turned from bland to joke because your relationships with the environment simply didn’t seem to have any impact anymore. Then 76 which was nothing more than squeezing the last piece of money out of the franchise and now Starfield where they openly admitted that they count on the modders to expand the game. How should anyone feel obliged to buy this title then? It’s like I’d buy a car that lacks the engine and I have to assemble it completely by myself.

    BGS for luck didn’t take the Ubisoft “we flood you with shit” money grinding path – apart from trying to monetize mods from an external platform every now and then. But micromanagement rarely turns out great projects as one in the end has all the power to undermine and mitigate any kind of creativity or innovation coming from many heads, not only one. If Starfield is Todd’s baby and brainchild and displays his way of creative thinking then he clearly doesn’t know what he’s doing anymore.

    • @KrzysztofBob
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Todd Howard is Ridley Scott of video games. All the superlatives about him are true, but they’re all in the past. It’s about time to pass the torch.

    • @Mads_on_YT
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    The main problems with post-Skyrim Bethesda games are:

    1) Aesthetically boring. 
    Fallout 4 had a great color-palette, but the actual design of key locations were uninspired. Everything about Starfield looks dull. Once again, the color palette is fine, and some of the interiors are excellent, but the vast majority is just meh.

    2) Boring stories with bad pacing.
    I couldn’t finish Fallout 4. I got bored half-way through. All I needed to do was look at all of the empty boring planets in Starfield footage to know I shouldn’t even bother getting it. Todd was talking about how they always wanted to make a Star Trek-like game, but from the Starfield reveal trailer, it was obvious that Starfield’s hard-sci-fi setting wasn’t going to be anything like Star Trek. A huge mistake. Skyrim also had a bad main plotline, but the rest of the game compensated for it.

    3) Bad character writing.
    Do I even need to elaborate on this? Look at games like The Witcher 3 and Baldur’s Gate 3, and then look at Bethesda games. Character writing was always the weakest part of their games. This really needs to change. Look at Fallout New Vegas (Obsidian) vs. Fallout 3 (Bethesda).

    I used to think that Todd Howard was just a victim of decisions made by Zenimax executives. Now, I’m not so sure. That being said, I do think it’s fine that there are some idea gate-keepers on any game project. Most great art is made by teams lead by a creative visionary who has great taste. Most people have ideas, but few have great taste. The question is whether Todd Howard has that great taste which is required to make great art. Maybe it was other people earlier one in the studios’ history.

    It sucks, because no other game studio does verticality and environmental storytelling as well as Besthesda.

    • @justletmelistthese
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    lmao they have a Todd problem since Red Guard

    • @chillnagasden6190
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    What do I make of him?
    Boring executive asshole who got lucky with Skyrim, then wanted to play it safe.
    He is the absolute Nexus of most decisions, and by CHOOSING to be involved, he bears the responsibility whether or not that was the case or not.
    A dead weight on gaming whose most helpful action would be fucking off and remaining silent forever.
    “Sixteen times the idiot”

    • @stevenphillips3506
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Poor Todd, he is just a misunderstood liar.

    • @BungieStudios
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Do you an your friends still play Squad, Legacy?

    • @chillnagasden6190
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Why would there be a lot of stumbling around to figure out who replaces this bland, idea-devoid black hole of charisma?
    *I* could replace him at 5% of his salary and make better decisions and help create better games ffs.
    Idiot is the single reason their ancient shit Creation Engine isn’t retired yet, with all its 1 – or now 2 – DECADE old bugs.

    • @williamdistefano5698
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Todd Howard and Emil Alphabet are completely replaceable. Its obvious that Bethesda’s talent is gone now and all that’s left is the skeleton . The hollowed out remains of what gave us Skyrim.
    Hey, Todd seems to LOVE the Hollywood exposure that Fallout is giving him. Maybe we can get him to go away with a movie deal?

    • @The_Good_Captain
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Honesty i cant complain about Bethesdas creation engine..
    I stuck around after when fallout switched from 2D to 3D,
    I only care about Bethesda releasing good games and if the indie market has shown us anything its that you dont need the biggest budgets or best engine with the latest graphics to suceed.

    • @gate7clamp
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    So you’re saying we should put Todd Howard in a cardboard box and ship him to Iran 🇮🇷 to save Bethesda

    • @SHAdow98V
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    If they’re proud of Garbagefield and its DLC that says alot about the quality standards Bugthesda have these days and the redest flag ever for TES6. If memory serves me well Todd did say in an interview that ppl will 100% be dissapointed with TES6 because “their expectations are too high” but i take that as “our standards are now too low”.
    Bugthesda has the talent and resources to make good things, problem is their quality standards are low as hell and Emil’s writing is the worst in the industry and it amazes me that he’s still hired as a writer which he 100% doesn’t deserve.

    • @chesterstevens8870
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Skyrim was great, Skyrim was an 8/10. The problems all started to arise post-Skyrim: the Creation Club, the MMO-ification, stramlining even more and putting rubber bumpers on anything. Playing Skyrim, even thousands of hours in, still felt like an adventure. ESO, FO76, Starfield… They all felt like theme parks.

    • @Memsido
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I mostly agree. Their best game to this day is fallout new vegas. Oh wait…

    • @terrancecloverfield6791
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Man, for those that know. It really makes CliffyBs departure from the industry feel like the best timing. I like Kojima’s work but learning overtime how much of a character he was and how difficult he was, to the point of sidelining David Hayter as Snake, just so he can brush up with Hollywood elites…leaves bad taste. With Todd Howard, TES Oblivion is a unique game and something Todd should be proud of as we approach the 20 year mark. (damn that’s old) But maybe this dog should have learned some new tricks.

    • @T.R.75
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    getting tired of corpos making a product the public doesnt really enjoy and telling us its our fault. no, its your fault. you want our money, we give it if you actually earn it. its not our job as the consumers to do your jobs for you while also paying. you make the games, you make the decisions on how and what makes those games. dont tell us we’re wrong or its our fault. the audacity. the fact that the public still actually cares enough to give you free feedback and you still want to shit all over them tells me all i need to know about modern Bethesda.

    what YOU want and what the public wants are probably two very different things nowadays. you can shit out a product that pushes all the garbage YOU want, the public doesnt have to accept it. this is modern gaming in a nutshell and it sucks ass. AAA has gotten so greedy, so out of touch that its basically ruined a hobby for millions, just so you can suck as much money out of the public and live the high life. f off, we’re tired.

    • @kivikaze
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Morrowind is still the best Bethesda game. Prove me wrong.

    • @aenohesa9997
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I have said this before and will say it again…as long as Turd Howard is at BGS – I have zero to no faith in anything they produce. I will be monumentally surprised if ES6 or FO5 are any good. I think they are going down the toilet and maybe they need to.

    • @DaishDaishDaish
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    give up on bethesda just stop buying their games

    • @GoryWory
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    ok, so they are finished….
    for morrowind tod was just one of the guys, and that is pretty much the most original game story and atmosphere EVER
    fck you todd!

    • @alexmar4252
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    WDYM sandwiches hoarding is not a breakthrough feature in gaming?!?!

    • @garrytalaroc
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Todd needs to go

    • @kayef5724
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Bethesda games just get me sleepy now a days, very boring and lack of creativity and risk of it. Not even good to watch in stream overall sleep fest. I have no hope for its future, eso is a big indicator as well, it’s cooked. What was once great just even 5 years ago I have watched deteriorate right before my eyes and it definitely the devs and staff including Todd. very PC.

    • @CeanHerzfield
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    There’s more then a thousand modders out there that would have gladly worked with them leading up to the launch. They could have had at least one bespoke location and story on every single planet out there besides the procedurally generated extra points of interest. Shattered Space should have been part of the base game which is very expensive to begin with. Integrated with the game it wouldn’t have been so heavily scrutinized. They could have also disguised the loading screens better with transitional cut scenes that don’t pull you out of the game so much. They just botched the game launch and follow up support from start to finish. It really could have been so much better. What a shame.

    • @auldyin8368
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Time for Todd to toddle off me thinks..

    • @Cole_1
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    lol I like how “criticism” can boil down to Todd turning down an absurdly crazy design the artist didn’t want. Sounds like a win

    • @HD.Keem96
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Bethesda needs to use Unreal 5 it’s about time

    • @B_Clemethy
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Their best games seem to be behind them 😔

    • @genghistron7035
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    A vapid narccissist running his reign into the ground? A smug moron that won’t give up power despite public opinion? Sounds like Bethesda has a ‘Justin Trudeau’ problem..

    • @jiji12boji2
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Sorry bro but they started go down with oblivion when they took off some cool spells and other things form Morrowind , and then they did it again with Skyrim . Morrowind is more fun than Skyrim but has a shitty look (that don’t bothered me)

    • @DutchThriceman
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    They say they don’t cut stuff from their games, then why have things been cut from Morrowind > Oblivion > Skyrim and from Fallout 3 > 4… they cut a lot. Like being able to kill ALL npc’s, or gameplay like Spell Crafting, Spears etc.

    • @ProfessorBinks
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    “the problem with starfield is its too different” is an insane take considering the issue with starfield is its exactly like skyrim, i.e. its bad

    • @2percentright
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    At this point I would just love it if they would stop using a 30 year old game engine with constant band aids to try and get it to work for modern systems

    • @richmugen
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    u getting fat

    • @elirantuil5003
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Starfield is not more skyrim. I’d love more skyrim, an updated skyrim with no loading screens, deeper consequences, better looking vanilla game.

    • @dafff08
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    they dumbed down their games more and more. it worked for oblivion and skyrim since they got dumbed down just enough to hit the sweet spot for most gamers, compared to something like morrowind and daggerfall.
    however their consecutive simplifications “keep it simple, stupid” lead to people actually disliking their games since they became nothing more than shallow husks.
    or in other words, they have no clue what they are doing and got lucky with skyrim.

    • @chrismcgrory1691
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Starfailed was so bad i hope they never make ES6, i dont trust them with it

    • @t2av159
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    he’s 4’7”. he only promotes people shorter than him.

    • @Byrvurra
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    1000 planets with the exact same 20 dungeons.

    • @thesongoflunch
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Bethesda has a big enough base that they have another big flop (the next elder scrolls).

    Then it’s ubisoft for these jokers

    • @silentjohn117
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    brunt not blunt of the blame

    • @riptors9777
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Its more then just stagnated.. it has qualititatively degraded. The worldbuilding is barely existing in Starfield. Age old physics engine bugs that have existed since morrowind, bethesda nickle and diming everyone, their endless crusade to monetize mods etc.

    • @LaylaSpellwind
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    “We cut very little from our games.” That’s…. not true. There’s a ton of cut content for their games.
    To the point that some quest chains don’t make sense because of cuts.

    Starfields problem is not about cutting things, it’s about what is there, isn’t artfully created. It’s just a bunch of randomly generated stuff. Hey, explore this world… but only large swathes of it at once, and each swathe is just a random area with this worlds paintset. What I like from Skyrim and fallout 4, is that even if a lot of quests are very repetitive, they still make sense in that world. They flow with the gameplay quite nicely.

    • @emreask529
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    never liked the dude.

    • @YamaikoHiro
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    No, Bethesda has a female and diversity hire problem. But they can fire Todd too, I wouldn’t care.

    • @chip123451000
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    idk why it needs to be a big thing. they should just make hammerfell, elsewere and other maps, and release them for money. its not rocket science

    • @wolvenedvard3049
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    We are at the point that if TES 6 will be just like Skyrim with some mods (Combat mods like Smilodon, Precision, Comprehensive First Person animations, even MCO, and other mods like Vokrii, Growl and such) it will be a huge improvement for Bethesda from their recent releases.

    • @EvilReFlex
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Starfield flopped because no one wants this shitty Nasa-Punk Theme, ugly women and pronounce bullshit.

    • @Mister_Skar
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    A large open world with no loading screens? Nope. Skyrim had tons of loading screens. New Engine? Nope. Skyrims engine still works. Modern day mechanics? Nope needs to copy Skyrim. Todd needs to retire before he destroys his company. (Not saying there’s anything wrong with Skyrim it’s still great it’s just got alot of outdated stuff in it that I suspect Todd will refuse to accept isn’t good anymore.)

    • @DawsonDeadEye
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Todd Howard must have such a level of blackmail on his bosses…

    that he could sacrifice Elder Scrolls and grape the corpse and they would still give him a bonus.

    • @HULK-HOGAN1
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Bethesda has a ‘milk the fanbase who want mainline Fallout and Elder Scrolls games’ problem.

    • @Kombatwombat
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I don’t actually think Todd understands why people loved Morrowind, Skyrim and Fallout 4. Their games progressively get further and further away from meaningful player choice and world building. The combat is awful in and there are bugs in ALL of their games and people don’t even care. It’s like everyone at the studio needs to go back and play these games to understand what they actually do right in the past.

    • @SillyBoydo
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I hate how entitled and obsessed gamers are these days. Todd ruined this, Emil ruined that all over my feed. Your criticisms are valid guys, the flaws in these games are real, but I truly believe these developers are still passionate about their craft and it’s just weird to see people so up and arms about it. I’ve seen a video titled “Emil Pagliarulo needs to be fired” or something, It’s fucking crazy.
    It’s their product, their “Art” and their team at the end of the day. Opt out of buying their stuff if you’re not a fan of them anymore. They’re not going to change anything in their formula unless their games fail financially to some degree.

    • @vorcanvorcan9032
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Calling a game formula that was dumbed down to reach a wider audience “not everybody’s cup of tea”… 🤦

    • @FenharelTheDreadWolf
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    So much useless talk about nothing

    • @xXSirKRXx
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Todds been a problem for awhile

    • @tjroelsma
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Is that guy defending Todd Howard being spread too thin a moron or something? Todd Howard is a control freak who doesn’t (want to) understand the concept of delegating.

    • @fistbump5785
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    The “I see no issue, the fans just don’t get it” is starting to sound worryingly similar to ubisoft….

    • @ggurnothingkid795
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Yeah you guys live in a different era every game tod was a (game director) in were the best games that came out even as (project leader back in the day he made some good games fallout 76 was trash and only because he was only a (producer) for 2 games that were horribly made. I get it to much people in the lowclass areas that can only process so much at a time

    • @dereka5017
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    As someone who never was a huge Bethesda fan, they do nothing for me now. I enjoyed Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim for what they were. And I enjoyed Fallout 3 (though I loved New Vegas). But Fallout 4 was kind of meh to me, and Starfield so boring I put it down only 10 hours in. I don’t have the rose colored glasses for them and wouldn’t lose sleep if TES 6 bombed and they went extinct. Wouldn’t be surprised either.

    • @benalvis6722
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Dude you made your bread back up and let some kids work on it who love it. Not a dei find actual die hard fans who have the skills

    • @rambo9199
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    The problem is neither the engine nor the type or RPG…… it’s how badly they utilize what they have.

    • @exoticspeedefy7916
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Not Todd the rod god!

    • @jackofblades6083
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Join Disney Todd,they love self destructive clowns with shit ideas 😂😂😂

    • @mariuszmoraw3571
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    He tries to go with “safe way” but game design doesn’t work like that and The Elder Scrolls and Fallout aren’t Pokemons.

    • @grenvallion
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    He’s American so the tea went in the microwave.

    • @Eepistoo
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Each iteration we get, its not evolution, its backwards evolution. More graphics they want to inject, less features it will have.

    • @marcusgames4518
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Remember its not a bug its a feature that just works

    • @AerynWalk
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    wow 140 bethesda cryboys

    • @Eternaldream13
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    To me, everything after Morrowind has been downhill, so I stopped caring at Oblivion.

    • @Sottoth
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    i will NEVER understand the people that post images of him as a chad, dude can’t stop missing yet people treat him like the second coming of christ

    • @jeremiahcole2542
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Bethesda has ruined the rpg genre

    • @mariogarcia7445
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    1:08 Wait, Todd is that small? Or are those two people behind him on a higher platform?

    • @MattTheriot
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    “It’s different than what you’ve gotten from us in the past.”

    Imagine if you go to your favorite steakhouse and when they come out with your meal it’s 3 luke warm cucumbers, still edible, but past their prime and they tell you that this food experience is just different than what you’ve gotten from them before.

    • @soumyajitghosh7
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    What they should have done is instead of 1000 planets, they should have made 15 to 20 planets, out of which 10 to 12 planets be handcrafted with heavily detailed cities and other location and the other 10 planets should be for resource gathering, with landing system like no man’s sky, add the layered armor system from fallout 4 then add some different races other than humans with a very content heavy story like cyberpunk…..and that’s how we could have the space open world RPG game we dreamt in our childhood.

    • @koheletcalaforexclan6508
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I would sacrifice good graphics for an actual fun, deep game with a wide world and a story which fits an RPG! Do you think I care about Ray tracing? About how “real” things are? I would take ES6 in Morrowind Graphics if it meant it’d be good!
    More and more nowadays, all these big graphic games have been putting me off. I get all the advancements, but most of the time it’s a nice looking game that’s terrible. Stop spending money on looks and work on the actual game!
    On other notes, I never bought Shattered Space, I have around 300 hours on Starfield, I find a bizarre joy amidst the warts because my RP makes the warts work 😂 but I will never spend more money on it. It’s barren, I need to make my own fun in order to have it! I may hate CDProjekt Red with a passion, but they can make a DLC good, but it’s not even the DLC that’s the problem. I don’t want anymore Starfield, it’s terrible. I want to experience a role, I want a role to play, a darn good one in a game, I don’t want to make the role, story, and the darn setting, might as well make my own game!😂

    • @Hysterion
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    People need to stop whining because it doesn’t work and instead start thinking with their wallets and credit cards. You have all the power yet you don’t use it and expect everything to change. 90% of you will jump on the hype train the moment a trailer drops, regardless if the product is good or not and when you get disappointed for the 10th time you will do the exact same thing, whine again…

    Use the power you have and force them to change or go bankrupt…

    • @editorrbr2107
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I don’t want an ultimate fantasy world simulator. The charm of Skyrim is that the sandbox evolved organically. You set out to create that, you’re gonna get some contrived mess like Starfield.

    • @donaldhysa4836
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    1:15 Damn he’s short!

    • @Jokerwysiwyg
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Starfield is a huge lake that’s an inch deep, sure it’s big but it lacks depth.

    • @Usernamesdontmatter1
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I do want to see elder scrolls 6 and wayward realms go head to head. It will be interesting to see the contrast between modern bethesda and old bethesda striving for the exact same “ultimate fantasy world simulator”

    • @katelynslounge9736
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Bethesda died for me the day the released that shit show call fallout 76 and after the 127593623566633th release of Skyrim with absolutely no change I don’t even suspect them to do anything to make it better. I mean even starfield is just Skyrim with a new skin but far worse storytelling and the only things that made Skyrim fun: handcrafted locations and exploration. Are the worst aspects of starfield I mean literally ever console command from Skyrim works in starfield so nobody can tell me that there is a difference to modded Skyrim

    • @Beef_Boloney
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Todd’s soured

    • @dr_mercio
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Idk, if the developres really look up to him that much then maybe he’s a decent director with a horrible hiring team. At least, he makes it sound like Todd has 399 bad employees who cant make their own decisions so much so that he has to tuck them in at night. Figure it out, Bethesda.. Jesus.

    • @mikegla1746
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Normally, companies change people inside leave or new blood come in etc etc, but it looks like Bethesda never changes… and it turns out to be a bad choice.😅

    • @AutomaticSnake
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Hilarious how Todd is getting attacked. Starfield is not a bad game and he has a very important producer role for the hit Fallout TV series and Indiana Jones The Great Circle.

    • @ObiWanCannabi
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    ah yes, its just Todd Howard, oh and Ubisoft, oh and blizzard.. is there any game that met or exceeded your expectations?
    I expected burnout physics to my cars in the future, the depth of game design and thought that went into fallout, applied to make games interesting with different outcomes, depending how you played the game, it gave you a totally different experience.
    What they did was make the artwork look fancy, making 120fps something to want to achieve at 4K, its just consumption for consumptions sake, and these pricks want $90 for a game.. get real. They pushed the limits of physics and storytelling, those were good games, we never gave a shit what the sprites looked like.
    We became something to farm, consumers who bought into serialisation and subscriptions, people accept paying 5.99 to use their network connection, now the same banks running microsoft think they can apply that kind of logic to car makers, BMW want you to pay for your heated seats, KTM want you to pay for heated grips on your bike that all come pre installed.
    The illusion of freedom, security and choice is going to bankrupt us, 3 pigs in a trench-coat feeding our war machines, controlling the Masses with the silent M. They dont have real damage physics to cars, so it didnt make the cars look bad. But hey if they did, maybe people wouldnt be treating life like its GTA and you get a respawn.
    Bethesda used our governments logic as game design, it doesnt have visible barriers, it has invisible ones, stray off course when you leave the vault and you can go anywhere, but a deathclaw will take your face off…. it keeps you reminded not to fuck about too much, before you get a base down, and some upgrades, you gonna need a killdozer our here if you want to go your own way.. its life lessons, wrapped up as a game. Indoctrination that you dont even see.. but you feel it. You are 2 steps from jail, homelessness or a deathclaw, FAFO if you dare, they get paid well to be the deathclaws and jailers, judges and cops, landlords and employers. Keeping us consuming, all money flows to the same bunch of Bankers with a capital W

    • @raketensven3127
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    The engine abomination is a problem since for ever. Let’s take F3 i.e., people said it’s just Oblivion with guns, and they have a point. The copy and paste, reusing models thing is going on for a long time already. No cut content, Todd?! Play F3 without dlc’s. It was the pinnacle of cut content, resold as dlc’s. They’ve sold Skyrim in like 30 different re-releases/versions/whatever. That’s a clear sign of lack of creativity. TES6 will suck, there’s no way it won’t. It’ll come out outdated by 2 decades. Mark my words.

    • @AhkmedTheLiving
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I’m using seagulliing 😂. “Boss, stop seagulling me!”
    As I walk away laughing at their confusion.

    • @HunterOmbrégal
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    skyrim was already a very mild, washed down experience for an RPG
    I’m telling you, Elder scrolls 6 will be as generic as could be

    • @fumbleweeddumblecock2360
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I think we should stop spreading misinformation about Todd’s contribution to this industry: Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim weren’t successful because of Todd, but in spite of Todd. Many talented creators worked on these games, but they were slowly replaced by hacks who are boring enough to be on Todd’s alley. I think the way we’ve seen people like Rolston and Kirkbride be replaced by freaking Emil Paglurio is the same way many lesser known, but equally impactful team members ended up being replaced by Todd’s lobotomites. That’s what Starfield is: pure and unadulterated Todd, without all the impurities of creativity and innovation.

    • @TheXenom777
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    That why Fallout 76 is always broken On PS consoles by bugz, crashes and gliches. Bethesda’ never changes and it just dont really work😂

    • @JeffReams
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I really wish that Bethesda would sell the rights to Larian Studios. That way we can get a really good elder scroll 6 game.

    • @zeedavis5176
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I think ignoring crafting and settlements was a BIG mistake in star field. Like of all the mods available on nexus for fo4, how many are settlement or crafting based? New weapons and armor and new ways or places to build. It adds a large amount of replay value without adding a stupid amount of planets like star field. I can go back again and gain in fo4 to create another web of settlements different from the last and it makes replaying the game more fun in my opinion

    • @nono-yw3tv
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    And I have a Howard Todd problem.

    • @KrispyChops
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    After Starfield and Fallout 76, I’d be happy if the next Bethesda game was only as good as Skyrim .

    • @childofthemist6174
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Todd Howard is an empty suit. Bethesda needs new leadership.

    • @bearwolffish
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    todd is aight, he better than a straight up soulless corp, he just needs to grow a pair and be firm sometimes but bethesda a machine now and he constantly got money in man in his ear reminding of obligations.

    • @NickNitro
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    the evolution on the role-playing genre was made, it just wasn’t made by todd howard & bethesda.
    it was made by larian studios & baldurs gate 3.

    • @oldschooldogy316
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I hate that Bethesda fell so far. They were my favorite video game publisher for quite a while when I was in my early twenties. Oblivion, Skyrim, and Fallout 4 are three of my all-time favorite video games, but in my opinion they haven’t made a good game since Skyrim. They’ve made decent games like Wolfenstein, Ghostwire Tokyo, and a couple Doom games but nothing that I fell in love with like I did with Oblivion, Skyrim, and Fallout.

    • @mattk3649
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Todd Howard always seemed fake to me, and it makes me sad that he acts proud of doing exactly the opposite of what all of us want for our games.

    • @Astartes-6969
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Bro… Todd being a Manlit was one of the many highlights of GOTY 2024.

    • @goytoy3558
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Always thought of Bathesda games as vast but soulless husks. Huge areas without any meaningful content. Compare Skyrim to the small but filled to the brim Gothic 2. Fallout 3 is somewhat of an exception ofc.

    • @dbunik44
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Todd Howard is not and never will be Ken Levine the creator of Bioshock, Todd isn’t qualified to carry his piss bucket, I think this studio will go the way of Ubisoft, the Board will just move to sell, I think too much damage has been done with the lackluster performance of Starfield, just like Skull and Bones was the last nail in the coffin for them

    • @Sigismund-von-Luxembourg
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Bethesda has not made a modern game since Oblivion, Every game released after that has been outdated to a greater degree.

    • @TheEs150
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    es6 needs amazing stories and characters

    • @staufackar2135
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    This man’s collection of lies would make the Brazilian government blush and that’s saying something.

    • @Discovery2024-rn8kn
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Never understood hype with BGS games, hatef morrowind when it came out. Played BG2, Neverwinter nights, kotor ect. Then Oblivion came out, boring as hell, played ME instead.

    • @bosscomplex
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    2013 – GoddHoward
    2024 – FrauddHoward

    • @josephjoebrown11
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I dont think Elder Scrolls 6 needs to be something that amazing. Make Morrowind but with modern tech, ez 10/10. Imagine what you could do with the depth and simulation in a Morrowind type game now.
    Very concerned about ES6 being extremely….. contemporary.

    • @Discovery2024-rn8kn
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Todd should have stayed at the school chess club, and played chess professionally

    • @Alliwantedwasapepsi
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    bethesda is up its pronoun, no lube.

    • @manaayek8091
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I actually don’t mind being able to do all guilds. It’s like your character is leading a double life. My issue is when Bethesda forces you into a guild because they’re scared you’ll miss anything. Sometimes i like my characters to be good bois or bad bois and sometimes i like my characters to be somewhere in the middle.

    • @_indrid_cold_
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    “You see that planet in the distance? You can fast travel there. Sixteen times the number of loading screens”. “A game so big that we had to stretch it out to be less than a millimetre deep to make room for all the procedurally generated crap”. “We’ve taken pointless fetch question to a galactic level, if you’ve ever dreamt of collecting a coffee for an NPC who looks like they are the poster child for Black Rock, then this is your game”.

    Todd signed off on this garbage. He should be firing Emil for the worst storylines/dialog and/orresigning for overseeing this steaming pile of poo.

    • @Gamers-Haunt
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    During an interview with Polygon for Fallout 4, Todd Howard was hyping up Fallout 4 to the interviewer. Boasting how they don’t take outside influences when they make their games. How they don’t do research and work from a purely creative perspective or some such PR nonsense. With excitement he revealed the big plot hook: What if robots were just like humans. Polite, yet clearly not impressed the interviewer went to move on. Todd wanted to know why the interviewer wasn’t impressed and learned it has been done to death. The look on his face was priceless. The look of “we just messed up.”

    I used to defend Todd Howard. Not blindly. More maybe with supervision he could produce some great work. He just needed someone to veto his stupid ideas and make him put his nose to the grindstone. Then he made the Fallout TV show canon. Destroying the canon of New Vegas, all over his pettiness. The moron straight up forgot the NCR had more than one city. He quickly shifted the blame for destroying the NCR capital to the showrunners when he previously was taking credit for everything. After that, I look forward to his “retirement” alongside Emil.

    When you look at it, Todd Howard has only produced inferior renditions of more talented people’s work and got credit for the work of more talented people who have left the studio. They fired the writer of Elder Scrolls, he didn’t create the Fallout universe and continues to screw up its continuity. Everything that people love from Bethesda was originally created by people no longer working at Bethesda. Now they’re making Wyrdsong and The Wayward Realms (Daggerfall 2).

    • @vagabundorkchaosmagick-use2898
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    What Michael Kirkbride did about showing an extra weird monster only for it to be rejected and then a weird but less weird monster, for it to be accepted, is common practice in all kinds of jobs where your boss is an idiot. If you want something to be approved, don’t present that thing, present a superior version of it. Idiot bosses will never accept the first thing you show them because they think the first thing was the easiest thing, and therefore you didn’t work enough, so you need to work harder (they think), and show a new thing. That second thing will be accepted as long as it’s not better that the first.

    • @wazzuzup4
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I was going to watch this video, but then I remember that idgaf about starfield or reTodd.

    • @Rayfireful
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    At this point, we can honestly expect better game from the modding community instead of the developer, it’s Wild but if Bethesda would have a similar fate as Ubisoft, I don’t really mind if it what it takes for them to actually change

    • @user-cz9jf1ec8s
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am


    • @cataclysm7256
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    More like Emil problem

    • @Tyrownious
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Nah Gaming has a corporate problem

    • @chavezchavo
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    That’s the whole thing with Todd Howards and the leadership in BGS (especially Emil Pagliarulo). They have a certain vision. They think it’s a good direction. Whatever negative feedback and negative criticism is just dismissed as haters speaking. Anyone who disagrees with their vision is just a typical hater in the eyes of BGS. They were in their peak with Fallout 4 and ES5 Skyrim but they don’t realize they’re on a downward trend.

    • @quarterpounderwithcheese3178
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    they fumbled fallout since they took over the ip and scrapped 90% of interplay’s development to make Oblivion with guns.
    and TES has sucked since Redguard and Michael Kirkbride leaving.
    Wolfenstein blew after the first one and was a complete embarrassment by 3
    Doom is the only thing keeping them half affloat

    • @windbreakers2989
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    No its just the story sucks woke., nothing more than hand holding and not offending stories we experience making it boring. For most part the engine is great. It’s what’s done with those graphics to tell a boring muddled story without real choice etc, you just dont want to play it,

    • @DontKnowDontCare6.9
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Howard is the Uwe Bolle of video gaming.
    Not even Kojima claimed he was Chris Nolan of video games.

    • @sspectre8217
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Man I was coping hard when they said over a thousand planets to visit. Honestly, 4 good planets on their own system are way better than 4 alright planets spread apart by another 1000 boring ones.

    • @seedywriter
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    It’s pretty simple, they hit on what they thought was a winning formula with Skyrim and kept repeating that. They obviously don’t play other devs’ games and from the nightclub sequence they definitely don’t step out of their homes either.

    • @TheRogueEmpire
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    all the bugs could be forgiven if the lore story and world building were top notch. but beth doesnt seem to be interested in making interesting worlds anymore. i cant even imagine the amount of retconning thats going to befall elder scrolls 6 for the sake of “normalization”. its shocking how morrowind got to be as weird and interesting as it came out being.

    • @Bowmanganie
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I think the biggest problem for Elder Scrolls six is The Elder Scrolls Online. It is a huge cash cow for Bethesda and frankly has allowed them to take all this time in making another main line ES game. I do not see how the next main line ES game will be worthy of all this wait time. I love Bethesda Games. I play Elder Scrolls Online daily. From a business perspective though, Bethesda has dropped the ball so much lately that there is no way they can live up to the legend of Skyrim. Having to go, what I feel will be, close to 20 years before the next game comes out, is ludicrous.

    • @Analoguejunk
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Simplr: dont buy it.

    • @philipkomarov
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Todd Howard must go

    • @AverageGreg
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Todd asking if they should have delayed the released of the car because it was such an amazing addition is really giving horse armor flashbacks.

    • @apIthletIcc
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    hearing that the radiant questing system was expanded just irks me. theres better ways they could have evolved it

    • @TheBros2theend
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Jesus Christ loves you

    • @brovid-19
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I make mods. I use Creation Engine. Fallout 4’s flavor of Creation Engine, widely considered to be the most difficult, asinine, corncob-up-your-anus iteration of Bethesda’s engine. _You have no idea the suffering I’ve endured._

    That being said, I think the problem isn’t the game engine.. nor is it just Bethesda’s game design philosophy. (oh no, don’t get me wrong, they’re both absolutely riddled with problems) But one point I keep hearing repeated is that Bethesda doesn’t innovate. And while that’s ball suckingly true, (Emil couldn’t write a kintergarten play let alone a compelling narrative), it’s not entirely because they lack the creative ability (also ball suckingly true), but the engine just isn’t capable of it. You always hear “fallout is elder scrolls with guns” and “starfield is fallout in space” but no one ever stops to realize.. that’s the only game the engine can make. That’s what it was designed to do.

    If you know anything about editing plugins, making mods, the creation engine etc, you’ll notice that no matter what game you’re playing, every single record in the game is high fantasy related. Stimpaks are considered “ingestibles”, like healing potions. As far as the engine is concerned, you’re not injecting a syringe full of mystery healing jizz, you’re _eating_ the syringe full of mystery healing jizz. Incendiary ammo? Nah, those are “fire enchanted” bullets. I mean, hell, you ever notice the plugin file types for the official game content and it’s DLC? they always end in .ESM, .ESP, .ESL… which stands for Elderscrolls Master, Elderscrolls Plugin and Elderscolls Light Master. It’s all elderscrolls, because that’s what the engine was designed to make.

    Is their engine jank, outdated and buggy? Yes. Is the design poorly managed and rushed with little to no foresight for the sake of a quick buck, quality be damned? Yes. Can Emil write a worse love story than Twilight? Very yes. Just like how each “new” version of Gamenbryo is really just the same editor, with a new lighting engine, renderer and compiler, each new bethesda game is just going to be elderscrolls with a different skin and setting. Because that’s what it was designed to do.

    This has been going in since 1997, why the hell are people so surprised by their b.s. in 2024?

    • @Joel-pf6fr
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    He needs to dump his crappy game engine, that is the main issue.

    • @AnInsaneTaco
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Todd just remade Elder Scrolls: Redguard in space. PepeLaugh

    • @MrEndriju
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I totally agree. It is Todd Howard. People say Skyrim was all that great but to be fair it was allready a downgrade compared to Oblivion and Morrowind (and guess who took charge after Morrowind and cause progressive simplification).

    • @TranquilAshes
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Fallout 4 was the last successful bethesda game

    • @ClellBiggs
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    He has a special mind.

    • @ark_os_v1
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Indiana Jones is, in my opinion, the best thing Bethesda has released since the first release of Skyrim. Skyrim obviously had bugs and a lot of issues they should have fixed beforehand, but Skyrim in a (mostly) debugged state? Great. But Indiana Jones? Fantastic. It hurts to see them release the shitshow that was Starfield, followed by the absolute banger that is Indiana Jones.

    • @Him_Downstairs36
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I think he’s in a rough spot. If he goes for a massive deviation from the formula that made Bethesda what it is, there’s the possibility of taking a big swing and miss, which could put jobs under him at risk.

    • @chemicalmix
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Too much time has passed, i simply don’t care about Elder Scrolls Whatever now. Bethesda isn’t a studio i give a flying sniff about anymore either.

    • @jamesjackson4135
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    He just can’t prove anyone wrong. Engine is tired.. not to say it doesn’t have is merits. Its just old. Like grandpa that can show up. Yeah he’s strong but it’s he Josh strong. Josh has a bunch of regional championships. Grandpa could kick somebody’s ass lol.

    • @Death_Jaw
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    They’ve already hit their peak years ago, they can’t trap lightning in a bottle that’s just not how real life works it’s insanity.

    • @kevin_heslip
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    They should’ve stuck with their team of about 100 that they had to make Skyrim. After Skyrim, I recall they very quickly grew to 400 or so across multiple locations. Too quick imo

    • @revenant6872
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    He peaked at Fallout 4; it was his last successful title. Back in 2015.
    I have defended this man for a very long time, and I firmly believe he deserves his spot on the Hall of Fame; but after Fallout 76, Blades and Starfield — the failure trifecta is complete.
    I’m super nervous about Elder Scrolls 6.

    Time for him to step down.

    • @jamesjackson4135
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Get out of my building! You lose

    • @goblinphreak2132
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Bethesda’s bigger issue is using a dead engine and trying to upgrade that engine into the modern world…. They will NEVER keep up with Epic Games aka Unreal Engine because Epic has a GIANT engine development team. Hell Unreal is so far ahead that EVERY OTHER ENGINE is currently behind in features.

    Before unreal changed their monetization webpage, they used to show you could buy a custom license. ANY FEATURE you need the engine to support, they would add it for you. Todd Howard mentioned their engines world building system doesnt exist in other engines. Okay, have unreal add it…. Any feature they need, unreal can add it. Need support for more dynamic objects so everything can be picked up and thrown or stored in inventory? Have unreal add it…. Simple. And it would be CHEAPER to buy an unreal custom license than to waste time upgrading a dead engine

    • @jamesjackson4135
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Kojima would have shit on your head if you told him the monsters are to scary lol

    • @1Caja
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Daggerfall (vision) ≈ Morrowind > Oblivion > Skyrim > TES6

    • @jamesjackson4135
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Todd should go to the board of investors and say look..! We have so much ip this is the thing im willing to bring forward. Who do you have in mind for the other one. You can’t do everything.

    • @OptimusGnarkill
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Nice Sox hat bro 🫡

    • @beauhancock4922
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Only took you like 10 years to figure this out dude. I’ve been saying it since October 20th, 2010. Ya know, fourteen years ago… Obsidian got it right and it shows in New Vegas and in Outer Worlds.

    • @Stephen8454
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I am still suprised people have “expectations” for TES6 after everything that’s happened in the last 20 years

    • @dr_mercio
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Emil paglyexpialadocious is such a pain

    • @wizardhatatelier
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    The guy literally said that removing everything that wouldn’t break the game is his design philosophy. I love games who are lazy and empty.

    • @alexanderjaruk
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Todd’s not the problem: he’s the most-visible SYMPTOM of the actual problem. Todd is mostly a spokesperson: the ones REALLY calling the shots over there aren’t the ones we SEE, the people deep-down in the organization that are not even ATTEMPTING to push the envelope are the core of the issue; Todd’s just the FACE of that issue. (Definitely not saying he isn’t A PART of the problem, just that removing him won’t cure it either.)

    • @michaelsaunby6411
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    They don’t need to involve their game engine. All they need to do is make a great stories, not given to the woke mob, not higher people that are involved with DEI and keep the best talent push for the best product, but the best stories and best characters and amazing history and lore involved in the game and do not bow or Neil to the radical left. That’s all they have to do. That’s all they have to do to graphics could be like Xbox graphics. It could be PlayStation 2 graphics and it would still be more successful than assassin‘s Creed shadows it would still be more successful. Then a lot of these other games that are coming out that nobody wants anything to do with simply because, they have good talent, good stories good mechanics not super complicated and they are making a traditional RPG that’s all they have to do nobody’s asking for top-of-the-line graphics and new abilities, etc. what we’re asking for is good characters. Be respectful to the history in the lore of the content. or to radical left DEI initiatives or harassment from a minority of people who probably don’t even play your games and are gonna be toxic no matter what respect your fan base make good titles and true that’s all we ask. That’s all we’ve ever asked of any video game industry that’s all we want.

    • @curie1420
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    100% sure emil is a bigger problem than todd, atleast todd just lies and has sh*t directions but emils writing is legit either “good enough” like far harbor or pure garbage

    • @GM-vy1wy
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Bethesda has a DEI problem

    • @Asriel_Cypher
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Been saying that Todd Howard was the problem during Fallout… Yet a lot of people were willing to defend him before because Skyrim was good. I don’t agree that it is good because it was buggy at launch but back then, people tolerated that. If you release that kind of buggy mess, a lot of people wouldn’t be happy. After that, Fallout 76 came out and people still defended that game. Now with Starfield, people still defended that game. Their cult-like fans are insane. I wish I have that kind of crazy fans that would toss money like that to me.

    • @ezka3037
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Tod Howard is the Kamala Harris of Gaming

    • @LoggerRythm
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    In my opinion Todd Coward has been an issue since back in the day with Fallout 3.
    Glad everyone finally caught up.

    • @evil1st
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    All of these game devs and leaders and CEOs are so entitled and have big egos. They really think they can shit out a piece of shit of a game, lie to their customers and say the issues are “bugs” that can be fixed and just keep going like everythings fine…

    Like no dude, you released a game nobody wanted, in a buggy state and with 0 writing skills. Nobody wants that shit.

    • @HannahLucia-yu3sk
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    My biggest issue with the community surrounding Bethesda fans is they fail to realize what they actually want. Bethesda has ALWAYS been behind when it came to game design. Oblivion, Morrowind (debatable) and skyrim were already outdated on release already. Nor has bethesda had the best writing. They gave the players alot of agency in choices, but there writing has only really improved since skyrim and above. Even games the community praise for good writing, don’t actually have that good of writing. When some of the later catalogs do.

    • @rippl3r0
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Todds dream game has no quality and no content for premium prices.

    • @rodbingham
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Todd is a used car salesman. She runs Great. Oh, she has a Great engine. She looks Great. It will Run forever.

    • @chrisholdread174
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Are people disappointed and disillusioned with Bethesda ever since Fallout 76 and Starfield? Absolutely
    Are people going to forget most of that when the official trailer for TES6 drops and the hype train goes full steam ahead? OH ABSOLUTELY
    And then they’ll play it and again feel disappointed and disillusioned with Bethesda

    • @frazermarka
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    todd KILLED Bethesda. He hated rich complex gameplay elements that took the character away from the core gameplay plot arch. Starfield was just the cumulation of that goal. just look at morrowind vs skyrim. we needed more new vagas and less FO4.

    • @AzmanRacoon-bq1jt
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    End of the day, Bethesda has become bloated organisationally. So meetings to schedule meetings to prepare for meetings is pilling up the time spent. To request actions outside your own particular team for you to continue to do your work may take weeks. Bottlenecks in production. Bethesda is just fat. This is where the head needs to reassess the organisation efficiently and start to swing the axe. More people doesn’t mean more efficiency. Taking more than 15 years to make a game is a red flag.

    • @louieverrtorreon684
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    NGL my first impression of Starfield in general after the teaser trailer, I thought the setting is going to be a single space colony RPG that is dense to explore with not with over ambitious galaxy exploration TBH.

    • @josuejimenez9688
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Todd just works!… but sometimes it just don’t work.

    • @louieverrtorreon684
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Obsidian Entertainment deserves as the best RPG developers in Microsoft in this generation with the upcoming of both Avowed and The Outer Worlds 2, I’d rather want them to make a Fallout or Elder Scrolls spin offs.

    • @cannasseur_8246
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I still enjoy the Skyrim engine. If they had released Starfield of Skyrim quality, less procedurally generated bs, I would have played for more than the five hours that I did.

    I’d also take TESVI in the same engine, again, if it is of Skyrim quality.

    My hopes are not high, and if it has any woke bs in it…I’m just gonna avoid it like I have been avoiding so many other games.

    If the Rockstar that made RDR2 could make a Skyrim-like game, Bethesda would be cooked.

    • @crownlessKingg
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I disagree with this complaint about Starfield having too many systems when you can simply IGNORE them. DON’T EXPLORE!

    • @Uzeil21
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    The reality is that Bethesda was successful in spite of Todd Howard, not because of him. Every decision he’s ever made has made Bethesda worse.

    • @oliwardcomics
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    its weird how their games have been getting worse since skyrim, but its weirder that they cant admit it openly, refocus and take the next project in a different direction. at this point, its a fact that starfeild was a stinker. its not a matter of opinion that starfield is overwhelmingly NOT what bethesdas audience are interested in seeing from them.

    • @pyocopyocoultra2047
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    No they don’t fuck you.

    • @GalaxyXYZ888
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Welcome the legendary game designer Todd Howard

    • @gametime2473
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I’m pretty fatigued from all the Bethesda hater content TBH. Yeah, we get it, you hate the company. Just stop buying the games then. Why repeat the same shit everyone has heard 100 times before?

    • @demoniclaw5162
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    ever hear of a one hit wonder after that they are nothing more
    not a bad thing just leave on a good note

    • @drsmall4313
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Thought that was completely evident when ‘76 released 🤦🏻😂

    • @dominator5621
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    We want Todd to go!

    • @tiberiumgaming
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    The only good game Todd ever made was Morrowind, they could never replicate the magic because they fired their best writer Kirkbride and keep relying on that hack, Emil.

    • @josephjoebrown11
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Its insane that they would defend by saying “Gamers are disconnected from the realities of development” …. bro the game is for the players, what are you talking about.

    • @NicholasDickholas
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    todd howard is a narcissist

    • @point-five-oh6249
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    The Elder Scrolls 6: Skyrim Centennial Edition

    • @asantelaalow
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    its crazy how they can’t even push quality games out like Obsidian

    • @2FastG
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Who’s laughing now….

    • @Zero-0-Cypher
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    It comes across as they don’t care, are lazy and half axxed… They don’t polish, they don’t use a new engine, they don’t go back to school and learn new tech, they don’t evolve, they are stuck in what they know and refuse to change.

    • @TheAndreyCraft
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I really liked starfield, I’ve been waiting for such game since gof 2. Yeah, it could be a lot better, if they’ve made more features for it, but they had enough covid related delays, so they had to release something. Just as I wish I could become jarl in Skyrim or ride controllable dragons, I wish I could fly above the ground on my spaceship, but you can’t make everything in the game. It’s a serious improvement since Skyrim, a lot of mechanics are much better, but I guess people wanted more.
    I wish Todd Howard will be able to make a last wonder before he retires

    • @michaeldavidjohn
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Bethesda stagnated at the release of Fallout 4. It has completly nosedived off of a cliff today.

    • @Glenningway
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Seeing the way Beth is going I’m going to give Obsidian’s Outer Worlds an honest go. Now that the sequel is confirmed multi plat I can get invested in it’s lore to make up for lack of Fallout. FO76 has diminishing returns once you finish everything, since it’s endgame is becoming like Destiny.

    Starfield is a large game, but they ruined what made open world RPGs fun. Too much busy work leveling up, planets are boring and shallow, and not many memorable side quests. The main story and the Crimson faction I enjoyed, and another one with the history figures on that one planet but it was just too limited in so many ways.

    • @rodolfoalvim
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    “can bethesda exist without todd? yes…”

    can bethesda be sucessful by replacing todd with this emil guy? (high probabilites regarding it)

    f**k no!!!! he is the core reason to bethesda’s downfall… todd is responsible for keeping him in every bethesda project…

    • @s-clone8964
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Todd Howard *sigh* I swear… the only reason they don’t switch to a better game engine and ditch all that technical debt is because of Todd.
    Starfield is *NOT* a new bethesda IP… but a reskin and everyone can f*cking tell.

    • @jello8467
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Just a reminder that microsoft paid 7 BILLION for thos wreck of a studio, with arrogant and stagnant grifters pretending to be devs

    • @NephaiX
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I chose to refund Starfield on day one. It was just a worse version of Fallout 4 and really did showcase Bethesda’s inability to innovate anymore. I won’t be purchasing anything Bethesda until they turn it around.

    • @Nemethon
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Lol. He really said, the problem is Starfield was too different from old Beth games? Other way around is true. Starfield was too much like Fallout, but just in Space. I would be happy if Starfield was different, because it would be something new. But it feels like a space DLC overhaul for Fallout, not like a new game.

    • @tapejara1507
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Skyrim is peak

    • @Measure_With_Your_Heart
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Todd Howards video biography intro

    : “Todd. Howard. a man of boats, as well as a man of ho’s. this is the Todd Howard story. Boats & Ho’s.”

    • @secondaryaccount7431
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    shitting on a successful person for views in youtube is common but you shouldn’t take things for granted. starfield might not have met your expectations and elder scrolls might not even be good, so what?, its their studios its their games, he is in the leading position he does what he thinks its the best in his situation…. If it makes you mad well, go take a walk outside or play other games, elder scrolls is a very old franchise now, there are newer and fresher ones out there…. You are the one who dont want to change or is criticizing others for change, seriously the irony..

    • @Ed-ealmighty
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    They day fallout went from isometric to 1st/3rd person was the beginnnig of the end… Sure we loved the departure from the old to the new style… But the writing was on the wall… Smeared in blood.

    Interplay has fallen and from the ashes bethesda would arise.

    • @RedAlpha101
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    You know, despite todds… questionable business decisions, I’ll miss him when he retires

    • @user-vl4iq7bj5e
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Todd: You simply lack the acquired taste to enjoy Starfield.

    • @Badbell45
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I think the ratter-tattered coat tails of Skyrim, Woflenstien, and Doom are about gone. They need to focus on the interactive and the detail…that’s what those games were good at

    • @zerosam5541
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Tod howard is bethesda best employ he goes on stage and creates and do safe stuff and peope love it

    • @FirstFamilyCharger
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Not hard to understand why so many people have already written off TES 6. I don’t want to, but I’m so jaded by triple A gaming and especially Bethesda.

    • @jeffparoda5800
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Starfield felt like a lazily built, ESG and liberal cesspool. We get it, you don’t like capitalism and corporations. The world’s are built like they want modders to build for them only there are barely any modders creating content because the base game was just not good. The combat feels awful and dated. The decisions in the game do not feel impactful at all and there is no diversity in personality of the characters. They all like and hate the same decisions in the game.

    • @narwhal9852
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    If starfield came out in 2012 it would be mid tier. Besides that its trash

    • @Shi_Okami161
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Bethesda has old graphic engine, not to mention most of the devs their don’t want to work on another fallout game or another elder scroll game. Most of them want to work on their own little app game its already been proven and shown from what some of them announce thinking its a new elder scroll game when its just another app not related to the series. So in reality, we might not or never know when the next elder scroll game come out.

    • @shii5795
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    They should hire me to replace Todd Howard. I can fix their shit. New engine, return to form, appease our disheartened long time fans that feel like we abandoned them for the MoDeRn AuDiEnCe and the Casual Gamers who don’t actually give a shit about the lore for the games.

    Also: At this point, the Bethesda games are the consumers fault. Stop buying their shit if you think it’s crap. Fallout 76 should have been a wake up call to you people. Quit purchasing Bethesda products. They will not listen till they feel it in the wallet.

    • @v8matey
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    In space no one can hear you announce your gender identity.

    • @Redguns4life
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    At the end of the day, Todd realized he doesn’t need to try, because he has a legion of cult-followers who will buy and defend anything his studio puts out. Then another legion of FOMO gamers who will buy, just for the sake of buying.

    You do not need to try, when you sell off brand-recognition alone.

    • @SLAYERxX420
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    these guys are just blind and ignorant wtf

    • @motherfudger6664
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Kind of ironic that the number of devs went up and up while both quantity and quality of games went down and down.

    • @Mugen-0088
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Elder Scrolls 6 is going to suck ass hahaha. They haven’t learned anything and they’re just going to keep putting out slop.

    • @_furious__rage_5433
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Just because someone made something good once doesn’t mean that everything they touch turns to gold

    • @DragonmasterKeel
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    having access to everything in one playthrough doesn’t hurt a roleplay experience as you know there are some people into that, wanting the ability to do just that, and if you can control yourself to only go with one thing to roleplay that sounds like your problem not an everyone’s problem

    • @heldthelever
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am


    Our Father, who art in Maryland

    Howard be thy name

    Thy quakecon come

    Thy lies be done

    in a dynamic open world game

    Give us today our daily Sweet Roll

    and forgive us for our nude mods

    as we forgive those who nude mod our Skyrim

    and leads us not into mobile gaming

    but deliver us from Emil

    For thine is the Bethesda, the Todd, and the Howard Spirit.


    • @EMee-i8q
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Mod’s are the reason for Skyrim’s success. Then developers went to human motion tracking using paid actors, making it difficult for modder’s to create believable characters, resulting in Bethesda stealing mods for the lackluster anniversary edition. Fishing anyone? A.I. I suspect will take the roll of mouth movements, so players can create their own mods (or games) in a believable way. Meanwhile, Bethesda has nothing left, but words.

    • @tahjshaunbrooks6722
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Like Jerry Jones with Dallas Cowboys, buddy gotta go😂

    • @cooltjh4
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    ik this is an unpopular opinion but i LIKE being able to do everything in 1 play through. thats what a bethesda game is to me. its not baldurs gate where i have to play 70 times to do everything. i dont tend to replay games so its typically 1 and done for me unless i REALLLY like a game. also the difference with baldurs gate 3 is you get a wildy different experience each play through depending on how you play, with bethesda games, its the same main story with little short splits that just go right back to the same story.

    • @twocatsyelling723
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Wow… Todd and co are going to cause a world-wide shortage of Copium at this rate.
    Imagine being the people who created Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim.. Fallout 3… and being so clueless about why people aren’t enjoying your latest game.
    They just won’t accept that their game is crap.

    • @vane909090
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    It’s not for the lack of technological leap, it’s that they’ve lost their touch.

    • @gosudrm
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Todd Howard + Ancient Game Engine = RIP Bethesda

    • @FrozenWookiee
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Starfield was not even close to being too different from Skyrim. It was literally the same framework of the main story with different places and people in it. Changing the powers and how you get them doesn’t mean it’s different.

    • @Nosirrah2112
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am


    • @Simplynobodyy
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    I was their when we dubbed his ass god howard, whats that old saying??, absolute power always corrupts??? None of us screaming at E3 2015, for fallout 4 ever thought Bethesda would fall like this, at this rate they’ll go the way of ubisoft.

    • @majik2006
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    If the bugs were really the problem fallout 3, new Vegas, 4, and Skyrim all would’ve flopped.

    • @TheMugwump1
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    The creation engine needs to just go away.

    I will NEVER play another game made on the creation engine.

    • @adamaccountname
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Todd was previously Joe Average from a baseline of a team who made good content. Now he’s Joe Average in a team of Joe Averages which means there’s nobody challenging him and making interesting content

    • @PronounsR4Pussys
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:57am

    Be prepared to see the 5090 absolutely crushed by Elder Scrolls 6.

    • @R3LL1K1
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Bethesda has really put themselves in a unwinnable position where under-delivery is expected and over-delivery isn’t enough.

    • @arclux
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I don’t even care about graphics or gameplay anymore. As long as it isn’t a pile of woketrash then it’s a win.

    • @waterloo32594
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Bethesda doesn’t HAVE a Todd problem it HAD a Todd problem. Then Todd hired people like him, and it’s now a much bigger problem. Most of the devs that made ES3-ES5 and FO3 are gone. They have retired or moved on. The devs at Bethesda are the ones that gave us Starfield with big old smiles on their faces, fully believing they had created the ultimate SciFi rpg space game and would sweep the game awards. They in turn are backed up by the devs that created the FO4 Next Gen update, that came late, fixed basically nothing, broke just about everything (both mod wise and game wise) and sit have yet to fix it.

    This is the Bethesda of this generation folks. It’s not going away, even if Todd retires or is replaced tomorrow. It will take years with a dedicated ceo and hiring team working together to fix the company. And with how Microsoft is, I don’t see that happening any time soon.

    • @Zolfried
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    more skyrim could work, if they adress the shortcomings of skyrim and the direction ppl modded and deemed as essential mods.. like civil war, and increasing spawns in a natural way. a more lived in cities, with more npc’s and more lived in cities, adding more clutter stuffs, but without forcing you to run super far just to go from one shop to another.. What they did in starfield so that you sometimes had to run around for several minutes just to move from one shop to the next was just silly, and what was between those 2 shops was just a large park with some non-named npc’s and trees and bushes.

    That said.. more skyrim could work.. may have been enough around the time when starfield came out.. but dont know if its enough today.. i mean, theres a new competitor in the same market now they need to go up against.. with Ghost of Tsushima, Zelda, Genshin Impact, Ananta etc.. and in some sense, even elden ring. and making a walking simulator just isnt good enough.

    • @hellbringer09
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am


    • @pz3782
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I would love to know how these people get the CEO job, and how they keep it.

    • @jaken6603
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    He just wrote the Indiana jones game and it was fire. Give him a break

    • @Lingerminator
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Anyone who thinks Skyrim was revolutionary only does so because of their age. Oblivion was the blue print that nothing ever changed from.
    18 years ago. And remember horse dlc. That’s how long Todd has been out of touch.
    A decade ago?
    Skyrim blah, blah.
    Sure, not saying you have to be older, just not stuck in generationally opaque bubbles.

    • @skycatlive1576
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    You cant possibly continue on yelling at these worthless devs for not reaching our expectations with a straight face can you? IMA USE A HOUSE METAPHOR for you cuz i dont think you get it: Watching these anti-bethesda vids…. Its like you are going to a restaurant and then threatening to neckbeard style straight beat the chef to death because the steak he served you wasnt as good as the steak you got 10 years ago. ITS CRINGE.

    On top of that, you come kick, kick, kicking when theyre down like theyre youre worst enemy or something, its like, “show me on the doll where the bethesda touched you as a child,” or its like, its like, some drunk bum on the street passed out cuz theyre past their prime, and we look over, and THERE YOU ARE AGAIN you’re just standing there, looking like a complete angry psycho Patrick Bateman, next to his stinking corpse AGAIN, at LEAST ONCE A MONTH, just KICKING KICKING KICKING IT, KICKING THE DEAD BUM’S CORPSE IN THE RIBS, FOR YEARS, THAT WE USED TO LOVE WITH ALL OF OUR HEARTS AND SCREAMING REPEATEDLY FOR YEARS ABOUT HOW THE STEAK WASNT AS GOOD AS WHEN THE LAST TIME YOU GOT LAID, Ralph Wiggums standing next to you crying going “HES ALREADY DEAD HES ALREADY DEAD”

    say this a lot but sadly ima say it again. read the room boomer. not a good look. what you do is far beyond criticism at this point, its gone to bumfight

    • @hiddendragon415
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    They need to start over with every aspect of game design starting with throwing out their POS engine.

    • @themadridpapers
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Howard is the cancer Nesmith is too egotistical to believe he has. When you’re losing money hand over fist and The gaming community hates your games and your lead manager’s ideas you need to take a hard look at what’s killing your company.

    • @bananachild1936
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I still like Todd Howard personality-wise despite his failed attempt at making Stafield “the next Skyrim”. I’m sure behind all the sweet lies he told us consumers, deep down he’s still the same charming nerdy chess club member as he was back in the Morrowind/Oblivion days.

    • @sdgamer1860
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    If Xbox has a change of CEO that actually cares about putting out good quality games, would Todd Howard even still be there. To me this is also a problem of who is running Xbox because whoever it is are perfectly fine with putting out Extremely Pricy and Worthless Slop

    • @kaisertech
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    We knew this already, they knew that too, he (Todd) knows that too, he already should have stepped down.

    • @TheRealMcCoy135
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Todd Howard, is the modern day Peter Molyneux. Over promises everything and never delivers. I used to love Bethesda.

    • @sunshoe-l5r
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    im perfectly fine with sticking to older, modded out bethesda games, they get broken and crash sometimes, but so do their vanilla games.

    • @lucidshadowzzz2123
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Todd sees the world in 15fps

    • @Arcelux
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Remaking? Nah. Re-Releasing? Yes! I do wish rather than TES6 for a Skyrim REMAKE! A TRUE REMAKE! While they still cook TES6! Also I own all of the TES Games, ( and Fallout , 76 after it got fixed ) but Starfield StarFailed me personally, so unless it puss a CP2077 2.2 or a NoMan’sSky, it’ll be a NoBuyGuy from me! Also LOL ” My way or the Todd Way ” would have been better! And i do agree Todd is charimatic, that’s why he managed to sell us so many Skyrim re-releases! ( Now let’s brace ourselves for the Starfield re-releases too…)

    • @4zureSapphire
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I think the big thing that stands out to me is that fact that every decision is approved and denied by one person. Its a great thing to have someone who has a good creative vision that does understand players but its entirely dependent on one person meaning there is no other say in the matter and that is something todd howard does. Super Smash Ultimate also rode on the vision of Masahiro Sakurai for a long time in his interviews and he understands that the series shouldn’t depend on him making the creative decisions or else there will be complications.

    • @DanakarEndeel
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Everything after Morrowind went downhill imo. Morrowind was the last true roleplaying game where you really felt like you were walking around in a massive gameworld while nowadays they just push out generic action adventure games with instant teleportation, mediocre encounters, and a mediocre storyline. Bethesda may have had a lucky break with Skyrim (and they milked it for all its worth) but Starfield just showed that people have had enough of these mediocre games at massive prices where content gets cut out intentionally just to be sold back to you at a premium.

    As such I fear for any upcoming Elder Scrolls or Fallout game as they will likely be more of the same generic play-it-safe slop.

    • @dissident1337
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Bethesda’s problem hasn’t been the formula, it’s been that they’ve abandoned it. Basically every convention people play their games for is gone in Starfield.

    • @fr0zen1isshadowbanned99
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    The Products are just bad.
    Same old same old and 5% of the gigantic to-do list got somewhat of an improvement.
    Really tho, how can you fix/improve so little and still do a bad job at even getting that done?!
    And then we have not even talked about Stuff like the missing Map System even tho the Game had a year+ delay.
    I would not be shocked if they kicked out all the Environment Designers because they did not need most of them for StarField… omg

    • @satakrionkryptomortis
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    starfield is a loading screen simulator.

    • @van.deaux.1694
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Es6 s going to suck

    • @Dakooties
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Two things about Todd Howard that I respect (probably the only two now):

    1:He remembers what crunch time was like for Daggerfall and Morrowind. He remembers how hard they all had to work, how difficult it was for months and months on end, and he swore he wouldn’t let that happen again.

    2: He has said that he’ll never remake Morrowind. He said that that’s his baby and he wants everyone to play it the way it was intended.

    • @Worse_Is_To_Come
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Howard is just a face for the whole middle and upper management without visions beyond making money.

    • @jrnqproductions9939
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Howard doesn’t understand what was good about Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout – because he’s a manager. He doesn’t get it.

    • @micnetfet
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I think that Bethesda/Todd got the wrong impression from the growing success of Oblivion and Skyrim. They thought that dumber/more accessible was the key to their success, but I don’t think that’s actually what it was. Oblivion just had more engaging combat mechanics/better graphics. Morrowind is fundamentally a better rpg in every aspect, but the combat was pretty boring at least from a visual standpoint. Skyrim was a dumbed down version of Oblivion but I think that it landed well with the audience because of the “x” factor of environment, music, etc, plus it had dragons. I can acknowledge that it’s a lesser version of its peers (rpg wise), but it’s still; undeniably, a fun world to explore.

    Starfield was Bethesda’s chance to show us what they can do with no restraints. A fresh new IP, no prior release expectations to manage. They didn’t have to try to please Fallout or Elder Scrolls fans, and yet what we got was just a lesser version of Fallout in space. If you want an obvious indicator of the progression of Bethesda games throughout time, just look at how many amor slots you get throughout the years. Morrowind had nearly 16, Starfield has what 3?

    My bet is that TES VI will be a let down. We already know that the music isn’t going to be there, which is half of the atmospheric world building that they’ve relied on in the past. Unless they do a hard 180 and add some depth back we’re just going to get a continuation of what we’ve seen over the decades.

    • @ravenheartwraith
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Ive said this since oblivion, the last great tes game was morrowind, todd has degraded the series more and more over the years since he took over.

    • @Link-ik4ww
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Todd overpromoted people who had no right being in positions they were in. Emil, for example. Dude was an environment designer… but Todd promoted him cause he wanted to look after his friends. Bethesda have been fucked since Skyrim.

    • @Invica7
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Keep in mind, Todd is the only active Bethesda participant affiliated in the production of the Fallout TV Show. Whom in turn, is the *ONE* both Graham Wagner and Geneva the 2 Showrunners alongside Christopher Nolan, in their egocentric unwilling to recognize said Fallout 1 , 2 and New Vegas in established precedent of West Coast Fallout is primarily it’s geopolitics (NCR v Legion). But instead we get another mad max, hmm it’s almost Todd Howard is influencing said hacks and Christopher Nolan in regards of the TV Show writing, and setting location of California rather said Texas would be just fine. I could really go on to just elaborate on Todd’s many association projects, and said ideas he has are utterly flawed as they’re not ideal in expanding said IP’s ergo Elder Scrolls , Fallout and Starfield alike.

    • @dougr8646
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    No, they don’t lol. Starfield was a huge commercial success and indy was both that and a critical darling. They’re doing just fine.

    • @jcruz2255
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    It’s just crazy how devs are just ignoring feedback and making it a “gamer” issue when the games are supposed for all gamers if they want to make a profit. It’s gotten to the point that Bethesda’s issues are memed. I don’t play Bethesda games and even I know their issues from anecdotal evidence and reading comments and watching videos.

    • @falldamage3446
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    The Fallout series was never meant to be an online experience.

    • @VampireNoblesse
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Starfield was way too bare bone, tame with ugly characters.., even compared to Skyrim (let alone Fallout 4)

    • @Spagghetii
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    It’s a typical story. Get celebrated for making some good decisions, believe you always make good decisions. The road to tyranny.

    • @tarekben5524
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Delusional upper management. I can’t justify this behavior nor the their way of thinking. They lost the real sight of what is going on in game industry.

    • @VampireNoblesse
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    “ultimate fantasy simulator”.., with ugly, covered females, but hot dudes (one – sided fantasy)

    • @gordonb7765
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    *Reads title*

    …. “Well duh”. Don’t forget Emil, he is seemingly a bigger problem.

    • @dlanda5863
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Give us fallout NV remake and all is forgiven Todd

    • @MrGnuh
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    SIXTEEN TIMES the bullshit….

    • @DennisShirola
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    sad case of fake it until you make it!

    • @ToonGrin
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Maybe its time to stop turning people into a sort of mascot spokesperson.
    While we can get it as business prospect it honestly seems to develop egos when in reality they’re glorified carnival barker.
    Folks becoming less a “team player” and more a “me player” is not complimentary to the philosophy of game development since this game industry is primarily a team effort.

    • @cha_21
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I recommend people to go watch “Ranton’s Podcast” with special guest Caesar (There’s 2 episodes)

    Very profound podcast about game industry in every level, from Executives, Directors, interfering from other branch, crunch time. And even Todd’s situation.

    • @KirkulesTM
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Kindly Beast (studio that made Bendy & the ink machine) had a game called “Showdown Bandit” where the heads of the studio gave the rest of their team some art and ideas to work from, then said “now make the game!” with little to NO supervision. Then, like a week before release, they finally took a look at it then scrapped and rebuilt what their team had made because it wasn’t what the heads of the studio expected.

    Why does it feel like Starfield was given the same treatment? Do they honestly think its “one of the best games we’ve ever made”, is _this_ really Todd Howards vision of a Bethesda space game? Emil already said “we view the game itself as the design document”, they _need_ to start over again.

    • @SireDragonChester
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Todd Howard = scam artist, he has slowly ruining fallout series, and game engine is STILL base on code from Xbox 360 days. How he still has job is beyond me. Are there devs so lazy they can’t CODE/program for today Nvme Ssd on console and pc? Lol nope. I fear they do same with elder scroll. Their game engine is NEEDS to die.

    It’s fairly funny FO3/FO4/Skyrim/oblivion is still better Starfield. This mostly due to OLD game engine Bethesda can’t be bother to do homework/upgrade. And/or they devs are too under skill to know how use newer game engines.

    Phil Spencer can’t even bothered to make sure any new gaming comes out for Xbox/ms aren’t bug as hell. He also NEEDS BE FIRED!!!! Hasn’t done anything in 10+ yrs but made Xbox worst. Anybody other large IP would have fired both Phil and Todd Howard.

    Todd Howard = is nobody/ppl need realizes this. Is he scam Artist

    • @AlOG2Tone
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Todd Howard looks like a grown up Rod Flanders from the Simpsons

    • @ems22playbook
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    He needs to retired and give the lead to someone who he’s a gamer view of things

    • @DinJerr
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Gamers saying they love Indiana Jones, but denying Todd’s involvement in it. Classic.

    • @gasdorficmuncher9943
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    fallout 76 scorched event for xmas was bungled , still havent fixed nail gun ammo vender fallout 4 update

    • @lmaoidk5730
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    ryan magee

    • @iateat
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I mean, ALL these game companies, and companies in general, become the villain. Its just weird to see Bethesda literally DO NoTHIng as far as updating their game design from Skyrim.

    • @dbunik44
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    khis Triple A industry needs to fail, others will rise from the ashes so to speak, creators that are competent and simply want to make a great game, this industry is a meat grinder and I wish all the success to the other independent studios that actually understand how this industry really works, Howard is an oblivious fool

    • @danielross1033
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I think this channel tells it like it is and that’s what I like about it

    • @Dankosaurous
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    The second I saw the leather bracelet, the scorpion tattoo on the forearm and the sleeves rolled up so you could see it all I knew Emil was a douchebag. Even the name.

    • @waltt69
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Todd Howard took a lot of credit for what talented people in the company had done for Bethesda in the past. All of those people are gone and it’s fairly obvious he doesn’t really know how to make an engaging game.

    • @Ramotttholl
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    if the rumors are true of a UE5 engine Oblvion remake. (and God i really doubt it but also hope its true.)
    as then its clear Todd is losing control, even if its another dev team TES is still a baby of his..
    because i recall him never wanting to leave the Creation engine for anything.

    • @lollipopwaraxe6032
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    My goat just gave us Indy and now he is getting slandered….

    • @michaeldean1924
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    You could do another half hour and n the current state of ESO. It’s a microcosm of this. Player dissatisfaction, bugs, lack of difficulty or creative vision. Bad time to be Bethesda

    • @Justintime2GrowNetwork
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    You know who Todd reminds of me of? Stockton Rush. A lot.

    • @pasteghost428
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Larger than life? More like, shorter than hobbit. Amirite, Bois? Lololol

    • @Rb889
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    He called Starfield one of their best, most ambitious projects to date. It was a boring flop, and not even official/console mod support was able to save it.They had enough of a foundation in the lore for a damned good story, they could’ve done something massive and grand with the factions including all-out, sector-wide war between the UC, FSC, and HV. The hardware of today could pull that off with massive space battles worthy of being called such. But no, no, that would’ve been too ambitious…

    I’ve got more playtime in Stalker 2 than I have in Starfield, that says something.

    • @DarkAngel-ki3co
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    After Fallout 76, my care for Bethesda games is in the trash can, right next to Blizzard.

    • @maddogcodm668
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I think a lot of skyrim players will buy this play it realize its boring and shollow and go back and download 1000 mods on skyrim.

    • @carlosmiguelteixeiraott3643
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I’m in the minority here, I DON’T like Skyrim, never have, it felt bland and meaningless even at the time, my gold standard for RPG’s was Dragon Age origin, a game where I felt what I did mattered, whereas in Skyrim I could become Jarl of somewhere, walk five steps outside and be treated like a nobody.

    I’ve seen people talk about how good Skyrim was and how the newer games were a let down compared to that, but from where I’m sitting, Skyrim feels just like the other games they’ve made an enormous plate of bland slop…

    • @haskamoosic9371
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    why does everyone hate radiant quests? would you prefer that the game is empty after the main quest? i love that Fallout 4 and Starfield always have kill quests available if i just wanna hop on to do some combat stuff

    • @majorlouis956
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Keep talking on this ‘hopefully Todd and Emil will go

    • @Mr00934
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    shit can todd ”fall out 76” howard and you have a winner. he is the reason most of us have left. he’s not in touch=LOSER

    • @oldcrook510
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Bethesda, the one hit wonder band…one good song and everything else is forgettable. I won’t be buying ES6 until I see Skyrim type of excitement POST release. Let’s just say I’m pretty confident I’m gonna pass this time.. Starfield was my last dance with them any talent and creativity they had in the past is gone & once Microsoft took over they’ll add modern political agendas like all the rest of the large studios.

    • @ExoplasmicDischarge
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    No shit? The studio that hasn’t put out a good game, even before Skyrim which is only playable with modders making the game for them, as a problem? Never would’ve guessed. And you morons will continue to preorder every piece of slop they put out.

    • @ragingmonk6080
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    This guy knows NOTHING! He doesn’t know what people want, not a BGS fans.
    23,000 still play Skyrim daily on Steam and the game is old. Skywind and Skyblivion are massive mods to remaster the older TES games in the Skyrim engine. We want Skyrim 2.0 with the next TES game, not a CP 2077. I played 2077 about 450 hours. Played Starfield about 450 hours feeling it is the worst BGS game I played. Played Skyrim 5000 hours so 2077 is as bad as Starfield.

    • @krumenmonsternomnomnom5041
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    The Toddler.

    • @chillindylan9828
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I remember when you actually learned something new on YouTube.

    • @KirkulesTM
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Becoming the heads of all the guilds, being friends with all the companions, going to all the places with nothing off limits is just stupid, lazy and/or contrived writing. Sometimes you _have_ to tell the player no even if the option is secretly yes. I LOVE finding ways around what the developer intended, for some (if not most) people, thats the _WHOLE_ reason to play video games!

    • @harrisonmode8046
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Todd’s lost his touch and needs to move on

    • @deanjustdean7818
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Trust Emil Pathetic to have no idea what science fiction is. Science fiction, properly defined, is taking an element of the real world and transplanting it into a different world or universe then seeing how that pans out. Nineteen Eighty-Four is science fiction. It takes Stalin-esque policies of “the truth is whatever the boss says it is” and adds devices that in George Orwell’s time were futuristic. It also takes the centuries old Christer tradition of messing with the language to limit the thought process and explores what would happen if there were no longer any subtlety about it.

    Similarly, the real Fallout games are retrofuturistic science fiction in the sense that they take what people in the 1950s thought the future would consist of and asks what would happen if one of the fantasy, never-going-to-happen innovations dreamed of in such times were to break down without a repairman or spare in sight for days. Or what would happen if the US government were stripped of all pretensions of democracy. Or what large-scale churches would be like once any law and order went away.

    Emil Pathetic thinks science fiction is pew pew and spaceships and lots of weird planets. Even Star Trek followed the Take Situation From Real World And Put It In Weird New Context rule I spent so many words outlining. Emil Pathetic is an insult to all hardworking writers who put effort and inspiration into their work. Fukk him, and fukk anyone who has a kind word for him.

    • @OhDaddySauce
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    It might just work

    • @DJRebellionOfficial
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Bethesda is one flop away from ubisofting. Next game is make or break. I don’t think they realise

    • @amannamedsquid313
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I really miss the days of Custom spells, Levitation, Mark + Recall, Interesting Factions, Spears + Polearms, Throwing Weapons, Interesting Monster designs, Less-shitty level scaling, Contraband that was actually both illegal and profitable, Interesting World and Quest design, needing certain weapons of a certain material (Silver, Enchanted) in order to effectively harm certain enemies (Ghosts, Werewolves, Daedra), and lore that does not contradict itself every five minutes.

    I really miss equipment durability too: Having to fix and maintain your weapons and armor made you become more attached to them. It also made getting your hands on higher quality stuff an even bigger deal besides just getting a damage boost.

    • @FitzChivalryFarseer2
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Average joe player maybe at first but after getting so busy and not playing anything at all anymore he degraded to average journalist level player

    • @St.petersEye
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Todd Howard’s outdated and needs to let bethesda breathe. He’s suffocating and obnoxiously insane.
    Tomorrow is not promised, ww3 is around the corner. Pc and woke culture has destroyed the last of gaming and I don’t have another 10-15 years for the next fallout or eso game*

    Safe to say but “bugfested” is DEAD.

    • @MrAllen-cc6jh
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Bethesda has A LOT of problems to the point that you may as well just write the whole thing off, because the “fix” is a complete and total replacement of everything, top to bottom. The engine is crap, the writing is some of the worst, the art is lagging far behind (and really hasn’t been even competitive since Oblivion), and it’s obvious that they flat out do not sincerely care about The Elder Scrolls or Starfield. Furthermore, their devotion to Fallout seems to be motivated more by spite and disdain for other contributors than love.

    Todd Howard (and Bethesda broadly) is the Zack Snyder of gaming: he has an obsession with quirky, outdated junk that everyone openly mocks but refuses to address, instead preferring the simping of a loud and mindless minority cult. Modders are the only reason any Bethesda games have any staying power, whatsoever.

    • @stab456
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    “todd was so much more in touch with the players in the past”

    *angrily side eyes horse armor*

    • @WarsGrasp
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Bethesda is lazy. They make the same buggy mess of a game with a new coat of paint and rely on modders to fix it

    • @jeffwhiting4237
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    A couple comments here. First is, there must always be one person making decisions on game development. Diss on him all you like, but that’s just reality. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, but final decisions must be made.

    I have two serious problems with Starfield: The first is, procedural generation of content only gets one so far, and there are too few encounter tiles in this game. It doesn’t take long before the player has found all the types of random encounters in the game. There honestly needs to be at least three or four times the number of encounter tiles available, and Shattered Space offer no new ones.

    But the worst aspect of this game is that it’s not nearly as mod friendly as previous games…a potential indication of just how kludged together that old engine has become. I’ve seen several very serious modders suggest that the kinds of mods that people really want to see, IE new planets, new encounter tiles and the like, are basically impossible.

    There are, indeed, a bunch of mods on nexus for Starfield, but they aren’t really the kind of mods that make people want to contemplate a new play through.

    There needs to be a rethinking concerning hand placed content, creating the game from ground up to be easily modded, and getting modern with graphics, animation and general eye candy, whilst keeping it a Bethesda game in terms of exploration, itemization, and sandboxing.

    • @TheAcphytum
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    These kinds of videos and specially the comment sections are so infuriating.

    All this unrelenting bitching and complaining, over and over and over again, and over the same shit… And you still buy the fucking games! It doesn’t matter how much people bitch about it, Bethesda still makes money out of rereleasing Skyrim.

    And this is not a Fifa situation where normies are the one carrying the numbers. Half of the blame is on players and Bethesda will only change when you stop wasting your money on their shit products.

    • @SourPatches2077
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Are they all doing cocaine?

    • @KirkulesTM
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    One thing that I feel Bethesda forgets (and the industry as a whole) is that a large majority of their player base _do_ _not_ _care_ for multiplayer content. (When we said “multiplayer fallout” I’m pretty sure we meant 2-4 player co-op) My _least_ favorite part of most games are the other people, but I play games like Fortnite and Rainbow 6 Siege because my family/friends play them (and because I’ve already spent money on them) but Fo76 is just a worse Fo4 and my friends held an _intervention_ to get me to quit because I just wasn’t having fun but felt that “sunk cost fallacy” hitting me hard.

    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Blud has found the infinite money glitch. Just talk about bethesda every other day.

    • @stevenhe198911
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    You know,it’s hard to develop the game that fulfill the goal of let people to escape reality but without let people feel “‘it’s all fantasy”

    • @easycretor
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Never buy a game when it first comes out. Never buy a game before it comes out. And if it’s crap, don’t give them money. People don’t do that. If they make money, they will continue to do the same crap, they do all the time because they make money. It’s not a Todd Howard’s problem it’s idiots who buy the stupid games. If you sit around and play games that ask you to continuously give them money. Then you’re the fool. They’ve got your number that’s the problem. Never buy a game until you’re sure it’s worth it.

    • @nimarus3118
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I accepted that the team that created great Bethesda games have moved on after Skyrim. Just as how I’ve heard some people have jumped ship at CD Projekt Red after DEI initiatives became mandatory in their games.

    • @yesiamanerd2040
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Yeppers. Great take. As long as safety is making the expected money, we are not going to get anything new.

    • @nunyabizness3866
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am


    • @xTr4c3d
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I just want skyrim 2

    • @Axonteer
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    A Bugfree boring game is still a boring game

    • @mac2312
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    If anyone wants a great Bethesda experience in 2025, download Nolvus for Skyrim. It’s a huge graphically heavy mod, but it’s like a remake done by 1 person.

    • @redbluegreen1062
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Bethesda has a dei problem

    • @LordShadowZ
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Bethesda is no longer the RPG giant they once were due to Todd’s failure of leadership, Emil’s poor writing, and their refusal to ditch their dogshit engine and try to innovate and move their games past the year 2011. If Elder Scrolls 6 is just a reskin of Skyrim with the same shitty engine, the same dated game design, the same weak writing, when other studios like CDPR, Larian, and Obsidian have pushed the genre forward in storytelling, roleplay, and meaningful choice far beyond what Bethesda has ever done then ES6 is going to be their biggest flop yet because people are sick of their dated formula. I expect ES6 will sell well regardless but the public perception will not be favorable.

    Bethesda needs to get with the times and get their heads out of their asses. They are stuck in 2011 when they were perceived as the kings of the genre, but it’s almost 2025 now and they haven’t been the kings of the genre in over a decade. RPGs have evolved and outgrown Bethesda’s tired formula that hasn’t meaningfully evolved since 2006. If anything, their formula has only regressed with their continued simplification and dumbing down of game mechanics with each subsequent game. If Bethesda doesn’t grow and evolve, they will soon become irrelevant.

    • @sittingdingo1
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Todd needs to go.
    His lies culminated with Star$hit and are unforgivable & unforgetting.
    Guys a fake ass used car salesman shill.

    • @DillonMeyer
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Being honest, when no one other than diehard early Elderscrolls fans knew who Todd Howard was, he and Bethesda performed far better. Fame did nothing positive for them, as it seems to have gotten to their heads. They used to make really fun games with a focus on adventure and fun at the forefront. Now there’s a focus on meeting “expectations” and being the “next big thing” rather than just “we think this is cool, and you will too”.

    • @ceejay1353
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I think you can make joining all the guilds and being at the top of them all work but what it means to be at the top should change. For example, it would be cool if being in the Dark Brother hood and the Legoin meant the Dark Brotherhood would have you infultraite them so you could betary them later. Or of the Imperial found out, they would ask you to betary the brotherhood. Etc. The point being there should be interactions if you’re not getting locked out, IMO.

    • @theorigami3685
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    This video is just a grown man complaining about something he’s not evening helping build.

    • @LarrysUniqueHandle
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Players care little about bugs(if they do not corrupt progress) and bad graphical quality as long as the world is immersive and interesting and the game play loop good.

    • @omg_RANCORS
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Lol could they survive without him? They would clearly be better off without him. He thinks he’s some kind of visionary. But he doesn’t know what makes video games good.

    • @ILLiteSociety
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I don’t get it…make a game like Skyrim that has INSANE replay value, even after you 100% it, you can still start a new game and have fun again. Then, make your money on DLCs with the same thing AND have creation club. It can’t be this difficult for them to do.

    • @bumblebeetunayoutube3711
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Rockstar does a great job of innovating their next title and pushing the boundaries

    • @sirbonobo3907
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Bethesda has a Bethesda Problem

    • @KirkulesTM
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    “It might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but what is?” They’ve been watering down they’re own formula for so long that I’m surprised when I find anything of taste in Starfield. Somehow Bethesda has produced something _so_ _much_ _more_ _basic_ than their award winning formula that was already feeling held back. The game we got could have been released _along_ _side_ Skyrim or Fo4 (You could probably mod those games into a better space game than what Bethesda built) and _maybe_ the reception of Starfield wouldn’t have been half as bad.

    • @omg_RANCORS
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Dude is so fucking out of touch. Every year he makes it more and more clear that he does not understand what made Bethesda games good and never did.

    • @LobertERee
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    They’ve been working hard at lowering the bar back to something they’re comfortable with.

    • @Kristyybug
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    im very confused to companies not do game testing anymore?? oh no wait they do its just in house i forgot LOL well that explains why games miss the mark by a huge margin

    • @TheTSense
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    They actually believed Starfield had a chance to win GotY.
    Todd was actually, really, in real life, genuinely surprised.

    If they told us Starfield was 4 out of 10, it would at least buy the idea THEY believe it, adding another +4 because of bias.
    No, this 0 out of 10 garbage is suppose to be their best work yet…

    • @TheLastCustomer
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Ok, so I think there’s something wrong about expecting Bethesda coming with something GRAND.

    I don’t think anyone is expecting or needing such a thing from them.

    Speaking for myself, I just want something that actually works, is a challenging game without reaching souls level of skills, while retaining Bethesda’s world building.

    In short, delivering something OK is what Bethesda needs. That’s it. Nothing less, nothing more.

    • @DrunkenRhinoceros
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    10 yrs between releases is a problem

    • @project.jericho
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    They’ve spent more than ten years hiring people who are incompetent, uncreative, unskilled, and ultimately based on characteristics other than merit. They can not succeed with this limitation in place.

    • @shinjutsu2773
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    i mean Todd itself hasnt shipped anything worth since skyrim and is only there to make the studious job harder with his mismanagement and overpromising

    • @xXstevieOo
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Wish I could refund Stanfield

    • @dadmiraldankbar3720
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Starfield is not a “technological leap”

    • @Trollkonto
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    The enviroments in Starfield looks amazing. It is definitely at the same level of graphics as Cyberpunk. In Starfield you often stop just to admire the graphics and detail of things. And the quality of the game itself is definitely at the same level as Cyberpunk. They’re both decent games but nothing great. But the game engine overall has got to go. It was time for something new after Oblivion but they insisted on making Fallout 3, Skyrim, Fallout 4 and now Starfield with the heavily outdated engine.
    TES6 likely won’t change it’s engine because of statements Todd Howard made like it is his last game. He will keep doing what he knows and we probably won’t see anything new from Bethesda until he steps down.
    But at the same time I don’t think people should critizise Todd as much as they do. He is the reason we got the magnificent Morrowind after all and have been behind the success off Bethesdas interpretation of Fallout. He deserves a lot of praise and credit too.

    • @callisto537
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Starfield is so bad, I still can’t believe Bethesda could make a game like that and release it. It was my most wanted game.

    • @zacharythomas8617
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    This idiot has a high opinion of himself. Can’t make a game to compete. Would rather be a crybaby.

    • @jaesdarkness
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    ES6, IF it ever happens, will be for sh*t. Probably broken AF on release, loaded with piffling microtransactions, with zero actual RPGing and tons of sh*t quests for minimally rendered NPCs. And, soon as they start getting pinioned for taking another sh*t on their fans, we’ll all be gaslit and have to sit through more of their poor me BS.
    Turd Howard is just one tech brah corpo in a deepening field of such useless f*cks. Hope Microsuck thinks they got what they paid for, because the rest of us ain’t sanguine about what we get for what we pay for.

    • @Ryan2K900
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I really wanted to like Starfield and tried to get into it multiple times but got bored very quickly. It has the bones of a decent game just it doesn’t cross the finish line. It feels half baked and at the same time drowned in random stuff that didn’t need to be there in the first place.

    • @zacharythomas8617
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    😂 Who are you? And why should I care? You literally shit on my favorite RPG.

    Get a team.
    Write a story.
    Publish on Steam.

    You’re not worth listening to because you’re a Backseat Gamer. Play Space Engineers. It’s awesome.

    • @exsyaoktavian7428
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    as the lead writer for dead money DLC for new vegas once says in his DLC’s “begin again, but know when to let go” which at this point is what todd needs. just let go whenever he start to begin a new game

    • @christophertaylor9100
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Its not just graphics, game play has to change, and the best way to do that is to have AI controlled NPCs, let them respond to whatever the player chooses. And let people figure out their name pronunciation with the game so that NPC voices can say your name. They need to stop, look at what worked in previous games and why, and how to implement that in a modern product.

    • @Jonas_æ
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    The fact is that you need crazy creatives like Kirkbride to make things interesting. And you need the company structure to allow for it so seep through. The studio isn’t so small anymore that the 36 lessons of Vivek could be aired out over the lunch table. More likely the idea would have to be brought up in a production meeting with middle-management.. and nothing would come of it.

    • @jedaplays
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    There’s a big difference with being the “face” of a company and being skilled in managing the day-to-day minutia that result in good games.

    • @ericlarson7556
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    You can always tell when a yter can’t wait for elder scrolls 6!

    • @Area51UFOGynaecology
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    i wanted to play the new starfield but im busy playing concord and i want to buy zegler woke but they dont take cash

    • @bloodchain80
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I have absolutley no expectations for ES6. Im actually scared to see it come to life under bathesda….

    • @DonaldBinks
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    You guys are unreasonably pessimistic imo

    Starfield was meh yes, but im confident Elder Scrolls 6 will meet my expectations if they dont lean into procedural generation again.

    • @politicalpolarbear
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Beth will keep failing as long as they don’t see the issues. Starfield wasn’t different, it was the exact same! and that’s why it sucked

    • @Avalanche8181
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Here’s the thing… Bethesda was always trash and haven’t made a single amazing video game

    • @kertgp8275
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Todd Howard and Emil Pagliarulo needs to go. These issues been apparent even in Skyrim. The lack of enemy variety, RP elements for example being able to join every guild and be its leader or no class system. And the bugs which the community had to fix themselves thanks to mods. Don’t even get me start on the Creations and Creation Club.

    The part about Michael Kirkbride with monster creations is so true no wonder the dude left the company.

    • @philipguisinger4502
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Ironically, Skyrim is probably their last real banger! Fallout 4 was…. fine…?

    • @Mark-gj9po
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I wonder if Todd himself needs to walk away and start something new. I wonder if he keeps thinking of Bethesdas past and that is his Achilles heel. A fresh new start might be good for him.

    • @sxdo
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I liked starfield

    • @dredgewalker
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I’m not looking forward to the next elder scrolls game judging from what I ecperienced from starfield. Their engine is terrible while also looking last gen. Funny how Stalker 2 was also just as terribly optimized yet I was still able to enjoy the game and the patches coming out fast made it playable.

    • @HisShadowX
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    So, first off, you keep saying that their engine is so old and they keep using it. And how Todd Howard is the focus of everything great with this gaming studio.

    That is what the guy who stole the company wants you to think.

    First, Bethesda Game Studios’ founder actually created that engine before Morrowind.

    In fact, he was such a great guy, he would make, for free, devices and software for people who are deaf or disabled.

    Now, what happened— and before I get into that, have you ever wondered why Linda Carter is in almost every Bethesda Game Studios game?

    It’s quite simple. Her husband is the man who stole the company from the founder.

    Basically, what happened was, the good old founder trusted a man named Robert Altman way too much.

    Robert essentially did a McDonald’s move, where he created another studio, ZeniMax, and then slowly stole the company.

    For those who don’t know Robert Altman, think of the Wolf of Wall Street. He was literally a guy who was banned from banking for making shady deals.

    So again, we’re all wondering, why is this game studio so great?

    Because it’s resting off the laurels of its founder, who did so much for the studio.

    Todd Howard did not do everything for this studio.

    If anything, he was an employee— an exceptional employee.

    • @skave7228
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I really think Todd should start a studio of his own. I don’t know if he would make good games, but he would really be happier being able to really put his hand in every aspect of a project.

    • @skave7228
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    It’s true that Betheshda players don’t like huge games, but they still want huge games. Bethesda could make better game by making them smaller but there would be less traction I think. It would be worth for them to do smaller games on the long run but not in the short term.

    • @henrywyckoff4301
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I can forgive technical challenges, but what I can’t forgive the anemic story and poor dialogue.

    • @cebolinha-oliginal
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Bethesda peaked in high school.

    • @qinkster
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    another 100 million in todds wallet

    • @beebait1464
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Its not the design and feel thats the problem. I wouldn’t mind if it felt like a classic RPG game. The issue is that their newer games have no soul or passion. Even past the point of design documents, it feels like the dev team didn’t care if the game was fun. Its like a group project where everyone threw their parts together and none of it made sense as a whole.

    Skyrim had some creative quests. What felt like well laid out geography. I felt rewarded when I stumbled into a dungeon that had a unique twist like a ghost to talk to or an interesting NPC nearby with a quest. They were sprinkled across the map so I would feel an urge to explore. There is lore upon lore and the deeper you look the more you would find. Hundreds of hours of books and reading material. Most NPCs had something interesting to say about where they live or their relationships with neighbors. The towns had unique feelings based on the people living in them. The RPG elements were intuitive. You use the skill and it gains experience. There was never a time I was confused on how to level up certain skills. There weren’t any grossly unintuitive designs that stopped me from building a character, but the progression and effort still made sense.

    Fallout 4 we start to see some questionable quest design choices, like giving the player power armor and a minigun in the first quest, or really anything with the institute. But the characters still had some depth for the most part. The enemy design is interesting both the changes from previous games and the new enemies unique to the area. The highly unethical lore surrounding the vaults is still immersive and its still interesting unraveling what hot hell was going on in them. Once again its the reward of stumbling into a unique dungeon that drove my exploration. While it felt different from skyrim, it was still largely enjoyable.

    In comparison, Starfield feels sterile. It feels like an attempt to recreate those immersive worlds, but it fails miserably to execute. I didn’t have any interest to talk to people in the cities. While some were interesting, most feel more like grand theft auto NPCs, maybe with a line or two of unique dialogue. There was nothing of interest to drive my exploration. The vast procedurally generated planets felt empty. It fails to even be a walking sim because sim games at least have some satire humor, but Starfield is trying to take itself seriously. The cookie cutter boring generated dungeons don’t give you a chance to find anything interesting. The temple things that replace the skyrim word walls don’t have any lore and the mystery wares off after the first one you find. They could have hidden manuscripts in ancient unknown languages or statues of forgotten gods, or literally anything. And you couldn’t even find these in the procedurally generated planets so once again no reason to explore the procedural generation. Heck the main plot isn’t even pretending to make sense or be interesting. Alduin looms over the fate of the world. The institute lurks in the shadows aiming to sterilize the world. The starborn are reincarnating because they want cool powers? The starborn are gatekeeping who joins their pseudo cult? Theres no stakes or narrative that drives player agency.

    Starfield isn’t even a representation of dated RPG design. Its just a poorly executed game.

    • @veilmontTV
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    If elder scrolls 6 is just a prettier Skyrim i won’t buy it. Skyrim was ok for the time but the combat wasn’t even good for the time.

    • @tokidensetsu
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    @16:23 “The games got produced on time!” – Brother, when you release games that are filled to the brim with bugs to the point that they crash on launch if you set it’s graphics to anything above “lowest” even when you DO have the hardware to run it without issues (Like Skyrim 1.0), releasing a game “on time” should be bare minimum.

    • @kylehammon2304
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Technological leap with starfield 🤣🤣🤣. Damn that’s funny

    • @lawler197
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    16 times the detail

    • @maxbjr
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Todd was very, very good for Bethesda in the beginning with Fallout & TES, now he’s kind of in the way 😢

    • @brndnwilks
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Around 15 years ago, you could safely rely upon the three Bs. Bethesda, Bioware, and Blizzard. Their games were gold, and a pre-order was a safe bet. That’s all long gone now, and even the most solid companies from the past look shakey.

    • @nlmaster9811
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Their RPG formula is so much more fun than what is available today, they just refuse to swap engines.

    • @paulschaaf8880
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    My biggest issue with Bethesda lately is their focus on predatory monetization. Any game that has that is an automatic no for me so unless they fix that, it doesn’t matter if the game is any good. The fact that the quality of their games is ALSO declining is making the situation even worse.

    • @jordanartinial4593
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I’d actually be ok with another skyrim type of game tbh

    • @kaczan3
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Doesn’t matter, I’m not going to buy anything from them again.

    • @connorsmith1005
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    A good RPG like Cyberpunk? Bro are you serious? That games a barely functional one dimensional trash fire.

    • @wesleymitchell2125
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Todd is why Indiana Jones was so good. I love every game he has put out

    • @LOL666PX
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    the only thing we are asking devs today is to give us games with GOOD STORY, no game-breaking bugs, changes from the previous game

    we aren’t asking for amazing level of game evolution and improvments, we are asking for entertainment and fun, not asking to turn our pc into furnaces because they are trying to render the millions of hair of a single npc or 5.8 million different textures in 16k and ray tracing idk what dark magic they think is needed, games until now for over 3 decades made good games and story, but in the last few years it feels like everyone forgot that video games aren’t made to show us what our computers and consoles are capable of…..

    • @RageReaver187
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I am not up to date with the happenings at Bethesda now, but I am pretty sure that the major talents have left Bethesda already (like with any triple A publisher nowadays).

    So I don’t trust Bethesda making a great TES VI. Starfield was a bitter taste what these guys wanna do and this is a bleak look into what we can expect IMO.

    I bought Starfield and was disappointed on a massive scale. This game is a fucking joke. I bought Cyberpunk recently and have now witnessed how 1st person action combat can be done in an open world ARPG in a cool way. The overall quality is pretty high and the story intense and very mature. There is no more excuses for lame bullshit like Starfield.

    • @blumiu2426
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I have a sneaking suspicion trying to get rid of Todd, which is what is being said, isn’t going to save Bethesda.

    • @solomani-42
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I always thought it was dumb that a fighter can be the head of the mage guild. Anti-rpg.

    • @bimmerthing
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Tod Howard shoudl of been fired after 76, hes ruining Bethesda. They are the next Ubisoft.

    • @TheCasualSubculturist
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    He’s like… Kathleen Kennedy of game industry.

    • @rwithee
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    They have more than a Fraud Howard problem. They also have a Pete (I’m just as full of shit as Todd) problem and a Emil (I don’t have a clue what I’m doing) problem. And lets not forget their outdated engine (Because we don’t know how to use anything else) problem.

    • @ButtslammerBob
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Been arguing for years that Todd and Emil need to get gone if that company has any chance of putting out a good game ever again. Starfield has made that VERY clear. They absolutely suck at their jobs and are incapable of making art; only slop.

    • @solomani-42
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Star field would be better (but not good) if it was one solar system. But would still be a subpar game instead of a horrible game.

    • @vonbennett8670
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Bethesda….has a Bethesda problem.

    • @chenzen4915
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Stalker 2 released with many many issues but the devs have been hard at work fixing what they can before the holidays and they have a far better system for making games

    • @titanthelestrandom6614
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    as a fallout fan, the straw that broke the camel’s back for me wasent fallout 76 despite buying that mess at launch but the tv show that show has destroyed fallout, since they said it was cannon to the world of fallout and just how horrible it was yet just about everyone thinks its AMAZINGLY great and is a perfect adaptation watch it isnt oh well if you haven’t seen the show just go play fallout 3 or 4 the story is the same
    Fallout 3 leave vault to go find dad with some side objectives

    Fallout 4 leave vault to go find son with some side objectives

    Fallout 76 leave vault to go find out what happened to each faction and the overseer and launch nuke to stop big bad (before npc) (after npcs were added) go find the overseer and find out what happened to each faction that now has npc attached to them and their basic quest and get mediocre rewards also drop nuke

    Fallout show leave vault to go find dad with some side objectives and old music being played every 1 minute
    All Bethesda fallout games has the same story with only different coats of paint on them and some diffrent story line to reach that end point that involved the brotherhood of steel in some regards because why not

    Anyway i dont consider fallout 4, 76 or the show as cannon and i will continue on hating the show
    Sorry for the rant have a good day

    • @ghostface5559
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    They have a terrible lead writer and a terrible spokesperson. Those details sink lesser companies but Todd “the fraud” Howard makes money hand over first because of the non-english crowd and the soy sucking redditors.

    • @gid-and-friends
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Biggest mistake Bethesda has made has got to be dropping that TES6 “trailer” that showed and revealed absolutely nothing.

    • @Holycurative9610
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I was a Bethesda fan since the Quake days and they published the game. I followed Bethesda for years right up until Fallout 4, after that they started churning out crap games that were so buggy as to make them unplayable and their last great game was Skyrim. They really fell off the cliff in 2018 after bringing out some massive IP’s like Wolfenstein and Dishonoured alongside Fallout and Skyrim and then a takeover by Microsoft helped continue their downward spiral.

    • @memkoloji858
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I believe Todd is doing what he is told. or what it would be if he were told. long story short, he is a good employee. Do not go too hard on him.

    • @vibingwithchaos5349
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Bethesda needs to get rid of both Todd ‘It Just Works’ Howard and Emil Pagliarulo. Todd is way too ambitious but way too cautious, way too safe. Emil is an enabler with god awful writing skills. None of these two are “that guy.”

    • @baconsnot
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    The problem already started with Skyrim. It actually wasn’t that good of a game. The engine improved on oblivion, but everything else was markedly worse. Everyone was so dazzled by the new production value they were willing to ignore the rest. I my opinion, Bethesda needs to look at what went wrong with Skyrim to find the root of their stagnation. If Bethesda ever released a remastered Oblivion it would overshadow skyrim. If skyblivion ever gets released, I think this will be confirmed.

    • @sisnoXsisnosis
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I think todd is just an idiot and doesnt actually know whats going on in his own company. see todds great phrase “it just works” when clearly it doesnt

    • @jameslevesque9720
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    You can only rely on goodwill for so long. From employees giving their all for shitty salaties while the bosses make $$$. To relying on the community for free work (mods & patches). I think those days are over. Every mod is “free content” and doing free work so rich CEOs such as Bobby Kotik can make even more money just isnt really appealing in the post 2008 economy.

    • @unclerukmer
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Microsoft should liquidate BGS and build new studios around each Bethesda IP filled with the most talented developers they can find.

    • @gamersrepublic6920
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Got an ad for unreal 5 on this video. Seems apt

    • @g04tn4d0
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    The last game they made that blew my mind was Daggerfall. There was enough depth in that game to rival Eve Online. That used to be the go-to formula for making PC games and keeping that crowd entertained. But then they got into the console market. Ever since then, starting with Morrowind, the games have been great but they’re now a mile wide and an inch deep.

    • @schadenfreude6274
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    They can whine and be delusional and give all sorts of excuses for all they want. At the end of the day, if they don’t sell well and close down, thats all on them. There are plenty of other upcoming Game Developers all around. 🙂

    • @dinckelman
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    When you blame the community for releasing a shit, poorly received product, that is all i need to know. Fallout 4 was a horrible disappointment, 76 double-downed on it, and then Starfield triple-downed on it again. Bethesda has no soul, will not accept feedback, and has no balls to accept the consequences

    • @korbeskorner
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Check his basement!

    • @ibrahim.ermis87
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    The main story in skyrim was shit anyway who says it will be better in elder scrolls 6? Does anyone think the guys that did starfield will have an epiphany and all of a sudden write a masterpiece of a story ? dream on…

    • @johnathanblackwell759
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Todd “The Fraud” Howard and Fagiorulo need to go, we need Michael Kirkbride to come back and do all the writing

    • @chrisprose
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I think everyone needs to pull back a little bit and look at the fact that these problems you’re talking about having with Todd, wanting to be the one to touch everything and everything is stalled because of him and so forth, it’s a larger problem within the corporate environment in business in general, and because they are a corporation, this gaming company is no different than any other corporation which experiences the exact same problems due to a control freak (or other reasons) behind such a bottleneck situation. This is not unique to this company or the gaming industry, but is indicative of a systemic problem in corporate environments across the board.

    • @Placid_Falcon
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    >Bethesda can survive without Todd
    I vehemently disagree. Bethesda is only alive because Todd is able to deflect blame and criticism away from the devs. He’s the perfect hypeman. Without him. Bethesda would have died long ago.

    • @therakshasan8547
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    In each successive Elder Scroll releases Bethesda would take out 1 or 2 loved functions with something simple for them to slap out but that left a small hole in the feel of the franchise . Skyrim is a beautiful game but that is just graphics . The mechanics have become more and more limited . This error was put into Star field [ rushed for reals to beat Star Citizen ].

    • @jaderiddle9783
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Bethesda peaked in high school.

    • @Holycurative9610
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Let’s be honest here, us gamers are in the middle of a war!!
    The weapons we have are our money and our voices while the game studios have legacy IP’s and a massive presence in the gaming industry. The good news is that us, the gamers, are winning and game studios are starting to change, just look at the breakaway studios starting up like the ex CDPR developers and the game Axis Unseen from an ex Skyrim developer. Gamers are fed up with rubbish being thrown our way so we don’t buy it. We’re fed up with “woke BS” in games so we don’t buy them.
    Some massive games have failed this year, DA-Veilguard and Outlaws just to name a couple, and that’s because of us voting with our wallets because the games are bad. We’re now supporting Indie studios more and more and small games are becoming really big because of us, we’re winning the war and we need to keep the pressure on and let the studios know we don’t want unfinished or woke games any longer!!!!

    • @kylegrishen3543
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    The excuses are always blaming the players for not liking it, rather than anything they could have possibly failed on.

    • @Factually-Corrected
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I really don’t think ES6 will release for at least another 4-5 years. After starfield they got a real wake up call, and ES6 is going to be similar, outdated, poor story, old ugly boring companions. Sky boxes and loading screens galore. What made their games special is long gone to cooperate greed and lost ambition and an extremely old game engine that’s about to explode.

    • @leafonhead777
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I’ve seen people complaining about Bethesda’s faltering quality since Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion back in 2006! As much of a legend and meme Skyrim has become in the community and everything it did to bring RPGs to the mainstream and non-gamers.
    When Skyrim came out in 2011 a TON of people complained that it felt like barely a step forward from Oblivion.
    And now people are even getting back into Elder Scrolls 3 Morrowind (2002) and even Elder Scrolls 2 Daggerfall (1996) and finding themselves disappointed with the later games in the series.

    A big problem is the engine. it was created from scratch for Elder scrolls 4 Oblivion and famously broken and buggy. And they’ve basically been using the same patchworked engine ever since.. Also Bethesda’s reliance on procedurally generated quest content.
    Todd constantly referenced the “limitless” quests available in Skyrim, which is technically true, though propped up by the endlessly repeatable RNG Thieve’s guild and Dark Brotherhood quests which basically draw a name out of a hat and tell you to steal from them or unalive them respectively.
    Compared to the hundreds of hours of handwritten and creative quests found in Morrowind and Oblivion, the RNG based generated quests found in Skyrim are an absolute bore! And sadly it’s the direction that Bethesda, or Todd have decided to go in for quest systems in their recent games. Because being able to say “Literally limitless quests” sounds too good in a hype pitch.

    • @SnowRaver-p2v
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I have a Todd Howard problem… I’m running out of wall space for posters of the man…

    • @Lady-Drifter
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    A little late to the party … Todd Howard has been an issue at Bethesda for YEARS! He promises the moon, and gives us a picture of lunar dust in a museum.

    • @rodbingham
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    When you think you are Perfect, why look in a mirror…

    • @ryanko565
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I bethesda is going to fail at Elder Scroll 6, they’ve shown that they are unable to come up with compelling stories anymore. Everything has to be safe and secure, that warm and fuzzy feeling. They dont know how to make a new engine because all their designers and devs are so used to their own engine they’d be lost if they had to work with anything else, but they dont even know how to fix it, and its always “one last time!” then the same bugs come back because they use band aids and glue to patch the thing each into a working state.

    • @ilikecinema1234
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Just don’t buy their products. Omg so hard

    • @fatmon95
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I keep seeing people say that Bethesdas game design is outdated but I’ve never seen a valid argument for what that even means? Do people want it to be more like baulders gate or something? I hated baulders gate 3. Do they want it to be more like the witcher 3? That game sucked too. Is it just the loading screens? I could maybe see that, but it’s such a small issue that it basically isn’t one. What is their “outdated” design?

    • @michaelstewart7673
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    It’s time for a massive rehaul in gaming when you have people like Tod Howard and Phil Spencer saying sorry and making excuses for 999th time.

    • @boeserKadser
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Starfield was not ” too different”
    It was too much of the same. You could go ” everywere” but nowhere was worth going to.
    Also they had this cool lore about the old war and the giant mechs that were used in it and they do nothing with it. No new war between the factions, no mech for the player, no planetary conquest. I can come up with more ideas while writing this comment, than Bethesda in 2 years 😂

    • @SupremeCreame
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    starfield is the reason I will never ever preorder a game again…

    • @generalseal6948
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    a guy who unironically enjoys diablo 4 is making games he would like no wonder bethesda in on a downward spiral

    • @sylinashi8761
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Nope. It’s the problem of everybody who didn’t have the good intentions and integrity needed to just get up and walk out the instant massive malignant narcissist took the helm.

    • @GoGo-ze1mq
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I think their maijor problem is actually the writing. It is too awful, and in my opinion, Todd can stay. Fire the lead writer

    • @towelie5127
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    “can’t make games for the 1 percent” –> added pronouns for 0.05 percent

    • @danielmiller5348
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I agree with a lot of what was said here, but for many of us, make Skyrim again, different region, up to date graphics, slightly better mechanics, less loading, that’s all they have to do. Fuck I hate to admit it but if they somehow released and extra 20hrs of Skyrim today, we’d eat that shit up. All this other bs people get into is just deep dive uber gammer nerd pedantry, average gamer who loves open world fantasy would love exactly what is explained above, just do Skyrim again in another region.

    • @Rhenryie
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Blasphemy! repent repent repent!

    • @kouvang522
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    “It just works” Todd Howard trying to convince everyone his brain still functions.

    • @Fuckthis0341
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    10:05 he looks like a bird he is not photogenic

    • @willxowo
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    we have to keep in mind that when it comes to skyrim, the mods made the game immensely more popular/better. although… all that aside and looking at the raw game with face value… yes, the VR port was pretty shit compared to what it could’ve been. yes, every game after has felt outdated. why you gotta reload with every building entry and sometimes every room entry is beyond me. not sure why they can’t escape that. We all like to compare GTA 4 2008 how they did it way better first lol, but, looking at it in their core game perspective… first person RPG with quests? Borderlands you don’t have to reload with every building you enter, lol, every large area of a map yeah but that’s not often. point being there’s no excluse for this flop, but “Todd Howard problem” no shit xd guess what kinda problem Naughty Dog has and it’s not just woke.

    • @ActuallyZee
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Sweet little lies…

    • @livefreewithjp5251
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    How many goddamn times do we have to tell these companies that graphics are like only 30% of what makes a good game? I could literally not give a shit about the graphics as long as it still has a good *style* and it runs well.

    • @aidanmagill6769
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    There is no problem – their games sell and maintain a playerbase for years. They are crushing it by every corporate metric. Their next game will be huge. And the game after that. They may be shallow but that’s a demonstrably lucrative approach.

    • @othosos
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Bethesda took the God Howard memes a little too literally

    • @sherrydowns4052
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    todd has been the problem from day one

    • @JwaaT5oh3
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I never once thought Bethesda was the best or on top and I’m not sure why even anyone would think that even die hard fans lmao. There are so many better RPG’s to play that offer more then exploring a looting and a story that’s not even subpar compared to the RPG’s im going to list. With that said I’m not sure how this is even a discussion. But I know Bethesda d ick riders will think other wise and will say whatever they can but y’all can only fool yourselves and not a non Bethesda d ick rider who lives in reality and knows and has played better games and not even a single Bethesda game is in my top 10 favs and I’m a hardcore rpg player. But what proves what I’m saying is fallout 4 wasn’t that big, wasn’t bad but doesn’t have the love 3 or Vegas has which is red flags after Star field as just like most other devoplers Bethesda is becoming washed up or is no longer what it once was which means it will no longer put out games like it once did and judging by how starfield went I don’t have hope for future games from them but we will see. And the first two fallouts wasn’t made by Bethesda so no sense in talking about it or comparing games made by Bethesda. So to anyone idc and there is no argument if Bethesda didn’t make the game and doesn’t matter if they bought games that were a banger at the time as it wasn’t made by them so it’s all irrelevant If the next fallout is the same as 4 if not worse fallouts done or gonna be in a worser spot. Elder scrolls will live on whether it fails or succeeds because of Skyrim and all of Skyrims fan boys. They will flock to it like they did start field but will obvisouly do better as it’s an elder scrolls title so its name carries weight. Anyways maybe not now but BioWare and I mean old BioWare is a million times better than Bethesda ever was during BioWare’s prime. Bethesda does make good RPGs but to me what a good RPG is are games like Cyber punk, the Witcher, mass effect, dragon age, pillars of eternity and the list goes on but all share a formula with another that any Bethesda game lacks to minor and major degrees and star field is still no different lmao. Tod doesn’t know what a good RPG is nor do the Bethesda fan boys who think Bethesda is a the king or the best at anything hence why Bethesda titles never change. But what I listed are great RPG’s and better than anything Bethesda has put out. Even better than Skyrim. Any elder scrolls game is over hyped and Skyrim shadows them all. And to be clear their games cool and I’m actually a fan just not a die hard fan as I’ve played to many better games to make me think otherwise, yeah you can explore but the game is full of unmeaningful choices unless your playing fallout Vegas which has the most meaningful to small degrees but isn’t anything like that games I listed. None of the Bethesda games are and the one that is to a small degree was made by Obsidian lmao. Only Vegas in my opinion upped the player choice and consequences that effect the story not just a single quest or giving you a false impression of making a choice which Skyrim and all other Elder scrolls games are full of and other fallouts meaning 3-4. Boring if you ask me. I don’t wanna replay the same crap and basically same story with only whatever faction I choose being different that doesn’t have really any major outcomes minus the end plot. World some what reacts to you and does it Cheesley. Y’all think I’m wrong go play a game I listed as I played all of them a couple times minus pillars and all times was a completely different experience and way more worth in replay value. Moral of the story Bethesda is booty compared to many many other devs. It’s only as popular as it is because of Skyrim and I know it sold the most copies or whatever so people say “it’s the best rpg” when nah. Sells don’t make it the best and that’s ignorant thinking and most people are ignorant hence why elder scrolls is so over hyped, fallout is over hyped but Vegas is super good, 3 is alright and 4 is ehh. Not a special track record by any means. Unless elder scrolls 6 is gonna be like any of the RPG’s I listed or similar to Vegas I ain’t even gonna f with until I can buy there modern ancient game for 20 bucks since they still use the same engine since morrow-wind with updated graphics and whatever Skyrim added to the table. But I ain’t paying $60 or $70 for that lmao.

    • @PaxNovusAmericana
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    *Todd Howard: The original Legacy Killa*

    • @TitanfallTeachings
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    How about put them in the metro devs shoes. I doubt they could make anything

    • @L2DDOG
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    The Starfield Reddit has to be one of the most Jannie ran subreddits. Can’t even post critique as a Bethesda fanboy without getting attacked 🤷‍♂️. I’m done unless something massively changes, Starfield wasn’t the path forward

    • @burnttoast26
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    With both Kirkbride and Kuhlman gone from Bethesda and Emil in charge of writing, I have no faith in Elder Scrolls 6

    • @theunhappygamer1744
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I think you miss understand why people didn’t like Starfield. You seem to believe that people didn’t like Starfield because it was too much like Skyrim. But truth is people would of loved the game if it was more Skyrim. It was the Exploration in Skyrim that people loved, the fact that you could pick a direction and run into really cool quests and content but you never got that feeling in Starfield.

    And while a new game engine would be nice, it’s not the main issue with Starfield. Give me a RPG where it feels like my choices are dramatically effecting the story and the game world and I will be happy.

    • @Nisus_Wettus
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Its all the close up magics fault…

    • @soldat88hun
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I don’t think he is necessarily the issue, at this point one or even several of the guy under him should have talked him about this. Yes, there is an issue with him, but he doesn’t put the bugs in the game, or the bad animations. I bet most people at bethesda just don’t care.

    • @ausaskar
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    They’ve been slowly falling behind since Oblivion. What was incredible in 2007 is not even worth mentioning now in the 2020s. The Cyberpunk/Starfield side by side comparison was flat out embarrassing. Starfield looked like an alpha build or a low budget indiegame.

    • @tat381
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Does Todd and Emil have dementia ?

    • @kephryccephryc863
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    the problem is todd and emill one isa fool that belives bethesda is grait and the other belives his some legend of a whriter

    • @CammyAlwaysWins
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    exactly what i said on twitter today, and some ppl argued – NGS should’ve revamped Skyrim with new systems, visuals and audio for SAE release. Their games are stagnant & stuck in the past

    • @axlknightwhosaysni5336
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    There was nothing revolutionary in skyrim. This game is so popular because a) during its release it was a sudden hype for fantasy b) mods. The game itself is 6-7/10.

    • @BrickZero
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Tod is going to be the next Peter Molynuex if he doesn’t start pushing the envelope. the games industry needs to pick a generation (age group) and just focus their designs on that group.

    • @goddamnthieves
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    isn’t Square-Enix as big, or bigger?

    • @Dke721
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    You’re right, the biggest problem with F4 is that the world makes no sense. The very same day that you agree to become the General of the Minutemen, you can meet the Brotherhood and the Minutemen aren’t even mentioned. Even later in that same day you can be inducted into the Brotherhood as a RECRUIT and then sleep that night in Sanctuary as the General.

    • @Ricky-nq7lu
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Till they have a real engine Bethesda will just keep going backwards.
    But after their actions over the last few years, I just want to see the company to go under so someone who truly loves the games can take over.
    The reason Fallout 5 will be totally screwed up as they wasted all that time on 76 which is only a game for whales & not the true fan base of the fallout game series.

    • @robertmcpherson138
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    The only problem Bethesda has that is possibly bigger than it’s Todd Howard problem is it’s Gamebryo/Creation Engine problem… I just… I just DON’T understand how ANYONE can look at that engine and in any way think “Yes, THIS is the engine to take us into a new generation of bigger and better games.”

    This is a 27 year old engine now… and yes, for a long time it did so much that wasn’t possible with other engines. At the time Skyrim launched nothing else could really do what Creation Engine did, on the scale that it did it…. but this is just no longer true, other engines have come along that can do just as much, if not more than Creation Engine, without almost 3 decades of accumulating technical debt.

    Bethesda is ABSOLUTELY stuck in a rut, the road as been traveled SO many times the cart is stuck on the same path. I used to be a massive fan of everything they did… but I haven’t bought a Bethesda game since the Fallout 4 DLCs came out (none of which I’ve actually finished because after beating Fallout 4 just after launch I have massively struggled to get back into it… the game being so bland it needs extensive modding to feel interesting, but said modding makes the engine incredibly unstable.) I passed on Fallout 76, I was disinterested in Starfield… as much as it’s horrible to say I was praying Starfield would completely flop and act as a wakeup call, but then they where bought out by Microsoft and Starfield became a day one GamePass game that would ensure a “successful” launch based on player numbers.

    I have, zero hope for Elder Scrolls 6, and I’m really fucking saddened by that… but gaming has moved on from Skyrim, and Bethesda simply refuse to see that, or to see just how much their engine is holding them back from doing anything remotely innovative again.

    • @NanomachineExE
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Todd is medium tier dogshit preventing Bethesda from becoming maximum tier dogshit. Once he leaves the company will turn into the same slop Ubisoft has.

    • @dick8689
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Elder Scrolls series R.I.P.

    • @zipforth
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I still don’t get why people keep saying that the issue with starfield was using outdated ideas from Skyrim. The issue for me was that Bethesda threw away the bespoke maps, deep lore, and addictive exploration in favor of a new paradigm of randomly generated slop. Yes, getting to be thane of everywhere, the leader of the thieves guild, and arch mage isn’t realistic or how larian does things, but I’m not playing Skyrim for realism and heavy hitting drama. I’m playing it to have a fun time as a main charcter fantasy hero in a highly detailed, alive world. Baldur’s gate 3 is phenomenal, but I don’t think I want that kind of every-choice-matters rpg from bethesda. I just want them to get back to their roots of handcrafted worlds filled with and informed by lore, where the player can go on whatever combination of detailed side quests and mayhem they care to try. If starfield had stuck closer to Skyrim in those ways, I would have enjoyed it far more.

    • @crow2989
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    When ego destroys a company

    • @Understandable-z2k
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    CP2077 despite it’s launch created a whole new standard in my eyes for an open world, 1st person RPG. Even when it was a buggy mess (and trust me, I’ve played on PS4 *shudders*) it’s very well designed and immersive. So many details and really great combat and stories. Phantom Liberty was amazing. Feels like every update they say “This is the last update” and surprise us with more like their last update adding vehicle customizations and QOL updates which has a level of care I don’t see in anything Bethesda anymore. TES 6, something I remember being so excited for even way back in Highschool, is something I really have no hopes for anymore. I have no expectations because if I did, they’d be little to none. It’ll be nice if it’s a good game, but I really don’t expect anything new from Bethesda to be good. If other peps enjoy their games now that’s great for them, but at this point I have way more fun modding FNV or Skyrim than playing anything new from Bethesda.

    • @nyranstanton203
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    if they just translate what they did with Indiana Jones………to Elder Scrolls 6 , that type of authentic passion for the ORIGINAL product. It will be fine.

    • @Threeeyedravenn
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Tood howard is dogshit just look at FO4 and FO76 TRASHH AND ESPECIALLY STARFIELD🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮PATHETIC

    • @xIcyStarzz-yz7my
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Ill say it before, and Ill say it again. bethesda will never have another second of my time, or a dollar from my wallet until Todd “players dont matter”, and Emil “story doesnt matter” are sitting six ft below the ground. Their poison, like cancer has already spead too far.

    It will be years before they release anything worth checking out because Bethesda Studios does not make games. They try to make money. Thats it. Starfield wasnt a video game, remember that, it was an “experience”.

    • @KaiCaracofe
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I think it’s possible to be way TOO big as a studio. To the point that it slows development and it results in mixed messages and quite literally just being out of touch.

    • @CJ_1995_
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Bethesda saying there proud of shatter space ,is exactly why Bethesda has fallen from grace. Instead of reflect on what went wrong, they ignore it and say eh it must be the haters.

    • @mastersmurfify
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    People had a problem with Mass Effect’s uncharted worlds more than a decade ago and BGS thought it made sense to do the same thing years later.

    Then the idiots literally said rush through the story and once you did the whole thing fell apart like props on a movie set as soon as a scene ends.

    • @Risu1177
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    The scary part is with the failure of FO76 and Starfield, how is ES6 going to be. I love the ES series and Fallout but I don’t have much faith in anything new they put out.

    • @evangel1460
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Every year I replay Morrowind. That game cameout when I was like 2, and I didn’t play it until my teens, but it is such an amazing RPG that it is crazy. Even with basic bug fixes and the dlc it still stands out as one of the greatest RPGs of all time. I always am astounded playing it because it reminds me of how talented the Bethesda development team really can be, and that the world they have can be so many amazing things. Funny, horrific, dramatic, they can make amazing things but I really believe skyrim was the worst thing to happen to that company. That game being as big as it was in the biggest and most important generation to be “big and amazing” has really just ruined them from a design standpoint. It’s very sad.

    I do have high hopes though, I really think they will have too much pressure to not try SOMETHING new with ES6.

    • @DeadPixel1105
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    “People didn’t like Starfield because it was so different than everything we’ve done in the past.” That is such nonsense. Countless studios that are known primarily for one type of game have had success releasing games that are radically different than what players are used to. Look at Rockstar Games. They’re known for massive open-world games like GTA and RDR. Yet, when they released Manhunt, it was a success. Hell, they even released a table tennis game that was well received.
    Another example would be id Software (though the results were a bit different). When they released Rage and Rage 2, those games were NOT well received. But their failure had nothing to do with the fact that they were very different from Doom. These games failed because players thought they were bland, uninteresting, and forgettable. And the reason Doom 3 got so much criticism was not because “Hey, this is nothing like classic Doom”. It was because there was too much reliance on predictable jump scares, monster closets, etc.
    Todd needs to stop being so defensive and arrogant. All it’s doing is blocking forward progress and keeping himself (and BGS) stagnant.

    • @Nighthound75
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Well.. lol I’m glad the rest of the world finally caught up

    • @FatalTalons
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    if all decisions have to go by todd howard and their own devs hate that than how are they gonna feel it when todd howard leaves???? you’d think they’d be……… wait for it…………………… *HAPPY?!?!*

    • @aidancoutts2341
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Its “brunt of the blame”

    Blunt is the wrong word lol.

    • @Henbot
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Well, it pretty Bethesda haven’t had a complete financial failure so see no need to change their approach and Bethesda fans are the worst enablers that worship them so hard. It is likely it will be mid but they can do fantasy better then sci fi

    • @socialdistancing1289
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Seeing him be ridiculed multiple times during the game awards pretty sweet. And the gall of him taking credit for the fallout series was another example why he needs to be removed from his position

    • @GalladeTheWarrior
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    “ultimate fantasy world simulator” yeah they already did that with daggerfall…..

    • @billdawson9471
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Sounds like Todd needs to be removed from the company. Micro-Managing is never a good thing for a company.
    One can not be a optimist and a realist at the same time. A realist is center between optimists and pessimists.

    • @fredEVOIX
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    sorry had to dislike anyone including you saying “update the engine” knows as much about game engines than Frosk or Alyssa, please refrain from reprising “internet parrots” comments they are more often than not wrong, bethesda engine can do more than any other game engine…why the hell do you think those are the most modded games ? because they can do things no other game engine can, what’s the 1st game that ever had AI npcs before AAA companies even knew this was possible ? Skyrim ! there’s a reason why

    • @Meathead-10810
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    19:21 This is just common sense general politicking. Trump does this all the time, just look at the last 2 weeks of outrage over trump tweets and announcements – it works 🤣

    • @razorblazor571
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Bethesda has a Microsoft problem too

    • @highexotica
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    So this is what the channel is now… Just rage bait and very little content that doesn’t have the thumbnail picture saying “Gamers are angry, ___ is in Trouble, Serious Trouble, This is Chaos or This is Crazy.” I stopped watching this channel about 4 years ago and it is still plugging along with the same content.

    • @FrstSpctr88
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Todd howard is the fallen corrupt king, he cannot lead bethesda to anything other than its doom.

    • @DigitalApex
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    All of the people that swore up and down that Todd wasn’t basically the sole person who made choices behind development can shut up now. FINALLY.

    • @KOBULT92
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Emil Paglirulo is the lead writer and quest designer and has had Todd’s blessing as a major decision-maker since after oblivion. He’s also a total fukn hack(look up his dev talks) If Todd goes, but Emil doesn’t nothing will get any better.

    • @danielkrug1089
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Bethesda of the past: boring sandboxes that could be fixed by modders.
    Present day bethesda: boring sandboxes that even modders cant fix

    • @ChaoticHeretic
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Bethesda: Spends literately 20+ years making the best games in the genre. Borderline magic.

    Also Bethesda: Becomes ambitious and attempts to make a space exploration/frontier game. It is painfully mid(Just like everyone else who has attempted. It took No mans sky 10 years to recover.)

    Gamers without a single capability to think for themselves who choose to ignore all the great games Bethesda has made: Omg, Todd is such a horrible person, bethesda is soooo bad… how dare they make one game that isn’t a smash hit like 95% of all games they make.

    Honestly, I think it is this part of our community i’ll never be able to forgive. You people just bandwagon so easily and its honestly pathetic.

    • @Mark-vr7pt
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Ok, so, i know its a bad example, but, in NMS you can land on every planet, you can run around the whole thing if you want, it has quite more diverse geography generation then starfield and yes it doesn’t have loading screens (except hidden behind interstellar FTL jumps).

    And im pretty sure Elite Dangerous can do all of those things too. Tho their landscape generation is more boring/realistic then the one in NMS.

    And both of them better at it then Starfield, despite being released almost decade ago

    • @yesiyahh
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    great example of “not everybody cup of tea” game is last Deus Ex games or Pray. these games flopped financially but dont have such negative response. So besestha trying wishful thinking here 100%

    • @EtherasFox
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    You are completely incorrect about this, HD. ( I’m a pro game dev BTW. )

    First off: the problem with Bethesda Game Studio is also their strength: they are the “brand name” ™ in first-person “immersive sim” RPGs. Being a studio that makes a particular type of game (like TellTale games and point & click adventures, and Paradox and building sims, etc), allows you to build a set of tool and really REFINE them for the type of game that you’re making.

    For Bethesda this would be the dialog system, the gunplay, the mission system, inventory system, etc. e A LOT of this can be re-skinned and reused from earlier games, which dramatically reduces the overhead to build games.

    But with Bethesda, this is both a blessing and a curse. They have this backlog of tools and reusable programming, but its all build on the Creation Engine. Switching to a modern engine, such as Unreal, would mean rewriting EVERYTHING. But sticking with Creation is like trying to use a cart-horse on a modern highway. They’ve added like… rocket boosters onto it, but it just doesn’t work, and just comes off as janky. In short: they need to switch to Unreal.

    But this also isn’t the real problem. The real problem is that Bethesda makes A PARTICULAR TYPE OF GAME. That is what they’re known-for. That is what they are good at. And the problem is that they’re trying to make games outside their core competency. Nobody really cares about Fallout 4’s colony system. We’d play a colony builder to do that. What we really want is a good solid FPS “immersive sim” RPG. Which is the type of game that put Bethesda Studios on the map. But for some reason, Todd Howard doesn’t really want to make FPS “immersive sim” RPGs. He wants space combat and colony building and all this other stuff we didn’t ask for.

    Bethesda Studios needs to go back to its roots and focus on its core competency: FPS “immersive sim” RPGs. If they do that, and switch to Unreal (and start building up their infrastructure and codebase in Unreal to reuse in future projects)… and if they can avoid all the Wokeism and get back to writing really good solid quests and characters… they will be beloved once-again.

    • @0That_Guy0
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I have zero hope for Elder Scrolls 6, which is sad to say when I to this day still enjoy a heavily modded Skyrim (Gate To Sovngard FTW).
    But I don’t want another Skyrim. I want something new, and Bethesda is stuck in a loop.

    • @Scylon1
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    So i played the 1st kingdomcome deliverance. And my god I can see how far behind bethesda is. Honestly, after playing it, you can see how crap starfeild is.

    • @DeadPixel1105
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    1:10 Holy crap, look how tiny Todd Howard is. Even that woman is taller than he is. He looks like a toddler up on that stage with other adults.

    • @Monstahunt
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Fallout 76 ALWAYS had fun gameplay and an addictive progesion system…Reviewers are just shit at reviewing. Games corpo Journalist’s are corrupt, and You Tuberr are SHEEP that just copy-paste their options from each other.. Now years later FO76 has had millions playing and enjoying it and still has decent player counts daily and literally the only thing they added was lame npcs. The launch version of the game is very much the same game people are loving today, all levelling,traversal, exploration all systems the same, its even still buggy as fuk.
    Reviewers are just crap at reviewing.

    • @mionfel1350
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    The level of delusion from Bethseda would earn any normal person an extended stay in a padded room.

    • @armyofray8096
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    There’s woke elements to the story….gay characters with no depth etc… I swear woke developers don’t make great games. They’re too busy trying to fix culture though mediocrity

    • @Flippohoyyy
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    ”All of this doesn’t work any more” – Todd Howard

    • @mikejaygreen
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Pale, unkempt beard.. dude needs to go out and get a real job. I can almost smell the stale sweat.

    • @WonOneWun
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Bethesda hasn’t innovated on anything since Skyrim unless you count the settlement system in 4 and who the fuck cares about that.

    • @bossredd-77
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Me playing Starfield while listening to someone telling me I hate it…🫤

    • @davidtaylor8195
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Thats hilarious. the artist would basically have to “lowball” offer ideas to Howard

    • @HappyLarry.
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Todd Howard is the perfect example of a mediocre man who’s a control freak. Reminds me of how Steve Jobs kept telling people to do all these projects and they all failed, then he’d buy a patent from a genuinely creative person and suddenly, Jobs was a genius all cause he was the one selling it.

    • @HomeGrown001
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Hey Todd didn’t come up with these original ideas. Some would argue he has ruined Fallout. Btw Bethesda turning out this bad encouraged me to sell my PC, best decision I ever made, my time is owned by me now not some grubby software publisher

    • @bluehornet632
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Good vid. When you arent doing culture war BS your a decent youtuber.

    • @EvilSSP
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Stalker 2 is the final nail for me, because it’s everything that a modern Fallout game could and should be, and it was done by a much smaller developer that doesn’t have Microsoft money backing them. At this point I don’t have any intentions of buying any of their future games until YEARS after release and that’s only if they prove to be a change of pace. This is coming from someone with 2337 hours into Fallout 4, I was their biggest fan.

    • @elden_lord22
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I think bethesda needs a hard reset go back to what made them as big as they are now and remember it wasn’t
    a single man
    a single game
    or even a single idea
    it was they made games that would reach out to their players but they stopped doing just that

    • @easyplayer7453
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Todd Howard is no Christopher Nolan

    • @steverogers7611
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    They used to be the best, but yeah they don’t put out new games

    • @BruvaBob
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    If someone else had been at the helm of Bethesda over the past 10years then it would of been 16x better

    • @Malentor
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    As a fan of Daggerfall, this man was a problem since the very beginning. It’s his fault the company ended up where it did.

    • @michaelmorris4515
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    The next big game will be from the studio that can properly leverage AI to flesh out a lot of the corners of the world that Bethesda is trying to flesh out by hand – which just isn’t possible at the scales they’re trying to do it now. And honestly – I wouldn’t be surprised if that game was a cross between Elder Scrolls and Minecraft – where the major plot lines and themes are hand crafted, but the bulk of the world content is procedural using AI backed procedural generation far more sophisticated than what Mojang is capable of today.

    And a lot of this are tedious little details – getting lip syncing to work when NPC’s talk to you – Large language models can carry on conversations on behalf of NPC’s that make dialog trees look like the crap they are. And AI improvements to combat behaviors of monsters to just plain old path finding.

    • @willwilkie8558
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Its oddly refreshing to have a game company thats issues stem just from dumb game decisions rather than an infestation of woke psychopaths and people who hate their own audience.

    • @dylanhage4722
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    todd is scum

    • @ryancull515
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Bethesda is a one trick pony. I love their games but on playstation the menu is circle. Jump is triangle. You can pick everything up, eat and craft. They quests play the same. The games are the same but the setting is different. Thats why they are getting old.

    • @stuflames4769
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    A red flag of design that really bothered me that I haven’t seen others talk about is how in Oblivion and then again in Skyrim weapons simply weigh more the higher on the list you go.

    Glass is supposed to be a very light weight and strong material, and in Morrowind for example the weapon weight of glass in low.

    In Skyrim or oblivion there’s this ultra sanitized, very inorganic method of organization where the next higher tier weapon weighs more. Glass is stronger than Dwarven so it weighs more.

    … Huh? No. No guys. That’s not how that works. Let the item be made from the lore and not from a spreadsheet.

    • @Smooshmouf
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    While Todd is a mjor prohlem, the biggest problem Bethesda has is gamers. People keep buying theor slop hoping thos mext one will be better, even though their games are getting visibly worse. The only accountability that Bethesda will ever take is when the shareholders demand change because no one is buying. Unfortunately, so many gamers are like a cucked husband hoping that, maybe THIS time, his wife won’t cheat. I used to love Bethesda, but they are not hoing to get any better while people still pay them for their mediocrity.

    • @arcanelore0
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    No one stays on top forever, I dont hate musicians for their shonky late solo work. I love them for the great albums they gave me when they were on fire

    • @arcanelore0
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Do you mane ANY positive content? Like not all, that would be wierd, but any?

    • @powerplays454
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I had two massive issues with starfield. 1 the loading screens everywhere. And 2. No radio. If it had had a fallout style radio. I could have forgiven the rest.

    • @xakarymikal7948
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    This isn’t news worthy

    • @hosannayeshua4446
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    i don’t think there is problem with large games, to me skyrim is comparable to average sized city. It takes away from the immersion being able to travel across the map in a few minutes. It makes the ‘cities’ in the game also small since the whole map is small, so the cities must be small as well. It is not so great when you go to windhelm and there is just dozen huts, maybe 40 npcs and then a ‘keep’ the size of villa. No the cities should be absolutely huge, the world should be huge. Then you just populate it in the best and efficient way possible. This requires the developers to implement new things, to actually develop the game, to actually improve.

    • @xakarymikal7948
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I hear a lot of crying and not a lot of ideas being thrown out? What did you not like Starfield specifically? If you’re talking about yesmen, look in the mirror man. There’s 10000 YouTube videos out saying the exact thing you’re saying verbatim. No original content. Just videos saying the same thing about starfield. What can we do to fix the game? What should star field be like ? What are the issues and what could be done differently. What features do you want in the new elder scrolls game ? Do you have expectations for graphical improvements and if what are those expectations? I did not hear any ideas for what could be improved. Just what you didn’t like and Todd Howard slams by quoting what he says but not asking what he should have said or done about starfield.

    • @dorugu
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    u bother? it’s soo much cheaper to repeat what they’ve done b4 no need to innovate n so on
    thn just blame it on somekinda “conspiracy” when th game fails 🙂

    • @kaanozkuscu5079
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Nah, Todd saved Bethesda, Pre Todd Elder scrolls was just boring dungeon grinds.

    • @jakel.1724
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    any company that gets terrible reviews on something but then stands on it and says they’re proud of it. They’re cooked the company and never gonna do good without large change.

    • @kevinbourke1847
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Xbox should fired him and blizzard guy too

    • @griff_the_boxer
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    If development has been going on as long as we think it has on ES6, it’s likely going to be a huge, unfocused mess that will need to be fixed with three years of mods and updates like Cyberpunk.

    • @lastwolflord
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Been saying for a long time he needs to be let go. I’m sure M$ can find somebody to run that company. Hell, my Girlfriend has a cat that might be able to make better business decision.

    • @danburke6568
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Todd and the all the leadership had mega payday with moving to Xbox.
    Now it’s not about putting out good AAA games but ticking the box’s for their overlords.
    Maybe they got MS stocks but now their little game is nothing.
    Buying IPs for billions is crazy. The studios are not the same with corporation overlord’s

    • @alanwatts6025
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Bethesda wont put out anything truly unique until Todd Howard is gone
    For me skyrim was a major downgrade from oblivion and fallout 4 was a joke

    • @fredEVOIX
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    early after fallout 4 release I mistakenly erased my modded 300hrs savegame, I have not reinstalled nor modded the game I’m keeping it for when elder scrolls 6 proves bethesda arpgs are dead, i have no hope of elder scrolls or 3d fallouts to be good, the golden age is over we entered the dark age of entertainment

    • @twofarg0ne763
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    As the former CEO of a software company, if I had an employee like Todd Howard, he would have fired the day after the dumpster fire called Fallout 76 was released. You cannot trust a word that comes from that man’s mouth.

    • @Garbagedayincorporated
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I hate how people talk about Bethesda games. The problem isn’t that starfield was just “Skyrim again”, the problem is that they significantly changed their formula for the worse. The world, writing, and worst of all the progression were botched in the worst ways possible. People would be glad to have another Skyrim. Sure, there’s a higher standard for presentation that Bethesda also failed to meet, but games are more than just their presentation.

    • @chapman3713
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    When you think of how great Morrowind was and then you hear comments like “getting things past Todd.” Makes you think even Todd’s arguably best game was good in spite of him.

    • @thecompanioncube4211
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    The reality is even more grim for Todd it feels to me. He fundamentally doesn’t understand why his own games like Skyrim of Fallout are successful

    • @canadaplease7981
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    How does such a large problem come from such a small man?

    • @MrJLikes2Play
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Always has

    • @rododendron85
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Bugthesda lives in the past with its head deep in the sand

    • @ckernick
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    The gaming industry has a Todd Howard problem.

    • @theincrediblefella7984
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    You are incredibly late to the conversation. We knew this back when FO3 releases. Hell even oblivion has red flags.

    • @BigDogLucky
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    People dont even want a huge leap in the game engine.. They just want TES VI. Bethesda has so many loyal fans that would play the absolute crap out of a full skyrim reskin based in hammerfell, lol..

    • @SkaFrost
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Why hasn’t MS combine Obsidian and Bethesda with Obsidian in charge?

    • @EternitynChaos
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Honestly, I wouldn’t Pirate Bethesda games nowadays, let alone buy one

    • @MyNickWasTaken137
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Todd Howard is a visionary, but visionaries need to be challenged. Having great “Idea-Guy” on board is great, but you need practical people to keep their ideas on the floor and in touch with reality. When the Toddster goes “14 times the size” there needs to be someone to say “8 times the size will do, we’ll use those resources on something else instead”.
    Starfield wasn’t a bad game, it was just Skyrim in space: The story of the Starborn, and that was boring/not what people wanted. Also it was so heavily sanitized and the sidequests were so small and boring that it you didn’t feel free like in other games. It was a disapointment. Also the rubberfaces are very uncanny, but that’s just a pet-peeve of mine.

    • @weasel7396
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    As a life long gamer going back to pong, it would be nice to see a pretty girl in a game and not just girls that could pass for a dude. I’m sure ES6 will super woke but I hope not.

    • @SkaFrost
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    It just works

    • @stezenast5878
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    The decision to scale the levels and loot of enemies with the player’s level is an atrocious idea. Combined with their choice to make the player level up as their skills level, it forces the player to focus on combat skills or they fall behind the curve of enemy difficulty. It becomes ridiculous when every bandit on the road has the strongest armor simply because the player is strong.

    It’s embarrassingly antithetical to how an RPG usually works. There’s usually a progression of difficulty in enemy types that correlates with location, making certain locations inaccessible for players until they become strong enough. And those locations correlate with better loot. Usually there is a lot of freedom in which order of skills a player may choose to level up.

    Bethesda threw almost all of this out of the window and replaced it with a mockery of RPG mechanics.

    • @thefactory7221
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Skyrim *was* neat, but most of it from a creative and narrative standpoint hasn’t aged well, it only performed well commercially because Skyrim was a flash in the pan at the time. The Elder Scrolls Isn’t Unique Anymore, and Bethesda’s leadership adamantly believes otherwise. Sadly for Bethesda, and fortunately for the gamer, the RPG Scene has MASSIVE competition now. like Halo, TES and Fallout will fade into obscurity.

    • @KingDavidCreates
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I feel like when I hear Todd talk about “Ultimate Fantasy Sandbox” or whatever it only makes my desire to not play the Elder Scrolls 6 even greater. At this point, I would take a game on the level of Skyrim. I don’t need it to revolutionize everything about the Elder Scrolls because I feel given the past 10 or so years going “bigger and better” for Bethesda just means less handcrafted content, more radiant dungeons and quests, and loads of bland and heartless procedural generation to fill in the gap. I don’t want to walk up to a mission board in the Elder Scrolls 6 and take my 100th bandit camp quest. The thing that makes Bethesda games for me is that handcrafted world and dungeon design, It’s why I ended up hating what little I did play of Starfield. Wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle. Bland, Boring, and Repetitive.

    • @NCR-National-Reclamation-Gov
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    The Great Trial shall begin

    • @caseyjones5145
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I wish bethesda would hire the elden ring team to remake new vegas. Atleast I could trust them to try ya know

    • @prezzeruk4054
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Honestly the way things have gone with the studio, i think we would be lucky to even get more skyrim!
    They will struggle to match skyrim, let alone beat it!

    • @DuckGooze
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    So just because he looks good he was put in a position of decision making.
    I don’t give a Fuck if the person in that position looks like Hawkins i will pay for a good game.

    • @geordiejones5618
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I hope Todd never stops hearing fans beg them to let Obsidian do another Fallout, whether its New Vegas 2 or another location. Would be better than any game Bethesda has made in two decades by the time it would be finished. I am so much more interested in both Avowed and The Outer Worlds 2 than TES VI.

    • @ArcaeroOfUvirith
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Thing is Howard was never a good game director. Never has been. Remember morrowind? Remember how Bethesda was on the verge of shutting down? The save wasn’t from him. It was from the original writers. The ones who built the actual universe of the elderscrolls. Not to mention the decision to release it on a console as well aided bethesdas survival. A lot of idiots will say “well I was under the impression…” and go on to list things Howard has dabbled in after. No morons. All he did was make tes lean into power fantasy more. That’s it. And luckily the writers carried his weight by making the story a tale of revenge against false gods. They made it power fantasy friendly in it. Oblivion wasn’t working because you weren’t special and the story was about other characters while staying a power fantasy. 5 works well with it too, but it should if had rpg heavy elements. Most of the poor content is from him and the d bag who writes up the quests since oblivion. If you came to a conclusion that quests in oblivion were a chore… you can thank that pos.

    • @justinb3074
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    too different from what we’ve seen from them in the past? dude. it was skyrim in space.

    • @weasel7396
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    The only thing missing from Todd is blue hair and pronouns

    • @kushscentedbeard
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Todd Howard IS John Bethesda.

    • @Bottlecap
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    “It just works.”

    • @runpullfourskinz6796
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Look no further than the fact that stealing from shopkeeper chests hidden under the map is still a thing in Starfield.

    • @ImMobile2014
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    They have a great space to fill left by Anarchy Online. If they would study that game and quit trying to fly spaceships around they could come up with something pretty amazing IMO.

    • @dlodortyjobs5618
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I never understood why Skyrim was so lauded. Yes it looked very pretty for the time, but gameplay, story, and modding was leaps and bounds better in morrowind and oblivion. I remember when I played both of these the first time my eyes just popped out and numerous times I would stop and say wow. Skyrim was good but it never once had a wow moment for me. Best thing about it was the dark brotherhood story, and that was made better through mods. Now that I think about it…. I would love a Dark Brotherhood story as the main story…..

    • @regialdamanita8392
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Todd causing problems again? How is this News? He’s ALWAYS causing a problem. (:P)

    • @baddudecornpop7328
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    ES6 is gonna be a nice big ol steaming pile of sht. Don’t try to gaslight yourselves into thinking it won’t be.

    • @Mortiel
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Unpopular opinion: Skyrim is the most overrated video game of all time.

    • @GearDiego23
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I kinda understand why people dont like Starfield.
    But thats not me, I really like the game. I can spend 100’s of hours on it having a lot of fun.
    Be cause it is exactly what I believed it was gonna be; Fallout 4 on space with extra stuff. And thats exactly what it is.

    • @АндрейСапонов-р1л
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    With Bethesda in its current state, I’d settle for another Fallout 4 – a game with handcrafted world, that is deep and polished enough to be enjoyable without having to install 300+ mods.

    • @DraconiusDragora
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I find it funny, that Morrowind, which was the first game he made with Bethesda as the lead director, he absolutely hated it.
    Yet it is one of the more positive games.
    Not only can you Build your character and their backstory to what you want them to be. But you can’t join guilds willy nilly. Since a lot of the guilds will be against each other in one way or another. Like the Great House Telvani and the Mages Guild, Fighter’s Guild and the Thieves guild. All three great houses against each other. And more.
    So you often thought about; Which guild would the character join, why and how does it impact your view of them.
    Oblivion removed this, and it was dumb. Since you no longer were necessary to have the skills required nor had a choice to do when joining guilds. So your character will always become the Every-Hero-Man-Man (This is a sarcastic joke, on the point that One Man or Woman, is able to do Everything while also being the head leader of every major faction, guild, town, city, castle and so on)
    Skyrim followed the same trend. And sadly I don’t think Todd will ever go away from this view.

    • @billwhite1603
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Starfield needed ten Bazras. It’s like playing fallout four and hearing about diamond city. But there really is very little content in diamond city. ten characters walk around the only tiny square. Starfield has little or no random encounters. Nothing to take you into another direction. And no, ships landing in the distance helps unless like me you are so bored and tried to stick with Starfield. Bethesda lies, they never tried to get out a good fallout or Elder Scrolls. They have their online shooters subscription games, 76 and elder scrolls. That’s all they need evidently. I’ll be dead before a real fallout games comes out and probably ES6. I think bethesda is going to lose their base very soon.

    • @la-thekid
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Idk about god awful it was a cool dlc not everyone gonna be a banger.

    • @NPFCT
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    mass effect 1 was better with space exploration, i liked outerworlds better , besthedia is dead to me

    • @caerdwyn7467
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Todd Howard is George Lucas.

    Early success, went to his head, nobody in a position to tell him “no”, ruined what he had created, now a clown in a genre he largely created.

    Get rid of him, Bethesda. Give him a bunch of money and tell him to GO AWAY. He doesn’t walk on water, no matter who says so.

    • @dylgaarthecarpathian4019
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    If you ignore anything story related and just build ships and explore, Starfield can be fun, but that gets old after a while and Emil’s writing makes the main quest an abysmal experience

    • @buttersmclovin5300
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    16x times the detail

    • @ree7480
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    There’s nothing wrong with being critical of Bethesda or Todd Howard. At the same time this type of video has been done a million times and creators like you make it over and over simply for engagement. In 2025 you’ll make this same exact video again I guarantee it. Like Bethesdas engine, it’s getting real old. Videos like these just keep repeating the same talking points and you don’t add anything new

    • @SativaSwift
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    about 2 months ago i decided to truly 100% skyrim one last time, ive 100% it before in terms of quests but ive never gotten every achievement, i succeeded 4 days ago and can confidently say that was the last time ill ever be playing an elder scrolls game, i didnt ask for an oblivion remake personally and have no faith in elder scrolls 6, plus if they force the people making skyblivion to stop i just wont buy anything from bethesda ever again anyhow.

    • @brentonherbert7775
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    So when are people going to realise todd howard’s still just a posterboy and there’s STILL people above him?
    Robert Altman for an example…? Maybe look him up sometime?

    • @derikyeager2127
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Ummm… Shatterd Space was great, silly

    • @lymanblakeman4381
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    agreed, his leadership has killed bethesda

    • @LevanEvan
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I’ve had many years now to prepare for ES VI to be a dissapointment. That being said I sure hope I am proven wrong.

    • @Lucario4thewin
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    All this just works!
    But not for gamers.

    • @CriticalThinking88
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    He’s been a problem for the last 10 years.

    • @myyoutubewhatevahappenedthere
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Reminder Todd ruined the absolutely unique and alien world of Morrowind because he saw LOTR and needed to rip it off for Oblivion

    • @JohnnyFamas139
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Chanel’s like this is the reason why the “don’t recommend this channel” feature exist. I get it’s the holidays and your probably struggling. But jumping on the hate click bandwagon is low af. I’m doing my part to limited low quality videos like this in the YouTube algorithm. 🫡

    • @mundanemorselsmundanemorse7028
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    This video exacerbates the rhetoric surrounding Starfield. It’s not a bad game, and the DLC isn’t “god awful.”

    I’m so tired of everyone having to pick a side and call everything either trash or god-tier. Makes us, the gaming community, look like a bunch of hive-minded 12 year olds.

    • @superjarri
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Skyrim is still in the top 50 most played games on Steam. Why would they have any reason to release a new game when people keeps buying and playing the old one? That’s why they are not pushing it too much and spent all their resources in getting another franchise up there (it’s not working, I must say). There’s something I’m totally sure: ES6 will come with some kind of large language model attached to it for NPC dialogues and I’m pretty sure it will include some kind of AI based text to speech as well.

    • @slicktrick9640
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Just look at state of fallout 76 on launch. I said I would never pre order after that mess. Thank todd

    • @rawn9234
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    He talks as if everything since oblivion has been literally all him todd needs to take a check and go chill somewhere

    • @meeamea
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    The whole “2 monster design” thing, is very common for artists in games, or in any industry where the artist themselves is not the one who gets the final say. We usually know what we want to see in the game, and what will look better overall, but convincing management or leadership of those decisions tends to be more about satiating their own egos.
    So, we draw what we want to use, then make alternates that we absolutely don’t want to use, that we know are inferior, so that the version we want to use gets picked (by virtue of the fact that it is the best option).

    I’ve had too many situations where I was asked to draw 6 options for scenarios, or for designs, when I know the there really only needs to be 2 options presented (since we throw away the options that are bad in early stages). There has never been a scenario where the options that I thought were the best were not picked- so much time could be saved if leadership trusted us.

    • @npenick66
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    To me the main problem was the horrible writing. Dialog bad, responses not logical, etc. So much of it came across as tweener fan fiction. Next, so many of the storylines were ripped directly from other ip’s. Bad guy in basement sending you to catch other bad guys – blacklist, get to the ‘unity/center of galaxy’ to get to new universe – NMS, sub-light colony ship arrives hundreds of years after other humans arrived – Star Trek and others, etc ad nauseum. That’s not even mentioning the ugly/creepy npc’s that don’t react to shooting or grenates going off right next to them. Overall SF was very disappointing.

    They over promised and under delivered. That gave the impression of outright lying. The excuses just come across as gaslighting. A lot of the people that I spoke to about SF felt that BGS catfished them with this mediocre slog.

    • @ApPersonaNonGrata
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    In other words, Bethesda has a covert Narcissist Personality Disorder running their business problem.
    This is what created a “yes men” environment.

    This is why clinically Narcissistic rulers always inevitably fail; taking that society down with them.

    Howard also doesn’t understand gaming nor gamers.
    So he ignores everything he doesn’t want to hear, and then gaslights customers to say “You are very welcome for me giving you exactly what you asked for”.

    • @jiji12boji2
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Me waiting for Morrowind vr

    • @horza4530
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I would have bought any Bethesda game, sight unseen, up until ’76. You could see a mile off what that game was going to be. A lazy, broken, empty, cash grab. For the first time with a Bethesda game I held off buying it. As I watched the reviews come in I was glad on the one hand that I hadn’t bought it, but sad on the other, because it meant we had reached a turning point with the company.

    After ’76 you could no longer trust anything Todd said. This has proven to be true with Starfield, and its crappy DLC. I believe that Todd should have been pushed out the door after the disaster that was ’76. What he is struggling to come to terms with is that all of the adulation he received for many years is in the past. Those days are gone. No amount of lies will bring it back. You live and die by the quality of the worlds and game play you create.

    Bethesda desperately need a new game engine. New writers and someone to oversee it all that we can believe is telling us the truth and isn’t delusional.

    • @F3ARL388
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    See you guys in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 and Witcher 4 😉

    • @leonov7157
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Starfield was a loading screen simulator with 2011 graphics

    • @jiji12boji2
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I just want Morrowind vr

    • @crimsonpotemkin
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Where is that technological leap? It feels like they’re going backwards and devolving in real time.

    • @jebusDsavior
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I’m not saying I hate Todd, I would just be willing to pay double for a fallout game he had nothing to do with

    • @TuorTheBlessedOfUlmo
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    he genuinely thinks he created the TES series. Stalin would blush at how Todd can manage to convince people of things that never happened. Todd started at bethesda during Daggerfall he did basic shit for that game had no say in the creative side. and then somehow got given a postion for morrowind where he again didnt actually make any decisions but he did get to give the go ahead for decisions… there lays the problem because of this he convinced himself that he is a creative genius because he okayed a bunch of good ideas others had created. now basically rince and repeat that 5 times and you end up… Here…

    • @TamLe0513
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    “It just works” – said Master Todd

    • @cbleman
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    They’ve always had a Todd Howard problem. He stole an IP, some talent and made buggy games on a buggy engine and keeps selling the same garbage. I’ve never liked him, felt that he was dragging them down for years. Bethesda may as well make mobile loot box scam games and quit trying to look legitimate

    • @docroy4317
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    unbelievable glazing from these defenders. wipe your mouths 😂

    • @wolfhors3_660
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I like all the elements of Skyrim. I’d just like it to look like a modern game and I’d like them to take their hand out of my wallet after I buy the game.

    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    “It just works”

    • @Fantasygod19999
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Remember all the idiots in the comments saying 1,000 planets was a good thing, think about the modders having a full planet to themselves? Where all you at now lol? I am correct once again

    • @excinerus
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    going unreal 5 is the worst thing that could happen to a bethesda game

    • @Lol_Pig
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Everything about BGS is outdated, watered-down, and unfinished upon release. Starfield in a nutshell.

    • @tommix6016
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    We can always rely on Bethesda to evolve their games by cutting functionality game generation by game generation.

    • @NetraAmorosi
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I don’t feel like Starfield is a good thing to compare to. Starfield is a new venture into an area that Bethesda has no experience with at all. The fact that starfield came out as bad as it did was no surprise to me. Frankly expected as much, it coming out great is what would of surprised me.

    • @SCAR3DY_C4T
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    having 10000 cabbages rolling down a hill is funny but Morrowind was the goat and had no physics.. not everything needs to be fully interactable if thats the issue remove it please thanks todd

    • @nextlifeonearth
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I do feel for Todd. Their engine as an example. People who actually work on the engine apparently like it for what it is and see a future in it as well as enough incentive to keep using and upgrading it.
    Outsiders have other ideas. Maybe both have a point, but I’m still glad they’re at least not contributing to the monoculture of Unreal games. Maybe they can tweak Id tech for their needs, but that would take more time than adding a few render features to the creation engine.
    That’s by far their largest complication in their engine. Rendering comes after gameplay, and their games need specific systems in which they have solved issues for decades. If they go for another engine they have to start over, because no other engine has what they need. (Cdpr may add some of most of these tools to unreal, but not for another few years and maybe it will stay proprietary).
    So yeah, he’s right. You may not have a clue why they want to stick with their engine.
    How Todd can’t go hands off with development is something they will have to address or it will bite them in the arse again and again.

    • @VyraoP
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    “The content was too different than what we’ve seen in the past”? Erm…what content? Where? Banana has about the same amount of content as Starfield, Mario has better AI, Timesplitters has better gunplay, I regularly give myself better quests irl (things like ‘I’m hungry get some food’), the story could have been improved by having a 6 year old give ideas, and it looks like a 15 year old game to boot. There is just no incentive to buy Starfield, it doesn’t bring anything new to the table and what it does bring is so old and outdated games from 2005 feel just as “fresh”. From a developer the size of Bethesda with the funds of Microsoft, this is an insult to the Bethesda fans and anyone else who bought it.

    • @masterzara84
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Todd Howard premiere bulshitter.

    • @MjollTheLioness-o4y
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    They’ve been gradually cutting rpg elements and character choice from their games for years. BioWare has been doing the same with DA and ME. I can totally see ES6 being on par in choice and quality as DAV.

    Yes, I know they’re 2 different studios, but they’ve both been trending downhill in writing and rpg elements for years. Not to mention, they’re both infected with the mind virus.

    • @david8157
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    This guy is way too negative about Elder Scrolls to say anything worth listening to
    I often wonder why these people who hate Bethesda & the Elder Scrolls bother… but I guess haters gotta hate… it’s all they know how to do

    • @jimclayson
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    Todd Howard needs someone like Michael Kirkbride to push the envelope, or he stagnates and whithers. Todd’s more a bureaucrat than a creative, which isn’t to say he’s not valuable or not very good at what he does… but too much Todd in the mix, and you end up with gruel for dinner seven days a week. Too much Kirkbride, and you get mystery meals with unidentified ingredients, many of which you probably wouldn’t put in your mouth if you knew what they were.

    • @nathanburgett1599
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    I completely disagree. If they hadn’t released 76, and instead released 5 in the same engine, it could have been great. They are failing because they dont have good writers anymore. Story takes a backseat to gimics and mechanics. If they just hired an epic fantasy writer, and released a substory branching off skyrim, it could still be game of the year. That people are STILL buying skyrim proves this point. The creation engine makes the type of world I love possible. The problem is the creative failure. Is todd ultimately to blame for this failure? Of course. He makes the descisions. You have the disease correct, you just missed all the actual symptoms. Indiana Jones is another great example. Bethesda published it, not development. But it had a good story and has done really well. I believe if we had quality writing things would be so much different. Its what made skyrim really good. It was a solid story.

    • @Yuki_Ika7
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    one way to possibly prevent disaster for the future of the elder scrolls, i have an idea so crazy it might just work: Try to get Michael Kirkbride back on it (if possible)!

    • @Scriptures_K
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    “Funny how disconnected “some” players are from the realities of game development, and yet they speak with complete authority.”

    That’s because the players can recognise when a game is a rushed piece of dribble-piss with kindergarten level storytelling, cheers Emil.
    They don’t need to know every detail of game development. That’s your job. Make the game good = your job. Rating the game = player’s job.

    Imagine a sandwich maker giving you a sandwich, then it tastes like dog shit, and you complain about it. But instead of an apology or a refund, the sandwich maker has the gall to say “OH, FUNNY HOW SOME DISCONNECTED SOME SOME SANDWICH EATERS ARE FROM THE REALITIES OF SANDWICH MAKING, AND YET THEY SPEAK WITH COMPLETE AUTHORITY” when the customer had to EAT THE DAMN THING. The sandwich eater doesn’t need to know the ins-and-outs of sandwich making. They just need a good sandwich, and the one you made was shite.

    Funny how disconnected “some” people are from common sense and their own fanbase.

    • @WCCXtra
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:58am

    The ‘Christopher Nolan of entertainment’? Wtf is that dude smoking?

    • @martinmanley4197
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Bethesda has gotten to large within their employment base to truly understand the real reason Shattered Space received so many bad reviews. Too big too fast

    • @johnmixon8039
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I knew he was a huge problem when he screwed over Obsidian on New Vegas, not to mention that he screwed over and got rid of the original guys that saved his ass on Morrowind, look back and tell me I’m wrong

    • @iodragon9454
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    As long as todd, emil, and the cluster of dei hires are still in the studio I have zero faith in ES6 which is a shame since I been a huge fan since Daggerfall.

    • @fredreichkarr1854
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    ES6 needs to be a role playing game. Not action adventure with rpg accents. Shallow ones at that. More Bg3 and less Skyrim, when it comes to character choice. Impactful choices and the return of classes.

    • @cy9nvs
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I honestly think that Starfield could’ve been pretty good, if they hadn’t gone for this massive solar system with 99% procedurally generated landscapes and constantly repeating dungeons and buildings. Sure, there should be some innovation, but if it was more like Skyrim and FO4, where exploration actually mattered, and you were always rewarded with something new, I think a traditional Bethesda game could still work.
    Starfield just felt empty and soulless, and after like 100h there was absolutely nothing more to do, nothing more to find.

    • @belltolls1984
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd & Emil are what’s wrong with Bethesda & BGS will continue to put out complete garbage as long as they are there.

    • @funkymcnasty69
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    They need to bring shattered space to playstation. I’d buy it and give an honest review.

    • @ericleong7390
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    This game is not gonna to happen. Even it come out – it’s shit

    • @spaceghostohio7989
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    @ 1:06….Todd is a very small man…

    • @erics8192
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    They’ve needed a new engine forever. They won’t get it before the company folds though

    • @festro1000
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    @13:00 I actually like to open freedom of the philosophy, while divergent playthroughs certainly aren’t a deal breaker the idea of locking yourself out of out of a part of the game for making a choice isn’t something I look forward to and are part of the reason I like Bethesda games, also the freeform classless system, that you can start as a warrior build and wind up a assassin at the end without being locked out of abilities is the best.

    • @House_of_Schmidt
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Idk if they could’ve made a more boring space game than Starfield.

    • @Scowleasy
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Bethesda fans have a problem with being parasocial

    • @ThomasAlanWayne
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    If Crimson desert delivers on what they’ve showed thus far, then yeah ES6 if just a slightly better Skyrim will be a massive let down. People will rip it and Bethesda a new one.

    • @Iffy350
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    If it requires the bethesda launcher then it will be dead on arrival

    • @Tobeh
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    There’s a guy on FFXIV who’s character is named Todd Howard, made to look as much like Todd Howard as possible, and shows up to big events to hand out an item called “faded copy of Oblivion” to anyone who will take one.

    • @UnlockedANDunleashed
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am


    • @peloquin5652
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd “the Toddler” Howard Howard

    • @saltyexxer8253
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Good ol’ Turd Howard.

    • @alisamartinez7645
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Bethesha has 2 PROBLEMS: Lying Todd and these goddamn defending asscrawler Fanboys idiots!!😡

    • @fanomapage2091
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    HEY…………it just works 🤷🏻‍♂️

    • @JazerMedia
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Gabe/Valve: “Half Life 2 Episode 3 was our failure.”
    Todd/Bethesda: “What problem? It’s not going to be everyone’s cup of tea!”

    • @GothicTeaVea
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    There’s going to be even less perks there is going to be less armor and there is going to be less weapons.
    There’s also going to be less clothing there’s going to be less robes they’re going to take away scrolls and there’s going to be less magic.

    But hey you’re still going to buy the video game anyway even though a year after it’s released everybody’s just going to go back to Skyrim Even though Skyrim has even less items than Oblivion and Oblivion has less items than Morrowind.

    I would give my left tit just to see a video game where I can throw demonic darts at people sneaking 100 ft directly above them via levitation spell.

    • @werewolfwerewolfwere
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Elder Scrolls 6 will be more Howard slop, Bethesda simply isn’t capable of quality anymore. Their games don’t even work without modders making patches for them

    • @HailEarendil
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    It doesn’t matter how hard Betheada wants to obfuscate it.. Starfield was a massive turd.

    • @matthewcarter9790
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    All Bethesda top brass do is sniff their own farts. Quality and script wise they’re so far behind BG3 and Cyberpunk I’ve zero hope for ES6

    • @asitallfallsdown5914
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    What is this nonsense about “Evolving” what players liked? Starfield’s problem is being too much of a bethesda game?
    What backwards Uno-reversi land is this? Starfields problem is the abandonment of the Bethesda core, not what scraps of it remained, and nobody wants to buy a Bethesda game for how different it is from other titles. You play a Bethesda game to be a Bethesda game. You at most make small iterative improvements to the core formula where the audience has broadly honed in on where faultlines were, like the universal agreement that Skyrim’s combat mechanics are kinda barely serviceable, so you work on improved combat mechanics for the next game without infringing too much on its identity.

    • @der_peevmeister
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    “Pay us.”

    – Todd Howard

    • @jacklonderr
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    “Christopher Nolan of gaming”, I want to vomit.

    • @BraydonAttoe-xs4yg
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    My issue with 76 was the monetization, something that has only been doubled down on since backlash. Remember when they promised solo offline worlds? Thats now locked behind a 100 dollar a year subscription. They havent changed or even bothered to step back on some of the most aggregious monetization tactics. And therfore i have zero hope for es6

    • @boobalooba5786
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    It is depressing seeing Bethesda’s total collapse. This goes to show that a larger team makes a worse game 100% of the time. When Bethesda was a group of 40 employee’s they were unstopable, now they are total garbage.

    • @big_gucci_scorpio328
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    All they really need to do is introduce another todd hawrd to the company so that there isnt just ONE person over seeing 400 employees and multiple projects it’s that simple, have todd mentor them and show them how he does things and how the devs responsd as a result, and the other thing they NEED to do is get a NEW ENGINE the current engine is soooo out of date that every game is a buggy mess that looks 10 years out of date, like seriously bugthesda is too big for its own good and it seems like its all gone to they’re heads and now they are where they are and suffering becuase of it

    • @realinus
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Lay off the burgers

    • @chris9606
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I saw Todd Howard standing next to a normal sized guy, and he looks like a hobbit.

    • @consmercado3843
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Wow todd is a short guy?

    • @phantontiger7696
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I didnt even know Starfield got a DLC… I played it once and uninstalled. All the companions are so milk toast.

    • @spr1ngcactu5
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd hasn’t made a successful game in 13 years

    • @bubbasbigblast8563
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    @12:00 Well, that’s kind of the issue, isn’t it? Starfield never had a planet good enough to have all the others follow its design.

    • @dirge7459
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd keeps making all these promises like he’s trying to take after Peter Molyneux, and that isn’t helping in the slightest.

    All I want is a world that actually feels alive and that actually has purpose/reasons to be vested in exploring and interacting with that world. I don’t want a decade+ old repeat of braindead AI NPC’s with the same VA and the same 3-4 lines of dialogue, while also being ham-fisted into cookie cutter corners for each faction. I actually want real consequences for my choices, and not just “oh you’re the high lord/saviour of our world, so all is magically forgiven”.

    It’s like Todd and the other writers at Bethesda don’t know what standards are, let alone how to evolve to newer standards. All they think about is really old, mundane levels of watered down D&D and think that’s good enough for modern day RPG’s. We’ve got RPG’s like BG3, where you get an insane amount of choices, multiple paths to choose from, as well as having real consequences for your actions and that all helps make it’s world feel lived in.

    Really all the industry/customers are asking for, is for Todd to just let go of his arrogant pride (same goes for the old age writers there too), and to just accept the new times and the new standards of what we’re after and what makes a world fun to roam around in, and the people will actually buy the game and be happy.

    And for the record, I’m not asking for much. I’m not asking for a world that’s got zero loading screens or kilometre upon kilometre of land. It could be the same size as Skyrim’s map and I’d be happy with that, just as long as the world itself feels alive and not so watered down, while treating me like my choices/skills don’t matter.

    • @Braven-j7m
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I believe they used to call people like Todd ” snake oil salesman”

    • @TheBurningRegion
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd’s ego could sink an aircraft carrier

    • @eyeofrage7025
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I was so excited for star field, because I loved exploring and I loved space games, so when I found I could explore lots of tiny squares on a map through loading screens I was let down. I won’t be pre-ordering elder scrolls 6, I’ll wait till it comes out and see if it’s worth it or not

    • @TriggerJim88
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    When Todd leaves, I dunno?
    Sounds like they need someone more capable of trust in whom they delegate assignments. They eliminate the bottle neck of everything needing to be checked off by one person and it might just work?

    • @Boner_Jamz
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I feel like something like Cyberpunk 2077 is what the progression of the Bethesda formula should actually look like. It feels like a much more polished and updated version of that formula. In some ways many people including myself thought Starfield was going to be that. It initially felt like that from the trailers but it just ended up being more of the same.

    • @henkew70
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    If Tod leaves, 16 times less lies, could be good for them.

    • @ottone2863
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    What do you think about changing the style of game development over all developers to a fixture mechanic that will support even engines being handled as if interchangeable fixture to propel mod market

    • @Samesosass
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    man they wont learn lol

    • @EyeXombie
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    People forget. Skyrim wasn’t really Elder Scrolls. It didn’t follow the key components that made the Elder Scrolls games great. Elder Scrolls fans didn’t even like Skyrim that much when it came out. Todd has slowly ruined and dumbed down what Elder Scrolls was. Thank god Ted Peterson, one of the original devs from Dagger fall and the old Elder Scrolls is working on “The Wayward Realms”. I’d advise any old school Elder Scrolls fans to look in to it. Todd didn’t even work on the original Elder Scrolls Dagger Fall. Ted is trying to return us to the golden age of Elder Scrolls.

    • @p_rushton
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Brunt of the blame not blunt

    • @DuchDoby
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I dont care about Howard or Bethesda I care about Fallout.

    • @mygad
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Bethesda has a ‘youtubers talking like they know anything’ problem.

    • @Adamas_83
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Mark my words: Bethesda will never make anything worth buying again. They can go in the “Formerly Amazing, Now Utter Trash” bin right next to Ubisoft and Bioware.

    • @TemptingFate-em5ho
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    TES 6 went from a game I would have pre-ordered the highest priced edition without seeing a preview of to a game I won’t buy until it’s on sale. Congrats Bethesda.

    • @Versosurma
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Half of studio consists developers hired not by merit but by being good pals with leading staff. Guys like Emil are writers who should have no position as narrative designer. Just a bet but looking how delusional and out of touch they are so cant think much else.
    Creatity and talent is totally lost. Last games behetsda could use all those stories and lore from people way back and made their job so easy. And even then they strugled when you actually focus stories and dialogues of those games. Nothing special but that world and lore was what hooked us. They had immense budget they had decade of time and talent to make finally their own setting and results are there to see. Nobody gets that much time and money. Morrowind was written in couple weeks by one guy! That was talent.

    Behetsdas biggest problem is bad writing and narrative design and world building. And all that comes from writing

    • @GulagMoosefeller
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Bethesda has never been known for good DLC. They are well known for the modding community around their games.

    • @MrMuzzi1974
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Turd Howard had his days.
    TES VI will never be made. They miss the really good devs they had on TES V. That’s the pure truth!

    • @christophervanepps4264
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Idea for a whole new IP. Loading Screen: The Game

    • @Morkail321
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Star field feels like a high end mod for fallout 4. not a AAA release.

    • @MemoryMori
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd Hownard is everything that is wrong with bethesda….he has a napoleon complex and is a “female chicken”


    • @austin3115
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Games across the board are just hollow and not genuine due to DEI, diversity hireing, and investors like back rock and vanguard pushing for more abcdhdtv propaganda. The funding mechanisms have been corrupted, and so the games now cater to the extreme minority of gamers and the we the 99% dont agree or like it. But this is what happens when things go woke. So now, let these games and lead developers suffer the consequences. Dont buy bad games. Do other things. Your money leaving franchises will force them at some point to change or will be bought out by other competitors to go back to games like bo2, skyrim, og gta5 before they removed content, saints row, bf3/4, let these companies that produce bad games pass on.

    • @lyonfrnd
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Brunt of the blame…not blunt.

    • @DanteCrowlley
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Maybe he always were the villain

    • @tmcmurra63
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    The real question is this: Did Bethesda learn anything from Starfield’s failure in time to save Elder Scrolls 6?

    • @jdstudios1912
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I fail to see what technological leap Bethesda made with starfield. I mean they made the gameplay more boring and tedious but that’s literally it and even then fallout 76 came first and was even more tedious.

    • @jacobweaver384
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    …a tech leap? You needed to revamp your engine before you put out fallout 4, my guy! Instead of crafting a game, you populate a digital space with crap menus, reused assets, and fish eyed mannequins.

    Your shooters feel like the player characters and NPCs are on rails in some amusement park rides. If you look anywhere but straight forward, you see all the peeling paint and corroded girders. You’ve been pushing out reskinned fallout 3/Oblivion for years and I’m bored! Figure out how to make a modern game dude! Bethesda games are just scare crow walking simulators!

    • @fliedlice6985
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I wholeheartedly believe that, what killed Starfield, was waiting 6-8 months to release the mod tools. Bethesda games rely heavily on modders, and this game is no exception. However, by the time the mod tools were released, a large portion of the player base was already turned off by the base game.

    • @battlelawlz3572
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Bethesda will release a new game.
    Die-hard fans will chew it up and spit it out in the same week.
    They’ll praise it and then condemn it after the honeymoon phase ends.

    Next, thank you

    • @lisa1162
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I’m personally surprised Skyrim hasn’t been released in Creation Engine 2 yet. 🤔

    • @d3lusi0n_312
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd sounds like the worse person to report to… only on the bases of EVERYTHING needs to be run by him…

    • @FinGeek4now
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I will not purchase another Bethesda title until Todd Howard and the rest of the leaders either step down or are shown the door and will continue to press $MSFT to get rid of the Bethesda leadership at the shareholder meetings. As far as StarField goes, I do not care that it was not a typical Bethesda game. I do not care who made the game. The game was complete crap and a waste of money – both the money used to create the game (as a shareholder) and a waste of money to purchase the game (as a gamer).

    • @Mythreial
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    The only thing that was revolutionary about Skyrim is the fact that it popularized fantasy role-playing and sandbox experiences. Besides that, it didn’t do anything new for its time, and arguably its predecessors did it much better

    • @gatordragon6140
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Uh big thing here its not just a todd Howard problem its also most definitely an emil problem, a ton of the ideas come from him and todd yes maned him, ex. the whole reason fallout 3 ended up being in dc was literally because emil said something along the lines of “who could blow up our backyard better than we can” and thats pretty much the same reason they chose Boston as the location from 4. If you really want to see what i mean watch emils “paper planes” writers talk dude is an absolute problem

    • @gaming-den
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Starfield is great for many people. The hate it’s getting is because it’s not a game for most people. It’s simply not a game for people that are easily bored. If you are not a person that can sit alone in a room on friday night, starfield is not for you

    • @Elrohof
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Bethesda’s specialty being DLC/expansions wasn’t true even 10 years ago. The only DLC they’ve made in that time that I’ve heard being universally lauded was Far Harbor, but Fallout 4 is such a bland experience that I never even get to the starting point of the DLC before quitting.

    • @oRnch199
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Sorry, but they absolutely need to dumpster EP. He’s been a giant problem for over a decade now.

    • @testdep
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    unpopular opinion: as a TES fan, I don’t want ‘an evolution’, I want proper TES releases every 3-5 yrs exploring different provinces.
    That means, we’re at least three releases behind the schedule and nothing will fix that. Especially not Todd.

    • @lvl98wizard
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I think emil shares a very large portion of the blame and not just todd. Emils rise to be a key decision maker at bethesda is consistent with the rapid, intense decline of the writing from oblivion to skyrim and onward. It appears some of the developers also have not great attitudes towards wanting to understand why their recent games have been very average or worse. Unfortunate, its hard to have much hope for tes6 at the moment but i hope its good

    • @velze3228
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Bethesda is misunderstanding why people like Skyrim. People like Skyrim because it’s a big handcrafted world where it feels like no matter where you go you can stumble on something cool to do. A dungeon or a short side quest. The world is pretty and feels lived in. Not everything you do is connected so the world feels expansive. No matter where you go you can stumble across something. You can pick up the game after months or years and still go in feeling like there might be something you’ve never done or seen or had done but forgot about.

    Bethesda needs to get back to basics. Build a world, fill it with characters and side quests. Honestly, Bethesda games don’t even need a main quest. The main quest is always always ALWAYS the weakest part of any Bethesda game. It’s a waste of resources. Take all the folks working on that main quest and add more guilds, more guild quests, more random encounters, side quests etc. IF you want to do large focused stories then do it in an expansion. Bethesda’s best narratives have always been expansions. Shivering Isles, Tribunal, etc etc.

    Make your world your focus, that is what people come for. If you want to add a little build your own homestead thing that’s fine. But I don’t need a half baked city builder. I don’t need a huge mainquest that I’ might not ever finish (still have never completed skyrims mainquest after thousands of hours but I’ve done both Dawnguard and DragonBorn multiple times.

    People play bethesda games to get lost in a beautiful handcrafted world with lots to do. Many things to stumble upon. Focus on that. Starfield honestly feels empty. All the quests are basically in 4-5 locations/ outposts. It’s a huge universe utterly devoid of content beyond the same 15 copy pasted facilities every few kilometers.

    • @Dragonking1984
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    It’s been crazy watching what Bethesda has become over the years. I admit i jumped into the Elder scrolls series at Oblivian & while i do have several of the previous titles i really haven’t been able to overcome the old UI & controls which is often a hurdle for me with older PC titles. Likewise my intro to the Fallout series started with 3 & likewise i have both Fallout 1 & 2. likewise i have so far been unable to enjoy them as much due to the controls & UI.

    But even i will admit from Oblivian to skyrim from fallout 3 & new Vegas to fallout 4 i find that after my initial play-through that any subsequent replays require modding. The modding community is what carries these games. Yet rather then rewarding that effort Bethesda often sees fit to punish mod makers.

    I’ll admit after skyrim i initially was just as excited for ES6 & after Fallout 4 i was hyped for the possible 5 (which is what Fallout online should of been) I even got hyped when Starfield was first announced. Fallout in space is what they made it seem like. Then the more of it i seen the more my hype died.

    It really has me worried about the future of the Fallout & Elder scroll series.

    • @Dannner
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    TES6 is 100% gonna be a launch disaster.
    Cyberpunk launch was bugless compared to whats to come with this Bethesda title, mark my words.

    It’s gonna be look and feel like Starfield. They’re gonna release a 2015 game in 2026/2027 or god knows when. A 2000s engine recycled and regurgitated upon decades later. With a bit slightly upgraded graphics.
    Engine wont change for TES6. So the core movement, combat, shops… really everything wont change. Was fine in 2012. Wasnt fine in 2022. Sure as hell wont be in 2026.

    it just doesnt work anymore 🙁

    • @mkapidzic6408
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    what technological leaps or improvements?even more loading screens terrible bland washed out graphics,terrible performance on pc,open boring empty worlds with like 7dungeons that repeat over a 1000 planets,bethesda is dead bro just forget about them

    • @ShadowAvatar
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Bethesda has become almost lazy? they react beyond slowly to bugs, some having existed in their engine for over 15 years & seen in game after game. Their writing is sub par at best & it was once serviceable, but has become so generic & hero worship based.

    • @smartgoku9048
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    ah yes, the typical ‘let’s dismiss the valid critisisms’ because that always goes so well.

    • @ambds1975
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    ‘Millions and millions of people a month playing those games [Fallout 4 & Skyrim], and we have no touchpoint with them.’
    -Todd Howard
    Hey, if you made me another game I liked as much as those or Oblivion or Morrowind, I’d play the new one instead. Sorry everyone loves your old products so much, maybe take the hint?

    • @fangshui
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Starfield isn’t different at all, it’s the same exact gameplay loop as every game they’ve ever made. It’s just set in a world that doesn’t lend itself to that gameplay loop whatsoever

    • @thefreshvince879
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    michael kirkbride is a fucking legend

    • @EldritchbornSquirrel
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd isn’t Bethesda’s biggest problem, it’s Emil. He’s the reason why the writing is getting worse and worse with each new game.

    • @SilencedLamb69
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    8:36 this is so gd funny 😂😂😂

    • @ahhcmon9604
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I don’t know I think it’s Sony die hards complaining about starfield cause it’s not on PS5 there’s probably 10 million very vocal PS5 children who complain the loudest and reviewing starfield, I like it. I just think you’re not gonna see traditional sales anymore for Xbox it’s a game pass machine all the 1st party games are gonna get 30 million less 1st party sales 5:31

    • @cantu7214
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    you can tell everyone working on their games is 40+ years old. everything about their games scream “outdated” and refusing to get with the times

    • @adde27
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Kirkbride is one of my favourite “weird” storytellers/game writers. His work on Morrowind is what made me love TES lore. Pugliarulo is an amateur.

    • @australienski6687
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Elder scrolls 6 needs to not come out.

    • @greggrant8385
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Just saying.. So tired of Todd’s crap. Now there’s a Oblivion remaster coming (nobody asked for this, they literally are farming cash off nostalgia, modders have been done that/are doing that for them in Oblivion) and people are actually eating it up. Starfailed was the biggest disappointment I bought in the past 10 years. I’m so friggin worried about anything Bethesda puts out anymore.
    It’s a shame.. As a result I’ve found Stalker and GSC. Now this, this is passion.

    • @That_Puppet
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    “Its not everybodys cup of tea” is the exact problem, the older games were made for a somewhat niche audience, every new game, skyrim, fallout 4, 76, starfield, theyre all designed to appeal to as wide of an audience as possible, with next to no skill floor, practically zero complexity. They are the pinnacle of “baby’s first RPG” and this simplification of design has created a game for no one. Old fans dont want it because its a shell of its former self, new fans dont want it because it has nothing to offer after the tutorial. Wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle.

    • @casperhorsleben1199
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd is for sure a part of the problem, it was very clear in Oblivion how things were streamlined and made easier from Morrowind and then again From Oblivion to Skyrim where it was fairly extreme.

    But i can’t help but feel like a large part of the issue still stems from corporate money bag people, who saw the success of Skyrim and are probably pushing for every game to be similar in the hope that it will bring success, these people are also highly unlikely to have any idea of what gamers want.

    But for sure Todd needs to open his eyes and see that catering to everyone is catering to no one, we’re all so tired of these soulless games that have no diffining features to them.

    If TES-VI fails, i realy fear that Bethesda won’t survive, it is one of if not the most anticipated game currently and the series itself is beloved to an almost fanatical degree. I realy hope they get it right.

    • @TCTAkilla187
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Just give us the wold and we will do the rest with mods

    • @AbstractZealot
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    They don’t need a technological leap, they need to pull their heads out of their asses. Most of the work has been done for them already, but they refuse to learn from their own mistakes or from the triumphs of the modding community that keeps them afloat.

    • @deepfriedicecream576
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Who’s laughing now…

    • @pythonxz
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    The Bethesda that made Morrowind is one we would want. That Bethesda is gone.

    • @ajhthelegend
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I blame Microsoft as much as I blame Todd Howard. Microsoft acquired Bethesda and they need to start making these changes.

    • @arclyte1859
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    There are little to no consequences in Bethesda’s games. It makes them a slog to do everything without any replay ability.

    • @LOL2YOU
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I’m done with them after Starfield. They ruined it.

    • @Garrett42
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Bethesda … Bethesda never changes

    • @afcansf5996
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Those faceless red flags about the management style I don’t take serious, listening to modern devs is the last thing any game studio has to do. Though Howard is an problem, the biggest elephant in the room is “modernity”, and the great number of talent hags working at Bethesda. Who have no infinity with games and gamers, like most other modern day studios. Which is group who also has the greatest difficulty of looking into the mirror. Bethesda has got a lot of growing up to do, and they got to do it fast.

    • @supermac8619
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I’m finally getting what I wanted for Christmas after so many many years, some god damn transparency on Bethesda and the nonsense that is thier game development since fallout 3

    • @KaizenNeko
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I always had the sense that Todd Howard is to Bethesda what Tim Willits was to Id.

    • @slow9573
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I stopped caring about Bethesda back when they released fallout 76. They have to entice me back and they don’t seem to be trying that

    • @chrisjh3333
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    His arrogance will be the downfall of the company

    • @mytech6779
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I would take a Skyrim2 built on a modern engine with reasonable world fixes such as ships/carts being able to be used when overloaded (and better DEBUGGED!) with the option for users of consoles to bypass bugged broken missions (force completion).

    • @karasz236
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    If starfield is Todd’s Baby, it came out with fetal alcohol syndrome and an extra chromosome.

    • @uphighdownlow12333
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    bethesda needs to put their stone age engine to rest and make a new one or use something like cryengine, frostbite or ue

    • @nicholasrova3698
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I hold no hope for Elder Scrolls 6. I’ll put my hope in Wayward Realms.

    • @GoldenValleyPictures
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    He just needs to let go and trust his team more it get it done.

    • @samkirkby7010
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Here’s the thing devs and execs I and anyone else don’t need to know how something works or is made to be able to judge whether that product is bad

    • @c.sec73
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Competition? What the heck are you talking about? It’s not about competition. Bethesda’s safe approach and just plain genetic quest design made the game so uninteresting, it hurts to even play it. Quests, story, dialogs were dog poo. Simple as that.

    • @blairowens8912
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    todd is going to go to the grave with bethesda aint no way bro is leaving

    • @Sakira198
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    The difference between how Bethesda treats Todd vs how Kojima and Miyazaki do things is that like was mentioned, Bethesda has too damn many projects in the oven vs just a handful. Todd struggling to fully delegate oversight on certain projects while he works on one he’s more invested in also doesn’t help at all. It really is a difference of quantity vs quality situation.

    • @unironicallydel7527
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    The problem with Bethesda is they seemed so laser focused on their own formula not taking into account that there have been, and are alot better space games out there. They could’ve done so much if they just recognized something like No Mans Sky exists and tried to do something similar if not better. Instead its just a worse fallout, but in space.

    • @deidara5057
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    As much as I’d like to say Todd stuck in past, corporate world only understands money. as long as his games meets their targets nothing will change

    • @Fallout7262
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I like Todd though he needs to focus on a few projects, focus on quality over quantity, and allow more adventurous ideas for Bethesda games to bloom so Bethesda can get a foundation to stand once Todd leaves

    • @lordlizard2195
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    since todd taken over: the elder scrolls went from epic fantasy culminating in morowind where you seamlesly go from prisoner to killing a god… to fantasy engine/sandbox for moders to make a game.
    Fallout went from epic sci-fi tales of humanity building future on bones of past… to postapocaliptic engine for moders to make a game.
    all we love about them was crated in the past NOT BY TODD… so what anyone expected from starfield is beyond me
    bethesda now just makes settings in gamebrio for passionate moders

    • @miharu654
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    same man that pushed the “its not how you launch, its what it becomes” narrative

    • @RayneNaegwyn
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    My father is in his early 50s and has been obsessed with space since he was a kid. He loves Starfield. He comes back from work, boots up the game and explores planets, enjoys the graphics. He really doesn’t care about story or gameplay. He loves killing monsters and looking at space. I remember asking him how can he enjoy it, the internet ripped Bethesda a new one for making slop. He said ” I have enough going on irl. All I want is to relax and not think after work”
    I am not defending Bethesda, Skyrim is my fav game ever, but apparently even Starfield has a specific audience.

    • @josephdias5859
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    microsoft needs to drop todd howard and replace him with chris avellone and tim caine

    • @nathank2289
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd is the new Peter M. Everything he says is massively overpromised bullcrap

    • @tigrafrog
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    0. Stop F5 production. 1. Get rid of Todd and ALL his yesmen, on ALL LEVELS. 2. Solidify Fallout canon based on F1, F2, Fallout New Vegas and small parts of F4/F3 (F:76 not a canon, and amazon abomination should be stopped). Canon cannot be changed. 3. Use normal modern engine, one with good support. 4. Get teams with good knowledge of that engine. 5. No supermutants, no BoS. 6. Look at F:London, it can be done. In this case, we MAYBE will have passable Fallout game. My guts says that new Elder scrolls game that in current production is beyond salvation and will flop no matter what they will do now. I will not touch any B-da games until they do #1 and #3.

    • @HouseTre007
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    If the gamers don’t like it, IT SUCKS! Black and white.

    • @arandomstormcloak8839
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I’ve been saying it since fallout 4, Todd Howard lost his touch

    • @RedTick2
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    They need a new engine.

    • @lufuoena
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    its pretty obv todd howard has no clue how to make a video game

    • @williamedwards4151
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    “It’s not everyone’s cup of tea.”
    Bruh, you didn’t even serve tea.
    You served 15 year old coffee. And got pissy when we asked for some extra sugar to put in it.

    • @theboulder027
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I think starfield would’ve been perfectly fine with five star systems.

    • @HouseTre007
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Starfield just fundamentally sucks tho, the bones aren’t good. It’s objectively a low-quality game compared to what it’s up against.

    • @merlylvsm
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Get the video, but too much overreaching assumption. — Todd’s safe, very safe, but other than that – info falls off.

    • @michaelscotthawthorn7871
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    The big problem is CLEARLY the fact they drove out white developers and replaced them with twice as many inexperience (and undriven) DEI hires. Adding random black women to a team does nothing to ensure the team is more effective.

    • @bologna3048
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Careful what you wish for, a Bethesda without Todd Howard is most likely not something you ever want to see. Seriously, look around, be VERY careful what you wish for.

    • @daystoppol1592
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Can’t agree more.

    • @kbaneshasty1
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I miss your content without your face. It’s the reason I unsubscribed. I feel it to be unnecessary & it does not benefit your channel at all.

    • @joncarter3761
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd needs to go alongside the creation engine… both are holding Bethesda back and Todd’s straying into Peter Molinuex territory with his half truths, outright lies and misdirection when called to be accountable! Bethesda will die if something isn’t changed, I’m pretty sure half their problem is not being able to keep hold of senior staff because they’re all tired of Todd’s bs!!

    • @NV..V
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd now goes by “Father” and he runs the Institute…

    • @muzamilnabinadroo
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Honestly the main problem with Starfield is that it’s just not fun. I was critical of Fallout 4 as well but to be honest with all it’s shortcomings it was a blast to play while as in Starfield you just don’t know why so many planets even exist when there’s literally nothing to do.

    • @realname2490
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    So sick of hearing about BG3 its not even the same kind of game hell I didn’t even enjoy it tbh great game sure but not my style and def shouldn’t be compared to bethesda rpg tf

    • @nozod5880
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    now we know why every bethesda game takes literally a decade to make…

    • @filthygaijin6566
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    The entire company is garbage. Its filled with nepo hires and men who think they’re women. A trashfire if there ever was one. The ones at the top are drunk off their own hubris; thinking they can survive on franchise recognition alone. Emil is probably the most incompetent writer in existence. I’d rather see their company go away completely then witness another game release from their ridiciulous studio.

    • @ReinardoEscobar
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    “Starfield being too different” is a weird defense, it looks like it plays exactly like Fallout.

    • @japandave3871
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I’m not buying any Bethesda games ever again.

    • @Ytomany
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I think the biggest thing ive noticed since skyrim that gets worse every bethesda game is their quest design, oblvion had some of the best quest design ever some really well written stories and had a sense of progression, then skyrim came along and it was more cinematic go here and do this leaning showing the future of where it would go in fallout 4 with the all automated quest of go here do this kill 4 or 5 people come back reward no more well designed quest well thought out with a good story or even choices, starfield came along and in some ways it went back to how it was in oblivion alittle. The problem is that it went back to being alittle like oblivion but still most quest in the game are automated and even more so they are like go here talk to someone come back, the Red line is one of the laziest things ive seen in a bethesda game it really could’ve been a callback to the oblivion arena or the running man movie but it was a randomly generated monster spawning with mines just going off randomly. In some ways starfield is them acknowledging how fallout 4 sucked so bad in quest design and in other ways it also sucks in quest design as the quest never take advantage of their environments like the planet Neon was so underused its crazy why didnt the corpo questline use it at all who knows. They need to hire some real nerds to fix their quest design and game design because they are realllly bad.

    • @leonsmuk4461
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    so much denial in a company is crazy if your goal is selling a product, how is Microsoft not putting pressure on them?

    • @yendayo
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    when was the last good game from Bethesda? Skyrim?

    • @Eneeki
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Sq 42 will end Starfield & Bethesda. Load screen simulators lost their appeal a decade ago.

    • @paultaylor5932
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I can’t help thinking the Elder Scrolls’ biggest loss was when Ken Rolston left after being lead designer on Oblivion.

    • @the_aurora
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    7:33 If I were Christopher Nolan I would sue for deformation

    • @StabYourBrain
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    The real problem is the gaming industry’s obsession with technological leaps. Studios literally cancel games because there isn’t enough technological improvement available even though we have literally reached the peak of video game performance pretty much. There will never be much more improvement beyond even more hardware intensive ray tracing and they’re so preoccupied making games technologically impressive that they forget to make them actually good. I’d play Daggerfall or Morrowind over fucking Starfield or Skyrim any of the week, graphics and technology be damned, because those Bethesda games were actually good and had substance.

    • @Marcustheseer
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    possative and negative reviews dont always mean much,for one i have liked quat some games that have a negative review second out of all the people that play the game people usualy scroll through what? 30-50 reviews and base there oppinion on that thats like 1% of players.
    i kind of wonder out of the millions of players how manny actualy leave a review.

    • @Momoka7
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Duplicating Skyrims success… is easy. Make a game that graphically doesn’t even need to be that much better then Skyrim or Fallout 4… but the STORY need to be a banger, the POSSIBILITIES in the game need to hit hard. Unlike whatever it was Starfield tried to do, lol.

    • @erikripley9285
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I don’t even want an evolution. Just give me a Morrowind mechanics mixed with fallout new Vegas mechanics that are cleaned up with voices npc’s. model graphics and a rich world with good quest and stories. No streamlining it. Let it be complex and complicated. Give me a world and mechanics I have to get lost in to play. not a world I can have a video up to watch while I play because nothing really matters.

    • @blackironseamus
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Bro was literally on stage at the game awards 4 times and only won a single award… WHICH THEY DIDNT EVEN DESERVE

    • @niIIer1
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Ngl I love skyrim. But I haven’t had any interest in any Bethesda game since. I highly doubt the next TES game will appeal to me in the slightest.

    Kind of like how I used to like Battlefield 3 when it was new and fresh, but after its success every other Battlefield game felt like clones, inferior at that, so why bother? I don’t care for worse skyrim clones.

    • @megalonoobiacinc4863
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    i loved the Morrowind monsters. Their non-traditionalist design was part of the core that made the game so great. It was its own thing, barely any shred of fantasy. Of course the two great expansions changed a bit on that.

    • @Diarmuhnd
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Starfield and ALL DLC is shit. Really, poo poo.

    • @ikeduno7973
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    ‘The Ultimate Fantasy Simulator’ but in the tone of a threat. Yikes!!

    • @tubensalat1453
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I enjoyed TES IV & V but I have absolutely no expectations regarding VI; I just wait till it comes out and then see.

    I also liked FO3; I’m currently playing 4 for the first time – omg the bloat! Another freakin settlement needs my help and it’s just the same mission type again in a recycled location…

    • @RioEin
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    we cut nothing from our games, our games are often a sandwich with just 3 day old mayo on it and one sad cut of blown out ham on it. dont want to give the player too much.

    • @Eneeki
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd needed to be put out to pasture a decade ago. He is a total joke.

    • @godzilla4189
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    “It Just works!”

    • @yipperdeyip
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am


    I almost puked 🤮🤢

    • @maniacmatt7340
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Lmfao. Yeah starfield is just different. It’s got nothing to do with it being bad at all lol

    • @tracym8952
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Xbox is doomed

    • @natest.laurent1602
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    i still don’t understand why fallout 76 was/is even considered to be a seperate legit game. it’s a shameless asset flip of fallout 4, was entirely empty of the “game” part, and it straight up didn’t work for forever. how can anyone take these people seriously when they green light that kind of garbage?

    • @dominusdevacore517
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd sucks, all his games bombed. (The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard) They need that other guy that left during Skyrim. Sound like Todd is just good at blaming others for his failures.

    • @aResoluteProtector
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Why do i feel like I’ve watched this same video 20 times over the past year? Oh because I have… it’s the same doomsaying since 76. We get it, Bugthesda is over the hill but so is this topic. I mean holy sht!.

    • @neftron
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Elders scrolls 6 will release broken and buggy. They will not fix it for at least 1 to 2 years.

    • @thelastminuteman7513
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd is and has been for a long time at the point where he is stuck in an outdated mindset of “bigger and more” and has no interest in what anyone else least of the gamers have to say. I really think he should’ve looked to New Vegas and what that game did for the Fallout franchise to see what we wanted in TES, FO and….. uh Star…. uh space Fallout.

    • @danielorton5591
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    The ending of starfield should have been about meeting aliens…not becoming a wandering god that destroys his own reality and walks around mirror universe

    • @russellmonson
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Their games aren’t re-playable without the mods. Then bethesda scoops up all the good mods, throws them in the skyrim anniversary edition and thinks they did a good job. Never mind fallout 76 and that debacle. And their attempt to their version of starfield with space magic and a HORRIBLE ENDING? They keep dropping the ball and a lot of people are tired of the companies rationalization of it’s either not being done and we’ll fix it with updates or ignoring them altogether. Todd is absolutely the problem.

    • @BackoftheL
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    stagnation is not the problem with Bethesda….. look all i want is fallout 5 and elder scroll 6 that’s it not big changes just update the graphics new map and new storyline full stop then ill give you my money

    • @jamesbee3087
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd needs to go, he’s the problem with the studio amd it’s engine.

    • @aResoluteProtector
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    The BRUNT of the blame lol. Not blunt.

    • @BaNgInHeAdS
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Starfield was great. Shattered Space was also really good. I just don’t understand guys like this. When confronted they might say something like Starfield could be good but it is missing this this and this.

    Then Shattered Space comes out and directly adds the things they said was missing and they trash that too.

    The hate for this game is nonsensical.

    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Oh look. a CEO is a problem. What a surprise.

    • @bubbadumps3747
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Whats with this “pride” stance?

    I can be proud of a nice fat bowel movement. Its a meaningless statement

    • @webbie7503
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Looks like the company needs new leadership if they are ever going to move forward instead of looking back… I liked Skyrim/Oblivion, but trying to remake those old games isn’t a good idea, they were fun for the time but having janky buggy open world games like that isn’t what people want when there’s so many other developers doing it better like Larian.

    There’s a reason you see a million Oblivion NPC youtube videos, and it’s not because the game was a masterpiece, the complete opposite… it was a buggy joke and people watch those videos to laugh at how bad Oblivion NPCs were programmed, how bad the games graphics were with their potato faces. It’s a joke game, if it was well made and the NPCs didn’t constantly bug out nobody would be watching it.

    • @sandllc1361
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    “you get everything in one playthrough” this is not the issue, the issue is that you get everything when you want it, there is nothing to work towards, in Skyrim if I want to be the leader of the companions I just take a 30 minute detour(or less) and boom I’m the leader, if I want full ebony gear I take a 10 minute detour and boom I got it. They make it so easy to get everything to the point that nothing feels like a struggle

    • @Goremize
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    What I find funny with hearing “tech advancements not achieved yet” Is that the best games created by humans have come from 10-20 years ago and when many of these AAA companies pump out a modern game, everyone hates it.

    • @jhartigan82
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Bethesda has the same problems Ubisoft does….Leadership. You cant fix the problem when you are the problem. It would be amazing if Todd would simply fk off but thats not an option when your body is the size of a child and your ego is the size of a planet….So in the mean time the customers and employees of Bethesda have to pay the price….Hopefully Bethesda can stay above water long enough for a replacement but most people like Todd would rather see the world crash and burn before ever moving on without them at the helm.

    • @avekrso285
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Putting out starfield years after cyberpunk is embarrassing. How do they not play cyberpunk and go “how the hell do we compete with this”

    • @kasperherlv5728
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Bethesda and toad Howard are grossly overrated.

    • @jasperglaser6735
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Ruined starfield with fidelity and lag, failed to improve writing and animations and tanked his company.

    • @trentkelly2303
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I pretty sure I remember an interview done back in the day before Stanfield was announced that Stanfield (at the time “next game”) was going to have an upgraded fallout 4 engine and TES6 was going to have a completely redone engine and they showed faces and large rocks being mapped and stuff.

    But I’m going off what 4 years ago information so I could be wrong

    • @loungecan
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Bethesda is so scattered and broken. Players care, thus all this negative feedback. I see no way Starfield can be fixed from this point. If they drop the ball on ES6 when it launches in 2030, it will be the final nail in the coffin.

    • @aliensounddigital8729
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd Howard = retire already.

    • @wheelsndealz
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Bethesda succeeds despite Todd Howard, not because of him.

    • @MrDucenukEM
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd is clearly missing the point. He is the downfall of that company.

    • @beardedzeus1337
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Tbf Bethesda has a Bethesda problem. No one wants to go against Todd Howard bc they all look up to him and let his word be the final word, then you have Emil…. its not Todd Howard, it’s all of Bethesda.

    • @dannygleason5912
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    It sure if it’s just a Todd problem or if it’s much more 🤔

    • @jesperburns
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Fallout 76 and Starfield prove that Bethesda doesn’t understand what people enjoy about their games. Or games in general.

    • @Italiansauseege
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    They need to incorporate AI in there game like the mantella mod. It’s the future. Gold mine that nobody is talking about rn

    • @talesfromtheclassroom
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Bethesda has been making the same horrible game since Oblivion. Atrocious developer

    • @gamingunited37
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    i was really Hoping for an online version of skyrim 2 player coop more missions better stealth options for example if you murder with someone with a mask no way should an NPC know who you are …this breaks playing as an assassin

    • @mandogundam5779
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Sounds like Todd was feaful that his own devs might outshine his skillset or improve on his legacy while leaving him behind. Unfortunatley quite common for managment and CEO’s. Shows a huge lack of maturity and confidence in his team.

    • @Phaevryn
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    “Has had a Todd problem for a decade now”, you mean.

    • @grit9938
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I don’t think it’s fair to place it all on Todd. Oblivion, SKyrim and Fallout 3 and 4 were some of the best rpg’s ever made, thanks to him. Yes, there are smoe decisions here and there that should have been different, but it’s easy to pick apart any game if you look for reasons. Bethesda as a whole has grown too large to be properly managed, and this is where Starfield fell apart. With so many middle-men between Todd and the devs, he is propped up by a bunch of “yes men” that want the upper management spot and are willing to screw over lower devs to get it, instead of people that will give him honest feedback. This happens frequently in many businesses when they grow too large, not just software development. Todd can only respond to what he knows, and if the ones he is relying on give him bad information, there’s not much he can do, and he can’t manage all of it by himself when it’s that large.

    I may be giving Todd too much credit, but when he was more directly involved with a smaller team, that’s where Bethesda was best. Wanting to place all of the blame squarely on Todd shows how little some understand regarding corporate structure and what it’s like to be in charge of other people. By all means, the buck stops with the guy at the top, and it falls on him to correct the issues and change course, but that does not mean he is core of the problem. In fact, most of these interviews give him great credit and call out the issue about the company being too large.

    • @nickp4084
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I want a modern Morrowind. Instead, I’m certain we’ll get a dumbed down, simplified, shallower version of Skyrim. Fewer skills, fewer spells, fewer items, smaller world, less rewarding exploration, awful writing. I suspect the only improvement over previous entries will be graphics.

    • @loxley75
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    At this point more Skyrim with albeit slightly improved graphics would actually be fine for me. With every release they have tried to move further away from what I originally enjoyed about their games. Big open handcrafted world full of dozens of handcrafted dungeons to explore and the ability to make lots of different character builds, that’s it. That’s what I want. I don’t need amazing branching quests, Bethesda quests were always mostly rubbish, I don’t need base building or other systems. Give me a big interesting world, fun dungeons to discover on my travels and the ability to grow a unique character. That’s it. That’s all I need!

    • @dragothica4925
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    15 years between Skyrim and TESVI? Kind sir, let’s make it 20 years, which is far more reasonable estimation. Suggesting TESVI would release in 2026 is way too soon.

    • @Charsept
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I just want a little more RPG in my RPGs. I want there to be a deep enough leveling system with meaningful differences in playstyle that I can comfortable replay the game 3 times with different strategies and tactics. The games are getting dumbed down and they just aren’t as fun when you take away player choice.

    I tried to be a stealth assassin in Starfield and the game essentially told me to frick off.

    • @qurebless
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    If es6 don’t make a gta6 jump it’s sad u can’t have God of war out here being better than es6

    • @dan77oyo
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Honestly, i kinda hope all these AAA companies fail. The bottom line is greed. They keep doing the same mistakes over and over again, i know it will cause a lot of unemployment but now the devs can jump ship and band together to open their own studio and bring us something what we want. The people who stay…maybe shouldnt be a game dev

    • @GuySmithSmoke
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Who tf is Jeff Keely

    • @_MD_.
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Problematic mindset: ” this game not for everyone ”
    If the company want complete success, they have to make the game in such a way that everyone likes it. At least the goal is to win everyone over.

    • @aEkwal
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    They built up quite a following through the years leading up to Skyrim and seeing those trailers hyped people even more including me. The game was good albeit buggy (Esimo bug and the like) but not groundbreaking and modding fixed that. I don’t think they could even build up the same hype knowing we probably can’t slay dragons and be this mythical dragonborn. Lore still has plenty of interesting things to explore don’t get me wrong but following their failures it might be hard to meet gamer expectations especially after some titles released over the years that raised the bar. Sure there will be plenty of people who buy it just look how much Starfield sold out despite it being well… trash (never bought it myself) but going forward people I hope will be more weary before buying because it’s a Bethesda title.

    • @tudomerda
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Here’s what I see, Starfield is rubbish, Todd is in charge = he’s to blame, simple really.

    • @cloudnine5651
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    10:45 2 dozen projects is a lie. beth puts games out once a decade. there arent 2 dozen projects even at the studio

    • @AJ_Jones198XAD
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd Howard’s biggest problem is Todd Howard.

    • @sinclaire5479
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    As much as I loved Skyrim and the other elder scrolls installments I’m not holding my breath. I’m waiting for Wayward Realms instead.

    • @knowledgegaming8437
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Hey fallout 4 was a good game. For us console players anyways. Yea Starfield wasn’t what it should have been. As for cyber punk. I think that was the biggest disaster launch in history. I give them credit people say they have turned it around. I don’t play it. Not my cup of tea.

    • @Orvect
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    “The Nolan of the gaming industry” pfffWHAT ARE THESE PEOPLE SMOKING?! That guy is a professional liar. He’s paid for that, either because he believes his own bullshit or he just doesn’t give a fuck about lying to our faces. I can’t stand that small clown.

    • @raizerker
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I do agree that these games aren’t for everyone, but I also don’t agree that every game has to one up the previous title. Sure it’s been 15 years, but if you’re expecting 15 years of progress from Skyrim, I feel that you’re doing yourself a disservice. Starfield wasn’t perfect, but I enjoyed it. Did I enjoy it as much or as long as Skyrim? No, but not many other games have. I do think Todd needs to take a step back, but I don’t think Bethesda is doing as bad a job as they have been made out to be.

    • @Ryan91487
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Do note that Tod is German for Death

    • @XBluDiamondX
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd Howard needs to be put to pasture. Personally speaking, I was heavily disappointed with Starfield, Fallout 4 got boring midway through, and Fallout 76 is not Fallout to me. Not to mention, everything they make always feels like Elder Scrolls masquerading as Fallout and Starfield. Bethesda can’t come up with a new formula, apparently. That said, ES6 will be a hard pass for me on launch. It’ll take Todd pulling his head out of his ass to make ES6 any good if his reactions to criticism is anything to go by.

    • @GeraltofRivia5150
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Micro-manage much Todd? Moron.

    • @sandllc1361
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Starfield’s problem wasn’t that it was “irresponsibly large” it was the lack of content, out of the billions of planets there was only like 3 major cities and some very very small towns, starfield may have been technically bigger than skyrim but skyrim had more content

    • @palp8623
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Bethesda has a lot of problems. They dhould have been building a new engine from the grpund up over the past 15 years. They should habe looked at what people like and expanded upon it. Instead they continue to dumb their games down to the point of boring tedium.

    • @jjs6568
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Haven’t seen this guy in a while.

    • @sauliusvekteris526
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd Howard has no vission hes head is vacuum

    • @Ezrik2006
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Video has a major error about a minute in that ruins the arguments for the rest of it. IT says Bethesda style RPG’s feel “ancient”. Lets clear this up. Skyrim doesnt feel ancient at all, rather, the presentation elements are becoming archaic. Loading screens are a big problem, Bethesda dumbing down RPG elements, and starfield in general was a bad move.

    • @zacharia1446
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Soulless AAA has a LegacyKillaHD problem

    • @brettwerdesheim9767
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Only thing to cone out of Bethesda is nate the rake

    • @Decision333
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    2024 has taught me that toxic positivity and not reading the room can lead to disastrous results.

    • @miwoj
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    b-but he was in a chess club!

    • @muzien87
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Starfield should be considered a war crime. Absolutely garbage, every sibgle aspect of it is fcking bad. Not even the gun play feels fun like fallout 4 did. If elder across 6 doesn’t conpletely change them game anf it can be shown with evidence that they are putting a new foot forward I think people will be a little more open to it…but still most people will wait for reviews from trusted reviewers .

    Games these days arr beibg made by gamr developers instead of passionate gamers. It’s all spread sheets and check lists on how to maximize profit and minimize effort

    • @Steely_Fran
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd Howard goes to the barber:

    Barber – What can I do for you, son?
    Todd – I used to have this female gym teacher that was a retired cop…
    Barber – Say no more…

    • @EvilPeppermintHelix
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    First Blizzard, Then Bioware, Now Bethesda.

    • @sofaking1627
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I just recently started playing Cyberpunk (and yes it was a mess at launch, but I didn’t play it so I don’t really care.)
    Point is, after playing Cyberpunk 2077 I can’t get myself excited at all to play another milk toast bethesda RPG where I can’t even climb up onto things.

    • @Solbrick
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    This show is about a private company. It’s not about our tax money.

    • @kameronjones7139
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    With how long it has been it should be the same quality as rdr2

    • @volsmik1333
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    FPS RPG with broken FPS and no RPG = GOTY

    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I don’t think they should make an Elder Scrolls 6. They should just cancel the project and maybe even dissolve the company. At least, that way, they’ll be able to keep their claim of having made one of the best and most iconic I.P.’s of all time. They’re just not good enough to handle making an Elder Scrolls game anymore. It’s just going to be rushed corporate slop followed by a gaslighting campaign.

    • @tacanacy
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Skyrim was not revolutionary for its time — it was a stripped down reskin of Oblivion.

    • @rickitynick4463
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    When prominent members of the modding community don’t bother making content for your newest game, you have more than one problem.

    • @Marcustheseer
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    i dont think most of the problem is bethesda or todd i think its beeing overcritical and overcomplaining of some people.
    in there own way new vegas and skyrim bethesda’s biggest games that players liked most where not perfect either infact there launch was worse then starfield in terms of buggs.
    starfield is a good game most people like it but with internet the smaller groups with a loud voice are heared the most and this can give a falls perception of the reality of things
    people also complain shattered space is not good i couldnt say annything because i hadnt played it yet but i finaly finished it and its a desent dlc but again only smaller group but loud voices say it sucks,and ya shattered space could have been better but to say its bad is not fair.
    and am not saying bethesda is better then it was during new vegas and skyrim,i do think shattered space is one of there lesser projects but wel not every idee is a hit but its not “god awfull”.
    but you might have a point when you say that maybe todd should listen more to his employees,the one thing todd needs to realize is he isnt all gamers,if he doesnt like something that doesnt mean other wont either.
    i personaly like starfield to me its a good game,personaly i think todd should listen more to him imployees or run some scetches of creatures by the fans and see the feedback.
    you have points but overall you abit to harsh i think.

    • @Silversmith70
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    When he said 16 times the detail, did he mean going from Fallout 4 to Fallout 76? I have played both, 76 was my first Fallout game. There wasn’t a 16X decrease in visual quality when I went to Fallout 4.

    • @lordmortos979
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Calling starfeild another skyrim is an insult to skyrim. There is so much more wrong with starfeild than skyrim

    • @nithurlut
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    The flaw of Todd’s design philosophy is his own misenterpretation of his own philosophy. He confuses player freedom with player permissiveness, but freedom and permissiveness are not the same thing. Freedom means that your choices have meaningful consequences, and one of the things that make choices meaningful is reprocussions. Realize one possibility but sacrifice realization of the other. Choose one quest line and close off the other.
    It opens up possibility for actual role-playing, replayability, it deepens the immersion and involvment of the player in this particular story.
    But when you can make anything whenever you feel like it, with no reprocussions whatsoever – what’s the point of doing anything at all?
    And thats’s the problem I felt the most with Skyrim, the only way for me to play meaningfully and have some satisfaction is to impose restrictions on how I play myself, because otherwise my character turns into a faceless amalgamation, empty shell, void to be filled with titles, listener-nightingale-werewolf-archmage-dragonborn-father and husband-champion of Mora etc. etc., and literally nothing holds me back, and everything becomes meaningless, I’m disengaged from quests I do because it doesn’t really matter, I’ll just get my shiny stick with random enchantment №god_knows_which_one_it_is in the end and that’s it. I as a player just get bored. And when I have to impose limitations on myself – I get tired at some point. And in the end I just don’t want to play the game anymore anyways.
    And in later games this problem becomes even more apparent, because in each later game Bethesda doubles down on this twisted philosophy even more and more compared to the previous entry. And at some point it gets’s to the moment when even mods can’t fix this issue, it get’s to the point of Starfield. Wide as ocean, deep as puddle. And quantity over quality is the other topic to talk about when it comes to Todd’s design philosophy. But when you put two things together – the permissiveness Todd praises as freedom, huge yet shallow and empty playgrounds – players have no option other than to go and find some other place or game to spend their time, because nothing catches them here, there’s nothing interesting or fascinating for them.
    Todd needs to sit TF down and do some reflection on what he’s doing and why “It doesn’t just work” anymore when it’s not too late (for fan’s mercy, oh-oh). Otherwise TES 6 might as well become the last nail in BGS’ coffin. But for now it doesn’t seem like he’s willing to.

    • @monteezy55
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    emil still having a job is what is incredible lol
    i know he’s todd’s friend but leaving such incompetent people around is exactly why bethesda is so laughable

    • @hawkshot867
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Starfield is a joke, it’s just Fallout in space. The parts that are “different” are the parts that they failed to make interesting, like the fast travel or the planetary exploration. The clip of Todd Howard at the game awards show and realizing he got clean sweeped by a real visionary like Miyazaki was pure gold.

    • @Xaito
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Pretty much all space exploration games fall flat due to how boring it is to explore a lot of samey generated or empty planets.
    There’s just no gameplay loop around it that makes it feel worthwhile. The only way I can see this working is if there was a minecraft level of terraforming/building mechanic and some kind of reward for building stuff on those planets.

    • @Rastapopoulos2939
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    As long as they ditch the character creator in favour of a strong transgender lead I’ll be there day one.

    • @chocarage6092
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd the hack Howard and Bethesda is up there with incompetence with the likes of 343. Todd is a scape goat for the real issue in that booty studio

    • @StarfieldBattlefront
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I honestly think their younger woke employees are the main problem.

    • @JanusDarke
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd made a huge blunder in the Gameplay Reveal when he said the game would have you explore space (it doesn’t) & that your choices will impact the game (they really don’t). I am glad I didn’t pay for the game, getting it as a free “bonus” for a GPU purchase I was already planning saved me from wasting £70.

    • @desecrationfly
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I really liked SF but only as a Bethesda game that should have come from 2018.

    The point where I finally seen my immersion break and realize nothing has really been innovated on, was doing a simple side mission, had to bring a guy to some isolated abandoned base and protect him at a meeting, all went fine but then at the end I accidently hit the guy I was protecting! When I hit the guy, I got a bounty for breaking the law and this guy turned on me…
    This is where the immersion all breaks, the guy is alone, I should be just able to kill the guy and not get an instant bounty, so I decide to kill the guy “no witnesses!”, kill the guy…but he cant die, apparently this random guy that I never encounter again is too important to die or the game wont let him die till I return to the colony to finish the mission. So leave him there knocked to the ground and return to cash in the mission.
    So I leave him there knocked but wont die, return to the colony and all the police instantly open fire on me and loads of the citizens too, the guy is also there on the landing pad with me as if I brought him with me…and my last save is hours prior.
    So accidently hit a guy ONCE and he is alone on a abandoned outpost on a dead planet.
    You should be able to kill almost anyone even during a mission.
    There should not be instant intergalactic bounties, especially here I should have had a clean getaway.
    Stupid. We deserve far more immersive and flexible roleplaying then that crap… This is like they took the bounty system from Morrowind.

    • @darksonic1611
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    After Sharted Space I’ve just lost any hope for Bethesda

    • @kylemassie8067
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    BUGGY! or just the best part of the shattered space dlc.
    This is your alternative reality Todd. All you had to do was save the buggy for it. 🤡

    • @MoonbeamGardener
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    For me, the worst part of Starfield was the storytelling, the main storyline was uninteresting and your decisions really didn’t seem to affect much, because many of the side quests were shallowly written. The second worst thing was all the raiders, I mean pirates and spacers and ecliptic… Baddies seemed to outnumber regular people by obscene numbers, and it was annoying to constantly run into them when traveling across open space. 😒😒😒

    Bethesda has lost it’s creative edge and are just clinging to past accomplishments.

    • @hawkshot867
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd Howard is the most overrated man in gaming since Peter Molyneux.

    • @Supramedical68
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd Howard is the Kathleen Kennedy of the gaming industry.

    • @a_kuma
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    He is a fraud.

    • @theanimer1
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I don’t think Todd and Emil need to be kicked out, but they 100% need to stop being top dogs. Emil is too dogshit to be lead designer, but if someone above him kept him under control, I’d imagine he would be fine. And Todd is too damn biased over Emil to be allowed to be director. Drop his ass back to programmer or designer like he was and have someone that knows why Skyrim or Oblivion were such successes take over. Since Todd clearly doesn’t.

    • @chucknv5482
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    The Skyrim model still works. It just doesn’t work in empty space. Most of those planets had nothing on most of them. You could spend an hour exploring nothing in the hope of finding a single way point. You could never do that in New Vegas or Skyrim or even FO3. You could walk 5 minutes in any direction and run into interesting things or an entire story area. Bethesda failed to mimic that. They made the opposite.

    • @MrSirHenryMF
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I never got why people like this dude. He just gets on stage and lies. He’s just Peter Molyneux 2 as far as I’m concerned.

    • @Tchud
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Starfield is a terrible game. They could have followed the lessons learned from Hello Games and made a great space title. Instead we got a buggy loading screen simulator. Shame on Howard for releasing that mess.

    • @dragutintodosijevic4195
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Most AAA developers have gone to shit this generation I blame corporate greed and the woke fenomenon

    • @HonestMan247
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    This is the difference between a visionary (like Jobs, like Musk) and someone who was simply the right person at the right time. Todd Howard was the right person at a specific moment in time. That time has passed.

    • @cloudnine5651
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    game is a shitshow. You stare at loading screens more often than not, first time i explored a planet i cleared out this building full of guys, ran a couple miles, just to find the exact same building with the exact same guys to fight. They laughable shoehorned shouts from skyrim into space game…..i mean i could keep going on about the laughable state of this “game”

    • @JohnDoe-iv7yu
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Starfield WAS Bethsofts chance to show off an entirely new GAME ENGINE that doesn’t have loading screens, is seamless with transitions, looks nor reminds us of ANY prior game. Instead? 7 years of a shitty watered down Fallout that NO ONE ASKED for! So we waited ALL this time and you left us hanging for over a decade for another ES game? WTF are they doing over there? OH I know, NOT LISTENING to the fans, NOT LISTENING to the lower level employees that are there for the love of the game.

    They don’t listen at all to the people. Must have voted Kamala.

    • @stevenpearson8065
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    They need to retire the creation engine. It’s old and tired and struggling to breathe at this point, and it’s showing its age

    • @JustAnotherNomad92
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    They need a single player Fallout 76. Funny enough their most successful expansion, Nuka World was made by moders they hired.

    • @leek5682
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Emil Pagapanini

    • @YorkGod1
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    After Starfield mess I wont buy another Bethesda Game

    • @futseb
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    What made Skyrim, or Fallout 4, so successful ?
    They are compelling words filled with stories to live, to see and to enjoy.
    Why is Starfield a failure ? As it was once said about AC Odyssey, it’s wide as the ocean, deep as the sink. No real story, they are many planets that are all the same, every base / outpost / Sci lab would be the same. And it won’t make much sense. It’s like the universe, immense but mostly empty…
    Todd Howard once declared that we should care about stories because players don’t read them. Ok, so let’s just have a fun cooperative game with players making the story for themselves. That gave fallout 76, massive failure, critical catastrophe.
    What to hope for a TES 6 ? Well, a more beautiful skyrim. With maybe more develop world and stories.

    • @TheNightman.
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd and Emil, Emil especially is a tool who needs to be removed

    • @jefferyvandamme9323
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Tod Howard is a dome genome im never buying sowe long is Tod genome is bos never again

    • @Latham74
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Bethesda is running PR offensives on r/games to astroturf users recently. Todd Howard and Bethesda have lost a step, but trying to manipulate people doesn’t help.

    • @sunayocarissime5309
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    By and large the only thing people really want is an upgrade to the engine. Even going as far as to retire the Creation Engine and switch to Unreal 5 would be a good option because the engine itself is archaic! The groundwork for the Creation Engine literally came from the original Game Byro Engine, which was used in ES3 Morrowind. That’s all the way back in 2002!!! That’s how ancient this game engine is. Bethesda and Howard really need to suck up their pride and switch to the Unreal 5 or make an entirely new engine. When you even make content creators like Angry Joe frustrated because of this outdated engine, you know you kind of screwed the pooch.😖😖😖😒
    That said I actually liked Starfield, still keep it on my favorites tab in Steam. It has one huge glaring problem though and that it has NOTHING IN IT! As Angry Joe said it himself, “wide as an ocean but has the depth of a puddle.” One would think Bethesda would put more work in a large scale project like that but apparently not. When you compare it ES3 Morrowind for example, a game that’s 20+ years old, there’s literally thousands of hours of books and lore you can get into. Starfield has barely even 6 hours of lore and written aesthetics. That’s pretty sad really.😢

    • @leonrivera3712
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    The biggest problem is all the games are the same, same bugs, same gameplay, same boring quest. Also they never patch out update any of the issues like if you buy any of their games they are still broken.

    • @AFarCryGames
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    “Larger than life.” is a 5’6 man who’s only accomplishments since the announcement of Fallout 76 is to be a meme.

    • @ThePindar
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Microsoft buying Bethesda was the worst thing that could’ve happened to Bethesda fans, they don’t need to try to innovate anymore, they just need to create more slop so gamepass kids can say they have something new to play and go to war for them on the Internet, Microsoft is just a cancer with that gamepass shit, feels like Netflix where the majority is trash and only the rare 1% is actually worth it

    • @joehynes2964
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Hmmm. After Howard’s success with a great Indiana Jones game, maybe Bethesda has a Bethesda Problem…?

    • @JohnDoe-iv7yu
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd is such a sell out corporate schill. Hes worth a few million, there from the start, stop selling out, you made it, do what the fans want not what the execs wants money money money. Skyrim was magical, not perfect, but wonderful.

    • @randallpandason3715
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Stagnant design is fine. Chasing new graphics or gimmicks often ruins things and waters-down the gameplay and character that made games popular in the first place.

    • @Duterasemis
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd’s been making Skyrim over and over again for over a decade because as it turns out that’s all he can actually do

    • @Tere225
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    They worked on starslop instead of elderscrolls

    • @anothersocialdisease
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I think something fair to say about the bethesda fanbase is that they themselves don’t know what they want. The same people complaining about a lack of fallout or elder scrolls content are the same people fueling 76 and eso, giving them no real incentive to work on a new game.

    • @strawberry-parfait3922
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd is just the face of the company and far from the only problem there. Bethesda like many other studios has gotten infested by crazy people that are more far left activists trying to force down their agenda onto a target audience that doesnt give a rats ass about DEI issues. The only things that should have changed like AI improvements and other Creation Engine weaknesses/issues dont get adressed because of the old guard being stuck in their ways where there still do things like they did back in 2009 instead of improving on what they had.

    People already critizied Fallout 4 in 2015 for having bad graphics with poor performance and being way too shallow with alot of the dialog options having little impact. And here we are almost 10 years later and they are still doing the same mistakes and even importing bugs previously fixed in Fallout 4 into Fallout 76 and Starfield but ontop of that made all characters ugly and unlikeable.

    If they dont get the curve real fast it will be only a matter of time until they end up on the chopping block like Ubisoft.

    • @mrmak9403
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    16X fun

    • @RAtMW88
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd has no T left.

    • @OXY187
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd Howard has been a plague on both TES and Fallout since 2004. He took over and destroyed The Elder Scrolls Franchise, annihilated the identity of Fallout and now they are milking it until its bone dry. He is an insecure man with a godlike complex. He sabotaged people who were better than him. He is the personification of weak individual. There is a reason why all Bethesda games are bad. He doesn’t let people better than him cling onto the company. He wants to be on top.

    • @CptEddyPrice
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Vanilla Skyrim SUCKS. I wouldn’t even bother with it, without TONS OF MODS.

    • @KlaweKlapki
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    todd touches everything and turns it to sheit 🙂

    • @Cyclone546
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd Howard is a woke troll.

    • @qwert291
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Oh jeez, my boss at work is like Todd. She is effectively paralyzed at work and has to pull 70 hour weeks because literally all the work we do has to be approved (and in almost all cases altered) by her. She just cannot let go. Everything we do is several weeks late and we constantly miss out on opportunities, simply because we are not allowed to act independently and her approval takes several weeks and reminders. Not to mention 50% of our job is stalling our partners because there is no decision yet. The trick is to see it as a comedy, not a tragedy.

    • @g8trdone
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd Howard should call Chris Roberts and get a planet from CIG.

    • @Stealthy_Martian
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    They also need to get away from that engine they use.

    • @Fergus-H-MacLeod
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Bethesda has had a greater success largely due to the fact that there wasn’t really any competition. Open world games like Elder Scrolls and Fallout just didn’t really exist. And i’m referring to back when they were released.
    They had and untapped market

    And I did enjoy the games

    • @AJTComicsBrand
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    He always lying 😂

    • @neck_acrobatics
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Laughing my ass off at “seagulling”

    • @SkinnysBooks
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I stopped caring after 76, I never really liked F4, too much nonsense and babysitting.

    • @borland8513
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    “We’re making games we think will make money, because we’ve made games that make money in the past.” -Modern Bethesda.

    “We’re making games we think some customers will like.” -Dead Bethesda.

    • @yvngvudu
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Damn bro how much are they paying you to shit on BGS every other day?

    • @Fenriskoll
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Zelda is much the same way. Devs have to sneak shit in around miyamoto because he’ll poopoo their ideas. Some of the best Zelda shit was because they hid things from him for long enough that they had something physical to prove their point. Creativity, like everything else, suffocates in a vacuum.

    • @stevenroberts4356
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    My 15 year old self would have slapped me for even considering not getting TES6 but here I am, not gonna buy it till I hear 18 reviews from trusted independent game reviewers.

    • @TheUltimatePositionOfPower
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am


    • @BladeTheWatcher
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd is a big fat liar. He cut all trust in me for Bethesda at the launch of FA76. “16 times the detail!”. My ass!

    • @parkerburrus289
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    He needs to go and the people around him

    • @alijah1539
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    He’s been the problem for a long time

    • @DamonCzanik
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    The fact Todd can’t admit the problems means the game will NEVER improve where it’s needed. Everyone needs to look up the Star Citizen’s StarEngine demo trailer. Everything there is playable in game right now. Or if you want to compare a single player game, look up the Squadron 42 gameplay demo. That just shows the tutorial gameplay! EVERYTHING is just better. THAT is how you do a singleplayer game!

    Star Citizen is $45. Starfield is still selling at retail prices of $70. I own both. SC is playable but it’s an early access alpha with bugs. But I play that instead. Greatness requires the patience to nurture what mediocrity abandons in haste. If I want a mediocre space game, I’d play Starfield.

    Starfield has a thousand+ worlds. Star Citizen only has 32. But it’s not about having a thousands worlds; it’s about having a single one worth exploring. This is why they fail.

    • @snuffsan
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    they stagnated with skyrim, who are we kidding

    • @TheKarato
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    The word is BRUNT.

    • @janoycresva2279
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    It has a Todd Howard and Emil Pagilarilo problem.

    • @Michael_Oliver_
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I was really hoping that Starfield was going to be the best Space game, but it sadly has it’s drawbacks and doesn’t hold up to games like Elite Dangerous, or No Man’s Sky in terms of Space exploration, space travel, or space combat.

    • @SZ-jr8pt
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I feel like they should not focus on graphics and “technological advancements” make the game combat fun and follow up on more story and stop selling me sheogorath. I love the daedric prince but his being overselled like the joker.

    • @horrigan495
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I am sure games will continue to fkin work even without him…

    • @glowing_clod969
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    It’s the same cup of tea stop reheating it

    • @Spacefrisian
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Bethesda has a Todd and Emil issue.

    • @CheapCreep
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    For ES6 I’d happily take more Skyrim, but no more ESO or FO76 microtransaction, pay wall, subscriptions.

    • @declanashmore
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    After Oblivion, I started seeing Bethesda as a developer that was going to be fantastic and I was well hyped for Skyrim. However, when it rolled around in 2011, I was extremely disappointed.
    Look, Bethesda isn’t the little studio from the Morrowind era here that we gave so much leeway because of the heart that was in it. They’re not a small bunch of scruffy nerds hacking away at some engine. They have the size, they have the budget, they have everything other big studios have, so we may expect more. Bethesda needs to step into its big boy pants now; it’s not cute or funny anymore.

    • @drwilyecoyote5357
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    forget bethesda, the beyond skyrim expansion will be the elder scrolls 6 es6 should be.

    • @arron666
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd should have been taken out of besthesda years ago. So much time ruined. How is he going to make up for it? By making another trash game that the audience will gobble up again and again. Its time to stop buying their new products

    • @luckyboi5878
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    “Keep it simple stupid” dont expect a complex piece of art, expect an assortment of turds polished into basic circles and squares

    • @sacrificialrook6283
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    The problem with Todd isn’t how wrong he is, it’s how right he believes himself to be.

    • @WaynesWorldUnlimited
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I love Bethesda games. I know I bought them all. But yeah, they’re all basically the same thing in a different shell. Skyrim is still my favourite game and I have almost 500 play through the game. Even though I am looking forward to the new elder scrolls, but what are we really gonna get? More of the same just in a better looking skin. And Starfield, what a joke I paid £100 for the special edition. I played it for the first two weeks and my God was on board. I’ve still never gone back to it. All my games are digital, so I’m stuck with them. I’ve literally just given up with this company.

    • @sigelsegal2297
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    The thing about starfield is that it refuses to build upon the things that made Fallout and Elder scrolls fun. It feels like an open world that’s on rails which kinda defeats the purpose imho. The bethesda jankiness also needs to change drastically, like I get the whole physics based engine thing but it doesn’t add anything just feels like it’s there to slow down performance. Also, for the love of god stop filling the games with useless junk items.

    • @tahnadana5435
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    if his use because his just photogenic, than why give him lots of projects?

    • @drwilyecoyote5357
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    my personal vision for es6: the thalmor tried something stupid again and nirn treated them like the mythic dawn, making high elves a super rare race.

    • @dietossers
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    It blows my mind that Starfield is STILL not Steam Deck compatable.

    • @ElrondKaresh
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Indiana Jones was a massive waste of resources and time, nobody wanted that game. Starfields development suffered from it, elder scrolls 6 and fallout 5 will suffer from it. I’m over their shit. Indie devs make better rpg’s for way less cost for the consumer.

    • @amadeusagripino6862
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    It just works

    • @alexmoore5079
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Fire Emil

    • @adcaptandumvulgus4252
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Well Microsoft will allow failure only so long and then, next, is my hot take.

    • @Fabulous-Spider
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    man….im not hopeful for ES6. oh well.

    • @White_Tiger93
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    no offense but calling a human being a god is a blasphemy, even as a joke. don’t know why people being like this, admiring is fine but saying a man is a god? that’s a blaspheme even gabe newell know that.

    • @mc_zittrer8793
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I think the problem is that Emil Pagiljabroni there compared his games to a Hostess Twinkie. I wonder if he tried to revise that comment after everyone started laughing at the really demeaning and unflattering comparison he unwittingly made.

    • @printisdead1983
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    No Bethesda has a “ill buy whatever low effort trash you throw at me ” customer problem THEY WONT CHANGE ANYTHING IF YOU FOMO CASUALS KEEP JUST BUYIN ANYTHING , STOP DUMMIES

    • @chonky2129
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    13:07 yeah Bruce, it’s called “re-playability”

    • @JayCord00
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I feel this guy is like the Michael Bay of video games, made some good games and then got sloppy and became out of touch very fast.

    • @CH3353N1NJ45
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    You have to wonder what sort of dirt Todd & Emil have to stop them from being fired.

    • @Twangaming
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I think at this point Bethesda has become too large and sprawling to achieve the necessary cohesion to make a quality RPG. The disjointed feeling of Starfield will likely be the norm going forward unfortunately

    • @AntMusic_
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    WTF IS GOING ON? GET YOUR S**T TOGETHER OR YOUR FIRED!… is what I’d say to my employees if I owned a company that was repeatedly put to shame by a bunch of part-time amateurs (modders).

    • @HoboHunterRik
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I do not want a fantasy world simulator. I want an action adventure open world RPG. You know, the entire point of Bethesda.

    • @Zlx1
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Skyrim was the first open world RPG with random encounters, it was a world filled to the brim with exploration and adventuring. What is Starfield? Starfield can’t even beat its own ancient predecessor, Skyrim, on anything. Starfield isn’t even fun, a base criteria universal to every single game in the history of gaming.

    • @allnamestakenlol
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Man, I can handle the bugs, but I can’t handle the terrible quest design, writing, story telling, and lack of real roleplay.

    • @ngraner421
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    There is a common theme ringing out in game Youtube. It looks like Bethesda has lost its mojo. It looks like CDPR has been taken over by DEI. It looks like Blizzard is dead. But we sincerely hope we are wrong. Of course except for Blizzard. We know that is reuse of a name of a company that no longer exists.

    • @TheLegacyDan
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    This just in: water is wet

    • @siipis7766
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    He can still be the face of Bethesda but leave the design for others. Lying Todd is good at selling and talking in convention, so keep it that way but for the love of God stop dictating everything because he hasnt released a single good game in decades. FO4 was released 2015 and even that had loads of problems with its main story

    • @secularspectator
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd Howard still thinks Todd Howard is great…no one seems to have let him in on the joke.

    • @TwistdTrip
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Yeah Im not interested in a Todd Howard game world. Man is stuck in the past.

    • @tom2gunzbombadil689
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I really do love BGS games but I’ve lost faith.. ES worries me n god forbid the next Fallout.

    • @CharlieMander843
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I would be happy with just more Skyrim. I dont think we will even get that

    • @zanekorvek8643
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Also Todd Howard Needs To Go!

    • @oddicocidic
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Skyrim has a atmosphere with cool music and a cool nordic D&D vibe. Its a place you want to live in. Same with Fallout and its funny over the top atmosphere. Now I ask you guys and girls, whats Starfields atmosphere/vibe like? Does it have any? or does it just lack character? I can’t say, i haven’t played it. but from the trailers and gameplay i’ve seen, it seems from my point of view, that Starfield doesnt have much of anything.

    • @SoSezTheDude
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Can they really be called “role play games” when you can occupy every leadership role of every organization, regardless of skill, ability, or alignment to other organizations? Are you really the archmage, when all your character can cast is mage light? Why do the companions accept you as the Harbinger, when you never actually fight for yourself, standing back in every fight while followers and magic summons can take care of it for you? Todd, and bethesda really, will always choose the large buffet of bland over a smaller quality meal it seems.

    • @xpromamo
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I think Emil pagliarulo is even worse

    • @zanekorvek8643
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    The original elder scroll team are working on Wayward Realms I look forward to that game!

    • @x0vg5hs1
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    They need to unleash Todd. He was the one in Book club.

    • @JChaosMaster
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    This is why I’m massively looking forward to two project. The first being “The Wayward Realms” by Once Lost Games. AKA the true Bethesda veterans who build Elder Scroll 1, 2, 3, and some of Oblivion. Who show to be working on mind breaking new systems. Along with that Skyblivion. I want to see that destroy Oblivion remaster

    • @jamesrosenbaum120
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Bethesda is too top heavy. Todd might be brilliant, but he needs to get back into the weeds and conduct skip level meetings, get more feedback during development.

    And for gods sake, get rid of the creation engine. It hasn’t kept up with the market, there’s probably no way to get it there without the company going bankrupt.

    • @youtubeviewer8063
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    All I know is be careful with what you ask for. So many ips have been utterly destroyed after the original creators or co-creators have been replaced. Starfield was not everyone’s cup of tea, but in my opinion, it isn’t a terrible game. Cyberpunk was also a disaster at launch, but they’ve also gotten a pass nowadays.

    • @luheartswarm4573
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    It just needs to be better than skyrim or in the same level at the very least.
    Everything since skyrim have been a massive downgrade and dissapointment

    • @TheOriginalGR8Bob
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Tod is the trump of the gaming industry does nothing but lie on stage to break every ones dreams of a better world.

    • @CharlieMander843
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Agree. I hate how he has ruined my favorite franchises

    • @bopbop076
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    There is no passion or creative mindset that lead Bethesda since 10years, Fallout 4 and his DLC was a miracle.

    • @Multifidi20
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd is also very secretive during game development. If you would go out in public and tell the consumers these the features that elder scrolls six it’s gonna have you can get some feedback from us gamers. Comes off as just a slimy used car salesman. He’s always very vague on details. Then he’ll embellish other things then when you get the game, you’re just super disappointed.

    • @he77hawk.71
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    All of these interviews just sound like a excuse from Bethesda they are garbage, after Christmas starfield doesn’t even have 4k players on steam the game is a outright failure and they deny it

    • @quebeqseven
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    i think the elder scrolls games are the only ones bethesda does really well, if they mess this up they’re done…

    • @JPEaglesandKatz
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    One thing LegacyKillaHD.. you say you are an optimist? Sorry man, a bit of self refreflection maybe? I’ve rarely seen a more pessimistic guy than you.

    Todd will continue to wreck Bethesda and its IP’s…. I can’t believe Microsoft doesn’t see that…. He is so out of touch with reality and what gamers want.. He seems to be following his own childhood dream projects the way he sees things..
    they are going to notice it when Todd leaves.. Yes indeed.. It will maybe give a chance to talented people to actually develop games that people want.
    Todd is like North Korea.. Only 1 decides everything and see what that does….
    If you see what hello games with a small team can deliver with the amount of creativity and gameplay, it is just mind blowing that nobody in NK microsoft sees this.. But it seems Spencer (who is in the same alley as Todd) and Todd are best bros so yeh.

    • @MrJoker9907
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    The tauting of 100 planets in Starfield was my checkout line. Its just common sense to believe how barren and dead EVERY world would be. Im just baffeled about all the gamers that went in that trap anyway. Well, have fun fools.

    • @Rogokin
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    13:30 I get it, but Todd’s design philosophy is good to for the people like me who will play through a 100hr game once and move on to the next game. Don’t have all the time in the world, I have a couple hours here and there to play so I like his design style let me experience it all in one go.

    • @hadiferlan3760
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd Howard can’t stop lying. EVERY.SINGLE.TIME.

    • @user-uu9ru3de1y
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    he shouldnt of changed, it just worked

    • @ctg4818
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Sweet Little Lies, Keyword: “little” after learning Todd is 4 feet tall

    • @TicoDK
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Bro, it’s Micro$oft we’re talking about, does anyone still thinks there will be a TES 6? (in this decade)

    • @foxsvault5097
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I wanna know what dirt Emil has on Todd to keep his job cause that man couldn’t write his way out of a coloring book

    • @skyewolffoxtail7785
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Uh correct the problem is more the playerbase because people are expecting way too much of a game companies. Because they’re is always going to be something in a game that someone is not going to like. Playing starfield for me is so much fun. And it still is for me. People are actually thinking quality and over performance is the best way to experience a game. I can tell you this, that it’s true. A game does not have to have high end graphics and realistic looking weapons to be playable. As long the game works and is able to play. The game is very good. People do not know how to enjoy a video. They will always have something to complain about. Whether it’s irl problems or something in-game they don’t like. Just play the game and enjoy it. Either that or just don’t play it.

    • @CrypidLore
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    It’s a sad catch 22, a company tries something new and exciting to stand out from the pack, gets massively successful, and then refuses to take ANY risk because it might not work out so the next 20-40 years they make dog water games.

    • @cantonold7014
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    it does not work

    • @vexx12343
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I have no hope for elder scrolls six it has slowly been eroded for years still live oblivion and Skyrim

    • @bloodassassln
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    idk if youll see this but i see that smug ass ezio case in the backround and i salute you

    • @GloomBlue100
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    The buggies would have helped on day 1 sure, but it wouldn’t have solved all of the underlying issues. Even the buggies wouldn’t have created an immersive fun, unique universe as there would have been still 99% of nothing to explore and that 1% that we can explore was just randomly generated copy pasted stuff, I raided the same cryo facility at least 10 times, exact same layout, exact same enemy positions exact same everything inside. There is no uniqueness to it, when you explore Fallout or TES you would find rare stuff, where in Starfield same as FO76 and FO4 you’d find all randomly generated garbage. 1 of the best things about TES is you find super unique rare items and weapons as well as oddities in between locations that made all of that mindless wandering worthwhile. This is partly why I love the Deus Ex and Mass Effect franchises so much, they are finely tuned meticulous world building.

    • @PetarToshev-wb5or
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I will be happy if ES6 is Skyrim like, I don’t need new innovations for “modern audience”. Just good old Skyrim with different quests and less bugs!

    • @ApocRNG
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd and Emil were always the problem. They are actually just psychopathic narcissists

    • @ryansarafin12
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I gave up on BGS when Todd said he was ok with having fans wait 16+ years between titles instead of letting another studio make a spin off of one of their IPs

    • @JC-xx5dm
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    pride is a dangerous when misplaced

    • @Aeon373
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    There just are some games so grandiose that even the same developers cannot replicate again even if they wanted to.

    • @marzaik_yt
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Not a good take, right away. They problem isn’t that they kept trying to make Skyrim like games. The problem is that they didn’t keep following the Skyrim mantra.

    • @Lilmexicansamurai
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    The Jerry Jones of Bethesda

    • @Mabbit_YL
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I think ESVI being a high fantasy open world game in the ES universe is going to give reviewers and players a positive bias toward it upon initial release. I think a lot of people, admittedly myself included, are just ready to f*** around with the guilds, races, and jankiness we know and love in a more modern game. That being said, be wise with your money folks. Don’t pre-order, and probably give the dust some time to settle before jumping in. It’s been miss after miss lately.

    • @OrgusDin
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    It just works.

    • @johnnydrama3829
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    LOL i love when people refer to themselves as ‘realists’ i mean who would ever say otherwise 🤷”well yea man i mean ive never really considered myself to be much of a realist” LOL tf?

    • @TacticalReaper56
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I mean this from the bottom of my heart. The guys like the worst version of a Artisty boss from Grandmas Boi. From the direction of the Fallouts, to the disappointment that is their engine. To lack luster new IPs. Hodd has needed the boot for awhile. Fallout got slave-sold to live services and streaming. I would trade the show for another fallout game js.

    • @fallupside
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Best dlc makers in the industry is a fucking joke. Look at fallout 4 dlc. It really only got 2 real dlcs and automotron is like 70% the way there but the rest of the workshop stuff was crap , they make the majority of there dlcs for an asepct of the game they said “you can totoaly avoid if you want to” but that was an outright lie. I have 0 respect for bgs anymore and im willing to bet its 99% tods fault

    • @corticibus2534
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    They only heard criticism about how the planets would be a bad idea a year before launch from fans. ”so will the planets all be the same boring procedural rocks and trees?”. They knew that comparison was completely correct with 0 time to change it and then lied about it being better. Do none of these companies do research anymore or just play it for 30 mins before they commit?

    I constantly look back at the halo documentary when devs had more honour telling the truth ”the games not fun, we’re figuring it out before we ship”

    • @connorsnickers1
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Yeah I love their big open spaces in their previous games because there was actually things to explore! Starfield is just big open EMPTY spaces with nothing to explore

    • @TheShatteredLegion
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I’ve been saying this for years.

    Todd Howard has become another Peter Molgynue from the now long dead Lionhead Studios (Original Fables)

    A Man of many words and big promises, but rarely ever delivers. He will keep Bethesda Trapped in a 2010 perspective game design wise because he’s constantly chasing the Skyrim Dragon. Constantly trying to recapture that particular model of Lightning in the bottle.

    It’ll never happen because Videogames have changed, it’s not longer 2010, Cell Worlds just aren’t good enough anymore, Shattered Space sucked because it was just Fallout 4 in space but with none of the (all be it cauterised) charm of the Fallout IP.

    • @Fishpasta4
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    The biggest red flag for me with Bethesda is they just seem like they’ve lost interest in player feedback since Skyrim was released.
    They ignored the bugs in Skyrim and instead released multiple versions that all had similar bugs in.
    They ignored feedback regarding the awful dialogue choices in Fallout 4.
    They ignored and even made jokes about the myriad off issues that plagued Fallout 76 for months after its launch.
    They ignored the various complains made about Starfield’s base game.
    They’ve now also ignored valid criticism about Shattered Space.

    • @bakednotfried1184
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Washed up time for fresh za

    • @val9393
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Can’t just give ol’ Todd all the credit. We can’t ignore how much Emil Pagliarulo brutalized the IP’s with his pretentious “storytelling” and “writing”

    • @TunzoFun
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Idk man… I feel like it’s more of a Microsoft _problem_ than 1 lonely human.

    Maybe go back to making Rockstar content? This seems out of your element a bit. Straw grasping. Then again your name literally is LegacyKilla720p so I guess attempting to kill other people’s legacy is your thing?

    Ooof yeah after realizing your name combined with the content it kinda left a bad taste in my mouth. I’m asking YouTube to never recommend your channel to me again and I suggest others that don’t want this trash put out into the world do the same. Todd just doing his job. They ask him to be the one to talk to media bc they know we (the fans) have a rapport with him. (Something you totally slept on – or intentionally left out) I will never understand content like this. How can you try and make money off of negativity? Don’t be like JuiceHead. That lil’ boi the damn laughing stock of Fallout/Bethesda YouTube content… and now you being seen the same.

    I have just 1 last question/thing to say or point out… Have you ever played Starfield?

    • @dredhammer
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    No Hope for this iteration of bethesda their best work ended with Morrowind in terms of creativity and storytelling , Oblivion raised the bar in terms of graphics and combat but lacked the charm and originality of morrowind. Skyrim saw a reduction in gameplay mechanics, skills and feature to appeal to broader audience that has carried the company forward until today, and they dont look like there is any inclination to change or evolve. Money is rolling in on thier live serice addons and the creation club. Until that dies they have no incentive to change.

    • @shoobydoo
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Bethesda has always been bad. I’ll never understand why people stand things like skyrim which is shit that the community had to fix through mods much like every other game they’ve ever released.

    They’re only good at a making games that fans can make into a suitable state of release.

    • @altoid3453
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Freedom of choice without consequence is boring.

    • @commoncents6831
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Its a MoDeRn AudIeNcE problem….I could handle the bugs and old school jank but the friken writing and characters and factions are so vanilla woke saftey Karen boring slop BS it literally kills the game

    • @Kserijaro
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Skyrim is a shit game for non RPG fans. just like Veilguard. Unkilalble NPCs and skills that have no limits. RPG is about limited choice for replayability.
    THere is no single quest in SKyrim that changes the world. It is at state 0 at the start and 100h later it is the same state 0 world.
    NPCS are fake robots without event knowledge. THere is no fun quests, and game devs brag about “infinite quests” while showcasing endlessly generated fetch slogs.
    Skyrim is a trash game, a trash fantasy game. IT is made to be a Mod loader. That is all there is.
    Almost EVERY ASPECT of the game is modded to be functional and better showcasing how inept Bethesda has become at making good games, no, good designs.
    To call SKyrim an RPG is like calling a Bird an airplane

    • @KulturKampf777
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Great video

    • @jibblecain
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Before Todd Howard, we had Peter Molyneux

    • @MidnightSpecial777
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Bethesda can’t even duplicate Skyrim. They don’t have the same talent even if they wanted to just copy paste that game. They make likenesses of Skyrim with features either missing or sold at a premium now.

    • @jibblecain
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    We’ve known this 10 years ago.

    • @fredsorre6605
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd Howard’s insistence on using their crappy old engine limited what the Dev’s could do with the game even though it was in Development for around a decade cause they spent most of that time trying to get the engine “updated” with modern features its the exact same problem that CDPR had with Cyberpunk 2077 and the RED Engine even though it was being worked on for so long they spent most of that time improving the Engine and they had a better starting point too with what they had on the Witcher 3 which was miles ahead compared to what Bethesda had with Fallout 4 which was why Starfield took so long to get out the door and is also why it still acts like a game engine from 2004.

    • @sound285
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Large studio waiting/blocked by 1 person is stupid common, it doesn’t matter if it 5000 people or 5 its kind of crappy thing to do excessively but Todd Howard sound like the typical high level gaming person to me. We use to call them dogs they have to piss on everything get their scent on it. We also used a knob in the sound department for people like him, when they said something is too loud or quiet we let them turn the knob and would say, “ah yeah right there is better.” and the dooche would agree and we’d move on. The knob was never connected to anything, purely a tool to make them feel involved and avoid Todd Howard people/problems. One the smartest things I ever learned.

    • @istvanballa5067
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I hope he will not retire so fast, I want to hear more sweet little lies from him
    Tell me lies tell me sweet little lies
    That meme song fromCrowbcat was awesome and is still awesome six years later as well

    • @ryszakowy
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    bethesda doesn’t have todd problem
    bethesda has bethesda problem
    they make mediocre shit that is on 2005 level and they keep having todd say “223456789 times the DETAIL” LOOK AT THIS TEXTURES
    and world, characters, quests, weapons, core mechanics and core ideas are insufferable trash without redeeming qualities
    “we have made a shitty solution to something that was never a problem before but we downgraded everything again”
    “we made a new mechanic that has no use whatsoever because we cut another mechanic that would work with this perfectly”
    prepare for next elder scrolls or next fallout
    and like previous games
    it will be another sequel only from name because they will ruin everything even harder than before

    • @georgeb8328
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd thinks making a good rpg means removing features. He’s said that in an interview. I think he doesn’t know what an rpg actually is.

    • @BlueBD
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I find it funny that “Player freedom” to Todd means “Restrict everything to only a single way of play”

    Actual Player Freedom would mean you Can fail and you Can lock yourself out of certain content because thats how Actual Freedom works.
    People able to join every faction and appease everyone is not freedom. that’s a fixed route because you cannot make anyone angry, which means you can only play 1 type of character.

    • @videogamewithlo
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I stop playing Fallout 4 after 5 or so hours when the game came out. I never touch the game since. I never bought any of his game after Fallout 4.

    • @JeanPaulB
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Comparing Todd to Christopher Nolan is like comparing kale to a steak! lmao

    • @HANNIBAL30ro
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    move on from that bloody engine for f***’s sake! you have to do it at some point, might as well do it sooner rather than later. nobody will buy your crappy starfield like games, not now and not 4 years from now. geeez man that studio is ridiculous

    • @springheeljak145
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Let’s be honest, Bethesda has done no work on TES VI. And maybe we shouldn’t want current year Bethesda to make the next Elder Scrolls game.

    • @Tinywars
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Modern Bethesda? No, Bethesda have been poor for a long time. Skyrim is weak. Let’s strip it back. You can get to Alduin within a few short quests. It’s really bad. The Companions quest line. Why even bother? The Dark Brotherhood. Awful. The Thieves Guild is okay but at times extremely tedious. The College of Winterhold. Absolutely shocking that you can become Archmage and not be a Mage and that’s before we get to the quest line for them. Skyrim is fabulous when modded. The base game is not. Fallout 4. That is another poorly written rushed in my opinion game. That game was not made with love. The East of the map lifeless and the fact the only prebuilt settlement is Diamond City tells me they rushed the game. Bethesda can not do evil. It’s all safe middle of the road nonsense and it’s been that way for a long time. Oblivion and Fallout 3 were good games and I think at this point in Bethesdas current state that remastering there older games is a much better idea then producing more of the same slop we’ve see over the last decade or so.

    • @Homiloko2
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I’ve been saying this for a decade and I’m glad people are finally catching on.

    • @Notivarg
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    On one hand, I can’t see Bethesda without Todd. It just wouldn’t be the same studio, it would be equivalent to another studio taking over their IPs. On the other hand, Bethesda needs to be more than just Todd and Emil, because it’s clear that what they’re doing isn’t working. There needs to be some middle ground. Maybe find someone at Bethesda who has a clear yet different vision from Todd, and let that person assemble a team and build their own small game/part of a bigger game (like let them do a whole planet in Starfield, or a whole city in ES6, or a small ES spinoff game) without Todd’s or Emil’s interference, see how that works out so they can find someone who could co-lead Bethesda and have equal say to Todd.

    • @Damn4got
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Starfield was his baby, he should of been fired when it flopped.

    • @greggeiger7532
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Credit where credit is due Todd Howard sells the shit out of these games regardless if they’re good or not lol.

    • @AlphaMachina
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    This corporate toxic positivity is going to kill off so many of the studios and publishers we grew up with, and once upon a time, that might have made me sad. But now? I think it’s the best thing that could possibly happen to this industry. These people are living in a fantasy world, all of them. Their view of the world is so far outside of reality that they might as well be living in one of their games. The industry needs a fresh start, but that can never happen as long as the idiots running it remain so willfully ignorant.

    • @ChrisSmith-ol1yz
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Bethesda has a Microsoft problem

    • @frikabg
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    16 seconds in and I already know Todd is spewing BS! Elder scroll 6 does not need technological whatever…. Just like fallout didn’t need technological advancements! The technologies have been there for decades and despite all of the huge advances we get bad game after bad game. What all studios are lacking is tallent that is given the room to make great games instead we get games filled with microtransactions and all kind of BS which has NOTHING to do with pleasent and enjoyable gaming experience. Todd is a corp shill who only knows how to lie!

    • @pandamonium9255
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Fans just want Todd to say yes to fans and stop the self-fart sniffing.

    • @AnonymousAnonposter
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd is as talented as he is tall.
    And I doubt that Emil is capable of mentally visualizing an apple.

    • @fallupside
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todds ego is the fucking problem. LET OTHER STUIDOS WORK ON FALLOUT AND ELDER SCROLLS

    • @shinfil3737
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am


    • @CrashHeadroom
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Well, Todd stole the studio off the original guy and basically pushed him out….. what do you expect?
    Average modern gamer: DUHHHHHH me no care, me just care they make game! you make game, me play me geeb money over and over hurrr deeeerrrpp! me R no care about that kind of thing V_V

    and this is why your games are trash now reader 🙂 enjoy the hell you have made for yourselves ^^

    • @Cr0wsMurd3r
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd and the “Cult of Todd” is gonna put Bethesda on its knees.

    Just the design philosophy of having everyone be able to do everything in one playthrough is terrible for the kind of games they want to make. One of the reasons I think Skyrim is one of the most overrated games of all time. One of the main points of RPGs like TES is to have multiple playthroughs as different builds, making different choices and joining different factions… there is no point to doing that in Skyrim, 60 hours is what it takes to 100% the base game.
    If not for the many talented modders out there I know I would have been done with Skyrim after 60 hours… I had already done everything worth doing in the game, visited almost every dungeon in the entire region and never really finding any loot more worthwhile than a Wheel of Cheese (Sheogorath approves).
    Couldnt even enter a town without some rando NPC going “Here, have a mystical unique legendary Daedric Artifact.” Ya know, the most powerful magic items in the entire world… things that should take dangerous quests and possibly some virgin sacrifices to get ones mitts on.

    Their games seems as large as a proper lake at times, but when you look closer the lake is as shallow as a pond.
    To be frank, I think the one reason they are even on the map is thanks to the modding community. Because since Morrowind they have not really made a game that felt complete without mods.
    And something that all the “newbies” may not know. When Morrowind shipped, it came with the mod kit in the box on a seperate CD. That was not something they released 6-12 months later back then… it was just there for players to toy around with, to further expand an already great and complete game.

    Another thing… their tropes are getting real old. You are always a prisoner that saves the world in a TES game, at least since Morrowind. And in their Fallout games you go out looking for a family member, and then save the Wasteland in the process. Neither of which you really have a choice in, even if you play a psycho cannibal/vampire/werewolf you still gotta save the world.

    //Seeing those tweets saying “Woop woop, Skyrim remaster!”… I had already gotten my Skyrim remastered by januari of 2012 with high res textures and more lush trees and foliage, all without the damn mod kit even being released yet… all thanks to the mod community. And all for free. No need to shelf out $60 for it just so Bethesda can laze about for another half decade.
    Mindless fanboys/gals are another reason Bethesda has turned rotten.

    • @johnnyirish7940
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I’m a big fan of Elder Scrolls and mostly play Bethesda games. Last time I played so it was nothing but farming bots. The game never appealed to me. I’m an oblivion fan, Skyrim is okay but it’s a dead horse at this point. FO76 still has its issues, lasts few updates have been broken by rad damage the boss shouldn’t take. They’re more focused on releasing the $30 dlc’s yet can’t fix a recurring issue that makes their new content a joke. Even with a new game engine, I’m not sure about Stanfield. It’s just Bethesda’s take on no man sky, and no number of updates can fix a boring game.

    • @spergnation1859
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    CDPR made a good move by admitting they shit the bed….something the creators of Starfield refuse to do. CDPR went to great lengths to clean up that bed too.

    I think they refuse to understand customers aren’t gravitating to slop anymore. Sadly I have lost any hopes I had for ES6. I am comforted knowing there is a tectonic shift happening in the industry where I’ll have plenty of better games to play. Bethesda can go the way of Ubisoft for all I care.

    • @ernstig1
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    His vision for elder scrolls 6: minimal effort maximum profit

    • @Elixir6336
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Starfield has some good things, nit in general is waaaaaaay too sanitized. It’s even more sanitized than Fallout Shelter to me. The only place in the game that is supposed to be lawless, gritty and dangeroud as old dudes in stupid bright alien costumes.
    The onky thing that could kind make the game more interesting are mods, and get what? Todd/Beth msde it so only mod creators who.will charge for the mods get the toold to make them, those who have always made mods free for everyone just for the joy of it have hit a wall.

    • @Eassstt
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Brother, we really need a dark mode for your browser

    • @BluBla-xo6eg
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Why can’t they fix fallout 4, or at least undo what they did.

    • @T_Le
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    No idea why people still trust a We-Todd game. Dude lies since fallout 76.

    • @hidecki
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd is needed to steer the ship. Their studio is just a hollow corpse abondoned by veteran devs…. just like Ubisoft. So Todd and its overhead is running the factory with junior devs trying to recreate the old recipe. It tastes bland tho. The overhead and Todd just rake in the money until they hit rock bottom.

    • @Rthesecond
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    From becoming God in the eyes of the gaming community to becoming the Devil.

    • @BubuRuzu
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    This company is only known because of Skyrim. I don’t think they can reach that peak again.

    • @SaitanicTurkey
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Being CEO is all fun and games until some share holders or board members decide to pay someone to slip something in your coffee.

    • @JohnPeacekeeper
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    When Todd Howard says “It just works” it means that it only works, and he doesn’t intend on making it improve.

    • @PrimeMover8
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd Howard killed Bethesda.

    • @robotron1236
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd isn’t the problem! The woke liberal white women holding him hostage are!

    • @bamwaldrip
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    And fallout london still needs a modded version of the game to even run because fallout 4 is still broken as hell…..many months later BUT PAIED MODS because GIVE ME MONEY……very disappointed in modern Bethesda

    • @kazumakiryu9045
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    for the algorithm

    • @tomahawkchop17
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Starfield took out basic Bethesda gameplay mechanics and locked behind perks for example, the sneak meter that’s in all Bethesda games so you can tell if your being looked at, you have to invest into level one stealth to even get that, such a small thing but I don’t understand why they do that, I used no stealth 95% of the game besides ryugen questline, just remembered companions being seeable in stealth, that ruined the feature a lot and made you have to dismiss companions to do stealth quest

    • @Greyhawk4x4
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    20 years between Fallout 4 and Fallout 5 is ridiculous. No, I don’t give a shit about Fallout 76.

    • @UnpluggedIndividualYT
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    When Todd leaves Bethesda will be stumbling while Bethesda been stumbling since fallout 76 😂😂😂

    • @jamesbass4154
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Change flows downhill. You remove Todd Howard things will get better. In essence, Todd has passed his prime.

    • @zavos5659
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Emil non-involvement is my sole buy-in for any future Bethesda open worlds. However scuffed it is otherwise, I’m willing to set aside my doubts and give it an honest chance as long as Emil’s touch is nowhere to be found.

    • @dallacosta2868
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd is the guy who saved the company 25 years ago, and now he’s the one sinking it.

    • @Drag7on
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I’d never like adding new stuff to video games. We spend so much creating new asset in games. I really don’t care for a RPG. It takes 15 years and 10 years do none thing. Then the rest of the time is coding.

    • @bankaiiibankaaa4573
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I think the hype for es6 and fo5 will be very, very low.

    • @StygianStyx
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Years ago I would have defended Todd. That time has long since past and he is the one killing Bethesda.

    They keep making games like skyrim??? no thats not the issue. the issue is no game since skyrim has been modeled after skyrim (unless your talking about Skyrim SE/AE).
    Before those paid mods skyrim was the best game i had ever bought with all the DLCs being worth the money… yes even hearthfire.. Nowdays they just release terrible crap and its not the bugs, bethedsa bugs was part of the expected purchase back in the day and alot of those bugs became features for many players. Its the terrible monetization tactics, the terrible storyline, the empty worlds and then theres todd sitting there the whole time looking smug saying “buy it and be happy”

    • @oddicocidic
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd Howard doesnt make games. Devs doesnt make games. Sadly, inverters makes games!

    • @TheTanSteele
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I’m old enough to remember Atari making the same mistake. Other companies innovated while Atari decided what they had already was good enough.

    • @KiazaKadaj
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    todd made skyrim perfect for the average joe to get off work and instead of playing CoD hop on Skyrim. unfortunately the gaming market has grown since then, RPGs are now mainstream, if it’s made for everyone it doesn’t have anything to say that’s special anymore and typically is a pass.

    • @dingickso4098
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Bethesda been dead since horse armor dlc

    • @gilmarsousa5943
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Its not a Todd Howard Problem its a Todd Howard feature.

    • @enki8618
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    The Best “Free” DLS maker is Hello games with No man´s Sky….by far. !

    • @luzhang2982
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    No, your central premise is incorrect. They have tried to evolve the game formula, and a lot of older audience didn’t like the changes, while also enjoying mainstream success. Its a mixed bag, you make changes but you won’t hit home runs all the time.

    • @MorbiusTheMenace
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Not just a Todd problem, but an Emil aswel.

    • @rickybobby5153
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I mean they did do Doom and that was stellar

    • @justinp9170
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I can’t blame Todd as much as I used to blame him. Yes he is the main guy to point at but he didn’t put himself in that position. I forgot where I’ve seen it (either in another video about Bethesda/Starfield or an article) but a lot of top execs basically forced him into the role that he’s in. Any kind of decision across Bethesda’s developments on games must go through Todd and even Todd himself didn’t like that. He likes to be involved but not THAT involved lol.

    It doesn’t help that shareholders and publishers want games to hit release in whatever state to make money right away. They love the mentality of “It can get fixed later” instead of putting emphasis on quality. At this point it’s expected and gamers are more excited about what modders can come up with the most.

    • @cratecruncher4974
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I can just hear the Starfield project leads rolling their eyes and mumbling “Not these whiners again…”. Dismissiveness toward player feedback at Bethesda is rooted in their past success. They (and I) recall the negativity toward all their games at launch. Many of which were improved over the long run to become pretty popular. Bethesda the brand is finished.

    • @anzelmasmatutis2500
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    18:25 I hate that “xx XP” popup in Starfield in center of your screen like it important. Move to the side!

    • @Paul_Hardy
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I think there’s a lot of truth in his assessment, in that it’s very much not like the usual Bethesda experience. In some ways, it is, but the structure of it with the procedurally generated planets with random, repeated dungeons dotted around exposes the flaws in the Bethesda formula.

    My least favourite part of Bethesda games are the dungeons. My favourite part is the overworld exploration. This is where Starfield falls down massively and where Skyrim and Fallout 4 (for me at least) succeeded.

    I think TES6 will be better than Starfield, but I also think it’s going to be a pretty big disappointment to any fan of the Elder Scrolls series.

    • @666Daheretic
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    You said “blunt of it” for future reference it is brunt of it not blunt.

    • @Malocalypse
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Bethesda: “We gave you a vehicle so you can see nothing faster” 5:57

    • @BuenoMcgurski
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Bethesda needs to change a lot. Number 1 however is Todds hair.

    • @kizunadragon9
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    imagine giving Bethesda another chance after Fallout 76. Never forget the Duffle Kerfuffle

    • @bobbob-dg1kt
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Emil Pagliarulo’s quote about gamer’s talking about game design is just the ‘courtiers fallacy’ reframed in gaming terms.
    “Funny how disconnected some players are from the realities of game development, and yet they speak with complete authority. I mean, I can guess what it takes to make a Hostess Twinkie, but I don’t work the factory, so what the hell do I really know? Not a lot.”
    I think he means ‘Why should we listen to players? They aren’t game developers, what the hell do they know? Not a lot.’

    • @Kein18181
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    With every new game in Bethesda there is more 16 times the toxic positivity.

    • @urazz7739
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I pretty much feel Emil Pagliarulo and Todd Howard need to be booted out of Bethesda.

    • @yttrxstein4192
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    When the data is more complete, you’ll realize that bethesda does not have a todd howard problem– todd howard has a nepotism problem. This is not todd howard’s design philosophy, this is *Emil Pagliarulo’s* design problem. Howard’s problem is that Emil is his friend, and refused to replace him with someone who has a healthy, viable vision for 2025.

    • @DVictor23
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    The 2 dozen systems is as dumb and a million. The game should take place only on our solar system and nothing more.

    • @Hotoska
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I would take another skyrim. They can’t make it anymore though

    • @Akioppa1
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    11:26 It’s funny that this was painfully clear in Spore.

    • @Isengardtom
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    The main issue with Bethesda is the crap writing and uninteresting characters

    • @Thicc_Gaming
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Has any finally noticed the pattern of these people in charge…..Its all ego and stagnate vision.

    • @rezzattack6351
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    lmao being proud of shitty games are fucking funny.

    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    No more bethesda…they failed in so many ways from the bethesda store items to fallout 76 bs online store. I will not be purchasing from them anymore. They grifted enough.

    • @ChaosLordPug
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    They need to crack out some fallout remakes or hell single play fallout games again they need to get there ass in gear and stop making excuses

    • @ThatMetalheadMan
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd Howard is a guy that thinks he is like John Carmack but is really more like Peter Molyneux.

    • @Desalater2
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    todd has been aroujnd long enough to see himself become a meme, im not sure thats a good thing 😛

    • @ACOG_batteries
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    I disagree. I would like more Skyrim but a different part of Tamriel

    • @Sobergamer61
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    The word you’re looking for is *BRUNT. Not blunt. 😂

    • @TheWasprevan
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    ALL THEY HAVE TO DO IS STEP IT UP. like come on. Look at how amazing Skyrim has been acting lately with mods. Just copy what modders do to Skyrim and throw it into the next game! Need better gameplay.

    • @_MadRat_
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    If Todd having the final say in BGS is true, then the company is doomed to fail.
    I’ve worked under a boss like that. He wanted to micromanage everything. Trouble was, he was a genius salesman, but had very little knowledge about anything else. Despite that, he was stubborn as a mule in having the final say in HR, legal, IT, etc.
    The company didn’t last long…

    • @DocMoney_
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    RIP Bethesda rip TES6

    • @romaliop
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Todd is just obnoxiously vanilla in everything he does. Like the guy gets to make his dream game and it’s the most boring space exploration game ever with the lamest theme imaginable with the “NASApunk” approach.

    • @Khalifrio
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    In my opinion Bethesda had three major problems Pete Hines, Todd Howard, and Emil Pagliarulo. Pete Hines retired. So you would think that would just leave two problems but no. They got a new boss, Phil Spencer. Who is pushing Identity Politics into all the Game Studios under him.

    • @IDPhotoMan
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Old News man….. lol

    • @Kamylospl
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Bethesda is a one trick pony and that trick is becoming more and more lazy

    • @1davidbaugher
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    old company stuck in their old ways

    • @seven9799
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    The bethesda formula is dead.

    • @TheDragonLegacy
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Just going to copy paste slyrim assets and add the gender politics too. Just don’t support this anymore. They’ve bloated so much and it’s just going to be a push for creation club content.

    • @mayo2265
    • 2024年 12月 29日 9:59am

    Fallout 4 was when I opened my eyes, everyone loved it and I saw the writing on the wall

    • @vaultlegend101
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    They should have made Starfield into a dedicated space shooter and focus on space combat and ship building.

    • @BuenoMcgurski
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am


    • @mojonojo3
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Whilst everyone else is planning AAA & AAAA games Bethesda brands B- Games as AA games

    • @kenmck7802
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    You can’t PLAN for a game to have any life span. You do you’re BEST and HOPE people like it. IF you do a GOOD JOB people tend to…REALLY like it. Skyrim NOT perfect buuut they got LUCKY that it DID just…work. Do your best, hope for the best . You can NEVER EXPECT it.

    • @ACOG_batteries
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Comment for algorithm

    • @xeokrux
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    That Thief Over There

    • @IHazPeppers
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    I mean, you talk about the game having an evolution of what Bethesda has been. But what grand, monumental evolution of gameplay ect are you looking for? It’s one to ask for evolution, but your leaving no ideas, no feedback on what they could do. Studios arnt magic. Where are the ideas at?

    • @PuppetMasterdaath144
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    the problem is that good games (rare) dont make sufficent additional content instead they go afk for 10 yuears lol

    • @mojonojo3
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Bethesda has a self regard problem, Bethesda thinks its a top gaming studio – no-one else thinks this

    • @Zairin.
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    for something to not be “not everyones cup of tea”, it first has to be a complete and enjoyable experience. he’s confusing something being objectively bad, with something being subjectively bad.

    • @mightyquasar4870
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Todd you silver tongue reptile XD

    • @kyero8724
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    -Stares At Indiana Jones- …………… Nope no they dont.

    • @Roflmfaoftw
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Morrowind was my first bethesda game, i was 12 when it came out and it blew my mind, knowing what i know now about who was the brain behind it and why no other elder scrolls game comes close to it makes sense, Todd is stuck on Tolkien/LOTR high fantasy and plays it safe and makes the games less rpg and more dull with out any great story telling.

    • @craigsampson3386
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Todd Howard needs a hug… poor guy can’t do anything right

    • @sekroz896
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Todd Howard makes games for shareholders, not players. Everything he does is surface level to put as a bullet point on a slideshow to show investors. It has crafting! It has survival! You go to space and can travel to thousands of planets!! You visit a frontier town! Look at how developed this interaction with piper is! Except all of it is surface level to “show off” and none of it pans out or even shows up later. The developed piper interaction happens once. The space travel in starfield is ridiculously bland and entirely optional. The wow factor of the bank robbery in akila is mildly interesting THE FIRST TIME also its UNSKIPPABLE. The settlment building in starfield is terrible and worse than fallout 4’s system which itself WAS ALSO UNDERBAKED. It literally just exists to say that it exists to be a selling point while having little to no substance. It’s exactly what used car salesmen do.

    He just shows off to shareholders and that’s it.

    • @JayTobas
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Todd just needs to back the hell off. But given his position in the company, I doubt that’ll happen. I look forward to him causing Bethesda’s demise.

    • @scribslayer
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Sad to see this timeline

    • @robotron1236
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Todd isn’t the problem. The whole company is made up of woke liberal white women who don’t play video games. It’s not just BGS, it’s EVERYONE! Also, the creation engine isn’t the problem either, the CE is basically open source at this point and it’s why modding these games is so easy.

    • @BiscuitXL
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Ive never liked Todd Howard. He thinks too highly of himself, you can see it on his smug face. I think i just dont like his face… Maybe its just a me problem… He has a stupid face.

    • @anearthian894
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    They lost ambition, thats the worst part, because otherwise they would have fixed Star field. Seems like they are just grabbing money by throwing avg product in the name of Skyrim.

    • @hiroshima19
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    @1:15 look how tiny he is

    • @Zittylol
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Everybody knows he is the BIGGEST LIAR regarding his nex-jen teck? Claiming he the Christopher Nolan of gaming is lame because he is such a LIAR he can’t say he is the todd howard of gaming because everyone would laugh at the lame claim?

    • @LordRaine
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    New fans don’t like to admit it, but it’s been all downhill since Daggerfall and Morrowind. Daggerfall was massive, and while very primitive, it had a lot of heart. Morrowind DEFINED what a lore-rich action RPG could be, and while also buggy and laden with intrinsic problems (% to hit), it was so good everyone was willing to overlook those issues.

    Oblivion started the pattern of failing upwards: they didn’t deliver on over two-thirds of their promises for what they game would be, AND they retconned the lore hardcore because they were lazy (that area of Cyrodiil is supposed to be a jungle full of fantasy dinosaurs; they made it generic European fantasy terrain out of laziness). It looked AND played better than Morrowind, but lost a lot of what made Morrowind an amazing RPG.

    Skyrim was just the next step in failing upwards from that: again, it looked and played better than any Elder Scrolls game before it, but the lore was gone, the engaging environments were gone, the ambience was gone. It continued to trade it’s soul away for polish and (at the time) pretty graphics, which while NICE, were never what made those games GOOD. It’s hard to imagine going back and playing Skyrim again without a huge collection of mods to enhance the experience. Which is part of the problem; Bethesda has started to take for granted that their own fans will fix their game for free. They don’t to “make it good” in their minds, they just have to make it. The fans will do the rest.

    Every game since Skyrim has been failing upwards more and more catastrophically, and showing more and more how hollow and talentless the company has really become. Fallout 4 was Fallout 3 with even LESS of a soul, and is a joke of a game compared to New Vegas, which came out years earlier and was built on a shoestring budget under a time crunch. The less said about Fallout 76, the better. And Starfield was supposed to be GOOD, that wasn’t a throwaway title, it was meant to be a new blockbuster IP, equal to Fallout and Elder Scrolls. They actually TRIED with Starfield, and Starfield was, unfortunately, the best that they could manage.

    Now Elder Scrolls 6 is on the horizon, and old fans of the series have to contend with the reality that the only truly good experience Bethesda has made in the last 10 years was a mobile game. Elder Scrolls 6 is going to bomb. Not only is it going to bomb, it’s going to crash and burn absolutely catastrophically. And given how much Bethesda is now trying to mess with and exploit their own modding community, even mods may not be able to fix it.

    • @puntacana7550
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    So basically he’s a king surrounded by yes men

    • @julesds2516
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    I just really don’t understand how they could f it up so badly. When I heard there were 1000 planets I instantly knew it was gonna be garbage.
    I’m neither an industry expert, nor a rocket scientist nor do I have a very high IQ. It was just common sense.
    I loved Skyrim. I still sometimes play it. I even liked FO4. For me it was great even if it was flawed. Because there was so much to find and explore. So much storytelling just by placing objects or things on the map. I was fun. Starfield is just empty.
    I can’t understand that they themself didn’t realize it. I mean was Todd this blind?

    • @anearthian894
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Elder scrolls 6 is coming when btw?

    • @SoulsOfWisdom
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    I don’t really get mad with Todd Howard, he’s doing his job. As the face of the company now, he’s got to market his brand too, and he has to communicate the company’s vision in the most positive light despite the backlash. Good marketing is promoting your brand as “The best in the industry” and everything he says has to reflect that goal. If you notice, it’s only long after controversies will he actually even acknowledge in public interviews the public backlash and of past mistakes. Todd Howard isn’t stupid, nor is he in denial, but it’s very important for him to be patient and wait until the company no longer sees the product as a financial gain before he spills the beans and addresses all the questions, complaints, and criticisms of his company’s products.

    This is exactly how I viewed the Bethesda Steam review comments, a lot of people believed those comments were tone deaf and a childish response to criticism. Was it doubling down? They sure were doubling down, but it just felt like a weird marketing tactic than what people thought was reactionary childish behavior. It certainly wasn’t reactionary, and was part of the plan. Now was it a good plan? Eh, I doubt it.

    Emil however is a bit of a reactionary douchbag.

    • @harley3363
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Todd sold out to Mircosoft and now he’s planning his retirement.

    • @avengersoul
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Todd Howard is the Peter Molyneux of Bethesda imo

    • @themurmeli88
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    3:51 No, it’s just too boring too stupid, and it’s missing the whole RPG -part. Also the whole ‘NASA -punk’ aesthetic is an eye sore.

    • @coreycarries
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    todd literally killed es6

    • @xelldincht4251
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    In some way Todd Howard is the personification of Bethesda

    • @Rockstar-bq5fm
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    I don’t think Tod Howard is the Villain in all this, I think Tod is the face and the reason he is so well liked in the company is because he takes the brunt of all criticism, he voices what the studio wants to do and he backs his game devs, writers and employees to make the games they want to make. What is wrong with Bethesda is Bethesda themselves and the culture and mindset everyone at the company has now

    • @fafdus
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    i think todds only real problem is him wanting to appeal to a broader audience at the price of the games the core fan base likes

    • @25xxfrostxx
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Howard needs to go. His ego is big enough to get in his way and in the way of the people around him. He’s the driving force behind them taking decades to make games in 20+ year old engines that come out in a barely functional state.
    Starfield wouldn’t have been anywhere near as badly received if it had been a modern game and not Skyrim with a space mod, right down to the dragon shouts.

    • @sk8legendz
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    skyrim re release at this point should be on unreal 5 engine.

    make it a new experience.

    • @Kakachi07
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    I trust nothing that comes out of his mouth anymore, Todd Howard is full of shit.

    • @some0ne931
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    The company Bethesda has reached its expiration date

    • @Odisseia-hh2td
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    No man. Todd is the soul of Bethesda. Yes, they (and him) messed up, but I don’t want another zero-ambition game. They do try new things (e.g. 76 no NPC design) and often fail. I think they need to scale down in world size but still say YES as much as possible in systems.

    • @keithmichael112
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    All I need to hear from Bethesda is some acknowledgement that Starfield wasn’t it, but they are incapable of doing that apparently

    • @quercus3290
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    he kinda reminds me of George Lucas at this point, the people he surrounds himself with will just have to start saying “No George(Todd)” so he doesnt cause any more damage.

    • @lazrustosadow5880
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    No Man Sky does space exploration so much better

    • @chrishall2594
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Skyrim’s game design was outdated when it came out.

    • @mgallogical7114
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am


    • @HaleTheFreeVoice
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Yes i fully agree. Todd howard is the biggest problem at bethesda and always has been imo oblivion was bettet than skyrim in almost every regard playing it years later. And guess who took over during skyrims development. Huh. Look at that 😂

    • @Gouda992
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    I would agree with you before Indiana jones came out

    • @NormalPersonCommenting
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    “Immense player freedom”
    Game: *half the npcs are flagged essential and cannot be killed without a story event to clear the flag*
    edit: *the other half are unnamed “bandit” type fodder*

    • @earlofdoncaster5018
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Todd Howard: We will give players what they want.
    Me: More loading screens?
    Todd Howard: Exactly!

    • @sarahnachtrose
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    10:43 Todd Howard has two dozen projects to take care of.
    What two dozen projects? Bethesda only launches one game every 6 years. Or do they mean the small stuff within a game? An event in F76, for example?

    • @snowlockk3464
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    I don’t need to be a God level game developer to know when a game is trash

    • @arbo-u2b
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Bethesda has a Emil Pagliarulo problem not so much Todd imo

    • @SuperSikarlo
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Starfield only exists because Todd fantasized about it so much. He didn’t actually think people would like this, did he?

    • @RaveMasterSRB
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Studio that has lost game dev capabilities

    • @beansinacan500
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    I genuinely enjoyed all the games released thus far, including Starfield. The issue is, you can really see where they are struggling. I have shattered space, but have yet to dive into it.

    • @longlegcraig
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    I will always love Skyrim, but Witcher 3 is my favorite rpg

    • @dockgamer973
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Starfield was massively successful, unfortunately it got and still gets review boomed but ragent sony fanboys, i would bet money if this came out on PlayStation the reception would have been completely different 100%.

    • @join_or_die
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    i just want elder scrolls together. remake es 1-5 and make them coop

    • @HerrenGamingNews
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    I have zero respect for Todd Howard. He just makes excuses after excuse and lie after lie.

    • @dustinbloominger6707
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    I have been saying Tod Howard is the worst thing to happen to Bethesda for years

    • @bryanduhart7218
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am


    • @artilleriman
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Why is everyone so stressed tes6 is gonna be sick no doubt

    • @paulscattergood1651
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    These studios that once were awesome sold out on the harder core themes that made elder scrolls good with simple mechanics so anyone can play amd their refusal to accept gamers don’t want the new themes and the accountability of accepting that and that they made a shitty game and learn from it

    • @connorsimpson9670
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    What is Bethesda hiding

    • @Paragon..
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Todd Howard went on an interview before for Starfield stating they never tried something like Jet Packs before. As if they didn’t exist in Fallout 4 or 76.
    I’ll never forget that, it was so insultingly bold faced that it’s hard to forgive.

    • @SomeCanine
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Starfield didn’t fail because it was “Like Skyrim”. Starfield failed because it was boring and woke. There’s a reason people call it soyfield and snorefield. The game had procedural planet generation with nothing interesting on them. What is the point of that?

    • @daspam6526
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    They may not acknowledge it but the gamers do, and its reflecting in their numbers. Let them slowly turn into Ubisoft while we wait for someone else to crown the throne.

    • @RollingStone501
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    “Todd is a larger than life figure” I mean I’ve seen him at the Game Awards. He’s far shorter than I remember.

    • @badlatency9979
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    I would put more blame on the lead design director actually. He is very anti-narrative, anti-lore. He does not care about those things in the games at all, which is horrible in RPGs. Todd is largely a figurehead and hypeman. He’s the Phil Spencer of Bethesda, or what Reggie was for Nintendo of America before he retired. Todd is just the meme guy. The problem with Bethesda is that all the talent from when they were good is gone, all their good lore writers are gone, and their good quest designers are gone. And they never replaced them with good people. A good RPG studio _should_ mentor it’s new talent in, let them learn at the feet of the old guard who know how to make good RPGs…unfortunately Western studios are not structured to work this way at all. Instead everyone is just disposable and tradeable and hops between studios on a whim.

    • @konradzukowski213
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    For me, there are 3 main issues with current day Bethesda:
    1. They still act like a small indie studio despite the sheer size they now have and use that mentality to excuse issues with their games.
    2. They have their heads so far up their own asses, they refuse to take any criticism from fans seriously and instead they treat opinions of fans like an attack from a loud minority while they act like they know better.
    3. So few people (mainly higher-ups) have so much control over Bethesda games, so often voices of so many in the company who actually make those games are never heard or highly dependent on opinions of those in charge.

    • @limbicnode3342
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Crazy amount of loading screens. One side quest had around 11 load screens due to having to go back and forth cause no phones or something, shitty game.

    • @FeedMeSalt
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    If i want more skyrim i will mod my existing game.
    Im not looking for Diet budget walmart no name brand skyrim in space.

    • @Scalpaxos
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Todd Howard: “We need new technology for this game” then proceeds to using the same outdated technology hold together with glue and duct tape…

    • @Cloud_Seeker
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    All of this is what the “haters” have pointed out since Fallout 3. Bethesda has not stagnated in recent years. They have done exactly what they set out to do all this time. Which is why New Vegas is brought up so often. Not because it is a perfect game, but it shows how Bethesda stagnates and how easily things can be improved upon. The “Bethesda formula” is not a winning formula. They have forgotten why people liked their own games. People want the games to feel personal. They want to feel like they matter. However they do not want to be treated like the messiah every single time.

    • @JamailvanWestering
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    “He’s amazing on stage.”

    With what sucking up space? Awkwardly fumbling?
    Maybe he’s good at it because there’s nobody else at Bethesda but sorry when I hear that guy talk on stage , I just can’t take him serious

    • @tiwunster7331
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Never trust Todd Coward!

    • @AntMusic_
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    I’ve said this for some time. Everything seems to revolve around Todd’s childhood fantasies. Stuck in the past. Modders can make Skyrim look current gen but Bethesda (Todd) won’t budge. The Creation Kit, if they insist on keeping it (why oh why) needs to rebuilt from ground up.

    • @winyonzentrada
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Waiting on the new unknown studio, that innovate and takes the Skyrim formula , improves it beyond what it is. Has a new engine with great mod support. Buying into an already great idea Ns makes something incredibly new. There is a big Market for that genre. Since people have been waiting years for a new Skyrim. Got to say, looking forward to Crimson desert, perhaps that one will finally scratch that Skyrim open world itch.

    • @viice_
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Bethesda should simply hire every Skyrim modder. The game would release bug free and look much better, than it will without them. The only reason why they don’t hire them is, because they’re banking on the modders to do this stuff for free, after the release. Well… that worked out greatly for Starfield, where modders said “nah this is not worth it”.

    • @Diamondz4Life
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Todd is to busy playing Diablo 4!

    When he is not playing that game he shits on his workers ideas!

    Don’t know why we haven’t removed him from the equation!?

    Dude is washed up!

    • @jordanksbud6460
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    todd howards new full name is tinytodd howard hahahaha

    • @Rose.Of.Hizaki
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    The TL;DR – If people are willing to keep paying for slop. Slop is exactly what these people will get. Its not rocket science.

    Meanwhile. We also have all these big publishers sucking the creativity out of the gaming industry.

    If I leave my house to go to a store and I always get robbed while out at this particular store. Im not going to keep going back. Anyone with common sense would do the same thing.

    • @Chorus_Verse
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am


    • @bruvkek4629
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    starfield concept was so delusional. Anyone sane would say it will end up being boring and empty.

    • @team_fiasco
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Hey good job, you found another dead horse to beat

    • @lazyking7444
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Tod has since long started to believe his own lies.

    • @Shiestey
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Man I can’t wait for gta 6 to come out so I can stop clicking on videos of dudes crying about starfield for 8 months

    • @notoriousmike2551
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    “200 different endings”

    • @Efsaaneh
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Todd isn’t even that bad. He directed the new indiana jones game and it was pretty good

    • @Wonback
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Bethesda became Ubisoft, compliant thinking that if they just reused the Farcry 3 (Skyrim) open world formula from 10+ years ago people will just buy it and will never grow tired of it.

    • @LotsaThingsNstuff
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Bethesda is dead! Unionization was the final nail. They’ve replaced seasoned veterans with scripters who have little to no experience, and that experience is only in UE5.

    • @RaggedyGreg
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Todd Howard is the guy who became famous in high school for coming up with a catchphrase and has done nothing more than repeat it ad nauseam and here he is 20 years later still saying it with an occasional different tone to try and make it sound interesting or cool again

    • @gabriellundes7062
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    “Bethesda Jank” stopped being cute when they got bought out by Microsoft. Everyone pretty much agreed that the team was doing the best with what they had. Now we can see that it was just greed and laziness.

    • @aconceitedbeast731
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Todd saying “it’s too different from what they did in the past” shows how completely out of touch he is with reality. It’s actually the exact opposite!!

    • @Fan-wj9mx
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    If you told me 13 years ago that I most likely wouldn’t be interested in TES VI, I’d call you crazy. At this point, everything is so wtf that I wouldn’t be surprised if TES VI flops and they decide to release a trailer for Skyrim 2 lmao.

    • @Sobergamer61
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    No way Todd goes. There’s just as much chance of Pete Parsons with Bungie getting canned. They both NEED to GTFO, but it’s not gonna happen.

    • @Knowhere1
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Bethesda has a creation engine problem

    • @xhall0910
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    I think the golden times of AAA is behind us. Those who were a part of it can only tell stories about it.
    The future is in indies – AA.

    • @dh7367
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Lets not forget they released the “next gen update” for fallout 4 broke the game and they never fixed it.

    • @LornRoberts
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    I knew he was destroying the company when his dog showed up at the beginning of Fallout 3(4). What in the world is a healthy purebred German Shepherd doing wandering around a nuclear wasteland? It would be literally an act of God, it would be so impossible.

    • @kbubuntu6048
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    they should move to ue5

    • @britishyankee961
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Todd Howard has never made a great game.

    • @jakobchristensen2043
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    The part about Todd being able to see things on the ‘average Joe’s’ perspective is nonsense. There was NO one that thought that there being no NPCs in 76 or there being 1000 Planets in Starfield was a good idea.

    Even the Bethesda simping YouTubers called out that stuff. Todd is an Ideas guy and because of his position and prior successes, no one has the balls to call out his stupid ideas. The Yes-men culture has ruined Bethesda.

    Toxic positivity in action. And the fact that they still, after Starfield and Shattered Space, still don’t see it, has ruined any hope many of us had for Elder Scrolls VI.

    • @miller42
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Wanting new people in charge of Bethesda is one thing but let’s not forget that Bethesda is part of Microsoft, so it can – and will – get worse if MS appoints people with no idea of what they are doing. Remember what happened to Halo, Gears, etc…

    • @MrBobsmithers
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    After the very dated, boring game that was starfield. Has turned me off any future games by them.

    • @kenmck7802
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Yes Todd Shattered Space was the greatest DLC of ALLLLLLL time but, but that damn…buggy just went and F’d it allll up eh Todd?

    • @warbossbenny6877
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    I remember long ago i wanted a new vegas 2. Now im not even wanting that from obsidian because how they’re turning out. Im probably not gonna buy another fallout unless its the original creators, and i know thats a long shot

    • @unicyclepeon
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    I actually dont give two shakes about the old engine style. I also dont want an evolution of Skyrim necessarily. I dont need anything monumental. BUT I DO AGREE that Bethesda and Todd Howard and Emil are holding the company back. BUT ITS NOT THE ENGINE. Its their complete inability to write a story. They literally have no vision when it comes to a story. THAT is the problem. A new engine and other things are just nice-to-haves.

    • @kageshigi1012
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    In the end it doesn’t matter, all this talking is a waste of time and energy. Bethesda is and have always done Bethesda. Also in today’s climate and culture, one shouldn’t expect any game to be perfect, people nowadays just lack drive and passion. Everyone is chasing money from the CEOs all the way down to the devs. I’d say you might find a hidden gem in an indie developer nowadays, if they’re truly passionate about gaming and not motivated by money, a very rare equation. Instead of bashing Todd, revere and be grateful for what he has given us so far.

    • @Jacob-wu3if
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Someone should tell Todd that a turd wearing a leather jacket isn’t cool. It’s a turd wearing a leather jacket.

    • @FredSpade
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    This first sentence notes that the above content (Todd ‘n’ all that) is an excellent observation. This second sentence is just off-topic nonsense.

    • @ericm5315
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Todd would make a great advisor. He has some good ideas but he’s also not willing to push the boundaries even slightly, even in ways that just aren’t a risk. Like the unfinished Skyrim civil war or the 3/4 cut space travel in Starfield.

    He plays it far too safe at the detriment of the product, even when the risks being taken are so minimal and the consequences for blowback being so small that he should be taking those risks.

    • @MrKezzerdrix
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    TES6 is going to be a potato. And not a yummy potato. A shriveled, green, potato. Rotten and poisonous from the moment it sees the light of day.

    • @vgjrockx1
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    The number one problem with starfield is the wrong story missions were prioritized. The miscellaneous missions have more interesting stories than the main missions. The main missions should have been the final expansion when the team has no more zones or stories to make. All rpg design elements are made to tell the written story. The Outer Worlds did zones better and No Mans Sky did exploration better. If Starfield was more Outer Worlds with a more focused story it would have been infinitely better. Expansions would have created more zones to explore.

    • @scottjackson4558
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    To Howard’s credit, no one really has anything bad to say about him or his character.

    • @patrickbrooks2644
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Knock it off Todd

    • @BigH0mie89
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Todd Howard is a dinosaur. Get some new blood in there. If ES6 isn’t innovative, I’m not buying it.

    • @anonvoila4883
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    16:20 excellently?! Which game? Every game they put out came with bugs. To the point non PAID modders have to fix the game

    • @fewfwefwfwff
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    thats why old people are getting fired in hight tech. he is so outdated that starfield is slow and crappy loading screen simulator….fallout 4 was fallout 3 but with better textures and still it was crappy looking game

    • @KurgerBing-p5i
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Tell me lies tell me lies.. tell me sweet little lies..

    • @DustlessSpore7
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Your videos are great I would like to see you link your sources though

    • @kc9937
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    The amazing thing is the mod community community around their games and how they ignore all the improvements, like dude they did the work for you.

    • @DarkRaikon
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    skyrim was soo good the fans just slowly started to move it to unreal…cause the company does nothing with ti

    • @Zachthe504
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Todd needs to go

    • @willybe6427
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    every developer in 2024 has a gay nerd who wants the kids from 30 years ago to think they’re cool, problem

    • @xaxaxaxaxa6417
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Elder Scrolls 6 will have 1000 Provinces and it will be 16 times more detail than Starfield

    • @kenmck7802
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    ONE of the things that would be revolutionary for Bethesda…NO LOADING SCREENS ooorrr at the very least clevery DISGUISED loading screens like EVERYBODY in the INDUSTRY is doing. The engine? All I can say is you don’t dare go over 60 fps or you’ll break the laws of physics. You…miiiiigghhtt want to…look into that. Emil can’t TALK without putting his ASS in his mouth HOW can he be ANY type of writer? Bethesda NEEDS fixing to be sure but it’s NOT ALL Todd’s fault.

    • @krisius1
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    I like games where you wander around and check every nook and cranny only to find interesting little things tucked away in there. That part of exploration is what I find fun.
    It would be nice if Bethesda would put Sven’s speech about making fun games on a loop at corporate.

    • @Meiscarth
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    I laughed out loud when I heard “He’s the Christopher Nolan of gaming” :’)

    • @chadwolf3840
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Problem is they have no bench. Emil is the #2 and actually worse.

    • @サイバー狼
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    I personally never found skyrim enjoyable… When I did play it, it was because how great everyone said it was so i tried it. Skyrim is literally one of the most boring games i have ever played.

    The story, and writing is so bland, and boring that I was never interested in any of stories. The combat itself is alright, but very basic. And the Roleplaying part…. I can roleplay alot more in a telltale game than I can in skyrim.

    The only good things i can honestly say about skyrim is it has a decent OPEN world sandbox.

    I never found skyrim an enjoyable experience. Quite frankly as an RPG its a horrible one. As an RPG skyrim is a 4/10

    Though i did enjoy Fallout 4 a bit. But that’s only because it has a pretty decent open world sandbox. But I won’t go into why it also sucks.

    • @headshot531
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    god hand gabe newell felt strongly that he should step back during hl2’s production. he trusted his team and knew new eyes on such a project was needed… thats what a smart manager/studio head does.

    bgs has so many irritating fixable issues. most of which are so painfully obvious to be a managerial one. deletation of tasks is trash. higher ups input is trash. i also believe theres toxic positivity problem. this is EXACTLY what cdpr had to work through… which they did. will todd howard lead bg studios do the same in time?

    probably not :/

    • @bennygerow
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    It just works.

    • @Danny2k34
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    New ES game is going to be using the same buggy af engine as Starfield.Bethesda claim to have upgraded/updated the engine, but what they really need to do is build a new one. Shit is looking dated as fuck by this point and please for the love of god I hope they ditch that trash cookie cutter system from Starfield and don’t use it for Skyrim. We just want handcrafted and thought out worlds. Not some weird cookie cutter/blocked out crap that are all the same.

    • @Monochromatic_Spider
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    The biggest problem with Shattered Space, IMO, is that it doesn’t fix any of the problems with the base game. Specifically that the base game is an incoherent mess with a bunch of different systems that mostly just exist in the same space with no real attempt made to create synergy between them.

    • @carpathianhermit7228
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Bethesda hasn’t evolved 😂

    • @grimmjow0106
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Bethesda’s problem are their priorities and much of that stems from Todd Howard of course, but something else needs to be said here.

    Consumers need to stop consuming just to consume. That mentality and complacency has incentivized and reinforced a message that puts products and services at a subpar standard. It puts their priority focus on the wrong priorities. Whether it’s exploitation with profit or driving agendas by hiring, so-called developers that are not creative artist and approach everything in their life through the lens of using it as an extension of their social media page. You end up facilitating a system that does not prioritize, passionate, creative, artistry, and authentic escape, which is the definition of entertainment. Heck they don’t even know what entertainment is because the only priority that they care about is themselves. And these wrong priorities are allowed to grow because too many consumers are complacent enough with consuming just to consume.

    That said I do think we are seeing a course correction occurring with consumers desiring authentic escape, which is the literal definition of entertainment. So the challenge will be for consumers to maintain this desire and a spine. Because that’s how we get back to the days of gamers making games for gamers with that kind of focus and that kind of passion

    You get the beast that you feed my friends . 🤷‍♂️😉👍

    • @geraltgrey-mane695
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    01:06 Fun to see a father and his daughter watch his small boy or cute little brother, taking the stand and accepting his trophy. xD Hahah was I to mean?

    • @Meh-i6b
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    They also have an Emil Pagliarulo problem who ostensiblty is their lead writer which is funny because Bethesda games have no writing to speak of.

    • @weed3728
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    *sweet little lies*

    • @MacSmithVideo
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Why do people act like he’s just this wacky spokesman? He’s an outright con artist scumbag.

    • @Lmaokekw975
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Tbh, i would want more Morrowind and less Skyrim

    • @herosupport1606
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    bethesda would need to drop the esg and dei crap and adopt sex sells and other based ideology or elder scrolls 6 is going to flop.

    • @Tr4newreck
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Emil Pagiorulo is proud of Shat-Space like a toddler is proud when he leaves a shit in the toilet

    • @Greenhead24
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Just dont make a game with woke tropes.
    People have these debates and excuses and blame fans why a game sucks.
    Just make a game without the developers own politics and it will sell.
    Its not that hard but people dont want to admit that,only 90%of fans understand that.

    • @onakin_skywalker
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Seriously, how can they even say there’s freedom in Starfield? The choices you get all pretty much lead to the same outcomes. Maybe that’s why none of the paths you pick ever lock you out of any content—it’s all kinda the same in the end.

    • @UNIRockLIVE
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Tech leap?? Hed be making games if skyrim didnt sell gangbusters

    • @SilentSpringzzz
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Hes the reason the games we have now suck. Dude needs to gooooo

    • @Emloch
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    The “charm” that is intrinsic in all Bethesda titles has become quite dated. Their future titles need to not “feel” like a Bethesda game. The truly need to evolve.

    • @TrueVerdeth
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    fallout 76: 16 times the detail 😀 ….

    • @nicholassebastian9530
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    They should have dropped the game engine after skyrim. It was dated then.

    • @reheyesd8666
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    16 times the micro-management

    • @mikeholloway2625
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Not paying the fans for making Fallout 4, then taking credit for the work and bragging about how much they made really pissed off the talent enough that no one with skill will work for them ever again. Finding people that actually know how to make a game is not easy. An editor that knows how to keep thousands of peoples work organized and reducing thousands of files down to one file is a tedious daily job and requires said editor to know something like 23 program applications by heart. People that can do the work are not a dime a dozen. Pissing off that small pool of talent is where Bethesda shit in their mess kit.

    • @michaelwest4594
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    why do I feel like I’ve watched this same video like 5 times since shattered space lol…

    • @Kat1kafka
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    It’s sad to think that og fallout fans will most likely never get or will lose interest in a new single-player fallout game.not unless Bethesda hands over and publishes the game to another studio,thatwould make most sense,get the og fallout creators back together to work on a new fallout game.because with Bethesda, it will most likely take 10 or 20 plus years for new fallout game,and that’s after the new elder scrolls get released. plus, with how fallout 4,76 and Starfield turned out,I just dont trust them in making a good fallout game.

    • @RodentContainmentBreach
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Emil is totally worse

    And with the timeline of fo4-76-starfield, it is likely tes6 is shit too; at least very mediocre

    Fo5 wont matter unless there is a drastic change in bethesda

    All of us are too old to care that much for mediocre fallout slop; and normies will temporarily gobble that shit up

    • @WackyJacky500
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Starfield was/is not a good game by industry standards. It is OK to say that. It is our job as consumers to criticize companies that release unacceptable products. It’s not “hate”, it’s negative feedback, and that is a normal, healthy part of business. It’s their responsibility as a company to EARN our money. The main problem with them is they refuse to admit their mistakes, and instead attack/blame the customers – completely unacceptable and ridiculous.

    • @akatsukicloak
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    There are some ex-employee interviews where they say Todd would always go for the safest most boring monster designs in response to which the employee would make more crazier designs than the last so Todd would settle for the previous one lol. He would also cut a ton of features and only focus on the basics which frustrated some old employees, Skyrim had a TON of cut content, civil war for example felt very unfinished.

    • @johnnybbadd7388
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    The problem is 30FPS and terrible game animations 😢

    • @chrisbennett1358
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Howard is the most slimy and dishonest guy in gaming atm. Also is that guy 5ft tall? Never realised how short he is til seeing him beside Ella Purnell

    • @Martial-Mat
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Bethesda has typical patriarch disease. A company gets successful partly because of the hard work of a single leader, and partly because they were lucky enough to be the right company for the time. The patriarch then thinks he can do no wrong because he’s been successful in the past, without recognising the vast team that helped him get there. Worse still, he does not trust anyone else to delegate to, so he has to stick his hand into every decision.
    Then the customer environment changes, but the patriarch doesn’t, because he’s so certain of his own decisions, and cannot let go of what worked in the past, rather than adapting. And so, his empire eventually crumbles and becomes sidelined.

    • @WarbandGames
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Yes Bethesda has a Todd Howard problem but they also have a bigger problem namely a DEI problem and innovation problem. First and foremost they need to take that engine outback and put it down like a sick dog.

    • @jonathannewsted4035
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    I don’t understand how a company who’s trying to make money wants to make something that isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.

    • @SpookSkellington
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Idk if it’s sunk cost phallacy or just really, really abysmal standards…

    But how did NOBODY at Bethesda sit down, play Starfield for an hour and go “yea this is boring as shit”. Hundreds of people worked on that.

    • @MortiXD09
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Midget in lotr wanted the ring, midget in 300 wanted to be sexy and midget in bethseda wants to be real boy.

    • @MrSpiderpro
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    1:10 I think the problem is that Todd is a bit short-sighted.

    • @Chewie260
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    I feel so exhausted with the engine discussion, engine is not responsible for every issue in the game. Look at heavily modded skyrim, looks better than some of the games released nowadays. Main issue with modern Bethesda is they seem to focus only on the open world bit of “open world rpg”. Have a look at melodysheeps “sights of space” imagine we got 5 of those absolutly crazy worlds he talks about. World with winds made out of metal. worlds beside pulsars. It would be a crazy visual experience, add to that a plot around those worlds. those crazy ass world. Thats a failure of direction and managment. Not a technical failure.

    • @toddHoward_
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    I agree

    • @REZZY_404
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    I always said that Todd Howard is holding Bethesda’s creativity back with trying replicate Skyrim’s success but keeps making slop and not innovating along with the games industry, even smaller indie devs or AA games are innovating more compared to Todd’s recent slop.

    • @HUKIT.
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    GCS’s Stalker 2 has put so many big studios open world games to shame with their latest release.

    • @elel9640
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    This is like blaming the president for our broken political system. When a system is broken at its core, pointing fingers at the figure head does nothing.

    • @ogun6464
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Bethesda has a Bethesda problem. Unfinished, buggy messes that they expect the community to fix for free. Hopefully gamers will move on from this pitiful dev

    • @Winds0fWinter
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    people like emil are the problems at bethesda. Unfortunately though, I don’t see them going anywhere, as specifically emil worked on skyrim, and thats seen as their “greatest success” even though in reality skyrim is not a very good game. Its average, but even at the time it was a few steps back, and when bethesda really deviated from its RPG roots. Skyrim being a more adventure exploration game is what led to fallout 4, and then of course star field. I’m sure theres other people at bethesda who honestly probably need to go if they are to actually do something new and better. And of course focus in on what made their previous games great. Take inspiration from daggerfall, morrowind, oblivion, and NOT the skyrim philosophy of game design. Hell, take a hard look at games like baldurs gate 3, and why that game is so loved.

    • @SiniSael
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    I have cried this for years! I can finally take the tinfoil hat off! 😉

    • @seski89
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    “Christopher Nolan of gaming”, lmao. What a fucking slap in the face to Nolan.

    • @rahat2345
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    I played Slyrim back when it came out and tried Fallout 3 when blockbuster was still a thing. To me they both played the same and looked the same and i stopped because I found it boring after the first few hours. And as the years have passed, the games from the visual feel, still look and feel the same as they did 18 some odd years ago. Boring long dialogue said by non expressive NPCs with no CGI cutscenes. I can’t comment on the stories because I’ve not played them but as an outsider, the visual feel of the game looks the same and i just dont care for it whether it be Skyrim or Starfield.

    • @C2K777
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Todd is the reason we know never to trust anything BGS say.

    • @yinyang4323
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    You’re totally right that Todd is the big problem at Bethesda. But if he leaves, they might bring in a director with a DEI agenda that could wreck the whole place. Honestly, I feel like Bethesda is already a goner.

    • @pacifica2391
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    I was surprised when I found out the level/world designers are the same people as the writers, they need to act like the big studio they are and hire a separate writer departement.
    Ideally, the team behind Morrowind.

    • @levijosephcreates
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies, Todd.

    • @theLonelyLemnn
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Every studio has their limelight, it’s just time for new studios created by Industry Veterans to flourish.

    • @SquekretGenius420
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    2:43 That’s a lie. Todd has stated publicly that he is constantly looking to remove content from his games.

    • @atheos5748
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    The “technological leap” will likely be AI that asigns pronouns on the fly to all NPC’s and making them let you know right away, and making sure all the dynamic villains have the correct skin colour and gender.

    • @seski89
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    I’ve been so underwhelmed by Starfield that I haven’t even bothered to pirate it.

    • @StitchesLovesRats
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Y’think? 😅

    • @saerbhreathach540
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Todd isn’t the issue, Emil is the issue…Bethesda games were fine until Skyrim, what changed then or shortly after Skyrim’s release? Emil was given a position of power within the company that’s what changed and that’s why the quality of Bethesda’s games have dropped ever since. Take that authority away from Emil and I can guarantee you Bethesda games will return to how they were.

    • @DdHenley307
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Todd Howard reminds me of that guy who makes headlines by spending a million dollars a day swapping out blood with his son so he doesn’t age. One bad tan away from having a leather mask for a face

    • @akatsukicloak
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Todd feels justified in his philosophy of dumbing down games and not learning from 20+ of experience. They had 15 years to see what works and what features people want via popular mods and Starfield didn’t show any of that. That creative bankruptcy must be because of his chess upbringing, cold, logical, and safe, if all you do is try the most vanilla designs and are too afraid to foster creativity of your employees.

    • @elpolodiablo5486
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Phil Spencer is a clown 🤡

    • @kiwicami287
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    “Christopher Nolan of video games” Pshh pleaaaase 😂

    • @captainpandabear1422
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    I think what you said at 2:13 is totally backwards.

    I don’t want a total evolution. I want a game like Skyrim/Fallout 3, but with writing like in New Vegas. I want them to stop fucking up, basically.

    • @ArmoredStone
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Todd may just be a figurehead, but he is a lying snake

    • @Kat1kafka
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Bethesda Bethesda never changes

    • @adamkaneshiro
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    todd howard is the bethesda version of jerry jones and the cowboys😂

    • @Vert_GreenHeart
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Emil Pagliarulo is Todd’s closest confidant and biggest yes man in Bethesda. Him around resulted in a lot of talented devs pressure to leave, like Jeff Gardiner, Bruce Nesmith, Will Shen and most importantly, Bethesda last TES lorehead Kurt Kuhlmann.

    • @Aries712_
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    It was made even more obvious when he said he didn’t want Troy Baker in his game.

    • @Original-Yellow
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Skyrim had a massive living map with next to no loading screens outside of entering caves and towns.

    Starfield did not copy this at all

    • @Youtubegotridofmyhandle
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    It’s Turd Howard

    • @DJ_Shenanigan00
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Only a small problem then 😊

    • @jffry890
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Starfield was the first to use Creation 2 as far as I know but holy hell Microsoft needs to force them to dump that proprietary garbage for something that actually functions just like they did with 343i and Slipspace.

    • @EvolvedPerspective1
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Elder scrolls 6 might just be Skyrim 2.0.

    • @ZettXXII
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Bethesda has a work problem, they failed at creating a world players want to explore.
    That’s the one thing Beth games are known for and what did they do?

    Fallout 76: buggy surface level multiplayer, worse than a Fallout 4 coop mod
    Starfield: no real open world, just loading screens

    Fallout/Skyrim modders release better DLC to this very day and more 100h+ mods are in the works.
    They carry the spirit where Bethesda forces paid mods.

    • @PrometheuzReturns
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    The tech isnt the problem… It’s the overall paint by the numbers design… It’s the games story and stale engine…they need to throw it away and start from scratch.. it’s not like they are broke…

    • @bigcrazewolf
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am


    • @beckmank17
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Give the guy a break guys 😂

    • @ganjacats
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    They have lost all ambition. I swear Skyrim is the worst thing to happen to Bethesda. They think they can just replicate the same game in different scenarios and we’ll be happy.

    • @nickbrooks4993
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am


    • @rikflare7970
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Could they be back to making a buggy game that’s modders fix a fans love a play? I mean cut the modders a kickback for fixing your bs🤷🏼‍♂️ but No they half a.s being halfas2 an the fans suffer lol

    • @Osgorion
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    The horse armor dlc was pretty much the 1st clue to exposing Todd Howard’s real priorities.

    • @valekofastora1027
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    How much trouble would a Bethesda employee be in if they acknowledged the elephant in the room? 😂

    • @thatguyfawkes2328
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    I used to love Tom Howard he used to be such a force of innovation in the industry back in the day than it seemed like after fallout 4 he ran out of steam and hasn’t really evolved his RPG formula and it’s stayed stagnant i think he has the possibility and capabilities to get back on track to innovation but he needs to face the fact that he hasn’t been for a while now so that he can acknowledge that and change before he’s lost all favor among the Western RPG community.

    • @WhoisPersona
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    To Tod Howard, “Sixteen Times the Detail” equates to extremely blurry textures on assets of a 2019 game. I think somebody needs to pull him out of his little wonderland he’s been living in and people waited eight years for Starfield and got Fallout in Space.

    • @MrCjosue24
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    He needs to leave

    • @ZwiekszoneRyzyko
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    I always thought Todd wasn’t the worst of the villains. He just became too corporate at one point. I remember him during Skyrim days, he was more of a vision-guy than a boring money-man he is now.

    • @richardjackson9938
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    I never liked that dude. He always sucked. Stupid people had their eyes closed.

    • @javierburgos9975
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Fall Out New Vegas broke them. They have been going downhill ever since.

    • @kylefarris8866
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Just a reminder, they overhyped Starfield to all of us and it was an absolute dud. If you want a fun space open world/adventure game, I would recommend Elite: Dangerous.

    • @DonnaRandyDuBois
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    The mistake that is made truly is using a company like Microsoft to be in control of your funding. It introduces outside influences who don’t share the same vision. It’s why independent games typically do well

    • @mohammadhussien5223
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Todd is killing Bethesda with his lies and Emil Pagliarulo is the stage 4 cancer that is ruining Bethesda writing and stories.

    • @Uknown76
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    The more Todd’s hair got thin the more lies he told

    • @Gaming_Media00
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Bro thank goodness someones talking about this, I used to think todd was the hope of the company. But now he’s LITERALLY holding back the company from an actual good rpg!

    • @Moe-od7yt
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Indiana Jones doesn’t even break 10k players on Christmas… wow

    • @garrysanderson5793
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    I mean… Bethesda kinda ruined him, not the other way around

    • @jonathanchadwell6263
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    The problem’s not Todd primarily, he’s more of a symptom of streamlining.
    No, the main issue lies with Bethesda’s parent company: ZeniMax Media.

    • @RyandlaKinelberg
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    DEI has destroyed everyones company and nobody wants to admit it

    • @sparhawk1228
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    The issue with Todd Howard is that he is too safe and boring now.

    • @akamadmaxx
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    I want as good or better than Skyrim and ZERO woke BS

    • @thisisntthewholesomefuture649
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    The studio is cooked… Its not Fraud Cowards fault.

    • @samexoldx
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Bethesda will never release another good game again until they get rid of that horrendous writing team. After starfield I have absolutely zero faith Bethesda will release a good ES6 game.

    • @slowbutsure504
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Allni know is they’ve dragged the ES6 out so much… I don’t even care anymore. I’ve moved on from BGS.

    • @Zantsmith
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    I’ve been saying this for the better half of a decade. Took people long enough to come to this realization, please force todd out of the picture into retirement the man has no good reason to be in games industry anymore, that said please whoever you replace him with let them not be a crazy leftist who just makes things worse. need actual good story telling not the incessant over recited rhetoric these idiots have been putting into games the last few years and reallllly doubling down this year with so many flops because of woke ideology shoved into games

    • @VvodeAn
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    They need to get rid of emil asap

    • @mrklockwork1
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Bethesda is Dead guys 😢

    • @SuperStile
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Bethesda needs to start using UE5

    • @nyssiii
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Bethesda has a ton of problems, but I don’t think Todd Howard is the culprit of all of them.

    • @mysticranger6894
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Fifth fool I’m fifth.

    Brood mother needs to send one of her children to pay a visit to Todd. He is so delusional and poison. Bethesda is dead. Looking to the new studios by various developers who coming with new games who used to work for these companies.

    • @sebastiandelfavero5243
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Bethesda needs a new writing team getting rid of tod will do nothing he’s just the face

    • @DancrusSan
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    fk too early

    • @filiasnox1116
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    bro lived long enougth to become the villain…

    • @HelvetesSkitApa
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am


    • @TexGaming
    • 2024年 12月 29日 10:00am

    Damn it’s illegal to be this early
